tech track: attribute delivery newcastle university caleb racey [email protected]

Tech Track: Attribute Delivery Newcastle University Caleb Racey [email protected]

Post on 20-Dec-2015




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Tech Track: Attribute Delivery Newcastle University

Caleb [email protected]


• Introduction• Attribute Issues

– External site access– Internal site access– Provisioning – Usability improvements

• Roundup

Technical Background • Distributed ad hoc identity infrastructure

– No Authoritative directory of user info– Identity information spread across diverse systems

• Mixed Infrastructure:– Unix: Solaris + Redhat EL– Windows – SAP

• Mixed web application platforms:– The 3 P’s: PHP, Perl, Python– Java– ASP +

What attributes are used for

• Access control to external applications– federated use

• Access control to internal applications• Provisioning internal applications • Usability internal enhancements

Prerequisites to attribute use • Identify requirement for attributes

Do people actually know?Chicken and egg,

won’t use Shib until attributes there, won’t know what they need until they try

• Identify Sources of Attributes– Data Integrity – Ownership issues – Cultural issues – Uses

• Data protection issues– Can I release this?

• Service and support– What to do on failure– How to support devolved systems

Technical Stages, Attribute Delivery

• Aggregation– Get Attributes from data stores

• Release– Decide what information you will release to whom

• Acceptance – Decide what information you will accept – From whom– In what format– Mapped to what variables on the server

Attribute Release

• Determined by Site ARP and User ARPe.g. Arp.xml + arp.ncr18.xml files User Arp can be from LDAP

• Tools for user controlSHARPE- web based guiExplanation + Email address on support site +manual intervention

• Problems: too complex for users?

Attribute releaseARP.xml

<Rule> <Description>EMOL service at EDINA</Description> <Target> <Requester> </Requester> </Target> <Attribute name="urn:mace:dir:thing:eduPersonEntitlement"> <Value release="permit"> </Value> </Attribute> </Rule>

Attribute Acceptance

• Map attribute to server variables (Header=)Flexibility useful for supporting legacy e.g. Map ncr18 to REMOTE_USER for legacy .htaccessMap [email protected] to REMOTE_USER for federated apps

• Give Attribute alias for access config (Alias=)Allow unscoped-affiliation member

• Determine what you will accept from whomWhat <Value>Whom

<AnySite> <SiteRule><Scope accept=“true”></Scope>

Attribute acceptance AAP.xml

<AttributeRule Name="urn:mace:dir:attribute-def:eduPersonAffiliation" Header="Shib-EP-UnscopedAffiliation" Alias="unscoped-affiliation"><AnySite>

<Value Type="regexp">^[M|m][E|e][M|m][B|b][E|e][R|r]$



Fed use: What was required

• Identify Attribute requirements of providers– Generally stated by the federation – Can be bilateral agreements– Generally not complicated

• Aggregate attributes• Release

Simple Example

• Access to “Athens” journal resourcesVia shib login gateway shib >> athen assertion conversionAccess to most journals

• Requires “Affiliation” attributelogin id in active directory => Affiliated userPolicy implication login = membershipProblem for edge cases (Distance learning, NHS staff)

• Echo the affiliation <SimpleAttributeDefinition id=“urn:thing:eduPersonAffiliation"> <DataConnectorDependency requires="echo"/></SimpleAttributeDefinition>

Complex example

• Restricted access to online medical videosAutopsy videos Medic only

• Duplicate Athens medic restricted groupManually provisioned by medical librarians

• Problem identifying medicsStudents = on medical courses,

identify diversity of courses keep up to date

Staff = convince medical librarian they are a medicSolution only good for students

• Long term solution = Grouper?

Complex example<SimpleAttributeDefinition id="urn:mace…..:eduPersonEntitlement“

sourceName="sdssentitlement“ smartScope=“”><DataConnectorDependency requires="db6"/></SimpleAttributeDefinition>

<JDBCDataConnector id="db6" dbURL="jdbc:mysql://;password=thing" dbDriver="com.mysql.jdbc.Driver“ maxActive="10“ maxIdle="5"><Query>

SELECT course_code,

CASE course_code

WHEN 'A101' THEN ''

WHEN 'A106' THEN ''

ELSE 'none' END

as sdssentitlement FROM CMstudentdata WHERE loginid = ?</Query>


Lessons Learned – federated use• Federated attribute usage is a nice well defined simple

subset • Shibboleth useable with messy composite Identity

Infrastructures– It is much better not to need to

• Need for identity enrichment tools:e.g. medical staff

• Shib Technology is not the hard bitThe identity management processes areNot going to go away

Internal use: What is required• Access control to internal resources

Valid users - e.g. Exam papersGroup membership - research wikis

• Better usability of applicationsAuto population of form fieldsNicer interaction

“Hello Cal” not “Hello ncr18”

• Provisioning of applicationsSimple deployment of applicationse.g. Sympa mediawiki

Example: Names sn GivenName

• Need: sn +givenName for Usability enhancements e.g. [email protected] vs Caleb Racey, form pre-population

• Problem: Userbase split into staff and studentsData in separate tables

• Solution: Union selects across tables.• Question: possible if they are in separate DBs?

Example<SimpleAttributeDefinition id="urn:mace:dir:attribute-def:sn"> <DataConnectorDependency requires="db10"/></SimpleAttributeDefinition><SimpleAttributeDefinition id="urn:mace:dir:attribute-def:givenName"> <DataConnectorDependency requires="db10"/></SimpleAttributeDefinition>

<JDBCDataConnector id="db10"> <DataConnectorDependency requires="echo"/> <Query> SELECT forenames as givenName, surname as sn FROM staff WHERE loginname = ? UNION SELECT forenames as givenName, surname as sn FROM student WHERE loginname = ? </Query></JDBCDataConnector>

Future Enhancements• Scriptable attribute Aggregation

<DataConnectorDependency requires="directory"/> <Scriptlet><![CDATA[ Attributes attributes =

dependencies.getConnectorResolution("directory"); Attribute affiliation = attributes.get("eduPersonAffiliation"); if (affiliation.size() > 0)

{ resolverAttribute.addValue("affiliate"); } ]]></Scriptlet>

Potential Use case: Active Directory GroupsGroup membership property of user object LDAP lookup not easy/possible?

Lessons Learned – internal use

• Attribute aggregation = valuable business process

Expose via webservices?Duplicate?Just use shib?Reengineer identity infrastructure?

• Need identity enrichment tool for future appsDspace - identify librariansWikis sympa - research groups Allow Integration of applications into a platform

• Grouper Enable identity enrichmentAdd once, use anywhere

Usability enhancements

• Provide identifiers for self service appsLibrary numberSmart card numberPay role number

• Auto populate formsLogin nameEmail addressFirst name, Surname

• Greater Personal Data visibility = better integrity?= higher initial support burden?

Provisioning Applications

Benefits • Simplifies institutional back ends

AA abstracts business logic Authentication + authorisation + provisioning in one shotReusable between applications

• Enables lightweight deployment techniques – No more 22,000 user databases

• No Imports, Updates, Suspensions, Removals, Reactivations, Reprovisioning.

– Fewer deprovisioning headaches – Application accounts provisioned on first use – Login deactivated in one place

Provisioning examples

• MediaWikiPHP basedInstall Shibboleth extensionRequires:username (eppn) email address (optional)Deployed by Graduate in 1st 3 months of job

• Sympa Mailing list managerPerl basedRequires: Email AddressConfigure shibboleth login systemCompatible with legacy (8000 lists)

Media wiki


Provisioning Applications: Questions• Dealing with external users

Separate directory? Compatible data formats?Aggrageting multiple identity sources

• User data changesChange of institute ncr18@ncl becomes ncr18@dur

• Deprovisioning out of scopeDoes no login = no problem?

• Lack of data control?Who is provisioning?“Freedom of information” requests

• Question: is this any worse than other techniques?

Final Questions?

• Are ARPs usable by users, will they ever be?• Attribute Aggregation

Deal with messy institutional data stores?Instigate identity management review?Enhance identity stores?Glory in perfect present?

• Provisioning:Good idea or trouble brewing?