tech talk february

February’s Featured Article The Internet Takes Cooperative Learning to a New Level JoAnn Marshall, ITRT Trevilians Elementary Spotlight on Schools 2-3 Feature Article Continued 4 February Lesson Plan 5 Black History Month Quiz 6-7 Inside this issue: February 2009 Louisa County Public Schools 2008-09 School Year Tech Talk Instructional Technology The Internet was created to allow scientists to collaborate across the barriers of time and space. It continues to be a high speed information highway that affords users the opportunity to communicate with others on an endless array of topics. Cooperative learning is a teaching technique that encourages students to work together to solve problems as they learn. When the Internet and Cooperative learning are combined, the collaboration possibilities are endless. It is important that we prepare our students to live in the 21 st century. Using the Internet, students can reach out to other classes, interact with subject matter experts, exchange information and data, express opinions, and access current information almost instantly. Entering the “online” collaborative environment will allow students to build knowledge with information taken from many sources that reflect differing perspectives. Now, for example, instead of researching how climate affects agriculture, students can learn first-hand by having “conversations” with peers around the world and sharing data. Continued on page ….4

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Instructional Technology Newsletter for Louisa County Public Schools


Page 1: Tech Talk February

February’s Featured Article The Internet Takes Cooperative Learning to a New Level

JoAnn Marshall, ITRT Trevilians Elementary

Spotlight on Schools


Feature Article Continued


February Lesson Plan


Black History Month Quiz


Inside this issue:

February 2009

Louisa County Public Schools

2008-09 School Year

Tech Talk

Instructional Technology

The Internet was created to allow scientists to collaborate

across the barriers of time and space. It continues to be a high

speed information highway that affords users the opportunity to

communicate with others on an endless array of topics. Cooperative

learning is a teaching technique that encourages students to work

together to solve problems as they learn. When the Internet and

Cooperative learning are combined, the collaboration possibilities are


It is important that we prepare our students to live in the 21st

century. Using the Internet, students can reach out to other classes,

interact with subject matter experts, exchange information and

data, express opinions, and access current information almost

instantly. Entering the “online” collaborative environment will allow

students to build knowledge with information taken from many

sources that reflect differing perspectives. Now, for example,

instead of researching how climate affects agriculture, students

can learn first-hand by having “conversations” with peers around

the world and sharing data.

Continued on page ….4

Page 2: Tech Talk February

Trevilians Elementary

Fourth graders use Kidspiration organize

research for an upcoming research project.

Jouett Elementary

Thomas Jefferson Elementary

Page 2 LCPS Tech Talk

5th grade students work

cooperatively to complete a project.

Kidspiration software uses the philosophies of

visual learning to support students as they

think creatively and organize ideas to write,

comprehend and communicate successfully.

TJES Technology Club members work together to

create a PhotoStory project.

Download PhotoStory software FREE and follow

step-by-step screencast tutorials here:

Page 3: Tech Talk February

Technology in our schools...

Patrick Janovick attended a

LCHS staff development session

on PhotoStory.

LC High School

7th grade science students use

the Internet to answer ques-

tions on Evolution

LC Middle School

Page 3 2008-09 School Year

educating each student for life long learning!

Page 4: Tech Talk February

953 Davis Highway Mineral, VA 23117 Phone: 540-894-5115 Fax: 540-894-5436

Louisa County Public Schools

Creative Commons Copyright Jennifer Downey, Louisa County Public Schools February 2009

Cooperative Learning cont… JoAnn Marshall, ITRT Trevilians Elementary

Sites for Internet Collaboration

Find a Project

Ask an Expert

Find KeyPals


Create a Project (advanced)

These require accounts and administers

LCPS has an account with:

(see your ITRT for assistance)

As safety concerns increase, it is

important to teach our students how to

communicate using the Internet in a safe

manner. Many safe Internet learning

environments have been created with

students of all ages in mind. Look for sites

that require accounts. allow monitoring by an

administrator and are password protected.

You may want to create your own project or

join someone else’s. Existing projects are a

good way to start. It requires some time on

the teacher’s part to investigate and make

the most appropriate choice. Examples of

sites are provided in the inset.

Engaged students are happy students.

Take a leap of faith! Your ITRT will help get

you started and develop meaningful projects.

It is time to move our students from class-

room cooperative learning groups to online

collaborative learning communities.

Page 5: Tech Talk February

Before—use clickers to assess prior knowledge

Plan ahead...enter pre-test quiz questions into the CPS software. When the stu-

dents “click” their answer it will be automatically recorded in the software.

Show the students a graph of what they know about the topic!

Integrating technology Before...During...After your lesson with Clickers!

During—Keep students attention with a mid-class pop quiz.

Arrange students into small learning communities and allow groups to choose a

person from the pretest to research (Rosa Parks, Frederick Douglas, etc). Provide

books from the library, articles, or internet access for research. Students should

share what they learn before the close of class.

In the meantime don’t forget you have those clickers!! Throw up an impromptu

pop quiz: Are you paying attention?

Is your group socializing or on task?

Do you need help?

You can plot their answers and even create some healthy competition by compar-

ing the results of each group!

Black History Month Activity—resources on next page

After—use clickers to assess student learning

Reuse the pre-test quiz after students have explored facts about Black History.

Compare and Contrast the graphs of their responses before and after the lesson.

By: Jennifer Downey

Okay, so it is really called a Classroom Response System but you know everyone calls

them “clickers”!

Page 6: Tech Talk February

Black History Month QUIZ ~ Grade 4+ Answers in Bold

1. Which former slave and noted abolitionist edited and published "The North Star," an abolition-

ist newspaper?

Phillis Wheatley

Benjamin Banneker

Frederick Douglass

2. The 15th Amendment, which granted African-Americans the right to vote, was passed on which


February 3, 1870

July 14, 1889

November 19, 1910

3. Which civil rights activist gained notoriety in the late 19th century for her scathing editorials

denouncing racial injustice?

Sojourner Truth

Zora Neale Hurston

Ida B. Wells

4.Noted African-American intellectual and civil rights activist W.E.B. DuBois was a founding

member of which organization in 1910?

National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP)

The National Negro Business League

Southern Christian Leadership Conference

5.Which landmark Supreme Court case represented an important victory for the civil rights move-

ment in 1954?

Plessy vs. Ferguson

Dred Scott vs. Sandford

Brown vs. the Board of Education of Topeka

Page 7: Tech Talk February

6. Who is generally considered the mother of the civil rights movement?

Harriet Tubman

Susan B. Anthony

Rosa Parks

7. Which of the following propelled Martin Luther King Jr. to national prominence as a leader of

the civil rights movement?

He led the boycott (1955–56) by African-Americans in Montgomery, Alabama, against the

segregated city bus lines.

He organized the massive March on Washington (1963), at which he gave his famous "I Have a

Dream" speech.

He was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize (1964) for his philosophy of nonviolent resistance.

8. On June 11, 1963, President Kennedy ordered the National Guard to ensure the enrollment of

two African-American students, Vivian Malone and James Hood, at which university?

University of Mississippi

University of Chicago

University of Alabama

9. What key event in the civil rights movement happened in 1964?

Thurgood Marshall became the first African-American to be appointed to the U.S. Supreme Court.

Congress passed the Civil Rights Act.

The Black Panther Party was formed.

10. The National Rainbow Coalition, a political organization uniting various minority groups, was

formed in 1986 by which African-American political leader?

General Colin Powell

Louis Farrakhan

Reverend Jesse Jackson Sr.