team growl

Team Growl Matt Gordon: Ben McChesney: Ellen Rockett: Ben Mosher: Rachel Nash: Nycole Moore: Steph Young: Team Leader Spokesperson Secretary Tech Director Design Director Tech Support Design Support

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Team Growl. Matt Gordon: Ben McChesney: Ellen Rockett: Ben Mosher: Rachel Nash: Nycole Moore: Steph Young:. Team Leader Spokesperson Secretary Tech Director Design Director Tech Support Design Support. Since last time…. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


Team GrowlMatt Gordon:

Ben McChesney: Ellen Rockett:

Ben Mosher: Rachel Nash:

Nycole Moore: Steph Young:

Team Leader Spokesperson Secretary Tech Director Design Director Tech Support Design Support

Since last time…Concept: A multi-user experience that fosters collaboration through the use of team roles with different responsibilities.

Then we compromised…

Collaborative Art + Tank Battle + Never Ending Game:Combining the positive elements of all the ideas given, we were able to come up with a completely new idea.

Finally we ended up with…

Possible node setup



Tech SpecsHardware :

• Customized IR controllers

• desktop PCs

• projectors

• game server

Software:• AS3:

• Simple and widely known. • Best for small web games. • Not very powerful.• Pixel Bender

• XNA: • based on C#• Reasonable learning curve• Supported by Microsoft• Common in gaming

• Direct X: • Versatile and powerful,• Exclusive to Windows. • Efficient resource use• Needs high end hardware

Controller Concept:

Looking ahead…StorylineGame PlayPrototyping: trial and error

• Controllers• Code samples

Wire Frames: help with what this will actually look like


Questions? Thoughts?