team 2 report

1 | Page EGR 1100 Spring 2015 – Team 2 College of Southern Maryland Microcontroller-based Robotic Car 4/29/2015 Team Members: George Jenkins, Patrick Smith, Deonte Hicks, & Trevin Reaves

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EGR 1100 Spring 2015 – Team 2

College of Southern Maryland

Microcontroller-based Robotic Car


Team Members:

George Jenkins, Patrick Smith, Deonte Hicks, & Trevin Reaves

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Table of Contents Title Page……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 1 Table of Contents…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. 2 Introduction……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….……...... 3 The Required Design, Criteria, and Constraints….............................................................................................. 4-5 Evolution of the Design………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. 5-9 Final Design and Test Results…………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 9-12 Appendix A – Idea Bank………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 13-14 Appendix B – Preliminary Designs………….………………………………………………………………………………... 15-16 Appendix C – Working Model…………………………………………………………………………………………………. 16-17 Appendix D – Circuit Design…………………………………………………………………………………………………………. 17 Appendix E – Program………………………………………………………………………………………………………….… 18-19 Appendix F – AutoCAD………………………………………………………………………………………………………………... 20 Appendix G – Bill of Materials………………………………………………………………………………………………..…….. 21 Appendix H – Testing Results……………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 21

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I Introduction

Engineering is a branch of science and technology concerned with the design, building, and use of engines, machines, and structures. The usage of engineering is to invent or also to innovate to create a solution to a problem. The products produced by engineers are then utilized as assets to society by simplifying or bettering the lives of humanity. For this class, teams were faced with the Microcontroller-based design project.

The purpose of the project was to design, build, and test a mechanically/electrically driven robotic car, controlled by a microcontroller, which can autonomously navigate a black-line track to the end of a course.

In order to complete this project in thorough, teams had to go through the entire design process. The project had stages of defining the problem, brainstorming, product development, build, and testing and revisions. The basic concept of a car is what drove our design. The need was to have some type of chassis with a motor and wheels that moved the body. To integrate the concept of a car with the project, other elements had to be added like the line tracking sensors, breadboards, circuits, and the usage of Arduino software to develop some sort of control logic for the maneuvering the car around a course. By members having some prior experience in engineering from high school, the team knew the project was plausible, but still challenging since none of the members had any programming experience with Arduino.

Through the design process, collectively the team gained a lot of knowledge and experience in many areas including circuits, programming, problem solving, and logic. The great thing about the course is that the teams make what they have out of the project. A lot of research and independent learning was necessary to be successful. Since this was the first time any of the members had dealings with Arduino, members went through a learning process to complete the project. Learning Arduino and applying the knowledge gained from the research was by far the most challenging portion of the project. The end product produced was the result of a lot of time and mistakes, but mostly from the growth of the members as students. This makes the value of the work and the results so much more significant since this was an original design that evolved and transitioned through the design process.

The project was much like a real life situation where an engineer would get a problem and have to create the solution. The solution is never what is initially thought. Through research and product development, one can have some idea of what the product may be. Then after having a preliminary design and through testing and revisions, the idea evolves into the solution that meets all criteria. Engineering is a developmental processes and the project not only developed the final car product, but also team members as engineering students. The team work necessary, along with the actual learning portions behind this made the members better students than when started this course in January.

In the rest of the paper, topics discussed will include the specified design criteria, the evolution of the design, and a discussion of the final product.

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II The Required Design, Criteria, and Constraints

The project overview listed serval design criteria in which the project had to meet. The microcontroller-based robotic car had to autonomously follow a one inch wide black tape track along a white surface. The total length of the black tape track was specified to be approximately 15 feet. The time constraint for the car to complete the length of the course was set at less than one minute. This track would consist of straight and turn components, of which the turns were specified to be generally under 45 degrees, but did not exclude turns over this dimension. The track had a six inch border resulting from both sides of the black line and the car had to stay within this margin.

All teams were supplied an Arduino-UNO microcontroller and it was specified teams had to use this in order to autonomously drive and steer the robotic car. The Arduino-UNO microprocessor would be utilized by running the code, or control logic, developed on Arduino software. Every team had to develop the control for the microcontroller-based robotic car within the Arduino software. The control logic consisted of the registered information from the line tracking sensors to steer and ultimately drive the microcontroller-based robotic car through the track. The control logic had to take the input from the sensors and from the input, produce an output via the motors in the design.

Along with the Arduino-UNO microcontroller, teams were to be given two servo motors to drive and steer the car, and two line tracking sensors. All additional parts must be supplied by the team. The college would reimburse each team for up to seventy dollars, but the project did not have an official cost constraint, just that the maximum teams could spend and not have personal loses would be the seventy dollars.

Several size requirements were specified. The car was to weigh less than six pounds. The car’s length and width when multiplied should give an area no greater than 100 square inches. Also the maximum volume for the car when multiplying length, width, and height should be less than six hundred cubic inches. These size requirements in reality were the milestones for meeting the other criteria. With a car over six pounds, without a tremendous amount of torque from the motors, would not meet the time criteria. A car with a larger area or volume would not have a chance in staying in the six inch border.

The design was to be safe to operate, self-contained, one assembly, and compact that would autonomously operate when placed on the track and switched on. Our chassis was to be of our own design, and not pulled from off of the store shelf, in other words not bought offline or taken from a toy or other source. Teams were not supposed to just go and buy a kit or use a car already built. The design process cannot be followed if there is nothing to do. Our designed chassis was to be able to carry the microcontroller, the car’s power source, and it’s wiring all within itself, without a sloppy design.

Our finished car design was to look professional and orderly. Items such as glue, tape, rubber bands, paperclips, staples, etc., were not to be used in the finished product.

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Hardware parts such as screws and brackets were to be considered to mount all of our fixtures onto our robotic car’s chassis, with all parts reflecting fabricated parts designed on AutoCAD. With all of the previous information considered, we were to make sure that our Arduino and provided materials are easily removable since they were to be used in future classes. These guidelines were the basis of the design and everything the team did. In the end, the design would be evaluated on this criteria so the whole point of the project is to meet the needs of the presented problem, which is conformed to this set of constraints.

III Evolution of the Design

After defining the problem by going through the design criteria, the team moved into the design portion. Our team’s strategy was that everyone take the knowledge of the constraints and come up with preliminary ideas. So each individual went home and sketched up an idea. These ideas were brought together and the ones that made the most sense and seemed plausible were put into what was called the “idea bank” (Appendix A). This idea bank is the basis for all of our design choices since this represents the best ideas the team could come up with that would be able to fit the needs of the task.

The first idea, appendix A figure 1, was a four motor rectangle design with the sensors in the front and a series of LED’s so underneath the car would be bright enough so the sensors could take accurate readings. The second idea, appendix A figure 2, had two motors in the back with the front having two wheels without motors connected by an axil and the sensors in the front with LED’s. This design had a square shaped chassis. The third idea, appendix A figure 3, was the triangular design. This consisted of two motors in the back with a tapered chassis leading to a pivot wheel in the front surrounded by the sensors on either side.

The fourth idea, appendix A figure 4, had two motors in the back and had two pivot wheels in the front with the sensors in between the two pivot wheels. The fifth idea, Appendix A figure 5, had two motors in the back and only had one sensor in the front with the intentions of using advanced programming techniques to only use the one. The last idea, appendix A figure 6, had one motor in the back controlling two back wheels and one servo motor in the front that would be used for steering control.

After gathering these ideas, we noticed trends within the designs. Ideas two, three, four, and five all were very similar. All of these designs consisted of two motors in the back, and the front had no motor with the wheels either pivoting or of free motion by axil. So in order to simplify the decision process, we combined all these ideas into a singularity and grouped the ideas into preliminary design one (Appendix B, Figure 1). The other trend in the designs was with idea one and idea six. Similar logic between the two of control motors in the front and speed motors in the back. Again to simplify the decision process and allowing our team to have two preliminary designs, these ideas were grouped in preliminary design 2(Appendix B, Figure 2).

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After simplifying the idea bank into two preliminary designs, the team was faced with deciding which concept to go with. In order to pick which design to go with, feasibility studies were conducted on both preliminary designs. The first thing the team did was to make a projected parts and cost list for both designs. Preliminary idea one had a projected cost of $73.82 and would cost the team $40.73, see appendix B figure 3, due to the exemption of materials provided or members already had. Preliminary idea two had a projected cost of $84.65, which was projected to cost the team $47.73, see appendix B figure 4.

Other factors had to then be considered under the feasibility study. For preliminary idea two, with four motors, the car would be fast. Overall it was expensive and to program four motors and have the power supply to run them would be a challenge. Preliminary idea one was a cheaper and more simplistic option. The consequence would be that the car would not go as fast as in preliminary idea two. The decision came down to speed verses simplicity. After considering both options, the team decided to go with preliminary idea one since this was a more feasible option all around knowing some speed would be sacrificed. Speed however was not that big of a factor considering the two motors should still be able to move the car fifteen feet in under a minute.

Now having an initial design to work off of, the team found it necessary to get a clear concise image of exactly what the design would be. From this meeting, the team gathered that two DC motors would be connected to the back of a surface, which we preferred to be Plexiglass. From the point the motors attached on either side of the chassis, the team wanted the surface to be tapered to two inches. On the front edge, two sensors would be mounted at the end of the tapered edge. Also in the front the team wanted to place a pivot wheel in the center of the front edge. On top of the chassis secured would be the Arduino UNO board, motor shield, and battery. From this collective vision, the team would then obtain the needed parts.

Before actually building the car, a working model simulation had to be created reflecting the design. Since this software is only in two dimensions, to reflect the actual project within the software is impossible. The only actual uses of the software is to create a straight line track and have an imported car go along that plane. The team was able to give the car a projected 0.5 feet per second velocity and 1.5 pound weight to make the simulation more realistic. 0.5 feet per second was the goal for speed and 1.5 pounds was a rough estimate of how much the car was going to weigh. With these values, the working model simulation was made with output meters indicating time, displacement, force, and torque (See appendix C figure 1). Also from working model, these output meters could be exported to excel to make charts. These charts could be found in the team journal pages 13 through 19.

As an engineer, the idea is to build your product as cheap as possible so that the product can earn more profits for the company. When acquiring the parts for the car, the team wanted to spend as little as possible in order for the team to theoretically “make more profits” from the design. So the team used as many free materials as possible, and

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as engineers, put these together to make the desired product. Doing so however changed up our design. While in class, Professor Gopinath brought in boxes of parts that teams could use potentially for designs. In this box, the team collected a chassis, wires, as well as two continuous servo motors and two mounting brackets for the motors. The chassis was not the shape we had in mind. It was rectangular with a curved front and rear side. So by using this and the continuous servo motors, the design had changed just from getting parts that altered the design.

Other than the chassis, motors, wires, and brackets, the team already was provided with the Arduino and circuit boards along with the sensors. The only parts the team needed to build the car was two wheels for the motors and the pivot wheel along with the motor shield and battery. The wheels for the motors were found in an unused mechanics construction kit and members had fasteners so the only actual parts ordered were the pivot wheel and motor shield, and the battery was bought. These parts came in and the construction of the car was started.

The first part of construction was to mount the motors. Each motor was connected to a single bracket and connected to the chassis. After doing this, the team noticed that each motor was not properly secured with only one bracket. To fix this, two brackets were made using a piece of malleable metal a member had. Each motor was then connected to a second bracket and were properly secured. The sensors were secured as well as the Arduino board, of which the motor shield was placed, and the breadboard was secured next to the Arduino board. Lastly the pivot wheel was attached. This is where we faced another problem. The pivot wheel was too short. If fastened to the chassis, the front of the car with the pivot wheel would have been much too low so a half inch board was placed between the chassis and pivot wheel to accommodate for this difference in height.

At this point, the team had the envisioned design built with a few changes. Through testing the team was sure more changes were to come. In order to test, first the team had to wire the electrical portions and write a program. For the circuit (Appendix D), power and ground was taken from the motor shield to the breadboard. All electrical components were then connected to the breadboard. The team connected the power and ground to both motors and sensors and then took the output wires of each component to the motor shield. What was soon noticed was that the motor shield actually served no function in the design since everything could be connected direct to and from the Arduino board. The cause of this was because the motor shield would be necessary DC motors were a part of the design, but with the continuous servos, the motor shield was unnecessary.

The program needed to perform four basic functions. The car needed to go straight if both sensors were in the white, turn left if the left sensor was in black, turn right if the right sensor was in black, and to stop at the end of the track. The teams approach to the program was structured in the analog read function. After writing an analog read program, the program could take the input of the sensor and provide a value. Testing found that when in white, the sensor typically had values around nine hundred while in

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the black had values above one thousand. So in a very simple program using if else statements, based on the testing data value range that the sensors should be in, the car could perform each of the functions (See appendix E figure 1).

The program was written so that with a sensor value under 950, the sensor would be considered on a white surface and above would be black. If both were in white, both motors should go forward. If the left sensor was in black but the right was in white, turn the left motor off and keep the right forward to turn left. If the left sensor was in white but the right was in black, keep the left motor forward and turn the right off to turn right. Lastly if the left sensor was in black and the right was in black, turn the left and right motors off since this would be the end of the track.

After completing this, the car was ready to be tested. When placed on the track, the car started to move forward but trouble came at the first turn. At that point, the sensors were too close together and both read black so the car stopped. The team also noticed because the pivot wheel was in front, the car kept twitching from the left and right and overall there was very little horizontal stability within the motion. Based on the test, the changes that needed to be made were to move the pivot wheel to the back of the car and to increase the distance between the sensors. Doing so would result in a faster and more efficient car, and the car would not be able to navigate turns without the increase in sensor distance.

The motors and wheels were moved to the front, the sensors were placed a quarter inch further apart, and the pivot wheel was then secured to the back. When tested again, the car actually was able to make it completely through the course in about forty seconds. The team was very satisfied with this time considering it was about twenty seconds under the time criteria. With a completed build, the only changes that would be needed would be possible modifications to the circuit and program to have a faster car.

First the team looked at possible circuit modifications. The initial idea was to connect the battery into the power and ground in the breadboard. From that, connect power and ground to the Arduino board and also have all components feeding off the same line in parallel. When doing this, the motors did go a little faster. Research was done on the Arduino board and the information suggested that doing the circuit like this was not good for the Arduino board. The reason of this was since the 9 volt was supplying 9 volts and this was leading into the 5 volt power supply of the board. The maximum value going into 5 volt supply was meant to be less than 7 volts. With a 2 volt surplus, this could cause damage to the board, so the circuit was changed back the original one made.

The program was then looked at to be modified. The original program worked, but could most likely be improved upon. The team focused on alternate methods of turning the car. The current method of keeping one motor on and turning the other motor off seemed like an inefficient approach. The new approach tried was a counter-steering approach, see Appendix E figure 2. To go forward as in the original, both motors were full speed forward. To turn right, the left motor was full speed forward and the right motor was full speed backwards. To turn left, the right motor was full speed forward and the left

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motor was full speed backwards. The last function, to stop, was held constant by turning both motors off. When tested, this program was able to complete the course much more effectively.

When testing however, the car failed several times to complete the course. When the car was trying to maneuver a sharp corner, often times it would stop. Based on the program, the car would stop if both sensors were registering black, meaning the end of the course, but obviously there was a fault somewhere. The initial solution was to increase the distance between the sensors once again. Doing so would allow the car to definitely have enough room on either side of the black line and resulting in not registering both sensors in black. When testing however, the car still failed. By doing so, the team moved the sensors back to the original location. The next approach was to measure new values of the track utilizing the analog read program once again. When reevaluating these values, it was found that the program value should be 975. Initially the program had a value of 950 for the sensor values, but changing this to 975 was needed. The value had to be 975 since at 950, sometimes the sensor was reading a value in the 960 range when on white. Since this 960 was above the 950 mark, the program read the senor as on black and would then stop the motors.

Testing indicated that changing the value to 975 solved the problem of the car stopping in the middle of the track. From the point the value was changed, the car was able to complete the course every time and at this point, the team had a finalized design. IV Final Design and Testing

Through the design process, the product had evolved very much. Once defining the problem, the team brainstormed and created the two preliminary designs. From that point, feasibility studies were conducted and an idea was chosen. At that moment, the team had a general idea of what the end result of the project would be. The vision all of the members had steadily evolved as parts were acquired, flaws were exposed, and through testing. From all the work, change, and the basis from an evolved vision, the final car product was derived. This car, meeting all design criteria specified, was the result of the design process. This is the team 2 car:

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The previous pictures show the final design, reflecting all the mentioned changes

in the evolution of the design section. As is shown, the sensors are in the front along with the two continuous servo motors. The back of the design has the pivot wheel which is attached to the needed piece of wood to make a level surface. On top rests the secured Arduino board along with the breadboard and the battery. Breadboard cables are used to connect the motors to the breadboard and also the wires of the sensors and motors to the Arduino board. From the pictures, the brackets connecting the motor to the chassis is not clear, but on either side of the motor is secured to the chassis with a bracket. This complete design exclusive of common fasteners was reflected in an AutoCAD drawing (See appendix E). All dimensions are exact from the actual car and all components are included. The AutoCAD drawing provides the left side, top, and rear views. The most difficult part of constructing the AutoCAD drawing was the pivot wheel. Since the pivot wheel was at an angle and slightly offset from the wood based on orientation, to make these properties conform to the AutoCAD drawing was a challenge, but the actual orientation of the wheel is reflected after some difficulty in the drawing. Once having the AutoCAD complete, the car was weighed at 1.4 pounds and was measured to have an area of 44 in2 and a volume of 132 in3. The team was able to make a bill of materials based on the finished design (See Appendix F). To create the bill of materials, the team very simple put down every part in the excel file. The parts included: 1 chassis, 1 Arduino UNO, 1 breadboard, 2 optical sensors, 2 continuous servo motors, 12 breadboard cables, 2 wheels, 4 mounting brackets, 1 pivot wheel, 12 fasteners (including nuts and bolts), 1 - 9 volt battery, 1- 9 volt battery adapter, and the wood block. All of these simplistic materials serving function in the design.

After listing all parts, the team looked up the price of each part using the internet for parts we did not buy, which was the majority of the parts. The two parts that were bought online had the price recorded based off of the receipt. Every part has value, the difference with the car is the team only bought two parts for the final design. Also for the bill of materials, the quantity of the part was recorded. This saved the team from having to record the same part on multiple lines. Other than the price and quantity, the total cost

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and the cost to the team were recorded and also the source of the part. The source is just where the team acquired the part. Most of the parts were from Professor Gopinath bringing the supplies he had to class, others were from team members homes, the rest were ordered online. After all of the parts were documented, looked up for price, and then recorded, the team had the total cost of the design and also the cost to the team. In total, the car cost $69.29 for all of the parts. In reality, the car only cost the team $4.74 since the only parts the team bought were the pivot wheel and also the battery. The total cost of the car was very cheap. The cost to the team was basically a minimum. By the team utilizing the parts already available from the college, the parts needed to buy independently was minimized. The most the college would reimburse teams was $70.00 so our team only spending a little under $8.00 is much under this constraint. The only discrepancy of the team cost is the motor shield which was bought for the original design but then not utilized in the final design so the motor shield was not included in the bill of materials. With the final design came the testing and evaluation portion of the design process. The testing procedure the team used to measure performance was quite basic. The team utilized the track provided in the class. With the car, the car was turned on and started the car at the beginning of the track. Once the car stared to move, a member would start the clock. The only performance aspect the car had to meet was to complete the course in under a minute so timing the car to complete the course would measure the time constraint. Once the car traveled completely through the track, the time was stopped and then recorded. Fifteen trials were conducted and the average time was taken of these trials. The testing results, see Appendix G, indicated that the car meets the time constraint by having an average time under 1 minute. When testing, the first two trials failed. The failure was a result of the sensors being too close together as mentioned in the evolution of the design. The next two trials were a success. Then the following two were fails again, which was discussed in the evolution of the design as the team needed to modify the sensor values to 975. After changing the sensors, the rest of the trials were successful, having times in the 45-46 second range. The average time for the car to complete the track was 45.82 seconds, being a little over 14 seconds under the one minute criteria. When reducing this to speed, the car on average goes 0.3274 feet per second. Based on the testing data and the weight measured previously, the working model simulation was then updated to reflect these new values (Appendix C, Figure 2). Once having the car meeting the time criteria, the project was then officially completed. The only remaining parts was the presentation and this paper. Before being able to do either of the deliverables, an evaluation would have to be done on the design to see how the car meets all the listed criteria. For performance, the car did meet the time criteria by being under one minute. The speed of the car was 0.3274 feet per second. Early on in the project when doing the initial working model, the team set the speed for 0.5 feet per second so the car did not end up as fast as projected. This is mainly a result of using

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the continuous servo motors instead of the DC motors. The team knew all along by using the servo motors, speed would be sacrificed, but since these motors were available and since the car still meets the time, it can be concluded that using these motors did not affect performance to an extent. Based on testing, the car also met the criteria for staying within the 6 inch boundaries. The car at no point during testing left the track and for the most part stayed centered so based on this, the car meets the criteria. Other criteria the car met was utilizing Arduino, being safe to operate, being portable, and being self-contained. The car also meets all size criteria. The car weighed 1.4 pounds and the maximum specified by the project overview was 6 pounds. The car had a total area of 44 in2 and a volume of 132 in3, both of which were well under the designated constraint. Overall, the car meets all of the listed criteria and based off of that, the team was able to conclude the project was a success. During the course of the project, the team worked effectively. The work of the project was split up using the strengths of the members. Team leader George Jenkins had a lot of experience from high school in circuits and in programming so his role for the car was those. Team member Patrick Smith had experience in construction, so he led the build portion of the project. Trevin Reaves was the best of the team at AutoCAD so he was designated to do the AutoCAD drawing for the car. Team member Deonte Hicks was the visionary as the team utilized his sketching abilities to get a clear picture of the design and he also obtained most of the materials. The working model of the project was a collective effort of the team. The journal of the project was kept by team leader George Jenkins, with the help of the rest of the team members. The presentation and report was a collective effort of all of the members. Each member was able to provide key insight on each individual’s expertise within the project. This enabled the deliverables to have accurate and precise information on every aspect of the design process. By utilizing the strengths and weaknesses of the members, the work load was able to be evenly distributed among the team. This allowed members to focus on strengths and let members that are better in other areas to do what they are best at. Overall by doing work in this fashion, it allows for a more effective and productive team. Also by doing the project in this manner, this reflects the real world greatly. In the real world as an engineer, one will be a part of a team of people who have expertise outside of yours. The success of the project depends on each individual to do their own part. Without a part, the project cannot be complete. Members rely on one another for the success of the project. Trust is big, but as long as every member does their part, the project will be a success. In team 2’s case, every member did their role and in the end, the car worked by meeting all criteria and every portion of the project was completed on time. Much was learned from this experience and if it was not for every member doing their role, the project would have never been the success it turned out to be.

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Appendix A – Idea Bank – Journal Page 4-5

Figure 1: 4 motor rectangle design Figure 2: 2 motor square design Figure 3: 2 motor triangular design

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Figure 4: 2 motor rectangular design Figure 5: 2 motor rectangle design

Figure 6: 2 motor rectangle design

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Appendix B – Preliminary Designs – Journal Page 10-11, 37-38

Figure 1: Preliminary Idea 1 Figure 2: Preliminary Idea 2

Figure 3: Idea 1 Cost

Part Retail Price Quantity Used Total Cost Team Cost

Plexiglass Sheet $20.00 (1/8) $2.50 $2.50

Battery $3.50 1 $3.50 0

Arduino $6.25 1 $6.25 0

Optical Sensor $10.00 2 $26.67 0

Motor $5.00 2 $10.00 $10.00

Wheels $2.50 3 $7.50 $7.50

LED $0.50 1 $0.50 0

Nuts $4.99 (12/50) $1.20 $1.20

Screws $4.99 (12/50) $1.20 $1.20

Piviting Bracket $2.50 1 $2.50 $2.50

Motor Shield $12.00 1 $12.00 $12.00



Total Cost

Bill of Materials - (2 Motor Design)

Cost to Team

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Figure 4: Idea 2 Cost Appendix C – Working Model – Journal Page 13, 36

Figure 1: Original Working Model, see charts journal pages 13-19

Part Retail Price Quantity Used Total Cost Team Cost

Plexiglass Sheet $20.00 (1/6) $3.33 $3.33

Battery $3.50 1 $3.50 0

Arduino $6.25 1 $6.25 0

Optical Sensor $40.00 2 $26.67 0

Motor $5.00 4 $20.00 $20.00

Wheels $2.50 4 $10.00 $10.00

LED $0.50 1 $0.50 0

Nuts $4.99 (12/50) $1.20 $1.20

Screws $4.99 (12/50) $1.20 $1.20

Motor Shield $12.00 1 $12.00 $12.00



Bill of Materials - (4 Motor Design)

Total Cost

Cost to Team

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Figure 2: Final Working Model

Appendix D – Circuit Design – Journal Page 24

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Appendix E – The Program – Journal Page 27-28, 32-33

Figure 1: Original Program

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Figure 2: Revised Program

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Appendix F – AutoCAD – Journal Page 34

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Appendix G – Bill of Materials – Journal Page 39

Appendix H – Testing Results – Journal Page 35

Part Retail Price Quantity Used Total Cost Team Cost Source

Chassis $2.50 1 $2.50 $0.00 CSM

Arduino UNO $6.25 1 $6.25 $0.00 CSM

Breadboard $3.59 1 $3.59 $0.00 CSM

Optical Sensor $13.33 2 $26.66 $0.00 CSM

Continuous Servo Motor $8.59 2 $17.18 $0.00 CSM

Breadboard Cables $0.06 12 $0.72 $0.00 CSM

Wheel $1.25 2 $2.50 $0.00 George

Mounting Bracket $0.30 4 $1.20 $0.00 Deonte

Pivot Wheel $1.25 1 $1.25 $1.25

Fasteners $0.24 12 $2.88 $0.00 Deonte

9 Volt Battery $3.49 1 $3.49 $3.49

9 Volt Battery Adapter $0.60 1 $0.60 $0.00 CSM

Wood Block $1.89 (1/4) $0.47 $0.00 George



Bill of Materials

Total Cost

Total Cost to Team

Trial Time (Seconds)

1 Fail

2 Fail

3 44.74

4 43.89

5 Fail

6 Fail

7 46.51

8 45.54

9 46.02

10 46.48

11 45.89

12 45.63

13 46.38

14 46.46

15 46.52

Average 45.82

Testing Results