teaching vocabulary through code mixing and transformation

TRABAJO FIN DE ESTUDIOS Teaching vocabulary through code mixing and transformation Leticia Morales Soto MÁSTER UNIVERSITARIO EN PROFESORADO DE ESO, BACHILLERATO, FP Y ENSEÑANZA DE IDIOMAS Tutor: Rosa María Jiménez Catalán Facultad de Letras y de la Educación Curso 2010-2011 INGLÉS

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Page 1: Teaching vocabulary through code mixing and transformation


Teaching vocabulary through code mixing andtransformation

Leticia Morales Soto


Tutor: Rosa María Jiménez CatalánFacultad de Letras y de la Educación

Curso 2010-2011


Page 2: Teaching vocabulary through code mixing and transformation

© El autor© Universidad de La Rioja, Servicio de Publicaciones, 2012

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Teaching vocabulary through code mixing and transformation, trabajo final deestudios

de Leticia Morales Soto, dirigido por Rosa María Jiménez Catalán (publicado por laUniversidad de La Rioja), se difunde bajo una Licencia

Creative Commons Reconocimiento-NoComercial-SinObraDerivada 3.0 Unported.Permisos que vayan más allá de lo cubierto por esta licencia pueden solicitarse a los

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Page 3: Teaching vocabulary through code mixing and transformation

End of Master Project

Teaching vocabulary through

Code-Mixing and Transformation

Leticia Morales Soto

Supervisor: Rosa María Jiménez Catalán

Date: July, 2011

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Table of Contents

Introduction ……………………………………………………………………………1

1. Theoretical Background……………………………………………………………. 2

2. Didactic Programming……………………………………………………………….5

Starter Unit…………...…………………………………………….…..….. 14

Didactic Unit 1………………………………………………………….….….. 16

Didactic Unit 2…………………………………………………………..…….. 19

Didactic Unit 3………………………………………………….…….………...21

Didactic Unit 4……………………………………………….………….……...23

Didactic Unit 5……………………………………………….……….…….…..26

Didactic Unit 6………………………………………..……………….…….….28

Didactic Unit 7………………………………………………………….….…...30

Didactic Unit 8…………………………………………………………..….…..32

Didactic Unit 9 ……………………………………………………….…..….... 34

Didactic Unit 10…………………………………………………………....…...37

Didactic Unit 11…………………………………….…………………….…….39

Didactic Unit 12……………………………………….………………….....….41

Didactic Unit 13……………………………………….………………….….....44

Didactic Unit 14…………………………………………………………….......46

3. Didactic Unit…………………………………………………………………………55

4. Research/ Innovation Project………………………………………………………...65

5. References…………………………………………………………………………...79

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This project is designed with the aim of developing the first option of the

students’ guide. Therefore, I will work on a fixed structure. To begin with, I will outline

the Theoretical Background, secondly I will develop the Teaching Programme and at

the bottom, I will expose my Research/Innovation Project.

After clearing up the parts that my project will cover, I will come across with a

general view of these sections. Thus, this part will lead to a reflection on all the

competences that I have acquired through the theoretical classes and the teaching


The first part of this paper will be an introduction related to the Theoretical

Background. By means of it, I will describe the main ideas that I have shaped through

each subject. These subjects are highly important in order to lay the basis of our training

as teachers. Noticeably, not only we are provided with knowledge related to our

specialty but also other key features on education are covered.

Secondly, I will deal with my Teaching Programme. It is designed for students

attending the 2nd

year of Secondary Education. The Teaching Programme is divided into

15 units. All of them will be presented including the main aspects. Only one of them

will be completely developed.

Last but not least, I will present my Research/Innovation project that is about the

acquisition of vocabulary. The addition of new words to the lexicon of the students is an

essential part of the development of the second language. Due to this reason, I am pretty

interested in researching on the issue of vocabulary acquisition and the correspondent

techniques to improve it. According to my experiences as teacher, I have chosen two

translation techniques since it boosts students ‘confidence in the target language.

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To start with, I will devote this part of the project at setting out the subjects I

have been studying through the whole year. We have assisted to subjects of

fundamental importance in the world of education such as Pedagogy, Psychology and

Sociology1with the main aim of becoming the most complete professionals. In addition

to this, three subjects related to the second language teaching have been introduced.

Without any doubts, all of them are highly important and complement our training as


Shortly, I am going to describe the three common subjects that I have been in

contact during the first period of this academic year. These subjects are Sociology,

Pedagogy and Psychology and they are explained in the following paragraphs.

To begin with, by means of Sociology I have had the opportunity to learn the

important role that families play in the education of the children. For this reason, it is

vital in our job to get to know the sort of families that the Spanish society currently

presents. In other words, I was aware of the families’ shifting and evolution. Not only

we could know in deep the formation of new family models, but also we were able to

witness the arrival of people from other countries with new customs. To me, the

learning of the matters that affect the environment of the classes is highly important to

face some possible social problems dealing with education. Besides, in my opinion, the

moment when the conclusions of the exercises are gathered in class is a key situation

that have helped us in our development as teachers. Through it, information is shared

1 Approximate translations of the Spanish Subjects: Procesos y Contextos Educativos,

Aprendizaje y Desarrollo de la Personalidad, Sociología de la Educación.

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and we had the chance of comparing students’ attitude from dissimilar background and


In our training as teachers, we must make clear the different laws that govern the

field of education. Thanks to the subject Procesos y Contextos Educativos we started

familiarizing with the Spanish laws that concern within the school sphere. In addition to

this and with the aim of becoming conscious on the weight that legal documents carry

out, we were in charge of preparing a class. After that, we could state that it was not as

easy as it seemed to be. First of all, we had to bear in mind the legal frameworks in that

affect education in order to prepare the activities and the grammatical content.

Moreover, we had to apply the instructions learnt through the theoretical lessons. For

instance, we have become skilled at different didactic strategies that could be brought

into play in order to smooth the progress of learners. As a final point, we put into

practice the duty of assessing our mates. In a few words, it represented the first time that

we carried out our role as teachers completely for many of us.

We do not have to forget that we have been trained as Secondary and

Bachillerato teachers. Consequently, I find it really imperative the subject of

Aprendizaje y Desarrollo de la Personalidad. Through it, we got in touch with the

issues of adolescences, the stage that our students are facing. In doing so, the opening

unit of its programme refers to the development of personality. Mainly, it explains some

questions concerning youth growth. To me, one of the most striking stages that we have

studied was the formal thought. It regards the capacity to formulate hypothesis among

other distinctive features. Not far from the content of the former unit, the last one is

about the process of learning. Furthermore, in the seminars we have dealt with different

cases with the aim of finding out how to get along with possible situations in class.

From that point on the ending of this section, I will focus on describing the

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subjects that are covered by my speciality field. One of these subjects is called

Complementos para la formación disciplinar. By means of it, the main tips were

provided to us in order to become good language teachers. The instructions were highly

reflexive because at the end of each theoretical part, we were able to experience

situations that would appear in our future professional life. Thus, we could reflect on the

content and assimilate it through diverse techniques. Adding up, we also discovered the

theoretical foundations of language teaching. I have never heard about the majority of

these methods and due to this reason I really could acquire knowledge of how

introducing exercises in different ways to my students. In my opinion, the combination

of all these methods in our teaching is the key jigsaw of language learning. Moreover,

each of us was in charge of exploring the nature, origins, and sources of one of the

methods. Besides, we could elaborate activities regarding to the different methods.

Particularly, I presented “The Silent Way” to my mates. This specific method is about

relegating the role of the teacher to the background, stressing the role of the students as

the main beneficiaries of the learning processes.

Another important subject that we have worked on during the whole year is

Aprendizaje y enseñanza de la Lengua Extranjera. Throughout the first period of this

preparation we were skilled at basic competences in our training as teachers. For

instance, the foreign language curriculum was brought to us and we were explained how

to design a didactic unit. On the other hand, the second part of it was aimed at

introducing us to ground-breaking techniques with the aim of improving the way of

English teaching. Likewise, we could be aware of the importance of technological

resources regarding foreign language teaching. Apart from that, we researched on the

implementation of Content and Language Integrated Learning in La Rioja. Finally, we

designed our own language WebQuest after being instructed in the field. In doing so,

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we became specialists in cross curricular subjects in order to design different teaching

modules. As time went by, we could acquire the abilities of how to involve our students

in their language acquisition taking benefit from it.

Finally, through the subject of Teaching Innovation we were explained how to

research in order to develop processes that help the improvement of the second

language teaching. It is essential to comprehend the importance of keeping on doing

better our job. Due to this fact, looking for some existing gaps in the area of teaching is

a great requirement if we want to help the learners in their acquisition of language. Not

only that but also we as teachers need to be in a continuous formation in order to adapt

our teaching manners to the needs of the education of nowadays.



1.1 General Frame:

When a new academic year begins, we need to plan our classes with the aim of

organizing them. Regarding to this fact, I have designed my didactic programming.

Specifically, this didactic unit is designed for students attending the second year of

E.S.O. It is necessary to make clear that I am going to focus specially on the form of the

language rather than on the content. The reason is quite simple: during the first years of

E.S.O the topics must be related to the learners’ direct experience. In doing so, it will be

easier for them to learn the language because they associate it with their reality and they

can activate their previous knowledge. In addition to this, the complexity of the units

will be highly noticeable as the course goes on. For this reason, it is better to begin with

simple contents, increasing its difficulty as time goes by because students will be more

confident when using the second language. Not only that, but also it is necessary to take

into account that these learners are around 13 -14 years old. Put in other words, these

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students are in a hard period in their lives which is adolescence and they are maturing as

the course advances. Therefore, it is better to deal with deeper issues later on.

1.2 Legislation

This teaching program is designed since the new Organic Law LOE 2/2006 on

May 3rd (BOE n. 106 on May 4th 2006). In addition to this, I will also take into account

the Decree 23/2007, on May 27th that establishes the Secondary Education curricula in

La Rioja and the Royal Decree 1631/2006, on December 29th.

1.3 Context

This unit is addressed to students in the second year of Secondary Education.

The reason why I have chosen this course is that I have been working as a training

teacher for the last two months in a high school. I spent many hours with this level and I

am highly interested in getting to know how they acquire the knowledge.

1.3.1 The High School

The high school is located in a rural area not far from the capital of the province.

It is important to point out that there are several small sized villages near this centre and

their youth from 11 to 16 years old attends there to study. Students living in different

villages go to this high school. In addition to this, this high school offers the possibility

to continue on studying after finishing compulsory education.

Moreover, a great number of families from other countries came to these villages

last year and therefore their children attend this high school. Most of them are Arabian

population. Regarding their integration into the Educative Community, it is pretty

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positive but it is almost their first contact with the second language Therefore, we will

have to take into account this fact when teaching.

1.3.2 The Students

The age of the students is around 13 - 14 because they are attending the 2nd year

of E.S.O. Only two of them are around 15 years old since they had to repeat previous

levels because they did not achieve the minimum contents required by law. This group

is composed by 30 students, half of them are boys and the other part girls. Although

classes are supposed to be made up according to their level in order to create well-

balanced classes, there is a slight number of fast-learners and low-learners.


This didactic unit is addressed to students in the second year of Secondary

Education. Due to this reason it is required to set up the eight basic competences that are

established within the educational system. Students must develop these competences at

the end of compulsory education.

1. Competence in Linguistic Communication which is the ability of achieving oral

and written competence (listening, speaking, reading and writing), regarded to be the

main aim at the English subject.

2. Mathematical competence and basic competences in science and technology.

Mathematical competence is the ability to develop and apply mathematical thinking in

order to solve a range of problems in everyday situations.

3. Knowledge and interaction with physical word which is highly important because

by means of it, students learn the right perception of physical space in which life and

human activity take place. So, they have to acquire the capacity of easily distinguishing

between bad and good habits and finding possible solutions.

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4. Digital competence and Information Management, includes to create interest in

the use of ICT resources, it is to say, information, communication and communication


5. Social and civic competences, interpersonal and intercultural competence and all

forms of behavior that equips individuals to participate in an effective and constructive

way in social and working life..

6. Cultural awareness and expression which involves appreciation of the importance

of the creative expression of ideas, experiences and emotions in a range of media

7. Learning to learn which aims at the ability of learning and the use of strategies,

techniques of study and organization. Due to this reason, students find their own

learning style either individually or in groups.

8. Sense of personal autonomy which involves creativity, innovation and risk-taking,

as well as the ability to plan and manage projects in order to achieve objectives.


3.1 Stage Aims

a) Accept their responsibilities, know and exercise their rights respecting others, show

tolerance, cooperation and solidarity among people and groups, practise dialogue, adopt

human rights as common values of a plural society and prepare to take part in

democratic citizenship.

b) Develop and consolidate habits of discipline, study and work both individually and in

a group, as a necessary condition for the effective performance of learning tasks and a

means of personal development.

c) Value and respect gender differences and equal rights and opportunities. Reject

stereotypes which lead to discrimination between men and women.

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d) Strengthen affective capacities in all areas of their personality and in their relations

with others. Reject violence, prejudice of any type, sexist behaviour and resolve

conflicts in a peaceful manner.

e) Develop basic skills in the use of information sources to acquire new knowledge.

Acquire basic training in the field of technology, especially in information and

communication technologies.

f) Perceive scientific knowledge as integrated knowledge which is structured into

different disciplines and understand and apply methods to identify problems in different

fields of knowledge and experience.

g) Develop an enterprising spirit and self-confidence, participation, critical awareness,

personal initiative and the capacity to learn to learn, plan, take decisions and assume


h) Understand and produce correctly complex texts and messages both orally and in

writing in Castilian and, where applicable, in the co-official language of the

Autonomous Community. Get to know, read and study literature.

i) Understand and express themselves appropriately in one or more foreign languages.

j) Know, value and respect the basic characteristics of their own culture and history and

that of others, together with their artistic and cultural heritage.

k) Know and accept the functioning of their own body and that of others and respect the

differences; look after their body and develop healthy habits; take part in physical

education and sports to contribute to their personal and social development; know and

value the human dimension of sexuality in all its diversity; be critically aware of social

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habits related to health and consumption; care for living beings and the environment and

contribute to their conservation and enhancement.

l) Appreciate artistic creation and understand the language of different art forms, using

various means of expression and representation.

3.2 Area Aims

• To listen and understand general and specific information coming from different

communicative situations, taking a respectful and cooperative attitude.

• To express yourself and to interact in communicative situations, in a

comprehensible and autonomous way.

• To read and understand different types of texts according to the level and

students’ interest, being capable of extracting general and specific information and

using reading as a source of pleasure and self-enrichment.

• To write simple texts with different aims and topics using adequate resources of

cohesion and coherence.

• To use properly the basic phonetic, lexical, structural and functional components

in the foreign language in real communicative contexts.

• To develop autonomy in learning reflecting on their own learning processes and

to transfer ideas and strategies to the foreign language

• To use learning strategies and every required source including TICS with the

aim at obtaining, selecting and presenting information both orally and in written.

• To appreciate the foreign language as an instrument for communication access

and as a tool to learn different contents.

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• To value foreign languages as a way to communicate and understand other

people coming from other origins, languages, and cultures and to avoid any sort of

discrimination or linguistic and cultural stereotypes.

• To demonstrate a receptive and self-confident attitude in the learning ability and

use of a foreign language.

3.3 Course Aims

- To recognise and produce the vocabulary related with all the topics dealt in each

Didactic Unit.

-To learn, know and put into practice grammatical structures and linguistic contents

planned in each unit.

- To identify, recognise and reproduce those phonemes appearing in each didactic unit,

as well as improving rhythm, accent and intonation.

- To recognise and apply the different skills associated to each unit.

- To understand those messages coming from the teacher, other mates and audiovisual

and computer sources.

- To use correctly courtesy rules.

- To identify customs and everyday traits from other countries and cultures where

English is spoken.

- To use without problem technological devices in order to produce texts and to transmit


- To know some historical and geographical traits of those countries where English is

spoken throughout media and communication and information technologies.

- To recognise and use consciously those mechanisms implicated in learning.

- To take part and cooperate in their labour either in group, in couples or individually.

- To take part in a critical and reflective way in communicative tasks.

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- To value positively the English language as way to expand their world knowledge, and

use it as a way of social communication.


Block 1- Listening, speaking and oral interaction

The language model provided by the school is the first source of knowledge and

learning of the language. Discourse employed in the classroom is at the same time both

vehicle for and object of learning, so the curriculum focuses on both the knowledge of

linguistic elements and the ability to use them to perform communicative tasks..

.In addition, the linguistic model provided should come from a certain number of

speakers, to reflect the variety of speech, habitual expressions, phonetic and prosodic

nuances typical of different real communicative situations, Hence the presence in the

Curriculum in our project of the use of conventional audiovisual material and

information and communication technology.

Block 2 - Reading and writing

The aim of this section is discursive competence in writing. In the target

language written texts are also a model for textual composition and practice and

acquirement of linguistic elements. The progressive use of written language will

depend on the level of knowledge of the code, which is directly related to the degree of

security which the said text offers in the graphic representation of the sounds of the

language. To overcome this lack of security, the Curriculum and our Project include

strategies and resources such as the use of dictionaries and other conventional or digital

means of consultation for the comprehension and composition of all kinds of texts.

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Block 3 - Language Awareness

Contact with the target language and its use enable those learning it to elaborate

an elementary conceptual regarding its functioning. The starting point will be practical

situations which encourage the acquisition of rules regarding the workings of the

language, in order that students may establish which elements of the foreign language

function in a similar way to their own tongue, gaining confidence in their ability to use

the second language.

Block 4- Socio-cultural aspects

The contents of this block help the students learn customs, forms of social

relationships, and specific features of countries that speak the target language; in other

words, lifestyles different from their own. This knowledge will promote respect and

interest in the knowledge of different social and cultural realities and facilitate

intercultural communication.


1. Description: This unit is designed with the aim of revising previous knowledge. In

doing so, students are going to deal with different contents related to the family and

parts of the body.

2. Didactic Objectives:

- To use vocabulary related to family and friends, and parts of the body.

- To understand written and oral texts of different characteristics

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- To carry out communicative exchanges using the expressions and dialogues studied in

the unit

- To produce written texts such as descriptions of family and friends, stressing the use

of capitals.

- To apply grammatical features such as the verb have got: affirmative, negative and


- To practise the pronunciation of the sound /h/.

- To establish a socio-cultural comparison regarding the family.

- To assess participation and progress in the learning process.

3. Contents

BLOCK 1. Listening, speaking and oral interaction.

Listening: To identify the characters in two conversations and complete information

about family and friends

Speaking: To identify and translate various expressions in the illustrated story.

BLOCK 2. Writing and reading.

Reading: To answer comprehension questions about a text.

Writing: To write a text about the family using an essay plan.

BLOCK 3: Language Awareness

a) Linguistic competence

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The family

To comprehend general

and specific information of

oral and written messages

about relationships.

Be: Present Simple Vocabulary of


To request and give

information about family

and friends

Have got Parts of the body

To introduce and describe

people There’s / There’re

The possessive with ‘s Objects

Pronunciation: /h/

b) Reflection over learning

- To be interested in learning new contents appearing on the unit.

- To be interested in participating in the class.

- To be interested in the target language.

- To be interested in other cultures and respect them.

BLOCK 4: Social – cultural awareness

- To learn information about the United Kingdom.

4. Evaluation:

- To understand general and specific information in both oral and written texts about the


- To get a great command of certain grammatical tenses.

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- To describe people.

- To participate in the class as a voluntary person.


1. Description: In this unit, students are going to get in touch with vocabulary related to

free time activities and sports.

2. Didactic Objectives:

- To learn vocabulary connected with the field of sports and activities.

- To revise grammatical structures: present simple, question words, adverbs of

frequency and object pronouns.

- To be able to talk about likes and dislikes.

- To Produce oral and written texts such as descriptions of close friends, concentrating

on capital letters and punctuation marks.

- To practice stress in a word.

3. Contents

BLOCK 1. Listening, speaking and oral interaction.

Listening: To listen to a conversation between three teenagers explaining what they do

at the weekend.

Speaking: To keep a conversation in pairs describing the activities that they often,

sometimes or never do.

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BLOCK 2. Writing and reading.

Reading: To extract general and specific information from a written text about close


Writing: To write a text about your best friend.

BLOCK 3: Language Awareness

a) Linguistic competence


Friends To recognise vocabulary related to

the topic. Present Simple


To listen to a conversation between

three teenagers explaining what they

do at the weekend.

Interrogative Particles Activities

To use both present sinple and

interrogative particles.

To understand both oral and written

messages coming from different


Adverbs of frequency

Pronunciation: Past simple endings /t/, /d/ and /id/.

b) Reflection over learning

- To be interested in learning new contents appearing on the unit.

- To be interested in participating in the class.

- To be interested in the target language.

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- To be interested in other cultures and respect them.

BLOCK 4: Social – cultural awareness

- To watch an extract of a TV program dealing with the most popular sports for boys

and girls in the UK.

4. Evaluation:

- To understand general and specific information in both oral and written texts.

- To make use of new expressions and vocabulary.

- To be able to describe people.

- To use the present simple, questions words, adverbs of frequency and object pronouns.


1. Description: This unit deals with music; therefore, musical instruments and

musicians are going to be introduced in this unit.

2. Didactic Objectives:

- To comprehend general and specific information of oral and written messages about


- To revise grammatical structures: present simple, present continuous with future


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- To learn the use of the modal can / can’t.

- To improve the pronunciation of the sounds /i/ and /i:/.

- To be able to describe their favourite band.

- To produce oral and written texts such as descriptive e-mails, concentrating on word

order in the construction of sentences.

3. Contents

BLOCK 1. Listening, speaking and oral interaction.

Listening: To listen to the members of a famous band, Linkin Park, explaining what is

the role of each one in the group.

Speaking: To talk about future plans using the present continuous.

BLOCK 2. Writing and reading.

Reading: To read and understand general and specific information about an e-mail

dealing with a description of a British band.

Writing: To produce a piece of writing explaining what type of concert they would like

to attend.

BLOCK 3: Language Awareness

a) Linguistic competence



To comprehend general and specific

information of oral and written

messages about music

Present Simple Instruments and


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To talk about future plans Present Continuous

with future meaning

To use both present simple and

present continuous in different


Items of Clothing

To describe pictures

To use the modal can

/ can’t

Pronunciation: vowels /i:/ and /i/

b) Reflection over learning

- To be interested in learning new contents appearing on the unit.

- To be interested in participating in the class.

- To be interested in the target language.

- To be interested in other cultures and respect them.

BLOCK 4: Social – cultural awareness

- To know about the music festivals in Glastenbury.

- To search on the music festivals in their country or region.

4. Evaluation:

- To understand general and specific information in both oral and written texts.

- To make use of new expressions and vocabulary.

- To be able to describe future plans and their favourite band.

- To participate in the class as a voluntary person.

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1. Description: This unit presents television as the central issue.

2. Didactic Objectives:

- To comprehend general and specific information of oral and written messages about


- To work on Comparative and Superlative adjectives.

- To recognize and being able to utter the weak vowel /ə/

- To express preferences on TV programmes.

- To Establish a socio-cultural reflection upon topics such as the film industry.

3. Contents

BLOCK 1. Listening, speaking and oral interaction.

Listening: To listen to a dialogue in which four teenagers give their opinion about

television programmes.

Speaking: To express their opinion about different films using comparatives and


BLOCK 2. Writing and reading.

Reading: To read and understand general and specific information about a text called

What’s on TV?

Writing: To produce a piece of writing about their favourite TV programme, using a

writing plan.

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BLOCK 3: Language Awareness

a) Linguistic competence



To comprehend general and specific

information of oral and written

messages about television.


superlatives Adjectives

To express opinions Verb + ing

To describe their favourite TV


Present Simple /

Present Continuous



Pronunciation: weak vowel /ə/

b) Reflection over learning

- To be interested in learning new contents appearing on the unit.

- To be interested in participating in the class.

- To be interested in the target language.

- To be interested in other cultures and respect them.

BLOCK 4: Social – cultural awareness

- To learn about important facts related to the film industry that takes place in


4. Evaluation:

- To understand general and specific information in both oral and written texts about


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- To be able to understand a dialogue between teenagers.

- To assess the acquisition of comparatives and superlatives.

- To be able to describe future plans and their favourite band.

- To participate in the class as a voluntary person.


1. Description: The topic of this unit presents people that have gone down in history.

2. Didactic Objectives:

- To comprehend general and specific information of oral and written messages about

famous people in the past.

- To learn new vocabulary related to professions and workplaces.

- To get a great command on new grammatical structures: Past Simple affirmative

(regular and irregular verbs), could / couldn’t.

- To recognize and be able to utter the past simple endings.

- To talk about their weekend.

- To learn how to use notes.

3. Contents

BLOCK 1. Listening, speaking and oral interaction.

Listening: To listen to a recording talking about Shakespeare and complete a chart.

Speaking: To describe a famous person that they admire in front of the class.

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BLOCK 2. Writing and reading.

Reading: To understand specific information about a text dealing with a family’s plan

for the weekend.

Writing: To write a text about Picasso using notes.

BLOCK 3: Language Awareness

a) Linguistic competence


People in

the past

To comprehend general and specific

information of oral and written

messages about some important

people in the past.

Past Simple ( regular

and irregular verbs ) Jobs and work places


Routine To talk about your weekend Could and couldn’t Activities

To write a biography Notes

Pronunciation: past simple endings /d/ /t/ /id/

b) Reflection over learning

- To be interested in learning new contents appearing on the unit.

- To be interested in participating in the class.

- To be interested in the target language.

- To be interested in other cultures and respect them.

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BLOCK 4: Social – cultural awareness

- To establish a socio-cultural comparison regarding places of interest in cities.

4. Evaluation:

- To understand general and specific information in both oral and written texts about

people in the past.

- To be able to understand a dialogue between teenagers.

- To handle with new grammatical structures: the past simple affirmative and could /


- To use notes in order to write a biography.

- To participate in the class as a voluntary person.


1. Description: This unit starts with the illustration of different means of transports. It

is aimed at drawing student’s attention.

2. Didactic Objectives:

- To comprehend general and specific information of oral and written messages about


- To learn new vocabulary related to transport and travel words.

- To get a great command on the use of prepositions of movement and past simple, both

negative and interrogative.

- To recognize and being able to utter the sounds /b/ and /v/.

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- To describe an incredible journey that they have made.

3. Contents

BLOCK 1. Listening, speaking and oral interaction.

Listening: To listen to a dialogue at the train station, being able of comprehending the


Speaking: To keep a conversation in pairs describing a journey they have made.

BLOCK 2. Writing and reading.

Reading: To read a text on a terrible journey that four teenagers made last summer.

Writing: To write a dialogue in pairs at the train station.

BLOCK 3: Language Awareness

a) Linguistic competence




To comprehend general and specific

information of oral and written

messages about journeys.

Prepositions of

movement Travel words

To describe an incredible journey

they have gone

Past simple:

affirmative, negative

and interrogative


To order events Linking words Travelling

To ask for specific information At the train station

Pronunciation: the sounds /b/ and /v/

b) Reflection over learning

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- To be interested in learning new contents appearing on the unit.

- To be interested in participating in the class.

- To be interested in the target language.

- To be interested in other cultures and respect them.

BLOCK 4: Social – cultural awareness

- To become specialists in the explorers Magellan and Scott.

4. Evaluation:

- To understand general and specific information in both oral and written texts about


- To be able to understand a dialogue between teenagers.

- To handle with new grammatical structures: the past simple affirmative, negative and


- To use properly the prepositions of movement.

- To communicate in a train station.

- To participate in the class as a voluntary person.


1. Description: This unit introduces the different parts of a house.

2. Didactic Objectives:

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- To comprehend general and specific information of oral and written messages about

different experiences.

- To learn new vocabulary related to the house.

- To get a great command on a new verbal tense: the past continuous.

- To ask for and give permission

- To recognize and being able to utter the weak forms: /wəz/,/wə(r)/

- To tell a strange experience or story.

3. Contents

BLOCK 1. Listening, speaking and oral interaction.

Listening: To listen to a scary story that happened in an old house.

Speaking: To act out a dialogue in pairs asking for permission.

BLOCK 2. Writing and reading.

Reading: To understand general and specific information about a text dealing with a

strange experience that took place in London to an Irish boy.

Writing: To write a story following a plan. (To use past tenses )

BLOCK 3: Language Awareness

a) Linguistic competence

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To comprehend general and specific

information of oral and written

messages about strange stories.

Past Continuous Parts of a house

To ask for and give permission Can / Can’t

To describe a strange experience

Pronunciation: weak forms /wəz/,/wə(r)/

b) Reflection over learning

- To be interested in learning new contents appearing on the unit.

- To be interested in participating in the class.

- To be interested in the target language.

- To be interested in other cultures and respect them.

BLOCK 4: Social – cultural awareness

- To find information of The Bermuda Triangle

4. Evaluation:

- To understand general and specific information in both oral and written texts about

different experiences.

- To be able to understand a scary story

- To handle with new grammatical structures: Past Continuous

- To ask for and give permission.

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- To participate in the class as a voluntary person.


1. Description: By means of this unit students are going to learn some issues related to

our world.

2. Didactic Objecticves:

• To understand teacher’s instructions.

• To use the language in order to communicate in class.

• To understand and reproduce oral messages about the natural world and wildlife.

• To be able to distinguish perfectly countable and uncountable nouns.

• To revise the use of some/any and how much/how many…?

• To give advices.

• To write a tourist leaflet.

• To practice phonology: phonemes, rhythm and intonation.

• To differentiate and recognize vowel utterances.

3. Contents:

BLOCK 1. Listening, speaking and oral interaction.

Listening: To listen to a phone conversation between two friends giving advice.

Speaking: To perform a dialogue using the accurate indefinite nouns.

- To formulate advices using the information given in a chart.

BLOCK 2. Writing and reading.

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Reading: To read an article related to the natural world and find specific information to

write the answer for some questions.

Writing: To prepare notes for writing a tourist leaflet.

- To write a tourist leaflet with the help of the notes and a writing plan.

BLOCK 3: Language Awareness

a) Linguistic competence

Topics Functions Structures Vocabulary

Natural world To describe different places


There is/are

Present Simple

Natural features and


Countable and



To distinguish between

countable and uncountable



How much/how many

Containers and




Countries and


places to visit

To write a leaflet

To comprehend tourist


Preparing to write: use

a writing plan

Name of countries and big


Wildlife. Activities

Pronounciation: /ei/, /i/, i:/

b) Reflection over learning

- To be interested in learning new contents appearing on the unit.

- To be interested in participating in the class.

- To be interested in the target language.

- To be interested in other cultures and respect them.

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BLOCK 4: Social – cultural awareness

- To find out about the highest mountain in the world.


1. Description: The main topic of this unit is the introduction of different leisure

activities and the description of the places where it is possible to develop them.

2. Didactic Objectives:

- To comprehend general and specific information of oral and written messages about

different places to go.

- To learn new vocabulary related to food and drink.

- To get a great command of going to and future time expressions.

- To recognize and being able to utter contractions.

- To plan a birthday party.

3. Contents

BLOCK 1. Listening, speaking and oral interaction.

Listening: To listen to a conversation between a group of friends at the swimming pool.

Speaking: To talk about your plans for the next summer.

BLOCK 2. Writing and reading.

Reading: To understand general and specific information about an e-mail dealing with

the invitation to a party.

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Writing: To write an e-mail inviting your friends to your birthday.

BLOCK 3: Language Awareness

a) Linguistic competence




To comprehend general and specific

information of oral and written

messages about different places to


Going to: affirmative,

negative and


Places to go

To plan a party Going to affirmative




To express prohibition Mustn’t

Pronunciation: contractions

b) Reflection over learning

- To be interested in learning new contents appearing on the unit.

- To be interested in participating in the class.

- To be interested in the target language.

- To be interested in other cultures and respect them.

BLOCK 4: Social – cultural awareness

- To research on Food Festivals in Ireland

4. Evaluation:

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- To understand general and specific information in both oral and written texts about

different places to go.

- To be able to understand a dialogue between teenagers

- To handle with new grammatical structures: going to and future time expression and

must / mustn’t

- To plan a party.

- To participate in the class as a voluntary person.


1. Description: This unit suggests a motivating topic for teenagers nowadays:


2. Didactic Objectives:

- To comprehend general and specific information of oral and written messages about


- To learn new vocabulary related to computers and computer studies.

- To get a great command on certain grammatical structures: will and the first


- To practice the stress and rhythm in the sentence

- To write an advertisement for a space colony.

3. Contents

BLOCK 1. Listening, speaking and oral interaction.

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Listening: To listen to an interview with a scientist.

Speaking: To talk in pairs about the advantages and disadvantages of technology.

BLOCK 2. Writing and reading.


a) To read seven advertisements and match them with their headings.


a) To write an advertisement for a space colony .

BLOCK 3: Language Awareness

a) Linguistic competence




To comprehend general and specific

information of oral and written

messages about technology

Will: affirmative,

negative and



Computer Studies

To use paragraphs Future time

expressions Adjectives

Pronunciation: stress and rhythm

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b) Reflection over learning

- To be interested in learning new contents appearing on the unit.

- To be interested in participating in the class.

- To be interested in the target language.

- To be interested in other cultures and respect them.

BLOCK 4: Social – cultural awareness

- To learn about the solar system.

4. Evaluation:

- To understand general and specific information in both oral and written texts about


- To be able to understand an interview.

- To handle with new grammatical structures: will and first conditional.

- To write an advertisement.

- To participate in the class as a voluntary person.


1. Description: This unit focuses on the issue of sports and exercises.

2. Didactic Objectives:

- To use shorts vocabulary, and prepositions included in time expressions.

- To understand written and oral texts of different characteristics.

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- To carry out communicative exchanges using the expressions and dialogues studied in

the unit

- To produce oral and written texts such as interviews with sportsmen and women,

paying particular attention to the subjects of the sentences.

- To work on the present simple negative and interrogative particles.

- To practise the intonation of interrogative expressions.

- To establish a socio-cultural reflection upon a universal theme: the Olympics.

- To assess participation and progress in the learning process.

3. Contents

BLOCK 1. Listening, speaking and oral interaction.

Listening: To complete a form with the information in a recorded text

Speaking: To listen, repeat and translate expressions from a dialogue.

BLOCK 2. Writing and reading.

Reading: To understand general and specific information about a text dealing with an

Australian girl future plans.

Writing: Using notes, to write an interview with a footballer

BLOCK 3: Language Awareness

a) Linguistic competence

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To comprehend general and specific

information of oral and written

messages about sports.

Present simple Sports

To write an interview with a


Negative and

interrogative particles Physical activities

To talk about facts and future plans

Prepositions in time


Pronunciation: /m/, /n/

b) Reflection over learning

- To be interested in learning new contents appearing on the unit.

- To be interested in participating in the class.

- To be interested in the target language.

- To be interested in other cultures and respect them.

BLOCK 4: Social – cultural awareness

- To speak about the Olympics

4. Evaluation:

- To understand general and specific information in both oral and written texts about the


- To revise grammatical structures: negative and interrogative particles.

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- To write an interview.

- To participate in the class as a voluntary person.


1. Description: This unit focuses on holiday places and possible holiday problems.

2. Didactic Objectives:

- To comprehend specific and general information of oral and written messages about

holiday problems.

- To learn new vocabulary related to the topic.

- To carry out communicative exchanges using the expressions and dialogues studied in

the unit.

- To get a great command of certain grammatical structures: Will / Going to

- To practice and be able to utter /a:/

- To locate different geographical areas.

- To assess participation and progress in the learning process.

3. Contents

BLOCK 1. Listening, speaking and oral interaction.

Listening: To listen to a dialogue in which a family talk about their holiday


Speaking: To talk in pair about where they would like to travel.

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BLOCK 2. Writing and reading.

Reading: To understand general and specific information about a text dealing with

holiday problems.

Writing:To produce a piece of writing describing a city.

BLOCK 3: Language Awareness

a) Linguistic competence




To comprehend general and specific

information of oral and written

messages about holiday places.

Future tenses: Will /

Going to

Things for summer


To describe a city Holiday destinations

To express holiday problems travelling

Pronunciation: /a:/

b) Reflection over learning

- To be interested in learning new contents appearing on the unit.

- To be interested in participating in the class.

- To be interested in the target language.

- To be interested in other cultures and respect them.

BLOCK 4: Social – cultural awareness

- To locate different geographical areas

4. Evaluation:

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- To understand general and specific information in both oral and written texts about

holiday problems

- To distinguish between will and going to.

- To describe a city.

- To participate in the class as a voluntary person.


1. Description: This unit will enable students to discover the basic aspects of the law

and order nowadays.

2. Didactic Objectives:

- To comprehend specific and general information of oral and written messages about

the basic aspects of the law and order nowadays.

- To learn new vocabulary related to the topic.

- To carry out communicative exchanges using the expressions and dialogues studied in

the unit.

- To get a great command of certain grammatical structures: The first conditional.

- To practice and be able to utter /i/, /e/

- To investigate on how to prevent crimes.

- To assess participation and progress in the learning process.

3. Contents

BLOCK 1. Listening, speaking and oral interaction.

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Listening: To listen to a piece of news and match newspapers stories with crime


Speaking: To talk in pairs about the most serious ways of committing crime in Spain.

BLOCK 2. Writing and reading.

Reading: To understand general and specific information about a text dealing with the

story of a mysterious graffiti artist.

Writing: To produce a piece of writing explaining in which ways they can help to sop


BLOCK 3: Language Awareness

a) Linguistic competence


Law and


To comprehend general and specific

information of oral and written

messages about crime.

First conditional Crime words

Review of tenses Steal/ Rob

To interact with a partner

Pronunciation: /i/, /e/

b) Reflection over learning

- To be interested in learning new contents appearing on the unit.

- To be interested in participating in the class.

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- To be interested in the target language.

- To be interested in other cultures and respect them.

BLOCK 4: Social – cultural awareness

- To do a research on a famous artist.

4. Evaluation:

- To understand general and specific information in both oral and written texts about


- To use appropriately the first conditional.

- To assimilate and understand new vocabulary.

- To participate in the class as a voluntary person.


1. Description: Teenagers have to be conscious that good habits and a balanced diet are

highly important in their lives. That’s why the topic of food and health is introduced in

this unit.

2. Didactic Objectives:

- To comprehend specific and general information of oral and written messages about

healthy habits.

- To learn new vocabulary related to the topic.

- To carry out communicative exchanges using the expressions and dialogues studied in

the unit.

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- To get a great command of certain grammatical structures: Should / Shouldn’t

- To practice and be able to utter /j/, /y/

- To establish a socio-cultural comparison regarding topics like food.

- To assess participation and progress in the learning process.

3. Contents

BLOCK 1. Listening, speaking and oral interaction.

Listening: To listen to a piece of news and match newspapers stories with crime


Speaking: To talk in pairs about the most serious ways of committing crime in Spain.

BLOCK 2. Writing and reading.

Reading: To understand general and specific information about a text dealing with the

story of a mysterious graffiti artist.

Writing:To produce a piece of writing explaining in which ways they can help to sop


BLOCK 3: Language Awareness

a) Linguistic competence


Food and


To comprehend general and specific

information of oral and written

messages about healthy habits

Review of tenses Eating habits

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To express quantities Plural nouns Food and drink



To give advices Should/Shouldn’t Daily problems

Pronunciation: /j/, /y/

b) Reflection over learning

- To be interested in learning new contents appearing on the unit.

- To be interested in participating in the class.

- To be interested in the target language.

- To be interested in other cultures and respect them.

BLOCK 4: Social – cultural awareness

- To design a map of the English-speaking countries.

4. Evaluation:

- To understand general and specific information in both oral and written texts about

healthy habits and food.

- To handle with new grammatical structures: Should / Shouldn’t

- To assimilate and understand new vocabulary.

- To participate in the class as a voluntary person.


1. Description: In this unit, the students are going to interact with real and imaginary


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2. Didactic Objectives:

- To comprehend specific and general information of oral and written messages about

specific facts.

- To learn new vocabulary related to the topic.

- To carry out communicative exchanges using the expressions and dialogues studied in

the unit.

- To get a great command of certain grammatical structures: must/ mustn’t

- To reinforce the use of the verb tenses.

- To practice intonation.

- To establish a socio-cultural comparison regarding mysterious creatures.

- To assess participation and progress in the learning process.

3. Contents

BLOCK 1. Listening, speaking and oral interaction.

Listening: To listen to a piece of news related to Reinhold Messner and the Yeti.

Speaking: To talk in pairs about the most serious ways of committing crime in Spain.

BLOCK 2. Writing and reading.

Reading: To understand general and specific information about a text dealing with the

Dracula of Bram Stoker.

Writing:To look at Mr Buster’s notes and write his diary.

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BLOCK 3: Language Awareness

a) Linguistic competence


Fact or


To comprehend general and specific

information of oral and written


Review of tenses Mysterious creatures

Must/ Mustn’t

To write a diary Colloquial


Verbs of movement


Pronunciation: intonation

b) Reflection over learning

- To be interested in learning new contents appearing on the unit.

- To be interested in participating in the class.

- To be interested in the target language.

- To be interested in other cultures and respect them.

BLOCK 4: Social – cultural awareness

- To do a research on the curse of Tutankhamen.

4. Evaluation:

- To understand general and specific information in both oral and written texts about

specific facts.

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- To handle with new grammatical structures: Must/ Mustn’t

- To assimilate and understand new vocabulary.

- To participate in the class as a voluntary person.


Before selecting one method to teach English in my classes, an essential

question come to my mind: Which are the objectives of the course? Later on, I design

the sessions according to the competences of the academic year. Even so, I prepare the

didactic unit before the classes begin and in doing so, I choose the best method for each

activity. Nevertheless, it is necessary to point out that in order to get better results, the

method applied in class could vary according to the necessities of the students.

There is not a method that guarantees good results when teaching a language.

Due to this reason, it is necessary to combine more than one: this is to say, an eclectic

method. In this particular case, students still have not a great command on the language

so I try to use as much as possible the Communicative approach in my classes. From my

point of view it is the most effective one when teaching students attending their 2nd

year of E.S.O. Although this method affirms that translation is not allowed, I would

make an exception and I will translate whenever students require it. In doing so, I will

avoid students’ frustration and it will facilitate them to develop their own strategies.

The Communicative Approach. Method is also known as the Natural Method.

To me, by means of the latter name it is perfectly understood what the main objectives

of this process of acquiring the language are. It is to say, to learn the target language as

a vehicle for communication, not just as an object of study. Moreover, we do not have

to fail to remember that I have the collaboration of native speakers in my classes as

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often as it is possible. By means of this fact, learners are aware of the use of the

language for real purposes.

Apart from providing enough practice to the whole class, it is necessary to take

into account that not all the learners have the same characteristics. There are low-

learners and fast-finishers. Because of that, I have designed different sort of activities

in order to attend the diversity of students. It is to say, reinforcement and extension


Dealing with the activities, I introduce each learning task with the necessary

instructions and I guide the activities in every single session. In addition to this, as the

main purpose of my classes is communication, I encourage students to speak

whenever it is possible. In doing so, I introduce a great variety of activities. In addition

to this, I introduce grammar rules or vocabulary but I also teach how to use them.

Finally, I support and control the practice.

It is highly important to emphasize that there is a combination of the four skills

from the very beginning: Speaking, Listening, Writing and Reading. They are

regarded and taken into account in every day lessons.

With the aim of motivating students, not all the classes have the same kind of

activities as well as the same classroom interaction. During the course six different

types of communication are promoted: T – S, T – Ss, S - Ss, S - S , S – T and T - S. F

Furthermore, students do not always work in the same way. Every lesson

includes work in diverse arrangements: individually, in pairs and in small groups. In

order to facilitate dynamic sessions there are movable desks, a remarkable fact to take

into account.

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5.1 Activities

Taking into account the great diversity of students, I present a variety of

activities in order to facilitate the process of acquiring the language. Not all of them

learn in the same way and due to this reason I am not going to use an only kind of

activity. By means of the different styles of activities, I try to emphasize the same

contents but paying attention to the way of acquiring the knowledge.

Moreover, it is necessary to point out that sometimes the session will include

listening, grammar, speaking, reading or vocabulary activities. Due to the time of the

class, it is not possible to pay attention to all the types of exercises but all of them are

included in the plan of the didactic unit. For instance, sometimes students are going to

perform a dialogue, do reading-comprehension activity or we make use of drills, filling

the gaps, matching activities…


6.1 In the official curriculum

→ To understand the overall meaning and specific information of oral texts delivered by

a speaker, or via different media sources, about familiar topics.

→ To participate with increasing autonomy in conversations or simulations related to

personal experiences, plans and projects, employing simple structures, expressions most

often used in social relationships, and sufficiently correct pronunciation in order

successfully to communicate

→ To grasp the general and specific meaning of different written texts, adapted and

original, of varying length and appropriate to their age, demonstrating comprehension

via a specific activity.

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→ To write diverse supervised texts in different formats, using appropriate structures,

simple connectors and vocabulary, paying attention to form and obeying basic rules of

spelling and punctuation so the reader understands them and they are reasonably


→ To use the knowledge acquired regarding the linguistic system of the target language,

in different communication contexts, as a tool for learning and correcting one’s own

oral and written output and to understand that of others.

→ To identify, use and explain orally certain basic strategies used to progress in


→ To use under supervision information and communication technology to find

information, produce messages using models and to establish personal relationships,

showing interest in their use.

→ To identify certain cultural or geographical features particular to the countries and

cultures where the target language is spoken and show interest in learning them.

6.2 In my teaching programme

In my teaching programme, assessment focuses on the individual learner and in

my own way of teaching. In fact, it is carried out with the aim of knowing if students

are achieving success in the second language acquisition. Therefore, we could be aware

of the content that it is necessary to review if the method is as effective as we desire.

That’s why assessment is so significant in the process of learning. On the whole, the

following three main issues should be answered.

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� What to evaluate?

First of all, through each unit students will be evaluated on specific contents and

vocabulary. Actually, it is important to check daily the efforts of the students in their

notebooks and class attitude because we are in charge of their learning progresses.

� How to evaluate?

In short, initiative, formative and global assessment will be carried out. Firstly,

the initiative test will help to establish the starting point of the classes because by means

of it, it would be possible to check students’ previous knowledge. Secondly, direct

observation in daily activities and practices will help to test students ‘progression.

Thirdly, global assessment will be done utilizing a final exam.

� When to evaluate?

As previously said, exams are important in order to check students‘ progression.

Exams will be distributed as follows: On the one hand, a diagnostic test will be given at

the very beginning of the course. On the other hand, students will take a test at the very

end of it in order to check their progression. Apart from that, a single test per term will

be given to the students because it is necessary to test their acquisition of the

correspondent contents.

6.2.1 Students’ mark criteria

It is necessary to point out the specific criteria of evaluation. The written part

will be 80% of the final mark and the rest of the percentage will be the homework and

the attitude in class.

- Grammar: 30%

- Writing: 20%

- Reading 15%

- Listening 15%

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- The remaining percentage, 25%, will be given by:

- Attitude and direct observation in class: 10%

- Homework: 5%

- Oral tests: 10%

6.2.3 Extraordinary Tests and Pending assessment

When evaluating extraordinary tests, only written tests will be taken into account

and the final mark will be divided into the following way:

- Grammar: 40%

- Writing: 20%

- Reading: 20%

- Listening: 20%

7. Attention to diversity

As I have already said, my class is made up of thirty students. Outwardly, the

class is highly homogeneous but we do not have to fail to remember that these students

make use of dissimilar learning strategies when acquiring the language. For this reason,

the introduction of different types of exercises is required; therefore, contents are

introduced by means of a huge variety of activities. Hence, we do not focus only on one

type of learners but we attend the diversity of learning styles in the class.

On the one hand, there are some students who might need some extra help or

reinforcement in the contents because they do not follow the rhythm of the class or

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because they have failed. To aid them with the acquisition of the language, I have

prepared some alternative exercises. Fortunately, this subject gives the chance to design

activities according to the level of the learners. For this reason, low-learners will not

tackle an obstacle in their process of learning and this fact will prompt their self-


On the other hand, some students may need extra work because they do

activities faster than their mates. For this reason, it is necessary to avoid them to get

bored and help them to develop their skills. In doing so, I have prepared some handouts

with extra exercises in advance.

Finally, there are students coming from other countries in the class.

Nevertheless, some of these learners present a lack of basic English knowledge. Thus,

it is a little bit complex for them to follow the rhythm of the lessons. Due to this fact,

specific learning programs are required in order to facilitate their integration in the

class and reach their mates’ level.

3. Development of my didactic unit

This didactic unit is a part of my programming and will be developed in the

following excerpt:

1. Title: Our World

2. Unit correspondence: This unit is planned for the second term of the academic year.

Being more precise, the book is divided into nine chapters and if the circumstances

allow it, three chapters of the book are devoted to each three - month period.

Accordingly, this one corresponds to the fourth and fifth week of April. In previous unit

learners had been studying both past and present continuous. Due to this reason this unit

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is placed in this position. It is aimed at revising the previous contents and reinforce the

use of the present and past tenses. Moreover, some new grammar points are introduced:

Countable and Uncountable Nouns, Should and Shouldn’t.

3. Justification: By means of this unit, students are going to learn vocabulary related to

nature. It is not a complex topic and due to this reason I am going to introduce them

additional expressions in order to complete it. In addition to this, as the course goes on,

the complexity of the units will be highly noticeable. In addition to this, it is better to

start with simple contents and increase its difficulty as time goes by because students

will be more confident when using the second language.


• To understand teacher’s instructions.

• To use the language in order to communicate in class.

• To understand and reproduce oral messages about the natural world and wildlife.

• To be able to distinguish perfectly countable and uncountable nouns.

• To revise the use of some/any and how much/how many…?

• To give advices.

• To write a tourist leaflet.

• To practice phonology: phonemes, rhythm and intonation.

• To differentiate and recognize vowel utterances.

5. Key Competences:

• Competence in Linguistic Communication: English as a tool of


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• Digital competence and Information Management: Students, via the target

language, create real and functional communication contexts using new

information and communication technology.

• Social and civic competences: As learning a language implies the knowledge

of social features and cultural aspects linked to speakers of the language and

which may be studied in parallel fashion in the unit.

- Environmental education: reflection upon our natural habitat and how we

should preserve it

- Moral and civic education: reflection upon the value of working together, both

on a daily basis and in great historic achievements.

• Cultural awareness and expression: Linguistic output contains artistic and

cultural components.

• Learning to learn: Students reflect upon and increase personal initiative

expressing an opinion on different questions and learn to manage their resources

via different learning techniques.

6. Contents

� Table of contents

Topics Functions Structures Vocabulary

The natural


To describe different



There is/are

Natural landscapes and


Page 61: Teaching vocabulary through code mixing and transformation


To distinguish

between countable

and uncountable



How much/how



Studies To give advices Should/Shouldn’t Wild forests

Countries and


places to visit


To write and

comprehend tourist

Present Simple

Present Continuous

Name of countries and

big cities

Phonology /i:/, /i/, /ai/, /ə/

� Content blocks

- Block 1: Listening

To listen to a description of a natural landscape. They will have to complete

missing information.

- Block 2: Speaking

- To describe animals and natural environments.

- To formulate advices in order to prevent wildfires.

- Block 3: Reading

- To read an article related to the natural world and find specific information.

- Block 4: Writing

To prepare notes for writing a tourist leaflet.

7. Assessment:

� The What

• To assess the acquisition of grammatical structures and vocabulary of the unit.

• To assess oral and written communication about the topic of the unit.

• To be able to write a tourist leaflet.

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• To be able to describe different places.

� The How

• Direct Observation.

• Daily assessment: activities and practices to check student progression, their

participation in class and their daily homework.

� The When

• Exam at the end of each unit and a final exam.

8. Timing

• 4 sessions per week

• 8 sessions per unit

• 50 minutes per session

9. Materials

During the development of this didactic unit, I am going to use the blackboard to

explain grammatical aspects as well as the computer, the overhead projector and

handouts. The CD player for the listening activities and the student’s book and

workbook to carry out the different exercises. If it is necessary we will use dictionaries

in order to solve our linguistic doubts. Language assistance will be provided in every

moment of the development of the class.

10. Teaching - learning activities

At this point, I will show a display of my 8 lessons plans. I will do it by means

of charts including the description of the activities, the time devoted to each one, the

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main skills that are going to be put into practice and the kind of interaction and the

material used for each activity.

Unit 7: “Our World” Group: 2º E.S.O. Lesson Plan: 1 Timing: 50´


Introduction 4 min.


Call the roll



Writing T-S Blackboard

Warming up 6 min

Students ask some

questions related to the

topic of the unit: Do you

like the natural world? How

often do you go to the

countryside? Do you prefer

the mountains or the

countryside? Why?

Students learn vocabulary

related to the topic.

Speaking T-S Blackboard




15 min

Students listen the exercises

CD with the vocabulary and

students repeat it. I make

sure that students learn the

correct pronunciation.

Students watch some

images related to the natural

world. Then, students

match the words with the

pictures. A student read

aloud the correct answers.


Writing T-S






activity 13 min

Students do a vocabulary

exercise. Main instructions

are given. Students

complete it individually and

I make sure everybody

understands it.

Writing T-S




Grammar 12 min

Students learn different

prepositions. I use the

blackboard and I give them

several examples.


Speaking T-S



Page 64: Teaching vocabulary through code mixing and transformation


Unit 7: “Our World” Group: 2º E.S.O. Lesson Plan: 2 Timing: 50´


Introduction 4 min.


Call the roll



Writing T-S Blackboard


exercises 5 min

Before reading the text,

students reads the questions

related to it. Afterwards,

two students read it aloud.


Writing T-S



Reading 20 min

Students listen the story

three times. Three students

read it aloud.

I make sure students

understand the story and the



Listening S-Ss




exercises 12 min

Students answer the

exercises. I walk around the

class in order to help them.


Writing Individually Textbook


exercises 5 min

Some students read aloud

their answer. I use the

blackboard in order to give

some feedback.


Speaking T-S



Homework 4 min

Students are asked for

doing some homework. I

make sure Ss understand

what they have to do

Speaking T-S Textbook

Unit 7: “Our World” Group: 2º E.S.O. Lesson Plan: 3 Timing: 50´


Introduction 4 min. Greetings

Call the roll




T-S Blackboard



5 min Five students read aloud

their answers. I provide

some feedback on the


Speaking T-S




Grammar point 14 min Students learn a new

grammar point. Countable

and Uncountable nouns.



T-S Blackboard


Page 65: Teaching vocabulary through code mixing and transformation




12 min In pairs, students do the





Ss-Ss Textbook



5 min Students read aloud their

answer and try to give

reasons according to

grammar rules.

Speaking T-S




Pronunciation 10 min Students practice intonation

repeating sentences

Speaking S-Ss CD


Unit 7: “Our World” Group: 2º E.S.O. Lesson Plan: 4 Timing: 50´


Introduction 4 min Greetings

Call the roll




T-S Blackboard

Warming up 6 min I project some images and

students say if they are

countable or uncountable


Speaking T-S




Reading 15 min I ask some students to read

a tourist leaflet aloud. After

that they have to answer

some questions individually

and in pairs.










Correcting the


5 min A pair of students read their

answers aloud.




S-Ss Textbook


Preparing to


15 min Some structures are given

to students in order to write

a tourist leaflet.

I explain them what is a


We write an example in

class. I ask them to interact

with me.





T-S Textbook




Homework 5 min Students are asked to write

a tourist leaflet as


Speaking T -S Blackboard

Page 66: Teaching vocabulary through code mixing and transformation


Unit 7: “Our World” Group: 2º E.S.O. Lesson Plan: 5 Timing: 50´


Introduction 4 min.


Call the roll



Writing T-S Blackboard

Collect the

projects 3 min

I have to check that

everybody has done the

tourist leaflet.


point: giving


38 min

Students copy a dialogue

and complete it in their


Students listen it several

times and check it.

Students underline some


I project the dialog. I read it

and all the students repeat it

after me. (three times).

They learn it by heart.

Role play and disappearing


Students change the

problems of the dialog by

others that I provide on the

power point.












Homework 5 min Some grammar exercises

are asked for homework Speaking T-S



Unit 7: “Our World” Group: 2º E.S.O. Lesson Plan: 6 Timing: 50´


Introduction 4 min.


Call the roll



Writing T-S Blackboard

Page 67: Teaching vocabulary through code mixing and transformation



Exercises and

warming up

15 min

Some students read aloud

their answer and I make

sure everybody knows how

to give advices.

Speaking T-S Workbook



revision and


10 min

Students watch some

pictures and they copy what

they see in their notebook.

Students say the words

aloud and I copy them on

the blackboard.

Students classify the words

according to their vowel












Video 26 min

A video related to the unit

is played. By means of it,

students reinforce grammar

and vocabulary .

Listening Overhead


Unit 7: “Our World” Group: 2º E.S.O. Lesson Plan: 7 Timing: 50´

A language assistant helps me to teach this lesson due to its great

amount of oral contents.


Introduction 4 min.


Call the roll



Writing T-S




Warming up 7 min In pairs, students have to do

a shopping list. Speaking Ss-S





revision 25 min

A handout is given to

students. I make sure that

everybody understands the

grammar points of the unit.

Writing Individually




10 min Some students are asked to

read the exercises aloud. Speaking T-S




Page 68: Teaching vocabulary through code mixing and transformation


Pronunciation 4 min I write a list of

mispronounced words on

the blackboard. I read it and

they have to repeat it.


Speaking T-S




Unit 7: “Our World” Group: 2º E.S.O. Lesson Plan: 8 Timing: 50´

4. Research Project

After developing my didactic programming, I have realized that it is necessary to

improve the way of teaching vocabulary in class. That’s why I have decided to research

on two vocabulary techniques. By means of this paper, it is attempted to find out if

translation is a good technique in order to teach vocabulary. Making it clear, two

translation techniques are presented: code-mixing and transformation. The project

mainly consists of five parts which are the introduction, review of the literature,

research questions, methodology and timing.

1. Introduction

To start with, I find it necessary to state the importance of learning all the skills

in which a language can be divided into. However, if we are really interested in



50 min

I hand out the exam.





Individually Handout

� I will present the final exam that I have designed for the pupils at the end of the project in

the Appendix I.

Page 69: Teaching vocabulary through code mixing and transformation


acquiring a great command of the second language, the most important trait to take into

account will be vocabulary. As Michel Lewis (2008:8) states “the single most important

task facing language learners is acquiring sufficiently large vocabulary.”

In this way, it is possible to attach importance to the fact of teaching vocabulary

in English classes. Due to this reason, I am highly interested in doing my research on

the use of translation when teaching vocabulary to students attending the 2nd

year of

E.S.O. This paper aims at finding out if translation is an effective way for teaching

vocabulary and more precisely, code-mixing and transformation. In addition to this fact,

if by means of these techniques, we could help students to develop their lexical


On the one hand, we all know that the desirable technique when teaching a

second language would not include translation. Nevertheless, most of times this

avoidance is unachievable when teaching students attending their initial course at high

school. They are starting a new period not only in their academic career but also in their

personal experience. Consequently, we should be aware of the hard stage learners go

through. In addition to this, classrooms generally are made up of almost 30 students and

not all of them have the same level in the second language. As a result of all these

factors and as far as my experience is concerned, it is highly difficult to teach

vocabulary. Indeed, when teaching vocabulary by means of different activities (pictures,

contrast, paraphrasing) most of students do not pay attention to instructions because

they assume that they are not capable of guessing the meaning of the word. In like

manner, if one of the learners guesses the meaning, he would probably translate the

word into their mother tongue aloud and our efforts would be a waste of time. Apart

Page 70: Teaching vocabulary through code mixing and transformation


from that, we will have spent much time of our teaching hours unnecessarily because

there are not positive results.

On the other hand, as translation is going to be used in the class when teaching

vocabulary, it is necessary to search out which translation method would be the best for

this purpose. In this way, we will find some solutions to the gap that exists between

students and their passivity for acquiring new words. In fact, it is known that most

students only want to be given the translation of the word into their mother tongue.

Therefore, I suggest problem-solving activities to students with the aim of getting them

involved in vocabulary tasks. In that case, I propose to analyze two different techniques

in order to be aware of which one is the most effectual. These techniques are code-

mixing and transformation.

Summing up, my research will include two different translation techniques. One

of them will be presented to the whole class. The other one will be introduced to a

second group of students. After that, the different results will be analyzed and we could

check if these innovative procedures for teaching vocabulary are really effective or not.

To begin with, a great number of researchers have carried out a lot of

investigation dealing with the issue of vocabulary. Therefore, it is necessary to revise

the literature related to it because it could help us in the identification of the research

gap. Then, we could start to investigate on the problem.

2. Review of the literature

When communicating in another language it is highly important to know a wide

variety of vocabulary in order to use the suitable word in each situation. In doing so,

you can keep a conversation without any difficulty and you do not get frustrated in your

Page 71: Teaching vocabulary through code mixing and transformation


attempt of doing it. That’s why we have to bear in mind an important fact: although

grammar rules are indispensable for managing the language perfectly, it is likely to

mistake in the right verbal tense or form when being a beginner. Nevertheless, a

remarkable statement to point out is that the receptor can understand the message. The

reason is that the perfect lexicon has been employed and this fact provides with

rationality to the conversation. As a result, it is possible to appreciate the power of

vocabulary. Due to this reason a great number of experts have researched on this topic.

Firstly, we as teachers, should facilitate the hard process of incorporating new

words to our students mental dictionary. Clearing up, it is necessary to define what is

understood by mental lexicon. Clearing it up, it can be defined as the way words ‘settle’

in a person’s mind depending to particular sets of semantic relations.

Secondly, introducing vocabulary learning strategies in the ELT curriculum is

crucial in order to guide our students in their acquisition of new words. As I am aiming

at introducing new styles of learning vocabulary in class, we should be aware of the

importance of knowing our students’ language learning strategies (O’Malley et al.,

1985). Furthermore, the understanding of the vocabulary should be highlighted when

learning a word and taken it into account for applying the accurate vocabulary strategy.

In addition to this idea, of J. Nattinger (In Carter & McCarthy, 1988: 62) affirms that:

Comprehension of vocabulary relies on strategies that permit one to understand words

and store them, to commit them to memory, that is, while production concerns strategies

that activate one’s storage by retrieving these words from memory, and by using them

in appropriate situations.

Thirdly, we have to be aware that as time goes by, our learners will

progressively be conscious of the better strategies for them. It is to say that they build

Page 72: Teaching vocabulary through code mixing and transformation


up their own learning style and it can vary depending on their interests. For instance, the

place where they are studying. Nevertheless, during the first year of their lives as

students at secondary education we have to help them to develop their own strategies

because it is highly decisive for their academic formation. Taking into account the

strategy classification of O'Malley et al.(1985), I have selected one of their cognitive

strategies. This cognitive strategy is translation.

Straightway, let’s define the term translation in agreement with the

aforementioned authors (1985): “using the first language as a basis for understanding

and/or producing the L2.” However, when you become an experienced learner you are

able to develop the L2 as a separate system. Taking everything into consideration, it

must be pointed out that language acquisition begins with word learning rather than

syntax activation. At this point, one question probably comes to our mind, what does

learning vocabulary mean? Using Wilkins ‘words (1972:133) “Learning vocabulary is

learning how words relate to external reality and how they relate to one another.”

Direct vocabulary teaching is a common component of the second language

classes. The majority of times, it is believed that translation is not a good technique. As

Harmer(1991 quoted in Celik’article 2003:362 ) notes down “the use of translation can

be an easy and quick way of presenting vocabulary, but warns that it may discourage

students from interacting with words.”

In addition to this, if we manage students to get involved actively in the task of

guessing the meaning of words, their attitude and acquisition of new vocabulary would

improve noticeably. When dealing with vocabulary activities in class, students’ most

common attitudes embrace two different options. Some of them go to the back of the

book where there is a glossary with the most important words of each unit. Meanwhile,

Page 73: Teaching vocabulary through code mixing and transformation


the other part of the teenagers only expect to hear the translation of the word into their

mother tongue. These students do not use any vocabulary strategies and they do not

seem to be interested in acquiring them. That’s why I have thought of code-mixing and

transformation when teaching vocabulary. These techniques are not commonly used and

it can stimulate students in the process of constructing their mental lexicon. By means

of it, interactive exercises of translation are employed in class.

Broadly speaking, code-mixing is a useful technique to introduce target

vocabulary items. Using Celik’s words (2003: 361) “code-mixing is a phenomenon in

which a word of an expression from one language is used in a group of words whose

structure belongs to another language” This practice is commonly used among bilingual

and immigrant communities. In order to give reasons to apply code-mixing in our

lessons, it is enough to think about how bilingual children are grown up. At the very

beginning the kid mixes in a single word the morphemes of the two languages.

However, as time goes by these children can differentiate both systems perfectly and

they can speak fluently both languages. Decidedly, one language supports the other and

this combination helps to create messages and understand them.

Dealing with this issue, I consider it highly important to differentiate between

code-mixing and code-switching. Whereas the former just introduces one word in the

context of the other language, the later includes complete sentences from both

languages followed each other.

3. Aims and Rationale

I have decided to focus my project on finding out the results of an unusual

technique for introducing new words into the second language classes. The reason

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consists in the importance of learning vocabulary in order to get a great command of the

second language. In doing so, previously I have taken into account students’ tendency to

translate every single word when dealing with vocabulary activities. Afterwards, I

propose to make use of both code-mixing and transformation to increase learners’

strategies and motivation when acquiring further terms.

As I have said, language is based on vocabulary and for this reason, the

justification of this topic is quite simple. Firstly, when young people initiate their

studies at secondary education undergo a great change in their process of acquiring

knowledge. Apart from developing their own learning style, students attending the 2nd

year of E.S.O become conscious of their need for developing their mental lexicon in

order to express their ideas in a foreign language. Far and away, we have to make clear

to our students that learning a word is more than getting to know its meaning.

Therefore, I find it interesting to introduce both techniques of code-mixing and

transformation with the purpose of improving students ‘acquisition of vocabulary and

let them know how to contextualize words.

Regarding my aims, firstly I want to find out if translation and more accurately,

code-mixing and transformation are good techniques for teaching vocabulary. Secondly,

it is also my goal to check if students develop easier their mental lexicon by means of

these procedures. Finally, my immediate aim is to develop learners ‘vocabulary


Page 75: Teaching vocabulary through code mixing and transformation


4. Research questions

• Is it effective to use translation when teaching vocabulary to students attending

the 1st year of E.S.O?

• Is it effective to use transformation?

• Is it effective to use code-mixing?

• If these techniques are effective, which is the best one?

• Do students increase their lexicon through code-mixing? And through


5. Methodology

5.1 Type of Study

The methodology of my project is based on Experimental study. The reason is

that it is necessary three groups in order to carry out this research. One of the groups

will be the control group and this group of students will learn vocabulary as usual. The

other two groups will learn vocabulary through the proposed techniques. Therefore, it

would be possible to evaluate if students get good results when learning vocabulary

through translation or on the contrary, they maintain the same result. Moreover,

concerning the analysis of the data, some statistics are required with the aim of

examining the results. I will give students four different exams and after that, I will

determine if the manipulated classes have achieved the desired results.

5.1.2 Working Definitions

Following I focus on defining what code-mixing and transformation is:

Page 76: Teaching vocabulary through code mixing and transformation

72 Code-mixing

“Code-mixing is a phenomenon in which a word or a expression from one

language is used in a group of words whose structure belongs to another distinct

language” (Waurdaugh 1990: 104 quoted in Mehmet Celik article) Transformation

“A process by which an element is the underlying logical deep structure of a

sentence is converted to an element in the surface structure” (Oxford online dictionary)

5.2 Informants

In order to carry out this innovation proposal, I have decided to choose a high

school. It is situated in a rural area not far from the capital of the province. This piece of

information is highly important for being precise when analyzing the results of the

research. Without any doubts, the outcome of the learners is not the same due to the

features of the learners. Due to this reason, let’s start by studying the characteristics of

the learners that are attending this centre.

On the one hand, students living in different villages go to this high school.

However different they may seem, they share common traits related to the academic

field . The most relevant ones for our study are those that are going to be enumerated

next. Firstly, these are middle class students whose families and not highly literate.

Secondly, most of these folk have a great stability concerning their economical life. The

reason is that most families own their land and due to this fact only a low percentage

suffers unemployment. Because of this favorable circumstances students have particular

teachers when required. Dealing with psycho-pedagogical characteristics, there is not

Page 77: Teaching vocabulary through code mixing and transformation


any student that stands out among the others. So, it is possible to state that the level of

students is homogeneous.

After describing briefly the characteristics of the students, I am going to specify

the three groups that I have selected for carrying out the research. As stated before, the

age of the informants is around 13 and 14 because they are attending the 2nd

year of

E.S.O. Moreover, these three groups are composed by 30 students each one. Half of

them are boys and the other part girls. The headmaster tries to gather learners according

to their level.

As far as the study is concerned, one of the groups will learn vocabulary as they

do normally in class. It is to say, by means of the activities that the teacher usually uses.

For instance, covering the books’ tasks and acquiring them by their own learning

strategies. Particularly, in the classrooms - based studies words will be presented by

means of the two vocabulary techniques. In one group, vocabulary will be introduced

only by code-mixing and on the other one only by transformation.

5.3 Gathering Instruments

In order to gather information about my students’ knowledge on vocabulary it is

necessary for them to fulfil a diagnostic test. By means of it, we will be aware of

students’ level on vocabulary. The test designed for this purpose is an integrative test

and more accurately, a cloze test. If students want to take the test successfully, they

have to demonstrate control over several parts of the language. Put in other words, they

have to understand the whole context in order to note down the correct words. This type

of exam is highly recommendable for testing vocabulary. After gathering the results, I

Page 78: Teaching vocabulary through code mixing and transformation


could state if students have a similar level of vocabulary. Then, we can carry on with the

next step in our investigation.

In addition to this, we do not have to fail to remember what knowing a word

means. Put in other words, vocabulary is not just to know the meaning of words. (see

appendix 2) In doing so, we have to bear in mind the distinction between Receptive and

Productive Knowledge. In order to understand it better, I am going to use Kamil’s and

Hiebert’s definitions (2009: 2) “Receptive vocabulary includes words that we recognize

when we hear or see whereas productive vocabulary includes words that we use when

we speak or write”. In fact, words are presented in two different ways orally and


Before ending the fist term of the academic year, students will be tested again

and I can be checking if there are differences in vocabulary learning among the different

groups. In short, I will know if students are improving their level on vocabulary and if it

is possible to appreciate any difference in the groups ‘results.

At the end of the second three-month period, students will be given the same test

but including more words according to the new units. Therefore, we will know if

students remind the previous words and are included the new ones to their mental


In the last test, it will possible to know if the same students learn better

vocabulary through code-mixing or transformation or without any specific technique.

Furthermore, more outcomes will be given. Students will let us see if they still

remember all the words that have acquired during the preceding months. In doing so,

Page 79: Teaching vocabulary through code mixing and transformation


we can compare results and answer the research questions. In fact, I could state which

technique is the most accurate one when teaching vocabulary.

5.4 Procedure

As I have said, before starting to carry out the research, it is necessary to check

students ‘level on vocabulary. When having the results, it is time to begin with the


During the first three-month period, one of the groups is going to learn

vocabulary by means of code-mixing. Clearing it up, the teacher tells a story in the L2

but essential words are said in the L1. On one hand, key words are presented in the

mother tongue during the first part of the story. On the other hand, the rest of the

narration is told in the second language. In doing so, L1 vocabulary is replaced by their

equivalents in the foreign language. Due to this fact, students learn the form, position,

function and meaning of words. From my point of view, code-mixing is a good

technique because students activate their mental lexicon. The teacher who uses this

technique has an important responsibility. The reason is that the instructor is in charge

of preparing a story according to the level of students and including the vocabulary that

is required in the unit. Moreover, the teacher gives a handout to the students with the

pictures of the words that they have to learn. In doing so, students get familiarized with

the word. Finally, students do the vocabulary activities of the book on their own in order

to reinforce their knowledge. The teacher checks these exercises, not aloud. (see

appendix 2 & 3)

The second group during the same period is going to learn vocabulary through

transformation. The teacher provides students with complex sentences in the L1 and

they have to convert it into a simple one. After that, they have to translate it. By means

Page 80: Teaching vocabulary through code mixing and transformation


of this technique, students face a problem-solving activity. They do not know most of

the vocabulary so they have to look it up in the dictionary. Therefore, students are aware

of all the features concerning the word. Finally, the translation is said aloud in order to

practice pronunciation. (see appendix 4)

Finally, the third group is going to learn vocabulary as usual without any

specific technique. Nevertheless, it is highly important to point out that translation is not

allowed in these lessons. After that, students have to learn vocabulary by means of

exercises such as filling the gaps, odd one out or matching words with their definitions.

Meanwhile, the teacher has to use synonyms, antonyms or paraphrase the word when

solving students ‘doubts.

5.5 Data Analysis

After collecting the data, results will be introduced into a database to enable

data analysis to be carried out. First, tests are analyzed separately. Put in other words,

we are going to analyze the vocabulary level of each group of students taking into

account their technique of instruction. An easy technique to compare the results

obtained in the tests is to create a graph in an Excel document After that, it will be

possible to calculate the average level of each group. Therefore, this graph will enable

us to compare the results and obtain the correspondent decisions through this visual

application. Then, we could answer our research questions.

5.6 Timing

On the one hand, this research is proposed for an academic year. On the other

hand, these two groups of students are going to be taught vocabulary through code-

mixing or transcription during two three-month periods. During the last three months of

Page 81: Teaching vocabulary through code mixing and transformation


the course, vocabulary is going to be presented as the teacher used to do it before

applying these procedures. (see Appendix 4)

6. Conclusion.

After finishing my period of trainee I have realized that there is a latent need of

the students to learn vocabulary. However, there is a reluctance for most of them to

acquire new words because they do not show any kind of effort. Due to this fact, I have

research on two techniques based on translation to support the implementation of new


It is worthy to say that I look forward to encourage the students through these

two new techniques. Furthermore, the activities are not in the book so the students have

to follow my instructions all time in order to complete the exercises. Secondly, they are

responsible of the translation of the key words, in other words, the students gain

importance in the activities so they become more active in their learning processes.

Finally, students will increase their learning strategies since they are learning how to

learn vocabulary from different manner at the same time that the students’ performance

become more satisfactory.

In addition to this, students can memorize better new vocabulary if they

remember particular situations that they had faced previously. It is to say that they

establish some mental links when learning vocabulary and it facilitates their acquisition.

I find it necessary to point out that new ways of presenting vocabulary increase students

‘motivation. Therefore, they put more efforts in these activities.

Page 82: Teaching vocabulary through code mixing and transformation


5. References

- Chen, Y. (2007) “Learning to learn: the impact of strategy training” OXFORD

U1IVERSITY PRESS. 61/1, 20 – 29. (Retrieved 16th


- Hunston, S. et al. (1997) “Grammar and vocabulary: showing the connections”

OXFORD U1IVERSITY PRESS. 51/3, 208 -216. (Retrieved 16th


- Griffiths, C. (2007) “Language learning strategies: students ‘and teachers’

perceptions” OXFORD U1IVERSITY PRESS. 61/2, 91-99. (Retrieved 16th


- Hiebert, H. &Kamil, M (2005) “Bringing research to practice” TAYLOR & FRA1CIS.

(retrieved google books, 16th


- Mehmet, C. (2003) “Teaching vocabulary through code-mixing” ELT JOUR1AL.

57/4, 361 - 369. (Retrieved 16th


- O’Malley, J. et al. (1985) “Learning strategies used by beginning and intermediate

ESL students” LA1GUAGE LEAR1I1G. 35/1, 21-46. (Retrieved 16th



- Wilkins, D. (1972) “Linguistics in language teaching” London, Edward Arnold.


- Dignen, S. (2009) Move On, Oxford University Press.

- Reilly P. (2007) Spotlight, Oxford.


- Ley Orgánica 2/2006, de 3 de mayo, de Educación

- Real Decreto 1631/2006, de 29 de diciembre, por el que se establecen las enseñanzas

mínimas correspondientes a la Educación Secundaria Obligatoria.

- Decreto 23/2007, de 27 de abril, por el que se establece el Currículo de la Educación

Secundaria Obligatoria de la Comunidad Autónoma de La Rioja

Page 83: Teaching vocabulary through code mixing and transformation



B. Complete the sentences:

1. Dolphins live in the ___________________.

2. At the ___________________ you can sit in the sun or go swimming in the sea.

3. Between two mountains, there’s a ___________________.

4. The Thames is a famous ___________________ in London.

5. Everest is the highest ___________________ in the world.

6. Embalse de Almendra is a ___________________ in Spain.

7. Ibiza is an ___________________ in Spain.

8. Early in the morning, the ___________________ is often red.


C. Read the sentences. Then write advice using should or shouldn’t.

1. There’s a bull over there. (go that way)

2. This bread is old. (eat it)

3. She doesn’t understand this question. (ask her teacher)

4. This river is dangerous. (go swimming)

5. My uncle doesn’t feel very well.(see a doctor)

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D. Correct the mistakes.

1. I have breads for breakfast.

2. Do you like a cheese?

3. I’ve got a lot of homeworks this weekend.

4. There wasn’t some electricity at the campsite.

5. I’ve got a apple in my rucksack.

6. There were any interesting animals.

7. Did you buy some souvenirs!

8. I took some photos of the lions.

E. Complete the questions and answer. Use the information in the table.

Residents ν

Tourists ν ν ν

Litter ν ν ν

Traffic ν

1. How ___________ residents are there in your town?

There ______________________________________.

2. How ___________ tourists are there in August?

There ______________________________________.

3. How ___________ litter is there?

There ______________________________________.

4. How ___________ traffic is there?

There ______________________________________.

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F. Listen to the dialogue and choose the correct answer.

1. Kirstie’s birthday is on:

a) Sunday b) Saturday

2. Hannah thinks Alex should buy:

a) a t-shirt b) a CD

3. Kirstie’s favourite singer is:

a) Ricky Martin b)Dido

4. Hannah thinks Alex should:

a) make a CD b) make a cake

5. They could make the cake at:

a) Alex’s house b) Hanna’s house


E. Choose a region of your country and write a tourist leaflet about it. Brainstorm

your ideas before you start to write.

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G. Act out your dialogue. Use the ideas in the box to help you or use your own.

Ideas for A Ideas for B

exam tomorrow

a bad led

not go to the party/ do some revision

not play football/ watch TV

A: Hi … How?

A: Oh What’s …?

A: I don’t think… I think….

B: Not…

B: ….

B: You’re ….

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The Eden Project

The Eden Project opened in 2000 in Cornwall, in the south-west of England, and it’s a

great place to visit. This place has got an enormous jardín. This garden has got the

world’s biggest invernadero. This greenhouse is fifity metres high. If you visit the

Eden Project you’ll learn about the importance of plantas. People need plants for food,

clothes, and medicines. But we also need plants to respirar! If we don’t protect the

world’s plants, we won’t have oxygen to breathe.

At the Eden Project, there are more than five thousands different types of plants. You’ll

find most of these plants in the two large greenhouses. The tropical greenhouse has

got plants from Latin America and Asia. In the other greenhouse, you’ll find

Mediterranean plants like orange trees and sunflowers.

At the Eden Project they try to protect the medio ambiente. As environment is highly

important, they don’t want to waste anything. You’ll see recycling contendores. These

recycling bins are from different colors: green or grey for rubbish, green or blue for

glass, blue for paper and black for plastic. They use the sun’s energy to make electricity

and they use rain water in the toilets.

If you visit the shop, you’ll find some great clothes, books and gifts. There are also art

exhibition and music festivals at the Eden Project. The Eden Project is open every day

from ten o’clock until six o´clock.

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APPE�DIX 4 Transformation Transformation Transformation Transformation EEEExercise:xercise:xercise:xercise:

Make the students create new English simple sentences taking complex Spanish

sentences. The exercise is divided into three mayor steps.

1.- Students have to read and understand the Spanish definitions in order to write more

simple English sentences.

2.- Write shorter sentences in their own words.

3.- Translate these sentences into English

The example given shows the functioning of the Transformation Exercise:

Example: Los invernaderos son lugares cubiertos en el que se crea artificialmente

un clima adecuado para el cultivo de plantas fuera de su ámbito natural.

Shorter Spanish Sentences:

- Los lugares en los que se conservan las plantas son los invernaderos.

- Las plantas viven en los invernaderos gracias a un clima artificial.

Translated English Sentences:

- The places where the plants are preserved are called greenhouses.

- Plants live in greenhouses thanks to the artificial climate.

Other Sentences within the Exercise.

1. Los jardines son terrenos en los que se cultivan plantas y flores para

hacerlos agradables.

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2. Los seres vivos respiran tomando parte de las sustancias del aire. Esta

función es muy importante porque es necesaria para vivir.

3. Los materiales usados de pueden reciclar para poder utilizarlos


4. El medio ambiente es el conjunto de todas las cosas vivas que nos rodean.

De éste obtenemos agua, comida, combustibles y materias primas que sirven

para fabricar las cosas que utilizamos diariamente.

Analysis of the exercise:

The students have to identify the important words in the Spanish sentences and use

them in the English translations. Therefore, their reading and writing competences are

tested at the same time that the students get used to employ either of both first and

second languages. Online dictionaries are avalaible for the students in order to support

the delovelopment of the exercise.

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