teaching skepticism: how to get kids to think critically

Download Teaching Skepticism: How to Get Kids to Think Critically

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Post on 15-Dec-2015




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  • Slide 1

Teaching Skepticism: How to Get Kids to Think Critically Slide 2 Whats this all about, anyway? Teaching as an art & science Pick your battles Keeping it fun humor helps! Combine wonder & skepticism Stories are important! Make many resources available Follow-up with curious students Dont expect educational miracles Take what you can get Slide 3 Theres a Dragon in My Garage! Slide 4 Physics is Phun: Combine Wonder & Skepticism Slide 5 Pyramids & Alien Builders Slide 6 The Haunted Physics Lab Slide 7 Randis Secrets of the Psychics Slide 8 The Physics of Santa Claus In conclusion -- If Santa ever DID deliver presents on Christmas eve, hes now dead. Slide 9 Electromagnetism & EMFs Slide 10 Illusions & Pareidolia Slide 11 Large Hadron Collider & Doomsday? Slide 12 Physical Feats: A Sacrifice for Science! Slide 13 Breaking Boards Slide 14 Walking on Broken Glass Slide 15 The Bed of Nails Slide 16 When Good Demos Go Bad Slide 17 Critical Thinking Education Group (CTEG) CTEG seeks to promote lifelong critical thinking and learning, with an emphasis on teaching critical thinking in all levels of education http://www.criticalteaching.org The Skeptical Teacher My personal musings on science, education & skepticism in an age of woo http://skepticalteacher.org Shameless Plug