teaching sight words weekly format

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  • 8/7/2019 Teaching Sight Words Weekly Format


    S.MartinTeaching Sight Words Weekly Format

    **According to the National Institute for Literacy, we must use as manymodalities as possible.Students need to have Repeated visual exposure Practice writing and tracing the word Opportunity to visualize the word

    MondayIntroduce Sight WordTuesdayWrite the WordWednesdayRead the WordThursdayActivities using the WordFridayReview the word, as well as, previous words

  • 8/7/2019 Teaching Sight Words Weekly Format


    MondaysIntroducing the word

    1. Write the word, as you spell it aloud. Say the word. Have studentsread each letter and then say the word, as you point. Give severalstudents the opportunity to stand up and spell it/say it. Keep theword in the large group area. Also, be sure to show students the onethat will be displayed on your Word Wall.2. Write the word, as you spell it aloud. Say the word. Have studentsread each letter and then say the word, as you point. Put this wordon the door. Students must spell/say it each time they enter or leavethe classroom.3. Word Chants (see attached)

  • 8/7/2019 Teaching Sight Words Weekly Format


    Word ChantsMovie Star Kisses Put hands to your mouth

    Through each letter a kiss, like Marilyn Monroe atthe Oscars.Opera Sing the letters in opera fashionFly Like a Bird Arms flapping up and downChicken Arms folded up to make wings and head movingforward and back.Nose Hold your nose and spell itBeat It Beat it out on the deskCheer It Like a cheerleader (Give me an "h", etc)Snap and Clap Snap the vowels

    Clap the consonantsKetchup One hand open, the other closed

    Pound hands together like you would pound adifficult bottle of ketchup.

    Explosion (Volcano) Start at a whisper. Get louder with each letter. Explode when you say the word at the end.

    Marshmallow Clap Almost like a clap but you stop just before the hands

  • 8/7/2019 Teaching Sight Words Weekly Format


    touch for each letter.Slow Motion Hold the sound of each letter for a second or two.Ride'm Cowboy Straddle the back of the chair.

    Spin lasso around for each letter. Pretend to rope a calf and pull in at the end whenyou say the word.

    Deep Voice Say the letters and word in a deep voice.

    Mouse Talk Squeaky voice with hands curled up by faceScream It / WhisperIt Scream the letters and the word Followed by whisper the letters then the word(whisper seems to settle the group group down afterbeing silly from the scream).Hand Jive Pair children up.

    Children clap hands together for consonants and lapclap for vowels. Put hands in the air at the end as you say the word.

    Raise the Roof Push up toward the ceiling, one push for each letter.Disco Pretend to be John Travolta in Saturday NightFever (If you're old enough to know what I amtalking about)

    Hand starts at stomach for each letter Hand up for consonants Hand down for vowels

    Throw the Stars Throw one hand at a time up toward the ceiling for

  • 8/7/2019 Teaching Sight Words Weekly Format


    each letter.Mexican Hat Dance Alternate feet in front.Flapping & Nodding Pretend you are a bird and flap your wings, whilenodding your head for each letter.Stomping Stomp out each letter with your foot.Motorcycle Hang on to the pretend handle bars and do wheeliesfor each letter.Dribble and Shoot Dribble the letters and shoot the word.YoYo Pretend to have a yoyo in each hand.

    Each time the yoyo goes down say a letter. Do a looptheloop for when you say the word at theend. You might want to add some sound effects to this

    one.Pumping Iron Pretend to be lifting weights, one rep for eachletter. You must strain to get each letter up.

    Pretend to mount the barbell on the stand and soundexhausted as you say the word at the end.ImaginaryChalkboard Children pretend a chalkboard is in front of them. Write each letter on the chalkboard. Make theletters large.

    When your finished with each word you can pretendto erase it. Note: If teacher is leading from the front of theroom he/she will have to form letters backwards.

  • 8/7/2019 Teaching Sight Words Weekly Format


    Apple Picking Pretend to pick an apple from the tree and put it inthe basket. Pretend to pick up the basket when you saw theword at the end.

    Robot Use a robotic voice, with arms moving back andforth ("Danger! Danger! Will Robinson" style)Tigger Bounce Just do what Tiggers do best bounce. Bounce upand down for each letter.Alligator Clap Hold arms straight out with our fingers curled tomake the teeth

    Open and close arms, clapping our hands togetherfor each letterBlast Off Start crouched at floor

    As you say each letter get a little higher Jump into the air at the end as you say the word

    Frog Jumps Start standing up. As you say each letter crouch down a little farther. Jump into the air at the end as you say the word.

    Back Tracer Trace the letter on the back of the person in frontof you. This is best done in a circle. Then everyone has aback to trace on. Note: This is also a common strategy in teachingdyslexic children so they can feel the letter.

    Pat It Pat heads for tall letters Pat tummies for short letters

  • 8/7/2019 Teaching Sight Words Weekly Format


    Pat knees for letters that extend below the baselineBox It Pretend to be a boxer

    One punch for each letterBe the Letter Sort of like doing the YMCA song.Hula Hands on hips.

    Swivel for each letter. Hands in the air at the end when you say the word.

    Jumping Jacks One letter for each movementToe Touches One letter for each toe touch.Batter Up Getting into a batting position

    Take a swing for each letter

    Pushups One pushup for each letter.Frisbee Throw each letter out Frisbee styleAt the Mound Pretend to be a pitcher at the mound and pitch outeach letter.

    Pretend to watch the last pitch get hit as you saythe word at the end.Lumber Jack Pretend to swing an ax for each letter.

    Pretend the tree is falling down at the end and saythe word the way a lumberjack would saw TIMBER!

  • 8/7/2019 Teaching Sight Words Weekly Format


    Surfin' & Spellin' Start out by getting on a surf board, Sing: "Let's go spellin' now, everybody'slearning how, come and spell it with me!" Then while we're surfing we say the

    letters of the word!The Swim Swim the letters.

    Hold your nose and go down at the end when yousay the word.

  • 8/7/2019 Teaching Sight Words Weekly Format


    TuesdaysWriting the wordAlways begin by reviewing the word.**Have students write the word 35 times as they spell it aloud.

    1. Use Scholastic Sight Word MiniBooks2. Use Key Education Best Sight Word Book Ever Worksheets3. Use lined paper4. Shaving cream5. Playdough6.Sand7.Salt8.Magnetic letters9. Clay10. Use stamps to spell it out11.Chalkboards12.Cut it apart and glue it back together, then trace it13.Rainbow writing. Use index card (have students write the word usinga black marker, then trace it with crayons as they spell it aloud).14.Paint it or have students spell it with fingerpaint15.Use glue and glitter to spell it out16.Write the word in the air17. Use alphabet beads or cereal to spell it out18.Use dry erase boards19.Have students write the word with their finger on a partners back20. Use letter tiles or cards to create the word21.Have students practice typing it22.Pudding23.Toothpicks24.Pipe Cleaners

  • 8/7/2019 Teaching Sight Words Weekly Format


    WednesdaysReading the wordAlways begin by reviewing the word.

    1. Use the Scholastic Sight Word MiniBooks. This has students readingand writing the word.2. Use Key Education Best Sight Word Book Ever Worksheets.3. Use sight word books found on Reading AZ.4. Use the words in your morning message. Have students read thewords.5. Use books that are within your classroom, have students pair up anddo a sight word hunt.6.Use poetry journals as an opportunity to read the sight words.7.Write a simple sentence on a sentence strip using the word. Read italoud. Have students read the sentence as you point to each word.Give several students the opportunity to stand up read and point tothe sentence. Be sure to display it for the week and review each day.8.Cloze activity. Write sentences with the sight word missing. Havestudents refer to the Word Wall to see what fits. Have studentsread the sentence.9. Go on a sight word hunt throughout the school. Have students readand spell out the words. **You could also give students paper andclipboards and write down any words they find.10. Create word lists, have students practice reading them aloud alltogether.11.Play Sight Word Games (see attached)

  • 8/7/2019 Teaching Sight Words Weekly Format


    ThursdaysActivities using the wordAlways begin by reviewing the word.

    1. Use the Scholastic Sight Word MiniBooks. This has students readingand writing the word.2. Use Key Education Best Sight Word Book Ever Worksheets.3. Any of the reading or writing activities from Tuesday or Wednesday.4. Create a word find.5. Have students create a word wand using die cut and pipe cleaner.6.Have students create a word headband or belt, using die cut andsentence strips.7.Have students create word chains.8.Hop Scotch Words.9. Sight word games and activities (see attached)

  • 8/7/2019 Teaching Sight Words Weekly Format


    Sight Word Games and Activities1. Bingo2. Pig3. Around the Word4. Concentration5. Uno6.Crash7.Dominoes8.RollSayKeep9. Go Fish10. Pop!11. Telephone12.Sight Word Basket Ball13.Hot Potato with Word Ball/Box14.Splat (using a poster with words and a fly swatter)15. 123 Spell the Word with Me (give groups of students letter cards,they need to arrange themselves to spell out the word.16.I Have/Who Has17.Mind Reader (using the word wall)

  • 8/7/2019 Teaching Sight Words Weekly Format


    FridaysReview the word and all word wall words.Do any activity from TuesdayThursday, also includingWord Chants.