teaching international marketing in a blended learning modus - didactical and technological concept...

Teaching International Marketing in a blended learning modus - Didactical and Technological Concept of a Blackboard based Course University of Applied Sciences Darmstadt, Germany Prof. Dr. Ralf Schellhase

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Teaching International Marketing in a blended learning modus - Didactical and

Technological Concept of a Blackboard based Course

University of Applied Sciences Darmstadt, GermanyProf. Dr. Ralf Schellhase

2 FHD, Prof. Dr. Ralf Schellhase


The concept of the course International Marketing

The use of different technology techniques- The teaching platform (Blackboard)- Computer based training (Toolbook)- Video lectures (Lecturnity)- The virtual classroom (Netucate/edtlearning: learnlinc)

The evaluation of the course

The further development of the course

3 FHD, Prof. Dr. Ralf Schellhase

1. The concept of the course International Marketing

University of Applied Sciences Darmstadt, Germany

Diploma in International Business Administration

Part time students

Former course concept:

International Marketing I = 6 x 4 hours on saturdays

International Marketing II = 6 x 4 hours on saturdays

The new hybrid concept:

Blended-learning: 1/3 in-class teaching, 2/3 online teaching

Live e-learning and live e-meeting

4 FHD, Prof. Dr. Ralf Schellhase

1. The concept of the course International Marketing

Cognitivism => Constructivism: instructor as a consultant/coach

Self directed/paced learning

Interactivity between:instructor and studentsstudents

Communication, Cooperation, CollaborationGroupwork, group discussionsAssignments: Dicussions, Case Studies, Internet exercises

International discussion groups with University of Wisconsin, Oshkosh

5 FHD, Prof. Dr. Ralf Schellhase

2. The use of different technology techniques

The teaching platform (Blackboard)

6 FHD, Prof. Dr. Ralf Schellhase

7 FHD, Prof. Dr. Ralf Schellhase

8 FHD, Prof. Dr. Ralf Schellhase

9 FHD, Prof. Dr. Ralf Schellhase

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11 FHD, Prof. Dr. Ralf Schellhase

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16 FHD, Prof. Dr. Ralf Schellhase

17 FHD, Prof. Dr. Ralf Schellhase

18 FHD, Prof. Dr. Ralf Schellhase

19 FHD, Prof. Dr. Ralf Schellhase

2. The use of different technology techniques

Video Lectures (Lecturnity)

Computer Based Training (Toolbook)

20 FHD, Prof. Dr. Ralf Schellhase

2. The use of different technology techniques

The virtual classroom - Netucate/learnlinc



Web Conferencing Software Video and Audio Interaction Hand Raising, Feedback, Text Chat, Class Agenda, Class List, Question and Answer, Glimpse Synchronized Web Browsing Streaming Powerpoint Application Sharing Shared Whiteboard

21 FHD, Prof. Dr. Ralf Schellhase

2. The use of different technology techniques

Netucate – Choose a virtual classroom

22 FHD, Prof. Dr. Ralf Schellhase

2. The use of different technology techniques

The Netucate Screen

23 FHD, Prof. Dr. Ralf Schellhase

2. The use of different technology techniques

The Whiteboard

24 FHD, Prof. Dr. Ralf Schellhase

2. The use of different technology techniques

Chat Chat

25 FHD, Prof. Dr. Ralf Schellhase

3. The evaluation of the course

Overall I am satisfied with the course.

1 – strongly disagree




7 – strongly agree

0 10 20 30 5040 Proportion in %


Mean value: 5,07










26 FHD, Prof. Dr. Ralf Schellhase

3. The evaluation of the course

Compared to a traditional course this course required more work.

If you think the course did require more work, how much more as a percent?

Proportion in %

No 15,8

Yes 84,2

Up to ... Proportion in %

25 % 10,7

50 % 50,0

75 % 21,4

100 % 7,2

200 % 10,7

27 FHD, Prof. Dr. Ralf Schellhase

3. The evaluation of the course

The extra work resulted in more learning and therefore was worth the effort.

0 10 20 30 40

Mean value: 4,21

1 – strongly disagree




7 – strongly agree










Proportion in %


28 FHD, Prof. Dr. Ralf Schellhase

3. The evaluation of the course

I prefer such a Blended Learning Course to a traditional course.

0 10 20

Mean value: 3,56

1 – strongly disagree




7 – strongly agree







Proportion in %




29 FHD, Prof. Dr. Ralf Schellhase

3. The evaluation of the course

Course Organization and Structure

1.1 The course timetable is clear and understandable.

1.2 The syllabus contains all necessary details.

1.3 The details in the syllabus are clear and understandable.

1.4 During the course I knew what task/exerciseto do in due course.


1strongly disagree

30 FHD, Prof. Dr. Ralf Schellhase

3. The evaluation of the course

Course Organization and Structure

1.5 The course structure was clearly recognizable.

1.6 The operation of the blackboard is simple and intuitive.

1.7 I did not have serious technical problems with the blackboard.

1.8 The grading of the overall grade is balanced.


1strongly disagree

31 FHD, Prof. Dr. Ralf Schellhase

3. The evaluation of the course

I appreciate that the lecture is given in English.

0 10 20 30

Mean value: 4,52

1 – strongly disagree




7 – strongly agree


2 2,6


Proportion in %







32 FHD, Prof. Dr. Ralf Schellhase

Course organization and structure.

1.9 The instructor gave reasons for his/her choice of books.

1.10 The reasons for the choice of books were clear.

1.11 I think the textbook is appropriate.

1.12 I appreciate that the lecture is given in English.

3. The evaluation of the course


1strongly disagree

33 FHD, Prof. Dr. Ralf Schellhase

Course organization and structure.

1.13 In the future the discussions should be held in English.

1.14 In the future the assignments should be written in English.

1.15 New media technology was adequately used in the course.

1.16 I would appreciate the use of computer based training for the individual chapters.

3. The evaluation of the course


1strongly disagree

34 FHD, Prof. Dr. Ralf Schellhase

Course organization and structure.

1.17 I would appreciate video lectures on CD for the individual chapters.

1.18 I would appreciate simultaneous online- discussions/chats.

1.19 The ratio of traditional lectures, self-study, and online-discussions was adequate.

3. The evaluation of the course


1strongly disagree

35 FHD, Prof. Dr. Ralf Schellhase

The following course components are important and useful:

2.1 The lectures

2.2 PowerPoint slides for the individual chapters

2.3 Online-discussions/discussion forum (asynchronous)

2.4 Case Studies (team work)

3. The evaluation of the course


1strongly disagree

36 FHD, Prof. Dr. Ralf Schellhase

The following course components are important and useful:

2.5 Homework (individual work)

2.6 Self-study of the course contents from the textbook

2.7 Individual discussions/mails with the instructor

3. The evaluation of the course


1strongly disagree

37 FHD, Prof. Dr. Ralf Schellhase


3.1 The instructor explained the learning objectives of the course.

3.2 The instructor made the requirements for a successful course participation clear.

3.3 The instructor gave understandable answers to questions about the course contents.

3.4 The instructor answered emails in a timely maner.

3.5 The instructors answers contributed to the clarification of open questions.

3. The evaluation of the course


1strongly disagree

38 FHD, Prof. Dr. Ralf Schellhase


3.6 The instructor encouraged the students to bring in his/her own ideas and contributions.

3.7 The instructor was friendly and open-minded with the students.

3.8 The instructor dealt with the students´ opinions/ideas in a constructive way.

3.9 The lecturer should take part in the online- discussions.

3.10 The instructor should add topical articles to the blackboard more frequently.

3. The evaluation of the course


1strongly disagree

39 FHD, Prof. Dr. Ralf Schellhase


4.1 The assignments has an adequate level of difficulty.

4.2 The assignments contributed to the understanding of the course contents.

4.3 The tasks descriptions of the assignments were clear.

4.4 The grading of the assignments was done in a timely manner.

4.5 In the discussions open questions about the course content could be answered.

3. The evaluation of the course


1strongly disagree

40 FHD, Prof. Dr. Ralf Schellhase


4.6 The discussion topics were interesting.

4.7 The discussions contributed to understanding the course content.

4.8 I enjoyed the discussions.

4.9 It would be better to break into smaller groups for discussions.

3. The evaluation of the course


1strongly disagree

41 FHD, Prof. Dr. Ralf Schellhase

Through the employment of the blackboard as the replacement for traditional lectures...

5.1 ... the social aspects of the studies are neglected.

5.2 ... the studies are made to anonymous.

5.3 ... I have fewer opportunities to ask questions.

3. The evaluation of the course


1strongly disagree

42 FHD, Prof. Dr. Ralf Schellhase

Through the employment of the blackboard as the replacement for traditional lectures...

5.4 ... I can organize my learning time more freely/independently.

5.5 ... I can freely pace myself through the material.

5.6 ... I can have better discussions with my fellow students..

3. The evaluation of the course


1strongly disagree

43 FHD, Prof. Dr. Ralf Schellhase

Overall Satisfaction

6.4 The extra work resulted in a greater learning success and was therefore worth the effort.

6.5 I prefer such a Blended Learning Course to a traditional course.

3. The evaluation of the course


1strongly disagree

44 FHD, Prof. Dr. Ralf Schellhase

3. The evaluation of the course

Age Proportion in %

23-25 years 28.6

26-30 years 45.7

31-35 years 20.0

36-40 years 5.7

Anteil in %

Private access 39.5

Access at work 28.9

Both 31.6

45 FHD, Prof. Dr. Ralf Schellhase

4. The further development of the course

Intensive use of the virtual classroom

Production of CBTs for selected chapters

Production of videos for every chapter

Integration of discussions with business people

Discussions with students from University of Wisconsin, Oshkosh

Web based evaluation