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Table  of  Contents  

Rationale:  ...................................................................................................................................  3  Prerequisites:  ...........................................................................................................................  3  What  students  will  know  after  taking  this  course:  ......................................................  4  Individual  Assignment  Descriptions  .................................................................................  4  Quiz  and  Final  Exam  Descriptions  .....................................................................................  7  Assessments  and  Evaluations  ..............................................................................................  9  Resource  List  ..........................................................................................................................  10  ACTIVITIES  SECTION  ...........................................................................................................  11  Lesson  Plans  ...........................................................................................................................  11  Assignments  ...........................................................................................................................  12  Appendix  .................................................................................................................................  20  Unit  Plan  Rationale  Assignment  ......................................................................................  61  Exceptional  Learners:  Educational  Psychology  .........................................................  63  Calendars  for  March  and  April  .........................................................................................  79    







Rationale:    In a society where we are constantly bombarded by various forms of advertisements, it is more necessary than ever for students to develop an awareness of how such advertising affects consumers. It is crucial that students are aware of controversies, laws and ethics regarding advertising. The ability to identify and analyze the different components of a print advertisement and to recognize strategies and techniques used by companies to persuade consumers to buy their products will enable the students to think critically and evaluate such advertisements. Students who take this course will only gain exposure to different communication channels, delivery strategies and advertising media that can be used to inform potential customers about products and services available in the marketplace. Students will become familiar with principles involved in the advertising process and will be able to apply these principles to print media. Students will an opportunity to practice interpersonal skills as they work collaboratively with their peers on various projects and assignments in this unit. This course provides students with valuable insight into possible career choices in advertising and marketing. Through the creation and presentation of advertisements students who are interested in working in this area have the benefit of being able to contribute to a personal portfolio of work, which they can use when applying for related jobs or programs.

Prerequisites: Course: MAM 2090: PROMOTION – PRINT ADVERTISING: This course is an intermediate course but there are no prerequisites for this course. It is recommended however that students take COM1020: Media & You and MAM1010: Marketing & Management as these courses will better prepare students for this intermediate course and ensure they get the most out of the course.





What  students  will  know  after  taking  this  course:  • Explain what advertising is and what purpose it serves • Describe the various criticisms, controversies, laws and ethics regarding

advertising • Evaluate print advertisements • Design and create an effective print advertisement • Demonstrate fundamental skills to communicate, manage information, use

numbers and think and solve problems • Demonstrate both personal management skills and teamwork skills • Identify possible life roles related to the skills and content of this cluster

Individual  Assignment  Descriptions      

1. “What  is  Advertising”  Worksheet    

(Specific  Learner  Outcomes  Covered  1.1,  1.2)    

This  activity  is  designed  help  students  gain  valuable  insight  and  to  understand  both  the  purpose  and  role  of  advertising.  The  activity  will  allow  students  to  determine  what  intangible  or  perceived  value  is,  as  well  as  what  the  difference  is  between  advertising  and  publicity.  Students  will  be  required  to  submit  this  worksheet  at  the  end  of  lesson  number  one,  however  if  they  do  not  finish  they  will  be  given  some  additional  time  at  the  beginning  of  lesson  two  to  complete  the  worksheet.    The  worksheet  must  be  handed  in,  in  order  to  assess  what  the  students  learned  regarding  advertising,  and  what  areas  may  need  to  be  re-­‐addressed  or  further  explained  (see  Appendix,  page  20).  

 2. “Canadian  Code  of  Advertising  Standards”  Worksheet  

   (Specific  Learner  Outcomes  Covered  1.1,  1.2,  1.3)    This  activity  is  designed  to  provide  students  with  critical  information  about              the  Canadian  Code  of  Advertising  Standards.  Students  must  provide  a  definition  for  each  of  the  fourteen  advertising  standards,  along  with  examples  of  how  each  standard  imposes  restrictions  on  advertising.  



Students  must  complete  the  assignment  using  the  worksheets  provided.  (see  Appendix  A,  page  21-­‐24).    

3. “The  Art  of  Advertising  Web  Quest”  Worksheet    

 (Specific  Learner  Outcomes  Covered  1.3)    This  activity  is  designed  to  enhance  the  student’s  knowledge  of  the  criticisms,  controversies,  laws  and  ethics  regarding  advertising.  Students  will  first  be  put  into  groups  of  four  and  then  given  the  link  to  the  web  quest  (https://sites.google.com/site/avollersswebquest/3-­‐process).  The  first  part  of  the  activity  requires  the  students  to  research  different  advertising  techniques  and  to  discuss  them  as  a  group.  The  group  will  then  discuss  some  of  the  pros  and  cons  of  advertising  and  will  create  a  PowerPoint  illustrating  the  various  advertising  techniques  as  well  as  the  pros  and  cons  of  advertising,  using  specific  examples.  The  last  task  students  must  complete  is  to  individually  write  a  short  essay  no  longer  than  four  short  paragraphs  explaining  why  advertising  is  necessary  or  unnecessary,  using  the  pros  and  cons  they  came  up  with  earlier.  Students  will  be  given  one  class  (80  minutes)  to  complete  this  activity.  (see  Appendix,  page  25)    

4. “Spot  the  Flaw”  Worksheet    (Specific  Learner  Outcomes  Covered  1.3)    In  this  activity,  students  pretend  that  they  work  for  an  advertising  company  and  the  company  has  just  landed  a  new  client-­‐  Mini  Cooper.  An  advertisement  created  by  Mini  Cooper  is  presented  to  the  students.  After  some  discussion  and  investigation  into  the  laws  and  ethics  of  advertising,  each  group  of  students  decide  to  tell  Mini  Cooper  not  to  run  the  ad.  In  a  short  paragraph,  the  group  must  defend  their  decision  by  identifying  the  Advertising  Standard  or  ethics  that  are  being  violated.  The  group  must  then  make  suggestions  to  improve  the  ad  so  that  no  laws  or  ethics  have  been  violated,  or  must  come  up  with  a  whole  new  idea  and  anything  else  they  feel  would  be  important  to  capturing  the  attention  of  an  audience.  Students  will  be  given  one  class  to  complete  the  worksheet  and  it  will  be  handed  in  to  formatively  assess  the  student’s  knowledge  regarding  criticisms,  controversies,  laws  and  ethics  regarding  advertising.  (see  Appendix,  page  26-­‐27).    

5. “Identifying  Target  Markets”  Worksheet      (Specific  Learner  Outcomes  Covered  2.1,  2.2)    Students  are  required  to  choose  two  advertisements  (magazine  advertisements,  newspaper  advertisements  etc.)  and  attempt  to  analyze  the  



demographics  and  psychographics  that  make  up  their  target  market.  Using  the  worksheet  provided,  the  students  (individually)  will  complete  the  categories  on  the  sheet  to  get  a  better  understanding  of  the  customer  base  of  these  advertisements  (students  may  write  N/A  for  any  category  that  does  not  apply  to  their  ad).  The  student  must  then  write  one  sentence  for  each  ad  describing  their  target  market.  Students  will  then  finish  this  activity  by  completing  a  Venn  Diagram  illustrating the similarities, differences and overlap of the two target markets. (see  Appendix,  page  34-­‐36).

6. “Parts  of  a  Print  Ad”  Worksheet (Specific Learner Outcomes Covered 2.3, 2.5) This activity will be used as the basis for an ad to be created by the students. It is designed to inform students about the different parts of a print advertisement they must consider before actually creating an ad. Students will complete the worksheet to determine what their product is, if their product will have a logo, who their target market will be, the demographics and psychographics of their target market, how they will creatively introduce their product, how their opening statement will generate consumer interest, what makes their product unique (key features of product), how their product will meet the needs of their target market, and how much they will sell their product for. This activity also allows the students to describe the layout of their ad (tagline/script, graphics/design), which is a crucial part of creating any advertisement. (see  Appendix  page  37-­‐40).

7. Print  Ad  Analysis  Assignment (Specific Learner Outcomes Covered 2.1;  2.2;  2.3;  2.4;  2.5;  2.6)    Students are required to search through various magazines and newspapers for two different print advertisements. They must evaluate the ad and answer the questions provided in detail for each of the ads chosen. Students must attach their ads to the assignment page and use their class time to finish their evaluation. They will be provided with a print analysis worksheet addressing key questions for the assignment and may use this sheet to help them complete their assignment. Students are to use the print ad analysis write up provided to complete their formal ad analysis. The analysis is to be completed in short essay form and must identify the important points of the ad. Students must summarize each ad by stating their opinion on why the ad is effective or not. Students must write at LEAST one page for each ad  (see  Appendix  for  both  the  worksheet  and  write  up  sheet,  page  41-­‐49)  

 8. “The Greatest Movie Ever Sold” Worksheet

(Specific Leaner Outcomes Covered 5.1, 5.2)



This activity is designed so that the students have a chance to recognize and analyze advertising barriers and opportunities in the immediate environment. This activity allows students to evaluate different advertising strategies used to promote a product, and to determine which ones are most appropriate or effective. Students will complete “The Greatest Movie Ever Sold” worksheet by answering the following:

1) List the brands that Morgan was successful in getting to sponsor the movie

2) What steps did Morgan take when he would approach brands to sponsor the movie?

3) What were some of the reasoning’s that certain companies gave for not wanting to partake in this film?

4) Throughout the movie, how did Morgan go about promoting Ban deodorant?

5) How was POM Wonderful portrayed as being the best drink to drink? 6) What advertising strategies did Morgan use in his proposed

advertisements to POM Wonderful? 7) In your own words, why is it important to establish a brand image or

reputation? 8) In your opinion, was it beneficial for the companies to have invested in

this movie? Why or why not?  (see  Appendix,  page  50-­‐51).  

9. Print Advertisement Creation Assignment/Presentation (General Learner Outcomes Covered 3 all, 4 all) Students will be working in groups and each group is responsible for creating  their  own  print  advertisement  to  run  in  a  magazine/newspaper/billboard  of  their  choice.  To  complete  this  task,  students  will  first  need  to  choose  a  product  to  sell  and  then  take  the  appropriate  marketing  steps  in  order  to  make  their  ad  relevant  and  successful.  Students  will  need  to  use  all  the  concepts  discussed  in  class  as  well  as  do  some  further  research  into  their  product.  Students  will  need  to  use  the  print  ad  creation  assignment  sheet  and  rubric  provided  to  make  sure  they  fulfill  all  requirements  for  this  assignment.  Each  group  will  hand  in  2  parts;  their  advertisement  and  a  written  rationale  explaining  their  thinking.  Students  are  also  required  to  complete  a  peer  evaluation  sheet  to  be  handed  in  with  the  first  two  parts  of  the  assignment.  (see  Appendix,  page  52-­‐54).  

Quiz  and  Final  Exam  Descriptions    

Quiz  Number  One:    

(Specific  Learner  Outcomes  Covered  1.1,  1.2,  1.3)    



Students  will  be  given  30  minutes  to  complete  the  quiz.  The  format  of  the  quiz  includes  matching,  multiple  choice,  true  and  false,  as  well  as  short  answer  questions.  This  quiz  will  assess  the  student’s  knowledge  regarding  key  concepts  of  print  advertising  including:  the  purpose  of  advertising,  the  difference  between  advertising  and  publicity,  Canadian  Code  of  Advertising  Standards,  effective  advertisements  as  well  as  laws  and  ethics  regarding  advertising.  (see  Appendix  page  28-­‐33).    Final  Exam:  

   (Specific  Learner  Outcomes  Covered  1  all,  2  all,  5  all)  

 Students  will  be  given  80  minutes  to  complete  the  final  exam.  The  final  exam  has  been  structured  so  that  the  students  can  tie  all  components  of  print  advertisement  together.  Students  are  required  to  choose  3  of  the  print  advertisements  provided  and  then  examine each ad for its overall message and determine the relationship between the text and the pictures. The students must then answer the following questions for each advertisement:

1) What is the product/service being sold? 2) What ideas, emotions, or events are being associated or linked to the

product? 3) Analyze the effectiveness of the product’s associations. Do the

connections make sense in a Logical, Emotional, or Ethical way?  4) Are the associations effective in the sense that they make you want to

purchase, or at least consider purchasing the product? 5) What  is  the  target  market  for  the  ad?  What  are  the  characteristics  of  the  

target  marketà  Psychographics-­‐  interests,  beliefs  and  Demographics  (age,  gender  etc.)?  

6) Why do you feel that this ad is successful or unsuccessful in targeting its intended audience?  

 Once  the  students  have  completed  these  questions,  they  must  write a paragraph analyzing the overall effectiveness of the ad. Students must also answer the following question: Consider that the company spent $100,000 on the ad. Was this an effective use of funds? (See Appendix, page 55-61)




Assessments  and  Evaluations    UNIT  ASSESSMENT  PLAN:  Management  and  Marketing  2090:  Print  Advertising      Specific  Learner  Outcomes   Assessment  

Methods    Date   Weightings  %  

1.1 What  is  advertising?  1.2 What  is  the  difference  between  

publicity  and  advertising?    

What  is  Advertising  worksheet  

March  12,  2013  


1.1 What  is  advertising?  1.2 What  is  the  difference  between  

publicity  and  advertising?  1.3 Criticisms,  controversies,  laws  

and  ethics  regarding  advertising  

Canadian  Code  of  Advertising  Standards  worksheet  

March  13,  2013  


1.3  Criticisms,  controversies,  laws  and  ethics  regarding  advertising  

Web-­‐quest  worksheet  

March  15,  2013  


1.1 What  is  advertising?  1.2 What  is  the  difference  between  

publicity  and  advertising?  1.3 Criticisms,  controversies,  laws  

and  ethics  regarding  advertising  

2.1  Target  Markets  

Quiz  #  1  -­‐Matching  -­‐  Multiple  choice  -­‐  Short  Answer    

March  19,  2013  


2.1  Target  Markets  2.2  Objects  used  to  develop  advertising  campaigns  2.3  Geographical  promotional  strategies  2.4  Examples  of  print  and  broadcast  media/advantages  &  disadvantages  2.5  Components  of  print  advertisement  2.6  Costs  vs.  return  on  investment  

Print  Ad  Analysis  Assignment  Evaluation  

March  27,  2013  




3.3  Print  advertisement  presentation  and  evaluation  4.1  Demonstrate  fundamental  skills  to:  communicate,  manage  information,  use  numbers,  think  and  solve  problems  

Print  Ad  created  and  presented  by  students    Peer  evaluation  sheet      

April  2-­‐5,  2013  


1.1 What  is  advertising?  1.2 What  is  the  difference  between  

publicity  and  advertising?  1.3 Criticisms,  controversies,  laws  

and  ethics  regarding  advertising  

2.1  Target  Markets  2.2  Objects  used  to  develop  advertising  campaigns  2.3  Geographical  promotional  strategies  2.4  Examples  of  print  and  broadcast  media/advantages  &  disadvantages  2.5  Components  of  print  advertisement  2.6  Costs  vs.  return  on  investment  5.1  Opportunities  and  barriers  in  the  immediate  environment  5.2  Resources  to  minimize  barriers  and  to  maximize  opportunities  

Final  Exam   April  17,  2012  


Resource  List    

Ø Computers  Ø Smart  Board  for  presentations    Ø Internet  connection  Ø Markers  for  whiteboard    Ø Adobe  Photoshop  Ø PowerPoint    Ø Worksheets  for  lessons  1,2,3,4,6,  7,  and  11  (see  Appendix  A)  



Ø Print  Ad  Evaluation  Assignment  Instructions  (see  Appendix  A)  Ø Print  Ad  Evaluation”  Assignment  Rubric  (see  Appendix  A)  Ø Print  Analysis  worksheet  (see  Appendix  A)  Ø Print  Analysis  Write  Up  (see  Appendix  A)  Ø Various  Print  Media:  Newspapers,  Magazines,  Journals  etc.  Ø YouTube    Ø Social  Network  movie  clip  Ø Greatest  Movie  Ever  Sold-­‐  movie  Ø Alberta  Program  of  Studies  Ø The  following  links:  

http://www.ted.com/talks/lang/en/rory_sutherland_life_lessons_from_an_ad_man.htm  http://www.adstandards.com/en/Standards/canCodeOfAdStandards.aspx  http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j_jSpy0kdgc  http://www.campaignlive.co.uk/news/1081978/ http://www.polleverywhere.com/  http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5Pkl_briuB0&feature=youtu.be  http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LSggKIAShbM&feature=youtu.be  http://cigarlabelblog.wordpress.com/2010/04/05/native-­‐americans-­‐in-­‐cigar-­‐label-­‐advertising/  http://www.wwd.com/media-­‐news/advertising/benetton-­‐ads-­‐stir-­‐more-­‐

outcry-­‐5378560  http://www.alltechienews.com/posts/nivea-­‐pulls-­‐re-­‐civilized-­‐ad-­‐following-­‐social-­‐media-­‐backlash  http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e9kow63urf8&feature=relmfu  http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZZNL96qHFqc&feature=g-­‐all&context=G23aec45FAAAAAHgAHAA  http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BRI-­‐A3vakVg  http://www.signindustry.com/management/articles/2002-­‐10-­‐31-­‐JL-­‐AdvertInDownEconomy.php3  http://www.bizcommunity.com/Article/196/78/20303.html  



Lesson  Plans    

See  attached  documents    




Assignments        1. “What  is  Advertising”  

 (Specific  Learner  Outcomes  Covered  1.1,  1.2)    Assessment  Format:  Answer  key  for  worksheet,  observational  (Q  &  A),  checklist      Assessment  Type:  Summative      Weight:  5%      Time:  20  minutes        Instructions:    This  activity  is  designed  help  students  gain  valuable  insight  and  to  understand  both  the  purpose  and  role  of  advertising.  The  activity  will  allow  students  to  determine  what  intangible  or  perceived  value  is,  as  well  as  what  the  difference  is  between  advertising  and  publicity.  Students  will  be  required  to  submit  this  worksheet  at  the  end  of  lesson  number  one,  however  if  they  do  not  finish  they  will  be  given  some  additional  time  at  the  beginning  of  lesson  two  to  complete  the  worksheet.    The  worksheet  must  be  handed  in,  in  order  to  assess  what  the  students  learned  regarding  advertising,  and  what  areas  may  need  to  be  re-­‐addressed  or  further  explained  (see  Appendix,  page  20)  


“What  is  Advertising”  worksheet    Resources:  Alberta  Program  of  Studies  

 2. “Canadian  Code  of  Advertising  Standards”  

 (Specific  Learner  Outcomes  Covered  1.1,  1.2,  1.3)        Assessment  Format:  Answer  key  for  worksheet,  Observational  (Q  &  A),  checklist      Assessment  Type:  Summative      Weight:  5%  



   Time:  35  minutes            


 This  activity  is  designed  to  provide  students  with  critical  information  about  the  Canadian  Code  of  Advertising  Standards.  Students  must  provide  a  definition  for  each  of  the  fourteen  advertising  standards,  along  with  examples  of  how  each  standard  imposes  restrictions  on  advertising.  Students  must  complete  the  assignment  using  the  worksheets  provided.  .  (see  Appendix  A,  page  21-­‐24).  

Materials: “Canadian Code of Advertising Standards” worksheet  Resources:  http://www.adstandards.com/en/Standards/canCodeOfAdStandards.aspx  Alberta  Program  of  Studies    

 3. “The  Art  of  Advertising  Web  Quest”  

 (Specific  Learner  Outcomes  Covered  1.3)      Assessment  Format:  Answer  key  for  worksheet    Assessment  Type:  Summative  

                                         Weight:  10%                                            Time:  80  minutes                                              Instruction:                  

This  activity  is  designed  to  enhance  the  student’s  knowledge  of  the  criticisms,  controversies,  laws  and  ethics  regarding  advertising.  Students  will  first  be  put  into  groups  of  four  and  then  given  the  link  to  the  web  quest  (https://sites.google.com/site/avollersswebquest/3-­‐process).  The  first  part  of  the  activity  requires  the  students  to  research  different  advertising  techniques  and  to  discuss  them  as  a  group.  The  group  will  then  discuss  some  of  the  pros  and  cons  of  advertising  and  will  create  a  PowerPoint  illustrating  the  various  advertising  techniques  as  well  as  the  pros  and  cons  of  advertising,  using  specific  examples.  The  last  task  



students  must  complete  is  to  individually  write  a  short  essay  no  longer  than  four  short  paragraphs  explaining  why  advertising  is  necessary  or  unnecessary,  using  the  pros  and  cons  they  came  up  with  earlier.  Students  will  be  given  one  class  (80  minutes)  to  complete  this  activity.  (see  Appendix,  page  25)    Materials:  “The  Art  of  Advertising  Web  Quest”  worksheet    Resources:  https://sites.google.com/site/avollersswebquest/3-­‐process  Alberta  Program  of  Studies    

4. “Spot  the  Flaw”    (Specific  Learner  Outcomes  Covered  1.3)      Assessment  Format:  Worksheet    Assessment  Type:  Formative  

                                         Weight:  As  this  is  formative  there  is  no  weighting                                            Time:  80  minutes                                                


In  this  activity,  students  pretend  that  they  work  for  an  advertising  company  and  the  company  has  just  landed  a  new  client-­‐  Mini  Cooper.  An  advertisement  created  by  Mini  Cooper  is  presented  to  the  students.  After  some  discussion  and  investigation  into  the  laws  and  ethics  of  advertising,  each  group  of  students  decide  to  tell  Mini  Cooper  not  to  run  the  ad.  In  a  short  paragraph,  the  group  must  defend  their  decision  by  identifying  the  Advertising  Standard  or  ethics  that  are  being  violated.  The  group  must  then  make  suggestions  to  improve  the  ad  so  that  no  laws  or  ethics  have  been  violated,  or  must  come  up  with  a  whole  new  idea  and  anything  else  they  feel  would  be  important  to  capturing  the  attention  of  an  audience.  Students  will  be  given  one  class  to  complete  the  worksheet  and  it  will  be  handed  in  to  formatively  assess  the  student’s  knowledge  regarding  criticisms,  controversies,  laws  and  ethics  regarding  advertising.  (see  Appendix,  page  26-­‐27).    Materials:  “Spot  the  Flaw”  worksheet,  instruction  handout    Resources:  Alberta  Program  of  Studies  



 5. Quiz  Number  One  

 (Specific  Learner  Outcomes  Covered  1.1,  1.2,  1.3)    Assessment  Format:  Answer  Key    Assessment  Type:  Summative  (Quiz)  

                                         Weight:  15%                                            Time:  30  minutes  

   Instruction:    Students  will  be  given  30  minutes  to  complete  the  quiz.  The  format  of  the  quiz  includes  matching,  multiple  choice,  true  and  false,  as  well  as  short  answer  questions.  This  quiz  will  assess  the  student’s  knowledge  regarding  key  concepts  of  print  advertising  including:  the  purpose  of  advertising,  the  difference  between  advertising  and  publicity,  Canadian  Code  of  Advertising  Standards,  effective  advertisements  as  well  as  laws  and  ethics  regarding  advertising.  (see  Appendix  page  28-­‐33)    Materials:  Quiz      Resources:  Alberta  Program  of  Studies    

6. “Identifying  Target  Markets”    (Specific  Learner  Outcomes  Covered  2.1,  2.2)    Assessment  Format:  Worksheet,  Exit  Slip  Assessment  Type:  Formative  

                                       Weight:  As  this  is  formative  there  is  no  weighting                Time:  35  minutes                    Instruction:    

Students  are  required  to  choose  two  advertisements  (magazine  advertisements,  television  advertisements,  video  ads  etc.)  and  attempt  to  analyze  the  demographics  and  psychographics  that  make  up  their  target  market.  Using  the  worksheet  provided,  the  students  (individually)  will  complete  the  categories  on  the  sheet  to  get  a  better  understanding  of  the  customer  base  of  these  advertisements  (students  may  write  N/A  for  any  



category  that  does  not  apply  to  their  ad).  The  student  must  then  write  one  sentence  for  each  ad  describing  their  target  market.  Students  will  then  finish  this  activity  by  completing  a  Venn  Diagram  illustrating the similarities, differences and overlap of the two target markets. (see  Appendix,  page  34-­‐36) Materials: “Identifying  Target  Markets”  worksheet    Resources:  Alberta  Program  of  Studies  

 7. “Parts  of  a  Print  Ad”  

 (Specific Learner Outcomes Covered 2.3, 2.5)    Assessment  Format:  Worksheet  Assessment  Type:  Formative  

                                       Weight:  As  this  is  formative  there  is  no  weighting                Time:  35  minutes                    Instruction:  

 This activity will be used as the basis for an ad to be created by the students. It is designed to inform students about the different parts of a print advertisement they must consider before actually creating an ad. Students will complete the worksheet to determine what their product is, if their product will have a logo, who their target market will be, the demographics and psychographics of their target market, how they will creatively introduce their product, how their opening statement will generate consumer interest, what makes their product unique (key features of product), how their product will meet the needs of their target market, and how much they will sell their product for. This activity also allows the students to describe the layout of their ad (tagline/script, graphics/design), which is a crucial part of creating any advertisement  (see  Appendix  page  37-­‐40). Materials: “Parts of a Print Ad” worksheet Resources: Alberta Program of Studies

8. Print  Ad  Analysis  Assignment  




(Specific Learner Outcomes Covered 2.1;  2.2;  2.3;  2.4;  2.5;  2.6)   Assessment  Format:  Worksheet,  print  analysis  write  up,  rubric  Assessment  Type:  Summative    

                                       Weight:  20%                Time:  80  minutes                  Instruction:  

Students are required to search through various magazines and newspapers for two different print advertisements. They must evaluate the ad and answer the questions provided in detail for each of the ads chosen. Students must attach their ads to the assignment page and use their class time to finish their evaluation. They will be provided with a print analysis worksheet addressing key questions for the assignment and may use this sheet to help them complete their assignment. Students are to use the print ad analysis write up provided to complete their formal ad analysis. The analysis is to be completed in short essay form and must identify the important points of the ad. Students must summarize each ad by stating their opinion on why the ad is effective or not. Students must write at LEAST one page for each ad  ((see  Appendix  for  both  the  worksheet  and  write  up  sheet,  page  41-­‐49)  

Materials: Print  Ad  Evaluation  Assignment  Instructions,  Print  Ad  Evaluation  Assignment  Rubric,  Print  Analysis  worksheet,  Print  Analysis  Write  Up,  Magazines,  and  Newspapers    Resources:  Alberta  Program  of  Studies  

 9. “The  Greatest  Movie  Ever  Sold”  

 (Specific Leaner Outcomes Covered 5.1, 5.2)      Assessment  Format:  Worksheet  Assessment  Type:  Formative      

                                       Weight:  As  this  is  formative  there  is  no  weighting                Time:  25  minutes    





Students  will  complete  “The  Greatest  Movie  Ever  Sold”  worksheet  by  answering  the  following:  

9) List  the  brands  that  Morgan  was  successful  in  getting  to  sponsor  the  movie  

10) What  steps  did  Morgan  take  when  he  would  approach  brands  to  sponsor  the  movie?  

11) What  were  some  of  the  reasoning’s  that  certain  companies  gave  for  not  wanting  to  partake  in  this  film?  

12) Throughout  the  movie,  how  did  Morgan  go  about  promoting  Ban  deodorant?  

13) How  was  POM  Wonderful  portrayed  as  being  the  best  drink  to  drink?  

14) What  advertising  strategies  did  Morgan  use  in  his  proposed  advertisements  to  POM  Wonderful?  

15) In  your  own  words,  why  is  it  important  to  establish  a  brand  image  or  reputation?  

16) In  your  opinion,  was  it  beneficial  for  the  companies  to  have  invested  in  this  movie?  Why  or  why  not?  

 (see  Appendix,  page  50-­‐51)  

Materials: “The Greatest Movie Ever Sold” worksheet

Resources: Alberta Program of Studies

10. Print Advertisement Creation Assignment/Presentation (General Learner Outcomes Covered 3 all, 4 all)  Assessment  Format:  Rubric,  peer  evaluation  form  Assessment  Type:  Summative    

                                       Weight:  20%  Time:  240  minutes  (3  classes)  for  ad  creation  and  80  minutes  (1class)  for  Presentations  

 Instruction:    Students will be working in groups and each group is responsible for creating  their  own  print  advertisement  to  run  in  a  magazine/newspaper/billboard  of  their  choice.  To  complete  this  task,  students  will  first  need  to  choose  a  product  to  sell  and  then  take  the  appropriate  marketing  steps  in  order  to  make  their  ad  relevant  and  successful.  Students  will  need  to  use  all  the  concepts  discussed  in  class  as  well  as  do  



some  further  research  into  their  product.  Students  will  need  to  use  the  print  ad  creation  assignment  sheet  and  rubric  provided  to  make  sure  they  fulfill  all  requirements  for  this  assignment.  Each  group  will  hand  in  2  parts;  their  advertisement  and  a  written  rationale  explaining  their  thinking.  Students  are  also  required  to  complete  a  peer  evaluation  sheet  to  be  handed  in  with  the  first  two  parts  of  the  assignment.  (see  Appendix,  page  52-­‐54).    Materials:  Various  Print  Media:  Newspapers,  Magazines,  Journals  etc.    Print  Ad  Creation  assignment  sheet  Print  Ad  Creation  rubric  Print  Ad  Peer  Evaluation  sheet    Resources:  Alberta  Education    

11. Final  Exam    (Specific  Learner  Outcomes  Covered  1  all,  2  all,  5  all)    Assessment  Format:  Answer  Key  Assessment  Type:  Summative  (Final  Exam)  

                                       Weight:  25%                Time:  80  minutes    

Instruction:    Students  will  be  given  80  minutes  to  complete  the  final  exam.  The  final  exam  has  been  structured  so  that  the  students  can  tie  all  components  of  print  advertisement  together.  Students  are  required  to  choose  3  of  the  print  advertisements  provided  and  then  examine each ad for its overall message and determine the relationship between the text and the pictures. The students must then answer the following questions for each advertisement: 1) What is the product/service being sold? 2) What ideas, emotions, or events are being associated or linked to

the product? 3) Analyze the effectiveness of the product’s associations. Do the

connections make sense in a Logical, Emotional, or Ethical way?  4) Are the associations effective in the sense that they make you want

to purchase, or at least consider purchasing the product? 5) What  is  the  target  market  for  the  ad?  What  are  the  characteristics  of  

the  target  marketà  Psychographics-­‐  interests,  beliefs  and  Demographics  (age,  gender  etc.)?  



6) Why do you feel that this ad is successful or unsuccessful in targeting its intended audience?  

 Once  the  students  have  completed  these  questions,  they  must  write a paragraph analyzing the overall effectiveness of the ad. Students must also answer the following question:

Consider that the company spent $100,000 on the ad. Was this an effective use of funds? (See Appendix, page 55-61)    


 Name:  _______________________________________________     Block:  _________________    


“What  is  Advertising”  

What  is  the  purpose  of  advertising?  

What  is  intangible  or  perceived  value?          What  benefits  can  intangible  value  have  for  a  product  or  brand?  



     Name:  ____________________________________________________    Use  this  worksheet  to  fill  in  the  important  information  about  the  Canadian  Code  of  Advertising  Standards.  You  will  be  able  to  fill  in  the  information  for  your  selected  standards  on  your  own,  for  the  others  you  will  need  to  listen  to  the  information  presented  from  your  classmates.    1.  Accuracy  and  Clarity  


                           What  does  this  restrict  (give  examples):                                                                                          

2.  Disguised  Advertising  Techniques  Definition:                                                                          What  does  this  restrict  (give  examples):                                                                                        

 3.  Price  Claims  

What  is  the  difference  between  advertising  and  publicity?  

Canadian  Code  of  Advertising  Standards  



Definition:                                                                          What  does  this  restrict  (give  examples):                                                                                        

 4.  Bait  and  Switch  

Definition:                                                                          What  does  this  restrict  (give  examples):                                                                                        

5.  Guarantees  Definition:                                                                          What  does  this  restrict  (give  examples):                                                                                        

 6.  Comparative  Advertising  

Definition:                                                                          What  does  this  restrict  (give  examples):                                                                                        

 7.  Testimonials  

Definition:                                                                          What  does  this  restrict  (give  examples):                                      




 8.  Professional  or  Scientific  Claims  

Definition:                                                                          What  does  this  restrict  (give  examples):                                                                                        

 9.  Imitation  

Definition:                                                                          What  does  this  restrict  (give  examples):                                                                                        

10.  Safety  Definition:                                                                          What  does  this  restrict  (give  examples):                                                                                        

 11.  Superstition  and  Fears  

Definition:                                                                          What  does  this  restrict  (give  examples):                                                                                        

 12.  Advertising  to  Children  




 What  does  this  restrict  (give  examples):                                                                                        

 13.  Advertising  to  Minors  

Definition:                                                                          What  does  this  restrict  (give  examples):                                                                                        

 14.  Unacceptable  Depictions  and  Portrayals  

Definition:                                                                          What  does  this  restrict  (give  examples):                                                                                        





“The Art of Advertising Web Quest” Worksheet  

1. Using  the  links  provided  on  the  web  quest  provide  five  different  advertising  techniques  and  briefly  explain  each  one  (1-­‐2  sentences  for  each  one  is  sufficient)  


2. Using  the  links  provided  on  the  web  quest  provide  three  pros  and  three  cons  of  advertising.  



3. As  a  group,  create  a  PowerPoint  presentation  illustrating  the  various  advertising  techniques  as  well  as  the  pros  and  cons  of  advertising,  using  the  information  from  question  one  and  two.  Your  PowerPoint  presentation  should  be  between  5-­‐7  slides.  Make  sure  to  clearly  explain  each  of  the  advertising  techniques  


4. Write  a  short  essay  (individually)  no  longer  than  four  short  paragraphs  explaining  why  advertising  is  necessary  or  unnecessary,  using  the  pros  and  cons  you  and  your  group  came  up  with  for  your  PowerPoint  presentation  





 Name:  _____________________________________________________   Block:  _____________________    You  work  at  an  advertising  firm  and  your  company  has  just  landed  Mini  Cooper  as  a  client.  You  and  your  team  are  to  brainstorm  ideas  for  print  advertisements  for  the  new  Mini  Automatic.  It  has  all  the  features  of  the  Mini  Cooper  but  now  has  an  automatic  transmission.  At  your  last  meeting,  the  representatives  for  Mini  Cooper  presented  your  team  with  this  ad:                                        

“The  Mini  Automatic.  For  simple  driving.”    1. After  some  discussion  and  investigation  into  the  laws  and  ethics  of  advertising,  your  

team  decides  to  tell  Mini  Cooper  not  to  run  the  ad.  In  one  paragraph,  defend  this  decision.  Make  sure  you  identify  the  Advertising  Standard  or  ethics  that  are  being  violated.    (2  marks)    


Analyzing  Ad  Standards  




2. Once  Mini  Cooper  has  accepted  your  suggestion  to  not  run  the  ad,  you  and  your  team  must  make  suggestions  to  improve  the  ad  or  come  up  with  a  whole  new  idea.  How  would  you  propose  the  new  ad  look?  Include  a  tagline;  image  (described  or  drawn)  and  anything  else  you  feel  would  be  important  to  hooking  an  audience.  (3  marks)    






Name:  ____________________________________  Date:_______________________________________  

 Instructions:    • You  will  have  30  min  to  complete  this  quiz  • Ensure  your  name  and  date  are  at  the  top  of  the  page  • You  may  only  use  a  pen  or  a  pencil  • Mark  all  of  your  answers  on  this  test  booklet  • If  you  finish  early,  please  hand  in  your  test  and  continue  working  on  your  

worksheet  booklet.  • Good  luck!  

   Matching    1. Match  the  term  to  the  correct  definition.  (3  marks)      

 a) Publicity    

b) Advertising    

c) Propaganda  

   Multiple  Choice:  For  questions  2-­‐4,  read  each  question  and  choose  the  corresponding  option  that  best  answers  it.  (1  mark  each)    2. The  main  purpose  of  commercial  advertising  is  to    

a) sell  a  product  or  service  to  an  audience  b) inform  an  audience  on  a  certain  topic  c) gather  people  for  a  specific  purpose  d) introduce  a  new  idea  or  philosophy  

 3. The  main  purpose  of  public  service  advertising  is  to    

a) sell  a  product  or  service  to  an  audience  

i. The  act  or  process  of  calling  public  attention  to  one’s  product,  service,  need  etc.,  especially  by  paid  announcements  in  newspapers  and  magazines,  over  radio  or  television,  on  billboards  etc.    

ii. Extensive  mention  in  the  news  media  or  word  of  mouth  or  other  means  of  communication.  

iii. Information,  ideas,  or  rumors  deliberately  spread  widely  to  help  or  harm  a  person,  group,  movement,  institution  or  nation.  

Print  Advertising  –  Quiz  1  



b) inform  an  audience  on  a  certain  topic  c) gather  people  for  a  specific  purpose  d) introduce  a  new  idea  or  philosophy  

 4.                In  2009,  a  claim  was  made  against  Rogers  Communications  regarding  the  ad  above.  After  the  ad  had  been  running,  there  were  many  complaints  stating  that  users  were  experiencing  as  many  if  not  more  dropped  calls  then  they  previously  were  before  switching.  Consumers  stated  that  this  information  was  used  in  the  purchasing  decision  and  the  ad  was  eventually  discontinued.  Based  on  which  advertising  law  did  the  Canadian  Competition  Bureau  make  this  decision?  

a) Unfair  advertising  and  business  practices  b) Bait  and  switch  tactics  c) Deceptive  advertising  d) Mismarked  price  

     Short  Answer:  Use  the  following  passage  to  answer  questions  5  and  6  in  your  own  words.  Use  complete  sentences.      You  work  at  an  advertising  firm  and  your  company  has  just  landed  Mini  Cooper  as  a  client.  You  and  your  team  are  to  brainstorm  ideas  for  print  advertisements  for  the  new  Mini  Automatic.  It  has  all  the  features  of  the  Mini  Cooper  but  now  has  an  automatic  transmission.  At  your  last  meeting,  the  representatives  for  Mini  Cooper  presented  your  team  with  this  ad:        




5. After  some  discussion  and  investigation  into  the  laws  and  ethics  of  advertising,  your  team  decides  to  tell  Mini  Cooper  not  to  run  the  ad.  In  one  paragraph,  defend  this  decision.  (2  marks)  


     6. Once  Mini  Cooper  has  accepted  your  suggestion  to  not  run  the  ad,  you  and  

your  team  must  make  suggestions  to  improve  the  ad  or  come  up  with  a  whole  new  idea.  How  would  you  propose  the  new  ad  look?  Include  a  tagline,  image  (described  or  drawn)  and  anything  else  you  feel  would  be  important  to  hooking  an  audience.  (3  marks)  







Name:  ____________________________________   Date:_______________________________________  

 Instructions:    • You  will  have  30  min  to  complete  this  quiz  • Ensure  your  name  and  date  are  at  the  top  of  the  page  • You  may  only  use  a  pen  or  a  pencil  • Mark  all  of  your  answers  on  this  test  booklet  • If  you  finish  early,  please  hand  in  your  test  and  continue  working  on  your  

worksheet  booklet.  • Good  luck!  

   Matching    1.  Match  the  term  to  the  correct  definition.  (3  marks)    

a) Publicity:  Extensive  mention  in  the  news  media  or  word  of  mouth  or  other  means  of  communication.      

b) Advertising:  The  act  or  process  of  calling  public  attention  to  one’s  product,  service,  need  etc.,  especially  by  paid  announcements  in  newspapers  and  magazines,  over  radio  or  television,  on  billboards  etc.  

 c) Propaganda:  Information,  ideas,  or  rumors  deliberately  spread  

widely  to  help  or  harm  a  person,  group,  movement,  institution  or  nation.  

   Multiple  Choice:  For  questions  2-­‐4,  read  each  question  and  choose  the  corresponding  option  that  best  answers  it.  (1  mark  each)    2.  The  main  purpose  of  commercial  advertising  is  to    

a) sell  a  product  or  service  to  an  audience  b) inform  an  audience  on  a  certain  topic  c) gather  people  for  a  specific  purpose  d) introduce  a  new  idea  or  philosophy  

Print  Advertising  –  Quiz  1  Answer  Key  




 3.  The  main  purpose  of  public  service  advertising  is  to    

a) sell  a  product  or  service  to  an  audience  b) inform  an  audience  on  a  certain  topic  c) gather  people  for  a  specific  purpose  d) introduce  a  new  idea  or  philosophy  

     4.                In  2009,  a  claim  was  made  against  Rogers  Communications  regarding  the  ad  above.  After  the  ad  had  been  running,  there  were  many  complaints  stating  that  users  were  experiencing  as  many  if  not  more  dropped  calls  then  they  previously  were  before  switching.  Consumers  stated  that  this  information  was  used  in  the  purchasing  decision  and  the  ad  was  eventually  discontinued.  Based  on  which  advertising  law  did  the  Canadian  Competition  Bureau  make  this  decision?  

a)  Unfair  advertising  and  business  practices  b) Bait  and  switch  tactics  c) Deceptive  advertising  d) Mismarked  price  

     True/False:    5.  In  order  for  a  print  advertisement  to  be  effective,  it  should  be  eye  catching  and  strategically  placed.  (1  mark)       True     False      Short  Answer:  Use  the  following  passage  to  answer  questions  6  and  7  in  your  own  words.  Use  complete  sentences.      You  work  at  an  advertising  firm  and  your  company  has  just  landed  Mini  Cooper  as  a  client.  You  and  your  team  are  to  



brainstorm  ideas  for  print  advertisements  for  the  new  Mini  Automatic.  It  has  all  the  features  of  the  Mini  Cooper  but  now  has  an  automatic  transmission.  At  your  last  meeting,  the  representatives  for  Mini  Cooper  presented  your  team  with  this  ad:              6.  After  some  discussion  and  investigation  into  the  laws  and  ethics  of  advertising,  your  team  decides  to  tell  Mini  Cooper  not  to  run  the  ad.  In  one  paragraph,  defend  this  decision.  (2  marks)    

  Answers  will  vary:  • 1  mark  for  identifying  ethical  violation  • 1  mark  for  justifying  why  this  is  inappropriate    

 7.  Once  Mini  Cooper  has  accepted  your  suggestion  to  not  run  the  ad,  you  and  your  team  must  make  suggestions  to  improve  the  ad  or  come  up  with  a  whole  new  idea.  How  would  you  propose  the  new  ad  look?  Include  a  tagline,  image  (described  or  drawn)  and  anything  else  you  feel  would  be  important  to  hooking  an  audience.  (3  marks)    Answers  will  vary:  

• 1  mark  for  original  idea  • 1  mark  for  appropriate  use  of  tagline  • 1  mark  for  appropriate  graphics  or  image  





 Name:  ___________________________________Block:  ________________________    Chose  2  companies  from  the  table  and  analyze  the  demographics  and  psychographics  that  make  up  their  target  market.  On  your  own,  fill  out  the  categories  on  this  sheet  to  get  a  clear  understanding  of  the  customer  base  of  these  companies.    Company  #1:  ____________________________________________________________    Demographics:  


Take  a  Look:  Target  Markets  

Age:    Gender:    Income  Range:    Home  size:    Vehicle  type:    Number  of  kids:    Occupation:    Education  Level:    Ethnicity:    




In  one  sentence  describe  the  target  market:    _________________________________________________________________________________________________  Company  #2:  ____________________________________________________________    Demographics:  


Hobbies/Interests:          Personality  Traits  

Age:    Gender:    Income  Range:    Home  size:    Vehicle  type:    Number  of  kids:    Occupation:    Education  Level:      




In  one  sentence  describe  the  target  market:    __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________                          


Hobbies/Interests:          Personality  Traits  

Company  #1:  

________________________________________________  Com

pany  #2:  ________________________________________________  



   Name:  ___________________________________________________   Block:  ___________________    Product  Name:  ____________________________  

Parts  of  a  Print  Ad  Worksheet  




Describe  your  product:  

Who  is  your  target  market?        What  are  the  demographics  of  your  target  market?                What  are  the  psychographics  of  your  target  market?  

What  is  your  product  logo?  





What  makes  your  product  unique?  What  are  its  features?  How  does  your  product  meet  the  needs  of  its  target  market?  

How  will  you  creatively  introduce  your  product?            How  will  your  opening  statement  generate  consumer  interest?  



How  will  you  demonstrate  or  display  your  product?  

How  much  will  you  sell  your  product  for?  

Describe  the  layout  of  your  ad:  






Name:             Class  Block:          Your  task  is  to  search  through  various  magazines  and  newspapers  for  two  different  print  advertisements.  Evaluate  the  ad  and  answer  the  following  questions  in  detail  for  each  of  the  ads  you’ve  chosen.  Make  sure  you  attach  your  ads  to  the  assignment  page  and  use  your  class  time  to  finish  your  evaluation.      Due:       Worth:  20%    Ad  #1    What  product,  service,  or  point  of  view  is  being  advertised?  



Who  is  responsible  for  creating  this  advertisement?  Why  are  they  sending  this  message?  



What  is  the  purpose  of  this  advertisement?  (For  example,  is  it  intended  to  educate,  entertain,  or  inform?)  



What  advertising  techniques  are  used  to  attract  a  viewer’s  attention  and  to  make  the  advertisement  believable?  




Who  is  the  anticipated  audience  of  the  advertisement?  Who  is  actually  seeing  the  advertisement?  


Assignment:  Print  Ad  Analysis    






What  does  the  advertisement  say  to  the  viewer?  What  lifestyles,  values,  opinions,  and  points  of  view  are  represented?  



Who  makes  money  or  benefits  from  the  advertisement?  



What  makes  the  advertisement  biased  in  some  manner?  How  is  this  bias  demonstrated?  What  has  been  included  or  left  out  of  the  advertisement?  



Why  would  the  advertisement’s  creators  or  the  product  makers  have  the  need  to  be  biased  in  their  advertisement?  



How  might  some  people  understand  this  advertisement  differently  from  others?  Would  all  viewers  agree  on  what  was  being  advertised  and  the  purpose  of  the  ad?  



Would  someone  be  likely  to  believe  this  advertisement?  Why  or  why  not?  



Do  you  agree  with  the  advertisement?  Why  or  why  not?  




Ad  #2  

What  product,  service,  or  point  of  view  is  being  advertised?  



Who  is  responsible  for  creating  this  advertisement?  Why  are  they  sending  this  message?  



What  is  the  purpose  of  this  advertisement?  (For  example,  is  it  intended  to  educate,  entertain,  or  inform?)  



What  advertising  techniques  are  used  to  attract  a  viewer’s  attention  and  to  make  the  advertisement  believable?  




Who  is  the  anticipated  audience  of  the  advertisement?  Who  is  actually  seeing  the  advertisement?  





What  does  the  advertisement  say  to  the  viewer?  What  lifestyles,  values,  opinions,  and  points  of  view  are  represented?  



Who  makes  money  or  benefits  from  the  advertisement?  





What  makes  the  advertisement  biased  in  some  manner?  How  is  this  bias  demonstrated?  What  has  been  included  or  left  out  of  the  advertisement?  



Why  would  the  advertisement’s  creators  or  the  product  makers  have  the  need  to  be  biased  in  their  advertisement?  



How  might  some  people  understand  this  advertisement  differently  from  others?  Would  all  viewers  agree  on  what  was  being  advertised  and  the  purpose  of  the  ad?  



Would  someone  be  likely  to  believe  this  advertisement?  Why  or  why  not?  



Do  you  agree  with  the  advertisement?  Why  or  why  not?  






 Due:    Worth:  20%  


         Level  Criteria  

4  Excellent  

3  Proficient  

2  Adequate  

1  Limited  *  

Insufficient  /  Blank  *  

Application  of  Class  Content  

The  student  shows  

evidence  of  an  extensive  

knowledge  of  advertising  strategies,  messages,  

strengths  and  weaknesses.  

The  student  shows  

evidence  of  a  clear  

knowledge  of  advertising  strategies,  messages,  

strengths  and  weaknesses.  

The  student  shows  

evidence  of  a  basic  

knowledge  of  advertising  strategies,  messages,  

strengths  and  weaknesses.    

The  student  demonstrated  minimal  or  limited  

knowledge  of  advertising  strategies,  messages,  

strengths  and  weaknesses.  

No  score  is  awarded  

because  there  is  insufficient  evidence  of  student  

performance  based  on  the  requirements  

of  the  assessment  

task.  Quality  of  Analysis  

The  analysis  is  clear,  

demonstrates  a  thorough  

understanding  of  the  ideas  of  the  ads  and  

shows  evidence  of  extensive  

student  effort.  

The  analysis  is  clear,  

demonstrates  a  good  

understanding  of  the  ideas  of  the  ads  and  

shows  evidence  of  

student  effort.  

The  analysis  is  clear,  

demonstrates  a  basic  

understanding  of  the  ideas  of  the  ads  and  

shows  evidence  of  some  student  


The  analysis  is  somewhat  

clear,  demonstrates  a  minimal  

understanding  of  the  ideas  of  the  ads  and  

shows  evidence  of  little  student  


Assignment  Rubric  

Student  Name  


Date    Task   Print  Ad  Creation  



 Print  Ad  Analysis    Name:  ____________________________________________________   Block:  ___________________    Use  this  page  to  complete  your  formal  ad  analysis  on  the  two  ads  you’ve  chosen.  The  analysis  should  be  well  written  in  short  essay  form.  Use  the  notes  that  you  took  yesterday  to  identify  the  important  points  of  the  ad  and  summarize  by  stating  your  opinion  on  why  the  ad  is  effective  or  not.  Write  at  LEAST  one  page  for  each  ad  and  staple  the  ads  to  this  sheet  when  you’re  done.    Ad#1                            

























































Ad  #2  


































































 Name:  ______________________________________________________   Block:  ________________________    

1. List  the  brands  that  Morgan  was  successful  in  getting  to  sponsor  the  movie                  

2. What  steps  did  Morgan  take  when  he  would  approach  brands  to  sponsor  the  movie?  


3. What  were  some  of  the  reasoning’s  that  certain  companies  gave  for  not  wanting  to  partake  in  this  film?  


4. Throughout  the  movie,  how  did  Morgan  go  about  promoting  Ban  deodorant?            

The  Greatest  Movie  Ever  Sold  



5. How  was  POM  Wonderful  portrayed  as  being  the  best  drink  to  drink?              

6. What  advertising  strategies  did  Morgan  use  in  his  proposed  advertisements  to  POM  Wonderful?  


7. In  your  own  words,  why  is  it  important  to  establish  a  brand  image  or  reputation?  


8. In  your  opinion,  was  it  beneficial  for  the  companies  to  have  invested  in  this  movie?  Why  or  why  not?  





 You  and  your  team  are  responsible  for  creating  your  very  own  print  advertisement  to  run  in  a  magazine/newspaper/billboard  of  your  choice.  To  complete  this  task,  you  will  first  need  to  choose  a  product  to  sell  and  then  take  the  appropriate  marketing  steps  in  order  to  make  your  ad  relevant  and  successful.  You  will  need  to  use  all  the  concepts  discussed  in  class  as  well  as  do  some  further  research  into  your  product.  Your  group  will  hand  in  2  parts;  your  advertisement  and  a  written  rationale  explaining  your  thinking.    Part  1  –  The  Ad    Your  advertisement  must  include  the  following:  

• An  effective  design  that  shows  the  best  use  of  o White  space  o Borders  o Fonts  o Placement  of  your  various  components  

• At  least  one  graphic  or  illustration  • Signature  or  Logo  • A  tagline  and/or  headline  and/or  written  message  

 Part  2  –  Rationale    The  rationale  for  your  ad  is  where  your  group  will  explain  the  thinking  and  research  that  went  into  creating  the  finished  product.  The  rationale  needs  to  be  at  least  one  page,  typed  and  single-­‐spaced  and  needs  to  include  the  following:  

• An  explanation  of  your  target  market  o Identify  the  audience  you  chose  and  why  you  chose  the  group  you  did  o Explain  the  demographics  and  psychographics  of  your  target  audience  o State  at  what  stage  your  audience  is  in  in  the  Product  Adoption  Process  

• An  explanation  of  your  advertising  objective  o Identify  the  objective  of  your  ad  and  why  you  chose  it  o Identify  if  your  objective  is  demand  oriented  or  image  oriented  and  why  you  

chose  what  you  did  o How  does  your  ad  meet  your  objective  

• An  explanation  of  your  advertising  message  o Identify  the  message  that  your  ad  is  portraying  o What  makes  your  ad’s  message  appropriate/appealing  to  your  target  market  o How  does  the  message  contribute  to  meeting  your  advertising  objective  

• An  explanation  of  the  marketing  strategies  you  used  o Identify  the  strategies  you  chose  and  why  o How  does  your  strategy  help  to  achieve  your  advertising  objective  


Assignment:  Creating  a  Print  Ad  



Attached  is  the  rubric  that  will  be  used  to  grade  your  assignment.      


Assignment   Student  Name    

         Level  Criteria  

4  Excellent  

3  Proficient  

2  Adequate  

1  Limited  *  

Insufficient  /  Blank  *  

Background  Knowledge  &  Research  

The  ad  shows  evidence  that  the  student  has  used  all  of  the  

concepts  presented  in  class  and  has  done  thorough  research  to  enhance  the  validity  of  the  


The  ad  shows  evidence  that  the  student  

has  used  some  of  the  

concepts  presented  in  class  and  has  done  some  research  to  enhance  the  validity  of  the  


The  ad  demonstrates  

basic  background  knowledge  of  concepts  was  applied  and  minimal  research  

conducted  to  contribute  to  

the  ad.    

Application  of  background  knowledge  was  not  clear  

and  no  evidence  of  research  is  evident.  

No  score  is  awarded  

because  there  is  insufficient  evidence  of  student  

performance  based  on  the  requirements  

of  the  assessment  


Layout  &  Design  

The  ad  shows  a  comprehensively  effective  use  of  all  white  space,  

borders,  different  fonts  and  strategic  placement  

The  ad  shows  an  effective  use  of  most  white  space,  borders,  

different  fonts  and  strategic  placement.  

The  ad  shows  an  effective  

use  of  2  of  the  elements:  

white  space,  borders,  

different  fonts  and  strategic  placement.  

The  ad  demonstrates  a  limited  use  of  white  space,  

borders,  different  fonts  and  strategic  placement.    

Target  Audience  

Demographics  and  

psychographics  are  clear,  

thought  out  and  appropriate  for  the  product.  

Demographics  and  

psychographics  are  though  out  

and  appropriate  for  the  product.  

Generally  clear  but  could  use  

some  explanation.    

Demographics  and  

psychographics  are  

appropriate  for  the  product.  Somewhat  clear  and  

thought  out.  

Demographics  and  

psychographics  are  generally  unclear  and/or  

is  not  appropriate  for  the  product.  

Rationale  (X2)  

Student  has  clearly  and  thoroughly  

stated  their  use  of  one  or  more  advertising  

strategies  in  the  ad  and  

supported  the  message  clearly  conveyed  in  the  


Student  has  shown  a  basic  understanding  of  their  use  of  one  or  more  advertising  

strategies  and  has  explained  the  message  conveyed  in  

the  ad.  

Student  has  given  a  very  

brief  description  of  their  use  of  one  or  more  advertising  

strategies  and  states  the  message  

conveyed  in  the  ad.  

Limited  or  minimal  

description  of  their  use  of  one  or  more  advertising  

strategies  and  the  intended  message  of  the  ad  is  unclear  



Rubric   Date    Task   Print  Ad  Creation  


Peer Evaluation Form Team Name:  Please  rate  yourself  and  your  team  members  on  the  contributions  that  were  made  in  creating  your  print  advertisement  and  in  preparing  your  presentation.  Be  honest  in  this  evaluation!    When  rating  yourself  and  your  peers,  give  each  person  a  score  from  1  to  5  based  on  the  following  valuations:    5à  Excellent  4à  Proficient    3à  Adequate  2à  Below  Average  1à  Insufficient       Self   Teammate   Teammate   Teammate  Attended  all  group  meetings  


Completed  all  assigned  tasks  


Contributed  positively  to  group  discussions  


Worked  well  with  other  team  members  


Overall  played  a  significant  role  in  ensuring  the  project  was  completed  on  time  and  all  project  criteria  were  met    





MAM 2090: Print Advertising Summative Assessment

Choose three of the print advertisements below, and follow these directions:

1. Examine the ad for its overall “message” 2. Look at the relationship between the text and the pictures. 3. Answer the following questions:

Ad 1 Ad 2 Ad 3 What is the product/service being sold?

What is the product/service being sold?

What is the product/service being sold?

What ideas, emotions, or events are being associated or linked to the product?

What ideas, emotions, or events are being associated or linked to the product?

What ideas, emotions, or events are being associated or linked to the product?

Analyze the effectiveness of the product’s associations. Do the connections make sense in a Logical, Emotional, or Ethical way?

Analyze the effectiveness of the product’s associations. Do the connections make sense in a Logical, Emotional, or Ethical way?

Analyze the effectiveness of the product’s associations. Do the connections make sense in a Logical, Emotional, or Ethical way?



Are the associations effective in the sense that they make you want to purchase, or at least consider purchasing the product?

Are the associations effective in the sense that they make you want to purchase, or at least consider purchasing the product?

Are the associations effective in the sense that they make you want to purchase, or at least consider purchasing the product?

Speculate on the “target audience” for the ad, and list characteristics of them, including psychographics (interests, beliefs, etc.) and demographics (age, gender, etc):

Speculate on the “target audience” for the ad, and list characteristics of them, including psychographics (interests, beliefs, etc.) and demographics (age, gender, etc):

Speculate on the “target audience” for the ad, and list characteristics of them, including psychographics (interests, beliefs, etc.) and demographics (age, gender, etc):

Why do you feel that this ad is successful or unsuccessful in targeting its intended audience?

Why do you feel that this ad is successful or unsuccessful in targeting its intended audience?

Why do you feel that this ad is successful or unsuccessful in targeting its intended audience?




Write a paragraph in which you analyze the overall effectiveness of the ad. Consider that the company spent $100,000 on the ad. Was this an effective use of funds?

Write a paragraph in which you analyze the overall effectiveness of the ad. Consider that the company spent $100,000 on the ad. Was this an effective use of funds?

Write a paragraph in which you analyze the overall effectiveness of the ad. Consider that the company spent $100,000 on the ad. Was this an effective use of funds?













Unit  Plan  Rationale  Assignment    In  order  to  develop  a  relevant,  meaningful  and  realistic  unit  plan  I  incorporated  many  of  the  issues  derived  from  Social  Context,  as  these  issues  are  significant  for  21st  century  learners.  While  I  used  a  variety  of  issues  presented  in  the  social  context  course,  I  focused  on  four  main  issues  for  my  unit  plan:  the  Hidden  Curriculum,  Digital  Citizenship,  Technology/  Social  Media,  as  well  as  Inclusion  in  the  classroom.      As  I  was  planning  a  unit  on  print  advertising,  when  creating  each  of  my  lessons,  I  made  sure  that  they  were  all  based  on  real  life  contexts  and  that  each  lesson  taught  the  students  what  life  looks  like  in  the  working  world  outside  of  the  classroom.  To  begin  the  unit,  I  started  by  asking  the  students  what  marketing  is  and  the  purpose  it  serves.  This  not  only  gave  the  students  an  opportunity  to  think  about  potential  jobs  in  the  marketing  sector,  but  also  helped  to  get  them  thinking  about  the  differences  between  publicity  and  advertising.  This  allowed  the  students  to  use  their  imaginations  (to  think  imaginatively)  to  determine  what  a  good  advertisement  might  look  like.  In  my  second  lesson  I  had  the  students  complete  a  worksheet  on  Canadian  Code  of  Advertising  Standards,  which  made  the  content  very  realistic  and  meaningful  for  the  students.  Towards  the  end  of  the  unit,  I  had  the  students  create  a  print  advertisement.  I  chose  this  activity  as  it  allows  the  students  to  perform  a  meaningful  and  purposeful  real  life  task.  This  assignment  provides  students  with  the  ability  to  be  creative  and  innovative.  Most  importantly,  this  assignment  helps  students  to  develop  necessary  skills  (such  as  taking  initiative  and  acting  independently)  for  success  in  the  Information  Age.  In  each  of  the  lessons  above  I  placed  an  emphasis  on  making  the  content  meaningful  in  a  real  life  context  beyond  a  school  environment.  By  placing  emphasis  on  these  practical  examples  as  opposed  to  strictly  theory,  the  hidden  curriculum  that  I  incorporated  into  each  of  my  lessons  helped  to  better  prepare  the  students  for  life  in  the  real  world.        As  discussed  in  social  context,  both  digital  citizenship  and  digital  technology  have  become  ingrained  in  our  society.  I  believe  as  teachers  it  is  critical  that  we  prepare  our  students  for  this  new  digital  era,  and  therefore  when  designing  my  unit  I  created  a  lesson  that  would  allow  me  to  incorporate  digital  citizenship  and  digital  technology.  One  of  my  lessons  has  students  completing  a  web  quest.  I  chose  this  activity,  as  it  is  an  ideal  time  to  teach  the  students  responsible  behavior  with  regard  to  technology  use.  This  lesson  allows  me  to  help  students  prepare  for  their  future  by  teaching  them  appropriate  technology  use.  By  having  students  use  the  computer  to  complete  their  web  quest,  this  lesson  provides  an  opportunity  for  those  students  who  may  not  have  access  to  technology  on  a  regular  basis  to  gain  exposure  to  different  tools  they  may  encounter  throughout  their  educational  and  working  lives.  This  exposure  also  helps  better  prepare  students  for  life  in  the  real  world.  This  particular  lesson  also  allows  me  to  touch  on  digital  literacy.  As  students  will  be  



required  to  use  materials  and  resources  from  the  internet  for  several  of  their  projects,  this  lesson  will  allow  me  to  teach  the  students  how  to  evaluate  online  resources  and  to  determine  the  accuracy  of  the  content  provided.        As  discussed  in  class,  social  media  can  be  a  very  effective  tool  to  use  in  the  classroom  if  it  is  implemented  appropriately.  As  we  are  in  a  digital  era,  I  believe  that  as  future  teachers  we  must  try  and  incorporate  social  media  tools  into  our  lessons  if  we  wish  to  keep  the  students  engaged  and  make  the  information  relevant  and  meaningful  for  the  students.  In  my  second  lesson  I  have  the  students  complete  a  poll  everywhere  survey.  I  used  this  tool  as  a  way  to  introduce  social  media  to  the  students  and  to  show  them  how  such  tools  can  be  used  effectively  both  inside  and  outside  of  the  classroom.    The  concept  of  creating  an  inclusive  classroom  has  been  highly  emphasized  throughout  the  social  context  course.  When  creating  my  unit  plan  I  took  this  into  consideration  when  planning  my  lessons.  For  the  majority  of  my  lessons  I  created  an  instructional  PowerPoint  as  this  would  allow  ELL  learners  to  re-­‐read  the  notes  in  the  case  that  they  did  not  understand  a  concept  or  an  issue  was  explained  too  quickly.  Having  the  instruction  on  a  PowerPoint  also  allows  students  to  use  Google  or  other  translating  devices  to  translate  the  material  so  they  can  comprehend  it.  Creating  instructional  PowerPoint  presentations  allows  me  to  create  an  inclusive  classroom  where  all  students’  needs  are  met.      In  conclusion,  incorporating  issues  that  were  explicitly  explained  and  presented  in  the  social  context  class  played  a  fundamental  role  in  helping  me  create  my  unit  plan.  Although  I  addressed  four  main  issues  that  were  discussed,  there  are  many  other  issues  that  I  touched  on  that  will  be  a  crucial  part  of  my  unit  plan.  The  reason  I  chose  the  Hidden  Curriculum,  Digital  Citizenship,  Technology/  Social  Media,  as  well  as  Inclusion  in  the  classroom  as  my  four  main  issues  to  focus  on  was  because  I  felt  that  these  issues  were  fairly  significant  and  tied  in  well  with  my  unit  on  marketing.  It  is  now  much  clearer  that  the  issues  addressed  in  social  context  will  continue  to  play  a  vital  role  in  my  future  career  as  a  teacher,  and  will  most  likely  need  to  be  considered  when  planning  other  units.    





Exceptional  Learners:  Educational  Psychology      

Assignment Number Four: Linking Differentiated Instruction to Lesson/Unit


Part 1: Unit Plan and Lesson Plan Description

The unit plan that I developed is a part of the Business, Administration, Finance, and

Information Technology cluster of the CTS program. More specifically the unit is on

Management and Marketing with a focus on print advertising. The title of the unit is

MAM 2090: Promotion- Print advertising and is designed for grade eleven students. The

course does not have any pre-requisites, which means that students in grade ten or twelve

could also complete the course. In this unit, students will gain exposure to different

communication channels, delivery strategies and advertising media that can be used to

inform potential customers about products and services available in the market place.

Students will describe principles involved in the advertising process and apply these

principles to print media. Students will also evaluate print advertisements, design and

create an effective print advertisement and identify possible life roles related to the skills

and content of this cluster.

I have structured my unit so that the content taught is directly tied to the SLO’s stated in

the program of studies. The purpose of my first lesson is to provide the students with an

introduction to the course, which will be done by providing students with an outline//unit



overview handout. The first lesson will also allow me to pre-assess the student’s

readiness. Throughout my unit I have the students complete a wide range of activities

such as worksheets, web-quests, whole class discussion and guided notes, in order to help

keep the students engaged and make the material meaningful and relevant for the


Part 2: Pre-Assessment

In creating my fifth and sixth lesson plans on target markets, the two pre-assessment

activities I chose to focus on that were most appropriate for the lesson included:

1) Learning Style Inventory Test http://www.berghuis.co.nz/abiator/lsi/lsitest1.html

2) “What is Advertising” worksheet

Please see assessment activities attached.

Both of my pre-assessment activities would be completed during the first lesson of the

unit. After reviewing the course outline, the students would be asked to complete a

Learning Style Inventory Pre- Assessment Test. In order to access the test students

simply need to click on the link provided. Once at the website students can complete the

test using the directions provided. Students will complete this test to determine what type

of learning style and which environment work best for them. Once the students have

completed the test, they will be asked to complete the advertising worksheet which will

help them pre-assess how much they know about the topic and provide insight as to what

will be covered in the unit so they know where to focus their learning.



These pre-assessments will help me to determine the student’s level of readiness and, to

tailor my lessons and activities to meet the needs of each student according to his/her

learning style.

Part 3: Differentiating the Lesson

I chose to use the readiness pre-assessment method, as this would enable me to determine

what the students know about target markets before proceeding with my lessons. It would

also provide me valuable information concerning individual strength’s, weaknesses and

needs and provide the basis for flexible grouping patterns and for creating tiered


Based on my pre-assessment I will primarily differentiate by content, creating different

assignments for students demonstrating different levels of proficiency and knowledge.

Students who are the least knowledgeable would be required to complete the

demographics and psychographics portion of the target markets worksheet and are only

required to write one sentence describing the target market of each of the two companies.

The students at a more intermediate level would be required to complete the target market

worksheet and would be expected to write a short paragraph comparing the target

markets of the two companies. In addition to the requirements of the intermediate level,

the more advanced students would have to analyze why the differences in the target

groups would be important for each of the companies to be aware of. The advanced

students would also be required to construct a Venn diagram illustrating the similarities,

differences and overlap of the companies target markets. These assignments also

differentiate in process, as they require students to work at different levels of Bloom’s



taxonomy. The products will also be different accordingly.

The instructional strategy I have chosen is tiered assignments. By using the tiered

assignments approach, I address the needs of the students by providing them with

materials at differing levels of complexity and have adjusted the assignments to ensure

the students are challenged at an appropriate level.

Please see differentiated learner activities attached.

Part 4: Anchor Activity (Sponge)

The first anchor activity I have chosen is to have students complete a personal glossary of

all new or unfamiliar terms that they encounter over the course of the unit. This is to

ensure that the students are building sound knowledge based on their level of readiness. It

also provides the students with an ongoing resource that they can consult when they are

trying to use these terms for assignments and discussion purposes throughout the unit.

This personal glossary is appropriate for differentiated instruction as it allows each

student to create a glossary that is most suited to his/her learning needs and at a whatever

level he/she is at. My second anchor activity is a learning journal. While each student

must complete a learning journal, this may be done in a variety of ways that are tailored

to accommodate each student’s individual learning style. Auditory learners may wish to

use recording devices. Visual learners might wish to use illustrations, diagrams or

flashcards. For those students who have a kinesthetic or tactile learning style they may

wish to present their learning journal using a short skit, a song, or a short video.

Creativity and an individualized approach will be encouraged, but students can work



collaboratively if they wish.

Please see anchor activities attached.

Part 5: Relationship to Knowledge, Skills and Aptitudes (KSAs)

The two KSAs that are directly related to the planning of my lesson include:

1) Teachers identify and respond to learner differences

2) Teachers gather and use information about students’ learning needs and progress

and assess the range of learning objectives

I have met both of these KSAs by having the students complete a learning style inventory

at the beginning of the unit. This not only allows me to gather information about the

diverse learning needs of the students in my class, but also allows me to tailor my lessons

and activities accordingly to effectively meet the needs of each student. By knowing how

each student learns best, I would be able to respond to learner differences by providing

assignments that accommodate individual differences, for example providing tiered

assignments and an individualized approach to completing the journal.










       Name:  _______________________________________________     Block:  _________________    


“What  is  Advertising”  

What  is  the  purpose  of  advertising?  

What  is  intangible  or  perceived  value?          What  benefits  can  intangible  value  have  for  a  product  or  brand?  

What  is  the  difference  between  advertising  and  publicity?  



Target market worksheet for beginner students:
















Target market worksheet for intermediate students:
















Target market worksheet for advanced students:
















Write a short analysis as to why the differences in each of the target groups would be

important for each of the companies to be aware of.

Complete the Venn diagram illustrating the similarities, differences and overlap of the

two companies target markets






Anchor Activities:

Personal glossary activity:

Over the course of this unit you will be encountering many new terms and principles,

which will be essential for your understanding of the material and concepts. In order to

make sure that you are able to review and properly use these terms and concepts, you will

be required to develop a personal glossary. This glossary should contain all unfamiliar

terms and any fundamental principles you encounter over the course of the unit. This

should be done with the view to preparing a personal resource that you can use when

working on assignments, projects or preparing for quizzes and exams related to this unit.

Learning journal activity:

You will be required to complete a learning journal throughout the unit. It is

recommended that you make entries after each class, but the emphasis here is on what we

are studying and what your thoughts are regarding this subject matter. You may complete

the journal in any way they find useful. That is, you may wish to use audio or audio-

visual devices, use illustrations or video tape a skit, or simply keep a written journal. The

format is not as important as the content. Feel free to be as creative as you like, however

creativity is not a requirement for this project. You are also free to work with one or more

of your peers if you feel this will be beneficial for you.



Addressing Professional Knowledge, Skills and Attributes

(KSAs) Professional Semester Two

The following chart denotes the

alignment of the Alberta KSA’s

with instruction in the PSII modules

Knowledge, Skills and Attributes for Alberta Teachers

Education 3602

Educational Psychology of Exceptional

Learners 1 - Teachers make reasoned decisions about teaching and learning based on their

ongoing analysis of contextual variables. X 2 - Teachers understand the legislated, moral and ethical framework within which

they work. X 3 - Teachers use the programs of study to inform and direct planning instruction and

assessment. X

4 - Teachers demonstrate knowledge of the content they teach.

5 - Teachers identify and respond to learner differences. X 6 - Teachers plan for instruction, translating curriculum and outcomes into

meaningful learning activities. X 7 - Teachers create and maintain environments that are conducive to student learning

and understand student needs for physical, social, cultural and psychological security.


8 - Teachers establish relationships with students that respect human dignity X

9 - Teachers use a broad range of instructional strategies. X

10 - Teachers apply a variety of technologies to meet students’ learning needs. X 11 - Teachers gather and use information about students’ learning needs and progress

and assess the range of learning objectives. X 12 - Teachers engage parents, purposefully and meaningfully, in all aspects of teaching

and learning. X

13 - Teachers identify and use relevant learning resources. X

14 - Teachers contribute, independently and collegially, to the quality of their school. X

15 - Teachers engage in assessing the quality of their teaching. X

16 - Teachers are able to communicate a personal vision of their own teaching.




Calendars  for  March  and  April      See  attached  documents