te summit 23-24.10.2013.-ian clifford-you rock

YouRock overview Telecentre Europe Summit Malta, October 2013

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Post on 12-Jan-2015




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  • 1. YouRock overviewTelecentre Europe Summit Malta, October 2013

2. YouRock conceptPlay 3. YouRock audienceAged 15-24, male and female, European Perceived likely target age range 17-21 Employed, unemployed, or in full time education Have little or no workplace experience or career profile Likely to use range of social media, but not LinkedIn Have little or no interest in ICT as a career Uses technology daily 4. YouRock functionalityProfiles aspirations, achievements, skills Help young people to recognize their latent skills Site will act as stepping stone in early career period Three key stages to profile building: 1. Identify latent business skills (see next slide) 2. Each skill endorsable by trusted adult/educator 3. Link to social media content showing each skill (potentially creating content elsewhere that shows those skills) The profile building process will 1. Encourage ICT as potential career choice 2. Activate behavior change regarding building online employability related content 3. Create a new relationship dynamic with endorsing educators 5. YouRock USPRecognizing latent skills (some examples) 6. YouRock progressDevelopments so far and future plans Crowd-funded 14,400 to create prototype Accepted as pledge to Grand Coalition for Digital Jobs Plans Hackathon develops prototype in November Development and testing until February 2014Full service in around 15 countries from March Engage with EU campaigns to reach users 7. Detailed plan to launchFive months development to Beta release October: Delivery partner engagement November 6-8: Vilnius Hackathon develops functional prototype November 24-30: EU Code week; further user experience development December: Prototype testing; partner prototype visibility January 2014: Alpha system development & release; translations February: Alpha testing by delivery partners; 2nd Hackathon builds beta Early March: Beta system release; snagging March 24-28: Get Online Week; public service launch. April: eSkills Campaign launch event Athens 8. Country rollout in 2014Intended countries, networks and languages Belgium Interface3 France TBC Germany TBC Greece GetBusy Ireland FITLanguages English French German Greek Italian Italy TBC Lithuania LIA Latvia LIKTA Poland FRSI Portugal TBC Latvian Lithuanian Polish Portuguese Romanian Romania EOS Russia PH lntl Serbia IAN Spain PuntTIC, Esplai UK TBC Russian Serbian SpanishLanguages to be confirmed; Partner networks indicative. 9. Further Information Ian Clifford [email protected] twitter.com/ian_cli +44 (0)7411 118667 be.linkedin.com/in/ihclifford News sitehttp://latentskills.com