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  • 8/14/2019 TD MXC Python Wierzbiki



    Developer Productivity withPython and Jython


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    Sun Confidential: Internal Only 2


    Frank Joseph Wierzbicki([email protected])

    Project lead for Jython

    Java Developer for 10 years

    Python/Jython Developer for 10 years

    Contributor to Jython for 4+ years

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    Sun Confidential: Internal Only 3

    What is Python?

    A programming language that is:> Elegant and Robust> Powerful and as applicable as traditional compiled

    languages> Easy to pick up, readability is at the forefront of the

    language design> Easy to use, yet powerful

    The fastest growing language of 2007 according toTiobe (

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    What is Jython?

    Jython brings the Python language to the JVM.

    Jython has full and nearly seamless integration intoany Java libraries and code.

    Jython can access many of the libraries andframeworks written in Python.

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    Some code

    print hello world

    def hello(name):

    print hello, name

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    Some Users of Python and Jython

    Python> Google and YouTube> The new OpenSolaris packaging system (IPS)>

    Ubuntu, Red Hat, etc for system utilities Jython

    > IBM WebSphere for admin scripting> BEA Weblogic for admin scripting> Testing engines like PushToTest and the Grinder

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    Demo: Jython installationand basics


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    Jython and JDBC

    Jython has built in support for DB-API, Python'sstandard database interface in the zxJDBCpackage.

    zxjdbc is a thin wrapper around JDBC, Java'sstandard database interface.

    Provides Python programmers with access to anydatabase with a JDBC driver.

    Provides Java programmers with access to anyPython frameworks that are built on DB-API

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    Basic Database Access

    from com.ziclix.python.sql import zxJDBC

    db = zxJDBC.connect("jdbc:mysql://localhost/test"

    'user', 'pass', "")cursor = db.cursor()

    cursor.execute("select name from user")

    for row in cursor.fetchall():


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    Swing from Jython

    from javax.swing import JTable

    from javax.swing import JFrame

    rowdata = [('bill', 'Bill Williams')]

    colnames = ['user name', 'full name']

    table = JTable(rowdata, colnames)

    frame = JFrame("Table")

    frame.getContentPane().add( table )frame.size = 400, 300

    frame.visible = 1

  • 8/14/2019 TD MXC Python Wierzbiki


    Demo: Database Access fromJython


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    A Python MVC framework with a web and databasebias (similar to Ruby on Rails)

    Makes creating a project very simple

    Comes with a powerful admin tool that can be usedto manage the data in your database no need towrite your own admin tool!

    Very clean and simple design, easy to read andwrite.

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    Demo: Django on Jython


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    Hibernate From Jython

    Hibernate is a ORM written in Java

    It can be accessed as EJB3

    Jython can be used

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    EJB3 From Jythonfrom javax.persistence import *

    from hello import Continent # A Java class

    emf = Persistence.createEntityManagerFactory(


    newEm = emf.createEntityManager();

    newTx = newEm.getTransaction();newTx.begin();

    continents = newEm.createQuery('select c from Continent c \

    order by asc').getResultList();

    print continents.size(), " message(s) found:"for c in continents:





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    Demo: Hibernate/EJB3 FromJython


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    SQLAlchemy is a ORM written in pure Python

    Written by Michael Bayer who consults onHibernate by day

    Utilizes Python's strengths to create very clear ORMcode

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    SQLAlchemy Code Examplefrom sqlalchemy import *

    db = create_engine('mysql://mydb:mydb@localhost/mydb')

    metadata = MetaData(db)

    continents = Table('continent', metadata,

    Column('id', Integer, primary_key=True),Column('name', String(40)),


    s = = s.execute()

    for continent in r:


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    Where to find out more

    Twitter: fwierzbicki

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    El Zen de Python

    1. Hermoso es mejor que feo. 2. Explcito es mejor que implcito.

    3. Simple es mejor que complejo.

    4. Complejo es mejor que complicado. 5. Plano es mejor que anidado.

    6. Disperso es mejor que denso.

    7. La legibilidad cuenta.

    8. Los casos especiales no son suficientemente especialescomo para romper las reglas.

    9. Aunque lo pragmtico gana a la pureza.

    10. Los errores nunca deberan dejarse pasarsilenciosamente.

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    S C fid ti l I t l O l

    11. A menos que se silencien explcitamente.

    12. Cuando te enfrentes a la ambigedad, rechaza la tentacin

    de adivinar. 13. Debera haber una -- y preferiblemente slo una -- manera

    obvia de hacerlo.

    14. Aunque puede que no sea obvia a primera vista a menos

    que seas holands. (NT: Guido van Rossum es holands) 15. Ahora es mejor que nunca.

    16. Aunque muchas veces nunca es mejor que *ahora mismo*.

    17. Si la implementacin es difcil de explicar, es una mala idea. 18. Si la implementacin es sencilla de explicar, puede que sea

    una buena idea.

    19. Los espacios de nombres son una gran idea -- tengamos

    ms de esas!