tcsh trial 09 final.doc

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  • 8/10/2019 TCSH TRIAL 09 final.doc


    Friday 18 September: 7 a.m.

    Time: 3 hours 10 minutes

    Examination material: one 35-page question booklet

    Approved dictionaries, notes, calculators and computer software may be used

    Instructions to Candidates

    1. You will have 10 minutes to rea the paper. You must not write in !our question booklet or use a

    "al"ulator uring this reaing time but !ou ma! make notes on the s"ribbling paper provie.

    #. $nswer allparts o% &uestions 1 to 15 in the spa"es provie in this question booklet. There is no

    nee to %ill all the spa"es provie. You ma! write on pages #' #3 an 3( i% !ou nee more spa"e'

    make sure to label ea"h answer "learl!.

    3. The total mark is approximatel! 1() The allo"ation o% marks is shown below:

    &uestion 1 # 3 ( 5 * ) + , 10 11 1# 13 1( 15

    arks , , 5 1# 1# ) ) 11 11 , 5 10 , 15 1*

    (. $ppropriate steps o% logi" an "orre"t answers are require %or %ull marks.

    5. how all working in this booklet. /You are strongl! avise not to use s"ribbling paper. ork that

    !ou "onsier in"orre"t shoul be "rosse out with a single line.

    *. 2se onl! bla"k or blue pens %or all work other than graphs an iagrams' %or whi"h !ou ma! use

    a sharp ark pen"il.

    ). tate all answers "orre"t to three signi%i"ant %igures' unless otherwise state or as appropriate.

    +. iagrams' where given' are not ne"essaril! rawn to s"ale.

    ,. The list o% mathemati"al %ormulae is on page 35. You ma! remove this page %rom the booklet

    be%ore the examination begins.

    10. rite !our name' stuent number an group in the spa"e provie at the top o% this page.

    11. 4omplete the box on the top right-han sie o% this page with in%ormation about the ele"troni"

    te"hnolog! !ou are using in this examination.



    ame : 66666666666666666666666666666666666

    tuent o: 66666666666666666666666666666666666

    7roup : 66666666666666666666666666666666666

    7raphi"s 4al"ulator

    8ran 666666666666666

    oel 66666666666666

    4omputer o%tware

    9ages: 35

    &uestions: 15

  • 8/10/2019 TCSH TRIAL 09 final.doc


    You may write in this section if you need additional space. Clearly number each question and part

    attempted in this section (for example, Question 1(c(i.


  • 8/10/2019 TCSH TRIAL 09 final.doc


    *(ESTI#" 1

    There is no nee to simpli%! answers in parts /a' /b an /".

    /a in dydx


    1ln #xy





    /3 marks

    /b indy

    dxi% ()/ xexy += .

    /3 marks

    /" in dxx

    x ++ (

    1/* # .

    /3 marks

    9;E$E T2E

  • 8/10/2019 TCSH TRIAL 09 final.doc


    *(ESTI#" $









    A an





    I .

    /a in A? #I.

    /# marks

    /b how that et/A? #I @x3? #x#?x.

    /( marks


  • 8/10/2019 TCSH TRIAL 09 final.doc


    /" Aen"e' or otherwiese' %in the values o%xsu"h that /A? #I+B 1 oes not exist.

    /3 marks

    9;E$E T2E

  • 8/10/2019 TCSH TRIAL 09 final.doc


    *(ESTI#" ,

    The %ollowing iagram shows part o% the graph o% a %un"tiony@ f C/x:

    /a =n the same set o% axes as the graph o%y@ f C/x' raw the "orresponing part o% the graph o%

    ! @f/x.

    /# marks


    x @b

    y@ f C/x

  • 8/10/2019 TCSH TRIAL 09 final.doc


    The linex@ b' where bis a positive "onstant' interse"ts the graph o%y@ f C/x. upposef C/x is

    s!mmetri"al b! the origin through a rotation o% 1+0D an Adxxfb

    =0 / ' whereA 0.

    /b in' in terms o% $'

    i. 0



    /1 markii.


    bdxxf /

    /1 mark

    iii. the area boune between the graph o% y@ f C/x an thex-axis %romx@ Bbtox@ b.

    /1 mark

    *(ESTI#" -

    9;E$E T2E

  • 8/10/2019 TCSH TRIAL 09 final.doc


    The Y.=.7 a"tor! has ma"hines that ispense i%%erent %avore

    !ogurt rink into bottles. The %a"tor! %ills re"!"le bottles with its

    !ogurt rink. $ ranom sample o% 1#0 bottles was "he"ke to see i%

    the! were "lean enough to use.The supervisor reporte that 5F o% the 1#0 bottles were reGe"te

    be"ause the! were not "lean enough.

    /a in a ,5F "on%ien"e interval %or the proportion o% all bottles that were reGe"te be"ause

    the! were not "lean enough. Hnterpret !our answer.

    /# marks

    The manager oubts the "laim o% the supervisor. he took a sample o% 150 bottles an 13 were %oun

    not "lean enough.

    /b 4onu"t a h!pothesis testing at 5F signi%i"ant level to Gusti%! whether the proportion o%

    bottles that are not "lean enough is i%%erent %rom 5F.

    i. tate the null an alternative h!pothesis.

    /# marks

    ii. tate the null istribution o% the test statisti"s.

    /1 mark

    iii. 4al"ulate the test statisti"s an etermine whether the null h!pothesis shoul be reGe"te.

    /3 marksiv. ake a "on"lusion on the proportion o% bottles that are not "lean enough.


  • 8/10/2019 TCSH TRIAL 09 final.doc


    /1 mark

    v. The manager "laims that the proportion o% all bottles that are not "lean enough is more than

    5F. Iusti%! the "laim using the results %rom h!pothesis testing.

    /# marks

    /" uggest one wa! to alter the result o% !our h!pothesis testing in part /b' using the same

    sample. o "al"ulation neee.

    /1 mark


    9;E$E T2E

  • 8/10/2019 TCSH TRIAL 09 final.doc


    $ parti"le travels along a straight line %or ( se"ons. ;et ( )tv be the velo"it! o% the parti"le t se"ons a%ter the motion starts. The velo"it! is a quarati" an is measure in meters per se"on.

    $ graph o% ( )tvy= is shown below.

    /a i. orm a s!stem o% equations using the above in%ormation' an show that the velo"it! %un"tion

    ( )tv is given b! ( ) 53# += tttv .

    /( marks

    ii. in the time when the parti"le is at rest.


    ( )5'3C( )3'1!

    ( ),'("




  • 8/10/2019 TCSH TRIAL 09 final.doc


    /1 mark

    /b =n the graph above' ini"ate all times %or whi"h the a""eleration o% the parti"le is negative.

    /1 mark

    /" i. 2sing two re"tangles' %in an unerestimate %or (

    #1/ dttv .

    /# marks

    ii. 2sing two re"tangles' %in an overestimate %or (

    #1/ dttv .

    /# marks

    iii. Explain the meaning o% (

    #1/ dttv in terms o% the motion o% the parti"le.

    /# marks

    *(ESTI#" /

    7iven the equation 5## +=+ xyxy .

    9;E$E T2E

  • 8/10/2019 TCSH TRIAL 09 final.doc


    /a how that1#

    # #






    /3 marks

    /b in the equation o% the normal to 5## +=+ xyxy at one o% the points where #=y .


  • 8/10/2019 TCSH TRIAL 09 final.doc


    /( marks

    *(ESTI#" 7

    9;E$E T2E

  • 8/10/2019 TCSH TRIAL 09 final.doc


    The histogram below shows the istribution o% test marks /# obtaine b! a large group o% stuents in

    the emester Examination #00,. The test marks has mean (5 an stanar eviation 1+.). The %ull

    mark o% the test is *0 an the minimum passing mark is 35.

    $ tea"her took groups o% %ort! stuents an their mean test marks / (0# are as shown:

    /a 8ase on the histograms' state' giving reasons' whether sample siJe o% %ort! stuents is

    su%%i"ientl! large.

    /# marks

    The tea"her then took groups o% 100 stuents to stu! the istribution o% their mean test marks. The

    mean test marks is approximatel! normal./b i. etermine the mean an stanar eviation o% 100# .


    Test ark'#

    Test ark' (0#

  • 8/10/2019 TCSH TRIAL 09 final.doc


    /# marks

    ii. in$r/ 100# 50.

    /1 mark

    /" s. 9errington has a "lass o% 100 stuents. he is ver! prou o% the a"hievement o% her

    stuents' an announ"e that her "lass average mark is at least (0 marks in the emester

    Examination #00,. etermine how true is her "laim.

    /# marks

    *(ESTI#" 8

    9;E$E T2E

  • 8/10/2019 TCSH TRIAL 09 final.doc


    /a 7iven ( )#




    += .

    i. ket"h the graph o% ( )xf on the axes below %or B 5 KxK 5. 4learl! label the a!smptote anthe inter"epts.

    /3 marks

    ii. inf C/x an etermine the turning point o% ( )xf .

    /3 marks

    /b or ( ) #(31 xxx% += ' %in the values o%x when%/x @ 0 an% C/x @ 0.


  • 8/10/2019 TCSH TRIAL 09 final.doc


    /# marks

    /" or ( )#




    += ' %in the values o%x when h/x @ 0 an h C/x @ 0.

    /1 mark

    / or ( )#




    ++= ' one o% itsx&inter"epts is 1.

    2sing !our results %rom parts /a to /"' make a "onGe"ture on the other x & inter"ept o% p/x

    an the value o%xwhen p C/x @ 0 .

    /# marks

    *(ESTI#" &

    9;E$E T2E

  • 8/10/2019 TCSH TRIAL 09 final.doc


    Aartamas 7ol% 4lub is hosting a pro%essional gol% tournament. The gol% balls

    use in this tournament must meet a set o% stanars. =ne o% these stanars is

    the istan"e travelle. hen a ball is hit b! a me"hani"al evi"e with a 10-

    egree angle o% laun"h' a ba"kspin o% (# revolutions per se"on' an a ball

    velo"it! o% )# metres per se"on' the istan"e the ball travels ma! not ex"ee#**.3 metres. anu%a"turers want to evelop balls that will travel as "lose to

    the #**.3 metres as possible without ex"eeing that istan"e.

    $ manu%a"turer that wishes to suppl! gol% balls to the Aartamas 7ol% 4lub has etermine that the

    istan"es travelle %or the balls it prou"es are normall! istribute with a stanar eviation o% #.5*

    metres. This manu%a"turer has a new pro"ess that allows it to set the mean istan"e the ball will travel.

    /a H% the manu%a"turer wants to be ,,F "ertain that a ranoml! sele"te ball will not ex"ee the

    maximum istan"e o% #**.3 metres' what is the largest mean that "an be use in the

    manu%a"turing pro"essL

    /3 marks

    /b i. H% the manu%a"turer sets the mean istan"e travelle to be equal to #*3 metres' %in

    the probabilit! that a ball that is ranoml! sele"te %or testing will travel too %ar.

    /1 mark

    ii. $ssume the mean istan"e travelle is #*3 metres an that %ive balls are inepenentl! teste.

    in the probabilit! that less than two o% the %ive balls will ex"ee the maximum istan"e o%

    #**.3 metres.

    /# marks

  • 8/10/2019 TCSH TRIAL 09 final.doc


    The se"retar! o% the Aartamas 7ol% 4lub visits the manu%a"turer an is assure that the mean istan"e

    travelle b! their gol% balls is #*3 metres. Ae makes a ranom sele"tion o% *( gol% balls.

    /" H% the sample mean is #*#.+ metres' etermine a ,5F "on%ien"e interval %or the mean

    istan"e travelle b! the gol% balls.

    /1 mark

    / i. Aow large a sample shoul the manu%a"turer use to be ,5F sure that the estimation o% mean

    is within 1 metre o% #*3 metresL

    /3 marks

    ii. ue to tight buget an time "onstrain' the manu%a"turer sample onl! hal% the minimum

    siJe. hat is the e%%e"t to the with o% a ,5F "on%ien"e interval %or the mean istan"e

    travelle b! the gol% ballsL

    /1 mark

    9;E$E T2E

  • 8/10/2019 TCSH TRIAL 09 final.doc


    *(ESTI#" 1%

    9art o% the graph o% f/x @ # B eBx is as shown below.

    The line segment$Qis rawn %rom the point$/#'f/# to the point Q/''f/'.

    /a i. in the graient o%$Qin terms o% '.

    /# marks

    ii. 8! "onsiering the graient o%$Q' write an expression %or the graient o% the tangent to the

    graph o%y@f /x at the point$.

    /1 mark




  • 8/10/2019 TCSH TRIAL 09 final.doc


    The graphs o%%/x @ B ln /# Bx anf /x are as shown below.

    /b in the axes inter"epts o%%/x in exact%orm.

    /# marks

    /" i. rite own a e%inite integral %or the area o% the region en"lose betweeny@f /x an

    y@%/x %or 0 KxK 1.

    /# marks

    ii. in this area.

    /1 mark

    9;E$E T2E

  • 8/10/2019 TCSH TRIAL 09 final.doc


  • 8/10/2019 TCSH TRIAL 09 final.doc


    You may write in this section if you need additional space. Clearly number each question and part

    attempted in this section (for example, Question 1(c(i.

    9;E$E T2E

  • 8/10/2019 TCSH TRIAL 09 final.doc


    *(ESTI#" 1$

    Hn an amusement park there is a small train "alle 4ooper whi"h oes a "ir"uit o% the park. The train

    must "omplete six "ir"uits between ,.00 am an 1#.00 noon. The management pre%ers 4ooper to

    "omplete a "ir"uit in less than #5 minutes. Ht is known that the probabilit! 4ooper to "omplete a"ir"uit in less than #5 minutes is 0.+.

    /a i. in the probabilit! that o% the six "ir"uits "omplete' at least ( o% them take less than #5

    minutes ea"h.

    /# marks

    ii. in the probabilit! that exa"tl! 3 or ( out o% the six "ir"uits "omplete ea"h taking less than

    #5 minutes.

    /# marks

    or s"heuling reasons the management wants to know the time' bminutes' %or whi"h the probabilit!

    o% exa"tl! 3 or ( out o% the six "ir"uits "omplete ea"h taking less than bminutes' is maximise.

    ;et$r/M b @p' an let Qbe the probabilit! that exa"tl! 3 or ( "ir"uits ea"h take less than b


    Ht is given that Q/p @ 5/(p3Bp( /1 Bp#.

    /b tate the values o%psu"h that the probabilit! %un"tion' Q/p is e%ine.

    /1 mark


  • 8/10/2019 TCSH TRIAL 09 final.doc


    /" The erivative o% Q/p is Q C/p @ 30p#/1 Bp/p#B (p? #.

    i. 2sing "al"ulus' etermine the value o%p su"h that Q/p is maximise.

    /( marks

    ii. Aen"e' or otherwise' %in the maximum value o% Q.

    /1 mark

    9;E$E T2E

  • 8/10/2019 TCSH TRIAL 09 final.doc


    *(ESTI#" 1,

    To stu! the li%e-an-eath "!"le o% an inse"t population' a number o% inse"t eggs /)' Guvenile inse"ts

    /* an ault inse"ts /A are pla"e in a "lose invironment.

    The initial state o% this population "an be es"ribe b! the "olumn matrix











    $ row has been in"lue in the state matrix to allow %or inse"ts an eggs that ie /".

    /a etermine the total number o% inse"ts in the population /in"luing eggs at the beginning o%

    the stu!.

    /1 mark

    Hn this population

    Eggs ma! ie' or the! ma! live an grow into Guveniles

    Iuveniles ma! ie' or the! ma! live an grow into aults

    $ults will live a perio o% time but the! will eventuall! ie.

    Hn this stu!' the aults inse"ts have been sterilise so that no new eggs are prou"e. Hn these

    "ir"umstan"es' the li%e-an-eath "!"le o% the inse"ts "an be moelle b! the transtion matrix

    next week












    /b i. Evaluate the matrix prou"t S1@ TS0

    /1 mark

    ii. rite own the number o% live Guveniles in the population a%ter one week.


  • 8/10/2019 TCSH TRIAL 09 final.doc


    /1 mark

    /" i. etermine the number o% live Guveniles in the population a%ter %our weeks. rite !our

    answer "orre"t to the nearest whole number.

    /# marks

    ii. $%ter a number o% weeks there will be no live eggs /less than one le%t in the population.

    hen oes this %irst o""urL

    /# marks

    H% the stu! is repeate with unsterilise ault inse"ts' eggs will be lai an potentiall! grow into

    aulsts. $ssuming 30F o% aults la! eggs ea"h week' the population matrix a%ter one week' S1' is now

    given b!

    S1@ TS0?0S0 where











    / etermine the matrix 0.

    /# marks

    *(ESTI#" 1-

    /a 4onsier the %ollowing s!stem o% equations using elementar! row operations' where 'is a real


    9;E$E T2E

  • 8/10/2019 TCSH TRIAL 09 final.doc


    x?yB+@ 1

    x? #y? '+@ 3

    #x? 'y? #+@ (

    2sing elementar! row operations' show that the s!stem "an be reu"e to








    # '''


    /3 marks

    /b Aen"e etermine the values o% '%or whi"h the s!stem has

    i. a unique solution.


  • 8/10/2019 TCSH TRIAL 09 final.doc


    /# marks

    ii. no solution.

    /1 mark

    iii. more than one solution.

    /1 mark

    /" in the solution to the s!stem o% equations when '@ 1.

    /# marks

    / or the matri"es A@



    a' 0@


    #an C@



    i. %in the inverse o% Ain terms o% a.

    9;E$E T2E

  • 8/10/2019 TCSH TRIAL 09 final.doc


    /# marks

    ii. state the restri"tion on asu"h that A0 @Chas a unique solution.

    /1 mark

    iii. %in the values o% aan b i% A0@ C.

    /3 marks

    *(ESTI#" 1


  • 8/10/2019 TCSH TRIAL 09 final.doc


    use prin"iple helps make motorist more aware o% the true "ost o% riving. This wa!' roa usage "an be


    The lan authorit! o% a metropolitan is stu!ing the number o% vehi"les passing through the pri"ing

    points uring the peak perio %rom ).00 am. The stu! team wishes to "hoose between twosuggestions %or the rate' in vehi"les per hour' at whi"h motorists pass through the pri"ing points.

    The two suggestions are:

    oel I :te



    = an oel II: ttey ,.010000 =

    wherey is the rate o% vehi"les per hour an t the number o% hours a%ter ).00 am.

    /a h! moel IIis "onsiere as the most appropriate %or this situationL

    /# marks

    /b ket"h the graph o% the moel II%or the time %rom ).00 am until 1# noon.

    /# marks

    8ase on the moel II'

    /" at approximatel! what time is the rate o% vehi"les passing through the pri"ing points greatestL

    9;E$E T2E

  • 8/10/2019 TCSH TRIAL 09 final.doc


    /# marks

    / The graph o%y"hanges shape at


    #0. 7iven an interpretation o% this point in

    this "ontext.

    /# marks

    /e Ht is thought that the "urrent number o% pri"ing points "oul be reu"e to "ater %or a

    maximum o% *0 vehicles per minute. 8etween what times woul this be insu%%i"ient to"ope with the numbers o% vehi"les wanting to pass throughL

    /3 marks

    /% i. rite own an expression %or the number o% vehi"les whi"h passe through the pri"ing points

    between ).00 am an 10.00 am.


  • 8/10/2019 TCSH TRIAL 09 final.doc


    /# marks

    ii. Evaluate an interpret this expression.

    /3 marks

    You may write in this section if you need additional space. Clearly number each question and part

    attempted in this section (for example, Question 1(c(i.

    9;E$E T2E

  • 8/10/2019 TCSH TRIAL 09 final.doc
