taylor swift, 2 year-olds, and target audiences - slide share

Taylor Swift, 2-Year-Olds, and Target Audiences

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Post on 03-Aug-2015




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Taylor Swift, 2-Year-Olds, and Target Audiences

Even Taylor Swift Knows How to Reach Her Target Audience

The reality of the situation is that Taylor Swift is not merely some musical genius; she’s a marketing genius and she knows her audience very well.

What Does Taylor Know About Her Audience?

She knows... ● what people are talking about● the keywords they use when they search for her name● the stories that are trending about her● where people are finding this information out. ● the general age and gender of her audience● the style of music they like and what they will like next year. ● the devices they’re playing that music on

She knows what they’re willing to pay for it.

Using What Taylor Taught Us To Our Benefit

When you have a business there are two things you need to look at when wrapping your head around where to start your marketing campaign:

your audience and your buyers.

Know Your Audience

You need to get as much information as you can about them. ● age● interests● primary means of communication● social circles● lifestyle.

All these things boil down to one thing…


Tools of the Trade: Finding an Audience

Google Analytics

If you have a site up and running you need to have Google Analytics on it, period.

Google has their analytics up so that right out of the gate you have a pretty good snapshot of who your audience is and how they’re finding you.

It tells you social streams they come from and the trends of what they like.

Facebook Insights

If you have a Facebook page, you’ll definitely want to use Facebook’s Insights.

This will give you a great look at when your audience is active, different demographics of your audience and how successful the reach of your content.

This allows you an exclusive look that can change how you market your business on social media sites and how you use them in general.


This is another great tool to gather information about your audiences off sight trends.

FollowerWonk runs analytics on twitter to see what others are saying in regards to your market place.

This gives you the capability to run searches on people using specific key words in your market, giving further opportunities at customizing your target.


This allows you to see who else is talking about your topic of choice, where they’re sharing things to, and who is getting the most press about it.

Buzzsumo can also see the key influencers on specific topics.

Now you can see who has the most influence and who’s hand you need your content in.