tay swizzle

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  • 8/9/2019 Tay Swizzle


    Taylor Alison Swift

    Taylor Swift

    Swift performing in St. Louis, Missouri, during the 2013 Red Tour 

    Background information

    Birth name Taylor Alison Swift

    Born e!em"er 13, 1#$# %age 2&'

    Reading, (ennsyl)ania, *.S.




     pop ro! 


    re!ord produ!er 








  • 8/9/2019 Tay Swizzle



    Years active 200present

    a!els ig Ma!hine

    "e!site taylorswift.!om

    Taylor Alison Swift (born December 13, 1989) is an American singer-songwriter. Raisedin Wyomissing, Pennsylania, !wi"t moed to #as$ille, %ennessee, at t$e age o" 1& to 'rse acareer in contry msic. !$e signed wit$ t$e inde'endent label ig *ac$ine Records and becamet$e yongest songwriter eer $ired by t$e !ony+A% *sic 'blis$ing $ose. %$e release o"!wi"ts sel"-titled debt albm in //0 establis$ed $er as a contry msic star. er t$ird single, 2r!ong,2 made $er t$e yongest 'erson to single-$andedly write and 'er"orm a nmber-one song ont$e ot 4ontry !ongs c$art. !$e receied a est #ew Artist nomination at t$e//8 5rammy


    !wi"ts second albm, Fearless, was released in //8. oyed by t$e 'o' crossoer  sccess o" t$esingles 26oe !tory2 and 27o elong wit$ *e,2 Fearless became t$e best-selling albm o" //9 int$e nited !tates. %$e albm won "or 5rammy Awards, wit$ !wi"t becoming t$e yongesteer   Albm o" t$e 7ear  winner. !wi"ts t$ird and "ort$ albms, /1/s Speak Now  and /1s Red ,bot$ sold oer one million co'ies wit$in t$e "irst wee o" t$eir .! release. Speak Now  won two5rammy Awards, w$ile Red' s singles 2We Are #eer :er 5etting ac %oget$er 2 and 2;

  • 8/9/2019 Tay Swizzle


    o 1.E /1C1&  Red and media scrtiny

    o 1.0 /1&C'resent >ll %ransition to Po' and 1989

    • Artistry

    o .1 ;n"lences

    o . 6yrical t$emes and style

    o .3 *sical and ocal style

    o .& Pblic image

    • 3 ;m'act and recognition

    o 3.1 *sic indstry

    • & Prodct endorsements

    • E Acting career 

    • 0 P$ilant$ro'y

    • @ Personal li"e

    o @.1 >amily

    o @. Residences

    o @.3 Wealt$

    o @.& Relations$i's

    o @.E Politics

    • 8 Awards and ac$ieements

    • 9 Discogra'$y

    • 1/ 4oncert tors

    • 11 >ilmogra'$y

    o 11.1 >ilm

    o 11. %eleision


  • 8/9/2019 Tay Swizzle


    • 1 !ee also

    • 13 Re"erences

    • 1& :=ternal lins

    §Life and career

    F1989–2004: Early life

    !wi"t was born on December 13, 1989, in West Reading, Pennsylania.1B er "at$er, !cott

  • 8/9/2019 Tay Swizzle


    "at$er trans"erred to t$e #as$ille o""ice o" *errill 6ync$ and t$e "amily relocated to a lae"ront $osein endersonille, %ennessee&B

    *y 'arents too all t$e 'ressre o"" by saying, 2Were Jst moing becase we loe t$e area, sodont worry.2 %$ey new not$ing abot t$e indstry and $ad no inolement in entertainment, bt ;was obsessed wit$ it and so t$ey did t$eir researc$ and read ' abot it to $el' me in eery wayt$ey cold. %$eyre amaKing 'eo'le. 31B

    ;n %ennessee, !wi"t attended endersonille ig$ !c$ool "or $er "res$man and so'$omore years.3B 6ater, to accommodate $er toring sc$edle, !wi"t trans"erred to t$e Aaron Academy, a 'riate4$ristian sc$ool w$ic$ o""ered $omesc$ooling serices. !$e maintained a &./ grade aerage andearned $er $ig$ sc$ool di'loma in //8, $aing com'leted $er "inal two years o" corse wor in 1mont$s.33B3&B

    F2004–08: Career beginnings and Taylor Swift 

    !wi"t moed to #as$ille, %ennessee, at t$e age o" 1&. ;n //&,3EB s$e signed an artist deelo'mentdeal wit$ R4A Records and was t$e yongest songwriter to sign a 'blis$ing deal wit$ !ony+A%.30B !wi"t 'roceeded to wor wit$ e='erienced *sic Row songwriters sc$ as %roy erges, retteaers, rett Iames, *ac *cAnally and %$e Warren rot$ers.3@B38B !$e eentally "ormed a lastingworing relations$i' wit$ 6iK Rose. !wi"t saw Rose 'er"orming at an R4A songwriter eent andsggested t$at t$ey write toget$er .39B %$ey began meeting "or two-$or writing sessions eery%esday a"ternoon a"ter sc$ool.&/B Rose $as said t$at t$e sessions were 2some o" t$e easiest ;eeer done. asically, ; was Jst $er editor. !$ed write abot w$at $a''ened in sc$ool t$at day. !$e$ad sc$ a clear ision o" w$at s$e was trying to say. And s$ed come in wit$ t$e most incredible$oos.2&1B !wi"t also began recording demos wit$ 'rodcer #at$an 4$a'man.39B

     A"ter 'er"orming at a *; !ongwriters 4ircle s$owcase at %$e itter :nd, #ew 7or, in //&,38B&B !wi"t became t$e yongest songwriter eer $ired by t$e !ony+A% %ree 'blis$ing $ose.&3B !wi"tle"t R4A Records w$en s$e was 1E?t$e com'any wanted $er to record t$e wor o" ot$ersongwriters and wait ntil s$e was eig$teen to release an albm, bt s$e "elt ready to lanc$ $ercareer wit$ $er own material. B&&B !wi"t later recalled 2; geninely "elt t$at ; was rnning ot o" time. ;wanted to ca'tre t$ese years o" my li"e on an albm w$ile t$ey still re'resented w$at ; was goingt$rog$.2&EB !$e also 'arted ways wit$ manager Dan Dymtrow, w$o later too legal action against

    !wi"t and $er 'arents. ;n /1/, a Jdge nlli"ied si= o" Dymtrows legal claims. %$e remaining nJst-enric$ment claim was settled ot o" cort. 9B&0B&0B

     At an indstry s$owcase at #as$illes lebird 4a"e in //E, !wi"t cag$t t$e attention o"  !cottorc$etta, a DreamWors Records e=ectie w$o was 're'aring to "orm $is own inde'endentrecord label, ig *ac$ine Records. !$e became one o" t$e labels "irst signings, wit$ $er "at$er'rc$asing a t$ree 'er cent stae in t$e "ledgling com'any at an estimated cost o" N1/,///.&@B&8B Asan introdction to t$e contry msic bsiness, orc$etta arranged "or !wi"t to intern as an artistescort at t$e 4*A *sic >estial.&9B

    !wi"t 'er"orming at t$e *aeric !aloon L 5rill in !anta *aria, 4ali"ornia in //0


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    !wi"t began woring on $er  e'onymos debt albm s$ortly a"ter signing $er record deal. A"tere='erimenting wit$ eteran #as$ille 'rodcers, !wi"t 'ersaded ig *ac$ine to $ire $er demo'rodcer #at$an 4$a'man. ;t was $is "irst time recording a stdio albm bt !wi"t "elt t$ey $ad t$erig$t 2c$emistry.2B !wi"t wrote t$ree o" t$e albms songs alone, inclding two singles, and co-wrotet$e remaining eig$t wit$ writers inclding Rose, Robert :llis rrall and Angelo Petraglia.E/B *sically,t$e albm $as been described as 2a mi= o" trad-contry instrments and s'ry roc gitars.2 E1B

    Taylor Swi"t  was released on ctober &, //0. The New &ork Ties described it as 2a smallmaster'iece o" 'o'-minded contry, bot$ wide-eyed and cynical, $eld toget$er by *s. !wi"ts "irm,'leading oice.2EB The New &orker ' s !as$a >rere-Iones described t$e si=teen-year-old !wi"t as a2'rodigy.2 e noted t$at 2r !ong2 2sto''edB me in my tracs2 and 'raised t$e lyrics 2es got aone-$and "eel on t$e steering w$eel, t$e ot$er on my $eart.2 E3B Rollin( Stone described !wi"t as2brig$t-eyed bt remarably seasoned,2 and admired 2r !ong2s 2insanely $ooy sing-songmelody t$ats as ritney as it is Patsy.2E1B

    !wi"t 'er"orming at 7a$ooO$eadMarters in !nnyale, 4ali"ornia in //@

    ig *ac$ine Records was still in its in"ancy 'on t$e release o" t$e lead single 2%im *c5raw2 inIne //0, and !wi"t and $er mot$er $el'ed 2st"" t$e 4D singles into enelo'es to send toradio.2E&B !$e s'ent mc$ o" //0 'romoting Taylor Swi"t in a radio tor and later commented, 2Radio

    tors "or most artists last si= wees. *ine lasted si= mont$s.2 B !wi"t baed cooies and 'aintedcanases to gi"t to radio station 'rogrammers w$o 'layed $er msic.EEB !$e made many teleisiona''earances, inclding on t$e rand )le )pry ,E0B ood #ornin( *eri%a,E@B and TRL.E8B !wi"t, a sel"-described 2id o" t$e internet,2 sed *ys'ace to bild a "anbase.E9B %$is was, at t$e time,2reoltionary in contry msic.20/B orc$etta $as said t$at $is decision to sign a 10-year-old singer-songwriter initially raised eyebrows among $is record indstry 'eers bt !wi"t ta''ed into a'reiosly nnown maret teenage girls w$o listen to contry msic.0/B

    >ollowing 2%im *c5raw2, "or "rt$er singles were released t$rog$ot //@ and //8 2%eardro'son *y 5itar 2, 2r !ong2, 2Pictre to rn2 and 2!$olde !aid #o2. All were $ig$ly sccess"l ont$e illboard ot 4ontry !ongs c$art, wit$ 2r !ong2 and 2!$olde !aid #o2 bot$ reac$ingnmber one. 2r !ong2 made !wi"t t$e yongest 'erson to single-$andedly write and sing anmber-one contry song.01B 2%eardro's on *y 5itar2 became a minor 'o' $it it reac$ed nmber

    t$irteen on t$e Billboard ot 1//.0B %$e albm sold 39,/// co'ies dring its "irst wee o"release03B and, as o" *arc$ /11, $ad sold oer E.E million co'ies worldwide.0&B !wi"t also released a$oliday albm, So$nds o" the Season+ The Taylor Swi"t ,oliday -olle%tion. in ctober //@, and an:P, Bea$ti"$l /yes, in Ily //8.0EB00B

    !wi"t tored e=tensiely in s''ort o" Taylor Swi"t . ;n addition to $er own material, !wi"t 'layedcoers o" songs by eyoncG, Ri$anna, Io$n Waite, 6ynyrd !ynyrd and:minem.0@B08B09B !$econdcted meet-and-greet sessions wit$ "ans be"ore and a"ter $er concerts?t$ese lasted "or ' to"or $ors.@/B  As well as "estial and t$eater dates, !wi"t 'er"ormed as an o'ening act "or seeralcontry artists concert tors. ;n late //0, s$e o'ened "or  Rascal >latts on t$e "inal nine dates o"


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    t$eir *e L *y 5ang %or, a"ter t$e 'reios s''orting act :ric 4$rc$ was "ired.E@B !wi"t later sent4$rc$ $er "irst gold record wit$ a note 2%$ans "or 'laying too long and too lod on t$e >lattstor. ; sincerely a''reciate it. %aylor.2 @1B ;n //@, s$e sered as t$e o'ening act on twenty dates"or 5eorge !traits tor ,@B seeral dates on li'->lo' !mmer %or ,@3B selecteddates on rad Paisleys on"ires L Am'li"iers %or @&B and seeral dates "or  %im *c5raw and ills

     Joint !ol!ol ;; %or .@EB !wi"t again o'ened "or Rascal >latts on t$eir !till >eels 5ood %or in //8.@0B

    !wi"t and Alan Iacson were Jointly named t$e #as$ille !ongwriters Associations !ongwriter+Artisto" t$e 7ear in //@, wit$ !wi"t becoming t$e yongest 'erson eer to be $onored wit$ t$e title. @@B !$ealso won t$e 4ontry *sic Associations oriKon Award "or est #ew Artist,@8B t$e Academy o"4ontry *sic Awardss %o' #ew >emale ocalist award@9B and t$e American *sic Awardss>aorite 4ontry >emale Artist $onor.8/B !$e was also nominated "or a //8 5rammy Award in t$ecategory o" est #ew Artist, bt lost to Amy Wine$ose.81B

    F2008–10: Fearless

    !wi"ts second stdio albm, Fearless, was released on #oember 11, //8. !wi"t wrote seen o"t$e albms songs alone, inclding two singles, and co-wrote t$e remaining si= wit$ songwritersRose, Io$n Ric$, 4olbie 4aillat and illary 6indsey.8B !$e co-'rodced t$e albm wit$ #at$an


     *sically, it $as been said t$at t$e record is c$aracteriKed by 2lod, lean gitars androsing c$orses,2 wit$ t$e occasional 2bit o" "iddle and banJo tced into t$e mi=.2 83B

    The New &ork Ties described !wi"t as 2one o" 'o's "inest songwriters, contrys "oremost'ragmatist and more in toc$ wit$ $er inner li"e t$an most adlts.2 8&B The Villa(e Voi%e "elt s$edis'layed 2'reternatral wisdom and inclsieness,2 2master"lly aoiding t$e ty'ical diarists 'it"allso" trite banality and 'sedo-'ro"ond blls$it.2 8EB Rollin( Stonedescribed $er as 2a songwriting saantwit$ an intitie gi"t "or erse-c$ors-bridge arc$itectre2 w$ose 2sMirmingly intimate and tre2songs seemed to be 2literally ri''ed "rom a sbrban girls diary.283B *sic critic Robert4$ristga c$aracteriKed !wi"t as 2an ncommonly-to-im'ossibly strong and gi"ted teenage girl.2 80B

    !wi"t, w$o now owned $er own management com'any led by Robert Allen,8@B88B 'romoted Fearless $eaily 'on its release. An e'isode o" The /llen Deeneres Show  wasdedicated to t$e albm lanc$ and !wi"t a''eared on many ot$er c$at s$ows. 0/B89B !$e

    commnicated wit$ "ans sing social media 'lat"orms sc$ as %witter and 'ersonal ideo blogs andco-$osted t$e 're-s$ow "or t$e //8 *% ideo *sic Awards.0/B

    %$e lead single "rom t$e albm, 26oe !tory2, was released in !e'tember //8 and became t$esecond-best-selling contry single o" all time, 'eaing at nmber "or on t$eBillboard  ot 1// c$art.9/B >or more singles were released t$rog$ot //8 and //9 2W$ite orse2, 27o elong wit$*e2, 2>i"teen2 and 2>earless2. 27o elong wit$ *e2 was t$e albms $ig$est-c$arting single,'eaing at nmber two on t$e Billboard  ot 1//.91B

    %$e albm debted at nmber one on t$e Billboard  // Albm 4$art wit$ sales o" E9,3/&, and $assince sold oer 8.0 million co'ies worldwide.9B ;t was t$e to'-selling albm o" //9 and brog$t !wi"tmc$ crossoer sccess.93B


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    !wi"t 'er"orming in t$ePrdential 4enter  in #ew Iersey dring t$e >earless %or  in /1/

    !wi"t went on $er "irst $eadlining tor in s''ort o" Fearless. As 'art o" t$e 1/E-date >earless %or ,!wi"t 'layed 9/ dates in #ort$ America, si= dates in :ro'e, eig$t dates in Astralia and one date in

     Asia.9&B !$e sang a coer o" Istin %imberlaes 2W$at 5oes Arond... 4omes Arond2 nig$tly,intertwined wit$ $er own 27ore #ot !orry2. 9EB !wi"t inited ill, Io$n *ayer , and airytale2?to t$e Valentine's Day sondtrac,1/8B and recorded acoer o" etter %$an :Kras 2reat$less2 "or t$e ,ope "or ,aiti Now  albm.1/9B


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    !wi"t 'er"orming in 6os Angeles dring t$e >earless %or in /1/

    !wi"t became t$e "irst contry msic artist to win an *% ideo *sic Award w$en 27o elong wit$*e2 was named est >emale ideo in //9.11/B er acce'tance s'eec$ was interr'ted byra''er ame131B and was named !ongwriter+Artist o" t$e 7ear by t$e #as$ille !ongwriters Association.13BBillboard  named $er //9s Artist o" t$e 7ear .133B !wi"t was inclded in Tie s annal list o" t$e 1//*ost ;n"lential Peo'le in /1/.13&B


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    F2010–12: Speak Now 

    !wi"t released $er t$ird stdio albm, Speak Now , on ctober E, /1/. !$e wrote all 1& songsalone and co-'rodced t$e record wit$ longtime collaborator 4$a'man. 13EB*sically, it $as been saidt$at t$e albm 2e='ands beyond contry-'o' to border bot$ alternatie roc and dirty bbblegm'o'.2130B

    The New &ork Ties described t$e albm as saage, msically dierse and 2e=cellent too, 'ossibly$er best.213EB The Villa(e Voi%e remared t$at t$e albm demanded 2a tre a''reciation o" !wi"tstalent, w$ic$ is not con"essional, bt dramatic 6ie a 'rocession o" contry songwriters be"ore $er,s$e creates c$aracters and sitations?some "rom li"e?and "inds 'otent ways to describet$em.213@B *sic critic Robert 4$ristga "ond t$e albms songs 2oerlong and oerwored2 btremared t$at 2t$ey eince an e""ort t$at bears a remarable resemblance to care?t$at is, to caringin t$e best, broadest, and most emotional sense.2 80B Rollin( Stone described !wi"t as one o" t$e bestsongwriters in 2'o', roc or contry2 2!wi"t mig$t be a cleer #as$ille 'ro w$o nows all t$e$itmaing trics, bt s$es also a $ig$-strng, $y'er-romantic gal wit$ a melodramatic strea t$e siKeo" t$e Atc$a"alaya !wam'.2138B

    !wi"t carried ot an e=tensie 'romotional cam'aign 'rior to Speak Now' s release.139B !$e a''earedon arios tal s$ows and morning s$ows, and gae "ree mini-concerts in nsal locations,

    inclding an o'en-decer bs on ollywood oleard and a de'artre longe at I>< air'ort.1&/B

     !$etoo 'art in a 2gitar 'll2 alongside ly2 and 2rs2.1&3B Speak Now  was a maJor commercial sccess, debting at nmber one on t$e ! Billboard  //c$art. ;ts o'ening sales o" 1,/&@,/// co'ies made it t$e 10t$ albm in .!. $istory to sell one millionco'ies in a single wee.1&&B As o" >ebrary /1, Speak Now  $ad sold oer E.@ million co'iesworldwide.1&EB1&0B

    !wi"t 'er"orming in#ewar, #ew Iersey dring t$e !'ea #ow World %or  in /11

    !wi"t tored t$rog$ot /11 and early /1 in s''ort o" Speak Now . As 'art o" t$e 13-mont$, 111-date world tor , !wi"t 'layed seen s$ows in Asia, twele s$ows in :ro'e, 8/ s$ows in #ort$

     America, and 1 s$ows in ceania.1&@B

    !wi"t inited many msicians to Join $er "or one-o"" dets dring t$e #ort$ American tor. A''earances were made by ieber, *c5raw, Iames %aylor , Iason *raK, !$awn 4olin, Io$nny


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    RKeKni,  Andy 5rammer , !elena 5omeK, %al ac$man, #ici *inaJ, #elly, .o., s$er , >loRida, %.;.,Ion >oreman, Iim Adins, ayley Williams, ot 4$elle Rae, Ronnie Dnn, Daris Rcer ,and aorite 4ontry Albm.10EB Billboard  named !wi"t/11s Woman o" t$e 7ear .100B

    W$ile !wi"t was com'leting $er "ort$ albm in t$e smmer o" /1, %aylor inited $er to a''ear asa s'ecial gest dring $is %anglewood set?t$ey 'er"ormed 2>ire and Rain2, 26oe !tory2 and 2rs2toget$er.10@B %aylor, w$o "irst met !wi"t w$en s$e was 18, $as said t$at, 2we Jst $it it o"". ; loed $ersongs, and $er 'resence on stage was so great.2108B109B

    Dring t$is 'eriod, !wi"t also contribted two original songs to The ,$n(er aes sondtracalbm. 2!a"e L !ond2 was co-written and recorded wit$ %$e 4iil Wars and %-one rnett.1@/B Io$nPal W$ite $as said woring wit$ !wi"t was 2a reelation ... ;t trly was a collaboration.21@1B ;t wasreleased as t$e albms lead single and, as o" Ianary /13, $as sold oer 1.& million co'ies in t$e.!.1@B ;t won est !ong Written >or isal *edia at t$e /13 5rammy Awards and was nominated"or est riginal !ong at t$e @/t$ 5olden 5lobe Awards.1@3B !wi"ts second contribtion to t$ealbm, 2:yes 'en2, was written solely by t$e singer and 'rodced by 4$a'man. 1@&B ;n addition,


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    !wi"t contribted ocals to 2ot$ o" s2, a Dr. 6e-'rodced single "rom .o.s secondalbm Stran(e -lo$ds.1@EB

    F2012–14: Red  and media scrtiny

    !wi"ts "ort$ stdio albm, Red , was released on ctober , /1.1@0B !$e wrote nine o" t$ealbms 10 songs alone, w$ile t$e remaining seen were co-written wit$ Rose, *a= *artin, Dan

    Wilson, :d !$eeran, and 5ary 6ig$tbody. 4$a'man sered as t$e albms lead 'rodcer bt Ie""$aser , tc$ Waler , Iacni"e 6ee, Dann ""  and !$ellbac also 'rodced indiidal tracs.4$a'man said $e encoraged !wi"t 2to branc$ ot and to test $ersel" in ot$er sitations.21@@B

    *sically, w$ile t$ere is e='erimentation wit$ $eartland roc, dbste' and dance-'o', it is 2s'rinledamong more recognisably !wi"tian "are.21@8B1@9B Ion 4aramanica o" The New &orkTies "ond Red  2less detailed and more rs$ed t$an $er sal "are218/B bt 'laced it at nmber twoon $is end-o"-year list, c$aracteriKing it as t$e albm on w$ic$ !wi"t 2sto's 'retending s$es anyt$ingbt a 'o' megastar, one wit$ grown-' concerns, lie $ow two bodies s'ea to eac$ ot$er and $owtaste in records can be a stand-in "or moral tr'itde.2181B The Ties 'raised $er 2sblime2 lyrics,'articlarly t$ose on t$e 2brooding2 2All %oo Well2.18B Rollin( Stone enJoyed 2watc$ing !wi"t "ind $er'ony-"ooting on 5reat !ongwriter *ontain. !$e o"ten scceeds in Joining t$e Ioni+4arole

  • 8/9/2019 Tay Swizzle


    !imon, %egan and !ara, Ienni"er 6o'eK, 6e ryan,Patric !tm' o" >all t oy, :llie5olding, #elly, !ara areilles, 4$er 6loyd, .o., 6ig$tbody, %rain, #eon %rees, >latts, nterayes, :meli !andG and !am !mit$ to det wit$ $er on arios nig$ts o" t$e tor .191B

    !wi"t collaborated wit$ a nmber o" ot$er artists dring t$e Red  era. !$e co-wrote 2!weeter %$an>iction2 wit$ Iac Antono""  "or t$e )ne -han%e moie sondtrac, and receied a est riginal!ong nomination at t$e @1st 5olden 5lobe Awards.19B193B !$e 'roided gest ocals "or a *c5rawsong titled 2ig$way Dont 4are2, "eatring gitar wor by rban?t$e trio 'er"ormed t$e song lie ont$ree occasions.19&B !$e 'er"ormed an acostic ersion o" 2Red2 wit$ ince 5ill and Alison latts, !trait and rad Paisley 'resented

    !wi"t wit$ t$e award, w$ile *ic Iagger, !imon, Ilia Roberts, Reese Wit$ers'oon, :t$el

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    named Artist o" t$e 7ear at t$e /13 ceremony./B %$e #as$ille !ongwriters Associations!ongwriter+Artist Award went to !wi"t "or t$e "i"t$ and si=t$ consectie years in /1 and /13. /3B

    ;n t$e Red  era, !wi"ts romantic li"e became t$e sbJect o" intense media scrtiny. awker  remaredt$at !wi"t $ad dated 2eery man in t$e nierse.2/&B %$e Westboro a'tist 4$rc$ 'rotested !wi"tsconcerts, labelling $er 2t$e w$oris$ "ace o" doomed America,2 w$ile Abercrombie L >itc$ mareted aslogan %-s$irt wit$ a 2slt-s$aming2 !wi"t re"erence. /EB The New &ork Ties asserted t$at $er 2dating$istory $as begn to stir w$at "eels lie t$e beginning o" a baclas$2 and Mestioned w$et$er !wi"twas in t$e midst o" a 2Marter-li"e crisis.2/0B The Villa(e Voi%esggested t$at !wi"ts embrace o"2traditional "emininity2 was t$e case o" t$e baclas$ 2!$es yong, s$e can be contentioslydramatic, s$e 'ts $ersel" in t$e center o" $er stories, and obiosly s$es dated a lot o" "amos'eo'le in a relatiely s$ort amont o" time. t none o" t$at is e=ce'tionally rare.2/@B

    %$e dating isse emerged at t$e /13 5olden 5lobes award ceremony, w$ere comediennes %ina>ey and Amy Poe$ler  made a Joe abot !wi"ts serial-dating re'tation, wit$ >ey telling !wi"t to stayaway "rom t$e son o"  *ic$ael I. >o=./8B !wi"t was later ased abot t$e incident in aVanityFair  'ro"ile 2; can lag$ at mysel" bt it added toB eeryone Jm'ing on t$e bandwagon o" %aylordates too mc$.2 :lsew$ere in t$e article, w$ile discssing w$at t$e Jornalist describes as 2t$e5olden 5lobes, and mean girls in general,2 !wi"t a''roingly Moted *adeline Albrig$ts remar t$at,2%$eres a s'ecial 'lace in $ell "or women w$o dont $el' ot$er women.2 /9B

    F2014–!resent: "ll Transition to #o! and 1989

    ;n Ily /1&, !wi"t wrote an o'-ed "or t$e all Street 0o$rnal , in w$ic$ s$e discssed $er'ers'ecties on msicians$i' and its relation to t$e msic indstry.1/B 2!$ae ;t "",2 t$e "irst o""icialsingle "rom !wi"ts "i"t$ stdio albm, 1989, was released on Agst 18, /1&, and s$e wasannonced as a contestant adisor "or The Voi%e teleision s$ow s$ortly a"terward. 11B

    Dring t$e com'osition 'eriod "or 1989, !wi"t was ins'ired by t$e msic o" Peter 5abriel, P$il4ollins, Annie 6enno=, *adonna and >ine 7ong 4annibals.1B13B %$e time 'eriod was also de"inedby a new '$ase o" inde'endence "or !wi"t, w$o in"ormed Rollin( Stone t$at s$e $ad 2started'ainting more2 and 2started to really tae 'ride in being strong.2 1&B

    >or 1989, !wi"t wrote one song alone, and cowrote t$e remaining 1 wit$ Antono"", *artin,

    !$ellbac, ;mogen ea', Ryan %edder  and Ali Payami.1EB

     T3#/  magaKine e='lained t$at, msically,t$e albm is 2drien by synt$s and drms in lie o" gitar.210B !wi"t described 1989 as $er "irst2o""icial2 'o' release and 'arted ways wit$ members o" $er longtime band, e='laining in Ianary/1E t$at $er decision to ndertae a new direction was solely $er own.1&B1@B18B19B

     As 'art o" t$e 1989 'romotional cam'aign in !e'tember, !wi"t inited "ans to secret albm-listeningsessions, called t$e 21989 !ecret !essions,2 at $er $oses in #ew 7or, #as$ille, 6os Angeles andR$ode ;sland./B er 2e='ert2 se o" arios social media 'lat"orms was remared 'on by indstryanalysts.1B W$ile in t$e < to 'romote 1989, !wi"t 'er"ormed a 'iano rendition o" t$e song,2Ri'tide,2 by Astralian singer-songwriter  ance Ioy, "or 4 Radio 1s 26ie 6onge2 segment,w$ic$ aired on ctober 9, /1&.B

    !wi"ts "i"t$ stdio albm, 1989, was released on ctober @, /1&.3B %$e critical res'onseto 1989 was "reMently 'ositie, wit$ T3#/' s !am 6ansy describing t$e albm as a 2'aradigm

    s$i"t.210B Rob !$e""ield o" Rollin( Stone remared 2Dee'ly weird, "eeris$ly emotional, wildlyent$siastic, 1989 sonds e=actly lie %aylor !wi"t, een w$en it sonds lie not$ing s$es eer triedbe"ore.2&B  Ale=is Petridis o" The $ardian 'raised t$e albms 2!'ringsteenesMe narraties o"esca'e and t$e ind o" doomed romantic "atalism in w$ic$ 0/s girl gro's dealt n 1989 t$ereasons s$es a""orded t$e ind o" res'ect denied to $er 'eers are abndantly obios.2 EB

    1989 sold 1.8@ million co'ies in its "irst wee o" .!. release, debting at nmber one ont$e illboard //, maing !wi"t t$e "irst and only act to release t$ree albms t$at sold more t$an onemillion co'ies in a wee.0B %$e second o""icial single "rom t$e albm, 2lan !'ace,2 was released


  • 8/9/2019 Tay Swizzle


    on #oember 1/, /1&.@B %$e singles, 2!$ae ;t ""2 and 2lan !'ace2, bot$ reac$ed nmber oneon t$e illboard ot 1//.3B 1989 later became t$e best-selling albm o" /1&, selling 3.00 millionco'ies, des'ite only being on sale "or nine wees.8B As o" >ebrary /1E, 1989 $ad sold oer 8.0million co'ies worldwide, maing swi"t t$e best selling artist in /1&. 9B

    n #oember 3, /1&, !wi"t remoed $er entire catalog?wit$ t$e e=ce'tion o" a single song?"rom !'oti"y, as s$e belieed t$at t$e streaming serice nderales msic.3/Bn t$e same day,31B details o" %$e 1989 World %or  were annonced?t$e tor will rn "rom *ay to December /1E,isiting Ia'an, t$e .!., 4anada, t$e as$ion !$ow in December /1&.3@B 2!tyle2 was t$en released as t$e t$ird o""icial single"rom 1989 on >ebrary 9, /1E.38B y >ebrary 13, Billboard  re'orted t$at t$e single was nmber 18on t$e .!. Billboard  ot 1// c$art39B

    § Artistry 

    F$nflencesne o" !wi"ts earliest msical memories is listening to $er maternal grandmot$er, *arJorie >inlay(nGe *oe$lenam'), sing at c$rc$.1B&/B ;n $er yot$, >inlay was a teleision $ost in Perto Rico,and 'er"ormed in o'eras in %$ailand and !inga'ore.EB&1B  As a ery yong c$ild, !wi"t enJoyed Disneymoie sondtracs 2*y 'arents noticed t$at, once ; $ad rn ot o" words, ; wold Jst mae ' myown.2EB&B 6ater, $er 'arents e='osed $er to artists sc$ as Iames %aylor, !imon L 5ar"nel andDe" 6e''ard.&3B&&B

    !wi"t $as said s$e owes $er con"idence to $er mot$er, w$o $el'ed $er 're'are "or class'resentations as a c$ild. &EB !$e also attribtes $er 2"ascination wit$ writing and storytelling2 to $ermot$er.&0B !wi"t enJoyed bot$ reading and writing 'oetry, and was 'articlarly drawn to t$e worso" !$el !ilerstein and Dr. !ess.EB&@B !$e remains interested 2in any writing "rom a c$ilds

    'ers'ectie2 and $as cited To 4ill a #o%kin(bird  as one o" $er "aorite boos.EEB
