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Tawa Intermediate School School Charter 2015 - 2018

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Page 1: Tawa Intermediate School School Charter 2015 - 20181 Tawa Intermediate School Charter 2015 - 2018 Charter 2015 – 2018 Mission Statement A community of confident, connected, actively

Tawa Intermediate School School Charter 2015 - 2018

Page 2: Tawa Intermediate School School Charter 2015 - 20181 Tawa Intermediate School Charter 2015 - 2018 Charter 2015 – 2018 Mission Statement A community of confident, connected, actively

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Charter 2015 – 2018

Mission Statement

A community of confident, connected, actively involved, lifelong learners.

Confidence as a learner comes through self-knowledge - knowing your strengths and weaknesses and understanding how you behave in a variety of circumstances. Behaviour learning and leadership development are both along this continuum. Confident learners know how to manage self. (Key Competency: Managing Self)

Connected learners are those who use their self-knowledge to build effective relationships.

Connections are local, national and global using communication that can be face to face, in groups

and on-line. Connected learners know how to relate to others.

(Key competency: relating to others)

Actively involved learners participate in and contribute to a wide range of pursuits.

(Key competency: participating and contributing)

Life-long learners are competent at using language, symbols and texts in everyday life. They use a

wide range of thinking strategies. (Key Competency: Using language, symbols and text and thinking)

Vision Statement

Engage! Grow! Inspire!

Values Statement

We want a school where all relationships are based on the values of: caring, fairness, honesty, protection and respect. The students of TIS have said:

We want a school where every student is R.E.A.D.Y:

Responsible - Cares for others, self and the environment. Works hard and takes charge of own learning. Takes responsibility for actions and accepts the consequences.

Encouraging - Encourages others and self but honours the importance of learning. Active - Looks for opportunities to help others.

Always participates and takes the initiative to get involved in extra-curricular activities.

Determined - makes their own choices Has faith in who they are and what they do – ‘be yourself’

Youthful - Friendly, socially confident and able to interact with students and teachers Has pride in being part of TIS and wears the uniform proudly

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Vision Statement

Engage! Grow! Inspire!

Charter Goal 1: Engage!

Engage students, families and the community through:

open, caring and effective relationships

participation in local, cultural, national and global contexts

the use of appropriate technologies

relationships with Ngati Toa, contributing and receiving schools, cultural and community groups

2015 2016 2017 2018

Continue to develop use of digital tools and modern learning environments to further personalise learning and to develop an understanding of Guy Claxton’s “Building Learning power”

Develop the process of self-review of the restorative practice approach to behaviour management.

Develop partnerships with Pasifika community

Continue partnerships with the Māori community

Community health consultation (2015)

Continue to meet with parent focus group.

Begin the ALLiS (Asian Language Learning in Schools partnership with Tawa College (3 years duration).

Review use of digital tools, BYOD and modern learning environments to further personalise learning.

Review school-wide systems for narratives of learning

Continue developing partnerships with Maori and Pasifika communities.

Participate and help lead the Restorative Practices training with all of the Tawa schools. Explore the establishment of a Community of Learning.

Continue developing partnerships with contributing schools and Tawa College.

Implement the Pasifika plan

Implement the ALLiS (Asian Language Learning in Schools partnership with Tawa College (3 years duration).

Review use of digital tools, BYOD and modern learning environments to further personalise learning.

Review school-wide systems for narratives of learning

Review partnerships with Maori and Pasifika communities.

Community health consultation (2015)

Review the Pasifika plan

Continue developing partnerships with contributing schools and Tawa College.

Implement and review the ALLiS (Asian Language Learning in Schools partnership with Tawa College (3 years duration).

Continue developing partnerships with contributing schools and Tawa College.

Charter Goal 2: Grow!

Grow motivated, self-managing learners who:

think, reflect and problem solve

relate well to others as collaborative learners

are equipped with values to behave ethically

achieve skills in Te Reo and an understanding of Tikanga Maori

progress in their achievement against national standards

2015 2016 2017 2018

Review curriculum framework.

Implement staff professional learning programme

Review teacher professional appraisal practices

Continue to implement programmes of learning for students with special abilities

Review provisions for learners with Special Needs

Review special needs model in school.

Continue with professional development of writing with Murray Gadd and growing teacher capacity

Participate in ALiM2 to further enhance mathematical teaching.

Continue the implementation of the professional portfolios

Continue to use ALiM experience

ERO visit

Review the use of the English and Maths planning and assessment documentation across the school.

Continue to implement programmes of learning for

Review the “Accelerating Maori Success at TIS” document.

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Develop capacity of middle leadership within the school

Use ALiM experience to explicitly teach basic facts

Begin professional development in writing with Murray Gadd.

of learning for staff including the appraisal process.

Implement consistent use of the English and Maths planning and assessment documentation across the school.

Review the “Accelerating Maori Success at TIS” document.

Develop capacity of middle leadership within the school.

Implement programmes of learning for students with special abilities.

students with special needs and abilities.

Charter Goal 3: Inspire!

Inspire students' learning now and into the future through:

excellent teaching practice

a broad and rich curriculum

quality learning environments that are innovative and flexible

2015 2016 2017

Re-develop dell

Upgrade Specialist classrooms

Complete process for new Admin building

Begin artificial turf project with funds raised

Review and update ICT Strategic Plan and specifically look at BYOD protocols

Implementation of uniform policy as a result of a review.

Complete a condition assessment report of the school in conjunction with the MoE to develop the 5YA (2016 – 2021)

Complete Admin re-build.

Re-develop dell.

Introduce Science Specialist programme

Implement capital works programme

Review the use of the professional portfolios of learning for staff including the appraisal process.

Sustain the professional development of writing with English curriculum leader and growing teacher capacity

Re-develop dell.

Review and update ICT Strategic Plan and specifically look at BYOD protocols.

Implement capital works programme.

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Tawa Intermediate School Draft 2017 Annual Plan

What Charter Goal BoT SLT Syndicate leaders Teachers Timeframe Review notes

Implement the ALLiS (Asian Language Learning in Schools partnership with Tawa College (3 years duration).


Receive updates from annual report section in BoT report.

KR to coordinate with TC the implementation and update SLT throughout the year.

Meet with Tawa College, twice a term, and discuss lesson planning and resources

Using the resources to support teaching the units.

Review use of digital tools, BYOD and modern learning environments to further personalise learning.

Receive updates from annual report section in BoT report

SLT to review tools in Term 3 using student/staff surve3y and anecdotal feedback

To support survey and other review actions to be taken

Implement the student survey to gauge the student’s’ perception of BYOD and modern learning

Review school-wide systems for narratives of learning.

Receive feedback from SLT SLT Check information is being updated on student portfolio.

Establish student portfolio. Update student portfolio with evidence of learning

Review partnerships with Maori and Pasifika communities.

Attendance at hui and fono meetings and report back to BoT. Get feedback from the groups.

SLT to be represented at and participate in hui/ fono meetings. Include Ngati Toa in meetings. Update and use strategic documents. HM and BH.

Follow up with any strategic/ planning/programming at class level.

.Community health consultation

Share the recently developed “Wellbeing at TIS” document with community. Consult over health programme and share contents of Changes at Puberty programme with community.

Continue developing partnerships with contributing schools and Tawa

Explore relationships, partnerships and

Continue discussions with schools around transition.

Participate in College sports. Participate in College Sports. Transitioning conversations

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College. Further develop CoL in Tawa

opportunities with Tawa BoT’s.

TC SLT 1 x per team meetings. Look at using sports com to help with sports events. SLT to host afternoon tea in Term 2

Transitioning conversations with College for Year 8. Make sure documentation for transition is done at syndicate level.

with College for Year 8. Interacting with other Tawa teachers (through some PD).

Review the Pasifika plan

BoT member to participate in implementation via fono and review process.

SLT to have representation (BH) at fono and implementation. Share the doc’ with staff and discuss intent.

Follow up with any strategic/planning/programming at class level.

Deliver Pasifika plan, review and provide feedback to SLT through syndicate leader.

What Charter Goal BoT SLT Syndicate leaders Teachers Timeframe Review notes

Continue to use ALiM2 experience to develop teaching of mathematics across the school. This is a major PD focus for 2017.


Have a successful ERO visit

Review the use of the English and Maths planning and assessment documentation across the school.

Continue to implement programmes of learning for students with special needs and abilities.

School-wide curriculum review

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Establishment of a staff “Google” group to develop innovation

What Charter Goal BoT SLT Syndicate leaders Teachers Timeframe Review notes

Implement capital works programme


BH, KR and CH to coordinate with Eric Ashby to complete work planned.

Review the use of the professional portfolios of learning for staff including the appraisal process.

Sustain the professional development of writing with English curriculum leader and growing teacher capacity

Re-develop dell.

Receive updates from annual report section in BoT report.

BH, KR and CH to begin exploring costing and planning options.

Encourage teachers to ensure their Student Councillors are involved in the process (student voice).

Canvas ideas for the development of this area. Teachers to allow Student Councillors to run meetings in their classrooms to gather ideas and feed to the council meetings and feedback to their classes.

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Writing Student Achievement Target: Action Plan 2017

Charter Goals 1 & 2: Engage and Grow

Target Area: Writing

Annual Target: By the end of the year, three identified students from each class, (51 across the school) who are below in writing will achieve their individual targets, accelerating them to be at or above the National Standards expectations. A focus will be on Māori and Pasifika boys and girls.

Student Group: Students who are below standard in writing. A focus will be on Māori and Pasifika boys and girls.

Historical Position: From close examination of the 2016 national standards data in writing we noted the following: 39% Māori Boys (n=11) 31% Māori Girls (n=8) 28% Pasifika Boys (n=5) 26% Pasifika Girls (n=5) 25% NZE Boys (n= 14)

Therefore, Year 8 boys are our target cohort for 2017. For the past two years the staff have engaged in Professional Development with Murray Gadd. The focus was on improving the quality of the teaching of writing, therefore raising the achievement of students. During this time the school employed a lead teacher of Writing to help imbed the two years of professional development within the school. This will continue in 2017. The target student approach will also focus on teacher inquiry as teachers inquire into what best practice will meet the needs of the students. The major teaching focus for this year will be the transference of skills from instructional lessons to independent writing.

Action Plan:

What Actions Timeframe Review

Identify 3 targeted students ● Teachers will use standardised assessment tools e-asTTle (prompts that are boy friendly will be selected) together with anecdotal observations and school based assessments to identify targeted students in consultation with syndicate teams.

Term 1 - Week 1-5

Aggregation of assessment information

Teachers will use the writing progress summary Google docs to collate anecdotal and assessment information. Links will be made in the teacher portfolio google sites.

Term 1 - Week 7

Student Learning Goals as part of student / teacher / parent conference set

Individual learning goals established based on: ● synthesis of data ● dialogue with student and their family Professional dialogue with syndicates

Week 7

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Boys Writing Professional Development

Workshop with Staff revisiting what works for boys in the teaching of writing.

Term 2

Learning Narratives Monitoring of student achievement All teachers subject to planning and assessment checks

Artefacts collected throughout term 2 to illustrate progress toward learning goals. Information collated onto writing progress summary Google pages. Twice termly monitoring of target students (or as detailed in the PLD action plan) will be undertaken Teachers meet with SLT to go over planning and assessment that shows differentiation of learning.

Term 2 On-going Term 2 onwards

Progress Report to BOT Update on Target student progress Term 2 wk 8 Thurs 22nd June

Learning Narratives continued

Artefacts collected throughout term 3 to illustrate progress toward learning goals.

Learning conferences to share student progress (Early August)

Term 2/3

Aggregation of school- wide progress

Teams share and discuss the learning narratives to ascertain numbers of students who are achieving their individual goals accelerating them towards National Standards. Achievement towards target and for whole school reported to Board of Trustees.

Assessment team to analyse school wide end of year data, including target student achievement.

Brendon to report to Board.

Start /End Term 4

PLD action plan School wide staff PD once per term. Syndicate and one on one pd when and if required.


Student voice Emma to provide a google form for target students to fill out twice a year to measure attitude towards writing.

Term 1 and 4

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Mathematics Student Achievement Target: Action Plan 2017

Charter Goals 1 & 2: Engage and Grow

Target Area: Maths

Annual Target: By the end of the year, three identified students from each class, (51 across the school) who are below or are endanger of becoming below in mathematics will achieve their individual targets, accelerating them to be at or above the National Standards expectations.

Student Group: Students who are below standard in maths. A focus will be on those identified .to be below as year 7’s in 2016

Historical Position: From close examination of the 2016 national standards data in maths 19% of our year 7 students were below the NS.When further broken down by ethnicity we found this group was made up of 28% (n = 8) Maori Males, 19.2% (n = 5) Maori Females 27.8% (n = 5) Pasifika Males 31.6% (n = 6) Pasifika Females 14% (n = 8) NZ European Males 23.2% (n= 13) NZ European Females Our school data also tells us that amongst our 2016 Year 8 cohort there was a 4% decrease in students that were in the at or above National Standards band for Maori. This was further evidenced by the PAT data which showed only 38% of our year 8’s made the expected 5.6 pat maths shift. To ensure this does not occur in 2017 we will target the Year students in the below band as described above as well as any student identified by the teachers of slipping from At to below. Maths will also be the curriculum professional development focus for 2017 The target student approach will follow a teacher inquiry cycle based upon ALIM (Accelerated learning in Mathematics) strategies.Our past experience of professional inquiry suggests that teachers will generalise any practices found to be effective with the three target children across all students in their class.

Action Plan:

What Actions Timeframe Review

Identify 3 targeted students Teachers will use the standardised PAT Maths together with anecdotal observations and GLOSS to

Term 1 - Week 1-5

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identify targeted students in consultation with syndicate teams.

Maths Curriculum Leader to discuss with teams their target selections

Aggregation of assessment information

Teachers will use the 2017 Maths Target Student Progress Sheet to collate anecdotal, whanau, and assessment information forming a picture of the whole child.

This doc will be linked to the Maths 2017 Target

Student Overview Google doc and teacher portfolios

Term 1 - Week 7

Student Learning Goals as part of student / teacher / parent conference set

Individual learning goals and next steps established based on: ● synthesis of data ● dialogue with student and their family ● all student’s goals recorded on a Google doc across the


Week 8

Maths Target Students and Communities of Mathematical Inquiry

Lee will lead sessions on Target students, using Gloss and the importance of a

Growth Mindset.

Setting up Communities of Mathematical Inquiry

Week 4 and week 8

Monitoring of student achievement All teachers subject to planning and assessment checks

Artefacts and evidence collected throughout term 1/2 to illustrate progress toward learning goals.

Information collated onto 2017 Maths Target Student Progress Sheet.

Maths Team Leader to meet with teams to offer advice and guidance.

Teachers meet with SLT to go over planning and assessment that shows differentiation of learning.

Maths Team Leader to monitor use of Progress sheet.

Term 2 On-going Term 2 onwards

Progress Report to BOT Update on Target student progress Term 2 wk 8 T

Team/School Moderation Teams to re-visit the 2017 Maths Target Student Progress Sheet to ensure evidence and next steps are up to date

Beginning of Term 3

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Learning Narratives continued

Artefacts and Evidence collected throughout term 3 to illustrate progress toward learning goals. Learning conferences to share student progress

Term 2/3

Aggregation of school- wide progress

Teams share and discuss the learning narratives to ascertain numbers of students who are achieving their individual goals accelerating them towards National Standards

Achievement towards target and for whole school reported to Board of Trustees

Start /End Term 4

PLD action plan Teachers will be part of a school wide curriculum focus on Mathematics involving developing Communities of Mathematical Inquiry. This will be led from within the school


Analysis of Variance