task 4meandmymovies

Task 4: Me & My Movies

Upload: rosebishay97

Post on 09-Aug-2015




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Task 4: Me & My Movies

Avengers: Age of Ultron, Captain America: the Winter Soldier and Iron Man 3.

The Avengers is a highly rated and popular film, and with the sequel on the horizon there is allot of advertisement to make sure no one misses it. The film sees many different super heroes come together to help against evil forces, all which have movies of their own. Captain America: the Winter Soldier and Iron Man 3 are both set after the first avengers, we see connections within the films during each movie, mentioning of the avengers, and often hidden things said or done in each marvel film which links each one to another. I know that I personally look out for these things whilst watching each movie and its one of the points that makes me so excited so see each movie and how they all join together unlike other films. With the popularity of each individual Hollywood star and their superhero characters in films, and also original Marvel comic books, the film is already set for success. However, the film producers cannot just settle for the already masses amounts of loyal fans, they want to grab the interest of new people not interested in the comics and history of the characters, but may be enticed by the action and hints of comedy within the films. The film has already produced Lego games, T-shirts, Toys, and Collectables, advertising the movie and adding to more fandom for the films. The film is advertised using many different formats, big trailers are shown on TV and at the cinema before people are about to watch a movie, mostly shown to ones about to watch an action or genre of the same type.

The avengers and movies of this type have many attractive aspects which draws allot of people in. Not only the all-star casts used but the superhero qualities and obvious good looks of each character creates an idol and we start to look up to and love the characters and part of us aspiring to be them. This brings me onto the exterior activities Marvel films and comics create, like Comicon, we see the idolism here where masses amounts of fans come together dresses as their favourite characters and get to be them and takes them away from normal life and adds a bit of fantasy to

their lives which these films do, they take you away from the normalities of life and also the stresses, mesmerising you which high amounts of exaggerated action scenes

and evil characters being defeated creating a powerful feel good sensation.

Another thing that I and many others look forward to the short clips after the credits at the end of each movie, unlike other films, we see most people stay behind when the film ‘ends’ waiting for the clue and short give away to an upcoming new marvel film possibly connecting to the one we just watched. For me this brings allot of excitement and makes me watch the watch the next marvel film, waiting and watching out for what I have seen at the end of another. Added extras that Marvel use like this

draws more people in sets them apart from other sets of films. Stan Lee, the chairman of Marvel and writer of each comic, has a cameo in each marvel film; this is always a short one liner or short comedic clip which many look forward to, giving praise and not forgetting where these films came from.

I often find out about these films due to the huge amounts of media attention they have but also movies being released by them are often posted years before on social networking, like twitter. Marvel have their own twitter, and tweet hints and/or up and coming movies going to

be created or released in the future.

These films are targeted to most ages and genders, relating to all in some way. Although with the obvious connotations with boys and action, you could say they are directed towards the male audience, we see this even with the colours, fonts and music used in the movies and advertisements of them.