task 3 photo shoot proposal form

Unit 57: Photography and Photographic Practise Project Proposal (P2, P3, M2, M3, D2, D3) Candidate name: Tom ross Theme: Architectural Exploration of Salford Quays Predicted final outcome My final outcome will be 50 pictures that show off Salford quays and the Manchester area as well as possible. I will take just landscape images that are mainly of the iconic places around the area. Like the lowery, media city, imperial war museum, and the quays itself. After I finished shooting at Salford quays I will go into Manchester town centre and take some landscape photos there. I will try and take as many photos as I can staying within the limit. When shooting I will try and focus on certain areas that make Manchester what its known for. Reasons for selection of theme (including inspiration from the work of others)

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Page 1: Task 3 photo shoot proposal form

Unit 57: Photography and Photographic PractiseProject Proposal

(P2, P3, M2, M3, D2, D3)

Candidate name:Tom ross

Theme: Architectural Exploration of Salford Quays

Predicted final outcome

My final outcome will be 50 pictures that show off Salford quays and the Manchester area as well as possible. I will take just landscape images that are mainly of the iconic places around the area. Like the lowery, media city, imperial war museum, and the quays itself. After I finished shooting at Salford quays I will go into Manchester town centre and take some landscape photos there. I will try and take as many photos as I can staying within the limit. When shooting I will try and focus on certain areas that make Manchester what its known for.

Reasons for selection of theme (including inspiration from the work of others)

The images here are by four different photographers. These images catch my eye because of the way they have been edited, I like the way that the quays has been represented as a fun bright area. That is very modern and lively. However in some of the images it shows the calm side to the quays and the way that it is

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peaceful. So depending on where and when I take my images I can show all aspects of the area. The reason I want to take the images is because I have always liked the quays and I feel that it is a very picturesque place.

The photo imaging equipment and medium that will be used and why

The camera I will be using is either a Nikon D3100 or a Cannon 7D these cameras are owned by college. I don’t have my own camera but if I was going to use one it would be the cannon. The reason I want to use this camera is because it is easier to find the settings on. In my opinion anyway. This making it easier to change the shutter speed, ISO, and depth of field.


Techniques that will be used and how they will help convey the visual message

The photos that I will take will show all the different sides to Salford quays. For example I will show the work/ business side to the area as well as the leisure and

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fun side to it. The images I will take will be ones that are supposed to go in a magazine. They won’t but I will shoot them as if they were. I will mainly focus on the depth of field, shutter speed and white balance. The reason for this is because I want my images to show a lot of light and bring across the fun side to the quays.

Location of shoot;Salford QuaysManchester town Centre

The area is very large. There are many buildings that are shaped in in strange ways such as the lowery and media city.

Risk and health and safety considerations

I will complete a risk assessment