task 2 a

Task 2A Gaetan Lundula

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Post on 13-Apr-2017




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Page 1: Task 2 a

Task 2A Gaetan Lundula

Page 2: Task 2 a

Poster Campaign The Layout of this poster is really Powerful as the president’s face is the main focus as he is drawn on the poster the

contrast behind the president head is the country flag this means the president poster is implies that the country should vote for him as the word VOTE is big and bold which highlights that voting season is coming to Florida and should.

The Heading and Tittle is very clear and bold the heading is about voting for Obama this is clear as the letter “o” in the word vote has the American flag which is behind Obamas head this implies that vote for Obama means here is behind Americans and is here to help if voted president.

The Text at the bottom suggests to the target audience that it gives out more information for the people who want to vote that’s why the designer has made the writing big and bold underneath the heading for information given at the bottom is for the people to know what to do when voting and where the letterform is the same as the heading vote the columns at the bottoms suggests that Obama is going against his campaign vs his rival Biden this is evident as the column line is big and bold and shows you who Obama is up against the typography is the same but however underneath the quote “early vote in Florida” shows a different format of a font which simply eye catching as the rest of the words are a clear and bold with the same format.

Furthermore Imported Branding shows us the target audience the images and logo, and what's important to us in this poster in this poster there is a main image which is Obamas face drawn on the poster and the logo is the flag drawn behind him this shows us that vote for Obama and he his behind you all if you do vote for him as president.

The composition shows us the point of focus this is clearly evident as we the audience know that the whole point is for

us to vote this is clear as the word vote is Large and striking which implies too us the target audience that we must

vote for Mr Obama, the colour of the background is white and has got a vague contrast this because the designer wants us the see the colours he has highlighted within the words this is for us to be blown away to think to vote. He has used blue and red because the main colour of the united states is blue and red the designer has used this well and the background is white which symbolises the colour of the flag with the words highlighted in Blue and Red to Portray American Colours the space of the this poster is really shuttle as the text have perfect width from each other which helps to see what next and have relative position and direction

Page 3: Task 2 a

Website campaign The website is for the target audience of a worldwide generated population but mostly Americans this evident as it is Americans first lady as the face of the website slide The Navigation of this website is really authentic and simple for people to use this simply for people to use as the website refers to you with search buttons this is evident as the buttons say Get facts , Get the Latest , Get Involved ; this all adds up to the target audience to go and vote and get more information on why you should go and vote its relatively easy and its done by a click when the consumer is using it the buttons make the website more reliable and easier too access. The Structure And Grid help us the target audience understand the Layout and the Positioning of the website the positioning of site is well structured as the places to get information is really clear and bold as there personnel, supplies, and equipment are brought to the site with things you want to do the layout is coloured out with the colour blue and white this is too show the hierarchy of the website and the aiming behind it the layout is there to symbolise the contrast between the information given on the site.

Text and image choice the text and image on the website show how important the role of presidency is the text on the websites are slogans for the nation to be aware of when voting this simply motivates the campaign on why the nation should elect him the text of get involved makes the consumer think should they in addition to this the image of Michelle Obama shows the nation what strong women she is and that she's married to someone who is in charge of a strong country. In contrast to this the text shows that the country need to be united as one and commutate the Drop menu at the bottom of the image of Michelle Obama show more control elements, similar to a list box, that allows the user to choose one value from a list.

A Dynamic content is shown here as the website allows access to live streaming this is evident with hyperlink which makes it easier for the consumer to watch as they just have to click to watch the video whilst browsing through the website getting more information . The video is a strategic thing the web designers have done they have done to give more of an expressive illusion so they consumer is bored and knows what they want for a space of interactivity. Besides It creates an experience that's customized specifically for the visitor or reader at that moment.

The behaviour of this website doesn’t seem to harm anyone it look really professional and neat and doesn’t have any offensive message , the website does not contain any sort of music when entering the website this is probably because the web designer doesn’t want the consumer to get distracted with the Nosie this can also create problems as some can have problem with noise and this can cause distortion and can have a bad affect on the websites rates if people complain . however , if they did have sound it would show how serious they want the vote and the noise only creates excitement when entering for the consumer.Type & typographic structure the typography is really different and authentic with the font of simplistic illusions this means it easier for the audience to see the fonts and the words listed secondly in addition this typography isn’t the most creative they have done this because the purpose behind this isn’t to be creative is to bring the American nation as one and to get hem voting but have made the word easier to see without artistic techniques. The size isn’t too big and the positioning has a good width and variable for us to see.

They have used the hyperlink in various of information boxes this because they want the consumer to share this information with their friends so it can go global a hyperlink points to a whole document or to a specific element within a document for people who don't have access to vote because of technical problems.

Page 4: Task 2 a

Moving Image campaign.Timing and Rhythm of motion the camera movement has been captured and edited in right timing the rhythm made perfect sense with the music in the background which just built a good a atmosphere when the president was speaking the video didn’t go fast or anything nor did it have jump cut this because the president wanted to speak formally to the country to vote for him the composition of the video was really slow but had a decent momentum with what he was saying. the pace and motion the pace and motion of this video isn’t very fast or really slow this makes the get a steady format of what the president is translating through the video the sound behind the video builds a captivating a experience for the consumers when listening.Relating text and images to audio or sound the images and sound is really the purpose of the video is well documented for its consumers Mr. Obama VOICE IS THE VOICEOVER this means he voice builds a severe sound and atmosphere narrated (spoken material) the soundtrack behind this video builds the sound of passion and how to make the country prosper. In addition to this the video has Compositing is really good as the they made it simple for the public to hear and didn’t even really add any shots people wouldn't understand this is because the editor has used one sort of ethos a normal footage for himself to understand with the public.

Keying was also another thing in the video did not contain this because the president wanted to show that the green screen doesn’t mean anything to him when promoting his ethos to the country he wants to run secondly the visualise wanted to keep the video simple.

There was also a Perspective, angle This means the cameraman has a specific angle he wanted to film the footage this because the president is corresponding in a formal gratitude The two most characteristic features of perspective are that objects are smaller as their distance from the observer increases but the cameraman got close ups and wide shots for the soundtrack atmosphere as well as the voiceover
