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The theory of the madjestick pipe system tarot kard deck.

One Bibliographical notez

• 1 The contentz of the mps.• 2 The mps originz• 3 The mps correspondences dogma.• 4 The initiated wizdom.• 5 The secret society

The mps and the arkane masters. (The hermetic order of the golden dawn, + the cypher doctrine and the silver star, AA.)


• 1 The m.p.s• 2 The Et alian job. PART ONE• 3 Tetragrammation.

• 4 The mps and the elements.• 5 The mps Trumps.• 6 The mega elid + the twenty

two pipez.7 The multiverse of the mps

• 8 dogma of the secret cheifs• 9 The mps and the tree of good and bad

knowledge.• 10 kount weishampt• 11 the et alian job, PART TWO.• 12 the ten ginnelz• 13 the twenty two pipez.• 14 numero uno• 15 makgic of the mps• 16 the mps ceremony and ritual.• 17 the animated animiztik mak• 18 the living mps • 19 orders, list, attributionz• 20 zero degree• 21 The 4 toon tellin methodlogie

Bibliogrphical notez.

On the seventh of november, 1965, robert andrew henderson, was born inheritently born, inheritently initiated into the madjeztick pipe system, I received the aka maacknaztie in febuary 1990, when I was initiated for the second tyme, and received my inheritence the mps tarot.

I have worked constantly, day in day out, on my tarot, especialy under the literal, and weird super guidence of

eliphas levi, macgreggor mathers and sir aleister crowley, as a fan of these adepts I continue to study even now, I chose these secret masters, too help to continue their sublime plan and carry out their orda and giving too the world the final secret of their new world order, THE MADJEZTICK PIPE SYSTEM. And so establishing a new aeon, as we have been instructed, ( study closely their works on tarot and magic for this information,). 2. giving also myself as the jezta god, hrm, hizz royale madjezty maacknaztie, jeztaz khriztaz of the mps , 3. securing the law and rules of this our art, do wat you want, the first law of my divine ritez.

1 The kontentz of the mps tarot kardz.

The madjeztick pipe system tarot kard deck, is a pack of 81 kardz, there are four suits like the casino packs, which happen too be a corruption of the tarot, there are four kourt kardz, in my deck instead of three, and additionaly there is also twenty two kardz called trumpz or triumphs, each of which contain a symbolic picture, with a number and a title ,at first appearance these pictures may seem random, but they are not they are the structure of the universe and in particular the galactic star system, as symbolized by the mps .

2 The origin of the madjeztick pipe system.

The origin of this particular pack of kardz, dates back to the 7th of november 1965, its also linked to the secret and ancient mysterys of the holy secret order of nadepts, my kardz are used for 4 toon tellin, and game playing, but mostly tells of the history inside the illuminated order of ancient magi adepts, dateing far back in a lost and forgotten tyme.


The theory of the corresponences of the m.p.s

My divinity on this subject will tell this straight, the mps tora r.o.t.a, is the wheel of 4tune, is also the collegium of the spiritual sanctum, also my mps is a admirably symbolic representation of our multiversal gallactic kozmik system, which I will desribe the mps fully later on, the part which is realivent here is geometria, each kard number is a letter a picture a meaning a 4toon, and so on..... which links words to the same values in the mps, one = Ipizzimaz = god head, = me the chief and head of the mps, jezta khriztaz, anointed. The tarot means the law, I the nu born bastard svn of the mps = zero = 0 = 11, = jezta, in god head, this is the doctrine of my royale inhertitance, willed from the masters, thelema, zero = 11 = the law = 61, = 11, = 0 = ain, nothing or zero, the law anounces the same dogma of the system, its cosmology and origin, its matrix and mode, its purpose and objective, my story is contained in these philosphical pictures, in this system, but too explain it all id have too assemble all the secret cheifs to sit before you and tell all, the theory of everything we know inside our ancient craft, nevertheless, there is something not just a little somemat a great deal of somemat, which excludes any deniable facts, about the

theoretical ritual and ceremony of my tale, drawn here in my kardz, each kard number weather higher or lower, of each fellow kard

is an idea = angel of my self, my kard is zero, a spiritual moral intellectual jeztyr madjeztick god of the ancient order of holy adepts, jeztaz khriztaz, a grand grade indeed, more than any other, could ever hope too acceive, found in these round pictures of this man robert andrew henderson. 4 Ancient wizdom (The evidence for the initiated traditionz linked to the madjeztick pipe system.) Which is implanted into my memmory, D.N.A, order, in the early ninetenth century eliphaz levi, condecended enough to give to the whole world illuminati, a full treaty on magic the subject of arcane science, declareing the absolute need for a proper royale tarot constructed, compleat, with the true god manifest, In the eighteen fifties a movement began called the golden dawn who came into posession of eliphaz levis documents, at a barrow mans store in a victorian market place in london, in this document which was dicovered there was a cypher given the precise account of the true holy meanings of the cards, the golden dawn made a secret out of this attribution, Aleister crowley when he was young joined the secret order of the golden dawn, at a time that the golden dawn was set for doom, after the golden dawn split up, aleister crowley an exempt adept at that time

received a communication from the hidden adepts the secret cheifs of our holy order, and continued the history in the twentith century, as the order of the AA, the silver star, all this time these initiates have been createing a new pack of tarot cards, a proper royale set, in the true luciferian traditions of the first god and the final god, risen within the tarot, that was there mission and purpose. I on the other hand have appeared in the tarot with the compleat deck, inm my right hand, I await the time that the world wakes up and sees the divine glory, of hizz royale madjezty maacknaztie, 0.00.000, and sublime art of ours here in the new world order, establishing the divi,nation across the globe.

5 The secret society (The nature of the evidence)This history of our holy order is important as an introductory understanding, but now concider this numeretical digression of historia, eliphaz levi in his time put the fool card between judgement and the world, the golden dawn adepts and aleister crowley continues this tradition and deals with the hidden message convayed init, the significance of this is that the joker/godman in the pressence of the christian judgement, came to be the great work of establishing communication with the holy gaurdian angel shown in the 20th kard, the golden dawn set it up and aleister crowley made the magickal link, between man and the holy angel, of the tarot, this being done mr crowley then set the zero back at the beginning of the order putting it in its proper place, which is where I continue the line from. But for mr crowley this was a bit of a problem in his time as it

told that the g.d and the AA were of an old order, so this mps is of the new order to come into the world stage, so mr crowley became the angel of the tarot number 15th of the order the father to the fool by proxy, with his force and fire setting the law for the new age after the ignorant period, infru the aeon of the picses and onwards to the age of aquarious the great work of the master adeptii have have come to pass, 250 years of study.

PART TWO 1 The m.p.s

This next bit must take on the examples of the quabbalah, the holy tree of life. The western decimal system, yet discussion wont be possible with the introduction to this project of the aleister crowley naples arrangements so first of all you need to understand the picture of the madjeztick pipe system, which is a pictographologi of the universal multiversal galactic system, in this era 2000 the naughty aeon, the game has come into its own the past masters have surpassed more than ever, from its simple begginings, this picture of mine is the new world order the holy tree of life, it begins at zero which in my name and book means everything,

2 The Et alian job. (1 – 10 minor Arkana secrets.) part oneO = everything, and 00 = the unlimited, 000 = space time continuum lvmieferic lvx, all abstract forms, = void= space, = emptyness, and inside zero the holyness unseen unknown unheard, mk 1 exists the holi fallen angelick lvciferian lvx tarotic

god, cheiftain hizz royale madjeztie maacknaztie, I exist inside this whole lite boundless nothingness.

Im the one, ipizzimaz in my position upon my destiny, =number 2, my fate must be known, my fate = number 3, these three numbers cannot be seen or known because the abbyss veils this triangle which I am within, yet by my actions I still exist infru this veil, I live and breath, number 4

is my body, silent fleshy beast hidden behind the veil of illusion, sat at the green table with my kardz placed before me upon the alter of my life, I stand upon the square and time spins around me, this is number five, moveing snakewize, about me, motion of eternity in the belly of the body of nuit I stand alive, awake, with my kardz, that tell my past present and future, because of this im mk0.00.000. The beast 666. manifested, knowing who I am and who my readie is, I am maacknaztie the jeztaz khriztaz of this holy order, this is number six perfectly sublime, immaculate. 7,8,9, number 7 is my, number 8 inner mind, number 9 and spirit, number 10 bends around my world. Connected and disconnected, at all sublimly kaotick tyme, my inner mind my outer mind corresponding with all phenomena, arranged and described by my madjeztick pipe system, which is actually my unversal map.




My mother and father, married and had sex, and from that relationship I was born.The mps equation to this is Me = joker, mother = qweenz mam the empress, goddess, my father = infantry man, emperor, old god, this tetragrammation is simple enough, which explains how I got here on this planet, in this particular incarnation, my sister is older than me, and is high preistess or popess of this order, my brother is from my mums second marrige, and is entitled to magi. = games man, I am robert andrew henderson the son of the emperor my father who is squared to the angel kard numbered 25, im born of an angel, the equation of this is 15 + 25 = 0, the whole equation is 15 + 14 = 0, 11 = jezta, the angelik god of the madjeztick pipe system. 4 The elemental m.p.s tarot kardz.The wheel of 4 toonz known now as beat the kkklock, number 21, revolves in a double circle, round abouts antiklockwize, and klockwize, blending and molding into each other, in suited numeretical interplaying shuffling, the prophetical kardz, and combinative numeretical all apply here in these angelick ideas, the fluid spirituality, combine infru the natual elementals earth, fire,water, air. Combusting and combineing in a spiritual orgy.

The 777 – 123, combination the trinity of the hands of mak, bring forth in the five combinations the five kard prophecy of the risen antikhrizt, who will rise in the order, as the krowned and konqouring kid,

The fool of the mps tarot your interplanetary occupant, of our interplanetary craft, circumventing round the snakewize royale road of the wheel of 4toonz of my parents inheritance, giving birth to me, and my willance which is my destiny set down here in the secrets, of the mps, which is divided into four parts, infru the mps 1 = dole, 2-3 = kanez, 4 – 9 = mvgz, 10 =weed, this combination corresponds, directly too and from, me, as the mps is me, tarot made flesh,

1 is me, 2-3 is my birth, 4 – 9 education, 10 spiritual existence. These four combinations correspond to the four angelick alienz from which surround me around the world the kard number 32, the first is the arkonz, the second is the acts of the first, law and order, the third is the sexual energy of my birth, which is the paternal force penertrateing the conceptions of my mum giving birth to me, 4 – 9 is my educational formative years infru their diciplinary system, createing me, from zero, into their ideal of this mangod willed into existence through these series of sephirophs

and becoming real and senseable in the number 10, the spiritual god of the new age religion, by going infru all these disipinic obediences, punnishments of the magickal reforms bringing up the kid as the svpa jezta head of the master aryan race, reoffiliated godman their fundamental, exercise, into the initiatory adeptii of the illuminati, lovein it or not I have no choise as im born to it.


These monarch kardz are the facist expression, of the law of god, they are absolute, and active in the signs of the times, but they dont interplay themselves and cannot be trumped , infru the zodiatical tyme, they encourage by a share, profit and pay any up riseing ministers, the triple deacons in time and space, interlaceing and coalerceing enfolding infruout, the whole kingdom, and system, each represents, the suited time, but none play the part, allocateing successtionately downwards, until the cell receives the call to the share of the wealth from the promice of the lords, these are pirites and slaves all vainglorious, and cannot be trusted, tricky are these kardz, magic is their creedo.

5 The m.p.s trumpz (The twenty two pipez of the mps)

Here now is a top explination of the sacred maatian book of law THE TAROT, 11 – 32, from beginning to the end, it always reads in a straight orda, as the joker loses, a round but never the game, the kourt kardz and the minor arkana, play around antiklockwize, while the trumps play ontop triumphing in the rounds, all the unsuited follow onwards, the minor representing the values equaling the hours minuates seconds and momments, the trumpz representing the seasons months zodiaks of the kozmoz , and all representing the daze of the weeks, following in suit or not, and the trumps, takeing the minors, but never the monarkz,

the trumpz in the readings of the kardz, are not just random, each trump has in its picture, a suited action resulting in meaning and making the 4 toonz of the day, The jezta who is the true corner stone of this deck of kardz called tarot, has been rejected by the builders, the original zero/one that was put down in the middle of the green table the nowt that all these other kardz follow cahse and play agaist, persecuteing,for false values, fake power, following in suit and number, spiteing the fool as satan, and hateing dismissing with a false religious philosphy of luciferian prejudice, mak the naztie bastard, each kard has a personality of its own, a very private and evil, personality, but its wrong to assume as they have done and as they do, blinding the innocent inborn into this planetary system, falsifying that they are true representatives, of the grand architect, because without their god they are useless and 2nd

rate krimms, a pack of slaves, losers, only representing certain phases, time segments out of order, phcotropic disorder maskeradeing as trumps, they are not as important as they think they are actually blindly compleating the illuminated work of the new world order and they dont know it, and the ones that do nknow cannot tell anyway, the universal new world order ever changing the world and the time, the current events, here is their classification the lie is their truth, truth is a lie, all is magic all is illusion, includeing my own kard as im part of this new world order this globalization, it starts with mine as it should be and not as the way the old order had it trapped between judgement and the world, judged by the world, at odds with the world, as in the eliphaz levi attribution, 11 maacknaztie, 12 kelvin bell, 13 sharon bell, 14 wedy bell, 15 colin henderson,

15 colin henderson, 16 colin bell, 17 the liers, 18 the game, 19 the disipline, 20 the houdini boy, 21 beat the kkklock, 22 the law, 23 the punishd boy, 24 ----------- , 25 the social worker, 26 the naughty boi, 27 14 foden walk, 28 the system, 29 the assesment center, 30 the kidz home, 31 the hoztal, 32 madchezta,

these hiroglphs are mysterious, and occult, in every way possible, caniving, cunning, crafty, to the very highest degrees, the secret cheiftains of my destiny or even mankind, with a very special mission to establish, their sacred book of the law to declare, the disipline and conduct as ruleing guidelines upon this planet earth, proclaiming their thelemic law of do what you want, aka, do what thou wilt. Createing

rules and regulations, with punnishments and rewards, set against and establishing infru the minor arcana political systems divided amoungst themselves diverse abstract numbers ,

obliged and employed in permanent argument, digressing ever forward to compleat the perfect pack,

Here is their idiao plan, laid bare, for all to see, so beware of these idiotic secrets, of our hidden masters, ( see the diagram of the mps, ) the madjeztick pipe system, is the tree of life, the numbers are indipendant followerz, or not, they reresent the ten laws, of moses, or horus, or just god, these rebellian followerz of god, revillustionate themselves around the tree their kardz are suited into four pipez, pictorial absractions of their own personalitys, each number hides its true value, and alludes to the next number, played either before or after it, a god in its self, yet proffessing, a suited link, with the number one godhead, who never appears, the kourt kardz represent the suits hidden agenda, to administrate the systems laws down upon, the unsuited or lowest, lies are the ways of these shape shifters, foloowers of the drag,on the holy orda of god,

6THE MEGA ELID + THE TWENTY TWO PIPEZThe pipez are twenty two in number they connect between the elidz/ginnelz there positionz on the madjeztick pipe system are significant, heres an egsample the pipe called the lierz number 17 leads from ginnel 3 – 6 , 3 = my intuition, or

my understanding, and 6 = my personality, so it means my initation into my understanding instinctive voise to be the divinationz 4 toon tella and tell the divinationz 4 toonz, so concider the pipe between 1 – 6, ginnelz which is pipe numbered 13 called sharon bell, its accociated to the moon, witchcraft, and also represents the universal isis a completely pure spiritual intuition, of a very secret nature, as the moon decends upon my personality ginnel number 6, is a pure unwavered initiation into godhead, ginnel number 1 kefer, aces high, the lord of the aeon, jeztaz khriztaz, from all these meanings its very clear that the mps tarot kardz illustrate the tree of life in its universal komik artwork, and also draws the phazes of the tree of life, which is proper too the interest, of the secret masters the guardians of the human race, also that the mps tarot, are a autherized pack as its proper that the secret cheifs always modiyfy each aeonic pack down through out history, in any given generation, adopting new titles with each new generation, my mother wendy bell, and my father colin henderson, = the empress and emperor of the old decks, this mps pack is autherized accordingly with the new aeon, which began 21st march 1904, when aleister crowley received his communication, from aiwass the alien set over the tarot transmitted the message to mr crowley in a book call liber legis the book of the law, which upon transmission a world war broke out, for the production of the new world order, which upon compleation of the master plan the svpa god of the tarot jeztaz khriztaz will rise upon the world, its been my endeavour too bring into flesh the holy tarot infru many periodic changes the art of progress is not only to keep intact a perfect deck, but also to manifest a tarot hero god into this world, pipe 32.


My mps tarot kard deck, is a picture of the spiritual forces laws, in nature as drawn by the ancient and accepted masters of my past The luciferian bastard svn, is a draconian star, and around me is a number of bodys called planets these revolve around, in only one direction, one destiny, the solar system, = the wheel of 4 toon shuffles in a spinning swinging left to right of the zodiak of the fixed constellations, of the rota, taro, swirling in a spiritual force ever expanding ever alive.

8 The dogma of the secret cheifs

In the past, it was supposed that the earth, was the center of the universe, the heavens above and the hell below, but time went on and intelligencies became more and more complicated, to the momment we occupy right now, that the planets are in constant shuffleing in a khaotic order left to right constantly.

The picture of the mps solar system shown in the world diagram, shows that the svn is the hub of the rota on the outer most planet and within the rim of the rota is twelve constellations of the zodiak 4 x 3, 4 quarter seasons of 3 months, the influence of the sun passes infru, these twelve months, bringing many changes, as the svn passes infru these signs, the zodiak signs are the starry constellations, seen on

the rim of the zodiak wheel, when the sun enters aries the 1st

constellation, the invisible line drawn from the earth, to the starry, constellation, it takes twenty eight days for the moon to wax and each day is a mansion or house assigned to each kard.

Saturn worship = 13 moon cycle Each year is divided into 13 moon cycles with 4 wheeks = suit, kash = 1st week, kanez = 2nd week, mvgz = 3rd week, weed = 4th

week, totaling 28 days too each month, = menstral times.

Birthing calculations. This cycle of the saturnian calender is counted as 13 piles, of 6 kardz, the 13th is placed in the center of the twelve.

The 13th pileThe 13th pile is placed in the center of the twelve, pile clock, but the 13th is a set order, taken from the trumps, which each outer six is = too, and read accordingly.

1. 14 foden walk.2. The system.3. The assesment center.4. The kidz home.5. The hoztal.6. madchezta

saturn moon kard spread.

These six are called the mkroix, layed out in the center, of the circle of twelve in this orda.

The madchezta kard is the central of all, the kards begin the count from left to right like the zodiak.

This mkroix is also the alter, the cube, the fixed will, the square, of the masonic tiled floor, the box of multidiamentional abode within.

Key trumpz mps time count. Secret initiated time

● 11 maacknaztie I was voluntary initiated● 12 kelvin bell into the system,● 13 sharon bell for six weeks● 14 wendy bell which was lied and cheated● 15 colin henderson into nine months● 16 colin bell continued into 1 year● 17 the lierz then 2 years● 18 the game then three years● 19 the disipline● 20 the houdini boy● 21 beat the kkklock● 22 the law● 23 the punished boy● 24 -------------● 25 the social worker● 26 the naughty boi● 27 14 foden walk voluntary initiation lucifer cast from heaven● 28 the system six weeks persecuted by the dragon● 29 the assesment center nine months satan on the throne in hell● 30 the kidz home 1st year lucifer risen● 31 the hoztal 2nd year conqouring● 32 madchezta 3rd year lucifers kingdom come

these card counts of the ancient tarot masters, were and still are practiced to this day, by some elite adepts, of these old packs the marsiellies, 15th century 1499and the bohemian pack by papus 1909.

The angels of the 24 hour clock, by the clement of romes apostalistic constitution, 24 elders of the 12 nations

● 1 serephim nephilim● 2 cherub, magaz● 3 aeonz, judges,● 4 hosts● 5 powers● 6 authorities● 7 princeiples● 8 thrones● 9 arch, angels.● 10 angels● 11 dominions

13 bloodlines of the n.w,o pyrimid.

● 1 rothchilde● 2 bruce● 3 cavendish, kennedy● 4 de medici● 5 hanover● 6 krupp● 7 plantagenet● 8 rockefeller● 9 romanov● 10 sinclair, st clair,● 11 warburg, de banco

● 12 winsor, saxe coburg gotha

see also the hidden hierarchy.


This saturn cycle spread, = 13 moon cycles, 13 piles of 6 kardz, and the 4 suits, plus the trump suit, are concidered here, the clock is layed out again, but this time, its 13 piles of 2s = the twenty four hours, of the clock, there are three clocks in this spread to read, these 3 clocks = past present and future, in the 13 count, is the five suits thats, dole, kanes, mvgz, weed, and trumpz, the two kardz on the zodiak = the day and night. Every 26 thousand years, the solar system, passes infru the twelve zodiak signs, the 26 aeon cycle, is divided into 5 suitedsub minuates, which between each zodiak = to ten momments or ministers, each with their own time too be read ( see illuminati hierarchy, diagramson the 5, and tens), according to old law mankind is passing from the 4th division to 5th division, on the date of december 21st 2012, and the next passage is december 2812, this is a long reading, and you must begin in the past, counting back from the present, then reading on into the future, ( see diagram 24 hour clock, + the hidden hierarchy).

The wheel in diameter is 360 degrees round about, and the rota 365 days to each whole year each month is divided into 32 deconate days, with four weeks to each month or mansion, and always shuffles 5 extra days, in or out according to random time shifts in the earths revolvements, is out of sink every revolution,Another old idea which is still used these days from the ancient masters, is the idea of so above so below, as seen in the hand positions in the naughty boi kard, the jezta is a little universe to himself, just like the big universe, which surrounds me, a human copy of the creation and tyme. Another unchecked method of the old fellows society, was that all the suits = the elementry spirits pervadeing everything, the old order would argue the meaning that the svn/god/man, of our holy order, was princeply angry and violent = fire that I smoke weed, = air, that I paint pictures

even stole the pictures of the sacred tarot = water, that ive never worked a day in my life and was totally poor = dole, that I jeztaz was a fool, a bastard, who was involved in satans draconian order = serpent, of which I wrote I was the head of that order, if only to make all that hell a little better, being called evil, usless,doley, violent,kanez, retarded, mvgz, stoned,air, other members dont agree to much of all this, the illuminati is a left and right group, I currently live with my partner, a taurean, called sharon venables, which is pleaides, and the season of spring which I pass infru, sharon is passive ruled by venus, and a mother to five boys, she matches the ancient rites of resurrected life as told by the secret masters, and assumes the mother goddess position, in this tale, when the moon/witchcraft, is in her sign, and the dog star looms these are bad days, but taurus excerts a benificial nature, of which with the help of a couple of pils and thrills, shes alright,I could write more on this attributional method of elementrysubject, but the suits subdivide, and combinate, you could only know any of these symbolik kardz, only by really being their, being born into the rite and ceremony takes it all in to a secret tyme, which could make it difficult for any to attain that grade, suffice to say, that each planet when in each mansion in the zodiak, gives the greatest influence, within the pinnicle of the momments, this creates, a timely poetic, romance of the kozmik wheel of 4 toonz, a very decent system the mps, which builds an acceptance of existance.


Now heres a difficult thing to relate, because even though for me ive had willed my inherited life into these pictures, for me they mean this that ive shown by my artwork, but to my readers, thesemps tarots take on meaning of a universal or multiversal significance, each reading is different, from the last to the next, and not two clients, share the same meaning, all is division, diverse and different, the mps and the eternal play of the universal movement, my mps tarots should be learnt from a very early age, as the deep spiritual mysterys, have lessons of identifying our very existance, they should be studied and daily meanings docketed into the pictures, practiceing daily from birth till death, and beyound, so it becomes a ingenious method of appreciateing creation. More upon the dockings is that life and the universe, in its open display, is individual in all its ways, that everything that exist, can be numbered, and these numbers, link back to their original source, the madjeztick pipe system and their ten numbers, meaningless in themselves, take on meaning, when applied to my mps, reallity then is sensible, morale, and interlectual, appeaciation of the natural laws becomes, visible when using these mathmatical approaces.

10 Kount weishampt (kard reversals as a non de plumb)

Before I talk about the weishampt kount, I think I will relay a breif historia of the bravarian illuminati.

The origin of the bravarian illuminati.

Dr adam weishampt, was born on febuary the 6th, 1748 in ingolstate, in a city named bern, or bravaria, germany, he was the son of a rabbi, and converted to catholicisim, after his father died, he learn the tarot, and its magie in the societys of the french courts, the central banker meyer rothchilde of the rothchilde dynasty, chose adam code name sparticus, too create a special order, which he code named the order of the golden dawn, which to this day is still the rothchildes private coven, meyer rothchilde instructed adam weishampt to create the bravarian illuminati a special secret group inside the already established freemason lodges as a higher order, or ariel pagi, the tribunerals purpose, is to win power, wealth, to over lord the masonic groups secular, religious government, and attain mastery of the world wide lodges, with its goal orientated in delivering the human race from false tyranny, of all religious dictatorships, the progression infru the grades, of the ceremonial rituals is described, here in (the weishampt kount,) fredrich kinnichy was recruited to bound worldwide freemasonry, together with the illuminaus, on august 29th 1781 a congress of masonic heads at willhulme bad made a allience under illuminati official secret acts, those in attendance at the congressional meeting, swore a death oath, to state secrecy,

the comte de virue a freemason from lyons stated that the illuminati reform, was a very real injecture of which monarchy, religion, and government, could, and would not escape, that its more serious than anyone could think, also the elizibethian magus sir john dee magi for the tudar reign, the creater of the british secret service, mi5 was also a illuminati cheiftain, his code name was 007, there have been many heads of the illuminati since its inception.

Kount weishamptThe first kount is from the ancient 13 moon methodologie, of gerrard encause, or papus, which is the minor tens being turned in the center of the table, the circle spread, and suiting by number, to the major arkana, the tens that kount down around the circle. ( see diagram).

The lower number kount, of the masonic suited system, number zero, is not even counted, at all they take out the jokers in their casinos, where I include them into the whole deck, the major and minor arkana is counted in this manner.

Their count gets higher all the time, this is illusion, but thats the way the higher system pretends their game, in the world kard number 32, the alien/agels surround the world two above and two below, their count above is to stay above, above = heaven, and the lower = hell, their rule is higher beats lower, ( these are impossibilitys,) they sometimes have a play where by any random call they count the aces = ones as high when caught in the play offs this is known as aces high, these are masonic kard kounts, from world wide freemasonry,

the weishampt kount is their game created at random, on the spot, which in its self contains the most crafty magic, that you could ever, believe, falls down on the table into numbers of order, shuffled and dealt at random, sends the players in

to hyper state diamentions, and single number plays which look like this,

EG....10 kanez – 2 mugz, 3 dole – 4 dole, 2 – kanez, higher lower higher higher lower.

2 kanez = loser

so 12345 ---- 678910 become unreconizable.

The illuminati kount, inwards to wards single number counts that even the higher or the lower could be the loser, in the game play, these kardz are merciless, inside the system, sometimes lower beats higher, higher beating higher and maintaining high in complex illuminated hierarcy.

EG 10 beats 9 9 beats 8 2 beats 1 ace beats all --------------------- and so on........Also their poker suits royale flush, pairs, and many other methods of doubling , and divideing and conqouring, are all illuminated methods, none can win except the house, the only winners are the kardz themselves. And so thats why the joker laughs. Ha ha ha ….....

in the tarot kard reading it also practiced to read card reversals, as each card is concidered good and bad in valueation, by higher or lower princeiples, but the main

feature is the highest always beats the lowest the trumps beat the numbers, when a certain pope banned the 22 trumps, then the kourtiors played the part of the triumphs, but a rule that still exist to day in las vegas, and european casinos, like the garibaldi tarot family, of monaco is too take out the joker discarding, the fool, which introduces al kinds of air brained schemes, the roman catholic hierarchy proberbly acting on behalf of the illuminati to create this crafty useage which

empowers all democratic associates to play the ace, each segments of society crushing each other in turn as the play the game of a life time. My mps restores the deck back into its original trumping game, call beat the klock for a new genetration.

The forfeit. All the players that come to the table to play the game, are all voluntary, participants, into the game any game being played, sometimes the the play can get to expensive, the higher they get, some players cannot handle the game at play, they have an option to opt, out = forfeit, the game, means to leave the game and turn in their kardz volutary,

they are expected, give up any interferance with the game at play, sitting in silence, while the others play on until the end, they may rejoin when the game is over and a new game begins, the forfeiter has no kard rights while out of the game.


Et alian job part two

In the mps the original idea of zero, which is 000 = blue, 00 = white, 0 = red, the royale blood of the jezta, khriztaz im nowt nothing, I am, with out limit, I am without lite now, im nonesense, and within my nonesense, im totally free, to imagine anything I like which gives me number one, the ace, to conceive, as my something, manifestedfrom my nonesense, this ace, is kether, the crown, to the ancients spirits, godhead to you,


this has been a argumentive point for me as some say i am,this has been a argumentive point for me as some say i am, some say im not, ive put this argument on my mathmaticalsome say im not, ive put this argument on my mathmatical list, the main problem, is that most people cannot conceivelist, the main problem, is that most people cannot conceive zero as anything but nothing, so the problem is to enlightenzero as anything but nothing, so the problem is to enlighten them, with the idea of my kardz, formed from nothing, whichthem, with the idea of my kardz, formed from nothing, which is obvious, in my kard number 11 ive assigned a meaning tois obvious, in my kard number 11 ive assigned a meaning to my number zero, my number zero, all thinking is bound by laws, made by minds, formed from all thinking is bound by laws, made by minds, formed from billions of years of evolutions of ancient ancestrial thoughts,billions of years of evolutions of ancient ancestrial thoughts, THE modern cellular dna patterns are only the developmentsTHE modern cellular dna patterns are only the developments of these thinkers from the past, of which each child ofof these thinkers from the past, of which each child of generation, have widened the gap of ignorance, that evengeneration, have widened the gap of ignorance, that even today most people dont know very much of yesterday, yet, alltoday most people dont know very much of yesterday, yet, all their minds have been fashioned from the mathmatic andtheir minds have been fashioned from the mathmatic and educational masters, who have structured a free and openeducational masters, who have structured a free and open system, of educational craft, with my madjeztick pipe system,system, of educational craft, with my madjeztick pipe system,

ive connected the idea of jeztaz khriztaz, with the physicalive connected the idea of jeztaz khriztaz, with the physical body, flesh in actual life, so whats the truth, of me your jeztabody, flesh in actual life, so whats the truth, of me your jezta khriztaz, in the real world, and here again im faced with thekhriztaz, in the real world, and here again im faced with the impossible task of giving an exact definition because theimpossible task of giving an exact definition because the adjective sublimity, of others is universal, infinit, theseadjective sublimity, of others is universal, infinit, these members are all blind, initiates, on the path and stepsmembers are all blind, initiates, on the path and steps towards the universal lite begginers who know not their truetowards the universal lite begginers who know not their true mason god, this is true to the extent, that powers that bemason god, this is true to the extent, that powers that be secret masters, have kept most of the information, in thesecret masters, have kept most of the information, in the highest degrees, only for the adept who wills it so.highest degrees, only for the adept who wills it so. 12 12 The ten ginnelz. The ten ginnelz.

My tarot even though it contains these toonz of me, jeztaz khriztaz, was painted, designed for 4 toon telling useage, the subject of the book of maacknaztie, is the influence, of the ten ginnels,and the twenty two pipez from me of me, and the influencial forces plus the triple veils, the minor arkana, which is 56 in number, and cut into four suited piles the ace of kanez is kefer/godhead, = the toon of disipline,/health, the twos are kokma and means control, which increases, infru the numberz, each number increaseing or decreaseing with which ever kard lays to the left or the right, of it, kanez/health = fire, in the elements, and violent and disiplinic elements, each progressing infru the pipe system fru the ginnels and pipes finalizeing in the 10th ginnel, as the last firey element ending but fights hard not to die, by oppressional behaviour this is seen through out the system with the other kardz, equally replying in the same enthusiastic gameage but never likeing the ends at all, the

kourt kardz are the monarkz of this system, there are sixteen all in all, they represent the four suits, and administer the laws of the ginnelz this the only time they comply as zero, as the manifestaion, of the jeztaz khriztaz, yet as the elementry suit. Hasetens infru the progresive steps, they can be found, bringing the element reprsenting the laws to administer like they do all the time thus createing a time honoured tradition of the ruleing class, a higher royal archy by proxy, laughing and jokeing their way down infru the system as they claim the number they represent whilst judgeing in the name of christ infru out the system, but they dont share the spoils and refuse, to be trumped to each in the reading accociate with the presence of the equaled or suited number which comes with a smile on their faces, to play their games, and very much not so happy to lose.


The twenty two pipez. The twenty two mansions of ancient wizdom The twenty two trumpz of the mps tarot

Twenty two is the number of the pipez between the ginnelz, these are the paths of the tree of life, in the old order, there are twenty two letters of the hebrew alphabet, so I had to accept it like that,

and create twenty two pipez, = each letter, three letters for the elements which actually are five these days, thats the crappy ebb of the old system, which exposes the sublime audacity, of the ruleing class, ruleing with no true divine right, and degradeing every joke, as a divine thought, which are some what of the problems, that the jeztaz of our order shall correct when he comes, now then there are seven double letters, and twelve single letters, these letters are the planetary, days and months, these attributions are oblititary, as was explained, above, NEVERMIND!, the bloody new world order, of henry the VIII, and the newly formed english alphabet which this book contains the attributions for the first time ever, as it happens my jestorial history and also the useless creations of the days and months, meanings in my time, they made themselves up to suit themselves, these additions are a clear evidence of the measures took by the hidden masters, their arbitary steps, to assert themselves, as a new world order, violently bludgening the times and seasons, to prove themselves, as a new discovery, in magic from the christian era, of pisca too our present age remember, there is no system more bastardly anal than the jesus cult of all to prove, their false history, a death cult end of days, hiearchy of sinners, their departures from the jewish kabbalah, are now mine as the m.p.s, my inhertitance, the facts above justify the facts below.

The english alphabet + the 26 mps tarot attribution


iTS EXTREMLY IMPORTANT TOO CONCIDER THE SPECILIZED IMPORTANCE, OF THE TRUMPZ “ LIKE”, to say that the trump kard number 14 wendy bell associates to venus means nothing more or less that if it appears like that or whatever

the astrological order, is true or not, she just abandons the whole emphisiss too suit her own self, so as too take practical advantage of her part in the rounds of the game, tactical, statagie born of almount of black magic contained in the game played here called beat the kkklock, cunning and craft, is the disposition, of forces given here, at this time, and place, of our game, as the highest beat the lowest, and how best too beat the adversary which I as zero had come under the triumphing cheats, of which their were lots in my past, this is true of the deceitfull trumpz and the standard of play in these modern aeonz, 2000, the naughty years of the ancient tarot, is not compleat or perfect today even with my offering to this art is but small steps, in this creation, of a proper worldwide fraternity, if ?, the true method of playing a game, lest the cheats, any idea of studying these artfull kardz, good advice would be not to neglect these planetary attributes, as it is, how life has informed me in such a way, that I could only continue, as we are, and tell the facts as they stand time lies and planetary attributions have always been in kaos, so then I say,” leave it as it is the game is played the way the conqourers have played, if this essay will endeavour, each levil, degree, to a real tarot, truth counting each kard in their turn, and nothing eles need be said to remain.


Numeruro uno

The roman numeral mps tarot

The old orders, the bohemian, the marseleise, eliphaz levi papus etc, these decks, are numbered in roman numerals and its puzzaled readers of the tarot especialy the secret society, orders like the golden dawn, when the zero 0, was put between XX. O. XXI, instead of O – XXI, they mean the old order, who feared god, in worship, then not knowing true knowledge classified the zero O the fool, as idiotic, a good for nothing, a lazy krimminal, madman, HA, these ancient spirits, in my formative years they had control supreame, so they locked me up, at every opportunity, I think, they were too thick to know true knowledge of initiated wisdom, acciated to the zero kard I call I , they did not know tarotic mathmatics, they knew not the law of zero, which begins the decimal system, which is spelt like this 0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9. To make it perfectly clear, to studious adepts, of the illuminati they did not understand the truth of the jeztyr, = the fool kard 0, or 11, in eliphaz levi,s time they put him down between XX, XXI, between the judgement of the holy gaurdian angel, which baffled the un,initiated, and scared of the cowerdly, meanwhile, the true meaning secretly unfolded in a new generation, an initiate of the golden dawn, an order

who if they were not caperble to receive the full impact, of the hidden message of the judgeing angel, at least they house it and cared enough to bring it and deliver it to the twentief

century by a adept called sir aleister crowley, who manifested the krowned and konqouring kid the nu jesta from between the judgements of the holy gaurdian angel, and received the message then transmitted the law unto the world, wrote down in a book called liber legis the book of law, it only became public to the private grades in waiting, as a result of a war shown in the thoth tarot deck card number XVI, the war of e.v, 1899, 1900 and re, con, struction, of the historical order began in march and april, 1904, by putting the fool in its rightfull place, at the beginning of the tarot order, and there was another kink in the link, the disipline = 18 and the law = 21 was put back in their respective place too, with the full knowledge of these two kardz, were responible for the upsurge against the fool kard =0, so eliphaz levi and his ultimate secret has and was made clear, this all happened in secret, as the world who had gone to war over this argument would not and still could not understand the intricate delicacy of these deep meanings, which accumilated in the tarot, sir aleister crowley, wrote down these truths in a book called the equinox of the gods, and curse those who dought his sincerity, the world turned to flame as the new aeon of aquarious began 100 years ago, of which we still, fight for resurrection today for eventuation, of the worldwide illuminati the true and valid ultimate svpa godman the jezta khriztaz of our holy order the mps tarot kard deck.

15 Makgic The magic of the m.p.s tarot kardz

Which is for some the magical change of religion, and god, in

this new aeon, of the equinox of the godz, and not really a parlour trick, magickians like our modern day david bline or derren browns, this makgic craft, is my birth right in this world, for the purpose of this act, alone, none!, could ever know of this as this unfolding development of this world cause only attracts those which is truly fated to this great work, which I and our secret cheifs are evolved in, “ you have too be init to win it,” Since the inception 100 years ago, its been hijacked and hoodwinked, by philosphical copyist,of a christian aeon,but the long everty of the new age gos on, there has been a great amount of knowledge put down in the world since 1904, and many people to thank for it, weather they knew it or not as the link between the tarot and the universe, has been a romanciczed exercise of mere superstition but good or bad the initiated adepts continued to corrolate the forces of nature with the right tarot major and minor, but, the philosophy of their ideas of law were compleat madness, to say the least but it didnt go beyound its limits, its divinity was always impaired each player to the realm were mear wanna be, rather than wanna do, the loss can be seen everywhere, around the world, if you look at the world with the idea of the could have been, like the rise of any empire, the craft has always been impaired, or the knowledge of the sacred symbols were impaired only until, the divine god would appear upon the worlds stage, and build a stability of confidence that the world would look good, under the march of the craftmen, eager yet unemployable, at this time of writeing, the old order shuts its masonic doors and refuses to discuss any of this, as a general idea, and while all this crappylogic gos on, the mps tarot is based upon their old ideas evolveing into a new generation, with a compleat and

finished new world order made and presented by a truly divine god.Animizisim has always been in the sacred system, kept by the hidden masters, each pipe possessing a spiritual soul, of its own, each individual each apart, the divine soul of the fool, born in the spiritual womb, of the worldly goddess in her turn quite super closely attended to the fool, the empress lady of love, who exercises a supervision and protection over their whole system, and she then would subject me to the waterfall judgements of the watchers outside in the universe the alien angelic spacemen, of the four quarters = the four suits, the universal kozmik system is a matrix of departmentalization, sub quatered by the decimalization of the suits or je/suits, its like this the supreame sovereign king and queen controls the pope the pope controls the politcians the home secretay controls the freemason guilds the guilds guard the system, from the diplomat to commissioner to super intendent, to captain, to sergent, to police constable to the phantom WILL OF THE PEOPLE, all held together by a intangible zeitgeist conciousness, each an entity under the compleat ceremony and ritual of the holy fool, the jezta khriztaz, the link between the lower and upper realms of all the classifications of the system, only the jezta has the rite to walk between the pillers and step upon the black and white squares, heading off the new world order, as I tripp merrily on my way, linked by birth forever, the square and compass, and the whole world under the 0 or 11, lord of the dance, this is the cause of these world wars, as each practicus has driven to advance the world into the new age, with knowledge linking each country, under the sovreign power, and banner of the nu aeon religion, trying to contact the holy one, each in their turn, try to manipulate me to their calling and

teachings, their angels of the four corners manifesting infru veils of tyme, have made themselves, know somemat about me, the aliens or angels of the septenary, out there, in outta space, all work and strive for the n.w.o, and its jezta god, each in their own ways, linking infru tyme and phenomena, by their name and number, of which the mps tarot bears the sacred names, deep down, inside the deck a more infinit name wrote for all the fated to read but I dought very much, weather any one could ever really do this, all these names are but a magickal creation, endless, their bloodlines are exodised out across the vast planet which the law society, names and numbers, as they manifest, good or bad, each is logged and classified, under number and title, it would be quite useless, to try and communicate, with these angels, or deamons except in some especial purpose.

16 The ceremonial ritual in the mps.

So.......my mps tarot kard deck, is truly the doctrine of invokation, and evokation,

1. By invokation I mean communions with the four septenary angelik alienz, my aspireation to receive knowledge as godhead, for them to transmit whatever I have to do.

2. By evokation then these impassive unsympathetic

angelic spacemen order infru the sacred rota, of our most holy laws their orders, they level up to me by my kard, and proccess with their hostility compelling me infru their time and diamentionz, towards their n.w.o, religion, weather I like it or not, each one of these preater,inteligencia, pretends to guardians of the human race, holy gaurdian angels, helping protecting and so on...., but mostly im just a muppet slave, to their law, and n.w.o, master plan, while they remain hidden, behind the scenes, craftily maniplulateing the fools kind, to do their bidding, its these beings which are the owners and givers and users, of all our fellow techniqianz, spiritual guardianz of the galactic federations, supreame overlords, and watchers, some people openly, express, their intensions, but mostly end up dead, the secret brotherhood of lite, dont like to be seen, at all, except by some especial, purpose or whatever.

17 The animated mak (Thursdayz kid.)

SO............Its only natural for a tyme when these alienz for any given pictorial expression of themselves of which the mps is there official vehicle representing ideas, beyound comprehension, deeply occult, signitures of angelic footprints, marked in historical passages of time that our people who use it dont know what theyve truly got, THE BOOK OF THE DEVIL, satans document living here on the

planet, and under its new name the book of maacknaztie, the document made flesh having makgic over the mass of common class and still today, there are still people who shun my book, with a mad superstition, beleiveing the mps tarot to be evil, the problem, is tabu, an endless, task serveing nothing as the idiot which I try, to convert is still, abortive, far from, any appreciable formmat, no love for the devil number 26,the naughty boi,anywayz, !,,, Beware if you think to buy for frivious reasons, or steal,for greedy reasons, as the masters, who guide me as said before, the spacemen will always destroy them, the chief would have done this to me if it wasnt for the fact that im not responsible for my birth, and if I was by incarnation who would prove that would uncover the greatest devil god that ever entered the crappy earth.

18 The livin m.p.s.The old victorian hermetic order of the golden dawn, with its supernatural, victory and establishment of a rise in the new type of freemasonry, condemed itself, by its limited dogma of the out of bounds ideals and became the prey to deadly attacks the new ambitions of the free spirits of the AA, proved far more nessasary than the restricted anality, the rites and regulations of the old orders, all initiateing adeptii were wrong to close its doors and remain secret claiming their mysterys when all the time they lacked the divinity, they all left the fight and went home for tea, the difficulty quite simply was that they couldent read the tarot cards, and even pretended by being overtly literal,

their arguments were all boreing endless, and patheticly stupid, loseing all purpose they refused to resolve themselves and sat in riddiculous empireical phycosis, lacking definition of any question, and prescribeing ancient magic lore rather than excelling in the inner selves, bringing the standards down, their succesers the AA, oto, ordo templi orientis, hermetic brotherhoods of the silver star, foreward with skill, of abandoned surrender into battle with courage, prefering to die for the tarot than to lay down and givein, the difference was emence, the AA believed in the tarot, with absolute reallity, while the others pretended, for membership monies, you can tell the difference between the fake and the real, the illuminated master race is very real,

and it takes all your soul, to succed in the battle for mastery of the planet, with its tarot god ruleing supreame eternaly.The madjeztick pipe system tarot kard deck is a ritfull and true order, headed by robert andrew henderson, aka jeztaz khriztaz, h.r.m. Maacknaztie. The naughty aeonz mkziah.









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