tarot magick

The Spell Checker This is a great tarot spread to use before casting any spell. It will tell you the probable outcome of your work allowing you to make changes, if necessary. It can also be used to determine the likely outcome of any plan of action. To use this spread, choose a card to represent yourself and place it on the table before you. This can represent yourself,or in some cases I have also chosen to use one of the four aces as a signifier for this spread depending on the spell I intended to cast. For example, if I was performing a love spell, I would use the Ace of Cups; or the Ace of Pentacles, for a spell to increase prosperity and bring good fortune to me, etc... Next, shuffle the cards while thinking of your question. I usually say or think something to the effect of "Please provide me with information pertaining to the spell I intend to cast which will be of assistance to me." When you are done, lay the cards out as they are shown in the diagram above. 1. The Past This card usually describes what has occurred in the past that precipitated you to cast the spell in question.

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Post on 08-Nov-2014




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An article about using the tarot to make simple magick


Page 1: Tarot Magick

The Spell Checker



 This is a great tarot spread to use before casting any spell. It will tell you the probable outcome of your work allowing you to make changes, if necessary. It can also be used to determine the likely outcome of any plan of action.

To use this spread, choose a card to represent yourself and place it on the table before you. This can represent yourself,or in some cases I have also chosen to use one of the four aces as a signifier for this spread depending on the spell I intended to cast. For example, if I was performing a love spell, I would use the Ace

of Cups; or the Ace of Pentacles, for a spell to increase prosperity and bring good fortune to me, etc...

Next, shuffle the cards while thinking of your question. I usually say or think something to the effect of "Please provide me with information pertaining to the spell I intend to cast which will be of assistance to me." When you are done, lay the cards out as they are shown in the diagram above.  

1. The Past

This card usually describes what has occurred in the past that precipitated you to cast the spell in question.

2. The Present

This card describes the current state of affairs concerning the situation described in card number one.

3. Your Goal

This card describes the goal of your spell. This is perhaps one of the most important cards in the spread as it will often reveal your true motivation despite what card number one may indicate.

For example, you or someone you know may be the victim of a bully. Whereas you

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may think you're casting a spell to protect yourself or another from that bully, this card may reveal that your true intention is revenge and that perhaps you should reevaluate your intended spell or ritual.

4. The Near Future

This card describes the initial effects of your spell. Again, this is a very important card because it can often tell you how long it will be before you see results, if at all, and whether or not they will last. It may also reveal any circumstances or consequences that you have not accounted for and which may only make the original situation worse.

5. The Best You Can Hope For

This card describes the most you can hope to achieve in the situation at hand and often represents a reality check for the individual. This card may be telling you that you have unrealistic expectations and that perhaps the answer you are seeking lies not in the casting of a spell or performing of a ritual, but in some other means.

6. The Outcome

This card describes the final outcome and far-reaching consequences of the spell. Again it may also give you an indication of the severity or consistency of the problem that you are attempting to address.  Sometimes a spell will have great results initially, depending on the situation and type of spell, but later break down naturally (classic examples are bindings and banishing) or can be broken by others.

Page 3: Tarot Magick

Tarot Magick

What is Tarot Magick?

Tarot  spreads or card readings make excellent foundations for tarot spells. If you see something in a reading that you feel needs to be changed, you can leave the card spread out and put positive cards over the negative card(s), and visualize the positive aspect occuring.  Alternately, you can take several Tarot cards that you have specifically chosen for their meanings and lay them down in the form of a favored Tarot spread to shape your new reality.  Tarot magick can be used in combination with herbs, gems, poppets, amulets, and talismans. In addition, Tarot Cards themselves can be used as talismans or poppets.

A Generic Tarot Spell

Generic Tarot Spell 

  Begin your spell with a three card spread.  The first card represents whom the spell is for, or who it is to affect.  The second card represents your goal.  The third card is placed between the first and the second ones, and it represents how your goal will manifest. Then visualize it occuring with each card and leave the cards out until your goal manifests.  

Page 4: Tarot Magick

Healing With Tarot Cards

 Intuitively choose a Tarot Cards and place it over the body where healing is needed and recite a spell specific to your the condition.  Alternately, you can shuffle the deck and let fortune decide the 'correct' energy that is needed to afford the individual a healing. For example, you can use The Tower to break up blockages, or The Chariot can be used to speed up the healing process.  This spell can be enhanced by the burning of candles, and the use of scents, colors, music, etc...   For preventative/exploratory purposes I have often had the individual lie comfortably on the floor, in a room where I have candles and incense burning (at a safe distance) and calming music playing in the background. I then shuffle the cards and lay them out on the person's body at the chakra points and interpret them accordingly.