tardir/tiffs/a372394 - dtic · images. however, in many applications we desire to introduce...

RICE UNIVERSITY Adaptive Wavelet Transforms via Lifting by Roger L. Claypoole, Jr. A THESIS SUBMITTED IN PARTIAL FULFILLMENT OF THE REQUIREMENTS FOR THE DEGREE DOCTOR OF PHILOSOPHY APPROVED, THESIS COMMITTEE: Richard G. Baraniuk, Chairman Associate Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering C. Sidney Burrus Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering (LoUgA4^ Raymond O. Wells, Jr. Professor of Mathematics DTIC QUAury INSPECTED I 20000112 058 Houston, Texas October, 1999

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Page 1: tardir/tiffs/a372394 - DTIC · images. However, in many applications we desire to introduce adaptivity and non- linearities into the transforms. These are powerful extensions, but


Adaptive Wavelet Transforms via Lifting


Roger L. Claypoole, Jr.






Richard G. Baraniuk, Chairman Associate Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering

C. Sidney Burrus Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering

(LoUgA4^ Raymond O. Wells, Jr. Professor of Mathematics


20000112 058

Houston, Texas

October, 1999

Page 2: tardir/tiffs/a372394 - DTIC · images. However, in many applications we desire to introduce adaptivity and non- linearities into the transforms. These are powerful extensions, but

Adaptive Wavelet Transforms via Lifting

Roger L. Claypoole, Jr.


Wavelet transforms have proven very useful for a variety of signal and image pro-

cessing tasks. The wedgelet transform also shows promise for certain edge-dominated

images. However, in many applications we desire to introduce adaptivity and non-

linearities into the transforms. These are powerful extensions, but difficult to control

within the wavelet framework. The lifting scheme provides a new, spatial intuition

into the wavelet transform that simplifies the introduction of adaptivity.

In this thesis, we develop several new adaptive wavelet transforms and adaptive

multiresolution wedgelet transforms. The lifting construction permits control over the

multiresolution properties of these transforms despite the adaptivity. We demonstrate

the power of our new adaptive lifted transforms with successful applications to signal

denoising and compression problems.

Page 3: tardir/tiffs/a372394 - DTIC · images. However, in many applications we desire to introduce adaptivity and non- linearities into the transforms. These are powerful extensions, but

Adaptive Wavelet Transforms via Lifting

Roger L. Claypoole, Jr.

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Thesis: DOCTOR OF PHILOSOPHY Electrical and Computer Engineering Rice University, Houston, Texas (October 1999)

Page 4: tardir/tiffs/a372394 - DTIC · images. However, in many applications we desire to introduce adaptivity and non- linearities into the transforms. These are powerful extensions, but


First, I would like to thank the members (past and present) of the Rice DSP Group, es-

pecially office-mate Dr. Matt Crouse, Justin Romberg, coauthor Prof. Robert Nowak,

Dr. Charlotte Grüner, Jim Lewis, Dr. Jan Odegard, Dr. Katrin Berkner, Felix Fernan-

des, Clay Scott, Dr. Hyeokho Choi, Brent Hendricks, Ramesh (Neelsh) Neelamani,

Vinay Ribeiro, Rohit Gaikwad and Prof. Don Johnson. Their insights and support

(not to mention just being there to bounce ideas around) were invaluable.

Next, I want to give special thanks to my advisor, Prof. Richard Baraniuk. With-

out his support, patience, technical expertise, and ability to see the "big picture,"

this thesis would never have been completed. It was a pleasure to be part of the

"Baraniuk research family."

Thanks to the National Science Foundation (grant nos. MIP-9457438 and CCR-

9973188), the Office of Naval Research (grant no. N00014-99-1-0813), the Defense

Advanced Research Projects Agency/Air Force Office of Scientific Research (grant

no. F49620-97-1-0513), and Texas Instruments for their generous financial support.

Thanks to thesis committee members Dr. C. Sidney Burrus and Dr. Raymond O. Wells

for providing useful commentary, criticism, and insights. Also, thanks to coauthor

Dr. Geoffrey Davis for introducing me to the lifting scheme, and coauthor Dr. Wim


An additional word of thanks to Dr. John Bryan, Jeff and Risa Myers, and Tom

and Veronica Hoge for making my stay in Houston enjoyable. "Without friends, no

one would choose to live, though he had all other goods."

Last but most importantly, I thank my wife, Lisa, for her patience and under-

standing during my PhD program. She is my "emotional capacitor;" without her, I

would never have survived the PhD experience.

Page 5: tardir/tiffs/a372394 - DTIC · images. However, in many applications we desire to introduce adaptivity and non- linearities into the transforms. These are powerful extensions, but


Abstract ü

Acknowledgments iü

List of Illustrations vii

List of Tables xiii

1 Introduction 1

1.1 Problem Statement 1

1.2 Our Goal 1

1.3 Thesis Layout 2

2 Background 3 2.1 The Wavelet Transform 3

2.1.1 Construction of wavelet spaces 3

2.1.2 The wavelet recursion relation 4

2.1.3 Construction of the discrete wavelet transform 5

2.1.4 Reconstruction (synthesis) 7

2.1.5 Generalization to biorthogonal wavelets 8

2.1.6 Construction of the biorthogonal discrete wavelet transform . 9

2.1.7 Reconstruction with the biorthogonal wavelet transform ... 10

2.2 Filter Banks 11

2.3 Filter Bank Implementation of the Wavelet Transform 13

2.4 Wedgelets 15

3 Lifting 18

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3.1 The Lifting Concept 18

3.1.1 Lifting operations 19

3.1.2 Predictor design 20

3.1.3 Update design 22

3.2 Equivalence between Polynomial Constraints and Vanishing Moments 23

3.2.1 Wavelet transform in polyphase form 23

3.2.2 Lifting in polyphase form 24

3.2.3 Vanishing moments and lifting constraints 25

3.3 The Update/Predict Programme 27

4 Adaptive Transforms 31 4.1 Introducing Adaptivity into the Wavelet Transform 31

4.1.1 Scale-adaptive transforms 31

4.1.2 Space-adaptive transforms 33

4.1.3 Other adaptive schemes 35

4.1.4 Median filtering 36

4.2 Redundant Lifting 39

4.3 Multiresolution Wedgelet Transform 41

4.3.1 Construction of a multiresolution transform based on wedgelets 41

4.3.2 Combined wedgelet/wavelet transform 43

4.3.3 Nonlinear approximation with wedgelets 45

4.3.4 Wedgelets for image analysis 50

5 Applications 52

5.1 Image Compression 52

5.1.1 Compression with the SpAT 52

5.2 Signal Denoising 53

5.2.1 Entropy comparison 59

5.2.2 Denoising with non-redundant wavelet transforms 59

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5.2.3 Denoising with redundant transforms 65

5.2.4 Denoising with multiresolution wedgelet transforms 65

6 Discussion And Future Work 70

6.1 Contributions of this Thesis 70

6.2 Potential for Future Research 70

6.2.1 Image compression with the wedgelet transform 70

6.2.2 Signal estimation with redundant transforms 71

6.2.3 Signal estimation/analysis with the wedgelet transform .... 71

Bibliography 73

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2.1 Nested subspaces of the orthogonal wavelet transform. The Vm are

spanned by shifts and dilations of a low pass scaling function, while

the Wm are spanned by shifts and dilations of a band pass wavelet

function 4

2.2 Example of biorthogonal wavelet spaces in !K3. Span {Vi UWi} = U3

and span jvi U WA = 9ft3. Vi±Wi and Vi±Wi. All basis functions

satisfy the biorthogonality condition 9

2.3 M-channel ßlter bank. The analysis bank has one input and M

outputs, while the synthesis bank takes the M channels to one output. 11

2.4 Polyphase representation of an M-channel, maximally decimated

uniform Glter bank. E(z) and R(z) are both M x M 12

2.5 Filter bank implementation of the wavelet transform. Transform is

iterated on the scaling coefficients c[n] 14

2.6 Filter bank implementation of the inverse wavelet transform. With

appropriate choices of H and G, the transform will yield a perfectly

reconstructed output sequence 15

2.7 Horizon image example. A binary image with a single edge along a

contour 15

2.8 Wedgelet example on an arbitrary dyadic square. Each edgelet

(which defines the wedgelet) is formed by connecting the vertices

along the border (in this case, M = 3 vertices per side.) 16

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2.9 Wedgelet approximation to a horizon function. The underlying

horizon function is shown with the dashed line. The dyadic

decomposition continues until the approximation error between our

string of edgelets and the contour is acceptably small 17

3.1 Lifting stage: Split, Predict, Update. ke and k0 normalize the energy

of the underlying scaling and wavelet functions 20

3.2 Typical inverse lifting steps: undo the Update, undo the Predict, and

Merge the even and odd samples 20

3.3 Prediction filtering. An N = 4 point linear prediction filter P(z)

yields the prediction vector g shown across the top 21

3.4 Update filtering. An N = 2 point linear predict followed by an N = 4

point linear update yields the update vector h shown across the top. . 22

3.5 Wavelet filter bank in polyphase form 23

3.6 Polyphase representation of lifting operators 24

3.7 Polyphase representation of lifting with the prediction and update

stages combined into one matrix 24

3.8 Two-iteration lifted wavelet transform trees with predict-first (left)

and update-first (right). When predicting ßrst, the prediction must

be performed prior to construction of the coarse coefficients and

iteration to the next scale. When updating first, the prediction

operator is outside the loop. The coarse coefficients can be iterated to

the lowest scale, quantized, and reconstructed prior to the predictions. 29

3.9 Update-first lifting sequence 29

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4.1 Top row: (a) analysis and (b) synthesis scaling functions for the order

(1,7) Cohen-Daubechies-Feauveau filter used in the SpAT. Bottom

row: (c) analysis and (d) synthesis wavelet functions. These basis

functions correspond to the update-Grst form of lifting 34

4.2 In the SpAT, the order N of the predictor varies with space n to

minimize the wavelet coefficient value d[n\. Above each x[n] we give

the corresponding choice N(n). As the predictor approaches an edge,

it decreases N (chooses wavelets of smaller spatial support) in order

to avoid the edge 34

4.3 Median prediction with linear update altering. An N = 5 point

median filter prediction followed by an N = 4 point linear update

yields the update vector h shown across the top 37

4.4 5-point median filter predict followed by a 3-point median filter

update. The update vector h shown across the top satisfies the Ot

polynomial constraint regardless of median choices 39

4.5 Two iterations of the undecimated implementation of the redundant

wavelet transform. Subsequent iterations at scale I require application

of expanded Glters H(z2') and G(z2') to the coarse coefficients ci[n}. . 40

4.6 Lifting implementation of the redundant wavelet transform.

Transform is computed on all possible shifts at each scale. Transform

is iterated on both sets of coarse coefficients, ce[n] and c0[n] 41

4.7 The [slightly] redundant wedgelet/wavelet transform. At each

iteration, we take both the wedgelet and wavelet transform of the

coarse coefficients. Total redundancy is approximately four 44

4.8 Mean square error (MSE) of approximations to our test image

(smooth regions separated by discontinuities along contours) versus

the number of coefficients used in the approximation. The

multiresolution wedgelet transform looks very promising 46

Page 11: tardir/tiffs/a372394 - DTIC · images. However, in many applications we desire to introduce adaptivity and non- linearities into the transforms. These are powerful extensions, but

4.9 Approximations to our test image. In each case, N = 500 coefficients

were used for the approximation. The wedgelet transform provides

improved MSE performance and does a superior reconstruction job in



4.10 Approximations to our test image. In each case, N = 1700

coefficients were used for the approximation. The wedgelet transform

provides improved MSE performance and does a superior


4.11 Approximation errors for our test image. In each case, N = 350 terms

were used in the approximation. The wedgelet and Haar transforms

both struggle in the smooth regions, while the wedgelet transform has

the best representation of the edges. The Daubechies (7,9) transform

performs well in the smooth regions, but suffers near the discontinuities. 49

4.12 Wedgelet coefficient variances for the test image of Figure 4.9. Dark

areas correspond to high variance, and are localized near the edges of

the image. Light areas represent regions of low variance (where


5.1 Edge dominated image with texture, compressed to 0.67 BPP (12:1

compression). Note the ringing around the edges of the square in the

Daubechies (7,9) and linear (1,7) lift images that is eliminated by-


5.2 Close-up of edge dominated image with texture, compressed to 0.67

Bits-Per-Pixel (BPP) (12:1 compression). Note the sharp edges and


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5.3 Peak Signal-to-Noise Ratio (PSNR) curves for the edge-dominated

test image of Figure 5.1. This test image was designed to

demonstrate the potential gains of the adaptive lift. The adaptive

algorithm (solid line) outperforms the Daubechies (7,9) transform

(dash-dot) and the (1,7) linear lift (dash). The encoder and decoder

were synchronized for the adaptive algorithm 56

5.4 Cameraman image compressed to 0.32 BPP (25:1 compression). ... 57

5.5 PSNR curves for the cameraman image. The adaptive algorithm

(solid line) outperforms the linear (1,7) lift (dash), but it does not

meet the PSNR performance of the Daubechies (7,9) transform

(dash-dot). However, edge artifacts are significantly reduced by the

adaptive algorithm. The encoder and decoder were synchronized for

the adaptive algorithm 58

5.6 Top row: (a) original DoppelBlock signal (concatenation ofDoppler

and Blocks); (b) signal with additive white Gaussian noise, standard

deviation equal to 5% of maximum signal magnitude. Second row:

(c) signal denoised with the Daubechies 8 orthogonal wavelet

transform; (d) signal denoised with the Haar transform. Bottom row:

(e) signal denoised with the ScAT transform; (f) signal denoised with

the SpAT transform 62

5.7 Top row: (a) Cameraman image denoised with the Daubechies 8

orthogonal wavelet transform, 21.4 dB PSNR, (b) image denoised

with the Haar transform, 21.6 dB PSNR. Second row: (c) image

denoised with the Scale Adaptive Transform (ScAT), 22.1 dB PSNR,

(d) image denoised with the SpAT transform, 21.9 dB PSNR. The

ScAT yields the highest PSNR while the SpAT signihcantly reducing

ringing around edges 64

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5.8 Top row: (a) DoppelBlock signal with additive white Gaussian noise,

standard deviation equal to 5% of maximum signal magnitude; (b)

signal denoised with the Daubechies 8 redundant wavelet transform.

Second row: (c) signal denoised with the redundant Haar transform;

(d) signal denoised with the redundant SpAT transform 66

5.9 Top row: (a) noisy "fruit" image (white Gaussian noise with standard

deviation equal to 15% of maximum image magnitude, PSNR = 20

dB); (b) image denoised with the Daubechies 8 wavelet transform,

26.2 dB PSNR. Second row: (c) image denoised with the Haar

transform, 25.6 dB PSNR; (d) image denoised with the combined

Wedgelet/D4 transform, 27.2 dB PSNR. PSNR is improved and

ringing is reduced 68

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5.1 Entropy results for various signals and transforms 60

5.2 Demising: MSE for various signals and transforms. Each signal is

corrupted with additive white Gaussian noise with standard deviation

equal to 10% of the peak signal magnitude 61

5.3 Denoising: PSNR for various images and transforms. Each image is

corrupted with additive white Gaussian noise with standard deviation

equal to 15% of the peak image magnitude 63

5.4 Denoising: MSE for various signals and redundant transforms. Each

signal is corrupted with additive white Gaussian noise with standard

deviation equal to 5% of the peak signal magnitude. In all cases, a

hard threshold was applied 66

5.5 Denoising: PSNR for various images and transforms. Each image is

corrupted with additive white Gaussian noise with standard deviation

equal to 15% of the peak image magnitude . 67

5.6 Denoising: L°° error for various images and transforms. Each image

is corrupted with additive white Gaussian noise with standard

deviation equal to 15% of the peak image magnitude 69

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Chapter 1


1.1 Problem Statement

In his classic treatise on the workings of the human visual system, Marr focused on

the importance of the representation of information for various cognitive tasks [1].

The way in which information is represented brings out certain types of features while

hiding others. Signal compression and estimation applications also rely heavily on

having an efficient representation of image data; we would like to approximate a signal

with a small number of parameters. Therefore, we seek a transform which yields an

efficient representation while bringing out the desired features of the signal.

The discrete wavelet transform (DWT) provides such an efficient representation

for a broad range of real-world signals. This property has been exploited to develop

powerful signal denoising and estimation methods [2] and extremely low-bit-rate com-

pression algorithms [3]. However, the DWT struggles with discontinuities along con-

tours (edges). The recently developed wedgelet transform [4] provides a more efficient

representation for certain classes of these edge-dominated images. Our problem: Can

we improve these transforms with adaptivity?

1.2 Our Goal

We claim the answer is a resounding yes; the goal of this thesis is to prove it. Lifting

[5, 6] provides a framework to introduce adaptivity into the wavelet transform. Within

this framework, we build several new adaptive wavelet and wedgelet transforms. We

improve signal representation while preserving the multiresolution properties of the

Page 16: tardir/tiffs/a372394 - DTIC · images. However, in many applications we desire to introduce adaptivity and non- linearities into the transforms. These are powerful extensions, but


1.3 Thesis Layout

We provide the background for this thesis in Chapter 2. We present a brief overview

of the wavelet transform, and its relation to perfect reconstruction filter banks. We

also describe the wedgelet transform.

In Chapter 3 we present our interpretation of the lifting construction, and its rela-

tion to the wavelet transform. We continue in Chapter 4 by building several adaptive

wavelet transforms within the lifting framework. We also construct an adaptive mul-

tiresolution wedgelet transform.

In Chapter 5 we apply our new transforms to problems in signal estimation and

image compression. We conclude in Chapter 6 with a summary of our results and

recommendations for future research.

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Chapter 2


2.1 The Wavelet Transform

We provide here a brief overview of the wavelet transform. For a more thorough

analysis, see [3, 7, 8, 9].

2.1.1 Construction of wavelet spaces

One of the primary themes in multiresolution analysis is the successive projection

of a function into "smaller" orthogonal subspaces. These subspaces will be formed

from shifts and dilations of a low pass scaling function <j>(t) and a band pass wavelet

function ip(t).

Let {Vm}m€Z be a sequence of nested subspaces constructed in L2(3ft) such that

Vm C Vm-i V m e Z. Let / be a function which exists in the subspace Vm-\ for

some m. Let Pm be the projection operator which takes the function / G Vm-i into

the nested subspace Vm C Vm-i. This projection operator eliminates the portion of

/ which is not in Vm, while it does not disturb the portion of / which lies in Vm.

Let {Wm}m€Z be another sequence of nested subspaces such that Wm C

Vm-i V m £ Z. Further, let the span of Vm U Wm equal Vm-i, and let Vm and

Wm be orthogonal subspaces. Thus, Vm-i = Vm@Wm and Vm n Wm = <t>. An

example of such a set of nested subspaces is shown in Figure 2.1.

Let Qm = l-Pm (where I is the identity operator) be the orthogonal projection

operator which takes the function / into the nested subspace Wm C Vm-\. Thus,

PmQm = QmPm = 0, where 0 is the zero operator.

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Figure 2.1 : Nested subspaces of the orthogonal wavelet transform. The Vm are spanned by shifts and dilations of a low pass scaling function, while the Wm are spanned by shifts and dilations of a band pass wavelet function.

2.1.2 The wavelet recursion relation

Let the set of functions {(j)m,i}iez be an orthonormal basis for Vm, and let the set

of functions {ißm,i}iez be an orthonormal basis for Wm. Since Vm C Vm-i, we can

expand 4>m,i in terms of {<fim-itk}, that is,


To find a particular coefficient Cm-i,i(k), we take the inner product of (f)m,i with

the basis function <f>m-i,k- The inner product of two arbitrary real valued functions /

and g is defined by


f(t)g(t)dt. ■00

Let hi(k) = {(j>m,h <f>m-i,k)■ The expansion of <j>mj, becomes

<t>mAx) = ^2ihi{k)<l)m-i^{x). (2.1) k

The set of functions (j>mii must satisfy Equation [2.1] for all m if we intend to form

an orthogonal wavelet transform. If we desire a discrete wavelet transform (DWT),

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then we require that each (j>mji be constructed from integer shifts (I) and translates

(2m) of a single scaling function <j>(x). In this case, Equation [2.1] becomes

(j)(x -i) = J2h{k- 2l)4>{2x - k). (2.2) k

In similar fashion, we have

</,(x _ i) = Y^ g(k - 2l)(j>{2x - k), (2.3) k

where g(k - 21) — (ipm,i,4>m-i,k)- Equations [2.2] and [2.3] are known as the wavelet

recursion relations [3].

2.1.3 Construction of the discrete wavelet transform

In section 2.1.1, we constructed a set of embedded orthogonal spaces to permit the

multiresolution decomposition of a signal /. To perform this decomposition, we first

assume that the signal / exists entirely in the space Vm_i for some me Z (typically

m = 1). That is, / can be completely represented as a linear combination of the basis

functions for Vm-i.

The projection of / into Vm can be expanded in terms of the basis functions for

Vm, and the projection of / into Wm can be expanded in terms of the basis functions

for Wm, resulting in the following equalities:

[Pmf](x) = ^2cm(l)<t>m>l(x) i

[Qmf](x) = J2dm(l)ljJm>i{x), I

with cm{l) = (Pmf,<t>m,i) and dm{l) = (Pmf,il>mj).

However, since Pm + Qm = I, we can write

/ = im] ' tymJi

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and any particular decomposition coefficient in Vm can be written as

Cm{l) = (PmfAmJL}

= ((/-Qmf)Am,l)

= (f, <f>m,l) - (Qmf, <fim,l)

= if,<f>m,l) ■

If / is expanded in terms of the basis functions for Vm-i and the results substituted

into the expression for cm(l), then

Cm{l) = (f, 4>rn,l)

= ((52k cm-l(k)(j)m-l,k) , 4>m,l)

= Sfe Cm-lW (4>m-l,k , <t>m,l) ■

In similar fashion, it can be shown that

dm(l) ='Y^,Cm-i(k) (4>m-l,k,i>m,l) ■ k

However, as mentioned in Section 2.1.2, for the case of the discrete wavelet trans-

form these inner products take the form of digital filters independent of decomposition

level, i.e.,

(<j>m,h <t>m-l,k) = h(k-2l)

(^m,l,^m-l,k) = g(k-2l).

Thus, if the coefficients cm_i(n) of / G Vm-i are known, then the coefficients of the

projection of / into Vm and Wm are given respectively by

UO = J]cm_1(A:)MA;-20 (2.4) k

dm(l) = J2cm-1(k)g(k-2l). (2.5) k

Equations [2.4] and [2.5] lead to the filter bank implementation of the discrete wavelet

transform (which will be described in Section 2.2).

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Once the coefficients of the projection of / into Vm are known, the function can

be further decomposed into the orthogonal subspaces of Vm, namely Vm+i and Wm+i,

with the same formulas, since the discrete wavelet filters h and g are independent of

the decomposition level m. This leads to a recursive decomposition routine, breaking

/ down into its projections onto smaller orthogonal subspaces. ^

Thus, the DWT decomposition is multiscale: it consists of a set of scaling co-

efficients CAf[n], which represent coarse signal information at scale m = M, and

a set of wavelet coefficients dm[n], which represent detail information at scales

m — 1,2,..., M. This recursive algorithm is the heart of the modern multiresolution

wavelet decomposition algorithm.

2.1.4 Reconstruction (synthesis)

In the above sections, we demonstrated how a signal can be decomposed. Now, we

show how to take those components and reconstruct the original signal.

For one level of reconstruction (starting at scale m = 1), we know that the signal /

exists in Vo, and thus can be represented as f(x) = J^k co(^)^o,fc(^)- We are given the

decomposition coefficients ci(fc) and di(k). These coefficients represent the projection

of / into Vi and Wx respectively. Vi®Wx = V0 and Vx n Wx = <j>, so

f{x) = ^2cl(k)cß1,k(x) + Y,d1(k)iP1,k(x). (2.6) k k

We take the inner product of both sides of equation [2.6] with <f>0jn(x). Since the

{(j)0,n} are orthonormal, (/, <^o,n) = c0(n). From Section 2.1.2, we have

(0i,*,0o,n) = h(n-2k)

(^i,fc,0o,n) = g(n-2k).

Thus, equation [2.6] becomes

Co(n) = ^2d(k)h(n - 2k) + ^dl{k)g{n - 2k). (2.7)

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where c0(n) are the coefficients of / G VQ. Equation [2.7] leads to the filter bank

implementation of the inverse DWT (which will also be described in Section 2.2).

Note that, for the orthogonal DWT, the digital filters h and g used in the inverse

transform are identical to the filters used for the forward transform.

2.1.5 Generalization to biorthogonal wavelets

The above analysis was based on the orthogonal decomposition of our space. As noted,

this forces the forward and inverse transform filters to be identical. We now loosen

this restriction, and form a biorthogonal wavelet transform [3, 10]. We introduce dual

spaces Vm and Wm, with Vm = span{0m,fc}, Vm = span{<^m,fc}, etc. The spaces must

be biorthogonal, that is, Vm n Wm = (j) and VmnWm = fa In addition, the basis

vectors must satisfy the biorthogonality condition,

(</>m,k,jm,l) = 8(k-l) (2.8)

(</W,Vw) = S(k-l). (2.9)

Figure 2.2 demonstrates such a biorthogonal decomposition of Vo = 5ß3. V\ is spanned

by <po and <f>i, while V\ is spanned by ^0 and fa. V\ is orthogonal to its dual space,

Wi, while Vi is orthogonal to W\. All the basis functions satisfy the biorthogonality

condition, equations [2.8] and [2.9].

As before, we require recursion relations

(f>m,l(X) = ^Zh{k)4>m-l,k{x) k

*Pm,l(X) = $^0j(*O0m-l,*(aO- k

However, to find h, we must take the inner product of 4>m,i with the dual function

Page 23: tardir/tiffs/a372394 - DTIC · images. However, in many applications we desire to introduce adaptivity and non- linearities into the transforms. These are powerful extensions, but

Figure 2.2 : Example of biorthogonal wavelet spaces in 9ft3. Span{Vi U W{\ — 3ft3

and span lVi U wA = 3ft3. V\ ± Wi and % _L Wx. All basis functions satisfy the

biorthogonality condition.


U>m,l , <f>m-\,k) = /I/ hl^ Ym-l'n ' <^n-l,fc n

= y^hi(n)S(k — n) n

= ht{k).

In similar fashion, gi(k) = (ipm,i, <f>m-i,k)- We have the equivalent recursion relations

with h and g for the dual basis.

2.1.6 Construction of the biorthogonal discrete wavelet transform

Given these dual systems, we intend to decompose a signal / which exists entirely in

Vm-i; f(x) = J2kcm-i(k)^m-i,k(x)- We desire a decomposition

f(X) =YLcrn(k)^m,k{X) + ^dm(k)tßm,k(x) .

Page 24: tardir/tiffs/a372394 - DTIC · images. However, in many applications we desire to introduce adaptivity and non- linearities into the transforms. These are powerful extensions, but


Clearly, a coefficient cm(k) is found by taking the inner product of / with <f)mjk

(due to the biorthogonality condition). This yields

cm(k) = (fAm,k)

= ]P Cm_i (I) {j)m,k , <t>m-l,lj I

= J2cm-i(l)hk(l) , (2.10) I


<*„,(*) = £<v»-i(0ft(0- (2-11)

The digital filters h and # are independent of scale. These equations determine

the analysis portion of the biorthogonal wavelet transform, and are identical to the

orthogonal wavelet transform equations (albeit with different filters h and g).

2.1.7 Reconstruction with the biorthogonal wavelet transform

To complete our analysis, we reconstruct our original signal with the biorthogonal

wavelet transform. We are given the biorthogonal wavelet coefficients from scale m,

that is,

f(X) = J2cm(k)^m,k(X) +^2dm(k)^m,k{x). k k

We know that / exists in Vm-i, and can be represented as

f(x) = ^2,cm-i{k)4>m-i,k{x). k

We take the inner product of these equations with <j)m-\,k and find that

(/, (j)m-l,l) = Yl Cm~l W (?"»-!.* ' ^rn-1,1 / k

= Cm-i(l)

k k

= J2cm(k)hk(l) + J2dm(k)9k(l)- (2-12)

Page 25: tardir/tiffs/a372394 - DTIC · images. However, in many applications we desire to introduce adaptivity and non- linearities into the transforms. These are powerful extensions, but


This is identical to the reconstruction requirements for the orthogonal transform

(Equation [2.7]), except that we use the dual filters h and g. Equation [2.10], equation

[2.11], and equation [2.11] lead to the filter bank implementation of the biorthogonal

discrete wavelet transform.

2.2 Filter Banks

In its most basic form, a filter bank is simply a collection of filters with a common

input (or output). The analysis bank takes a common input to M channels, and

the synthesis bank returns these channels to a single output [11, 12]. However, we

are interested in maximally decimated filter banks, i.e., filter banks which do not

expand the number of input samples. This is done by incorporating decimators and

expanders into each channel of the filter bank, as shown in Figure 2.3. For maximal

decimation, we must have £)fc -^ = 1. If Rk = M \/k, then we have a maximally

decimated uniform filter bank [11].



Analysis Bank

HQ(z)^lR0 —► TR0 -* W} Hi(z)-+IR, ►fR1-*G1(*)-

a. ,(*)—i%i—^TFWI^GM»

Synthesis Bank


Figure 2.3 : M-channel filter bank. The analysis bank has one input and M outputs, while the synthesis bank takes the M channels to one output.

Under what conditions is the output of the filter bank x[n] equal to the input

signal x[n]? To simplify this question, we use the polyphase notation [13]. We write

Page 26: tardir/tiffs/a372394 - DTIC · images. However, in many applications we desire to introduce adaptivity and non- linearities into the transforms. These are powerful extensions, but


each filter Hm{z) as:


Hm(z) = ^Em,k(zM)z-k,


where Em,k(z) = J2i hm(Ml+k)z-1. However, applying Em,k(zM) to a signal and then

downsampling by M is equivalent to downsampling the signal by M and then applying

Em,k(z) to the result [11]. Thus, we can redraw the filter bank of Figure 2.3 as the

polyphase filter bank of Figure 2.4 (using similar decompositions for the synthesis

filters). Clearly the bank of delays and decimators simply splits the input signal into

its polyphase components, and the bank of expanders and advances reassembles those

components. Thus, if we desire perfect reconstruction (PR), i.e., x[n] = x[n], then we

require R(z)E(z) = I 1 [11, 12].

x[n' 4,M


J-M iM

^0,0 "" ^0,M-1

EM-1,0 **• EM-1,M-1

^0,0 **• RM-1,0

R0,M-1 •** RM-1,M-1

» tn A.LI

*• I H


I—*—i ^M-1

E(z) R(z)

Figure 2.4 : Polyphase representation of an M-channel, maximally decimated uniform ßlter bank. E(z) and R{z) are both M x M.

In general the inverse of E(z) may not exist. If (E(z))~1 does exist, the PR system

will not be realizable with finite impulse response (FIR) filters unless the determinant

of E(z) is a delay. In special cases, we have

(E(z))-1 = EH(z~1).

When E(z) has this property and R(z) is chosen as EH(z~1), our PR system is called

paraunitary [11, 12].

xThis requirement is somewhat over-restrictive, but acceptable for our discussions here. For a

more general analysis, see [11].

Page 27: tardir/tiffs/a372394 - DTIC · images. However, in many applications we desire to introduce adaptivity and non- linearities into the transforms. These are powerful extensions, but


2.3 Filter Bank Implementation of the Wavelet Transform

Armed with this understanding of filter banks, we employ them to implement the

discrete wavelet transform. As shown in section 2.1.3, at decomposition level m the

coefficients cm(n) and dm(n) can be written in terms of the coefficients at the next

higher level as:

cm(n) = J^cm^(k)h'(k-2n) (2.13) k

dm(n) = X>— i(k)g'(k-2n), (2.14) k

where h' and g' are filters which satisfy the wavelet recursion equations

<f>{x-l) = ^2ti(k-2l)4>(2x-k) k

i/>(x-l) = *jr,g'(k-2l)<l>(2x-k). k

(We add the notation ti and g' so that we can use h and g for the filters which will

ultimately be implemented in our filter bank. We hope that this change in notation

does not overly confuse.)

We create new filters h and g which are "flipped" versions of the filters h' and g\

that is, h(n) = h'(-n) and g(n) = g'(-n). Substituting these filters h(n) and g{n)

into equations [2.13] and [2.14] yields

Cm(n) = ^2,cm-1{k)h{2n - k) k

dm(n) = ^2cm-1(k)g(2n-k). k

Note that if y(n) = (x(ri))U, then v{n) = x{2n). Thus, cm(n) and dm(n) can be

written as

cm{n) = I ^2 cm^i(k)h(n - k) \ U

dm{n) = I ^2 cm-i(k)g{n -k)\U

Page 28: tardir/tiffs/a372394 - DTIC · images. However, in many applications we desire to introduce adaptivity and non- linearities into the transforms. These are powerful extensions, but


Clearly, this is simply the wavelet filters h{n) and g{n) convolved with cm_i(n)

and then downsampled by two. Thus, the forward discrete wavelet transform can be

implemented as a filter bank with wavelet filters h and g, as shown in Figure 2.5.

The filters h(n) and g(n) are traditionally chosen to be low pass and high pass filters,

respectively. Thus, the coefficients cm(n) are referred to as "low pass coefficients,"

"coarse coefficients," or "scaling coefficients." The coefficients dm(n) are referred to

as "high pass coefficients," "wavelet coefficients," or "detail coefficients" [3]. The

transform is typically iterated on the output of the low pass band (c[n\) to create the

series of detail coefficients at different scales.

In similar fashion, reconstruction (from Equation [2.7]) is governed by

Cra-i{n) = (cm(n))t2 *h(n) + {dm{n))^2 *g{n).

Thus, the inverse DWT can be implemented as a filter bank as shown in Figure 2.6.

As discussed in Section 2.1.5, h, g, h, and g must satisfy the biorthogonality and

wavelet recursion requirements if the filter bank is to form a wavelet system. For

special choices of h and g, we have h = h and g = g, and the underlying wavelet

and scaling functions form an orthonormal wavelet system [3], as described in Section


x[n] H(Z) i2

G(z) -► 4,2



Figure 2.5 : Filter bank implementation of the wavelet transform. Transform is iterated on the scaling coefficients c[n].

Page 29: tardir/tiffs/a372394 - DTIC · images. However, in many applications we desire to introduce adaptivity and non- linearities into the transforms. These are powerful extensions, but




H(z) A



Figure 2.6 : Filter bank implementation of the inverse wavelet transform. With appropriate choices of H and G, the transform will yield a perfectly reconstructed output sequence.

2.4 Wedgelets

Wavelets provide a very economical representation for a broad class of signals. How-

ever, they do not perform well near edges in images. Therefore, wavelets are not well

suited for images which fall into the horizon class [4], that is, binary images with an

edge along a contour. An example of such a horizon image is shown in Figure 2.7.

Figure 2.7 : Horizon image example. A binary image with a single edge along a contour.

To address this problem, Donoho created the wedgelet representation [4], which

is near optimal for images in the horizon class. Each wedgelet is defined on a dyadic

Page 30: tardir/tiffs/a372394 - DTIC · images. However, in many applications we desire to introduce adaptivity and non- linearities into the transforms. These are powerful extensions, but


square as a binary image with an edge along an edgelet. An edgelet is a straight

line connecting two vertices. To keep the computation tractable, the edgelets are

restricted to a discrete set of vertices along the border, typically the length of the

border divide by some constant, M. An example of a wedgelet constructed in this

fashion is shown in Figure 2.8. For this square, we have M = 3 vertices per side. Thus,

our total number of wedgelets is 42, along with the complete square (no wedgelet).

x —












Figure 2.8 : Wedgelet example on an arbitrary dyadic square. Each edgelet (which deßnes the wedgelet) is formed by connecting the vertices along the border (in this case, M = 3 vertices per side.)

To approximate an image in the horizon model, we perform a dyadic decomposi-

tion of the image. If a wedgelet (or an entire square) in a particular dyadic square

is a good approximation to the horizon image, then we do not decompose the square

any further. However, if the approximation does not meet our criteria, then we de-

compose the dyadic square into four smaller squares. We then compute the wedgelets

for these squares, and determine if any of the approximations are acceptable. This

process continues until the overall wedgelet approximation meets our criteria. Figure

Page 31: tardir/tiffs/a372394 - DTIC · images. However, in many applications we desire to introduce adaptivity and non- linearities into the transforms. These are powerful extensions, but


2.9 shows a wedgelet approximation to the horizon image of Figure 2.7. Note that

the wedgelets are only applied at the lowest level; we only perform splits on dyadic

squares (and not other polygons). We can approximate any image in the horizon

class to any desired approximation error with enough dyadic splits [4].

v \

^ ;:i; i



Figure 2.9 : Wedgelet approximation to a horizon function. The underlying horizon function is shown with the dashed line. The dyadic decomposition continues until the approximation error between our string of edgelets and the contour is acceptably small.

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Chapter 3


The economy of the wavelet transform stems from the fact that the DWT tends to

compress real-world signals into just a few coefficients of large magnitude. Compres-

sion follows from the "vanishing moments" property of wavelets, which guarantees

that the wavelet coefficients of low-order polynomial signals are zero [3]. Thus, if a

signal is exactly polynomial, it can be completely described using scaling coefficients

alone. In more realistic situations, the signal will not be polynomial, but may be

well-approximated by a piecewise polynomial function. Because wavelet functions

also have localized support, most of the wavelet coefficients of such a signal will be

zero except those corresponding to wavelets having support near the breakpoints of

the polynomial segments.

It is fruitful to view the DWT as a prediction-error decomposition. The scaling

coefficients at a given scale (m) are "predictors" for the data at the next higher res-

olution or scale (m - 1). The wavelet coefficients are simply the "prediction errors"

between the scaling coefficients and the higher resolution data that they are attempt-

ing predict. This interpretation has led to a new framework for DWT design known

as the lifting scheme [5, 6]. Our analysis builds on this interpretation.

3.1 The Lifting Concept

Lifting is a spatial (or time) domain construction of biorthogonal wavelets developed

by Sweldens [5, 6]. We present here an overview of our interpretation of the lifting


Page 33: tardir/tiffs/a372394 - DTIC · images. However, in many applications we desire to introduce adaptivity and non- linearities into the transforms. These are powerful extensions, but


3.1.1 Lifting operations

Lifting consists of iteration of the following three basic operations (see Figure 3.1):

Split: Divide the original data into two disjoint subsets. Although any disjoint split

is possible, in the standard lifting scheme we split the original data set x[n] into

xe[n] — x[2n], the even indexed points, and x0[n] = x[2n + 1], the odd indexed


Predict: Generate the wavelet coefficients d[n] as the error in predicting x0[n] from

xe[n] using prediction operator V:

d[n] = x0[n]-V(xe[n]). (3.1)

Update: Combine xe[n] and d[n] to obtain scaling coefficients c[n] that represent

a coarse approximation to the original signal x[n]. This is accomplished by

applying an update operator U to the wavelet coefficients and adding to xe[n\.

c[n] = xe[n]+U(d[n]). (3.2)

These three steps form a lifting stage. Iteration of the lifting stage on the output

c[n] creates the complete set of DWT scaling and wavelet coefficients Cj[n] and dj[n]}

At each scale, we weight the Cj[n] and dj[n] with ke and k0 respectively, as shown

in Figure 3.1. This normalizes the energy of the underlying scaling and wavelet


The lifting steps are easily inverted, even ifV andll are nonlinear, space-varying,

or non-invertible. Rearranging (3.1) and (3.2), we have

xe[n] — c[n] - U(d[n\), x0[n] = d[n] + V(xe[ri\).

1In fact, all wavelet transforms can be factored into a series of lifting stages (with perhaps multiple

predicts and updates per stage) [14].

Page 34: tardir/tiffs/a372394 - DTIC · images. However, in many applications we desire to introduce adaptivity and non- linearities into the transforms. These are powerful extensions, but


xe[n] k

x[n] >■

odd/ even split

u n k



Figure 3.1 : Lifting stage: Split, Predict, Update. ke and k0 normalize the energy of the underlying scaling and wavelet functions.

\ c[n]

d[n] Vi

e >(T> xeN >

Y -u

n 0

p a- x0[n] >

merge x[n]

Figure 3.2 : Typical inverse lifting steps: undo the Update, undo the Predict, and Merge the even and odd samples.

As long as the same V and U are chosen for the forward and inverse transforms, the

original signal will be perfectly reconstructed. The inverse lifting stage is shown in

Figure 3.2.

3.1.2 Predictor design

In the simplest scenario, the prediction operator V is a linear shift-invariant filter with

^-transform P(z). In Figure 3.3, we illustrate a symmetric, N = 4-point predictor

p(z) = px z"1 + p2 + Pz z + p±z2. By tracing the contribution of xe[n] and x0[n]

through the tree to the point d[n], we find the equivalent filter that would be applied

to the original data x[n]. In vector form, we have

g = [-pi, 0, -P2, 1, -P3, 0, -p4]T-

(Note the zeros at the positions corresponding to odd points in the original data,

except for the 1 in the center.)

Page 35: tardir/tiffs/a372394 - DTIC · images. However, in many applications we desire to introduce adaptivity and non- linearities into the transforms. These are powerful extensions, but


g = [-p1 o -P2 1 -P3 o -P4]

xe[0] x0[0] xe[1] x0[1] xe[2] x0[2] xe[3]

"^ -P2X iy /-p3 >*-''


Figure 3.3 : Prediction filtering. An N = 4 point iinear prediction filter P(z) yields the prediction vector g shown across the top.

If a signal is exactly polynomial, it can be completely described using scaling

(coarse) coefficients alone [3]. Our detail coefficients represent the "prediction errors"

where our signal could not be completely represented by a low-order polynomial.

Thus, the goal of the prediction step is to eliminate all low-order polynomials from

x[n]; the residuals will be our detail coefficients. For a linear predictor, this is easily

accomplished by the following procedure:

Form the N x 2N - 1 Vandermonde matrix V with entries [V]fe,n = (n - l)k,

n = 1,2, • • • , 2iV - 1, k = 0,1, • • • , N - 1. We adjust the shift I so that the n - I = 0

column corresponds to the 1 in g, and then we delete all the even columns. We call

the resulting matrix V°.

Now, for the predictor to suppress all low-order polynomials, we require that

Vg = 0. By eliminating the columns which correspond to the 0's in g, and pulling

the column which corresponds to the center 1 out to the right, we are left with:

V°p = [l 0---0]T, (3.3)

where the entries in p are the prediction filter coefficients. This set of linear equations

is readily solved, since V* is Vandermonde and thus always invertible [15, p. 120].

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3.1.3 Update design

The (linear) update filter U(z) creates the coarse coefficients c[n] by updating each

xe[n] with the nearest N wavelet coefficients d[n] from either side. The update order

N can be chosen independently of N; however, the prediction coefficients pk must be

fixed prior to determining the update filter in the standard lifting programme.

In Figure 3.4, we trace the contribution of the original xe[n] and x0[n] to each

c[n] for an N = 2 point prediction followed by an N = 4 point update with U(z) =

U\ z~2 + u2 z~l +U3 + U4 z. In vector form, we have the equivalent filter h at the top

of the Figure. Note that h is a function of both the update coefficients uk and the

prediction coefficients pk.

h = [-RU1> M,, mUW' 4>'1-P2U2'PlU3' ^-P2

U3-PlU4> U4> -P2U4]


xe[0] x0[0] xe[1] x0[1] xe[2] x0[2] xe[3] x0[3] xe[4]

Hi \ 1 / "2 n ^ 1 ' H21 n x ' y "2 n \ 1 / H2

d[0] d["l] 1T d[2] d[3]

^ u ^ u^ i /Us^'u' U-i \ I / - ' "4

" c[2]'''

Figure 3.4 : Update ßltering. An N = 2 point linear predict followed by an N = 4 point linear update yields the update vector h shown across the top.

The update filter vector h should pass low-order polynomials into c[n] while at-

tenuating high-order polynomials. Conversely, we can design the mirror update filter

vector g (defined as gn = (-l)nhn) to suppress low-order polynomials. For the exam-

ple in Figure 3.4, we have

g = [-pi«i, -ui, (-P1U2-P2U1), -«2, (I-P2M2-P1U3), •••

-u3, (-P2U3-P1U4), -«4, -P2Uif.

Page 37: tardir/tiffs/a372394 - DTIC · images. However, in many applications we desire to introduce adaptivity and non- linearities into the transforms. These are powerful extensions, but


Since the N = 2 prediction coefficients are already determined, there are N — 4

unknowns (the update coefficients Uk) in g. Solution of Vg = 0 as in equation [3.3]

yields the update coefficients, which now suppress high-order polynomials.

In summary, in the lifting scheme we design the prediction step to eliminate the

low-order polynomial signal structure, leaving only the high-order details. We design

the update to preserve the low-order polynomial signal structure at the next coarser


3.2 Equivalence between Polynomial Constraints and Van-

ishing Moments

3.2.1 Wavelet transform in polyphase form

As discussed in Section 2.1, any biorthogonal wavelet transform can be represented

as a perfect reconstruction multirate filter bank. By splitting each wavelet filter into

its polyphase components [11], the DWT can be implemented as shown in Figure 3.5.

x[n] 12


12 x0[n]






H (z) G iz\ *°[ni to

H0W V) xjn] ?0

^ 1 c. 1 '



Figure 3.5 : Wavelet filter bank in polyphase form.

We have used the fact that H(z) = He(z2) + z~1H0(z

2), etc., and that filtering a

signal with He(z2) and then downsampling by two is equivalent to downsampling the

signal by two and then applying He(z) [11].

Page 38: tardir/tiffs/a372394 - DTIC · images. However, in many applications we desire to introduce adaptivity and non- linearities into the transforms. These are powerful extensions, but


3.2.2 Lifting in polyphase form

The lifted wavelet transform can be written in a similar form. As discussed in Section

3.1, lifting is comprised of a split, predict, and update. If we perform an odd/even

split, we are working in the "polyphase domain." In this context, the predict and

update steps are represented by the polyphase matrices shown in Figure 3.6. The

prediction matrix passes xe[n] unchanged, but the wavelet coefficients d[n] are the

difference between x0[n] and P(xe[n]), i.e., the failure of the odds to be predicted by

the evens. Likewise, the update matrix passes the wavelet coefficients untouched, but

uses these coefficients to "update" the xe[n] and create the scaling coefficients c[n].

X [n] - n xe[n] 1 0

xeN ►■ 1 U(z) cW

z i« x°tn]

-?{z) 1 d[n] ► 0 1


xel"J ►

*eMto| 1 -u(4 1 0

0 1 d[n] ► P(z) 1 ^■ito



« i-x r^ -.■ x 11 -i x Undo Undo .. Split Predict Update Update predjcl Merge

Figure 3.6 : Polyphase representation of lifting operators.



[n] , n xe[n] pVi2—*►

. x0[n] l-^i2 ►

1-P(^)U(4 \}{z)

-P(z) 1

c[n] ►

d[n] ►



■uw Xe[nL t2

Xo[nL t2

|[n] -1

E(z) R(z)

Figure 3.7 : Polyphase representation of lifting with the prediction and update stages combined into one matrix

Multiplying these matrices together yields the representation shown in Figure 3.7.

Thus, we have taken the lifting process and written it in terms of the polyphase

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matrices E(z) and R{z). Note that the one stage implementation of the lifted

wavelet transform will not, in general, be orthogonal. Orthogonality requires that

EH(z~1)E(z) = I [11], which forces our prediction and update filters to satisfy

[ ' A{l-U{z)P{z))

U{z)U{z~1) = 1/4.

This will only be possible with real finite impulse response filters if P(z) and U(z)

are constants (or delays). Therefore, we hope to interpret the general one-stage lifted

transform as a biorthogonal wavelet transform. We equate the entries in the lifted

polyphase matrices of Figure 3.7 with the polyphase components of the wavelet filters

of Figure 3.5. This yields the following relations:

He(z) = l-P(z)U(z)

H0(z) = U(z)

Ge(z) = -P(z)

G0(z) = 1,

or, equivalently,

H(z) = l-P(z2)U{z2) + z-lU(z2) (3.4)

G(z) = -P(z2) + z~\ (3.5)

with similar expressions for H(z) and G(z).

3.2.3 Vanishing moments and lifting constraints

In a wavelet system such as that shown in Figure 2.5, the analysis filters h[n] and

g[n] correspond to a scaling function </>(£) and a wavelet function ip(t) respectively.

The relationship between the wavelet filters and the wavelet functions is defined by

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the wavelet recursion relations [3], as shown in Section 2.1.2:

(j)(t) = ^h[k]<l>{2t-k) k


The wavelet filter coefficients h[k] and g[k] can be designed by adding vanishing

moments to the underlying scaling and wavelet via the recursion relations. In equa-

tions [3.4] and [3.5], we have written the wavelet filters in terms of the prediction

and update filters. Thus, we can map the vanishing moments constraints into con-

straints on our prediction and update filters P and U. For example, if we add a zerot/l

vanishing moment to ip(t) we have

/OO /»00

mdt= / Y/g[k]<t>(2t~k) = 0. •oo J— OO f.

We switch the order of the integral and the finite summation, recognize that f <f>(2t -

k)dt is a non-zero constant m0, and we have

mo XI 9[k] = 0- k

Thus, the sum of the coefficients g[k] must be zero. But G{z) = -P(z2) + z~l.

Forcing ^fc<?[A;] = 0 yields the constraint

P1+P2 l-pjv = l-

This is identical to the lifting constraint that we derived in Section 3.1.2 when

we forced the prediction filter to eliminate zerot/l order polynomials! Upon further

analysis, we find that every vanishing moment we add to the analysis wavelet function

ip(t) is equivalent to eliminating additional polynomials in our prediction step. Once

the coefficients of G(z) (and, thus, the prediction filter coefficients) are determined,

we add vanishing moments to the synthesis wavelet function ip(t) via the relation

/OO ^ /"OO ^

tl i>(t)dt = / Yl 9\k] tl <K2* - *0 = 0. ■00 J— 00 j.

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It is straightforward to show that each vanishing moment on the synthesis wavelet

function ip(t) is equivalent to an additional update filter polynomial constraint, as

derived in Section 3.1.3.

Thus, designing a biorthogonal wavelet system by adding vanishing moments to

the underlying wavelet functions is equivalent to eliminating and preserving poly-

nomials with the predict and update steps, respectively. Both interpretations yield

identical constraints on the wavelet filters h, g, h and g. However, the lifting scheme

never explicitly utilizes the polyphase matrix representation or the underlying scal-

ing and wavelet functions, and therefore makes the incorporation of nonlinearities

and adaptivity into the wavelet transform more understandable. In addition, when

we utilize the prediction and update filters in Section 4.1.1 to satisfy requirements

other than the traditional lifting constraints, it is clear that we are sacrificing vanish-

ing moments in the underlying scaling and wavelet functions. Thus, we can exploit

the structure of the lifting scheme to build adaptive and nonlinear transforms, while

carefully controlling the underlying properties of the wavelet transform.

3.3 The Update/Predict Programme

When the prediction and update operators are constructed via the polynomial lifting

constraints, the output of the update step is a coarse approximation (low pass and

downsampled) version of our signal. We need this coherent interpretation of the

update coefficients, since they will be input to further iterations of the transform.

After the first iteration, all subsequent predictions are based on updated coefficients.

If we are to make effective prediction throughout the transform, we need some kind

of structure in the update. However, if the prediction is performed with a nonlinear

operator, it may not be possible to construct an update operator that satisfies the

polynomial lifting constraints and provides a low pass interpretation of the updated


In addition, we need to ensure that our transform is stable. Lossy processing

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introduces errors into the transform coefficients, so it is crucial that the nonlinearities

do not unduly amplify these errors. For compression, our goal is to use a high-order

predictor in smooth regions and a low-order predictor near edges. In order to avoid

sending side information on which predictor was chosen, we need to base the choice

only on the xe[ri\. However, in lossy compression the decoder only has the quantized

even coefficients xe[n] rather than the original coefficients xe[n]. If we use locally

adapted filters, then quantization errors in coarse scales could cascade across scale

and cause a series of incorrect filter choices leading to serious reconstruction errors.

In the predict-then-update case, the problem of stability cannot be solved by

synchronization alone, i.e., having the encoder make its choice of predictor based on

quantized data. The reason is that the reconstructed values xe[n] are obtained from

quantized low pass values c[n]. The low pass signal c[n] is a function of the prediction

residual signal d[n], which in turn depends on what filters are chosen for prediction,

as shown in Figure 3.8. Hence the encoder cannot obtain the quantized values xe[n]

until it selects a predictor, and it cannot select a predictor without obtaining xe[n).

If we are to employ a nonlinear lifting procedure for lossy coding, it is essential that

we avoid this catch 22.

A crafty detour (developed by Davis [16]) around these problems is to perform

the update step first, followed by the prediction, as shown in Figure 3.9. The relevant

equations then become

c[n] = xe[n] + U(x0[n]), d[n] = c[n] - V(xe[n]).

In the update/predict programme, the roles of the update and prediction filters

are reversed. We first design a linear update filter to preserve the first N low-order

polynomials in the data (as in Section 3.1.3). This is equivalent to adding vanishing

moments to the dual wavelet function ip(t). In the standard predict-first scheme, we

first add vanishing moment to the primal wavelet function, as described in Section


Since the update/predict lifting creates c[n] prior to d[n], the prediction operator

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Predict First


U —cUn]


Update First





Figure 3.8 : Two-iteration lifted wavelet transform trees with predict-first (left) and update-ßrst (right). When predicting first, the prediction must be performed prior to construction of the coarse coefficients and iteration to the next scale. When updating first, the prediction operator is outside the loop. The coarse coefficients can be iterated to the lowest scale, quantized, and reconstructed prior to the predictions.

x[n] odd/ even split


U xG[n] -£


ko 4>-^d[n]

Figure 3.9 : Update-ßrst lifting sequence.

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can be designed to optimize performance criteria other than polynomial suppression

capability, without affecting the coarse approximation c[n]. For example, the pre-

dictor could be a median filter, or a filter designed to minimize the prediction error

energy. In Section 4.1.2, we will exploit this flexibility to design space-varying pre-

dictors that adapt to the characteristic of the signal, while completely preserving the

low pass interpretation and orthogonal properties of the wavelet transform.

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Chapter 4

Adaptive Transforms

4.1 Introducing Adaptivity into the Wavelet Transform

The lifting approach to wavelet design gives us a great deal of flexibility. In principle,

we can use any linear, nonlinear, or space-varying predictor or update, and the lifting

construction ensures that the resulting transform is invertible. We now investigate

the capabilities of the lifting approach for adaptive DWTs that optimize data-based

prediction measures to match the characteristics of a given signal. The motivation

behind these new transforms is that better predictors will lead to more efficient signal

representations. Since the compression abilities of signal transformations are key to

successful signal processing algorithms [2], the adaptive transforms derived here have

the potential to improve transform-based processing.

4.1.1 Scale-adaptive transforms

In Section 3.1, we derived the lifting construction based on a polynomial signal sup-

pression/preservation argument. However, we alluded to nonlinear schemes based

on other than polynomial prediction. For example, we could design a predictor for

certain textural components, such as periodic patterns. More generally, we can let

the signal itself dictate the structure of the predictor [17, 18].

In the scale-adaptive transform (ScAT), we adapt the predictor in each lifting

stage to match signal structure at the corresponding scale. The basic idea is to use

a linear iV-point predictor, but require that it suppress polynomials only up to order

M < N. The remaining N - M degrees of freedom can then be used to adapt the

predictor to the signal.

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Specifically, at each scale we optimize the predictor over the N - M degrees of

freedom to minimize the spatially-averaged squared prediction error. This optimiza-

tion produces predictors that can match both polynomial and non-polynomial signal

structure within each scale. For example, if the signal contains a regular texture,

then a relatively low-order adaptive predictor of this form may be able to match the

texture much better than a pure polynomial predictor of the same order.

The optimization itself is a straightforward iV-dimensional constrained least-

squares problem, the constraint being that we require the predictor to suppress

M < iVtn-order polynomials. Let xG denote the odd-indexed data we wish to predict,

let Xe, [Xe]n,fc = xe[n - k], be a matrix composed of the even-indexed data used in

the prediction, and let p be the vector of prediction filter coefficients. The vector of

prediction errors is then given by

e = x0 - Xep.

Our objective is to find the prediction coefficients p that minimize the sum of

squared prediction errors eTe while satisfying the M < N polynomial constraints.

Thus, we solve

min||x0-Xep||2 subject to V°p = [1 0---0]T, p

with V° an M x iV matrix determined as in Section 3.1.2. Since V° is the first M

rows of an N x N Vandermonde matrix with full rank, we are ensured that our M

polynomial constraints are linearly independent. The optimal prediction coefficients

for this constrained least squares problem can be efficiently computed using the QR

factorization method [15, p. 567].

The optimal predictor attempts to "lock-on" to the dominant signal structure at

each scale. The wavelet coefficients d[n] then represent the variations of the signal

from this structure. Once the optimal predictor is determined, the update is designed

using the methods of Section 3.1.3 to ensure that the dominant coarse-scale (low-

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frequency) structure is preserved in the coarse signal approximation that is used at

the next scale.

Unfortunately, the effectiveness of this filter is limited, due to the large number

of pixels at each scale (especially high scales). Our prediction filter is attempting to

minimize the prediction error across the entire scale. However, our signals our non-

stationary, with the structure varying significantly within each scale. It is too much

to ask of a single filter to mimic the signal structure of an entire scale. Therefore, we

seek an adaptive algorithm which adapts point-by-point, not just scale-by-scale.

4.1.2 Space-adaptive transforms

In addition to the scale-by-scale optimization described above, lifting permits us to

instantaneously adapt the predictor to the signal and change the wavelet basis func-

tions at each point. An example of such a transform is our space-adaptive transform

(SpAT) [16, 17, 18]. We employ the update/predict framework of Section 3.3 and

choose a predictor from a suite of predictors to minimize each d[n] value.

Our adaptive algorithm performs a N = 1 point update, and then for each n

chooses the Ne{l, 3,5,7} point prediction that minimizes the prediction error d[n\.

These filters are a branch of the Cohen-Daubechies-Feauveau family [19, 20]. We

chose this (1,N) family because it provides the SpAT with a great deal of flexibility

[16]. The (1,1) filter set corresponds to a Haar (box) wavelet transform, while the

underlying wavelet functions of the (1,7) filter set are shown in Figure 4.1. These

wavelet functions are relatively smooth and the synthesis functions have small side-

bands, making them a good choice for compression and signal estimation.

A demonstration of the SpAT applied to a step edge is shown in Figure 4.2. The

transform is able to lock-on to the dominant signal structure at each point, and avoid

discontinuities and other high-order polynomial phenomena that would decrease the

quality of prediction.

When this algorithm is used for signal estimation, we choose the minimizing filter

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(a) Analysis Scaling Function (b) Synthesis Scaling Function

(c) Analysis Wavelet Function (d) Synthesis Wavelet Function

Figure 4.1 : Top row: (a) analysis and (b) synthesis scaling functions for the order (1,7) Cohen-Daubechies-Feauveau Glter used in the SpAT. Bottom row: (c) analysis and (d) synthesis wavelet functions. These basis functions correspond to the update- first form of lifting.

1 3 5 7 7 7 7 xo-xox-o x e-x-o-x o-xo

xe[n] x0N x-exo-xaxoxox-ox-o

7 7 7 7 5 3 1

Figure 4.2 : In the SpAT, the order N of the predictor varies with space n to minimize the wavelet coefficient value d[n]. Above each x[n] we give the corresponding choice N(n). As the predictor approaches an edge, it decreases N (chooses wavelets of smaller spatial support) in order to avoid the edge.

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for each pixel, and remember the choices as side information. However, when we

perform image compression, we cannot afford this overhead. Therefore, we choose the

prediction operator based on the local properties of the image [21]. For each prediction

window, we analyze the data to determine if it is well approximated by a low order

polynomial. If it is, then we use a high-order predictor with wide support, which

corresponds to a smooth basis function. If the data does not meet our smoothness

criteria, we determine which pixels in the prediction window contribute to the failure.

We classify these pixels as "edge" or discontinuity coefficients. Near these edges we

reduce the order of the predictor so that the neighborhood we use for prediction never

overlaps the edge. In this manner we maintain high accuracy away from edges, avoid

large errors in the presence of edges, and achieve the same filter choices shown in

Figure 4.2.

4.1.3 Other adaptive schemes

In the above sections, we described two fundamental algorithms. In the first class

(scale adaptive), we created a prediction filter at each scale by minimizing the overall

mean-square prediction error at that scale. It was limited due to the low number

of free variables, compared to the large number of prediction points. Therefore, the

filter could not effectively lock-on to the underlying structure of the image.

In second class (spatially adaptive), we minimized the prediction error at each

pixel by choosing the prediction filter from a predetermined family of filters. Without

these family constraints, the algorithm could drive the prediction error to zero at each

pixel, effectively removing all the structure from the signal.

It is possible to combine these two ideas into a single algorithm. Instead of limiting

the filter to a family, we instead design the prediction filter with the ScAT algorithm

(free variables used to minimize the prediction error). However, whereas the ScAT

created one filter for each scale, we now design a new filter for each pixel. To prevent

the filter from removing all the information from our signal, we analyze a block of

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data around each pixel, and allow this local data to influence the design criteria. This

makes each prediction filter more heavily dependent on local data, instead of data

across the entire scale as in the ScAT.

4.1.4 Median filtering

Median filters are well known nonlinear filters, and have been successfully incorpo-

rated into wavelet-like decompositions by Goutsias and Heijmans [22], Hampson and

Pesquet [23], and de Queiroz et al [24]. These decompositions show great promise

for image compression, and all have structures similar to our lifting construction.

Therefore, we hope to incorporate and interpret the median filter within our adaptive

lifting scheme.

Consider the application of an iV-point median filter predictor. For each odd

coefficient a;[2n + l], the predictor will analyze the N nearest even coefficients x[2(n —

k)] (iV-point data window) and choose as the prediction the median value of this data

set. The detail coefficients d[n] = x[2n + 1] - P(x[2(n - k)]) will be the difference

between the odd coefficients and these median values for each data window.

Thus, for every neighborhood of N data points, the output of the median filter

is a single member of the original data set. If, for example, the median value is the

second data point in our window, then the output of the median filter is equivalent

to applying the filter e2 = [0 1 0 • • • 0] to the iV-point data window. In general, let

e* be a length-JV filter of zeros with a 1 in the ith position. If the median value of the

data is in the ith position of the data window, then the output of the median filter

is equivalent to applying the filter e* to the data window. Thus, median filtering is

adaptive linear filtering, with each filter chosen from the family of {e^}^.

Using the adaptive lifting ideas developed above, we utilize a median filter in the

prediction step and then follow this operation by an adaptive update step, designed to

preserve the low pass interpretation of the scaling coefficients c[n]. First, we compute

the wavelet coefficients d[n] using the median filter. For each n, we remember which

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ei was utilized. Then, a tree can be constructed to trace each scaling coefficient up

to the the original data x[n], as shown in Figure 4.3. For each d[n] used to lift the

coarse coefficient, we have a contribution from only two members of the original data

set. This provides an update vector h as described in Section 3.1.3 and shown across

the top of Figure 4.3. We apply the appropriate set of linear constraints to solve for

the update filter coefficients «;.

h = [o M, -u, 4, 1 Ik -4,-4rMi u4 o] xe[0] x0[0] xe[1] x0[1] xe[2] x0[2] xe[3] x0[3] xe[4]

1t A 1f L^'ii/i ^it d[b] dm iy d[2] d[3]


Figure 4.3 : Median prediction with linear update Altering. An N = 5 point median älter prediction followed by an N = 4 point linear update yields the update vector h shown across the top.

Each scaling coefficient c[n] is constructed as a low-order polynomial approxima-

tion to the original data.' A new set of update filter coefficients uk must be found

for each n to ensure each c[n) has a valid polynomial interpretation. Thus, despite

the application of the nonlinear median filter in the predict step, the update filter

coefficients u{ adapt to ensure the scaling coefficients satisfy linear polynomial con-

straints and are a low pass representation of the original data set. We can now iterate

on these coefficients to maintain the recursive, multiscale properties of the wavelet


If we desire an update filter of length N, we must generate N update constraints.

If N = 1, then the one-point update filter coefficient becomes u\ = 1/2 for any choice

of median filter and any data.

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For N > 1, we typically use all the free variables to satisfy polynomial constraints.

However, it is possible that a single data point will be the output of multiple median

prediction filters, as shown for xe[3] in Figure 4.3. Thus, the branches of the update

filter tree overlap, and the resulting linear update constraints may be incompatible

(the resulting matrix V° will be poorly conditioned). In this case, we incorporate

the first few polynomial constraints, and use the remaining free variables to minimize

the energy of the update filter. We have found in practice that this keeps the update

filter coefficients from becoming highly unbalanced, even when the update filter tree

branches are greatly overlapped.

It is also possible to incorporate a median filter into the update step. Using

our adaptive-filter interpretation of the median filter, we know that a median up-

date filter will choose just one detail coefficient to update each coarse coefficient, as

demonstrated in Figure 4.4. Regardless of the median choices (for the prediction or

the update filters), we form each coarse coefficient by combining the even data point

and the output of the update median filter, multiplied by ui = 1/2. As discussed

above, such a scheme is guaranteed to satisfy the 0th polynomial constraint. This is

the median filter subband decomposition of Hampson and Pesquet (in their paper, it

is referred to as Nonlinear Filter 2) [23]; it can be viewed as optimal in the sense of

polynomial approximation.

Note that, for the N - 1 point linear update and the median filter update, the

output of the update filter is multiplied by ux = 1/2, regardless of the median filter

choices of the prediction filter. However, for the N > 1 point linear update, the update

filter must adapt to the prediction choices; therefore, the update filter coefficients

(and possibly the median filter choices) must be available as side information for the

inverse transform to achieve perfect reconstruction. Thus, the N = 1 point linear

update transform and median filter update transform are better suited for image

compression, especially lossless image compression [23, 25], since they can be easily

modified to accommodate integer-to-integer arithmetic [26].

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h = [o 0 1 0 -1/2 \ O]

xe[0] xo[0] xe[1] x0[1] xe[2] x0[2] xe[3]

:1 ' / \

1! L^'y'l/i ^1Y

d[0] 1Y d[b] „d[2]

c[1] 1/2

Figure 4.4 : 5-point median filter predict followed by a 3-point median filter update. The update vector h shown across the top satisfies the 0th polynomial constraint regardless of median choices.

4.2 Redundant Lifting

In many applications, the redundant (shift-invariant) wavelet transform often exhibits

superior performance over the non-redundant wavelet transform [27]. For example,

thresholding the non-redundant transform coefficients (as is done in denoising) creates

pseudo-Gibbs phenomena in the neighborhood of signal discontinuities. The sizes

of these artifacts are related to the actual locations of the discontinuities. In the

redundant wavelet transform, we average over all possible shifts of the input signal.

This averaging usually improves the mean square error (MSE) performance of the

transform [27].

Our spatially adaptive lifted transforms are designed to improve performance near

discontinuities. Therefore, we conjecture that our algorithms should improve denois-

ing performance, if implemented within the redundant framework. We need only to

extend the lifted wavelet transform to the redundant case.

A typical redundant wavelet transform is implemented as shown in Figure 4.5. By

removing the time-varying decimators, we ensure that the transform is shift-invariant.

Of course, the transform now takes N data points to NL transform coefficients (where

L is the number of iterations), and not to N. Subsequent iterations of the transform

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r* W(Z2) -► c2[n]

11/ N C1^ _»^ fV„2\ _W H Tr.1 —^ n\z>) - va^ ; - u2l"J

fe. H Tnl ■» r>/ r~\ ► G[Z) ^ a^nj x[n]

Figure 4.5 : Two iterations of the undecimated implementation of the redundant wavelet transform. Subsequent iterations at scale I require application of expanded ßlters H(z2') and G(z2') to the coarse coefficients ci[n\.

at scale I must use versions of the original wavelet filters, expanded by 2l. This

implementation is often referred to as the "undecimated wavelet transform" [28].

However, the first step in any lifting stage is the data split; in the non-redundant

transform, this is implemented with decimators, and all the lifting operations are

applied to downsampled data. In the redundant transform, we do not have direct

access to this data, since the decimators have been removed! Therefore, we must

implement the redundant wavelet transform with the decimators intact, as shown in

Figure 4.6. Such an implementation, where we compute the wavelet transform for all

possible shifts and average the results, is know as the "translation invariant wavelet

transform," or "cycle-spinning" [27].

In a nutshell, the lifted redundant wavelet transform is simply two non-redundant

lifted wavelet transforms, intertwined at each scale. The first transforms still predicts

the odd coefficients from the even coefficients, as per the standard lifting construction.

The second, however, predicts the even coefficients from the odd coefficients. This is

accomplished by shifting the input sequence by one and then feeding it into the same

lifted transform. The output of this doubly combined lifted transform is equivalent

to that from the usual redundant transform. However, by using the lifting scheme in

this setting, we are now able to introduce adaptivity into the redundant transform,

creating a redundant space adaptive transform using the same ideas developed in

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^U^ x0N jr±

u x°[nl4 ^> d0[n]

Figure 4.6 : Lifting implementation of the redundant wavelet transform. Transform is computed on all possible shifts at each scale. Transform is iterated on both sets of coarse coefficients, ce[n] and c0[n}.

Section 4.1.

4.3 Multiresolution Wedgelet Transform

4.3.1 Construction of a multiresolution transform based on wedgelets

The adaptive algorithms described in section 4.1 are all based on the wavelet trans-

form. However, wavelet coefficients decay slowly near edges, while the wedgelet

transform [4] is near optimal for edges. Therefore, we propose an adaptive multi-

resolution algorithm based on wedgelets. This will require three modifications to the

basic wedgelet transform.

First, wedgelets are designed for images in the horizon class [4], that is, binary

images with a single edge along a contour. Our images are gray scale with varying

amplitudes. Thus, instead of fitting each dyadic square with a single wedgelet, we

fit each square with a constant function and a wedgelet. This expands our class of

functions to include horizon images of varying amplitudes.

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Second, we design each wedgelet to be orthogonal to the constant function. Al-

though the wedgelets themselves do not compose an orthonormal set, we know that

for each dyadic square, only a single wedgelet will be chosen. Thus, we are guaranteed

that our final approximation (for any dyadic square) is composed of two orthonor-

mal components. This modification makes our wedgelets similar to unbalanced Haar

wavelets [29].

Third, the wedgelet transform is not truly multiresolution; it simply decomposes

the image in space until a desired approximation error is achieved (by creating deeper

and deeper dyadic splits). Therefore, we incorporate wedgelets into the lifting scheme

to create a true multiresolution transform. To maintain control over the multiresolu-

tion properties of the transform, we again use an update-first architecture (see Section

3.3). Our lifted wedgelet transform has three steps:

Split: Wedgelets are nonseparable, so we begin by dividing the original image x[n, m]

into four disjoint subsets. This is performed by rectangular sampling:

Xl[n,m] = x[2n,2m], x2[n,m] = x[2n + 1,2m],

xs[n, m] = x[2n, 2m + 1], x4[n, m] = x[2n + 1,2m + 1].

Update: We combine the four polyphase components to represent a coarse approxi-

mation to the original image. Similar to the SpAT transform of Section 4.1.2, we

perform a Haar update. Thus, each xi[n, m] is replaced with a coarse coefficient

c[n, m] = (xi[n, m] + x2[n, m] + x3[n, m] + x±[n, m]) /4.

Predict: We now generate the wavelet coefficients dk[n, m] as the error in predicting

xk[n,m] from c[n,m] for k = 1,2,3. For our prediction operator, we analyze a

neighborhood of c[n, m] and fit the best wedgelet to this data. This wedgelet

is created as described above (it is comprised of a constant function and an

orthogonal wedgelet). The projection onto the constant function is simply the

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average value of the data. Since each wedgelet is orthogonal to the constant

function, the best wedgelet is the one with the largest magnitude projection

coefficient. Once this best wedgelet is found, we determine the prediction er-

ror between this wedgelet and the polyphase coefficients Xk[n,m], k = 1,2,3.

These prediction errors (our failure to be well approximated by a wedgelet)

are our detail coefficients dk[n,m], k = 1,2,3. Thus, at each scale we find the

wedgelet transform which best approximates the low pass coefficients, and use

this approximation to predict the missing polyphase components.

Clearly, this algorithm is adaptive, since the best wedgelet is chosen to create each

detail coefficient at each scale. The transform is multiresolution, due to our update-

first lifting architecture. The lifting structure also ensures that our transform is

computationally efficient; the transform still requires only 0(N2) operations, although

the scaling factor is increased by two orders of magnitude. Our choice of a Haar update

preserves the orthogonality of the coarse coefficients. Since wedgelets are near optimal

for certain classes of images, we expect that our multiresolution wedgelet transform

will also perform well on these images.

We immediately have two minor extensions to this algorithm. First, we can pass

the choice of wedgelets (and possibly the wedgelet coefficients) as side information.

Second, instead of basing the choice of wedgelet on the coarse coefficients, we could

choose the wedgelet which minimizes the prediction error for each set of detail coef-

ficient (similar to the SpAT).

4.3.2 Combined wedgelet/wavelet transform

Although the wedgelet transform is near optimal for edges, it does not match the

performance of the wavelet transform in smooth regions. However, it is possible to

combine the wedgelet and wavelet transforms to increase the overall performance. We

present two methods that achieve this goal.

First, we create a [slightly] redundant transform using both the wavelet and

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Wavelet Transform



Wedgelet Transform


d01 [n,m]

Wavelet Transform

Wedgelet Transform d< H in,m

Wavelet Transform

Wedgelet Transform






dn 9[n,m


d1 3[n,m

Figure 4.7 : The [slightly] redundant wedgelet/wavelet transform. At each iteration, we take both the wedgelet and wavelet transform of the coarse coefficients. Total redundancy is approximately four.

wedgelet basis functions. At scale 0, we take both the wedgelet and wavelet trans-

form of our image. At scale 1, as we iterate on the coarse coefficients, we take both

transforms for each set of coarse data. As we invert these transforms, we average the

results. Thus, we have a system with redundancy of approximately four. An example

of this transform is shown in Figure 4.7.

Second, we create a critically sampled transform which chooses between the

wedgelet approximation and wavelet approximation for each pixel. This is similar

to the SpAT, which chooses from the (1, N) family of filters at each point. In this

case, at each coarse coefficient, we determine if the coefficient of the best wedgelet

is sufficiently large. If so, then we are most likely in an image region dominated

by a large edge [30]. In this case, we assume that the wedgelet is a good predic-

tor, and use it to create the detail coefficients. If not, then a Haar transform (or a

smoother predictor) is used to create the details. This transform has the advantage

of increased flexibility without increased redundancy. This makes it potentially well-

Page 59: tardir/tiffs/a372394 - DTIC · images. However, in many applications we desire to introduce adaptivity and non- linearities into the transforms. These are powerful extensions, but


suited for certain image compression applications. We can extend the algorithm for

image denoising applications by determining the best choices and passing these as

side information.

4.3.3 Nonlinear approximation with wedgelets

As shown in [4] and mentioned in Section 4.3.1, wedgelets form a near optimal rep-

resentation for images in the horizon class. Therefore, our multiresolution wedgelet

transform has the potential to create sparse representations for these images.

Figure 4.8 demonstrates this potential. We created a test image constructed of

smooth (polynomial) regions separated by discontinuities along contours. We trans-

formed the image using the Haar, Daubechies (7,9), and multiresolution wedgelet

transforms, and retained the N largest coefficients. We then used these coefficients

to reconstruct the image and measured the mean square error (MSE) between our ap-

proximation and the original image. The decay of this approximation error represents

the compression potential of the transform [31].

As shown in Figure 4.8, the error in the wedgelet approximation decays faster than

both the Haar and Daubechies (7,9) approximations. We empirically determined the

error decay for this test image. The Haar and Daubechies (7,9) errors decay as

N*1-5, while the multiresolution wedgelet error seems to decay as N~2. This is very


Figures 4.9 and 4.10 display our test image and approximations by each of the three

transforms. The approximations in Figure 4.9 were created by retaining N = 500

coefficients, while the approximations in Figure 4.10 were created with N = 1700

coefficients. These choices of N were made to keep the PSNR of the approximations in

the 30-40 dB range. Clearly, the wedgelet transform provides the best approximation

along the discontinuities, as expected.

To further compare the three algorithms, we plotted the magnitude of the ap-

proximation error for N = 350 (chosen smaller to accentuate the errors) in Figure

Page 60: tardir/tiffs/a372394 - DTIC · images. However, in many applications we desire to introduce adaptivity and non- linearities into the transforms. These are powerful extensions, but


-*-*-* Wedgelet -o-e^ Haar

Daubechies 7,9 30 dB

40 dB

Figure 4.8 : Mean square error (MSE) of approximations to our test image (smooth regions separated by discontinuities along contours) versus the number of coefficients used in the approximation. The multiresolution wedgelet transform looks very promis- ing.

4.11. The wedgelet transform and the Haar transform both struggle in the smooth

regions. The wedgelet transform does a better job of reconstructing the edges. The

Daubechies (7,9) transform performs well in the smooth regions, but suffers badly

near the discontinuities. This strengthens our hypothesis that the ideal solution is

a combination of the wedgelet transform and a smooth predictor, as described in

Section 4.3.2.

Page 61: tardir/tiffs/a372394 - DTIC · images. However, in many applications we desire to introduce adaptivity and non- linearities into the transforms. These are powerful extensions, but


Original Image

Haar approximation

Daubechies (7,9) approximation



Multiresolution wedgelet approximation

Figure 4.9 : Approximations to our test image. In each case, N = 500 coefficients were used for the approximation. The wedgelet transform provides improved MSE performance and does a superior reconstruction job in the vicinity of the discontinu- ities.

Page 62: tardir/tiffs/a372394 - DTIC · images. However, in many applications we desire to introduce adaptivity and non- linearities into the transforms. These are powerful extensions, but


Original Image

i Daubechies (7,9) approximation

Haar approximation Multiresolution wedgelet approximation

m$&\ Im

Figure 4.10 : Approximations to our test image. In each case, N = 1700 coefficients were used for the approximation. The wedgelet transform provides improved MSE performance and does a superior reconstruction job in the vicinity of the discontinu- ities.

Page 63: tardir/tiffs/a372394 - DTIC · images. However, in many applications we desire to introduce adaptivity and non- linearities into the transforms. These are powerful extensions, but


Daubechies (7,9) error Haar error

\ *V %*



Multiresolution wedgelet error

Figure 4.11 : Approximation errors for our test image. In each case, N = 350 terms were used in the approximation. The wedgelet and Haar transforms both struggle in the smooth regions, while the wedgelet transform has the best representation of the edges. The Daubechies (7,9) transform performs well in the smooth regions, but suffers near the discontinuities.

Page 64: tardir/tiffs/a372394 - DTIC · images. However, in many applications we desire to introduce adaptivity and non- linearities into the transforms. These are powerful extensions, but


4.3.4 Wedgelets for image analysis

As mentioned in Section 4.3.1, to find the "best" wedgelet, we must compute (at

each pixel) the projection of the image onto all the wedgelets and choose the one

with the largest magnitude coefficient. We also proposed in Section 4.3.2 to use this

coefficient to make adaptive decisions. If the coefficient exceeded some threshold, we

used wedgelets to perform our prediction; otherwise, we used a smoother wavelet.

However, there is a great deal of information embedded in these wedgelet coeffi-

cients. For example, if a region of an image is well modeled by a particular wedgelet,

then the coefficient of this wedgelet will be much larger than the other coefficients.

However, if the region is not well modeled by any wedgelet, then all the wedgelet

coefficient will tend to be small. We can compute the variance or entropy of the

set of wedgelet coefficients for each point in the image, and use these statistics for

analysis. An example of the wedgelet variances for our test image is shown in Figure

4.12. The dark areas represent image regions with high wedgelet variance, while the

light areas correspond to low variance. Figure 4.12 demonstrates that the areas of

high wedgelet variance are very localized and correspond to the edges of the image,

where we expect the wedgelets to perform well.

Thus, by analyzing the statistics of the wedgelet coefficients, we gather additional

information about our image. The above example demonstrates how to localize areas

near edges and can be used to better adapt our predictor to the image. However, the

same approach could be used to determine different types of texture or to perform

image segmentation.

Page 65: tardir/tiffs/a372394 - DTIC · images. However, in many applications we desire to introduce adaptivity and non- linearities into the transforms. These are powerful extensions, but


Figure 4.12 : Wedgelet coefficient variances for the test image of Figure 4.9. Dark areas correspond to high variance, and are localized near the edges of the image. Light areas represent regions of low variance (where wedgelets perform poorly).

Page 66: tardir/tiffs/a372394 - DTIC · images. However, in many applications we desire to introduce adaptivity and non- linearities into the transforms. These are powerful extensions, but


Chapter 5


In this chapter, we demonstrate the utility of the adaptive algorithms developed

earlier. We have two main applications: image compression and signal denoising.

5.1 Image Compression

5.1.1 Compression with the SpAT

Figure 5.1 shows compression results for an edge-dominated test image. This image

was constructed by superimposing texture on shapes of different magnitudes and ori-

entations. The original image was transformed and compressed to 0.67 bits-per-pixel

(BPP) (12:1 compression) using an embedded zero-tree encoder [32]. For simplicity,

we compress the zero-tree symbol stream with a Huffman coder, and make no effort

to compress the quantization bit stream.

We notice in Figure 5.1 that images transformed with the Daubechies (7,9) and

linear (1,7) lift suffer from blurring and ringing around the edges. However, the image

transformed with our adaptive lifted algorithm has much sharper edges. Ringing is

reduced, edge sharpness is maintained, and the background texture is not significantly

corrupted. These improvements are very visible in the closeup shown in Figure 5.2.

The reason for these improvements is that edges in our new transform are represented

in a more compact fashion, and as a result there is less degradation of the image when

we zero out small, non-zero coefficients.

As a performance metric, we computed the peak signal to noise ratio (PSNR),

Page 67: tardir/tiffs/a372394 - DTIC · images. However, in many applications we desire to introduce adaptivity and non- linearities into the transforms. These are powerful extensions, but


where xt is the ith pixel of our original image, % is the ith pixel of our reconstructed

image, and N is the total number of pixels. The PSNR curve (Figure 5.3) demon-

strates that, for this edge-dominated test image, the adaptive algorithm has better

PSNR performance than both the Daubechies (7,9) and linear (1,7) lift transforms.

The Daubechies (7,9) PSNR curve is shown for reference only; our goal is to improve

the performance of the linear (1,7) lift though adaptivity.

In Figure 5.4, we see the result of our adaptive lifting algorithm on the image

cameraman, compressed to 0.32 BPP (25:1 compression). Our prediction decisions

were based on data quantized to 7 iterations of the zero-tree encoder to ensure that

the decoder and encoder were synchronized. While ringing has been reduced in the

horizontal and vertical edges, there are still some ringing artifacts in the diagonal

direction. The reason for these remaining artifacts is that we are using a separable

transform in which we seek to avoid horizontal and vertical edges.

Note in Figure 5.5 the PSNR performance of our adaptive algorithm over the

linear (1,7) lift. Each point on the PSNR curve was generated with decoder/encoder

synchronization. Again, the performance of the popular Daubechies (7,9) transform

is shown for reference. Although our adaptive algorithm does not match the PSNR

performance of the Daubechies (7,9) transform, the visual quality of our algorithm is

comparable, due to the reduction in edge artifacts. In general the adaptive algorithm

results in much sharper decoded images. We conjecture that introducing adaptivity

into the Daubechies (7,9) transform (a potential area of future research) would result

in further PSNR increases.

5.2 Signal Denoising

In this section, we compare the performance of the new adaptive transforms with

some of the standard Daubechies wavelets for signal denoising applications. First,

we compare the entropies of the coefficient distributions of several well-known test

signals to assess the level of compaction afforded by the new transforms. Second,

Page 68: tardir/tiffs/a372394 - DTIC · images. However, in many applications we desire to introduce adaptivity and non- linearities into the transforms. These are powerful extensions, but


Original Image Compressed with Daubechies (7,9)

Compressed with Linear (1,7) Lift Compressed with Adaptive Lift

Figure 5.1 : Edge dominated image with texture, compressed to 0.67 BPP (12:1 compression). Note the ringing around the edges of the square in the Daubechies (7,9) and linear (1,7) lift images that is eliminated by the adaptive lift.

Page 69: tardir/tiffs/a372394 - DTIC · images. However, in many applications we desire to introduce adaptivity and non- linearities into the transforms. These are powerful extensions, but


Compressed with Daubechies (7,9) Compressed with Adaptive Lift

Figure 5.2 : Close-up of edge dominated image with texture, compressed to 0.67 Bits- Per-Pixel (BPP) (12:1 compression). Note the sharp edges and reduced ringing with the adaptive algorithm.

Page 70: tardir/tiffs/a372394 - DTIC · images. However, in many applications we desire to introduce adaptivity and non- linearities into the transforms. These are powerful extensions, but






c34 CC Z CO Q_






1 1 1 11/

■ /

: J / A.*



/ / / //' / :

■■■■■/;*■■/ ■

/ / /: //..v....

// y/'. /.

/''' /#

^z <•* ><&■" '

* ■ >

0.1 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 BPP

Figure 5.3 : Peak Signal-to-Noise Ratio (PSNR) curves for the edge-dominated test image of Figure 5.1. This test image was designed to demonstrate the potential gains of the adaptive lift. The adaptive algorithm (solid line) outperforms the Daubechies (7,9) transform (dash-dot) and the (1,7) linear lift (dash). The encoder and decoder were synchronized for the adaptive algorithm.

Page 71: tardir/tiffs/a372394 - DTIC · images. However, in many applications we desire to introduce adaptivity and non- linearities into the transforms. These are powerful extensions, but


Cameraman Image Compressed with Daubechies (7,9)

m^^m HMUMÜI feftftK;

■16 Compressed with Linear (1,7) Lift Compressed with Adaptive Lift

Figure 5.4 : Cameraman image compressed to 0.32 BPP (25:1 compression).

Page 72: tardir/tiffs/a372394 - DTIC · images. However, in many applications we desire to introduce adaptivity and non- linearities into the transforms. These are powerful extensions, but


0.6 0.8 1 BPP

Figure 5.5 : PSNR curves for the cameraman image. The adaptive algorithm (solid line) outperforms the linear (1,7) lift (dash), but it does not meet the PSNR per- formance of the Daubechies (7,9) transform (dash-dot). However, edge artifacts are significantly reduced by the adaptive algorithm. The encoder and decoder were syn- chronized for the adaptive algorithm.

Page 73: tardir/tiffs/a372394 - DTIC · images. However, in many applications we desire to introduce adaptivity and non- linearities into the transforms. These are powerful extensions, but


we compare the performance of the new transforms in a signal denoising application.

Third, we compare the redundant implementation of our adaptive transform against

other redundant transforms. Finally, we apply our multiresolution wedgelet transform

to image denoising.

5.2.1 Entropy comparison

The entropy of the transform coefficient distribution is a common measure of the

efficiency of a signal transform [33]. If we collectively denote the scaling and wavelet

coefficients by {wi}, then the entropy is defined as

H(w) = 5^lwi|2l°g2lw<|2> i

assuming the normalization ]T^ [tc^ j2 = 1.

Table 5.1 compares the entropies of the Daubechies-8 (D8) and Daubechies-2

(Haar) DWTs to those obtained using the ScAT and SpAT. The ScAT used an N =

N = 4 lifting construction, with M = 3 vanishing moments enforced. The first four

signals, Doppler, Blocks, Bumps, and HeaviSine, are standard test signals introduced

in [2]. The last signal, DoppelBlock, is a concatenation of the Doppler signal and

the Blocks signal (hence it contains both smooth and edgy signal elements). All

signals were 1024 samples long. The entropies in Table 5.1 show that both adaptive

transforms perform nearly as well (or better) than the D8 or the Haar in each test


5.2.2 Denoising with non-redundant wavelet transforms

Because DWTs provide such a parsimonious representation for wide classes of signals,

the DWT has proved to be a powerful tool for noise removal. The basic "wavelet

denoising" programme [2] is described as follows. We observe L samples {a;[n]} of an

unknown function / with additive i.i.d. Gaussian noise {f?[n]}:

x[n] = f[n]+r][n], n = 0,1,... ,L - 1.

Page 74: tardir/tiffs/a372394 - DTIC · images. However, in many applications we desire to introduce adaptivity and non- linearities into the transforms. These are powerful extensions, but


Table 5.1 : Entropy results for various signals and transforms.

Signal Entropy

D8 Haar ScAT SpAT

Doppler 2.84 3.15 2.88 2.57

Blocks 2.60 2.62 2.52 2.32

Bumps 3.54 3.65 3.53 3.23

HeaviSine 2.26 2.50 2.25 2.27

DoppelBlock 3.54 3.60 3.41 3.15

We compute the DWT of x and apply a "threshold" nonlinearity to the wavelet

coefficients. When a "hard-threshold" is applied, all the small wavelet coefficients

(those with magnitude below a given threshold T) are set to zero, while all other

coefficients are unaffected. A "soft-threshold" sets very small coefficients to zero

and reduces all other coefficients by the threshold amount T. In both cases, the

scaling (coarse) coefficients are not modified. The threshold T is chosen in proportion

to the standard deviation of the noise. If the data signal is pure Gaussian white

noise, then this universal threshold guarantees that asymptotically, as the number of

data points increases, the wavelet thresholding estimator tends to the zero function,

with probability one. The inverse DWT of the thresholded coefficients produces a

"denoised" signal. For more information see [2].

However, in [2] the thresholds were derived only for orthogonal wavelet transforms.

In [34], Berkner and Wells propose new thresholds that take into account correlations

induced by redundant wavelet transforms and biorthogonal wavelet transforms. As

shown in Section 3.2, the SpAT and ScAT are biorthogonal transforms, since each is

implemented with one lifting stage. Thus, in our adaptive transforms (and in all our

redundant transforms), we adapt the thresholds for each data point and at each scale

Page 75: tardir/tiffs/a372394 - DTIC · images. However, in many applications we desire to introduce adaptivity and non- linearities into the transforms. These are powerful extensions, but


Table 5.2 : Denoising: MSE for various signals and transforms. Each signal is cor- rupted with additive white Gaussian noise with standard deviation equal to 10% of the peak signal magnitude.

Signal MSE

D8 Haar ScAT SpAT

Doppler 0.030 0.049 0.027 0.032

Blocks 0.040 0.029 0.034 0.032

Bumps 0.032 0.034 0.028 0.031

HeaviSine 0.014 0.031 0.014 0.016

DoppelBlock 0.046 0.044 0.042 0.040

to compensate for noise correlations and variances.

Also, in [35] smaller thresholds than those proposed in [2] were found to perform

better (with respect to mean square error) in many denoising applications. Smaller

thresholds (and a hard threshold for redundant denoising) are also recommended in

[27]. Thus, the experimental thresholds in [35] are used for all of our image denoising

and redundant denoising experiments (modified to compensate for noise correlations,

where appropriate).

Table 5.2 provides the mean square error (MSE) performance of the four trans-

forms and five signals discussed in Section 5.2.1 above. In this experiment, white

Gaussian noise of standard deviation 0.1 x maxra \x[n]\ was added to each of the test

signals. The MSEs in Table 5.2 show again that both adaptive transforms perform

nearly as well as (or better than) the D8 and the Haar in each test case. An example

of the denoised signals is shown in Figure 5.6. These graphs were generated for the

DoppelBlock signal with additive white Gaussian noise, standard deviation at 5% of

max signal magnitude. The ScAT performs well on the smooth regions, while the

SpAT performs well on both the smooth and edge-dominated regions.

Page 76: tardir/tiffs/a372394 - DTIC · images. However, in many applications we desire to introduce adaptivity and non- linearities into the transforms. These are powerful extensions, but


(a) Original Signal (b) Noisy Signal

(c) Denoised Signal (D8) (d) Denoised Signal (Haar)

4 \\ j

Ai .j

(e) Denoised Signal (ScAT) (f) Denoised Signal (SpAT)

Figure 5.6 : Top row: (a) original DoppelBlock signal (concatenation ofDoppler and Blocks); (b) signal with additive white Gaussian noise, standard deviation equal to 5% of maximum signal magnitude. Second row: (c) signal denoised with the Daubechies 8 orthogonal wavelet transform; (d) signal denoised with the Haar transform. Bottom row: (e) signal denoised with the ScAT transform; (f) signal denoised with the SpAT transform.

Page 77: tardir/tiffs/a372394 - DTIC · images. However, in many applications we desire to introduce adaptivity and non- linearities into the transforms. These are powerful extensions, but


Table 5.3 : Denoising: PSNR for various images and transforms. Each image is corrupted with additive white Gaussian noise with standard deviation equal to 15% of the peak image magnitude.

Image PSNR (dB)

D8 Haar ScAT SpAT

Cameraman 22.9 23.0 23.6 23.3

Lenna 23.4 22.7 24.3 23.5

Building 22.4 22.8 23.2 23.0

Bridge 21.4 21.3 21.9 21.6

Fruit 24.6 24.3 26.2 25.1

For our next experiment, we applied our algorithms to several standard images.

We extended our algorithms to two-dimensions in a separable fashion; at each scale,

our transforms are applied to the rows and then the columns of the image. We

added white Gaussian noise (at 15% of max image magnitude) and then denoised

those images (using the thresholds of [35], modified for our biorthogonal and adaptive

transforms). As our performance metric, we again computed the peak signal to noise

ratio (PSNR) as defined in equation [5.1]. Our PSNR results are shown in Table

5.3, while an example of the denoised cameraman image is displayed in Figure 5.7.

The ScAT demonstrates improved PSNR performance over the other transforms.

The SpAT improves PSNR performance over the non-adaptive orthogonal transforms

while significantly increasing edge crispness and preserving image texture.

Remark: no results have been presented for our space/scale adaptive transform

presented in Section 4.1.3. Although this transform was very interesting, it did not

perform well in our denoising experiments. We attribute this to two factors. First,

by allowing the prediction filters to adapt to a much smaller set of data, the re-

sulting filters can become highly asymmetric. These filters tend to not converge to

Page 78: tardir/tiffs/a372394 - DTIC · images. However, in many applications we desire to introduce adaptivity and non- linearities into the transforms. These are powerful extensions, but


(a) Denoised Image (D8) (b) Denoised Image (Haar)

(c) Denoised Image (ScAT) (d) Denoised Image (SpAT)

Figure 5.7 : Top row: (a) Cameraman image denoised with the Daubechies 8 orthog- onal wavelet transform, 21.4 dB PSNR, (b) image denoised with the Haar transform, 21.6 dB PSNR. Second row: (c) image denoised with the Scale Adaptive Trans- form (ScAT), 22.1 dB PSNR, (d) image denoised with the SpAT transform, 21.9 dB PSNR. The ScAT yields the highest PSNR while the SpAT signiGcantly reducing ringing around edges.

Page 79: tardir/tiffs/a372394 - DTIC · images. However, in many applications we desire to introduce adaptivity and non- linearities into the transforms. These are powerful extensions, but


continuous functions, and they accentuate quantization errors when our signals are

reconstructed. Second, following such an adaptive prediction by an adaptive update

is very problematic. The update filters tend to also become asymmetrical, again ac-

centuating quantization errors. In addition, in many cases the combination of skewed

prediction coefficients leads to lifted update constraints which can not be solved; the

update matrix V° described in Section 3.1.3 becomes ill-conditioned (or singular).

Thus, we do not recommend the space/scale adaptive transform for signal denoising

at this time, although we intend to pursue future research with this algorithm.

5.2.3 Denoising with redundant transforms

We now denoise our test signals using the redundant wavelet transform. We compare

a redundant version of our SpAT against redundant D8 and Haar transforms. Our

thresholds must again be increased to account for the correlations introduced by the

biorthogonal nature of the SpAT. Also, our thresholds must be increased for all three

transforms due to correlations introduced by redundancy [34]. We now use a hard

threshold, since this outperforms soft thresholding within the context of redundant

transforms [27].

In Table 5.4, we present the denoising performance of the redundant transforms.

These signals were corrupted with white Gaussian noise (standard deviation equal to

5% of the maximum signal magnitude). In all cases, a hard threshold was applied.

As expected, our adaptive algorithm is competitive in all cases, performing nearly as

well as (or better than) the D8 and Haar transform for each test case. An example

of the denoised DoppelBlock signal is shown in Figure 5.8.

5.2.4 Denoising with multiresolution wedgelet transforms

We now compare the multiresolution wedgelet transform against other transforms in

an image denoising environment. We expect the wedgelet transform to perform well

near edges, but to have problems in smooth regions and regions of texture. Therefore,

Page 80: tardir/tiffs/a372394 - DTIC · images. However, in many applications we desire to introduce adaptivity and non- linearities into the transforms. These are powerful extensions, but


Table 5.4 : Denoising: MSE for various signals and redundant transforms. Each signal is corrupted with additive white Gaussian noise with standard deviation equal to 5% of the peak signal magnitude. In all cases, a hard threshold was applied.

Signal MSE

redund D8 redund Haar redund SpAT

Doppler 0.010 0.017 0.012

Blocks 0.012 0.006 0.008

Bumps 0.012 0.011 0.011

HeaviSine 0.007 0.009 0.008

DoppelBlock 0.015 0.014 0.013

(a) Noisy Signal (b) Denoised Signal (Redundant D8)

(c) Denoised Signal (Redundant Haar) (d) Denoised Signal (Redundant SpAT)

Figure 5.8 : Top row: (a) DoppelBlock signal with additive white Gaussian noise, standard deviation equal to 5% of maximum signal magnitude; (b) signal denoised with the Daubechies 8 redundant wavelet transform. Second row: (c) signal denoised with the redundant Haar transform; (d) signal denoised with the redundant SpAT transform.

Page 81: tardir/tiffs/a372394 - DTIC · images. However, in many applications we desire to introduce adaptivity and non- linearities into the transforms. These are powerful extensions, but


we use our combined wedgelet/D4 transform; at each scale, the results of denoising

with the wedgelet transform are averaged with the results of the D4 transform.

We added white Gaussian noise (at 15% of peak image magnitude) and then de-

noised those images (using the hard thresholds of [35]). As our performance metric, we

again computed the peak signal to noise ratio (PSNR) as defined in equation [5.1], as

well as the L°° error. As shown in Tables 5.5 and 5.6, the combined transform exceeds

the performance of the other non-adaptive transforms used here (the Daubechies 8

wavelet, Daubechies 4 wavelet, and the Haar wavelet). Figure 5.9 shows an example

of the denoised "fruit" image. As expected, the wedgelet transform performs very

well in the vicinity of edges.

Table 5.5 : Denoising: PSNR for various images and transforms. Each image is corrupted with additive white Gaussian noise with standard deviation equal to 15% of the peak image magnitude.

Image PSNR (dB)

D8 D4 Haar Combined Wedgelet & D4

Cameraman 24.4 24.8 24.6 25.7

Lenna 24.9 24.8 24.2 26.0

Building 24.0 24.1 24.8 25.3

Bridge 22.5 22.3 22.2 23.8

Fruit 26.2 26.4 25.6 27.2

Page 82: tardir/tiffs/a372394 - DTIC · images. However, in many applications we desire to introduce adaptivity and non- linearities into the transforms. These are powerful extensions, but


(a) Noisy Image (b) Denoised Image (D8)

(c) Denoised Image (Haar) (d) Denoised Image (Wedgelet & D4) ,

•- ■■■ * I ■■■■'■■- ■ ' • '


Figure 5.9 : Top row: (a) noisy "fruit" image (white Gaussian noise with standard deviation equal to 15% of maximum image magnitude, PSNR = 20 dB); (b) image denoised with the Daubechies 8 wavelet transform, 26.2 dB PSNR. Second row: (c) image denoised with the Haar transform, 25.6 dB PSNR; (d) image denoised with the combined Wedgelet/D4 transform, 27.2 dB PSNR. PSNR is improved and ringing is reduced.

Page 83: tardir/tiffs/a372394 - DTIC · images. However, in many applications we desire to introduce adaptivity and non- linearities into the transforms. These are powerful extensions, but


Table 5.6 : Denoising: L°° error for various images and transforms. Each image is corrupted with additive white Gaussian noise with standard deviation equal to 15% of the peak image magnitude.

Image L°° by Algorithm

D8 D4 Haar Combined Wedgelet & D4

Camera 0.71 0.80 0.83 0.68

Lenna 0.62 0.63 0.73 0.57

Building 0.63 0.68 0.69 0.58

Bridge 0.62 0.64 0.68 0.60

Fruit 0.57 0.59 0.64 0.53

Page 84: tardir/tiffs/a372394 - DTIC · images. However, in many applications we desire to introduce adaptivity and non- linearities into the transforms. These are powerful extensions, but


Chapter 6

Discussion And Future Work

6.1 Contributions of this Thesis

In this thesis, we developed two new adaptive wavelet transforms (the SpAT and

the ScAT) for signal and image estimation. We also successfully modified the SpAT

for image compression and redundant denoising. We built an adaptive transform

around a median filter. Finally, we created a multiresolution wedgelet transform, and

built several extensions, all of which work particularly well on image edges. These

transforms were made possible by our interpretation of the lifting framework. The

success of these transforms was demonstrated with applications to signal denoising,

image denoising, and image compression.

6.2 Potential for Future Research

There are several areas of potential research that we find interesting. We present here

three of the most promising:

6.2.1 Image compression with the wedgelet transform

Due to the encouraging preliminary results of Section 4.3.3, we conjecture that our

multiresolution wedgelet transform may be well suited for compression on certain

types of images. By combining the wedgelet transform and a "smoother" predictor

as discussed in Section 4.3.2, the transform may perform well on more general images

than the horizon model. Since the wedgelet transform is constructed with an update-

first architecture, we can create and quantize all the coarse coefficients before making

Page 85: tardir/tiffs/a372394 - DTIC · images. However, in many applications we desire to introduce adaptivity and non- linearities into the transforms. These are powerful extensions, but


any wedgelet prediction decisions. Thus, the decoder and encoder can be synchronized

(as in the SpAT) with no side information, ensuring that incorrect prediction decisions

do not contribute to reconstruction error. We intend to make these modifications

and determine to what class of images (and to what quantization levels) the wedgelet

transform is well suited.

Also, at its most basic level, the wedgelet transform is simply a pruned tree. Our

pruning is performed in a greedy fashion, i.e., at each node we choose the wedgelet

which is the "best fit" or minimizes our prediction error. It may be possible to find

a global optimum, looking across scale as we prune.

6.2.2 Signal estimation with redundant transforms

All the image transforms created in this thesis can be implemented as redundant

transforms. Since our adaptive transforms demonstrated improved signal denoising

performance over non-redundant transforms, we expect redundant versions of our

transforms to out-perform redundant versions of our competitors.

6.2.3 Signal estimation/analysis with the wedgelet transform

The combined wedgelet/wavelet transform (described in Section 4.3.2) performed very

well in a signal denoising environment. However, it still suffered in smooth regions or

regions of texture. At each scale the results of the two transforms are averaged; thus,

if the wedgelet transform performs poorly, so will the overall transform.

Our critically sampled wedgelet/wavelet transform (also described in Section

4.3.2) has the potential to solve this problem, since it chooses either wedgelets or

smooth wavelets at each pixel. Our current decisions are based on the size of the

wedgelet coefficient, or the statistics of those coefficients (as described in Section

4.3.4). The decision for each pixel is made independent of the other pixels. However,

better decisions could be made by analyzing the statistics of the wavelet coefficients,

both across scale and within scale as done in [36].

Page 86: tardir/tiffs/a372394 - DTIC · images. However, in many applications we desire to introduce adaptivity and non- linearities into the transforms. These are powerful extensions, but


Finally, these statistics (and the statistics of the wedgelet coefficients) could be

used to improve the processing of the transform coefficients. As described in Section

4.3.4, this information could also be used to determine image texture or perform

image segmentation.

Page 87: tardir/tiffs/a372394 - DTIC · images. However, in many applications we desire to introduce adaptivity and non- linearities into the transforms. These are powerful extensions, but



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