tapping and gathering

INTRODUCTION TO TAPPING ________________________________________________ www.sanderoberts.com

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EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique) provides ways to balance our body’s energy

system by using our fingers to tap on specific acupuncture and acupressure

points. Studies have shown EFT to be effective in reducing physical and

emotional symptoms related to stress, illness, anxiety and trauma.

Our body runs on enough electrical energy to power a small town! If you placed

an ohm-meter (a device which measures flow and resistance of electricity) on

your body when you were happy, you would see the energy flow smoothly.

However, if you were experiencing emotional stress, or in many cases physical pain, the meter would show a definite reduction in flow of energy or ‘resistance.’ You could remove resistance by changing your emotional state, or you could

change your emotional state by increasing the flow of energy by using EFT. Both

are effective.



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Celebrate, Encourage, Support, TapA Tapping Gathering is a gathering of people who have a heartfelt interest in

sharing positive feelings with someone in need of support, encouragement, and

celebration. The process focuses on one individual per gathering and is facilitated on MaestroConference phone lines to allow for global participation via

phone or Skype.

The following is an example of how the three parts can be interwoven to help

someone celebrate accomplishments, or feel supported through a challenging

time. Tapping while addressing emotional and physical situations can bring

comfort and relief to the recipient and the participants.

~ CELEBRATIONA lot of joy in having accomplishments is having others to share it with. This is also true for special occasions. And sometimes people get so busy juggling every

day life that they forget to stop and celebrate a variety of accomplishments along

the way


Everyone benefits from encouragement as they get unstuck and into productive

forward motion


For when a person is experiencing some form of emotional upset or physical discomfort in their life



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1. Joy, Peace, Love, Gratitude, Passion, Harmony, Dynamic

2. Confident, Acceptance, Compassion, Empathy, Calm, Serenity

3. Wise, Meaningful, Adventurous, Enthusiasm, Spontaneous

4. Happiness, Awareness, Centered

5. Inspiring, Positive Expectation, Belief

6. Optimism, Motivation, Acceptance, Forgiveness

7. Hopeful, Contentment,

8. Courage, Understanding, Willingness

9. Neutral, Boredom, Release, Enabling

10. Pessimism, Frustration, Irritation, Impatience

11. Overwhelm, Apathy

12. Disappointment, Doubt, Indecisive, Discouraged, Negative

13. Worry, Depressed

14. Demanding, Blame, Discouraging, Resistant, Hesitant, Resentful

15. Opinionated, Pride, Vain, Gloating, Conceited. Selfish, Boastful

16. Anger, Aggressive, Belligerent, Anxious, Uneasy, Distrustful

17. Hateful, Vindictive, Rage, Antagonistic, Destructive, Hostile, Irrational

18. Jealousy, Craving, Greedy, Obsessive, Ruthless, Despising

19. Insecurity, Guilt, Unworthiness, Regret, Miserable, Melancholy

20. Fear, Grief, Depression, Despair, Powerless, Abandoned, Anguished, Distraught, Inconsolable, Vulnerable, Hopeless

The list of emotions are positively influenced by the books: “Ask And It Is Given” by Jerry and Esther Hicks, and “Power vs. Force” by David R. Hawkins.



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The Principles are the foundation of Marney Makridakis’ Atellaland programs, including ARTbundance™. They are foundational building blocks that help us align with prosperity to infuse energy into your process.

How the Principles are used with the Emotions chart:

INTUITION : We begin with Intuition. In ARTbundance™, Intuition is a dialogue

with ourselves, a gateway to our subconscious mind, which so often knows much

more than our conscious mind. Our Intuition tells us where we are emotionally, and gives us the starting point on the Emotions chart.

CHOICE : We make Choices about how we are going to react to various situations. In ARTbundance™, Choice is the point of power when options are clear and

decisions are made.

ACTION : We need to take Action to move forward, out of upsets and past limiting beliefs. In ARTbundance™, Action is the legs for all the other Principles, allowing changes to take place.

BALANCE : Balance is like being on the teeter-totter balancing point. If we’re out of balance someone can jump off and let the other side crash to the ground, or someone else can jump on and catapult the other off. In ARTbundance™, Balance

consists of maintaining our equilibrium of both our inner life and the ways our time and energy is spent in our outer life.

ATTRACTION : Looking at what we want to attract in our life. This is like pulling

into the filling station of positive beliefs. In ARTbundance™. Attraction in motion

is using your thoughts, feelings, words, and actions to bring what you want into

your life.

VISION : We can see future and possibility. In ARTbundance™, Vision is knowing

what we want, so that we may bring more of that into our lives.

CONNECTION : We’re looking at our internal and external connections, and how

we’re feeling. In ARTbundance™, Connection is the exchange of energy with

others, giving and receiving energy and support.



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GRATITUDE : It’s easier to see the factors that are contributing to our wellbeing.

In ARTbundance™, Gratitude is the core energy for joy.

SERVICE : Coming from the core internal part of us that is genuinely connected to

sharing. In ARTbundance™, Service is the greatest use of our energy through

sharing what we have with others.

For more information about ARTbundance™ and other programs by Marney

Makridakis, please visit www.artellaland.com



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The Setup Statement helps define the container of upsetting emotions or limiting

beliefs you would like to release. Once you identify what the specific upsets or problems you would like to let go of may be, the next step is to identify the

intensity on a 0 to 10 scale.

Next we want to turn the upsetting emotions or limiting beliefs into a setup

statement that captures our true feelings.

Tap on the karate chop area of the hand while repeating the setup statement three times.


* Even though I am feeling disappointed (name problem as specifically as possible), I still completely accept myself. * Even though I am disappointed I chose A rather than B, I trust myself to make

the right decisions. * Even though I really feel discouraged about my decision, I choose to look at this

a different way.

Saying the feelings out loud (or even to yourself) will help you identify them. It’s ok if the process feels a little cumbersome at the beginning

Then follow the sequence and tap on the other body points. It’s suggested to tap

approximately six to ten times on each area. Talk about the upset or limiting

belief while you’re tapping on the sequence of body points. Explore your true

feelings. Once you identify the negative emotion, it’s easier to see how it’s not working for you. A sequence is when you tap on each area and return to the

starting point.

Take a deep breath from time to time to help release the negative energy stored

in your body. After one or two sequences, take note of where you are on the 0 to

10 scale and see how much the negative energy is diminishing.

Continue tapping sequences until you feel comfortable that the negative energy

container is empty.



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Sometimes people experience tingling at some of the tapping sites during this release process.

The next step is to fill the container with new positive beliefs, using the tapping

sequence and positive statements. “I am enjoying feeling optimistic,” etc.

Take some deep breaths, breathing in the positive energy.


Gifts of Gathering : www.SandeRoberts.com

Emotional Freedom Technique was developed by Gary Craig. Visit the EFT

website and the websites of Master Practitioners, Carol Look and Pat Carrington.

EFT Emotional Freedom Technique : http://newsletter.eftuniverse.com

Carol Look : www.attractingabundance.com

Patricia Carrington : http://patstreasureisland.com

A baseball player using EFT in the dugout during the College World Series. Go to

YouTube and enter “Jorge Reyes EFT Tapping” to find the video. There are several segments including national sports coverage and interviews with Jorge :


Contact Sande [email protected] ♡ 001-480-748-5527

