tapon conector

M AIN OFFICES 13 111 Northwes t Fr eeway Suite 200 Houston,Texas 7704 0 Ph 713 510 2200 Fx 713 6 88 9166 email [email protected] SALES OFFICE Blackness Road Altens Industrial Estate Aberdeen AB12 3LH Scotland Ph (44) 1224 896190 Fx (44) 1224 896199 SALES OFFICE No. 9 Pandan Cres cent Sing apore 1284 65 Ph (65) 6773 7555 Fx (65) 6773 7667 SALES OFFICE 36, Bd des Oceans 132 75 Marseil le Cedex 9 France Ph (33) 491 29 18 33 Fx (33 ) 491 29 18 43 www.oilstateshydrotech.com ©2002 Oil States Industries Incorporated API 6H-00 01 Oil States HydroTech since 1966  S ub s ea Pipe l ine T e c hno l o g y HydroTech Pipeline End Connectors (PECs) are installed over the e nd of ba re pipe to provi de a s tr uctur a l co nne ction point . The connectors can be installed on a cut pipe end that has had conc rete we i ght coa ti ng and any other coa ti ng, s uch as somasti c a nd c oal t a r e name l, remove d. Whe n a ctuated, PE Cs s t ructur a l - l y a ttac h to and s e al ag ainst t he pipe. PECs are use d to perma- nentl y c onnec t hi gh-pr e s s ur e pi pe l i nes , owli nes , a nd ri s e rs for both underwater repair and new construction projects. Diver-Installed and Diverless Versions Hydr oT ech Pipeli ne E nd Conne ctor s are a va i l a ble i n t wo ve r- si ons : the dive r- ins tall e d Ma rk V HydroCouple a nd t he R OV- ins tall e d Gri p & S ea l Hydrauli c Co upli ng (GS HC) . Bo th ve rsions a tt a ch to the pipeli ne, owl i ne , or r ise r using we dge -shaped sl i p s e gme nt s, or coll e t gr ips, pos i ti oned r adiall y i nside t he body. The c oll e t gr i ps a re c ont a i ned be t we e n t he pi pe OD and an out e r wedge -s hape d bowl , ca using them to be s elf- e nergizing; the hi ghe r the tens ion or compression for ce, the ti ghte r t he y g ri p the pipeli ne . F or mos t applica ti ons, P E Cs uti - li ze dua l- a cti ng c oll et gri ps to support both t e ns ion loads (t hrust effec ts of i nternal pr e s sure a nd exte rna ll y app li e d t e n- sion loads) and compression loads resulting from pipeline ther- mal expansion or other causes. After a Mark V HydroCouple has been stabbed onto the pi pe li ne e nd, the di ve r actuate s both t he coll e t gr ips and the elastomer packer seals by tightening the packing ange and then tes t s the s e al. Wi th a GS HC, a n ROV a ctuates the coll e t gr i ps and seals and tests the seal via an ROV panel. Both ve r s i ons us e a se ali ng s ys te m consisti ng of two s t ac ks of  e las tome r pac ke rs. Whe n axia ll y compr e s s e d, the e las tome r packers ow radially inward against the pipe OD and outwardly ag ainst t he c onne ctor body. The e l as tomer se als a re bac ked up by me t a l gua rd r i ngs tha t preve nt sea l e xt r us i on. A pr e s sure-t e s t feature is provided for verifying the seal after setting and instal- lati on. Thi s i s acc ompl is he d by pres s ur i ng the a nnul us s pac e between the two packing stacks. When pipeline operating temperature is unusually high com- pa red to t he wa ter t e mperatur e , i t may be nec es s ary t o pr ovi de the PEC with our temperature-compensated sealing system. This patented mechanism regulates the pressure uctuations in the packers to a range that will neither damage the pipe due to End Connectors for Repair, Construction Add a connection to bare pipe, without wel ding  Diver-installed Mark V HydroCouple Diverless Grip & Seal Hydraulic Coupling

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7/28/2019 Tapon Conector

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13 111 Nor thwest FreewaySui te 200Hous ton,Texas 7704 0Ph 7 1 3 51 0 22 0 0Fx 7 1 3 68 8 9 16 6email hydrotech@oils tates.com


Blackness RoadAltens Industr ial EstateAberdeen AB12 3LHScot landPh ( 44 ) 1 2 2 4 8 9 6 19 0Fx ( 44 ) 1 2 24 8 9 6 1 9 9


No. 9 Pandan CrescentS i n ga p o r e 1 2 8 4 6 5P h ( 6 5 ) 6 7 7 3 7 5 5 5Fx ( 6 5 ) 6 7 7 3 7 6 6 7


3 6 , B d d e s Oc e a n s132 75 Marsei lle Cedex 9FranceP h ( 3 3 ) 4 9 1 2 9 1 8 3 3F x ( 3 3 ) 4 9 1 2 9 1 8 4 3

w w w . o i l s t a t e s h y d r o t e c h . c o m

©2002 Oil States Industries Incorporated

API 6H-00 01

Oil States HydroTech 

since 196 6 Subsea Pipeline Technology 

HydroTech Pipeline End Connectors (PECs) are installed overthe end of bare pipe to provide a structural connection point.The connectors can be installed on a cut pipe end that has hadconcrete weight coating and any other coati ng, such as somasticand coal tar enamel, removed. When actuated,PECs structural-ly attach to and seal against the pipe. PECs are used to perma-nently connect high-pressure pipelines, flowlines, and risers forboth underwater repair and new construction projects.

Diver-Installed and Diverless Versions

HydroTech Pipeline End Connectors are available in two ver-

sions: the diver-installed Mark V HydroCouple and the ROV-installed Grip & Seal Hydraulic Coupling (GSHC).

Both versions attach to the pipeline, flowline, or riser usingwedge-shaped slip segments, or collet grips, positioned radiallyinside the body. The collet grips are contained between the pipeOD and an outer wedge-shaped bowl, causing them to be self-energizing; the higher the tension or compression force, thetighter they gri p the pipeline. For most applications, PECs uti -li ze dual-acting collet grips to support both tension loads(thrust effects of internal pressure and externally applied ten-sion loads) and compression loads resulting from pipeline ther-mal expansion or other causes.

After a Mark V HydroCouple has been stabbed onto thepipeline end, the diver actuates both the collet grips and theelastomer packer seals by tightening the packing flange and thentests the seal. With a GSHC, an ROV actuates the collet gripsand seals and tests the seal via an ROV panel.

Both versions use a sealing system consisting of two stacks of elastomer packers. When axiall y compressed, the elastomerpackers flow radially inward against the pipe OD and outwardlyagainst the connector body. The elastomer seals are backed upby metal guard rings that prevent seal extrusion. A pressure-testfeature is provided for verifying the seal after setting and instal-lation. This is accomplished by pressuring the annulus spacebetween the two packing stacks.

When pipeline operating temperature is unusually high com-pared to the water temperature, it may be necessary to providethe PEC with our temperature-compensated sealing system.This patented mechanism regulates the pressure fluctuations inthe packers to a range that will neither damage the pipe due to

End Connect ors for Repair, Const ruct ionAdd a connect ion to bare pipe, wi thout welding 

Diver-installed Mark V HydroCouple

Diverless Grip & Seal Hydraulic Coupling

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©2002 Oil States Industries Incorporated

End C onnectors for R epair, C onstruction, P age 2

excessive pressure or result in a seal failure due to loss of sealingpressure. In most cases, however, the PEC and pipe are suffi -ciently elastic to self-compensate for seal expansion and contrac-

tion due to temperature fluctuations.

Pipeline End Connectors are available in sizes and pressure rat-ings ranging from 3 inch/API 10,000 psi to 48-inch/ANSI 600Class. Almost any variation of pressure rating as well ashydrauli c or mechanical actuati on is available, and the connec-tors are available in configurations with other connectors andfittings. Mark V HydroCouples are available from stock for pipesizes from 4 to 24 inches with ANSI 900 rating,both wi th andwithout telescopic adjustment.

Design Specifications

HydroTech Pipeline End Connectors meet the requirements of API 6H and are designed in accordance with ASME Pressure 

Vessel Code, Secti on VIII , Di vision 2 , unless otherwise specified.Anodes for cathodic protection are designed for a 20-year servicelife in accordance withDNV Rules for Submarine Pipeli ne 

Systems . HydroTech End Connectorscan also be supplied tomeet the requirements of other recognized design codes.

Ordering Informat ion

Please provide the following information on any purchase orderor request for quotation:

• Nominal pipe size• Pipe wall thickness or bore• Pipe grade• Design rating• Pipeline product• With or without telescoping adjustment

Spoolpiece Repair using Mark V HydroCouple End Connectors

The extent of damage is verified. Divers jet a t rench under the sect ion to bereplaced.

The damaged section is removed.

The first Mark V HydroCouple is instal led, thegrips and seals are actuated.

The second Mark V HydroCouple is instal led. The repair spoolpiece, incorporatingHydroTech Misaligning Flanges, is instal led,and the repair is complete.