tank gauging system special safety instruction …...• hazardous areas are classified according to...

Special Safety Instruction 308030EN, Edition 2 April 2013 www.rosemount-tg.com Tank Gauging System Special Safety Instruction ATEX version

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Page 1: Tank Gauging System Special Safety Instruction …...• Hazardous areas are classified according to the probability that an explosive atmosphere is present, and this dictates whether

Special Safety Instruction308030EN, Edition 2April 2013

Tank Gauging SystemSpecial Safety Instruction

ATEX version

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Page 2: Tank Gauging System Special Safety Instruction …...• Hazardous areas are classified according to the probability that an explosive atmosphere is present, and this dictates whether
Page 3: Tank Gauging System Special Safety Instruction …...• Hazardous areas are classified according to the probability that an explosive atmosphere is present, and this dictates whether

Rosemount TankRadar REXTable of Contents

Special Safety Instruction308030EN, Edition 2April 2013


SPECIAL SAFETY INSTRUCTION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . TOC-II

1. GENERAL REQUIREMENTS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-1

1.1 SAFETY INSTRUCTIONS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1-11.2 FLAMEPROOF/EXPLOSIONPROOF ENCLOSURES . . . . . . . . . . . . .1-21.3 NON-RECOGNIZED SPARE PARTS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1-2

2. EXPLOSION PROTECTION TECHNIQUES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-1

2.1 INTRINSIC SAFETY . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2-12.2 FLAMEPROOF/EXPLOSION PROOF . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2-22.3 INCREASED SAFETY . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2-22.4 EUROPEAN ATEX DIRECTIVE INFORMATION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2-3

2.4.1 Radar Unit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2-32.4.2 Radar Tank Gauge . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2-42.4.3 Transmitter Interface Card (TIC) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2-52.4.4 Temperature Multiplexer Card (TMC) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2-62.4.5 FF Adaptor Card (FFA) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2-72.4.6 Data Acquisition Unit (DAU) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2-82.4.7 Remote Display Unit 40 (RDU 40) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2-9

3. SAFE CONNECTION OF TANKRADAR REX . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-1

3.1 CABLING . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3-13.2 INTEGRATED JUNCTION BOX, JBI . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3-13.3 CUSTOMER SUPPLIED JUNCTION BOX . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3-13.4 GROUNDING . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3-2


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Rosemount TankRadar REXTable of Contents

Special Safety Instruction308030EN, Edition 2

April 2013


This document lists specific requirements which have to be fulfilled to secure a safe installation and use of Rosemount TankRadar REX in hazardous area.

Omission may jeopardize safety, and Rosemount Tank Radar AB will not take any responsibility if requirements as listed below are not fulfilled.


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Rosemount Tank Radar REXChapter 1 General Requirements

Special Safety Instruction308030EN, Edition 2April 2013

1. General Requirements

1.1 Safety Instructions

• The REX 3900 gauge must be installed by suitably trained person-nel according to the accompanied instructions and in accordance with the applicable code of practice.

• An “X” suffix on the approval number (e.g. Baseefa 03ATEX0071X) indicates that special conditions for safe use apply.

• Make sure that the connected power supply is in accordance with the marking on the REX 3900 gauge.

• Select external fuse rating with respect to area temperature classi-fication (T1-T6) and maximum expected ambient temperature to prevent overheating of the W11 wiring (0.5 mm2), see Figure 3-1. Example: maximum allowed (fault) current in a T4 installation with 70°C ambient is 7.5 A according to the lead seal compartment cer-tificate PTB 97 ATEX 1047 U.


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Rosemount Tank Radar REXChapter 1 General Requirements

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April 2013

1.2 Flameproof/Explosionproof Enclosures

Flameproof/Explosionproof enclosures of Radar Tank Gauges (RTG) may not be opened while energized.

Rosemount Tank Radar AB will not take any responsibility for local regulations defining conditions when flame proof enclosures are allowed to be opened while energized.

Figure 1-1. Radar Tank Gauge with flameproof enclosure.

1.3 Non-Recognized Spare Parts

Any substitution of non-recognized spare parts may jeopardize safety.

Rosemount Tank Radar AB will not take any responsibility for faults, accidents, etc. caused by non-recognized spare parts.

Recognized spare parts shall have or be packed with label with Rosemount Tank Radar AB name and identification number.







Flameproof enclosure


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Rosemount Tank Radar REXChapter 2 Explosion Protection Techniques

Special Safety Instruction308030EN, Edition 2April 2013

2. Explosion Protection Techniques

TankRadar REX equipment is often used in areas where flammable materials are handled and where an explosive gas atmosphere may be present, so called hazardous areas. To protect the environment and the personnel, precautions must be taken to ensure that this atmosphere cannot be ignited. Consequently, equipment within hazardous areas must be explosion protected.

A number of different explosion protection techniques have been developed over the years. Intrinsic Safety, Flameproof/Explosionproof enclosures and Increased Safety are different techniques.

The basic principles of explosion protection are:

• Flammable materials are grouped according to the energy needed to ignite them.

• Equipment located in hazardous areas are classified according to the maximum surface temperature that it can produce and this must be safe with the flammable gases that may be present.

• Hazardous areas are classified according to the probability that an explosive atmosphere is present, and this dictates whether or not a particular explosion protection technique may be used.

2.1 Intrinsic Safety

Intrinsic safety, IS, is based on the principle of restricting electrical energy available in hazardous-area circuits such that any sparks or hot surfaces, that may occur as a result of electrical faults in components, are unable to cause ignition. Intrinsic safety is the only technique accepted for Zone 0 hazardous areas. For example, temperature measurement with the DAU is intrinsically safe.

Note! Special care and skills is necessary for troubleshooting in Intrinsically Safe circuits.Instruments for troubleshooting in Intrinsically Safe circuits must be approved for the intended use.


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Rosemount Tank Radar REXChapter 2 Explosion Protection Techniques

Special Safety Instruction308030EN, Edition 2

April 2013

2.2 Flameproof/Explosion Proof

Flameproof/Explosion proof enclosures can be used when an explosion is allowed inside the enclosure as long as it does not spread to the outside. The enclosure must be strong enough to withstand the pressure and must have narrow gaps to allow the pressure to escape without igniting the atmosphere outside the equipment.

Note! The flameproof/explosionproof enclosure must not be opened while the unit is powered or when an explosive gas atmosphere is present.Damaged enclosures must be taken out of service.All cover fastening screws must be present and firmly tightened.

2.3 Increased Safety

This type of protection is intended for products in which arcs and sparks do not occur in normal service nor under fault conditions, and in which excessive surface temperatures are prevented. Increased Safety is achieved by enhancing insulation values and creepage and clearance distances above those required for normal service, thus providing a safety factor against accidental breakdown. Electrical connections are carried out in such a way that self-loosening is not possible.


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Rosemount Tank Radar REXChapter 2 Explosion Protection Techniques

Special Safety Instruction308030EN, Edition 2April 2013

2.4 European ATEX Directive Information

2.4.1 Radar Unit

The REX Radar Unit has been certified to comply with Directive 94/9/EC of the European Parliament and the Council as published in the Official Journal of the European Communities No. L 100/1.

Figure 2-1. Certification label ATEX for the 2015 Radar Unit (used in 3900 series radar tank gauges).

The following information is provided as part of the label of the radar unit:

• Name and address of the manufacturer (Rosemount Tank Radar AB).

• CE Conformity Marking

• Complete model number

• The serial number of the device

• Year of construction

• Marking for explosion protection:

• Ex d IIB Gb T6 (-40 °C Ta +70 °C)

• Baseefa(2001) ATEX certificate number: Baseefa03ATEX0071X

Special Conditions for Safe Use (X):

• The Type TH2015-2019 Radar Units are not to be mounted directly on to a tank.

• For replacement purposes the cover fastening screws are to be of minimum grade A4-80 stainless steel.

• The permanently attached cables are to be suitably terminated and protected against impact.


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Rosemount Tank Radar REXChapter 2 Explosion Protection Techniques

Special Safety Instruction308030EN, Edition 2

April 2013

2.4.2 Radar Tank Gauge

The 3900 Radar Tank Gauge (type TH2015-2019 Radar Unit with antenna certified for Zone 0) has been certified to comply with Directive 94/9/EC of the European Parliament and the Council as published in the Official Journal of the European Communities No. L 100/1.

The 3900 series of Radar Tank Gauges is intended to be mounted directly on tank.

Figure 2-2. Certification label ATEX for the 3900 Series Radar Tank Gauge.

The following information is provided as part of the label of the radar tank gauge:

• Name and address of the manufacturer (Rosemount Tank Radar AB).

• CE Conformity Marking

• Complete model number

• The serial number of the device

• Year of construction

• Marking for explosion protection:

• Ex d IIB Ga/Gb T6 (-40 °C Ta +70 °C)

• Baseefa(2001) ATEX certificate number: Baseefa03ATEX0071X

Special Conditions for Safe Use (X):

• For replacement purposes the cover fastening screws are to be of minimum grade A4-80 stainless steel.

• The permanently attached cables are to be suitably terminated and protected against impact.


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Rosemount Tank Radar REXChapter 2 Explosion Protection Techniques

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2.4.3 Transmitter Interface Card (TIC)

Figure 2-3. Certification label for the Transmitter Interface Card (TIC).

The Transmitter Interface Card (TIC) is mounted within the flameproof enclosure. It is required for intrinsically safe inputs such as 4-20 mA current loops and local display unit.

The following information is provided as part of the label of the TIC:

• Name and address of the manufacturer (Rosemount Tank Radar AB)

• CE Conformity Marking:

• Year of construction

• Marking for explosion protection:

• [Ex ia] IIC (Ga) (-40 °C Ta +85 °C)

• Baseefa(2001) ATEX EC-Type Examination Certificate number: Baseefa03ATEX0050U

Schedule of Limitations

• The Transmitter Interface Card must be housed within an enclo-sure which provides a degree of protection of at least IP20.

• The 0V connections must be interconnected and connected to an I.S. earth point in accordance with EN60079-14 12.2.4., when the component is installed within an assembly.

• The arrangements for the connections to non-hazardous area and hazardous area external circuits must comply with the require-ments of Clause 6.3 of EN 50020:2002.

Note! For electrical (I.S.) parameters refer to the appended EC-Type Examination Certificate Baseefa03ATEX0050U.


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Rosemount Tank Radar REXChapter 2 Explosion Protection Techniques

Special Safety Instruction308030EN, Edition 2

April 2013

2.4.4 Temperature Multiplexer Card (TMC)

Figure 2-4. Certification label for the Temperature Multiplexer Card (TMC).

The Temperature Multiplexer Card (TMC) is mounted within the flameproof enclosure. It is used for connecting up to 6 temperature sensors to the REX 3900 gauge.

The following information is provided as part of the label of the TMC:

• Name and address of the manufacturer (Rosemount Tank Radar AB)

• CE Conformity Marking:

• Year of construction

• Marking for explosion protection:

• [Ex ia] IIC (Ga) (-40 °C Ta +85 °C)

• Baseefa(2001) ATEX EC-Type Examination number: Baseefa03ATEX0050U

Schedule of Limitations• The Temperature Multiplexer Card must be housed within an

enclosure which provides a degree of protection of at least IP20.

• The 0V connections must be interconnected and connected to an I.S. earth point in accordance with EN60079-14 12.2.4., when the component is installed within an assembly.

• The arrangements for the connections to non-hazardous area and hazardous area external circuits must comply with the require-ments of Clause 6.3 of EN 50020:2002.

Note! For electrical (I.S.) parameters refer to the appended EC-Type Examination Certificate Baseefa03ATEX0050U.


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Rosemount Tank Radar REXChapter 2 Explosion Protection Techniques

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2.4.5 FF Adaptor Card (FFA)

Figure 2-5. Certification label for the FF Adaptor Card (FFA).

The FF Adaptor card (FFA) is mounted within the flameproof enclosure. It is, in conjunction with a Fieldbus Communication Board (BAS01ATEX1385U), used to interface to an intrinsically safe Fieldbus.

The following information is provided as part of the label of the FFA:

• Name and address of the manufacturer (Rosemount Tank Radar AB)

• CE Conformity Marking:

• Year of construction

• Marking for explosion protection:

• [Ex ia] IIC (Ga) (-40 °C Ta +85 °C)

• Baseefa(2001) ATEX EC-Type Examination Certificate number: Baseefa04ATEX0119U

Schedule of Limitations• The FF Adaptor Card must be housed within an enclosure which

provides a degree of protection of at least IP20. If the FF Adaptor Card is mounted within a hazardous area it must be installed within an appropriately certified flameproof enclosure.

• The arrangements for the connections to non-hazardous area and hazardous area external circuits must comply with the require-ments of Clause 6.3 of EN 50020:2002.

• The FF Adaptor Card is considered to be suitable for use within EEx d apparatus with an Ambient Temperature range of (-40 °C Ta +85 °C).

Note! For electrical (I.S.) parameters refer to the appended EC-Type Examination Certificate Baseefa04ATEX0119U.


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Rosemount Tank Radar REXChapter 2 Explosion Protection Techniques

Special Safety Instruction308030EN, Edition 2

April 2013

2.4.6 Data Acquisition Unit (DAU)

Figure 2-6. Certification label ATEX for the Data Acquisition Unit.

The following information is provided as part of the label of the Data Acquisition Unit (DAU):

• Name and address of the manufacturer (Rosemount Tank Radar AB)

• CE Conformity Marking

• Complete model number

• The serial number of the device

• Year of construction

• Marking for explosion protection:

• Ex ia IIB T4 Ga (-40 °C Ta +65 °C)

• Baseefa(2001) ATEX EC-Type Examination Certificate number: Baseefa03ATEX0044

X20 Pin 6 w.r.t Pin 7 X20 Pin 5 w.r.t Pin 7 X21 (For connection of up to 14 RTDs)

Ui=14 VIi=334 mAPi=1.17 WLi=Ci=0

Ui=6 VIi=60 mAPi=0.08 WLi=Ci=0

U0=6 VI0=394 mAP0=1.25 WUi=1.2 VIi=10 mAPi=0.02 WLi=0Ci=13.5 F


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Rosemount Tank Radar REXChapter 2 Explosion Protection Techniques

Special Safety Instruction308030EN, Edition 2April 2013

2.4.7 Remote Display Unit 40 (RDU 40)

Figure 2-7. Approval label for the Remote Display Unit RDU40.

The following information is provided as part of the label of the Remote Display Unit 40 (RDU 40):

• Name and address of the manufacturer (Rosemount Tank Radar AB).

• CE Conformity Marking:

• Year of construction

• Marking for explosion protection:

• Ex ib IIC T4 Gb (-40 °C Ta +70 °C)

• Sira ATEX certificate number: Sira 00 ATEX 2062

The following instructions apply to equipment covered by certificate number Sira 00ATEX2062:

1 The equipment may be used with flammable gases and vapours with apparatus groups IIC, IIB and IIA and with temperature classes T1, T2, T3 and T4.

2 The equipment is only certified for use in ambient temperatures in the range -40 °C to +70 °C and should not be used outside this range.

3 Installation shall be carried out in accordance with the applicable code of practice.

4 Repair of this equipment shall be carried out in accordance with the applicable code of practice.

5 Certification marking as detailed in drawing number 9150 074-980.


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Rosemount Tank Radar REXChapter 2 Explosion Protection Techniques

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April 2013


Page 17: Tank Gauging System Special Safety Instruction …...• Hazardous areas are classified according to the probability that an explosive atmosphere is present, and this dictates whether

Rosemount Tank Radar REXChapter 3 Safe Connection of TankRadar REX

Special Safety Instruction308030EN, Edition 2April 2013

3. Safe Connection of TankRadar REX

3.1 Cabling

The permanently attached cables are to be suitably terminated and protected against impact. On the REX gauge this must be applied for cable outputs W11 and W12.

Figure 3-1. Enclosure with output W11 and W12.

3.2 Integrated Junction Box, JBi

Note! The cover of the Integrated Junction Box may not be opened while energized.

The intrinsically safe wiring to the internal TIC/TMC Board at output W12, must be adequately segregated from the nonintrinsically safe wiring to output W11.

3.3 Customer Supplied Junction Box

Customer supplied junction box, used for connection of output W11 to customers field cabling, must be certified for use in hazardous area. Leads from Radar Tank Gauge to junction box must be protected according to national code of practice.

The intrinsically safe wiring to the internal TIC/TMC Board at output W12, must be adequately segregated from the nonintrinsically safe wiring to output W11.

Non-intrinsically SafeIntrinsically SafeW11W12





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April 2013

3.4 Grounding

The housing must be grounded according to national code of practice. Normally this means that the grounding lug on the flameproof enclosure is connected to a potential equalizing network, normally the tank shell.

Figure 3-2. Grounding lug.

If the enclosure is connected to a tank structure without a potential equalizing network, the protective ground with the power supply must not be connected.







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Special Safety Instruction308030EN, Edition 2April 2013

Copyright © Rosemount Tank Radar AB. Ref. no: 308030EN, Edition 2. April 2013.

Rosemount Tank GaugingBox 130 45SE-402 51 GöteborgSWEDENTel (International): +46 31 337 00 00Fax (International): +46 31 25 30 22E-mail: [email protected]

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Rosemount Tank Gauging local representative: