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August 2011

Tank gauging and monitoringSpill preventionTSA Conference and Exhibition 2011

August 2011

The monthly magazine for the fuel distribution, storage and marketing industry in the UK and Ireland.

Simon Storage Immingham East terminal offers 103 tanks

with a total capacity of 292,000 cubic metres for liquid and

gas storage. The company’s investment in new fuel storage and rail loading facilities has

assisted Mabanaft in creating a new rail-fed fuel supply line from

this terminal to HCB Storage’s Cardiff terminal


Distributors’ Diary 18-19

What’s Happening 27Legal 33Portland Prices Round-up 34

regularsIndustry News 4-5Logistics 6Irish News 7Distributor News 12-13


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23-26TSA Conference & Exhibition

14-17, 20-22Spill prevention

10-11The Fuel Distribution Forum

28-32Tanks - a matter of gauging and monitoring

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Published by Ashley & Dumville Publishing Ltd, Caledonian House, Tatton Street, Knutsford, Cheshire WA16 6AG

August 2011 Volume 34 No 8ISSN 1757-1057

8-9The wholesale marketMabanaft

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Fighting oil’s battlesIn the same week that OFTEC announced it would soon be publishing a new B30K specification for kerosene, the government endorsed the installation of biomass boilers, air and ground source heat pumps and solar thermal panels for those off-grid.

Backed by a £15 million fund, the Renewable Heat Premium Payment scheme opened this month. Among the offers - a £300 grant for solar thermal or £950 towards a biomass boiler – how many off-grid householders will be tempted before the scheme closes next March?

Aimed at those ‘reliant on expensive oil and electric

heating’, the fund is a blow to OFTEC which still awaits possible Renewable Heat Incentive inclusion for its already trialled B30 kerosene with 28% less emissions. Through political and press campaigns, OFTEC is soldiering on.

Chris Huhne’s mind was clearly looking further afield than a wider national acceptance of renewables when speaking about ‘green growth’ in the last of three speeches on climate change. “It is increasingly clear that only a binding global deal can deliver the carbon emissions cuts we need.”

Aiming to chop the carbon intensity of its emissions by 45% is China. Lux Research reports that China is leading the world in emerging technologies with venture capital investments

‘roaring back’ throughout the country’s 31 regions.

Backing the premise that necessity is the mother of invention was former head of BP’s Alternative Energy division, Vivienne Cox, now chairman of Climate Change Capital. Addressing an audience at Manchester Business School, Vivienne said the biggest incentive for the inclusion of renewables in the future energy mix would be security of supply issues rather than altruism.

Necessity may also be driving the departure from the traditional vertically integrated oil major model. Reinforced by ConocoPhillips’ recent decision to split its refining/marketing and exploration/production businesses, with the exception of ExxonMobil, the model is in decline.

4 | www.fueloilnews.co.ukAug

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At the end of June, Susan Hancock retired as chief executive of the Federation of Petroleum Suppliers (FPS)Prior to joining the FPS, Susan worked in civil engineering and quarrying. She also spent six years in the Middle East with a construction company and enjoyed a period at the British Standards Institute before moving to run the Textile Institute.

Legislation Fuel Oil News spoke to Susan about the highlights and challenges of her 14-year tenure as FPS chief executive: “The industry has seen a lot of legislation over those years with most of the recent legislative changes coming from Europe. There’s certainly more European-led legislation to come and it will continue to impact on our sector. Networking in Europe is vital to ensure that the industry is listened to. To this end, the FPS is part of the European Conference for Fuel Distributors that liaises with the European Commission and MEPs”. www.ecfd.eu

Dealings with government“In the early days, the UK government ignored our part of the industry – in fact

they didn’t even know we existed! Over 14 years relationships have been built with the Treasury, HMRC, HSE, Defra and the Department for Transport. The introduction of RDCO was one of our biggest challenges; at first HMRC didn’t even want to consult the industry!

“I welcome the OFT study; the FPS believes it will rid consumers of a lot of misconceptions about the industry. Fuel distribution is a competitive market and, on the whole, the customer gets a good deal. I think this will be the conclusion of the study.”

More challenges for distributors“Distributors face many future challenges - the green energy taxes could damage the industry and security of supply is without doubt an issue, particularly with

respect to heating oil. Fortunately, with many renewable technologies still unproven, renewables should be seen as complementary to oil rather than as replacements.”

Highlights – ‘a smashing bunch’, amendment success and the Norbreck Castle

Asked about the highlights of her distinguished career, Susan said: “I’ve thoroughly enjoyed working with the fuel distribution industry and its people who are a smashing bunch. The industry is both small and friendly enough to have enabled me to get to know almost all our members.

“A notable personal success was when we campaigned against the inclusion of a fossil fuel levy in the Renewable Heat Incentive and won. I was also very pleased to get an amendment to a European directive accepted by the European Parliament.

“I have very fond memories of the early FPS exhibitions at the Norbreck Castle in Blackpool. I’m really pleased that the FPS Expo event continues to grow and I wish the team all the best for future events.” Asked if she would be visiting next year’s event, Susan said: “No - when you’ve left, you’ve left – but I shall miss Betty’s.”

FON asked what advice Susan would give to Mark. “Enjoy it, stick at it and you will find it very rewarding.”

Industry News – past, present and future at the Federation of Petroleum Suppliers

Asking the right questions

Mark Askew, who took over as FPS chief executive on 1st July, initially qualified as a metallurgist before spending

10 years with the aluminium industry’s trade association, the Aluminum Federation. Moving to the nuclear sector, he was instrumental in forming the Nuclear Institute, a charity, learned society and professional institute, which provides education and training. Prior to taking up his present role, Mark was the Institute’s executive secretary.

Experienced in disseminating knowledge and training to both trade and professional bodies as well as consulting with government, FON asked Mark how his skills will be applied to further assist the fuel distribution industry: “Whilst the industry’s structure is very similar to others in which I’ve been involved, I am an outsider who can look objectively at the industry and

ask the questions that others may not ask. In common with other industries, in which I’ve worked, legislation dominates and the public’s perception of the industry is not always favourable.”

Raising the public’s perception of fuel distribution“Last December, distributors delivered almost 40% more fuel in just one month. In adverse weather conditions, this was a superhuman feat; so when the media reported ‘profiteering’, it made me very cross,” said Susan Hancock.

“People just don’t appreciate what a public service this industry performs.” Mark added: “I will build upon the previous work of Susan and the FPS team to do everything possible to raise the industry’s

image.” Speaking about his work

in the nuclear industry, Mark said: “Like oil, nuclear energy provokes strong feelings. Although the tsunami’s impact on Japan’s Fukushima plant has dented confidence, the public is generally more accepting of the need for nuclear to be in our future energy mix. As with the UK’s oil refineries and terminals, nuclear has seen no real investment in the UK since Sizewell B was built.”

FON asked Mark where he sees fuel distribution in 10 years time. “With renewables unlikely to become a panacea, oil’s presence will remain strong into the future. Following a period of consolidation, I believe the industry could even begin to see deconsolidation as industries tend to follow historic cycles”.

Challenges and highlights

August 2011

Industry News – past, present and future at the Federation of Petroleum Suppliers

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New appointmentsCameron Forecourt has appointed David Willis, founder and CEO of Micrelec Group, as company chairman. Managing director, Barry Jenner, said: “My late father, Tony, worked with David for over 40 years, so we’re delighted that he has agreed to join our board. He brings useful experience and will add materially to our strategic thinking.”

Neil Robertson has been appointed as sales and marketing director for Prax Petroleum. A qualified mechanical engineer whose career has been entirely focused on the oil industry, Neil said: “I’m delighted to help Prax continue to develop and grow its already healthy market share.”

The WP Group has a new marketing manager. “Lisette Norman arrives with an impressive track record, with demonstrable success in developing companies at a strategic level,” said David Fairchild.

David with financial director, Keith Jenner and Barry

Neil Robertson

Lisette Norman

First class networking“The Fuel Distribution Forum was a really professional operation in an atmosphere and setting that were first class,” reports Donall O’Connor, managing director, ValueOils.com. “In terms of an opportunity to meet others in the industry, both formally and informally, the Fuel Distribution Forum cannot be beaten - it’s a truly different format with a very different atmosphere I personally had some very worthwhile and productive meetings. More distributors and suppliers should get behind this not to be missed industry event.”

Read more about this year’s Fuel Distribution Forum on pages 10 and 11.

6 | www.fueloilnews.co.ukAug

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Logistics – training and tankers

Bad press for Driver CPCWith Driver CPC hitting the headlines again, for all of the wrong reasons, FON takes a look at how companies in this industry are faring against national targets, and how favourably the training requirement is viewed

Fleet expansionReynolds Logistics’ UK based operations has taken delivery of six new Mercedes Benz Actros tractor units, expanding its fleet to 130. Supplied by Bell Truck Sales, the new vehicles will operate across the UK, Ireland and Europe via Reynolds’ hubs at Ellesmere Port, Doncaster, Birmingham and Dover. The tractors are ADR and Red pass compliant, enabling the vehicles to enter an Energy Institute affiliated site, and have the ability to deliver by hydraulic pump and air compression. Payload was important and the tractors have been specified with small axles and 17.5 inch wheels for the centre lift.

As a specialist carrier of lubricants, fuel, bitumen and chemicals, the vehicles have been fully specified to cover a range of applications and are equipped for long distance work both in the UK and Europe, with four tractors having mega space cabs and two with high roofs. The new vehicles will display the Reynolds white livery, with the Drive 2 Zero safety campaign logo visible on their sides. CEO, Andrew Reynolds explained: “We’ve selected the Mercedes Actros to expand our fleet as it combines good levels of driver comfort with economic performance.”

FTA appointment

There has been widespread concern that businesses are falling behind national targets and leaving training too late, resulting in drivers having to complete the bulk of their training in 2014. According to recently published Driving Standards Agency (DSA) statistics, in the first year, just 208,000 training courses were undertaken.

Leaving it late

Mark Haslam, who has 20 years experience in the petroleum sector observes: ”Some companies have decided that in the current economic climate they won’t train drivers and they can do this as the deadline for completion, for existing drivers, is September 2014. They still have time to complete the training but it isn’t ideal as training should be undertaken annually.” Brian Allerton, WCF’s DGSA - transport manager expresses a similar concern: “Driver CPC does encourage businesses to leave things late. Often firms are reluctant to spend money on training unless they have to and are worried about training people who may then move to another firm.” The company’s training is done at depot level and in most cases is tagged on to scheduled ADR training.”

On targetAccording to the WP Group’s operations director, Russell Fairchild, the company is on target, with most drivers having already completed 30-60% of their training: “We’ve taken a proactive approach to Driver CPC and in partnership with our chosen training supplier, PTF, we’ve created a training programme dedicated to the fuel and lubricant delivery driver. Looked at negatively the CPC is a drain on both financial

and productive resources but we believe that by providing our drivers with greater skills and knowledge, our industry, and logistics in general, will gain a safer more productive work force.”

At DHL it’s a similar story, as UK programme manager – Driver CPC, Pierre Decarteret, explains: “We took the Driver CPC EU directive and subsequent domestic legislation as an opportunity to review business needs and formalise an internal training process for our drivers. Due to the size of our driver population this process created a critical mass, which helped refine our vocational and operational training into a more collaborative and combined approach. Regardless of the 2014 deadline, we made a corporate decision to commit to train each driver for a 7 hour period every year, even beyond the deadline, on a rolling programme. We have a no slippage policy for Driver CPC training and as such have currently got nearly 10,000 drivers through two years’ worth of training.”

Suckling Transport is also on track for the deadline. Managing director, Peter Larner told FON: “We employ 150 drivers and have, at present, completed 1939 hours of CPC training, so I consider we’re on target. Our programme has been set for this year and by November every driver will have received two or three days qualification at least.”

Mark Haslam concludes: “Many companies in the petroleum sector welcome the Driver CPC as it formalises training that was already being undertaken. The sector has always been proactive in its approach to safety and training and therefore the Driver CPC does not have as big an impact as it has in other, less safety focused sectors.”

Six new vehicles have been added to the Reynolds fleet. Delivering economic performance with driver comfort, the new vehicles

take the fleet to 130

Former Road Haulage

Association director of

policy, Karen Dee, has joined

the FTA as director of

national and regional policy

August 2011www.fueloilnews.co.uk | 7

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+353(0)404 67164 or 1890 22 44 88 sales @ herbst.ie

Safety and compliance dominate forum Safety and compliance must be harmonised across the north and south of the island of Ireland. This was the overwhelming consensus among participants of the All Island Freight Forum (AIFF), held at the North South Ministerial Council in Armagh at the end of June

Spotlight on Northern Ireland logisticsThe Freight Transport Association (FTA) has vowed to keep the needs of the Northern Ireland logistics sector in the spotlight, following the appointments of both the environment minister and minister for regional development to the Northern Ireland executive.

The FTA will work closely with both Alex Attwood and Danny Kennedy to ensure that operator licensing reform, and investment in infrastructure, remain firmly on the political agenda at Stormont.

Tom Wilson, FTA’s head of policy in Northern Ireland, said: “We welcome the appointments of both Mr Attwood and Mr Kennedy to their new roles and look forward to working closely with each of them in their individual capacities in the best interests of Northern Ireland’s logistics sector and, in a broader sense, its economic well-being.”

The primary legislation creating scope for the operator licensing regime was passed in January 2010. However, the necessary secondary legislation has not yet been brought forward.

The individual remits of both ministers will cover areas affecting how transport and freight operate in terms of safety, environmental performance and untapped potential, to make Northern Ireland a better place to do business. www.fta.co.uk

Pointing to the stark difference in compliance enforcement between the north and south, Tom Wilson, Freight Transport Association’s head of policy for Northern Ireland, expressed the Forum’s desire for a more level playing field.

“The overwhelming consensus for a more decisive move towards the harmonisation of road freight compliance across the whole island of Ireland was absolutely clear,” he said. “By expediting

operator licensing in the north, we would really help improve the odds of seeing a similar degree of compliance in the south. This would be good news for all road users as it would effectively help drive out the rogue vehicle operators that are a menace on the island’s roads,” he added.

Through the AIFF, the logistics industry is poised to work with government agencies across the island of Ireland to investigate how to maximise resources to obtain the

most efficient use of all freight transport modes.

Tom Wilson concluded: “Whether you are in the Republic of Ireland or Northern Ireland, one thing holds true: freight transport is the essential lifeblood of the economy. Having a joined-up approach to vehicle operator compliance between neighbours is vital if we are to see meaningful improvements on our roads.”

Northern Ireland home heating fuel supplier, Emo Oil, has enjoyed support from Belfast’s Grand Opera House to help its staff adjust to their company office relocation.

Emo has been principal sponsor of the iconic theatre since November last year, and decided to involve its partner when it transferred from its original offices in Airport Road West, in east Belfast, to new premises on the same road.

Barry Funston, Emo sales and marketing director, said: “Our staff had mostly been working in separate offices, but the move meant going into an open-plan, shared area.

“A switch to a completely different environment can be quite intimidating, and we wanted to make sure that the transition was as comfortable as possible.”

The project with the Grand Opera House continued for two months, with theatre facilitators working with Emo staff members to give them confidence to enjoy their new offices, and learn to deal with challenges.

Workshops were held at the theatre which involved 32 members of staff from Emo’s Belfast-based administration, sales, IT, HR and marketing departments - many of whom were enthusiastic to dress up for their roles. The challenge was to develop a performance-based tour of the theatre for 50 colleagues from regional depots. And the final production was proclaimed an outstanding success!

Barry Funston added: “The enthusiasm, teamwork and commitment shown by the Emo and Grand Opera House staff were amazing. The tours exceeded expectations and were both informative and creative. All who attended were impressed by their workmates’ performances, and I have no doubt the project will enhance the capabilities of all who participated.”

EMO staff tread the boards in relocation project

Katie Gibson of Emo’s domestic sales team, was a diva for a day in a project to help staff adjust to a move to new offices in east Belfast. The setting for the training initiative was the city’s Emo-sponsored

Grand Opera House.

8 | www.fueloilnews.co.ukAug

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The wholesale market

Majoring in innovative independenceAfter serving the majority of his years in the industry working for oil majors, Mark Rolph joined Mabanaft in 2008, becoming the company’s managing director later that year. As the presence of independent wholesalers continues to rise in the UK, Fuel Oil News was keen to learn more about Mabanaft’s role

“I believe the change in Mabanaft’s business profile really began back in 2002 when with gasoline in surplus, refiners became extremely competitive in the retail grade sector,” said Mark.

Today, independent wholesalers who previously invested in blending remain strong in the retail market, whilst Mabanaft has concentrated more on the commercial market reselling distillates including kerosene.

Reliable supply at a competitive price“One thing’s for certain – a distributor can’t sell product if he can’t buy it,” said Mark. “The ageing and apparent fragile oil industry infrastructure has driven distributors - in business to sell oil – to increasingly

look to independents as an alternative source of supply.

Mabanaft, which serves customers across the UK, has storage facilities at locations from the east coast of Scotland down to the Thames Estuary, onto the south and west coast, at Cardiff and in the north west. The company also has facilities at Belfast and is keen to further expand its presence.

“It’s vital that distributors see Mabanaft as a reliable supplier; so appreciative of previous issues, we ensure that our terminals are well stocked. Over the 09/10 winter, we honoured all our contractual deliveries, although we did have to apply some allocations on spot business at Cardiff. (Domestic kerosene availability is becoming stretched during our winters as demands on

refineries to produce alternative grades increase.)

“Profit margins for oil wholesalers and retailers alike could certainly be better. Mabanaft believes that - compared to its competitors - it provides a wide range of pricing options to assist customers in optimising margins and supporting them with a more balanced portfolio of price risk management.”

The UK – refineries or storage depots?“Oil majors moving their activities and operations back to more core areas of their business is understandable. Refineries are costly to run, and with the volatility in oil pricing that we’ve seen in the last decade, making a margin from these expensive machines is

not consistently certain. Only time will tell as to how the new refiners will manage the UK market. Potentially these refineries could become just storage locations, like Shell Haven and the previous Gulf refinery at Milford Haven.”

An innovative approachSituated in London’s Victoria district, the Mabanaft office open plan work space enables front, mid and back office operations to work seamlessly together enhancing communication between all areas of the business. “The team is superb – we work and make decisions together. We’re doing well, diversifying and growing our business in a very tough climate.

“Innovative ideas can come to fruition much quicker

August 2011www.fueloilnews.co.uk | 9

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than in a larger corporate culture. When we realised that Mabalive (FON June page 6) had potential, we were able to develop it quickly and launch it earlier this year. Customer feedback says Mabalive is easy to use and customers are hooked on it. Registrations to the site are growing at a pace.”

Last year Mabanaft became the first independent to utilise a rail path, from Immingham to Cardiff, for the distribution of oil; the company has just recruited two new members of staff to help expand and develop rail supplied business. “We’re also working on some innovative ideas with our partner DB Schenker which, if we can realise them, will be quite unique,” added Mark.

Mabanaft’s parent company, continues to diversify and expand. Marquard & Bahls owns Oiltanking, which is now

one of the largest public oil and petrochemical storage companies in the world.

In the UK, Mabanaft itself has made acquisitions – and in Mark’s words ‘has not taken its eye off the ball’ as to potential future acquisitions and mergers. In 2010, Mabanaft continued to diversify and moved ‘quietly’ into marine fuels, a business which it continues to steadily grow.

Major v independentFON was curious to discover how Mark had found the transition from major to independent. “At first, it was not easy moving from a large corporate entity having laboursome, albeit necessary, protocols in place, to basically a family run business where the decision making process is as thorough but quicker. It’s exciting, and an environment within which most independents in the oil industry are seen to work.

Following the restructuring

of the Association of UK Oil Independents (AUKOI), I was pleased to see the emergence, and be a part of, the Downstream Fuel Association (DFA). The DFA has much to do to build on the lobbying undertaken by the previous AUKOI organisation as government sees the growing commitment and importance of the independent sector.

“The DFA executive management is doing a great job – the DFA is a now a credible organisation which government feels has a true voice.

“One thing I can certainly thank a major for is my excellent training. I certainly intend to be around this industry for a good while longer, it’s in my blood and there has never been a dull moment. I’m pleased to still be a part of it and to be able to continue to make a contribution.”

Last year, Skytanking, Marquard and Bahl’s aviation fuelling, company acquired a 52% share in North Air from BP and entered the UK market for the first time. North Air operates at 17 regional airports in the UK and is already working on projects to expand the business.

Writing in its Annual Report 2010, Marquard and Bahls AG stated its intention to ‘strongly support it subsidiaries’ autonomy and long term growth’ and to ‘further capitalise on its strong position in northwestern Europe as a leading importer and wholesaler. Careful monitoring of market developments will continue so that opportunities can be seized when they arise.’




9 10








The 2011 Fuel Distribution Forum, Portugal

August 2011www.fueloilnews.co.uk | 11

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Fuelling the Future

A ‘not to be missed’ industry eventFrom start to finish, the OpenRoom Events team ensured that this year’s Fuel Distribution Forum was seamless in both its efficiency and efficacy

In June, over 50 distributors and suppliers came together for one and a half days to share ideas, make contacts and build partnerships in Portugal’s Algarve.

Challenges and opportunities in today’s fuel distribution industryFuel Oil News editor, Jane Hughes (8) opened the conference. Looking back over news events in the past year, Jane spoke of future challenges and opportunities.

With more distributors spreading purchasing around an increasing number of wholesale product suppliers, Mabanaft managing director, Mark Rolph (5), reported ‘some good deals the like I’ve not seen before.’ To take best advantage and attract the highest level of credit, the importance of good company accounts was stressed.

Finding a fair fuel price was the chosen topic of Maryline Vuillerod (3) of Argus. Adeptly guiding attendees through pricing challenges and opportunities, Maryline

compared and contrasted pricing methods.David Fairchild (10), managing director

of the WP Group, explained how his family company had recently redeveloped its brand resulting in eight specialised sectors each trading independently under a group identity.

Effective yet relaxed networking Armed with an appointment programme, distributors and suppliers gave their full attention to up to 18 fifteen minute one to one meetings.

David Hindmarch (6), Chandlers Oil and Gas, who also attended last year’s event said: “This year’s very productive event saw a better distributor turnout and a good cross section of suppliers. Distributors need to be aware of advances in telemetry, vehicle tracking etc, so I was pleased to meet more suppliers offering hardware. Since June’s event, we’ve already had half a dozen follow-up meetings with potential suppliers.”

“We want the industry to see this as their event,” said OpenRoom Events director, Emma Faure (11). Email [email protected] to find out more about attending a future Fuel Distribution Forum.

PHOTOGRAPH KEY(1) Jenny Clucas and David Kay, Manx Petroleums(2) Neil Donald, Airport Energy(6) + Rod Prowse, Marathon Associates(7) Ian Macmillan, Swan Petroleum(8) + David Cattell, Oil Recruitment(9) John Surtees, Oil Recruitment and Stephen Rhodes, Mabanaft(10) + Donall O’Connor, ValueOils.com(11)+ Stacey Davies and Richard Quarmby, Brulines(12) David Kingsman, Fuelsoft and Mike Smith, Touchstar Technologies

The Fuel Distribution Forum

12 | www.fueloilnews.co.ukAug

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Distributor News

Suppliers race to new fuel siteKent-based Sprint Fuels is due to launch Sprintfuels.com; a new, online and more transparent way for customers to order home heating oil from independent and owner-managed suppliers

The new price comparison site has been specifically designed to make it far easier for customers to purchase home heating oil from independent suppliers who, in turn, are given the opportunity to win new business online.

When potential customers enter the site, they are shown all the suppliers who are able to fulfil their order, along with individual prices and customer ratings. It is then up to the customers which supplier they use, based on whatever criteria is most important to them - price, proximity, reputation, etc. “This puts the customer in control of the purchase, unlike some other sites where customers don’t know which supplier they are buying from, until the order is completed and paid for,” says Sprint Fuels director, Henry Drake.

A marketing tool to encourage healthy competition

Exclusively for independent and owner-managed suppliers, the website offers the chance to raise online presence and win more online business. Customers can rate the service they receive from their chosen suppliers, helping to encourage healthy competition and improved service levels.

The site offers lower commission rates (0.75ppl) than other comparison sites, and prompt payment by bank transfer once a delivery has been confirmed. There is no charge made to be listed on the website and suppliers are able to update their own details and prices as necessary.

“I decided to launch the website

because of what’s happening within the industry at the moment, where the owner-managed companies are slowly being squeezed out of the market,” continues Henry. “The site is not only an excellent marketing tool for other independents in the market, but also a transparent and fair price comparison guide for the customer. I am very pleased with the positive response received so far, and we look forward to welcoming lots more suppliers - and to helping put work their way.”Mutual business advantages“In an industry often clouded with suspicion,

Sprint Fuels has chosen to be up front about our backing of this website from the outset,” adds Henry Drake. “We’re proud to be an independent company. We’ve grown our business through hard work and commitment to providing excellent service at fair prices.”

As part of its campaign to attract suppliers onto the new website, Sprint Fuels, which races a company branded E-type Jaguar, has organised a series of hospitality days at premier UK motor-racing circuits. Last month’s Silverstone Classic proved to be very popular and, later this month suppliers will join the company at Oulton Park; “We’ve introduced suppliers to the Sprintfuels.com website at these events and have been delighted by the very positive response. Keen to get involved, many suppliers have already suggested ways in which the website’s features can be further enhanced.

“We welcome further enquiries from other independent distributors who wish to discuss the mutual business advantages of being included on the website – and the benefits to potential customers,” concludes Henry.

For further information, please call Karen from Adams Creative on 01622 687729. www.sprintfuels.com

Driver Mike Adams at Silverstone

Car driver, Mike Adams (l) from marketing agency Adams Creative and Henry Drake beside the Sprint

Fuels branded E-Type Jaguar

14 | www.fueloilnews.co.ukAug

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Spill prevention

Oil pollution incidents staticPreliminary Environment Agency data for 2010 shows that the number of oil pollution incidents in England and Wales has stopped falling and has stabilised over the last three years.

Distributor helps minimise risksJohnston Oils has launched a new range of steel oil tanks at this year’s Royal Highland Show. The company’s OFS T200 integrally-bunded steel tank is certified by OFTEC and recommended by the Scottish Environmental Protection Agency and the Environment Agency in the pollution prevention guidelines. Capacities range from 1000 to 150,000 litres, depending on individual customer requirements. The design ensures minimal risk of pollution and retention of the valuable oil stored. Grant Lockie, Johnston Oils’ sales manager explains: “We understand that for a lot of our customers, the regulations and laws relating to fuel storage can be both confusing and complicated, whether oil is for domestic, agricultural, industrial or commercial use. In 2010 there were a number of significant changes to government guidelines for the safe storage of oil. To protect our customers from the risk of non-compliance with the law and to reduce the risk of environmental pollution, we’ve launched this new range.” www.johnston-oils.co.uk

The new OFS T200 tank launched at

the Royal Highland Show

ImprovementsThe average number of oil incidents each year, over the last 10 years, has fallen by almost half compared to the previous 10 years. Improved standards of oil storage, introduced by the Control of Pollution (Oil Storage) (England) Regulations 2001 and the revised Building Regulations: Approved Document J, together with better understanding of the risks oil can pose to the environment if it is not stored safely, in well maintained containers, have helped. The Environment Agency has been working with tank manufacturers, oil distributors

and the Oil Care Campaign, to help people understand their responsibilities if they have an oil tank at home or work.

Ensuring incident numbers fallWhilst it is certainly a huge reduction in incident numbers, the current rate of around 3000 incidents per year equates to more than eight oil pollution incidents every day. Liz Hobday, the Environment Agency’s pollution prevention technical adviser says: “After eight years of falling incident numbers, we need to work closely with the oil industry to help their customers ensure the numbers start to fall and that we can improve the water environment and the reputation of the oil industry.”

Promoting best practice togetherThe Silage Slurry and Agricultural Fuel Oil Regulations 2010, new in England and Wales last year, will improve standards for agricultural fuel oil storage, as farmers replace their fuel storage. Free guidance on the following subjects can be downloaded

from www.publications.environment-agency.gov.uk or by calling 03708 506 506: • Above ground oil storage: PPG 2; • Get to know your oil tank;• Guidance for farmers – fact sheet 6 fuel

oil storage.

The Environment Agency is keen to hear from distributors about their ideas to reduce oil pollution incidents and to help them promote good environmental practice. Email [email protected]

“The current rate of around 3000 incidents per year equates to more than eight oil pollution incidents every day

Tank specialists share honours…Sharing a winning stand at this summer’s Cheshire Show were well-known providers of oil storage solutions, J.Seed & Co., and Envirostore UK. Sandbach-based Envirocare – specialist suppliers of steel and plastic septic tanks for the water treatment industry – won first prize for the best stand. Wendi Whittle of J.Seed & Co – who counts Envirocare amongst her clients – together with Richard Marsh of Envirostore, were the first to congratulate Richard Griffiths and the Envirocare team. Our photograph – taken by Richard Marsh - shows Wendi with the best stand trophy, Richard Griffiths and Matt Crawshaw of Condor Environmental Products

August 2011www.fueloilnews.co.uk | 15

Helping agricultural customers Steve Woods, agriculture technical adviser for the Environment Agency, explains the regulations for agricultural fuel storage

Agricultural fuel oil storage in England and Wales is regulated by The Water Resources (Control of Pollution) (Silage, Slurry and Agricultural Fuel Oil) Regulations 2010, (SSAFO). The regulations apply where the total quantity of agricultural fuel oil stored on a farm is more than 1,500 litres. If the storage was in place before 1991, the oil store may be exempt; but farmers are advised to bring it up to the regulatory standard, to reduce the risk of pollution. Detailed guidance is available from www.environment-agency.gov.uk/business/sectors/118798.aspx.

Storing oil safelyAgricultural fuel oil can be stored in a single tank, multiple tanks, or drums; in one area or spread across the farm. Mobile bowsers or drums temporarily stored alongside mobile plant, are exempt from the Regulations, but farmers should still take precautions to prevent and contain spills.

Providing it is stored separately, oil used exclusively for domestic heating, or power, is covered by the Building Regulations; advice is available from OFTEC. Oil stored and used for non-agricultural activities in England, may be subject to The Control of Pollution (Oil Storage) (England) Regulations 2001.

Act fastIf oil spillage occurs, take immediate action to prevent the pollution of drains or watercourses. • Notify the Environment Agency incident hotline 0800 80 70 60• If you can, without putting yourself in danger, soak up the spilt oil with the contents of a

spill kit, soil or sand• Do not hose down the spill or use detergents as you could make the pollution worse

SSAFO regulationsTanks and drums must be: • located more than 10 metres from any

watercourses or clean water drains• surrounded by an impermeable secondary

containment structure or bund Secondary containment can be constructed around the tanks or drums, or integrated into the tank design. It is vital to choose the correct type and model of integrally bunded tank and ensure it is fit for purpose.On tanks for refuelling farm vehicles, the delivery hose must be enclosed by the secondary containment and locked when not in use. If the tank delivers fuel using a pumped system, and the flexible delivery hose can be kept inside the bund after use, then it meets the SSAFO requirements. This installation also allows the tank to be installed at ground level, avoiding risks with high-level supports and allowing easy access for filling and inspection. A tank that is raised above the ground with a flexible hose hanging outside the secondary containment, does not meet SSAFO requirements. If installed after 1 March 1991, a tank like this is illegal. Double skinned tanks do not meet the SSAFO requirements, as the fuel delivery system is outside the second skin.A tank to store oil to feed fixed plant, such as a grain dryer, can use a bottom off-take integrally bunded tank; but must have a fixed connection using a factory fitted coupling point.

Oil and Environmental Services

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ust 2


Spill prevention

New contracts Scottish Power has appointed Adler and Allan (A&A) as its emergency environmental response contractor. The four year contract will commence on 1 June 2012. The company also won the Central Networks (now Western Power Distribution) contract in February. A&A now has new depots in Droitwich and Doncaster, to give enhanced coverage for response contracts. Plus the company holds waste permits for oily waste. www.adlerandallan.co.uk

Staff at the new A&A depot in Droitwich

Additional staffWith the appointments of Andy Ross and Dafydd Rees, AMW Contractors is further expanding operations. Andy will be heading the company’s North Homes and North Associates business. Dafydd, a long established remediation consultant, has worked for many major UK clients. The new appointments enable AMW to advise landowner clients on how best to optimise the value of their holdings, through strategic asset management and technical guidance. www.amwcontractors.com

Wireless monitoringA wireless system has been designed by Aquasentry, to aid compliance of the Environment Agency’s pollution prevention guidelines and provide a cost effective solution to pollution monitoring needs. The wireless monitoring system allows wireless connection to interceptor probes and monitors on all types of tank. With both battery and solar power options, the system provides a reliable monitoring solution, whilst also reducing the need for civils work, thus saving costs. www.aquasentry.co.uk

Aquasentry’s wireless monitoring system

Spill prevention continued on page 20

August 2011www.fueloilnews.co.uk | 17

...Always Atlas

The range of Atlas tanks as the Installer’s choice is well established. The reputation of Atlas as ‘Tanks you can Trust’ has been proven time and again with Installers who know a superior tank when they see one. From bunded, single skinned, waste oil tanks to fuel depots Atlas is a company dedicated to putting quality products into the hands of professional installers – that’s the reason why Atlas Tanks are the Installer’s choice.

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18 | www.fueloilnews.co.ukAug

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Tell Wildcat your news01565 [email protected]

Hytek’s midnight trekFour employees from Hytek GB, missed a night’s sleep recently. Adrian Holyomes, Laura Taylor, Chris Barton and Kate Powell all signed up for the 10k Midnight Walk in Harlow, Essex, to raise money for St Clare Hospice which depends on donations for around 70% of its funding.

In a bid to raise as much cash as possible, Adrian even agreed to take part dressed as a fairy - complete with make-up and tutu! The team, dubbed the Hytek Trekkers, exceeded their sponsorship target of £500 and company managing director, Kevin Arnold, agreed to match the sponsorship, bringing the total funds raised up to £1000.

Girls’ night outAlso fund raising recently was Jane Hughes, editor of Fuel Oil News. Pictured here (front 3rd left) with fellow walkers, the Girls’ Night Out team raised almost £1400 for Cheshire based St Luke’s Hospice with a midnight walk.

The Hytek Trekkers - Adrian, Laura, Chris and Kate – raised over £1000 for their local hospice

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Distributors’ Diary by Wildcat

August 2011www.fueloilnews.co.uk | 19

Distributors’ Diary by Wildcat

“ Why change your site to suit a tank? ”




“I designed that tank to suit my site.”

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44281_Mayweld_QuarterPgAd_FINAL01.indd 1 14/01/2011 15:46

A Noble effortStaff from Noble Fuels recently completed the 32-mile White Rose Challenge Walk. Taking just over 12 hours, their ‘tough walk’ raised over £600 for Tabitha’s Toys, a charity which provides sensory toys/equipment for children with life-limiting illnesses and severe disabilities.

Sue Waters, Helen Brown, Keith Gibson and Fiona Kellett were joined by Barry Stoker, regional manager, GB Oils and husbands Nigel Brown and Charlie Kellett. Providing back up were Jackie Davies, Noble Fuels, and Sue’s husband, Graeme of Raindrops Recycled.

A good bet for charitySuckling Transport enjoyed another very successful race day in June. The company sponsored its eighth Suckling Transport Handicap Chase with horses in this race auctioned to raise money for the company’s chosen charity, Transaid. Transaid builds local skills and knowledge to make transport across Africa safer, cheaper, cleaner and more effective.

Guest, James Spencer (centre) with Suckling Transport’s Peter Larner (l) and Alan Dodson

20 | www.fueloilnews.co.ukAug

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Spill prevention

One stop solutionA one stop solution for spill kits, absorbents and pollution control equipment sales and rental, is provided by Cowens. The company also offers 24 hour, level three oil spill response, site investigations and contaminated land remediation. Cowens supplies by-pass interceptors, filtration and oil water separation equipment, as well as portable and permanent tank bunds. The company’s bunded IBC stillage protects IBCs and drums both during transport, and when stationary. www.cowens.co.uk

Cowen’s sediment trap tank and inline filtration skid

Increased capacityNext month, Darcy Spillcare will open a new 27,000 square foot manufacturing facility. Located in Birkenhead, the new facility will enable faster supply times, an increased range of products, enhanced research and development facilities, and improved efficiency. The opening of the new facility stems from Darcy’s growth in recent years and will allow the company to meet demand for its growing range of environmental products and services. The company’s head office will remain in East Malling, Kent. www.darcy.co.uk

Better overfill preventionDunraven Systems, suppliers of the Apollo oil level monitor, has introduced the all new Max-Fill handheld unit. The unit allows delivery personnel to wirelessly monitor tank levels before, during and after refuelling. In the event of a potential overfill, visual and audible alarms are automatically activated on the unit. Max-Fill is fully compatible with all Apollo remote tank monitors, including the Apollo Visual and complements modern, failsafe, overfill prevention systems, such as LRC. www.dunravensystems.com

Opening soon - Darcy’s new manufacturing plant

Langlands Business Park, Uffculme, Devon, EX15 3DA


24 hour phone line: 01884 841 387

A nationwide company, with 20 years experience offering a safe pair of hands for all your OFTEC tank service needs.




Contrary to popular belief, great ideas don’t sim-ply appear out of thin air. The great ideas whichappear at Envirostore are born from years of ex-perience manufacturing tanks, utilising traditionalskills and blending them with challenging thinkingand innovative use of materials and technology.The result is the Envirostore range of fuel tanks -designed for the future to deal with today’s stor-age problems.

www.envirostoreuk.com email: [email protected]


UK Sales07540 - 299917







Translucent inner tanks to all bunded range,including fuel dispensers

Now even safer filling for your driverInner spill tray

UNIQUE TO ENVIROSTOREUnique rear filling point and

inner spill tray to fuel dispensers




aaa empty shell 22/07/2011 12:16 Page 1

August 2011www.fueloilnews.co.uk | 21

Working safelyTwenty five technicians from E&S Environmental, part of the Adler & Allan Group, have passed the Institution of Occupational Health and Safety (IOSH) Working Safely course. Working Safely meets the government’s guidelines for introductory health and safety training and is a 100 per cent match to the Health and Safety Executive’s passport syllabus. The course covers introducing working safely, defining hazard and risk, identifying common hazards, improving safety performance and protecting our environment. www.eandsgroup.co.uk

Mike Pirrie, Adler & Allen’s group health and safety adviser and qualified IOSH trainer, with E&S staff on the

Working Safely course

Marine clean-upTwo custom oil and debris skimming boats, manufactured in Europe, have been delivered to a major client in Asia by Elastec/American Marine (USA). The 10 metre/32 foot crafts can collect, store and transport recovered oil and debris. The updated design encompasses a number of important operational features to allow the collection and transportation of floating garbage as well as skimming and collecting floating oil. www.elastec.com

NEW: Monitor tank levels with the Apollo Max-Fill

Sea cleaning with Elastec


Contrary to popular belief, great ideas don’t sim-ply appear out of thin air. The great ideas whichappear at Envirostore are born from years of ex-perience manufacturing tanks, utilising traditionalskills and blending them with challenging thinkingand innovative use of materials and technology.The result is the Envirostore range of fuel tanks -designed for the future to deal with today’s stor-age problems.

www.envirostoreuk.com email: [email protected]


UK Sales07540 - 299917







Translucent inner tanks to all bunded range,including fuel dispensers

Now even safer filling for your driverInner spill tray

UNIQUE TO ENVIROSTOREUnique rear filling point and

inner spill tray to fuel dispensers




aaa empty shell 22/07/2011 12:16 Page 1

22 | www.fueloilnews.co.ukAug

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Taking preventative measures‘’Prevention is better than cure when it comes to overfilling tanks,” advises Richard Marsh, Envirostore UK’s sales director. “By combining our unique, inner spill tray design with the security of the bund area, we’ve taken huge steps towards preventing overfilled plastic tanks. If a bund contains significant

amounts of overfilled fuel or rainwater, which has leaked through inferior quality lids, the 110% capacity of the bund is called into question. “ www.envirostoreuk.com

Spill prevention

Clean-up spills fastFuel Additive Science Technologies (FAST) markets oil spill clean-up products under its Exocet brand. The company supplies a powder for wet spills and a liquid for oil stains or to act as a degreaser. Based on natural ingredients, the products can be desposed of without issue in landfill, using the powder, or through main drainage, using the liquid. Both products can be used on water-borne oil and fuel spills without causing further harm to the environment. www.fastexocet.co.uk

Fast responseOHES Environmental has further expanded its team of experienced environmental consultants. Strategically placed around the UK and the Republic of Ireland, the team is able to respond promptly to any spill incidents. Through effective cost control and close liaison with regulators, assisted, where necessary, by its contaminated land, ecology and monitoring divisions, OHES is able to control situations, protect clients’ reputations and ease concerns. www.ohes.co.uk

Unique to Envirostore:

The inner spill tray

Mechanical Cleansing Services is one of the largest operators in the waste management industry. Continued expansion, despite the recession, is a reflection of our commitment to provide excellent customer service at competitive prices, while striving for environmental conservation and protection.

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August 2011www.fueloilnews.co.uk | 23

A showcase for the latest in cutting-edge products and servicesThe 2011 Tank Storage Association’s (TSA) conference and exhibition, to be held in Coventry on September 22nd, is billed as the UK’s leading event for the bulk liquid storage sector and as the “must-attend event of the year” for all those who work in the fuels, chemicals, potable liquids, edible oils and fats storage industries

TSA Conference & Exhibition 2011

Around 30 companies will be showcasing their products and services at the Hilton Hotel event - ranging from the very latest in flow, gauging and measurement equipment, to such professional services as non-destructive testing and tank lining and maintenance.

Dr Hugh Bray, executive director of the TSA, told Fuel Oil News: “The event has a proven track record of successfully bringing together people who care about safe and effective bulk liquid storage operations. This year’s conference programme will comprise presentations from the Health & Safety Executive, the Environment Agency and industry experts who will talk on a diverse range of topical and relevant subjects.”

2011 topics• The Competent Authority’s approach to inspection of process safety management

systems• Using performance indicators to drive improvement in process safety performance• The Environment Agency’s role at COMAH incidents• Innovative solutions using bentonite materials to address secondary and tertiary

containment issues• Condition monitoring solutions for storage terminals• Supply chain issues for bulk liquid storage terminals• Current developments in the global bulk liquid storage industry

Curing all your forecourt headaches

Facilities and contract management

Forecourt repair and maintenance

Real time wetstock management

Meter checking, re-calibration and legal stamping

Tank gauging systems

Single and Double skin tank lining systems

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LPG systems and maintenance

Brulines Fuel Solutions’ ground-breaking service for hard-pressed forecourt operators, called ‘end to end fuel asset management’, takes on virtually all management of a forecourt’s wet-side by addressing the three core issues of fuel loss, margin control and asset management.

From real time data analysis and facilities management to maintenance and onto capital projects such as tank lining and re-pumps, BFS provide true end to end management of your fuel assets.

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...every drop counts

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24 | www.fueloilnews.co.ukAug

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Storage tank specialistsOne of this year’s exhibitors is Land & Marine Project Engineering – the Wirral-based specialists in the design and construction of storage tanks (stand 16).

“Engineering forms a major part of the business, allowing us to offer a comprehensive in-house storage tank design service to supplement the extensive tank construction and refurbishment capability,” says the company’s contracts manager, Carl Hudson.

Working across a wide variety of industry sectors, Land & Marine has the experience to handle a range of storage tank related projects, including fixed and floating roof configurations, he says.

In addition to its construction capabilities, Land & Marine TankServ is a major manufacturer of floating roof tank seal equipment and associated products. TankServ services both UK and overseas markets with conventional and lightweight mechanical primary seals, compression plate and wiper-type secondary seals, and double compression plate seals. www.landandmarine.com

Wireless pollution control systemsSince 1986, Aquasentry - on stand 19 - has been successfully developing, manufacturing and

marketing a range of innovative pollution control systems. The company has now produced a wireless solution which, it claims, will change the way that the industry deals with pollution risks.

The launch of the Aquasentry wireless monitoring system means that customers are now able to wirelessly connect interceptor probes and monitors. The Aquasentry Wireless can be powered by both battery pack and solar technology. It can be connected with an automated web interface to provide real time information from the interceptor tank and the ability to secure a site remotely from anywhere in the world within minutes.

Other Aquasentry products and services include oil storage containers; bunding solutions; 24-hour spill response; staff training; laboratory services; turnkey contracts to upgrade a site to conform to the Oil Regulations Bill; and bespoke waste management systems with full project management back-up. www.aquasentry.co.uk

A&A – busy at home and abroadIn between carrying out extensive inspection and refurbishment work at major aviation fuel storage facilities around the UK, Adler & Allan will also be exhibiting at the TSA

event (stand 15).The company’s aviation

fuel storage work was carried out in conjunction with the HSE Hazardous Installations Directorate (HID), the organisation responsible for regulating and promoting improvements in health and safety to reduce and control risks in high hazard industries.

A&A Fuel Installation Services’ teams have also been in demand overseas, most recently with a project in West Africa, to carry out inspections of redundant fuel facilities and to recommend replacement units for a mining company, including the design of new fuel storage and a ship off-loading facility. Meanwhile, in Nigeria, the company was asked to decommission an indoor tank and associated mixing plant, and to uplift and transfer hazardous chemicals back to the UK for safe disposal after no suitable sites could be found in Nigeria.

Recently, A&A was appointed as the emergency environmental response contractor for Scottish Power for a four-year term. This followed a five-year contract award from Central Networks, now Western Power Distribution. Other recent projects have included the upgrading of a Sainsbury’s distribution centre at Greenford with new fuel storage facilities, and the installation of two 125,000 litre above ground fuel storage tanks for Sheffield General Hospital. See back cover. www.adlerandallan.co.uk

Novaflex – aiming to lead the marketNovaflex (stand 8) has announced the opening of its first European manufacturing plant at Bromborough. The Novaflex Group has manufactured marine hose for 30 years at facilities in Canada and USA. Now, Novaflex UK will

primarily produce 1” to 12” bore composite hose to EN 13765 standards, and will service road tanker and storage markets throughout the UK and Europe.

Managing director, Chris Franks, has been involved with the manufacture and supply of composite hose to the tank storage industry for almost 30 years, and works with a highly experienced team at the Wirral factory. The company is the biggest Todo distributor worldwide and will be promoting the Todo range at TSA 2011. Novaflex also manufactures an extensive range of rubber dock hoses - all of which conform to EN 1765 - at several facilities across North America.

Chris Franks explains: “These are very exciting times for Novaflex Europe. The UK market, in particular, has suffered in recent years from poor quality composite hose imported from China, India and Eastern Europe. We aim to lead the market within a short period of time with UK-produced high-end composite hose.

“With our innovative manufacturing techniques, we will be able to compete globally without compromising on quality in any way.” See page 26. www.novaflex.co.uk

New developments in leak detection systemsAquilar, the UK distributor for Tyco Thermal Control’s TraceTek products, will be on hand at the TSA (stand 7) to discuss new developments in its range of liquid leak detection systems.

Since the initial introduction of TraceTek’s “Fast Fuel Sensor”, many users have adopted the product as a technical solution for detecting hydrocarbon liquid spills in sumps, valve pits and bunds, within a matter of seconds. The same sensor will also detect thin layers of fuel floating on water, making it an ideal product for monitoring accumulated storm water prior

Tank painting – all part of the service from TankServ

TSA Conference & Exhibition 2011

August 2011www.fueloilnews.co.uk | 25

to discharge. In addition to the Fast Fuel

Sensor, TraceTek will be showing its low cost visual indicator which offers an economical solution in hazardous areas. The self contained, battery powered device aims to enhance the effectiveness of routine visual facility inspections. When connected to TT5000 sensor

cable or the new generation TT- FFS probe, a quick glance by the facility staff during their normal inspection routine can give them an early warning of hidden leaks or spills that might lead to serious environmental damage or safety concerns.

The TraceTek product range is well positioned to meet the needs of refinery, tank farm

and terminal applications, says Aquilar managing director, Julian Waumsley. “Aquilar are committed to delivering TraceTek’s leading edge detection products,” he adds. See page 25. www.aquilar.co.uk

Complete package for tank storage facilitiesBrulines Fuel Solutions (BFS) offers an integrated toolbox of data management, analysis,

products and services for forecourts, fuel installations and other tank storage facilities. At the TSA Conference & Exhibition (stand 10), the company will be promoting many of its products and services, including TUV approved double walled tank lining systems, complete with 24/7 leak detection; its single skin linings and coatings for tanks, bunds and vessels with a wide range of cargos; and its OPW tank gauges, DCDs and CECs – available on a supply-only or a supply and install basis.

BFS also offers: facilities and contract management; a full range of maintenance packages for all gauge types; electrical testing; repairs; installation; site compliance and small works services; wetstock management; pump meter testing and calibration verification; risk assessment and hazard zone plans; vapour recovery testing

Engineers from Adler & Allan Tank Services undertake plate measurements during a

contract in West Africa

Aquilar will be presenting its range of fuel sensing technology at the TSA


• Proven system to detect Liquid Hydrocarbons and Chemicals

• SIL and ATEX approvals

TT-FFS Fast Fuel Sensor

Fast action probes that detect fuel spills in containment areas or in sumps.

Quick to detect, easy to re-set and re-use.

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Catastrophic leak or overflow detection


Novaflex Composite HosesBuilt to Handle Today’s Fully Concentrated Fuels & Designed for the Transfer of a Wide Range of Petrochemical Products


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26 | www.fueloilnews.co.ukAug

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TSA Conference & Exhibition 2011

(stage 1b & 2 LPG solutions); onsite preventative and reactive maintenance; and the supply and installation of LPG. See page 23. www.brulines.com

Supplying the industry standard…Established in 1998, Elaflex (stand 14) is the UK and Eire supplier of ZVA nozzles, nozzle spare parts and accessories, rubber flexible hoses, TW couplings, ERV expansion joints and Mann-Tek dry disconnect couplings for the petroleum, LPG and petro-chemical industries.

“Our hoses are technically advanced,” says Elaflex. “And for many applications, they are the industry standard. They are smooth bore, lightweight and of a seamless extruded anti-static construction up to 4” (100mm). Other sizes and composite hoses are available on request. We aim

to provide our customers with quality engineered performance equipment, backed up with friendly service.” See page 25. www.elaflex.de

Three decades of industry experienceHMT (stand 3) is an international supplier of product and service solutions, and innovative technologies, to the above-ground storage tank market, providing more than 30 years of industry experience.

At the event, the company will be showing the DeckMaster GRE floating roof, Aluminator FC full contact roof, and the TankSystems Gauge Pole Sleeve. The HMT product portfolio includes aluminum domes, internal floating roofs, primary and secondary seal systems, roof drains, gauge pole sleeves, breather vents, flame arrestors, oil-water separator systems, and

other AST solutions to reduce emissions and increase working capacity. HMT products meet - and exceed - the requirements for emission controls under the European IPPC Storage BREF/US EPA and EEMUA/API regulations. www.hmttank.com

Terminal management solutions from MHT MHT Technology is a supplier of process automation solutions to the oil, gas and petro-chemical industry. Specialist areas of expertise are terminal/depot management systems, including truck loading automation, tank gauging and inventory management, stock accounting and reconciliation, and overfill prevention.

At the TSA Conference (stand 24), the company will present its terminal management solutions which, says MHT, provide many

benefits for the terminal/depot operator, including comprehensive alarm management, leak detection, theft monitoring and stock reconciliation.

For the first time, MHT will also feature its new wireless telemetry solution for installation into hazardous areas, and will also display several new features for some of its key products, such as the MINI Receiver and universal Field Display.

In addition, MHT will show its helpdesk software application which now includes detailed fault logging capabilities to aid with fault trend analysis, fault reporting, and preventative maintenance for its contract customers. www.mht-technology.co.uk


ELAFLEX LTD, Hoddesdon, Herts EN11 OPA

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» Very lightweight hoses up to 18 % lighter than other makes

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Lightweight reeling hoses,nozzles & industrial couplings!

ELAFLEX reeling hose to

EN Standards

‘Kill the Spill’



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August 2011www.fueloilnews.co.uk | 27

What’s Happening and Where?

Energy Institute

The Energy Event 13-14 September, Birmingham NECThe Energy Event is one of Europe’s largest exhibitions and conferences, focusing solely on energy procurement, management and efficiency. www.theenergyevent.com

East MidlandsRecent growth of coal gasification in the UK, 27 September, Kegworth

North EasternAGM, 8 September, Gateshead Old Town Hall, Gateshead, Tyne and Wear. [email protected]

Renewables Roadshow Taking the very latest in technologies and training on tour. Register for FREE tickets at www.renewables-roadshow.co.uk

Bolton 6 SeptemberCoventry 8 SeptemberCheltenham 13 SeptemberLondon 15 SeptemberHarrogate 20 SeptemberGlasgow 22 September

The Freight Transport AssociationADR Initial: Lerwick 29 August Leeds 5 September Grangemouth 19 September Leamington Spa 19 SeptemberADR Refresher: Lerwick 29 AugustDGSA: Leamington Spa 12 September Leeds 12 September

www.fta.co,uk Tel: 08717 11 22 22

TANK ALARM GAUGING SYSTEM (TAGS)ATEX approved top or base mounted level sensorColour screen contents display for volume, ullageMaximum 48 tanks on one systemEthernet comms to computers including gauging softwareSystem accuracy <0.2%

TANK OVERFILL PROTECTION ALARM SYSTEM (TOPAS)ATEX approved top mount adjustable level switchAlarm cabinet with tank Red LED’sOptional link to mobile phones for alarmThis system can be integrated into our electronic ATEX shut-off ball valves installed on the inlets.If there is an alarm, the valve will automatically close

SEVERN INSTRUMENTSUnit 4, Haywards YardCourt StreetUpton upon SevernWorcestershire WR8 0JSTel: 01684 594164Fax: 01684 593364Email: [email protected]

We are professionals at what we do and our staff are electronics/electrical engineers.

Call us to discuss, we will do a site survey and forward our proposal.

Contact John Roberts



Association of Industrial Road Safety Officers (AIRSO)Fleet Driver Trainers Conference, 1 September, Hinckley Island Hotel, Hinkley, Leicestershire. This event is set alongside the National Blue Light Users Conference, now in its 14th year. [email protected] Health and Safety Scotland7-8 September, The Royal Highland Centre, Edinburgh. There will be a wide-range of exhibitors across many industries, including logistics, oil and gas, energy and utilities.

28 | www.fueloilnews.co.ukAug

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Tanks – a matter of gauging and monitoring

Greater accuracy, reliability and securityA good tank gauging system gives a greater degree of accuracy, reliability and security. Coupled with a planned maintenance programme, good gauging can actually save a company money. With relentless hikes in fuel costs, increasing fuel theft and the effects of Buncefield still reverberating, distributors are more aware than ever of the health, safety and environmental issues surrounding fuel storage.

Keep an electronic eye on stocks“By combining extremely accurate electronic tank gauging and advanced internet-based monitoring systems, it’s possible to provide every tank with an all-seeing electronic eye on stocks,” says Cameron Forecourt’s sales and marketing director, Martyn Gent.

Cameron has combined Glibarco Veeder Root electronic tank gauging and TLS monitoring equipment with its new TankWatch system, to give a wetstock management package. In addition to live wetstock monitoring, the TankWatch server provides alarms for exceptions such as overfilling, low stock levels, unusual fuel drawings, leaks and possible theft. Martyn adds: “The days of relying on bookstock figures and dipping tanks now and then are over.” See page 5. www.cameronforecourt.co.uk

Gauging exclusivity

For real time, accurate, electronic monitoring, exclusive UK agent Centre Tank Services (CTS) supplies OCIO from Piusi. OCIO offers continual monitoring of single or multiple tanks; by utilising the optional desk system, it can be connected to a PC or laptop. OCIO can incorporate text message or email alerts of both high and low levels using OCIO GSM.

CTS continues to have success with the easy to install Apollo Ultrasonic level, which makes the remote monitoring of tank contents simple and accurate, on old or new, plastic or steel tanks. The company provides a range of equipment for gauging and monitoring including sight, clock and hydrostatic gauges such as Gem, Normond and the Unitel percentage gauge, for which CTS is also the exclusive UK agent. www.centretank.com

Smarter monitoringApollo Smart is the newest addition to Dunraven Systems’ range of monitors. Deliveries of Apollo Smart, the world’s first heating oil energy monitor, will commence in September. In addition to displaying fuel levels, Apollo Smart also monitors fuel costs, energy consumption and CO2 emissions.

“The original Apollo Ultrasonic is an established favourite with installers and fuel distributors, providing reliable measurement for thousands of tanks nationwide. The Apollo Visual (see page 17) has built on the aforementioned’s success. Incorporating an on-tank LCD display, the Apollo Visual permits delivery personnel to monitor tank levels before, during and after refueling,” says managing director, Gerry Jones.

All Apollo monitors are compatible with Apollo RMS, Dunraven’s depot based tank monitoring system, which allows distributors to monitor customers’ tanks without leaving the depot. www.dunravensystems.com

Tank installation with electronic tank gauging and TLS monitoring equipment from

Cameron Forecourt

Apollo, clock and Unitel Gauges - just part of the range from CTS

Apollo’s Visual oil tank level monitor

Flexible gaugingiMonitor is the latest web-based bulk tank gauging system from EA Projects. “The system affords the ultimate in flexibility as it can be used with any tank gauging hardware and can even be used as a platform to consolidate tanks using different types of gauging systems,” says managing director, Simon Whibberley . The system provides the user with remote access to tank data across single or multiple locations via the web or handheld devices such as the iPhone. Full tank trending history is available to the user for up to twelve months and the system can be configured to send alarms such as high level, low level and level drop via sms and e-mail. See page 30. www.ea-projects.com

August 2011www.fueloilnews.co.uk | 29

“Implementing a scheduled maintenance programme is the only way to ensure that tank gauging equipment remains in full working order, for its complete lifecycle. Even the most sophisticated tank gauging solution is only as good as its last service,” says Alan Hudson, Endress+Hauser’s oil and gas industry manager. With over 20 years’ experience, Endress+Hauser is ISO 9001 accredited and offers maintenance, service support and calibration programmes, that are individually tailored to the needs of the site.

The company’s specialist engineers have the skills and equipment to calibrate and service mechanical and electronic tank gauging equipment, including equipment from other manufacturers. Calibration is performed on-site, using certified and traceable test equipment, to reduce downtime and provide documentary evidence of performance under real-life conditions, or in Endress+Hauser’s dedicated laboratories. www.uk.endress.com

Demand for high accuracyHytek’s Tank Monitor offers an accuracy of +/-0.5%. Designed for use with diesel, biodiesel, most lube oils and antifreeze, the monitor has an electronic display with an electronic hydrostatic tank sensor. Two standard kits are available, covering depths of one to three and a half metres. Kits for tanks up to 10 metres are available on request. Upon purchase, the customer completes a tank questionnaire, enabling Hytek to calibrate the tank gauge to individual specifications. The Tank Monitor requires a 230v or 110v supply and has an optional relay board, which fits inside the gauge, allowing a connection to alarms or a building management system. Hytek offers a range of tank gauges and has recently experienced rapid growth in product sales, especially of high accuracy gauges. www.hytekgb.com

Hytek’s Tank Monitor, available in a range of depths

Scheduled maintenance

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Tanks – a matter of gauging and monitoring

Flexible and secure dataHaving recently celebrated 13 years in business, Kan’to Instruments’ Dimitri Papaioannou observes: “The increased availability of corporate networking and internet-based technology has had a marked impact on the way modern depots operate. For a supplier of advanced, automatic tank gauging solutions, this means an increase in the provision of web-based data, often from outside a business’ intranet/network infrastructure. Companies want flexible and secure data access without having to invest in the cost of ownership. The days of considering an electronic gauge as a glorified dip-stick are well and truly over. We predict an increase in demand for accuracy of measurements, integration of various depot activities on to a single platform and wider availability of data. Our technology will keep up to date in line with these challenges.”

Product reliabilityKingspan Environmental’s SonicSignalman has attracted enormous interest says brand director, Philip Browne: ”Since its launch, we’ve received fantastic feedback from oil companies who are delighted with the product’s reliability.” Accurate and reliable data about the level and usage of fuel in customers’ oil tanks on a weekly or daily basis, ensures companies can reliably deliver oil when the customer needs it.

The all-in-one device, part of the company’s Environmental Sensor Systems range, uses the latest ultrasonic and GSM technology, enabling companies to monitor levels for customers. This information can then be used to make decisions about replenishment and route-planning. “More importantly, it is helping customer retention in this competitive environment,” adds Browne. www.sensor-systems.com

Attracting attention – Kingspan’s SonicSignalman

August 2011www.fueloilnews.co.uk | 31

High value, high accuracy“We use lots of examples of gauging in everyday life. Many analogue watches have only four numbers, yet we know when it is 10 past 7 at a glance. The original concept of a gauge in the world of fuels and oil was to see if the tank was half full, or getting down to a quarter,” explains OLE’s Nick Lambourn.

“Nowadays with fuel being a high value commodity, gauging needs to be more accurate than a mechanical pump or a sight glass. We need to be able to show our customers what they have

actually got.” The existing T4020 from OLE provides an accuracy of 0.5% of tank capacity whilst the company’s new T5020 provides an accuracy of 0.2% (accurate to one litre in 500).GPRS technology enables continuous monitoring, and theft detection, as well as historical usage data at any web enabled PC. www.oleuk.com

0.5% accuracy with OLE’s T4020 tank gauge

Positive impact

The Metron range of products from Powelectrics are both wireless and easy to install. “The design

utilises the latest manufacturing techniques and hardware

making it a very competitively priced, reliable and safe solution,”

says Powelectrics sales director, Dave Oakes. “Advanced electronic circuitry provides class-

leading battery life coupled with low temperature operation and low cost communications. The multi-channel unit can also monitor tank level, overspill alarms and intruder alarms. “Knowing what’s in a customer’s tank, means a fuel supplier can

increase the amount delivered, reduce the number of deliveries and save on transportation costs,” added Oakes. www.powelectrics.co.uk

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John Roberts, owner of Severn Instruments, believes the accuracy of a tank sensor is important, especially considering the cost of fuel: “At Severn Instruments we use guided microwave sensors for accuracy – they don’t require the specific gravity of the product, are easy to install and are ATEX approved. In an ideal world, every tank would have a reliable independent high, high level alarm system set to between 5-10% above the gauging system alarm; then if there were to be a failure in the system, the high, high level alarm would still be in place. We use ATEX approved vibrating liquid level switches that send a frequency signal to our control

panel. If the liquid rises and touches the stem of the switch, the frequency changes and triggers an alarm to the panel which in turn activates the LED, sounder and strobe for that tank.” See page 27. www.7inst.co.uk

Tanks – a matter of gauging and monitoring

Reduced cost retrofit Guided microwave sensors

Rosemount Tank gauge installed with wireless technology

Shut off valve cabinet alongside a high, high level alarm cabinet

“Many tank storage facilities that would benefit from modern non-contact gauging have obsolete or non-existing signal wiring from the tank storage area,” says Radar Tank Gauging director, Darren Dodd. “As a result of budget restrictions, some plants retain low performing mechanical tank gauges and continue to experience maintenance problems.”

Retrofit of the gauging system is normally expensive

and time consuming but with innovative Emerson Smart Wireless technology, installation of new Radar systems can be done without any new long distance signal wiring, reducing material and labour costs and engineering and project execution time. By connecting the Smart Wireless THUM adaptor to the Radar gauge on the tank, complete inventory data can be sent to the control room via wireless HART communication.

The self-organising mesh network ensures uninterrupted data communication. Each THUM adaptor serves as a network connector and backup so there is no single point of failure. Data transfer is protected by 128-bit encryption. www.radartg.com

Choosing overfill preventionMost companies in Northern Europe use electronic overfill solutions as standard. Low cost sensing probes are fitted to millions of tanks whilst delivery vehicles are equipped with intelligence to prevent overspills.

In response to customer feedback, Secu-Tech created a wireless LRC overspill prevention system nine years ago. “It’s now the first choice for distributors and oil and logistics companies throughout Northern Europe,” says Paul Reyner, Secu-Tech’s sales manager for UK and Ireland. “The system has an 85% market share in Austria and the Benelux countries with a 55% share in Germany, Switzerland and Scandinavia.”

Going electronic in the UK and Ireland…?“With such wide market acceptance in continental Europe, we felt that the UK and Ireland - one of Europe’s biggest markets - would see the advantages of such systems both from an operational and a safety perspective, so we’ve been rather surprised at the muted response,” adds Paul.

“We do appreciate that this is a very competitive market and it’s difficult for the

distributor to justify upfront investment for longer term benefits,” said Paul. “But, with electronic overspill enabled on a delivery fleet, operational safety is greatly increased whilst environmental risks are much reduced.”

Electronic usersFON spoke to Barton Petroleum, a UK distributor which has chosen electronic. Managing director, Richard Burton, explains: “We use a Downstream Engineering system primarily for environmental reasons and it’s proved reliable. It allows us to make

deliveries to tanks where it’s not possible to easily ascertain the ullage - without this system, the risk of spillage would be too great.”

Belgian distributor, Gabriels, has used Secu-Tech’s system since 2003. Managing director, Paul Gabriels told FON: “This compact wireless system has no external antennae; it’s infallible and the handset’s relatively small and light.”

FON sought the Environment Agency’s opinion. At the Diffuse Water Pollution department, Richard Martin reported: “Together with our Oil Care campaign partners, we’re very keen supporters of overfill prevention devices. Oil pollution at the point of delivery is still a significant problem so any technology that can help reduce this is welcome. Whilst we cannot endorse any specific product we do welcome the industry addressing its own challenges and driving better environmental performance.”

Electronic or mechanical? FON would be interested to hear from readers; email [email protected]

“Oil pollution at the point of delivery is still a significant problem

Environment Agency

August 2011www.fueloilnews.co.uk | 33


Digital tachograph changesImportant changes to digital tachograph legislation will come into force on 1st October 2011

The changes include alterations to the way in which driving and other activities are recorded, an increase in the number of company locks from 20 to 255 and the introduction of common test specifications for printout paper. New steps have been taken to detect tampering and from 2012, information from the motion sensor will be checked against vehicle data and any discrepancies logged as faults.

New guidanceThe National Measurement Office (NMO) has recently published two new guidance documents for standard temperature accounting.

The road tanker measurement systems with standard temperature accounting displays and guidance for retail fuel dispensers (petrol pumps) contain advice for manufacturers, retailers, local authority trading standards and approved verifiers. The new document also contains a method of testing and answers to frequently asked questions.

The layman’s guide, written by Peter Edwards of the NMO, explains in more general terms what implications this will have on the public. www.bis.gov.uk/nmo

O licensing legislationFrom 4th December 2011 further harmonised licensing rules will be introduced for international operators and transport managers

Important changes include the merging of national and international transport manager CPCs, restrictions on external transport managers and the introduction of a pan-European database.

Keeping drivers informedUnder legislation introduced at the end of 2010, all tankers must now be marked with an environmentally hazardous sign on both sides and on the rear of the cargo tank. The new document detailing this change in legislation and showing the dead tree, dead fish symbol, should now be included within the instructions in writing, which must be carried in all ADR vehicles. It is also important to ensure that drivers are familiar with the document and its content, paying particular attention to the actions that must be undertaken in the event of an emergency, and the list of equipment which must be carried on board at all times.

Shell UK prosecuted over Bacton blastShell UK has been prosecuted in connection with an explosion and fire at the Bacton gas terminal in Norfolk in February 2008. The company has been ordered by Ipswich Crown Court to pay costs totalling £1.24 million.

The fire broke out in a water treatment plant at the Shell UK installation. The explosion blew the concrete roof off a buffering tank within the plant, hurling concrete and metal debris over a large area and sucking a nearby drain out of the ground. There were no casualties, although Norfolk Fire Service said 10 crews dealt with what they described as “a major incident”. After the event the Health and Safety Executive (HSE) and Environment Agency jointly prosecuted the firm.

Following sentencing, HSE Inspector Steve Johnson, commented: “The fact no-one was seriously hurt in this incident was solely down to good fortune as the company’s internal report acknowledges. Shell UK neglected basic maintenance leading up to the explosion. Our investigation found key components had been failing for some years and the company knew this, yet there had been no appreciation of the potential for an incident such as this.”

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Portland Prices Round-up

August update How do the EU’s various financial leaders feel at the moment? Anyone who in their youth has fought with their elder brother and ended up sitting on his head will know the answer. As context, the fight has developed in such a way that the younger brother finds himself on top of his elder brother, pinning the latter’s head down and immobilising the rest of his body. The victory of course is pyrrhic and the dawning realisation now strikes the younger brother that this situation can only get much, much worse. As long as the elder brother is pinned down, the younger brother is safe. But the longer this situation continues, the more devastating the consequences will be when the elder brother finally escapes - which of course he will.

The parallel with the Greek crisis is that Greece WILL default on its debts. The amount of money that has to be repaid would be ruinous to any country, let alone one with such a weak and chaotic economy. So the question the EU leaders have been grappling with is this; let the default happen now and maybe see the European banks crash or sit on its head for another 2-3 years and hope to come up with another solution? Like the immobilised brother, this situation will not go away and can only get worse. But maybe, just maybe, staving off the crisis for another couple of years will enable the

rest of the EU to recover sufficiently, so that they can weather the inevitable default and subsequent losses of up to $485bn (Greece’s total sovereign debt – a staggering figure).

But where politicians can cover up, markets will brutally expose and the oil market was largely bearish throughout the month. Nobody was convinced that the bail-out was anything other than papering over the cracks of a dire situation, so oil prices fell heavily and only significant drops in the value of the £ prevented the drop from being much larger.

Just as things could not get more interesting, the International Energy Agency (IEA) quite remarkably stepped in at the end of June and released 60m barrels of oil onto the market (circa 2% of world production). For those unaware, the IEA manages the world’s emergency oil reserves, of which the EU and USA are the main contributing members. Every member country must hold at all times, between 60 and 120 days of their annual oil consumption, ready for times of emergency.

Putting the boot in to drive down oil pricesSince its inception 40 years ago, IEA stock releases have been incredibly rare, so much so that this latest release was only the 3rd time in the history of the system that such an event had occurred. Big news indeed and news that Portland saw as almost entirely politically driven. Traditionally, the IEA has only ever released product when prices are

surging upwards, with the intent of cooling down over-heating markets. So where was the justification for releasing stock onto a market that had already dropped by $15 per barrel in the space of 4 weeks?

Portland believes that both US and EU leaders saw a real opportunity to “put the boot in” and hit the oil price just when the downward momentum was at its strongest. The aim perhaps to drive the oil price below $100 per barrel and thus deal a crippling blow to that resurgent enemy of the West, otherwise known as rising inflation. So pressure was put on the IEA to make the release and prices did indeed immediately respond downwards ($7 / barrel drop at the end of June). But tampering with markets in this way is a risky game, particularly the oil markets, where so many vested interests are at play. We will see and only the broader canvas of a few months hence will truly tell us whether the IEA’s silver bullet has hit the target.

Portland Fuel Price Protectionwww.portland-fuel-price-protection.com

The FON Price Totem includes Platts derived market data, supplied courtesy of Platts and BigOil.net. This allows distributors to make a comparison with the average buying prices.

Price Totem

PlattsScotlandNorth EastNorth WestMidlandsSouth EastSouth WestN. IrelandRepublic of Ireland

50.72 60.38 108.8451.81 62.84 110.5552.83 62.23 110.8351.23 62.18 109.9052.14 62.55 110.3452.61 62.00 109.6352.09 62.32 109.8852.22 63.27 111.4765.38 69.28 109.47

57.25 66.16 113.5055.66 66.31 112.9555.85 65.55 112.1556.05 66.08 112.6356.08 65.12 112.1556.14 65.00 112.6355.06 66.12 114.8070.50 72.67 113.27

Trade average buying prices Average selling prices Kero Gas oil ULSD Kero Gas oil ULSD

The price totem figures are compiled from the results of a telephone survey of distributors carried out on the date shown.Buying prices are ex-rack. Selling prices are for 1000 litres of kero, 2500 litres of gas oil and 5000 litres of ULSD (Derv in ROI).

Prices in ROI are in € . Date: 05/07/2011

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