taming of the shew newspaper

Chaewon Lee, Tanvi Pahwa, Jane Fraipont The Daily Paduan THE DAILY PADUAN January 17, 1598 Shrew Problems? No Problem! Issue No. Seventeen Katherine the Shrew Katherine striking Bianca Katherine, a tame and loving wife Subscribe to the Daily Paduan for only 10 crowns per month! Papers delivered to your door! PETRUCHIO REVEALS HIS METHOD OF TAMING SHREWS Padua 1598 Katherine Minola, daughter of Baptista Minola, was recently married to Petruchio of Verona. Before her marriage, Katherine was an awful shrew. However, she has undergone a miraculous transformation, and is now a loyal and obedient wife, all thanks to Petruchio. When Petruchio, Katherine’s proud husband, was asked about this change in personality, he triumphantly replied, “Marry, peace it bodes, and love, and quiet life, and awful rule, and right supremacy, and, to be short, what not that’s sweet and happy?” The surprising change in personality was the outcome of a well though out plan. Petruchio reveals that he had planned to tame her by being a shrew to her. To tame shrews, he says, you have to be strict and firm, and never let her gain an inch of leeway. You must order her around, and never reward her. She will eventually force herself to give in to you, because if she doesn’t, her needs will not be met. According to Petruchio, his method will tame any shrew! The outcome will be a pleasant and respectful wife who knows her place! But why does this method work? (Continued on Page 2) Used dress Only 200 Crowns! (or best offer)

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Taming of the Shrew Newspaper by Chae, Jane, and Tanvi


Chaewon Lee, Tanvi Pahwa, Jane Fraipont

The Daily Paduan

THE DAILY PADUANJanuary 17, 1598

Shrew Problems? No Problem!

Issue No. Seventeen

Katherine the Shrew

Katherine striking Bianca Katherine, a tame and loving wife

Subscribe to the Daily Paduan for

only 10 crowns per month! Papers

delivered to your door!


Padua 1598 Katherine Minola, daughter of Baptista Minola, was recently married to Petruchio of Verona. Before her marriage, Katherine was an awful shrew. However, she has undergone a miraculous transformation, and is now a loyal and obedient wife, all thanks to Petruchio. When Petruchio, Katherine’s proud husband, was asked about this change in personality, he triumphantly replied, “Marry, peace it bodes, and love, and quiet life, and awful rule, and right supremacy, and, to be short, what not that’s sweet and happy?”

The surprising change in personality was the outcome of a well though out plan. Petruchio reveals that he had planned to tame her by being a shrew to her. To tame shrews, he says, you have to be strict and firm, and never let her gain an inch of leeway. You must order her around,  and never reward her. She will eventually force herself to give in to you, because if she doesn’t, her needs will not be met. According to Petruchio, his method will tame any shrew! The outcome will be a pleasant and respectful wife who knows her place! But why does this method work? (Continued on Page 2)

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Petruchio and Katherine’s Happy Ending

The Notorious Shrew is Tamed and Happy!Katherine Minola, the infamous

daughter of Baptista Minola was married to Petruchio of Verona last Sunday. Her husband swiftly proceeded to turn her into a pleasant, likable young wife.

Before her marriage, what Katherine wanted most was to stay single. She hated Petruchio, and was angry at her father for forcing her to marry. She was anticipating an unpleasant and vexatious marriage, but the life she feared didn’t transpire. Instead, she has fallen in love with her husband, and is in a cloud of bliss.

Katherine’s transformation also brought happiness to her husband. “Why, there’s a wench! Come on and kiss me, Kate.” Petruchio, who believed he was marrying a shrew, has ended up with an amiable wife who is head-over-heels in love with him! Petruchio hasn’t been seen without Katherine on his arm since her remarkable change in character.

Katherine Minola and Petruchio of Verona’s marriage has brought happiness peace to their family and home. Jane Fraipont

Petruchio’s Fail-Safe

Shrew-Taming Method

(Continued from Page 1)

Petruchio believes that “giving her a taste of her own medicine” makes her feel vulnerable, like she’s being beaten at her own game. She will begin to lose confidence in herself, and grow timid. Once you wear her down enough, she will begin to believe that you are better than her... she will start to obey you. Petruchio guarantees that his method will tame any shrew! Jane Fraipont


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Lucentio, a young lad from Pisa lies to Baptista and Bianca to win her hand in marriage. Tranio, Lucentio’s servant deceives a merchant to be Lucentio’s father. Will Bianca and Lucentio happily wed? From the time Lucentio first laid eyes on Bianca in Padua, he firmly set his mind on marrying her. He went to extreme measures, as he disguised himself as a Latin tutor(Cambio), and fiercely competed with other suitors, such as, Hortensio win Bianca’s love. During one of the Latin lessons, “Cambio” revealed his true identity as Lucentio. “Hic ibat as I told you before, Simois, I am Lucnetio, hic est, son unto Vincentio of Pisa, Sigeia tell us, disguised thus to get your love.

Hic steterat, and that Lucentio that comes a-wooing, Priami is my man Tranio, regia, bearing my port, celsa senis, that we might beguile the old Pantaloon,” A witness tells us the exact words of Lucentio’s love speech. Bianca eventually fell for Lucentio and his honesty. However, Lucentio was still hiding his true identity from Baptista, Bianca’s father. In order to get approval from Baptista, Tranio, Lucentio’s servant made an effort to find a fake Vincentio(Lucentio’s father.) Therefore, Tranio(disguised as Lucentio) found a merchant from Mantua, who was simply minding his own business. Tranio deceived the merchant by saying, “‘Tis death for anyone in Mantua to come to Padua. Know you not the cause? Your ships are stayed at

Venice, and the Duke, For private quarrel ‘twixt your duke and him, Hath published and probclaimed it openly. ‘Tis marvel, but that you are but newly come You might have heard it else proclaimed about.” Tranio described the situation to us: “The merchant, a good friend of mine now, was so frightened by the news; he was willing to do whatever I asked to help him avoid being killed. Trying to be a helpful servant to my master, I told the merchant to pretend to be Vincentio, a nobleman from Pisa. Without hesitation, he agreed to be Lucentio’s father.” Lucentio lied and Tranio deceived. Will there be a marriage between Bianca and Lucentio?

The Things Men Do For Love


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Chaewon Lee


The Daily Paduan

Q: Bianca, what did you think of your sister, Katherine’s wedding day? A: Katherine’s wedding was very interesting I guess I should say. First of all, he was late to his own wedding, causing humiliation to my sister. Also, Petruchio’s very unusual habiliments confused me and many other guests as well. The way he caused a clamor during the wedding ceremony was also very shocking; he was acting very rudely and not like the polite man I met before. I could tell Katherine felt humiliated, but “That, being mad herself, she’s madly mated!” I did feel bad for Katherine on her wedding day, but I also felt like she deserved it. ~Q: Baptista, how did you feel when you heard there was a suitor for Katherine? A: I was relieved and overjoyed. With so many suitors for Bianca, I was starting to get worried and anxious for Katherine; as more and more people came to my door to win Bianca’s love, I almost decided

to give up my hopes for Katherine’s marriage. Then, when I heard there was a suitor wanting Katherine’s hand, I was about to accept right away. However, I still wanted the best for my daughter; therefore, I told the suitor, Petruchio that he would first have to win Katherine’s love before he would be able to receive my offers. ~Q: Katherine, how did you feel when you heard there was a suitor for you, and what was your first impression of Petruchio? A: I was actually shocked on the inside, but I tried not to show it on the outside. Since men rarely approach me in general, I wanted to maintain my “shrewish” reputation; to be honest, I never expected someone to fall for me. My first impression of Petruchio was that he was a fool. As we conversed mainly in insults and jokes, I have to say that I may have fell for him. As a result, I did not interfere when Petruchio announced the sudden wedding.

By: Chaewon Lee


Do you want to help disease-stricken horses in Padua? Donate to the Local Horse Farm in Padua to help horses, like Petruchio’s famous marred horse.

Chaewon Lee

Baptista Minola Katherine Minola Lucentio & Bianca Minola


The Daily Paduan

Sibling Rivalry Tears Apart Families!

Bianca and Katherine Minola get forthright on their sisterly enmity.

By Tanvi Pahwa

Padua, Italy, 1598: As I walk towards the Minola mansion, Baptista Minola walks down the porch steps, his hand raised in a greeting. He invites me inside, and leads me through ornately decorated halls, until we reach a simple yet elegant sitting room, where Bianca and Katherine wait. They are unadorned, yet magnificent in their gowns, and are very welcoming towards me. I begin to question them on their newly founded truce, of which they seem glad to share about. Bianca smiles sincerely, and breaks the proverbial ice by introducing herself and her sister. Katherine, in a display of her ever-present humour, cracks a joke, which warms me up to the idea of interviewing the two ladies. I begin with a simple question, “Are all the rumours of your hostility towards each other true?” It was an obvious enquiry, with an equally obvious answer, but true to Minola form, Katherine evaded my question, and instead attempted to throw me off track with a mysterious “Aren’t all sibling relationships a little

bit argumentative?” I understand I’m not going to get any further on that lead, so instead, I ask Bianca about her marriage to Lucentio. She blushes, but doesn’t say anything. Katherine cuts in, saying, “Lucentio and Bianca make a fine pair. They’re perfect for each other, and our family supports their marriage a hundred percent. Bianca smiles gratefully at her sister, squeezing her hand. “So, tell us about the reason of your enmity,” I ask. Katherine smirks and begins to talk. “My sister and I had an shaky, unstable relationship. I was insecure and felt that my father loved Bianca more than he loved me. I feel foolish now that I’ve realised that the only reason he did what he did is because he was concerned about my welfare.” When asked about this, all Baptisa had to say was “Was ever any gentleman thus grieved as I? But who comes here?” While our focus features the Minolas, the issue of sibling rivalry is prevalent throughout the world. Jealousy causes siblings to resent each other on the basis of impressing parents and gaining the upper hand in life.

Sponsored Advertisement Katherine Minola

“My sister and I had an shaky, unstable relationship. I was

insecure and felt that my father loved

Bianca more than he loved me. I feel

foolish now that I’ve realised that the only reason he did what he did is because he was concerned about my welfare.” -Katherine


Was ever any gentleman thus grieved as I? But who comes

here?” -Baptista Minola

ASK TRANIO!By: Tanvi Pahwa

Tranio is a columnist based out

of Pisa, Italy. He lives with his

master Lucentio and his mistress Bianca.

Dear Tranio,A few weeks ago, I married a man and went to live with him in his home in Pisa. Since then I have been missing my father and my sister terribly. My husband has been kind to

me, but I cannot deny the pangs of homesickness I have been feeling. What can

I do to combat this terrible feeling?

Dear Homesick,You mustn’t worry about such feelings. They are perfectly normal in a newlywed, and you

are no different. Simply visit your family often, and keep busy, and you will be happy

in no time!From,Tranio

Dear Tranio,I have been unable to find work as a servant after my master fired me for

cooking too tough beef. I now live on the streets, alone and hungry, and I do not

know whom to turn to for guidance. I need your help to find a solution.

Dear Alone,Do not fret, my dear friend! You must seek a

new employer quickly, or else the poverty that you have been evading will catch up with you! There isn’t a quick solution to this

problem. Instead, you must work your way into a job, but if you are of good faith, all will

be well.From,Tranio


Dear Tranio,I have very recently fallen in love with a

widow, who will not return my affections. I must find a way to woo her, so I may settle down at last. What might I do to make her

love me back?From,

Lovesick in Padua

Dear Lovesick in Padua,Do not be afraid to show your love for this widow. She might not show any interest at the moment, but if you are noble and true,

she will fall for you eventually. Woo her by lavishing her with gifts, flowers and your

love. From,Tranio