tame valley academy · web viewcan you count up to 4, 6, 10 vegetables reliably? arts and crafts...

Nursery Planning - 18.05.2020 Story of the week - Oliver’s Fruit Salad Literacy – Reading and Writing. Maths Topic – Monday Share a story with your child this week we are looking at Oliver’s Fruit Salad https://www.youtube.com/watch? v=jcTprkImlmI Discuss with your child what happens in the story? Practise counting up to 20 out loud. Can you support your child to look for some fruit and vegetables around the home. Can you name all the fruit and vegetables? Can you count up to 4, 6, 10 vegetables reliably? Arts and crafts – Can you create your own fruit kebab? Can you create your own fruit face? Tuesday Have fun with your family and try a game called I spy…. I spy with my little eye something beginning with…… what objects can you see around the room can your family help you? https://www.youtube.com/watch? v=n4YaF-jXWuY Can you discuss as a family which is your favourite fruit? Can you support your child to cut up a piece of fruit into 4 pieces, can they cut the piece of fruit now into 8 pieces, now can they cut up the pieces of fruit into 10 pieces?

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Post on 02-Aug-2020




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Page 1: Tame Valley Academy · Web viewCan you count up to 4, 6, 10 vegetables reliably? Arts and crafts – Can you create your own fruit kebab? Can you create your own fruit face? Tuesday

Nursery Planning - 18.05.2020 Story of the week - Oliver’s Fruit Salad

Literacy – Reading and Writing. Maths Topic –Monday Share a story with your child this week

we are looking at Oliver’s Fruit Salad

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jcTprkImlmIDiscuss with your child what happens in the story?

Practise counting up to 20 out loud.Can you support your child to look for some fruit and vegetables around the home. Can you name all the fruit and vegetables? Can you count up to 4, 6, 10 vegetables reliably?

Arts and crafts –Can you create your own fruit kebab?

Can you create your own fruit face?

Tuesday Have fun with your family and try a game called I spy…. I spy with my little eye something beginning with…… what objects can you see around the room can your family help you?


Can you discuss as a family which is your favourite fruit? Can you support your child to cut up a piece of fruit into 4 pieces, can they cut the piece of fruit now into 8 pieces, now can they cut up the pieces of fruit into 10 pieces?

Page 2: Tame Valley Academy · Web viewCan you count up to 4, 6, 10 vegetables reliably? Arts and crafts – Can you create your own fruit kebab? Can you create your own fruit face? Tuesday

Nursery Planning - 18.05.2020 Story of the week - Oliver’s Fruit Salad

Wednesday Can you support your child to practise writing their name, can you write out their name on big paper for the children to practise writing their name using rainbow colours.

Practise counting up to 20 out loud.Practise singing the 2D shapes song.


Can you look around your home and count how many rectangles, circles, squares, triangles you can see?

Could you create your own fruit flower?

Thursday Can you support your child to hold their scissors correctly and cut out a range of different fruits they could look in a magazine and cut out the fruit or cut around different fruits you have drawn for them. After they have cut them out could they stick them down and create their own fruit salad?

Can you practise a shape repeated pattern game?


Physical Activities –.

Friday Observational drawing/painting fun – Can you count 6 pieces of fruit? Can you put them in a bowl or basket and paint a picture of the fruits or

Page 3: Tame Valley Academy · Web viewCan you count up to 4, 6, 10 vegetables reliably? Arts and crafts – Can you create your own fruit kebab? Can you create your own fruit face? Tuesday

Nursery Planning - 18.05.2020 Story of the week - Oliver’s Fruit Salad

draw a picture and colour it in.