talking to tulips - goto conference · how we built google tulip using serverless technology and...

Talking to Tulips How we built Google Tulip using Serverless technology and Machine Learning Ma Feigal Christiaan Hees Lee Boonstra Google Tulip Engineering Team

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Page 1: Talking to Tulips - GOTO Conference · How we built Google Tulip using Serverless technology and Machine Learning Ma Feigal Christiaan Hees Lee Boonstra Google Tulip Engineering Team

Talking to TulipsHow we built Google Tulip using Serverless technology and Machine Learning

Matt FeigalChristiaan Hees

Lee BoonstraGoogle Tulip Engineering Team

Page 3: Talking to Tulips - GOTO Conference · How we built Google Tulip using Serverless technology and Machine Learning Ma Feigal Christiaan Hees Lee Boonstra Google Tulip Engineering Team

Matt FeigalFounder & CTO Google Tulip

Page 4: Talking to Tulips - GOTO Conference · How we built Google Tulip using Serverless technology and Machine Learning Ma Feigal Christiaan Hees Lee Boonstra Google Tulip Engineering Team

One Giant Leap for Plant-kind

Page 5: Talking to Tulips - GOTO Conference · How we built Google Tulip using Serverless technology and Machine Learning Ma Feigal Christiaan Hees Lee Boonstra Google Tulip Engineering Team

Page 6: Talking to Tulips - GOTO Conference · How we built Google Tulip using Serverless technology and Machine Learning Ma Feigal Christiaan Hees Lee Boonstra Google Tulip Engineering Team



Mobile frontendHTML5/JS ClientCloud Run

BackendNode.jsCloud Run

Detect ImageAutoML Vision Base64 Image

Page 7: Talking to Tulips - GOTO Conference · How we built Google Tulip using Serverless technology and Machine Learning Ma Feigal Christiaan Hees Lee Boonstra Google Tulip Engineering Team

your data + our models


our data + our models

Vision API

Data Loss Prevention API


Ease of UseCustomisationTrain on state-of-the-art modelsBuild your own models Call pretrained models

Cloud TPUs

your data + your model


Page 8: Talking to Tulips - GOTO Conference · How we built Google Tulip using Serverless technology and Machine Learning Ma Feigal Christiaan Hees Lee Boonstra Google Tulip Engineering Team

AutoML Demo

Page 9: Talking to Tulips - GOTO Conference · How we built Google Tulip using Serverless technology and Machine Learning Ma Feigal Christiaan Hees Lee Boonstra Google Tulip Engineering Team

And when we get sensor data again...

Page 10: Talking to Tulips - GOTO Conference · How we built Google Tulip using Serverless technology and Machine Learning Ma Feigal Christiaan Hees Lee Boonstra Google Tulip Engineering Team

Christiaan HeesVP of Infrastructure, Google Tulip

Page 11: Talking to Tulips - GOTO Conference · How we built Google Tulip using Serverless technology and Machine Learning Ma Feigal Christiaan Hees Lee Boonstra Google Tulip Engineering Team



Mobile frontendHTML5/JS ClientCloud Run

BackendNode.jsCloud Run

Detect ImageAutoML Vision

Page 12: Talking to Tulips - GOTO Conference · How we built Google Tulip using Serverless technology and Machine Learning Ma Feigal Christiaan Hees Lee Boonstra Google Tulip Engineering Team

As a developer I want to

● Write an app in a language I’m comfortable with

● Deploy● Don’t want to worry about server config,

maintenance and scaling

Page 13: Talking to Tulips - GOTO Conference · How we built Google Tulip using Serverless technology and Machine Learning Ma Feigal Christiaan Hees Lee Boonstra Google Tulip Engineering Team

Cloud Run● Serverless platform● Years of experience from GAE,

GAE Flex and Cloud Functions● Auto scales (also down to 0)● Not just functions● Any web app you can put in a


● Add a Dockerfile and deploy● Google handles the rest

Page 14: Talking to Tulips - GOTO Conference · How we built Google Tulip using Serverless technology and Machine Learning Ma Feigal Christiaan Hees Lee Boonstra Google Tulip Engineering Team

Example Dockerfile

Page 15: Talking to Tulips - GOTO Conference · How we built Google Tulip using Serverless technology and Machine Learning Ma Feigal Christiaan Hees Lee Boonstra Google Tulip Engineering Team

Build & Deploy Containers

docker build -t<my-project>/tulip .

docker push<my-project>/tulip

gcloud beta run deploy tulip \ --image<my-project>/tulip

Page 16: Talking to Tulips - GOTO Conference · How we built Google Tulip using Serverless technology and Machine Learning Ma Feigal Christiaan Hees Lee Boonstra Google Tulip Engineering Team
Page 17: Talking to Tulips - GOTO Conference · How we built Google Tulip using Serverless technology and Machine Learning Ma Feigal Christiaan Hees Lee Boonstra Google Tulip Engineering Team

Customer Case

● Heavily regulated● Personally Plant Identifying Information (PII)● General Plant Protection Regulation (GPPR)● Use existing Kubernetes infra

Page 18: Talking to Tulips - GOTO Conference · How we built Google Tulip using Serverless technology and Machine Learning Ma Feigal Christiaan Hees Lee Boonstra Google Tulip Engineering Team

Knativeopen source building blocks

for serverless on Kubernetes

Page 19: Talking to Tulips - GOTO Conference · How we built Google Tulip using Serverless technology and Machine Learning Ma Feigal Christiaan Hees Lee Boonstra Google Tulip Engineering Team

Cloud Run

Fully managed, deploy your workloads and don’t see the cluster.

Cloud Run on GKE

Deploy into your GKE cluster, run serverless side-by-side with your existing workloads.

Cloud Run Everywhere Else

Use the same APIs and tooling anywhere you run Kubernetes with Knative.

Serverless on Kubernetes Everywhere

Page 20: Talking to Tulips - GOTO Conference · How we built Google Tulip using Serverless technology and Machine Learning Ma Feigal Christiaan Hees Lee Boonstra Google Tulip Engineering Team
Page 21: Talking to Tulips - GOTO Conference · How we built Google Tulip using Serverless technology and Machine Learning Ma Feigal Christiaan Hees Lee Boonstra Google Tulip Engineering Team

Lee BoonstraVP of Engineering, Google Tulip

Page 22: Talking to Tulips - GOTO Conference · How we built Google Tulip using Serverless technology and Machine Learning Ma Feigal Christiaan Hees Lee Boonstra Google Tulip Engineering Team

How does this work?

Page 23: Talking to Tulips - GOTO Conference · How we built Google Tulip using Serverless technology and Machine Learning Ma Feigal Christiaan Hees Lee Boonstra Google Tulip Engineering Team

How does this work?

Point your mobile camera to a flower

Page 24: Talking to Tulips - GOTO Conference · How we built Google Tulip using Serverless technology and Machine Learning Ma Feigal Christiaan Hees Lee Boonstra Google Tulip Engineering Team

How does this work?

AutoML Vision detects the type of


Page 25: Talking to Tulips - GOTO Conference · How we built Google Tulip using Serverless technology and Machine Learning Ma Feigal Christiaan Hees Lee Boonstra Google Tulip Engineering Team

How does this work?

Talk to the flower via your mobile microphone

Page 26: Talking to Tulips - GOTO Conference · How we built Google Tulip using Serverless technology and Machine Learning Ma Feigal Christiaan Hees Lee Boonstra Google Tulip Engineering Team

How does this work?

Spoken audio streams into Dialogflow, which

detects Intent and plays flower voice

Page 27: Talking to Tulips - GOTO Conference · How we built Google Tulip using Serverless technology and Machine Learning Ma Feigal Christiaan Hees Lee Boonstra Google Tulip Engineering Team
Page 28: Talking to Tulips - GOTO Conference · How we built Google Tulip using Serverless technology and Machine Learning Ma Feigal Christiaan Hees Lee Boonstra Google Tulip Engineering Team
Page 29: Talking to Tulips - GOTO Conference · How we built Google Tulip using Serverless technology and Machine Learning Ma Feigal Christiaan Hees Lee Boonstra Google Tulip Engineering Team

Google Tulip Demo

Page 30: Talking to Tulips - GOTO Conference · How we built Google Tulip using Serverless technology and Machine Learning Ma Feigal Christiaan Hees Lee Boonstra Google Tulip Engineering Team



Mobile frontendHTML5/JS ClientCloud Run

BackendNode.jsCloud Run

Detect ImageAutoML Vision


Browser Microphone

Page 31: Talking to Tulips - GOTO Conference · How we built Google Tulip using Serverless technology and Machine Learning Ma Feigal Christiaan Hees Lee Boonstra Google Tulip Engineering Team

const request = {

session: this.sessionPath,

queryInput: {

audioConfig: {

sampleRateHertz: 48000,


languageCode: 'en_US',



inputAudio: inputAudio,

outputAudioConfig: {


sampleRateHertz: 48000,

synthesizeSpeechConfig: {

voice: { ssmlGender: 'SSML_VOICE_GENDER_FEMALE' }


const [response] = await this.sessionClient.detectIntent(request);

Dialog ow SDK

Page 32: Talking to Tulips - GOTO Conference · How we built Google Tulip using Serverless technology and Machine Learning Ma Feigal Christiaan Hees Lee Boonstra Google Tulip Engineering Team


Page 33: Talking to Tulips - GOTO Conference · How we built Google Tulip using Serverless technology and Machine Learning Ma Feigal Christiaan Hees Lee Boonstra Google Tulip Engineering Team

In case you wondered. The Google Tulip Project is an April Fools joke.

However, with Google Cloud technology, like AutoML Vision, Cloud Run and Dialogflow STT, TTSwe were close, in getting there.

Page 34: Talking to Tulips - GOTO Conference · How we built Google Tulip using Serverless technology and Machine Learning Ma Feigal Christiaan Hees Lee Boonstra Google Tulip Engineering Team

Thank you!More Info & Source Code


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