talking arbitrarily disregarded three days--monday, tuesday and...

I1 MW. Lwa of * US is Spoat Gater at AIBmahia. I.1 Gbt. A)mmatria. Ya. July T.-A ISM amber of members et the Old Demamles Beat Club and their frisads including a number of women, thi afternoon attended the udimenme regatta, given by that slb, Of the boat house at the foet of Duke street. There were nine events. They follow: Single canes-Wingate, fret; A . ton. second; Byrne. third; Ashby, fourth. Single outrigger-Pohl, first; Curti., second: Spoford, third. Deuble canoes-Francis and Byrne, irst; Ashton and Washington. second. Double outrlgger-Pohl and Spoffore, irst; Summers and Curtin, second. Canoe fours-Ashton, Dyson. Francis and Byrne. first; Reardon, McKenna, Wingate and Ashby, second. Canoe tilting Pohl and McKen a were the winners, winning two out ot three. Other crews competing were Ashton and Ashby, and Reardon and Byrne. Swimming race-Curtin, first; Ashby. second. Canoe sailing race - Francis and Crump, first; Dyson and Byre. second. During the progress of the regatta. George R. Dickson. president of the Independent Ufe Saving Corpe of the American Red Cross. Washington. and Miss C. Deso, also of Washington. gave exhibitions of death grips, holds and breaking same, and Miss Deslo also illustrated and different tread of persons in the water. Oficials of the regatta included the following: George E. Warfield. Capt. Albert Bryan. A. G. Uhler, L. U. Uhler and C. Aubrey Callahan. Judges: Alfred Moss. starter; E. U. Carver. referee; J. Sid Douglas. float omcer; Carl Mueller. captain of the crews. When officials at the Potomac rail- road yards this afternoon opened a box car loaded with tomatoes from South Carolina. bound for New York. they were greatly astonished to find a co!-ed wan walk out. He gave his name as James Doyle. x4 years old, snd .a.d he helped to load the car in Meggetts. S. C. and before he realised it he was a prisoner, that being Thurs- day afternoon. Doyle had the cargo of tomatoes and a bucket of water to live on. He says he knocked on the car door at every station In order to attract atten- tion. but all in vain. He further says he was knocking on the car door at 'he Potomac yards. which, however, ailed to attract attention. Doyle was taken to police station and given a meal which he ate raven' -usly. Doyle says he may stay here -nd go to work at the Potomac yards. tn the Circuit Court for Alexandria Cmntry today Judge Frank B. Whit- irg. of Berryvll.e. presiding in place of Jud;' J. B. 'I'. Thornton, the court .-verruled the motion to set aside the verdict and for a new trial in the suit of Miss Anna E. Deahl, of this city. who was several days ago awarded a verdict for 35M against the electric rilway company, in a suit for per- sonal injuries. Miss Deahi was represented by At- tnrney Leo P. Harlow. The suit was brought jointly against the Washington-Virginia Railway Company and the Washington Brick mnd Terra Cotta Company. Mrs. Farah A. Lyles, wife of Mar- ket Master Lambert D. Lyles. died morning at her home. I.4 North ctt stre-t. in addition to her band she is survived by the tol- r'- children: Mrs. John Curtin, -ch Lyles. Ernest C. Lyles. Mrs. f Ni!p Park, Mrs. Bernard Barnett 1 Harrison l.slea. The funeral "%i1 take riwe at 4:311 o'clock Mon- ay afternoon from the home. News has been received in this city :h- death of George Henry Garr. Morristown. N. J. Mr. Garr died Om injuries sustained July 4 by -<nc th~own from his mount, during ptrogrces of a polo game. He maried a iniss Bessie Lee. of this ity, who with a son survive him. Walter M. Donnelly, formerly of this city, but now of Washington. pas been commissioned a captain in tie Quartermaster's Officers Reserve marts. and will be assigned to duty u'nler to. John L. Carson. superin- tendent of a my transportation serv- ice. as disbursing officer at New York City. Dr. J. T. Ashton, of this city, has received a commission as first lieu- tenant in the Dental Reserve Corps and expects to be assigned to duty sonn. Wallace H. Fawcett. of Alexandria, has received a commisaion as captain In t.e Reserve Engineering Cort', of the ',ited States army. and is at present stationed at Sault St. Marie. Canada. A number of women of this city, to- day registered In the Interest of food cons-rvatten Women conducted the reistration at a stand in the north end of the city market. They expect to conduct the work at the same place next Saturday. Later cards will be distributed in the churches and after- ward. it is expected to have the police distrltute cards to those who have not .registered. Mrs. Kate Waller Barrett Is local chairman and Mrs. M. Z. Hern. don, secretary. Many other women today assisted in the work. Mrs. J. H-. Mansfield. deputy state -nun, i'or, last night installed officers ,f 'tcunt Vernon Council, No. 1, )aughters of America. as follows: t .Jun 4'lapdore, councilor; Mrs. Mary lleach, associate councilor; MIss .lattle Turner. vice councilor; Mrs. Ctettie Coftin, associate vice councilor; I. A. Forrest. recording secretary for h" ci hteenth consecutive term; Mirs. leorge Wells. assIstant recordIng see. etary.: Mrs. James H. Mansfield. Inancial secretary; Mrs. Mary Ticer, reasurer; Mrs. Ann;. Davis. warden: 4rs. John Allen. conductors; J. H. Aansfleld, Inside sentinel: Mise Fan- SFin-nel. outside sentinel; Miss Mat- Ie Turner. trustee for eighteen nonths: Mrs. James H. Mansfield. leputy state councilor. A' homuse and lot on the east side of Royal street, ,between Queen and 'rincess strects, was sold at auction oday for Rob.nson Moncure. trustee, Jad purchased by John D. Normoyle. Feintaai. Pmn Lost. During the past -two or three days 'cur dosen Parker fountain peno, val- led at 3161, have been stolen from the Peoples' Drug Store, at Seventh and K streets northwest. Deaf Persons OTOPHONE- estmes as hA, -a, isme This photograph shows Erleutherios take control voted him by the Greek V'eniselns. the famous Greek demon-I people at the election. the mandates of cratie- statesman. talking an army which were arbitrarily disregarded by officer on the Saloniki front. M. Veni- King Constantine, who recently abdi- zelos has just returned to Athens to c ated. Fifteen Children Victims Of Kaiser's Aerial Raidi "The Germans claim to have bombed1ThCone:Erydyatdvy the fort of London. That is the only!Plciy explanation they have to give, and Ms l:Itiks.Te l tc there are 171 little children who have to hercas suffered from this bombing of a fort.-Eiecofnd tfcao wshn How little children could have been in gvnb aet.S erbywr h a fort passes understanding." bde uiae htI n ae This scornful declaration was made ,slirs wfa cid cud ol by the Poplar coroner, Wynne Bax- hnigo t ek nte r a ter. In opening the inquests on the! dniid b ako e ek fifteen little children who rerished by'ndatidc ldb apatuar ut a bomb falling on an East Eind school, o hc i ohrhdmwdo 'says the London Chronicle. The Pro- t h rsbn fhssito h ceedings were of a very pathetice vose nig Oepa ntadth character, and many were moved to ietfcto a nyb ie tears. The crorthouse was crowded, olr ic fbu vrl a h with the relatives of the dead little ol lei nte ae ones. dressecd in de mourning, and Adectv wh hlpd ogtci- sevealo th leaing en n th:Te Cronterevkaerybod athed very I shll ot ast epihet upnte Mes crer: an thi n tho. uTh al tuck it. umanty o theGerm ns."said the lor tr cses.t aebe ietd mayor in onesapprachig-ne denu e ofe id eifica tion wa ste "any~ ~ ~ ~~~gie byeta t ha hs fora ent. tog tebeyer the boysandgir hae ded a trly o h uldir's wIet child o ulstad onxy thei cont an fo evrytingplhed eonite byound Egypti mea worh dingfor asanyof ur en hasnin ponits anek Anther gtresswas at he ron oron he.hig ses." wden ted by i~al mar w h r coneck, Themayr dde tht her wold and ca ge hird chfl by e weprtiua lu- ron which hioo fmothea weds on etoda them trhean ofis hisrc shrat h o'coc. henth Sffrga bsh prevousaeenin.kOe' pareadth + wold ffiiat. Al th chldrn idetfcartonewa o nlyh byoo ai hien woul be ntered n on grae, o lar. An pte goun blu e n v erl wahe Ata hysol nt be ae heectivaes whochped to etchl- everanofathe Laean menoia in the idren I the reagrsaid te bo "I saed no ae epte n t he eb n t corner . nd firn t th ro la tw "Irhmntyop teemn." adae d the foorr. Ittseem to havovrdrp ea bee diveted "any mhartl than a tatethesellhuoo ppotiwen thoughol the ente -o bteoy rers and conrlr have di-ad rped asnro fr, the r bubig tcm omres and te Slthirn tout aned for erthi n of det o thir rp e gud for bo bwihhthe wth dyin for, tie. an formn wsh o pitns anrte misttree, at the l f ro s or P.h a on thbihses" Iwoiacthe hrd~al aend wtha cofness the asuc atuneraim of the ictmsnxi ee o w it blooag d frmte.onso Wenedaao the parissfh schuwrch at they childe. t wre mtatnfet.e ed ho'c a . "nThey weuffrav bh oie Thde nr tae Oreoan eelothe ofbcattlfel thechldrveben he b caae of theico aid he woudebater re ina t e graveasi the plmgh aygrouend when hfecheard thatd Thesol nt bel n eighb rated Th aeo. ae T prahng.etl friend on de. La ay emore" winll the casei the layrunoed bed plac i-ared ve them. a ck rito shool dethe fwst du teran this ghabtoyinun trepemeti thoe ost heorhoolge sec-b Ttee ou er andconirm ou Ienduie dropped anothe b po ian the Druio to put a'rin end thi wsor ceofmbr dropped ay bom tthe fco l ndfud la time."ate Ichon Wain es arribu ed o t threen Mr.Wil roks M P. wh wa nboies. tee rd bIng that scofl has thersee a t tobhel tim e d f The aid, a ctwne , t ed 5.oe rmred ta thatey cudteac esete Mschoo ler- eicintmay ase, it wea stated hc edn aherly ''hey were br i ab- bd had been st byanoedlow, andr yond hdscrkon neoihmvery dialay-ug a erdo ct explmne That tahrs mih Ined . n he bat teed ouldpae bhere havebe ase y cicaio greate than thel braver the diogh-e r. ra . .. 'rin aid ehe wascale toteshoadfuda4recae w -eabobhddopdThch- dre wees oee wt ersta thycudntb se.Ms ide ired.ogrphte nutw pleswheroeac'Cnrlvtdhmb h re Venielos thefamos ~rek dmon peoleht thae een the mendacts of officr on he SaonikifroT. N. igCTaniehecnl bi xeloe hIn austtreturnedstohAtheny toturted Ofrdctsihstreat Aeria duaithe The ermas caim o ht bmbe Thc Corne eryhoact e upeby the fortiofuLondon.aThtdibythn onlylpluoniof explaatio heyhaveto ie, bombss droype by thnks.ey allcrat.c thee reI litl cilre wo a Int theing la tibtseste.ayi Howlitle hilrencold avebee in ciend, themtoron0erriblma re that a frt amsundrtndig." bdevrytiahad tbeen carred oute a soldciertys wife at were acshlp whnch Thissconfuldecraton as mdad reenogtruck by a torpeda. Tedae by he opar orner Wnn.Ba- Ih~gwas o pefet nelm. Thnoteher iwa ter. in opening~al theouet on heIintfd yd jus mak ton h tek a bmb allngon n Est ndschol owhichused oh eergd eed ofi the ldebrn Chronice.v Thatro tohh rsbado i sito h ceeisn e of ea mey wathti r eviuvnn.Oe aets h cartrebfr, nd man rry wre ered. dniiainwa nyb ie with o the hilv ofedr e xtiad wereh onycunante ae ne.,lad inr taken orn iad Adtciewohpdt e hl sevralo the reednged me -ntede rmtewegadtebm booh Corereeamtota reant e h lin ttenrh 'tshl ot be ef nd e rit upltheg --' inr n wn hog a maor ntonhae appronintinerthecas. hen Seeaicet fiho "any ore than chol sartha thesemori ettrog h etro y and gl. havered mst trl fobe buidiobbe oinestn x The Doctr: ndsseyhiopodo theyeebonBlioe Md.,ouly f.-Why should wth Dienb for, bas, whny oformws noyn paic mongea thas misroms terihitiaed a ctdely nla t oons ats the fro tkn teaciheas ante Ti spzligMs eh t nThe maorhdedstanng ther kwlinicore.omofhm reoy n'othinwithtblooheyromatdetweundslo- be o uli Thereal o te ictis emti- ciden hywr m iiet darkress.and fro theariulsechurchea woul coeridiat, pllsten childen T hesho adh Thlde ornerr in- tonegayo, sowsiwerpegrudwenh er thfatted, shoulo. e sprtd tearolnsapocig etl I ca d in de thltram oilwllhe children,"ntheplatronduedg Mi bepatnd "ande thmd bak nwasholTe trtoerln glIme hofghtdecould mayo inthtte oeoe rpe obo thrids r ghastl in an mychatden wilhueopoiethucoltetc scte . het wan ckmorrs n dopdaohrbm and thep edton gto pote chnlen froe tis sor-ftiddopdabm hc ih tingou for tma." chhol.Wdreen.aridTotrtre brg bWyifll hrough, . heoewan fonmois h hr en hto i the b'scaheo timetof the rnandsai ode- n aedi that he techersoftescholowot-rs many cses, out was stted the ed erocaly. "Thy wre rav .boeys halee aviemellow ndn greaer han he ravry e~d of itmiht hoave baeesh ffects ofar playedforhese arreallaneichnvistann of a.y- frieds o min: can ay n mo e," e n llth cassttle ur t rteate downlabrin uner eepemoion tosoc oeth wheorrshae swet up byv TweUe~ Uasug. it jries fin d y o an beetesin oafe Dr.3. . OBrin aid e ws clle ty fingt. Trfort, toe ther wayI to he chol, ndfoud alare catreahch anvaebodyri ther shons badh alice abom hai drppid, Teihb dacerou t theroety reare thatub drencwere sowco'emedffi(thdehornshae ecently ads ifet wetre as whchp ton a eaher wh ws to il oa-hdve strutk byf tordo Thre tendhadwrkeheracaly, athogivs perec cwlma Thnerfulyersakidh plaeswhee llthey oudttutasthug .e hewslelys to fhid chldren, The ee use torkchemergencie, i ofs tey ebia mstreavyo thte ____n-_____ f'ano depvea muen wsoke, related befreat wnth promerllrd he wherie and wonee ron and fndl RSSRA i~m techildren exngotrcateed wereh sco aY d aete rec oer. 'h ele toLNFRMCW Tet oreru ofa told hat-reains n hs h. beetn fbidnd athou bodydiog the child Bearingetmem iict " (uiil'uicc uststil ean Rsobed ones. 'e hil , c~on,'ihe~ Wen t 'quesin so ha ny The Dctor Unlss thy weehiown . Baltmoremand, Julye,-Wh. Iht wad to pcsby hc mb, wiobis otunyoetish to ste _brasnoigbe unlkel. Sme f te cilden erethe hornk of s. Cahenrine pSeh'so blis I, Wtkisa tschr i th is who puinge to s aSethin, er Infats'depatmet, sid hey hapaxiwhgther neihbsout ien al- nottheslihtet wrnig, ndoewbrookeend he po-s--ioelyo rayin horn was coveed withplaster and mn."o the arredst n nition of a nyk,-rth bein buied liv? Winos Ye, adresa ontm whca tle," sarted but the Mis Wakinsb"an mde awyovereindarycwseiee n ae corido, go al m chldenut eah a ae where90 theirhon ght Sabob seins Ivedsmage Con i-e Toll of Poseoac Cosmtact. Sainted a -ene .ment that the Washington Raiway aps Eleotrie Company has made a new working estract with the Potoinat Dectric Power Company, making liberal con- deasions to the railway, may have some efeet on the Senatorial fadings in the strike investigation. The ees agalrs of the conpany were delved into at some length by the. lenate Committee, for the pur. pose of determining whether the morn pany could afford to pay the higher wages sought by the striking con ductors and potornen. It has de- veloped, at te hearings before the Public Utilities Coammlslon, that the Washington Railway and Electric had made the new contract since May 2, when the valuation findings on the Potomac Company were handed down by the commission. Its terms grant greater concessions than the original contract, which the commission be- lieved still In existence. The commission had received- no notice of the new agrpement and be- lieved that the only agreement in existence was the original agreemen. of June. 1906, which had been verbally modified offcials of the company testified, but which modifications has not previously been put in written form. 'What did you want to put it in definite form for, if you had been acting ubon it for ten or eleven years.' asked Corporation Counsel gyme? 'I thought it was a good idea," re- plied Mr. Ham, vice president of the W. R. & E. Why? queried Mr. Syme. "It is better to have it in definite form, rather than In indefinite form," replied Mr. Ham. The commission denied the petition of the W, R. & E. to be admitted as a party to the rate proceedings of the Potomac Company. Financial statistics offered at the Senate strike hearings were base upon Public Utilities Commission records and are thus not up to date as disclosed by these developments. None of the members of the strike committee cared to comment on the matter last night. PROVIDES PLEASURE FOR FIGH1iN MEN National League for Woman's Serv ice Starts Recreation Centers. (fly Internatleal News service.) New York. July 7.-"The uniform is Your admission ticket." is a slogan that will soon oe greeting soldiers and :ailrs wherever they are concen- trated. This reversal of the old prej- udice that often barred the man in uniform from decent amusement places is being fostered by the Na tional League for Woman's Service, the tranches of which throughout the country will soon be providing recrea- tion centers for the boys In khaki and blue. The social club for sailors and sol diers opened by the league in New York haa proved so successful that plans are going forward under the direction of the league's social and welfare department to establish simi lar clube elsewhere, the whole system to be modeled on the English can teens, the operation of which has been studied by experts for adaptation to the needs of our own men. The plan has the enthusiastic indorsement of the military authorities, as well as of the Y. M. C. A. and other men's welfare organizations. In fact, branches of the league are instructed from national headquarters in New York to consult local military authori- ties and the Y. M. C. A. before open ing a club. The canteens In New York have met with immediate favor among the men in uniforms. Here the soldiers, sail ors or marines may meet and be en- tertained. or spend a quiet hour in the library or in the game room, without any cost whatever. Uncle Sam's uni form being the ticket that entitles them to everything on the card free, from cigarettes to dancing. The league has enlisted well-known enter- tainers. musicians and singers, while piano dealers, cigarette and tobacco manufacturers, candy companies and stationers have stocked up the can teens with supplies-all free. Members of the league, their daugh- ters and other relations, among them many maids and matrons of social prominence, attend the club as host esses and dancing partners. Mrs. Her- bert C. Halcomb, of the leagues so- cial and welfare department, origi nated the movement, and takes per s-nal charge of the entertainment, seeing to it that the club is maintain ed at a place of healthy amusement and not as a "highbrow" meeting for the men's moral uplift. CAPE PATROL FLEET LOOKS FOR ll-BOATS Naval Opinion is Divided on Pres ence of German Submarines. The navy has received no confirma tion of the reports of a submarine operating off the Virginia capes. No chances are being taken, however, and a large patrol fleet is closely cov ering all that part of the Atlantic. Naval opinion is divided as to the possibIlity of a submarine's presence. One officer said yesterday that there was little doubt of the fact that one had been sighted. Another officer, of equal authority In these matters. said that he believed the presence of a U-boat Impossible. At the time of the attack upon the destroyer Jones, off the capes some months ago, the navy developed some very definite theories as to the craft which attacked her. information from the officer of the~ deck of the Jones was of so specif 1e a nature that the naval authorities concluded that the submarine was of the cargo-carrying typo and that she wasn here on a mine laying mission. Whether or not mines were laid and found by the U'nited States patrol fleet has never been made public. The submarine, which attacked the Jones. had a very lucky escape. She was sighted from the deck of the Jones while both ships were gunning with all lights out. When the order to switch on the Jone5 searchlight wasn given the light was awitched on to a small dynamo, which burned out. There resulted just one flash of the searchlight and then darkness. Before connection could he made with another end larger dynamo the torpedo had been fired and the sub- marine submerged. Had the search- light burned for just the half minuten necessary to train the Jones's guns, the submarine would have been an easy target. as she was only a few hundred feet away, and running or the surface, In view of this Incident the great est precautions are now being ob served. TO OPEN ANNAPOLIS BIDS. An expcnditure of nearly 11,500.000, by which the facilities -of the Naval Academy at Annapolis will he greatly increased, will be involved in the opening of sealed proposals Monday by the Bureau of Tards and Decks of the Navy Depstment for eitensiono e amsmaO __ ~..=m~ as W RE. P. the state w e as! the .SmeOemn le Ylaek in mmmi.. with the vqassg e 5, The "wasa- vlsea ia ithm nla Peigene as Olty det to Sattpr 04 the etty b1all. DYNA lNjlNT 'Had Pobad. Ala. to Blow Up dw Panama Canal and Bridge. (f ]ew .ervie.) Knoxville. Tenn.. July 7.-Deacee are not always angels. Ths was proved in the gase of W. N. Clark. who confessed to dynamung the Federal Dye. and Chemical Corporation at Kingsport last May.- killing ne man and wounding several. Clark also plotted to destroy the remainder of the plant, to blow up the Fanama Canal. to wreck a bridge and troop trains at Loudoa and do other damage. Federal oioers and detective. who had Installed a dictagraph in a hotel room where he was conspirlg with a government Secret service agent from Memphis. heard him assure the agent that. being a deacon in a church and having boosted the sale of liberty loan bond in his community, he. Clark. would never be suspected of wrong- doing. Counsel for Clark and relatives and friends say he was never near the Kingsport plant and is suffering from Insanity. Ofiers charge he once at- tempted to blow up the Johns Hop- kins Hospital at Baltimore. t Rsse &A4mmtCmsmiee te eeSat ""'"hbeamee cemnt ndem the C"meg t Ma- teal Debmae. It is es-rel - e the Omerament has wear et 0 wattlng fer the -ses to rese as agreeseat, ad kme deteithd anelly to take maMtter IS to a hand1. The fl deral Tuei Ce-mimam- is at werk an m inved ssa at steel producties eat, the realt Of White it will repr to the Prendent. 3ellewi l this. it s atetu, a steel prine wn be Sel. The Department 01 Jwudee to gee- session e a vast aemeat 0f evldesee. regarding the activitiee ot the steel trust, and the Goveramet wil ot hesitate to ae thia In brging eheet a quick settlemeut ea a stee prie. Govermineb edeisi declare that it is especially Impertant that the Dted price controversy be brought abruptly to an end, an pacad am a bas of at least partia Government controL Inasmuch. as the enutre industry now is in a chaeotle condition. Manufactur- ing establliuente dependent en the steel mills for materials are operating only f to e per cent of normal. This Is delaying the output of the entire country and the delay afects muni- tUons of war as well as other products pvital in the earrylag on of war prep- arations. Recently a compromise en a price ot tl a tou for eteel was tentatively reached between the United States Steel Corporation, whkch now is pro- ducing nearly half of the output, and s jIe&w Ap .m el e Pmte a a BUSl -or s. rt Mwu wee Is II Mre -rt Mdest Oman S e Wbrm ow Amwrn8 toamc We& arum"/ dw to - SS Mr Samrn l MM at New~. " e A ae memnl at-e0lm a m t Se ww t W war" at WeebR a.: er;ase"" muhm that w rremel " hsme Iel wee ata Jws .t ped". di-ge iniaa hwam beam pmet~ da'ms at e lemeceum~S mes fempoa bmzem bhemiph LDteIMg" Slatal anS at OwvW . e,g Crbmlb. thie S P. I. ne mieS aL to . r plow" ac mal., f that tbau-oim Who m.rihal ec Se hey .msrt of Is- ce@W a ehav.t -W hoar mudr,. w.mmo el Arlto~ae oap "e m We Cater to Ladies and Geness !Many Good Plhcow to Eat 111" lt, 1H7 Est, 1712ft.Awu 07 lltri.amd 4 W 6 CK LV. WHEN YOU SEE A CIRCLE THINK OF PEOPLE'S LOW PbCES squibb's Men Who Shave and Want to Shave Memu Talcum, a. .....m t.r .e ... .u... . .. . for Violet or Rnmm 2.......... 7# ":.-n -----: Carnation, "i..s......... e se 170 25c Sin, 4W in a Dinarr=3m. cI s se . ....e 14 ie.. t.......... ....... wi, :- "" % 15# memw Aiming - Olietta DiademN a Ia . -- -- package .......... . .... m Rb erb et Shavimng Dambec. 1s in a peekage. The. No. daft autre f s a1 N Gemslas.,., asbrNottion .........-.....--.-. piete with ? blade ...... Ehvta Rags. Roan. old style. straight orem "re r".". .." samad point. brmad-mew. $1.49 aloe DRees. 60. same 6 guere. teed perfect . Sess -- Three Days--Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday Freckles Removed T Rs ) FEasily _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ V d i otne Toil t R e ui s t s ith coatnae Eilyuse of Ideal Chlorate if ya aply lst aof Potash Tooth Pate. If ye applymSd" - which removes theaci re.m every ight x Ddn 3bh condition of the mth. far we gumwi Hair Tonic..... Face Powder.. preserves the teeth . .nd est hs ret, hardens the gums. Reg- G ee t Ja-ac uhr 2tb eoe freckles grd t aek.eadm. ta ad and Sulphur Poder.... re a hli . Pit wca f ap .D 1 ... 25 ~ Sh m o ..... l v c Tat- 1 C Sa r Ton c de 3 S Soce~ flair_______ T0C Hericad .a P..... 37c GUARANTEED HOT-WATER Best for the Baby C D. & Ra n Tooth Pate.. Greamasa Vi let 3.- Cold Cream......OC 25c Kolynos ern' 3011 * rated Talcum Powder. c.oo Hind's Honey and Tooth Pate .. 7 2 eis, made of the finest grade 'ilmond 2ClC W '~ -'' boric acid. which mnakea -e Tompeih P2wde 5lg maoteed It healing. soothing and Cem 2c zc Sanitol 5 antiseptic; best for you; Nfa e T o one-pound sprinkle-top 25e 0 d 0 r o Liquid boxes. Regular for perspi- 25c Rubifoam 69e sc siDe ration ScLiquid Dentifrice. SprnHg Tonics .... , ac owe...War on s Graham': IuproYed Beef, i. P. D. S. Kim mmd Ras CP Wn nsIo.""c A general tonic whose valueJ In all debilitated and anemic tAhass/AL *"D.S. ~rd&yKnw. conditions Is uniPersollw d. D.I. recognised. Nourishes theS - buld, pive sntret andy killer for bedbugs. One can of F. F uild ptntre sseg . D. S. now as a preventive would Full 5 p i be....... g- b kndhoa . p fiv gallons of any kiar ofc polse later on. Put up P rfe ..6.5$. ein large can, with handyrgcd $1.75 .. ... S.e Blood Purifier . $1 spout top. Only one sie.. H1.00 Gudair Toeptomame . 61.50 Grahame, Blood I urifier; will 1ie Peterman.s Discovery....e clean and regulate your .yatem.. MSe et Ore2e Peterman'a Discovery ......... le lIc Sulphur and Cream Tartar Los- ic Insectine......... egcs-a wonderful blood pul ifier; tic Dead Stc...... sid Dead Stuck........... $1.00 Hood's Sarsaparilla ...and. . lee Black Flag............. 6100 Nuera Styrup of HyCophosphitea m...... .c Black Flag ............iSe an excellent nerve tonic and tissue Ca. Crude Carolic. pt........ builder; cull pints tic Rough on Rate........s. c Stuart's Calcium Waters........e ic Saurera at Paste........ . IN IE FOR as YEARS GUARANTEED FOUNTAIN BAB2E K Reliable Medicines The Quirk and Sure Care for ______________________________ FEV'ER AND LA GRIPPE. 50c California 50c Kihnejwin beels chet 2- It Is a Pwerfl T a cd Fruit Syrup...3To Swamp Root.... 9C hee . t AppeiTooth Powder.... w Wil Cure that tired feeling. 25c Bromo 17c Sc Cubeura 3t5 Siann iutol pains in back, limbs and head. ..Jc Contains NO QU2ININE, AR- Seltzer .....itmn....ted erc. STNIC-ooth er.... Or Hasbit-Fermlag ingredient. 50c Caidwells 1. 0c Pierces98 Syrup .......... Anuric......... 50Sc Fairchild's 50cM WrikleVaiP tEssence Pepsin.. D ntholatum. 35C S sae Daruard's Vielet Cerfte 25c Pisocs will remove the wrinkles, andc bc using it every night you will Cough Remedy. om. find a great im- ~ ~ ~ d4c Odor-Suweet is a provement In your 15 WieVr........ 49 harmless c r a mn akin. Tb.s cream PieEpcoat Cwhich compe t et doe not robte neutralists and de- doesnot ob te $100 Gl co hares the eums. Reg pores of their nat- 69c Odors from exces sive seura oil, but Hour- Thymoline.......$1.00 P in kh an perspirtion one of "ishes the tissues V-abethe beat preparations s and clears the cnm- 25e LJCe 672 of itr kindi ai g a2a rGentee RLTqui 29D c Listerineentifric priag IpcilsfoICSaio Raoraa ' smp e Beef, I' Wut Wine and aIroL. Des nme Wi hc RzronednN ri ':_:aniversanl" as.. r blood.~ aie tent n ear 75c rse. ..s .. . .. .= . .. 3 S1.0 O m.s . t. B l o P u rifie r ..... .....T...c 61.7 8.~ ... 6. 3.9 clod P rftr.....t3 150~E Gra ar 'e ang .rERer: 11

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Page 1: talking arbitrarily disregarded Three Days--Monday, Tuesday and … · 2012-06-21 · I1 MW. Lwa of *US is Spoat Gaterat


MW. Lwa of * US is SpoatGater at AIBmahia.

I.1 Gbt.A)mmatria. Ya. July T.-A ISMamber of members et the OldDemamles Beat Club and their frisadsincluding a number of women, thiafternoon attended the udimenmeregatta, given by that slb, Of theboat house at the foet of Duke street.There were nine events.They follow:Single canes-Wingate, fret; A .

ton. second; Byrne. third; Ashby,fourth.Single outrigger-Pohl, first; Curti.,

second: Spoford, third.Deuble canoes-Francis and Byrne,

irst; Ashton and Washington. second.Double outrlgger-Pohl and Spoffore,

irst; Summers and Curtin, second.Canoe fours-Ashton, Dyson. Francis

and Byrne. first; Reardon, McKenna,Wingate and Ashby, second.Canoe tilting Pohl and McKen a

were the winners, winning two out otthree. Other crews competing wereAshton and Ashby, and Reardon andByrne.Swimming race-Curtin, first; Ashby.

second.Canoe sailing race - Francis and

Crump, first; Dyson and Byre.second.During the progress of the regatta.

George R. Dickson. president of theIndependent Ufe Saving Corpe of theAmerican Red Cross. Washington. andMiss C. Deso, also of Washington.gave exhibitions of death grips, holdsand breaking same, and Miss Desloalso illustrated and different tread ofpersons in the water.Oficials of the regatta included the

following: George E. Warfield. Capt.Albert Bryan. A. G. Uhler, L. U.Uhler and C. Aubrey Callahan.Judges: Alfred Moss. starter; E. U.

Carver. referee; J. Sid Douglas. floatomcer; Carl Mueller. captain of thecrews.

When officials at the Potomac rail-road yards this afternoon opened abox car loaded with tomatoes fromSouth Carolina. bound for New York.they were greatly astonished to finda co!-ed wan walk out. He gave hisname as James Doyle. x4 years old,snd .a.d he helped to load the car inMeggetts. S. C. and before he realisedit he was a prisoner, that being Thurs-day afternoon.Doyle had the cargo of tomatoes

and a bucket of water to live on. Hesays he knocked on the car door atevery station In order to attract atten-tion. but all in vain. He further sayshe was knocking on the car door at'he Potomac yards. which, however,ailed to attract attention.Doyle was taken to police station

and given a meal which he ate raven'-usly. Doyle says he may stay here-nd go to work at the Potomac yards.

tn the Circuit Court for AlexandriaCmntry today Judge Frank B. Whit-irg. of Berryvll.e. presiding in placeof Jud;' J. B. 'I'. Thornton, the court.-verruled the motion to set aside theverdict and for a new trial in the suitof Miss Anna E. Deahl, of this city.who was several days ago awardeda verdict for 35M against the electricrilway company, in a suit for per-sonal injuries.Miss Deahi was represented by At-

tnrney Leo P. Harlow.The suit was brought jointly against

the Washington-Virginia RailwayCompany and the Washington Brickmnd Terra Cotta Company.

Mrs. Farah A. Lyles, wife of Mar-ket Master Lambert D. Lyles. died

morning at her home. I.4 Northctt stre-t. in addition to herband she is survived by the tol-r'- children: Mrs. John Curtin,-ch Lyles. Ernest C. Lyles. Mrs.

f Ni!p Park, Mrs. Bernard Barnett1 Harrison l.slea. The funeral

"%i1 take riwe at 4:311 o'clock Mon-ay afternoon from the home.

News has been received in this city:h- death of George Henry Garr.Morristown. N. J. Mr. Garr died

Om injuries sustained July 4 by-<nc th~own from his mount, duringptrogrces of a polo game. He

maried a iniss Bessie Lee. of thisity, who with a son survive him.

Walter M. Donnelly, formerly ofthis city, but now of Washington.pas been commissioned a captain intie Quartermaster's Officers Reservemarts. and will be assigned to dutyu'nler to. John L. Carson. superin-tendent of a my transportation serv-ice. as disbursing officer at NewYork City.Dr. J. T. Ashton, of this city, has

received a commission as first lieu-tenant in the Dental Reserve Corpsand expects to be assigned to dutysonn.Wallace H. Fawcett. of Alexandria,

has received a commisaion as captainIn t.e Reserve Engineering Cort', ofthe ',ited States army. and is atpresent stationed at Sault St. Marie.Canada.

A number of women of this city, to-day registered In the Interest of food

cons-rvatten Women conducted thereistration at a stand in the northend of the city market. They expectto conduct the work at the same placenext Saturday. Later cards will bedistributed in the churches and after-ward. it is expected to have the policedistrltute cards to those who have not.registered. Mrs. Kate Waller BarrettIs local chairman and Mrs. M. Z. Hern.don, secretary. Many other womentoday assisted in the work.Mrs. J. H-. Mansfield. deputy state

-nun, i'or, last night installed officers,f 'tcunt Vernon Council, No. 1,)aughters of America. as follows:

t.Jun 4'lapdore, councilor; Mrs.Mary lleach, associate councilor; MIss.lattle Turner. vice councilor; Mrs.Ctettie Coftin, associate vice councilor;I. A. Forrest. recording secretary forh" ci hteenth consecutive term; Mirs.leorge Wells. assIstant recordIng see.etary.: Mrs. James H. Mansfield.Inancial secretary; Mrs. Mary Ticer,reasurer; Mrs. Ann;. Davis. warden:4rs. John Allen. conductors; J. H.Aansfleld, Inside sentinel: Mise Fan-SFin-nel. outside sentinel; Miss Mat-

Ie Turner. trustee for eighteennonths: Mrs. James H. Mansfield.leputy state councilor.

A' homuse and lot on the east side ofRoyal street, ,between Queen and'rincess strects, was sold at auctionoday for Rob.nson Moncure. trustee,Jad purchased by John D. Normoyle.

Feintaai. Pmn Lost.During the past -two or three days

'cur dosen Parker fountain peno, val-led at 3161, have been stolen from thePeoples' Drug Store, at Seventh andK streets northwest.

Deaf Persons

OTOPHONE-estmes as hA,

-a, isme

This photograph shows Erleutherios take control voted him by the GreekV'eniselns. the famous Greek demon-I people at the election. the mandates ofcratie- statesman. talking an army which were arbitrarily disregarded by

officer on the Saloniki front. M. Veni- King Constantine, who recently abdi-zelos has just returned to Athens to cated.

Fifteen Children VictimsOf Kaiser's Aerial Raidi

"The Germans claim to have bombed1ThCone:Erydyatdvythe fort of London. That is the only!Plciyexplanation they have to give, and Ms l:Itiks.Te l tcthere are 171 little children who have to hercassuffered from this bombing of a fort.-Eiecofnd tfcao wshnHow little children could have been in gvnb aet.S erbywr ha fort passes understanding." bde uiae htI n ae

This scornful declaration was made ,slirs wfa cid cud olby the Poplar coroner, Wynne Bax- hnigo t ek nte rater. In opening the inquests on the! dniid b ako e ekfifteen little children who rerished by'ndatidc ldb apatuar uta bomb falling on an East Eind school, o hc i ohrhdmwdo'says the London Chronicle. The Pro- t h rsbn fhssito h

ceedings were of a very pathetice vose nig Oepa ntadthcharacter, and many were moved to ietfcto a nyb ietears. The crorthouse was crowded, olr ic fbu vrl a hwith the relatives of the dead little ol lei nte aeones. dressecd in de mourning, and Adectv wh hlpd ogtci-

sevealo th leaing en n th:Te Cronterevkaerybod athed very

I shll ot ast epihet upnte Mes crer: an thi n tho. uTh al tuckit. umanty o theGerm ns."said the lor tr cses.t aebeietd

mayor in onesapprachig-ne denu e ofe id eifica tion wa ste"any~ ~ ~ ~~~gie byeta t ha hs fora ent. tog tebeyer the

boysandgir hae ded a trly o h uldir's wIet child o ulstad onxythei cont an fo evrytingplhed eonite byound Egypti mea

worh dingfor asanyof ur en hasnin ponits anek Anther gtresswasat he ron oron he.hig ses."wden ted by i~al mar w h r coneck,

Themayr dde tht her wold and ca ge hird chfl by e weprtiua lu-ron which hioo fmothea weds on

etodathemtrheanofishisrcshrat ho'coc. henth Sffrga bsh prevousaeenin.kOe' pareadth

+ wold ffiiat. Al th chldrn idetfcartonewa o nlyh byoo ai hienwoul be ntered n on grae, o lar. An pte goun blu e n v erl wahe

Ata hysol nt b e ae heectivaes whochped to etchl-everanofathe Laean menoia in the idren I the reagrsaid te bo

"I saed no ae epte n t he eb n t corner . nd firn t th ro latw"Irhmntyop teemn." adae d the foorr. Ittseem to havovrdrp e a bee diveted

"any mhartl than a tatethesellhuoo ppotiwen thoughol the ente -obteoy rers and conrlr have di-ad rped asnro fr, the r bubig tcm omres and te

Slthirn tout aned for erthi n of det o thir rp e gud for bo bwihhthewth dyin for, tie. an formn wsh o pitns anrte misttree,at the l f ro s or P.h a on thbihses" Iwoiacthe hrd~al aend wtha cofness

the asuc atuneraim of the ictmsnxi ee o w it blooag d frmte.onsoWenedaao the parissfh schuwrch at they childe. t wre mtatnfet.e

ed ho'c a . "nThey weuffrav bh oie Thde n r tae Oreoan

eelothe ofbcattlfel thechldrveben he b caae of theico aid hewoudebater re ina t e graveasi the plmgh aygrouend when hfecheardthatd Thesol nt bel n eighb rated Th aeo. ae T prahng.etl

friend on de. La ay emore" winll the casei the layrunoedbed plac i-ared ve them. a ck rito shool dethe fwst du teran

this ghabtoyinun trepemeti thoe ost heorhoolge sec-bTtee ou er andconirm ou Ienduie dropped anothe b po ian the

Druio to put a'rin end thi wsor ceofmbr dropped aybom whicrhft.thtthe fco l ndfud la time."ate Ichon Wain es arribu ed o t threen

Mr.Wil roks M P. wh wa nboies. tee rd bIng that scofl hasthersee a t tobhel tim e d f The aid, a ctwne , t ed 5.oe rmred ta

thatey cudteac esete Mschoo ler- eicintmay ase, itwea stated hcedn aherly ''hey were br i ab- bd had been st byanoedlow, andr

yond hdscrkon neoihmvery dialay-ug a erdo ct explmne That tahrs mihIned . n he bat teed ouldpae bhere havebe ase y cicaiogreatethanthelbraver the diogh-e

r. ra . .. 'rin aid ehe wascale

toteshoadfuda4recaew -eabobhddopdThch-

dre wees oee wt ersta

thycudntb se.Ms ide

ired.ogrphte nutw pleswheroeac'Cnrlvtdhmb h re

Venielos thefamos ~rek dmon peoleht thae een the mendacts of

officr on he SaonikifroT. N. igCTaniehecnlbi

xeloe hIn austtreturnedstohAtheny toturted

Ofrdctsihstreat Aeria duaitheThe ermas caim o ht bmbe Thc Corne eryhoact e upeby

the fortiofuLondon.aThtdibythn onlylpluoniofexplaatio heyhaveto ie, bombss droype by thnks.ey allcrat.cthee reI litl cilre wo a Int theing la tibtseste.ayi

Howlitle hilrencold avebee in ciend, themtoron0erriblma re thata frt amsundrtndig." bdevrytiahad tbeen carred oute a

soldciertys wife at were acshlp whnchThissconfuldecraton as mdad reenogtruck by a torpeda. Tedae

by he opar orner Wnn.Ba- Ih~gwas o pefet nelm. Thnoteher iwater. in opening~al theouet on heIintfd yd jus mak ton h tek

a bmb allngon n Est ndschol owhichused oh eergd eedofi the ldebrn Chronice.v Thatro tohh rsbado i sitohceeisn e of ea mey wathtir eviuvnn.Oe aets hcartrebfr, nd man rry wre ered. dniiainwa nyb iewith o the hilv ofedr e xtiad wereh onycunante aene.,lad inr taken orn iad Adtciewohpdt e hlsevralo the reednged me -ntede rmtewegadtebmbooh Corereeamtota reant eh linttenrh'tshl ot be ef nd e rit upltheg --' inr n wn hoga

maor ntonhae appronintinerthecas. hen Seeaicet fiho"any ore than chol sartha thesemori ettrog h etro

y and gl. havered mst trl fobe buidiobbe oinestn x

The Doctr: ndsseyhiopodo theyeebonBlioe Md.,ouly f.-Why shouldwth Dienb for, bas, whny oformws noyn paic mongea thas misroms

terihitiaed a ctdely nla t oonsats the fro tkn teaciheas ante Ti spzligMs eht

nThe maorhdedstanng ther kwlinicore.omofhm reoyn'othinwithtblooheyromatdetweundslo-be o uli Thereal o te ictis emti- ciden hywr m iietdarkress.and fro theariulsechurcheawoul coeridiat, pllsten childen T hesho adhThlde ornerr in- tonegayo, sowsiwerpegrudwenh er

thfatted, shoulo. e sprtd tearolnsapocig etlI ca d in de thltram oilwllhe children,"ntheplatronduedg

Mi bepatnd "ande thmd bak nwasholTe trtoerln

glIme hofghtdecould mayo inthtte oeoe rpe obothridsr ghastl in an mychatden wilhueopoiethucoltetcscte . het wan ckmorrs n dopdaohrbm and thepedtongto pote chnlen froe tis sor-ftiddopdabm hc ihtingou for tma." chhol.Wdreen.aridTotrtrebrg bWyifll hrough, . heoewan fonmois h hr en hto ithe b'scaheo timetof the rnandsai ode- n aedi

that he techersoftescholowot-rs many cses, out was stted theed erocaly. "Thy wre rav .boeys halee aviemellow ndn

greaer han he ravry e~d of itmiht hoave baeesh ffects ofarplayedforhesearreallaneichnvistann ofa.y-frieds o min: can ay n mo e," e n llth cassttle ur t rteate

downlabrin uner eepemoion tosoc oeth wheorrshae swet up byvTweUe~ Uasug. it jries fin d y o an beetesin oafe

Dr.3. . OBrin aid e ws clle ty fingt. Trfort, toe ther wayIto he chol, ndfoud alare catreahch anvaebodyri ther shons badh

alice abom hai drppid, Teihb dacerou t theroety reare thatubdrencwere sowco'emedffi(thdehornshae

ecently ads ifet wetre as whchpton a eaher wh ws to il oa-hdve strutk byf tordo Thre

tendhadwrkeheracaly, athogivs perec cwlma Thnerfulyersakidhplaeswhee llthey oudttutasthug .e

hewslelys to fhid chldren, The ee use torkchemergencie, iofs tey ebia mstreavyo thte ____n-_____f'ano depvea muen wsoke,related befreat wnth promerllrd he

wherie and wonee ron and fndl RSSRA

i~m techildren exngotrcateed wereh

sco aY d aete recoer. 'h ele toLNFRMCW

Tet oreru ofa told hat-reainsn

hs h. beetn fbidnd athou

bodydiogthechild Bearingetmemiict " (uiil'uicc uststil ean Rsobed ones.

'e hil , c~on,'ihe~ Wen t 'quesin so hanyThe Dctor Unlss thy weehiown . Baltmoremand,Julye,-Wh. Iht wadto pcsby hc mb, wiobis otunyoetish to ste _brasnoigbe

unlkel. Sme f te cilden erethe hornk of s. Cahenrine pSeh'soblis I, Wtkisa tschr i th is who puinge to s aSethin, erInfats'depatmet, sid hey hapaxiwhgther neihbsout ien al-nottheslihtet wrnig, ndoewbrookeend he po-s--ioelyo rayin horn

was coveed withplaster and mn."o the arredst n nition of a nyk,-rthbein buied liv? Winos Ye, adresa ontm whca tle," sarted but the

Mis Wakinsb"an mde awyovereindarycwseiee n aecorido, go al m chldenut eah a ae where90theirhon ght

Sabob seins Ivedsmage Coni-e Toll of Poseoac Cosmtact.

Sainted a -ene.ment that theWashington Raiway aps EleotrieCompany has made a new workingestract with the Potoinat DectricPower Company, making liberal con-deasions to the railway, may havesome efeet on the Senatorial fadingsin the strike investigation.The ees agalrs of the conpany

were delved into at some length bythe. lenate Committee, for the pur.pose of determining whether the mornpany could afford to pay the higherwages sought by the striking conductors and potornen. It has de-veloped, at te hearings before thePublic Utilities Coammlslon, that theWashington Railway and Electric hadmade the new contract since May 2,when the valuation findings on thePotomac Company were handed downby the commission. Its terms grantgreater concessions than the originalcontract, which the commission be-lieved still In existence.The commission had received- no

notice of the new agrpement and be-lieved that the only agreement inexistence was the original agreemen.of June. 1906, which had been verballymodified offcials of the companytestified, but which modifications hasnot previously been put in writtenform.'What did you want to put it in

definite form for, if you had beenacting ubon it for ten or elevenyears.' asked Corporation Counselgyme?

'I thought it was a good idea," re-plied Mr. Ham, vice president of theW. R. & E.Why? queried Mr. Syme."It is better to have it in definite

form, rather than In indefinite form,"replied Mr. Ham.The commission denied the petition

of the W, R. & E. to be admitted asa party to the rate proceedings ofthe Potomac Company.Financial statistics offered at the

Senate strike hearings were baseupon Public Utilities Commissionrecords and are thus not up to dateas disclosed by these developments.None of the members of the strikecommittee cared to comment on thematter last night.


National League for Woman's Service Starts Recreation Centers.

(fly Internatleal News service.)New York. July 7.-"The uniform is

Your admission ticket." is a sloganthat will soon oe greeting soldiers and:ailrs wherever they are concen-trated. This reversal of the old prej-udice that often barred the man inuniform from decent amusementplaces is being fostered by the National League for Woman's Service,the tranches of which throughout thecountry will soon be providing recrea-tion centers for the boys In khaki andblue.The social club for sailors and sol

diers opened by the league in NewYork haa proved so successful thatplans are going forward under thedirection of the league's social andwelfare department to establish similar clube elsewhere, the whole systemto be modeled on the English canteens, the operation of which has beenstudied by experts for adaptation tothe needs of our own men. The planhas the enthusiastic indorsement ofthe military authorities, as well asof the Y. M. C. A. and other men'swelfare organizations. In fact,branches of the league are instructedfrom national headquarters in NewYork to consult local military authori-ties and the Y. M. C. A. before opening a club.The canteens In New York have met

with immediate favor among the menin uniforms. Here the soldiers, sailors or marines may meet and be en-

tertained. or spend a quiet hour in thelibrary or in the game room, withoutany cost whatever. Uncle Sam's uniform being the ticket that entitlesthem to everything on the card free,from cigarettes to dancing. Theleague has enlisted well-known enter-tainers. musicians and singers, whilepiano dealers, cigarette and tobaccomanufacturers, candy companies andstationers have stocked up the canteens with supplies-all free.Members of the league, their daugh-

ters and other relations, among themmany maids and matrons of socialprominence, attend the club as hostesses and dancing partners. Mrs. Her-bert C. Halcomb, of the leagues so-cial and welfare department, originated the movement, and takes pers-nal charge of the entertainment,seeing to it that the club is maintained at a place of healthy amusementand not as a "highbrow" meeting forthe men's moral uplift.


Naval Opinion is Divided on Presence of German Submarines.

The navy has received no confirmation of the reports of a submarineoperating off the Virginia capes. Nochances are being taken, however, anda large patrol fleet is closely covering all that part of the Atlantic.Naval opinion is divided as to the

possibIlity of a submarine's presence.One officer said yesterday that therewas little doubt of the fact that onehad been sighted. Another officer,of equal authority In these matters.said that he believed the presence ofa U-boat Impossible.At the time of the attack upon the

destroyer Jones, off the capes somemonths ago, the navy developed somevery definite theories as to the craftwhich attacked her.information from the officer of the~

deck of the Jones was of so specif 1ea nature that the naval authoritiesconcluded that the submarine was ofthe cargo-carrying typo and that shewasn here on a mine laying mission.Whether or not mines were laid andfound by the U'nited States patrolfleet has never been made public.The submarine, which attacked the

Jones. had a very lucky escape. Shewas sighted from the deck of theJones while both ships were gunningwith all lights out. When the orderto switch on the Jone5 searchlightwasn given the light was awitched onto a small dynamo, which burned out.There resulted just one flash of thesearchlight and then darkness.Before connection could he made

with another end larger dynamo thetorpedo had been fired and the sub-marine submerged. Had the search-light burned for just the half minutennecessary to train the Jones's guns,the submarine would have been aneasy target. as she was only a fewhundred feet away, and running orthe surface,In view of this Incident the great

est precautions are now being observed.

TO OPEN ANNAPOLIS BIDS.An expcnditure of nearly 11,500.000,

by which the facilities -of the NavalAcademy at Annapolis will he greatlyincreased, will be involved in theopening of sealed proposals Mondayby the Bureau of Tards and Decks ofthe Navy Depstment for eitensionoe amsmaO __~..=m~

asWRE. P.

the state w eas! the.SmeOemn leYlaek in mmmi..with the vqassg e 5,The "wasa-vlsea ia ithm nla Peigeneas Olty det to Sattpr 04 the etty b1all.

DYNA lNjlNT'Had Pobad. Ala. to Blow Up dw

Panama Canal and Bridge.(f ]ew .ervie.)Knoxville. Tenn.. July 7.-Deacee

are not always angels. Ths wasproved in the gase of W. N. Clark. whoconfessed to dynamung the FederalDye. and Chemical Corporation atKingsport last May.- killing ne manand wounding several.Clark also plotted to destroy the

remainder of the plant, to blow upthe Fanama Canal. to wreck a bridgeand troop trains at Loudoa and doother damage.Federal oioers and detective. who

had Installed a dictagraph in a hotelroom where he was conspirlg with agovernment Secret service agent fromMemphis. heard him assure the agentthat. being a deacon in a church andhaving boosted the sale of liberty loanbond in his community, he. Clark.would never be suspected of wrong-doing.Counsel for Clark and relatives and

friends say he was never near theKingsport plant and is suffering fromInsanity. Ofiers charge he once at-tempted to blow up the Johns Hop-kins Hospital at Baltimore.


Rsse &A4mmtCmsmiee

te eeSat ""'"hbeameecemnt ndem the C"meg t Ma-teal Debmae. It is es-rel- ethe Omerament has wear et0wattlng fer the -ses to reseas agreeseat, ad kme deteithdanelly to take maMtter IS to ahand1.The fl deral Tuei Ce-mimam-

is at werk an m inved ssa atsteel producties eat, the realt OfWhite it will repr to the Prendent.3ellewi l this. it s atetu, a steelprine wn be Sel.The Department 01 Jwudee to gee-

session e a vast aemeat 0f evldesee.regarding the activitiee ot the steeltrust, and the Goveramet wil othesitate to ae thia In brging eheeta quick settlemeut ea a stee prie.Govermineb edeisi declare that it

is especially Impertant that the Dtedprice controversy be brought abruptlyto an end, an pacad am a bas ofat least partia Government controLInasmuch. as the enutre industry nowis in a chaeotle condition. Manufactur-ing establliuente dependent en thesteel mills for materials are operatingonly f to e per cent of normal. ThisIs delaying the output of the entirecountry and the delay afects muni-tUons of war as well as other productspvital in the earrylag on of war prep-arations.Recently a compromise en a price ot

tl a tou for eteel was tentativelyreached between the United StatesSteel Corporation, whkch now is pro-ducing nearly half of the output, and



.m el e Pmte a a

BUSl-ors. rt Mwuwee IsIIMre -rt Mdest Oman S e Wbrm ow Amwrn8 toamc

We& arum"/ dw to - SS Mr Samrn l MM atNew~. " e A ae memnl at-e0lm a m t Se ww tW

war" at WeebR a.: er;ase"" muhm that w rremel " hsmeIel wee ata Jws .t ped". di-ge iniaa hwam beam pmet~da'ms at e lemeceum~S mes fempoa bmzem bhemiph

LDteIMg" Slatal anS at OwvW . e,gCrbmlb. thie SP. I. ne mieS aL to . r plow" ac mal., f that tbau-oim Whom.rihal ec Se hey .msrt of Is- ce@W a ehav.t -W hoarmudr,. w.mmo el Arlto~ae oap "em

We Cater to Ladies and Geness!Many Good Plhcow to Eat

111" lt, 1H7 Est, 1712ft.Awu07 lltri.amd 4 W 6CK LV.


squibb's Men Who Shave and Want to Shave MemuTalcum, a. .....m t.r .e ... .u... . .. . for

Violet or Rnmm2.......... 7# ":.-n -----: ..S 1 p ratize,Carnation, "i..s......... e se 170 25c Sin,

4Win a Dinarr=3m.cI sse . ....e

14 ie.. t.......... ....... wi, :- "" % 15#memw Aiming-

Olietta DiademN a Ia . -- --

package .......... . . . . . m Rb erb et Shavimng Dambec.1s in a peekage. The. No. daft autre f s

a1 N Gemslas.,., asbrNottion .........-.....--.-.

piete with ? blade ...... Ehvta Rags.Roan. old style. straight orem "re r"."..."

samad point. brmad-mew. $1.49 aloe DRees. 60. same 6guere. teed perfect . Sess --

Three Days--Monday, Tuesday and WednesdayFreckles Removed T Rs )

FEasily _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ V d i otneToil t R e ui s t s ith coatnae Eilyuse of Ideal Chlorateif ya aply lst aof Potash Tooth Pate.

If ye applymSd" - which removes theacire.m every ight x Ddn 3bh condition of the mth.

far we gumwi Hair Tonic..... Face Powder.. preserves the teeth. .ndest hs ret, hardens the gums. Reg-G ee t Ja-ac uhr 2tbeoe frecklesgrd

t aek.eadm. ta ad and Sulphur a hli . Pit w c a

f ap .D 1 ... 25 ~ S h m o . . . . . l v c Tat- 1 C

Sa r Ton c de 3 S Soce~flair_______ T0C Hericad .a P..... 37c GUARANTEED HOT-WATER

Best for the Baby C D. & Ra n Tooth Pate..

Greamasa Vi let 3.- Cold Cream......OC 25c Kolynos ern'3011* rated Talcum Powder. c.oo Hind's Honey and Tooth Pate .. 7 2 eis,

made of the finest grade 'ilmond 2ClC W '~ -''

boric acid. which mnakea -e Tompeih P2wde 5lg maoteedIt healing. soothing and Cem 2c zc Sanitol 5

antiseptic; best for you; Nfa eT o

one-pound sprinkle-top 25e 0 d 0 r o Liquidboxes. Regular for perspi- 25c Rubifoam 69e

sc siDe ration ScLiquid Dentifrice.

SprnHg Tonics .... , ac owe...War on sGraham': IuproYed Beef, i. P. D. S. Kim mmd Ras CP Wn nsIo.""c

A general tonic whose valueJIn all debilitated and anemic tAhass/AL *"D.S. ~rd&yKnw.conditions Is uniPersollw d. D.I.recognised. Nourishes theS- buld, pive sntret andy killer for bedbugs. One can of F.F uild ptntre sseg . D. S. now as a preventive wouldFull 5p i be.......g- b kndhoa.

p fiv gallons of anykiar ofc polse later on. Put up P rfe ..6.5$.0S .S. .S llo o uiirfe ........s~z 'ein large can, with handyrgcd$1.75 .. ... S.e Blood Purifier . $1 spout top. Only one sie..H1.00 Gudair Toeptomame .

61.50 Grahame, Blood I urifier; will 1ie Peterman.s Discovery....eclean and regulate your .yatem.. MSe et Ore2e Peterman'a Discovery .........lelIc Sulphur and Cream Tartar Los- ic Insectine.........egcs-a wonderful blood pul ifier; tic Dead Stc......sid Dead Stuck...........

$1.00 Hood's Sarsaparilla ...and. . lee Black Flag.............6100 Nuera Styrup of HyCophosphitea m...... .cBlack Flag ............iSean excellent nerve tonic and tissue Ca. Crude Carolic. pt........builder; cull pints tic Rough on Rate........s.

c Stuart's Calcium Waters........e ic Saurera at Paste........ .


The Quirk and Sure Care for ______________________________

FEV'ER AND LA GRIPPE. 50c California 50c Kihnejwin beels chet 2-

It Is a Pwerfl T a cd Fruit Syrup...3To Swamp Root.... 9Chee . t

AppeiTooth Powder.... w

Wil Cure that tired feeling. 25c Bromo 17c Sc Cubeura3t5Siann iutolpains in back, limbs and head. ..JcContains NO QU2ININE, AR- Seltzer .....itmn....ted erc.STNIC-ooth er....

Or Hasbit-Fermlag ingredient. 50c Caidwells 1. 0c Pierces98Syrup .......... Anuric.........

50Sc Fairchild's 50cMWrikleVaiP tEssence Pepsin..D ntholatum. 35C S

sae Daruard's VieletCerfte 25c Pisocswill remove the wrinkles, andcbc using it every night you will Cough Remedy. om.

find a great im- ~ ~ ~ d4c Odor-Suweet isaprovement In your 15 WieVr........ 49 harmlessc r a mnakin. Tb.s cream PieEpcoat Cwhich compe t et doe not robte neutralists and de-

doesnot ob te $100 Gl co hares the eums. Reg

pores of their nat- 69c Odors from exces siveseura oil, but Hour- Thymoline.......$1.00 Pin khan perspirtion one of"ishes the tissues V-abethe beat preparations

s and clears the cnm- 25e LJCe 672 of itr kindi

ai g a2a rGentee

RLTqui29D cListerineentifric

priag IpcilsfoICSaio

Raoraa ' smp e Beef, I' Wut

Wine and aIroL.Desnme Wihc

RzronednN ri ':_:aniversanl" as.. r

blood.~aietent n

ear 75crse. ..s .. ....= ... 3

S1.0 O m.s.t.B l o P u rifie r

..........T...c61.78.~...6.3.9 clod P rftr.....t3150~EGraar'e ang .rERer: 11