talent attraction: the next challenge

Talent Attraction: The Next Challenge APV-8PG-European-Brochure.indd 1 3/18/19 1:21 PM

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Talent Attraction:The Next Challenge

APV-8PG-European-Brochure.indd 1 3/18/19 1:21 PM

A Wordfrom the Founder

In my 20 years in this business onething has remained constant...it's apeople business. The advancement oftechnology has had a huge benefit foremployers, recruiters and candidatesalike.

Management of candidates throughthe funnel is, for the most part, well-executed by the top companies. It'sthe potential candidate who got away,who didn't hit the Apply button, that'sthe next big challenge.

Millions of dollars are being spent everyyear on Employer Branding, Inclusion& Diversity initiatives and creating agreat employee destination. Filling the

top of the funnel with a talent pipelin that reflects your culture remains a challenge.

Bringing your culture and values tothe job description and giving the jobseeker options have huge benefits inrecruitment spend ROI as well asengaging the best candidates for you.

The job description is ready to takecentre stage and drive results.


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Job DescriptionsThat Recruit for You

Job descriptions are the first point ofcontact with the majority of your futureemployees. A digital job description is agreat opportunity to make a first andlasting impression. It will also convertmore job seekers to applicants than atraditional advert.

Employers are spending a lot of time, effortand resources on their employer brand andEVP but the job description is very often abland collection of words.

Communicating your EVP is crucial inattracting the best candidates for you.

“Would you trustyour ATS to attractthe best talent?”

If 73% of candidates are passive andthe market has more open jobs thancandidates, can you rely on a wordladen job description to fill thepositions for you?

"If a Picture Is Worth aThousand Words, WhatIs a Video Worth?

A great company is made up of a diverserange of people. Trying to attract adiverse range of people and skill sets withcorporate speak is not the best option.Talk to individuals with dynamic jobdescriptions that resonate with the typeof person you are looking to attract.

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ITis the second-hardest professionalgroup to fill globally, behind skilled

trades (Manpower Group).

Forget 'Corporate Speak'. Talk toengineers about pizza and espresso

blend with project managers!

of recruiters say that today'slabour market is candidate-driven


We need to show potentialcandidates why we are a good

fit for them.

of candidates are 'Passive' job seekers (LinkedIn).

These candidates need to beconvinced the job and the company

are worth giving up their current role for.

of Millenials want to work for acompany whose values represent

their own. Millennials will comprise 75% of the global workforce by 2025 (PWC).


73% 88%

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Target the IdealCandidate by Giving Them anInside Look

When an ATS is used to distribute your open positions, it bypasses your Employer Brand.

If you are looking for engineers in Dubai, project managers in London and traders in New York, the ATS distributed job descriptionwill be generic at best.

Engaging with potential candidates with relevant content will attract better applicants, leading to better recruitment and greater employee retention.

“Your ATS is forTracking... NOT Attraction.”








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Build YourTalent Pipeline

The most cost-effective way to hire is from a talent pool that (a) you own and (b) has already engaged with you.

Candidates are in control so why notgive them the tools to engage with you on their terms.

Having a talent pipeline may sound utopian but maximising your Recruitment Marketing spend with a Talent Community makes a lot of sense.

In fact, a candidate sign-up from a jobdescription can be just as rewarding as an application. Building a relationship withthis candidate with timely and relevant communications can lead to a brand advocate that will result in many more great candidates.

Reap the benefits of converting candidates into employees and then managing internal mobility...all from the same platform.

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Know YourAudience

At AppVault, we pride ourselves in developing solutions that start with the job seeker. Recruitment marketing should also start with efficiently targeting the best future employees for your company.

Know who is viewing your adverts to ensure you are filling the top of the recruitment funnel with a diverse spread of candidates. A diverse workforce comes from a diverse talent pool.

Quickly identify career channel metrics and recruitment media performance that drives hiring decisions. AppVault will provide your recruitment team with data-driven daily reports that showcase how your recruitment media channels are performing. Make hiring decisions based on data that helps visualize where improvements can be made and inefficiencies reduced.


Career Channel Metrics and Measurements Identify top performing channels for candidates and hires

Hire Attribution Reporting – Track back to source of hire for any month or media for accurate insights into previous recruitment efforts

Paid and Organic Media Performance Impressions, clicks, clicks-to-apply, applications-per-media, hires-per-media.

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Level 3, 12 South Mall, Cork, IrelandPh: 00353 (0)86 8136960

[email protected]

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