taking activerecord to the next level blythe dunham [email protected]

Taking ActiveRecord to the Next Level Blythe Dunham [email protected] http://snowgiraffe.com

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Page 1: Taking ActiveRecord to the Next Level Blythe Dunham blythe@snowgiraffe.com

Taking ActiveRecord to the Next Level

Blythe [email protected]://snowgiraffe.com

Page 2: Taking ActiveRecord to the Next Level Blythe Dunham blythe@snowgiraffe.com

GoalLeverage advanced MySQL functionality

with ActiveRecord

Page 3: Taking ActiveRecord to the Next Level Blythe Dunham blythe@snowgiraffe.com



Page 4: Taking ActiveRecord to the Next Level Blythe Dunham blythe@snowgiraffe.com

ActiveRecord 101

What's going on under the covers?

Page 5: Taking ActiveRecord to the Next Level Blythe Dunham blythe@snowgiraffe.com

ActiveRecord 101

class User < ActiveRecord::Base


CREATE TABLE `users` (

`id` int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment,

`name` varchar(255) default NULL,

`password` varchar(255) default NULL,

`email` varchar(255) default NULL,

`created_at` datetime default NULL,

`updated_at` datetime default NULL,



Database Table ff




Page 6: Taking ActiveRecord to the Next Level Blythe Dunham blythe@snowgiraffe.com

ActiveRecord 101 with Animals!

class Animal < ActiveRecord::Base


CREATE TABLE `animals` (

`id` int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment,

`name` varchar(255) default NULL,

`password` varchar(255) default NULL,

`email` varchar(255) default NULL,

`species_id` int(11) default NULL,

`created_at` datetime default NULL,

`updated_at` datetime default NULL,



Database Table ff




Page 7: Taking ActiveRecord to the Next Level Blythe Dunham blythe@snowgiraffe.com

Creating a Record

animal = Animal.new

animal.name = 'Jerry Giraffe'

animal.password = 'jerry'


INSERT INTO `animals`

(`name`, `updated_at`, `species_id`,

`password`, `email`, `created_at`)

VALUES('Jerry Giraffe', '2009-03-15 00:48:28',

NULL, 'jerry', NULL, '2009-03-15 00:48:28')

Page 8: Taking ActiveRecord to the Next Level Blythe Dunham blythe@snowgiraffe.com

Updating a Record

animal.name = 'Jerry G'


UPDATE `animals`

SET `updated_at` = '2009-03-15 03:01:06',

`name` = 'Jerry G'

WHERE `id` = 1

Page 9: Taking ActiveRecord to the Next Level Blythe Dunham blythe@snowgiraffe.com

Finding a Record

jerry = Animal.find :first,

:conditions => ['name = ?', 'Jerry G']

SELECT * FROM `animals`

WHERE (name = 'Jerry G') LIMIT 1


Animal.find_by_name 'Jerry G'

Page 10: Taking ActiveRecord to the Next Level Blythe Dunham blythe@snowgiraffe.com

Representing Relationships











Page 11: Taking ActiveRecord to the Next Level Blythe Dunham blythe@snowgiraffe.com

CREATE TABLE `animals` ( `id` int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment, `name` varchar(35) NOT NULL, `email` varchar(40) default NULL, `fav_beer` enum('Guiness','Pabst','Redhook','Chimay') default 'Pabst', `created_at` datetime default NULL, `updated_at` datetime default NULL, `password` varchar(25) character set latin1 collate latin1_bin NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (`id`)) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8

Representing Relationships(DDL)

CREATE TABLE `species` ( `id` int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment, `name` varchar(255), PRIMARY KEY (`id`),) ENGINE=InnoDB AUTO_INCREMENT=9 DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8

Page 12: Taking ActiveRecord to the Next Level Blythe Dunham blythe@snowgiraffe.com

Representing Relationships (AR)

class Animal < ActiveRecord::Base

belongs_to :species


class Species < ActiveRecord::Base

has_many :animals


Page 13: Taking ActiveRecord to the Next Level Blythe Dunham blythe@snowgiraffe.com

Representing Relationships (AR)


SELECT * FROM `species`

WHERE (`species`.`id` = 1)


SELECT * FROM `animals`

WHERE (`animals`.species_id = 1)

Page 14: Taking ActiveRecord to the Next Level Blythe Dunham blythe@snowgiraffe.com

Representing Relationships (AR)

giraffe = Species.find_by_name 'giraffe'

giraffe.animals << jerry

SELECT * FROM `species` WHERE (`species`.`name` = 'giraffe' ) LIMIT 1

UPDATE `animals` SET `species_id` = 1, `updated_at` = '2009-03-19 23:15:54' WHERE `id` = 7

Page 15: Taking ActiveRecord to the Next Level Blythe Dunham blythe@snowgiraffe.com

Migration• Set limits• Set default values• Identify NOT NULL columns• Use enumerated columns• Custom DDL• Add (unique) indices• Foreign Keys are great• Primary Key Modifications

Page 16: Taking ActiveRecord to the Next Level Blythe Dunham blythe@snowgiraffe.com

Migration 101ruby script/generate scaffold Animal name:string password:string email:string fav_beer:string

class CreateAnimals < ActiveRecord::Migration def self.up

create_table :animals do |t| t.string :name t.string :password t.string :email t.string :fav_beer

t.timestamps end


def self.down drop_table :animals endend

Page 17: Taking ActiveRecord to the Next Level Blythe Dunham blythe@snowgiraffe.com

Set LimitsDefault String is VARCHAR(255)

create_table :animals do |t| t.string :name, :limit => 35 t.string :password, :limit => 25 t.string :email, :limit => 40 t.string :fav_beer, :limit => 40


Page 18: Taking ActiveRecord to the Next Level Blythe Dunham blythe@snowgiraffe.com

Numeric Type Limits

t.integer :mysmallint, :limit => 2

"Smart types" determines numeric type for MySQL

:limitNumeric Type

Column Size

1 tinyint 1 byte

2 smallint 2 bytes

3 mediumint 3 bytes

4, nil, 11 int(11) 4 bytes

5 to 8 bigint 8 bytes

Page 19: Taking ActiveRecord to the Next Level Blythe Dunham blythe@snowgiraffe.com

Set columns to NOT NULL

create_table :animals do |t| t.string :name, :limit => 35, :null => false t.string :password, :limit => 25, :null => false t.string :email, :limit => 40 t.string :fav_beer, :limit => 40


Page 20: Taking ActiveRecord to the Next Level Blythe Dunham blythe@snowgiraffe.com

Set default values

create_table :animals do |t| t.string :name, :limit => 35, :null => false t.string :password, :limit => 25, :null => false t.string :email, :limit => 40, :default => nil t.string :fav_beer, :limit => 40 :default => 'Pabst' t.timestampsend

Page 21: Taking ActiveRecord to the Next Level Blythe Dunham blythe@snowgiraffe.com

Remove unneeded columns

create_table :animals do |t| t.string :name, :limit => 35,

:null => false t.string :password, :limit => 25,

:null => false t.string :email, :limit => 40,

:default => nil t.string :fav_beer, :limit => 40

:default => 'Pabst' t.timestampsend

Page 22: Taking ActiveRecord to the Next Level Blythe Dunham blythe@snowgiraffe.com

Enumerated Column Plugin

create_table :animals do |t| t.string :name, :limit => 35, :null => false t.string :password, :limit => 25, :null => false t.string :email, :limit => 40, :default => nil t.enum :fav_beer, :default => 'Pabst' :limit => %w(Chimay Pabst Redhook)


Page 23: Taking ActiveRecord to the Next Level Blythe Dunham blythe@snowgiraffe.com

Think about the table parameters

create_table :animals, :options => 'ENGINE=MyISAM' do |t| t.string :name, :limit => 35, :null => false t.string :password, :limit => 25, :null => false t.string :email, :limit => 40, :default => nil t.enum :fav_beer, :default => nil :limit => %w(Chimay Pabst Redhook)


Page 24: Taking ActiveRecord to the Next Level Blythe Dunham blythe@snowgiraffe.com

Custom DDL

create_table :animals do |t| t.string :name, :limit => 35, :null => false t.string :email, :limit => 40, :default => nil t.enum :fav_beer, :default => nil :limit => %w(Chimay Pabst Redhook)


#case sensitive password (encrypted)execute "ALTER TABLE `animals` ADD `password` varchar(25) character set latin1 collate latin1_bin NOT NULL"

Page 25: Taking ActiveRecord to the Next Level Blythe Dunham blythe@snowgiraffe.com

Create (Unique) Indices

create_table :species do |t| t.string :name, :null => false, :limit => 25 end

add_index :species, :name, :unique => true, :name => 'uk_species_name'

Page 26: Taking ActiveRecord to the Next Level Blythe Dunham blythe@snowgiraffe.com

ActiveRecord Uniquenessclass Species < ActiveRecord::Base

validates_uniqueness_of :name


Doesn't Guaranty Data Integrity!

Page 27: Taking ActiveRecord to the Next Level Blythe Dunham blythe@snowgiraffe.com

I Heart Foreign Keys

Referential Integrity

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The AR Way: Foreign Keysclass Species < ActiveRecord::Base

has_many :animals, :dependent => :nullify


Page 29: Taking ActiveRecord to the Next Level Blythe Dunham blythe@snowgiraffe.com

The Rails Way: Foreign Keysclass Species < ActiveRecord::Base

has_many :animals, :dependent => :nullify


Dependent Value SQL Equivalent:

:nullify => ON DELETE SET NULL

:delete_all => ON DELETE CASCADE

:destroy => No SQL equivalent. Every association is instantiated and and callbacks are executed before destruction

Page 30: Taking ActiveRecord to the Next Level Blythe Dunham blythe@snowgiraffe.com

Redhills Foreign Key Migration Plugin to the rescue!

add_column :animals, :species_id, :integer,

:references => :species,

:name => 'fk_animal_species',

:on_delete => :set_null,

:on_update => :cascade

ALTER TABLE `animals` ADD `species_id` int(11);


Page 31: Taking ActiveRecord to the Next Level Blythe Dunham blythe@snowgiraffe.com

CREATE TABLE `animals` ( `id` int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment, `name` varchar(35) NOT NULL, `email` varchar(40) default NULL, `fav_beer` enum('Guiness','Pabst','Redhook','Chimay') default 'Pabst', `species_id` int(11) default NULL, `created_at` datetime default NULL, `updated_at` datetime default NULL, `password` varchar(25) character set latin1 collate latin1_bin NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (`id`)) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8

Primary Keys

CREATE TABLE `species` ( `id` int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment, `name` varchar(255), PRIMARY KEY (`id`),) ENGINE=InnoDB AUTO_INCREMENT=9 DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8

Page 32: Taking ActiveRecord to the Next Level Blythe Dunham blythe@snowgiraffe.com

Modify the Rails Primary KeyChange type with change_column MySQL Migration Optimization Plugin

create_table :animals, :primary_key => "special_key", :primary_column => { :type => :integer, :limit => 2, :precision => :unsigned, :scale => 3 } do |t| end

CREATE TABLE `animals` (`special_key` smallint(3) UNSIGNED NOT NULL auto_increment PRIMARY KEY) ENGINE=InnoDB;

Page 33: Taking ActiveRecord to the Next Level Blythe Dunham blythe@snowgiraffe.com

Advanced ActiveRecord• Insert and update options• Import bulk data• Finder Options• Tools: plugin AR-Extensions

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ActiveRecord on Steroids: ar-extensions pluginAdditional Create and Update optionssave(options={})


create(args, options={})

create!(args, options={})








Page 35: Taking ActiveRecord to the Next Level Blythe Dunham blythe@snowgiraffe.com


Standard ActiveRecord:

Create the record if it does not already exist

unless Animal.find_by_name('Jerry G')

Animal.create!(:name => 'Jerry G',

:password => 'jerry')


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Ignore duplicates! One query, less code, fewer queries!

Animal.create!({:name => 'Jerry G',

:password => 'jerry'},

{:ignore => true})

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Update the record if it exists, if not create a new one.

A lot of code to upsert and performs two SQL queries!

jerry = Animal.find_by_name 'Jerry G'

jerry ||= Animal.new(:name => 'Jerry G')

jerry.password = 'frenchfry'


Page 38: Taking ActiveRecord to the Next Level Blythe Dunham blythe@snowgiraffe.com

:on_duplicate_key_updatejerry = Animal.new :name => 'Jerry G',

:password => 'frenchfry'

jerry.save! :on_duplicate_key_update =>

[:password, :updated_at]


(`name`, `updated_at`, `species_id`,

`password`,`email`, `created_at`)

VALUES('Jerry G', '2009-03-15 06:17:51', NULL,

'frenchfry', NULL, '2009-03-15 06:17:51')




Page 39: Taking ActiveRecord to the Next Level Blythe Dunham blythe@snowgiraffe.com

Reloading the instance

AR Data can become inconsistent with DB after an IGNORE, UPDATE, or ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE

reload executes more queries

For UPDATE the duplicate is automatically reloaded

jerry.email = '[email protected]'

jerry.save! :on_duplicate_key_update =>

[:password, :updated_at],

:reload => true,

:duplicate_columns => [:name]

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More Customization

jerry.save(:keywords => 'LOW_PRIORITY',

:pre_sql => '/*Pre comment*/',

:post_sql =>

"/*#{__FILE__} #{__LINE__}*/")

/*Pre comment*/ UPDATE LOW_PRIORITY `animals`

SET `created_at` = '2009-03-15 06:13:48',

`species_id` = NULL, `email` = NULL,

`password` = 'frenchfry',

`updated_at` = '2009-03-15 06:45:38',

`name` = 'Jerry G'

WHERE `id` = 7/*animal_controller.rb 147 */

Page 41: Taking ActiveRecord to the Next Level Blythe Dunham blythe@snowgiraffe.com

Import (Bulk Insert)Instead of one-by-one, insert a ton of records fast

Page 42: Taking ActiveRecord to the Next Level Blythe Dunham blythe@snowgiraffe.com

Import (Bulk Insert)Standard way: Insert each animal one by one

Animal.create!(:name => 'dolly dolphin',

:password => 'dolly')

Animal.create!(:name => 'big birdie',

:password => 'birdie')

and so on….

Page 43: Taking ActiveRecord to the Next Level Blythe Dunham blythe@snowgiraffe.com

Fast Import: One INSERT

animals = [ Animal.new(:name => 'dolly dolphin',

:password => 'dolly'),

Animal.new(:name => 'big birdie',

:password => 'birdie')]

Animal.import animals

INSERT INTO `animals`



(NULL,'dolly dolphin',NULL,'Pabst',

'2009-03-20 00:17:15','2009-03-20 00:17:15','dolly'),

(NULL,'big birdie',NULL,'Pabst',

'2009-03-20 00:17:15','2009-03-20 00:17:15','birdie')

ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE `animals`.`updated_at`=VALUES(`updated_at`)

Page 44: Taking ActiveRecord to the Next Level Blythe Dunham blythe@snowgiraffe.com

Fastest Import: fewer columns

columns = [ :name, :password ]

values = [['dolly dolphin', 'dolly'],

['big birdie', 'birdie']]

options = {:validate => false,

:timestamps => false}

Animal.import columns, values, options

INSERT INTO `animals` (`name`,`password`)


('dolly dolphin','dolly'),('big birdie','birdie')

Page 45: Taking ActiveRecord to the Next Level Blythe Dunham blythe@snowgiraffe.com

Insert SelectStandard: Query and Insert one by one

Species.find(:all).each do |s|

SpeciesZoo.create!(:species_id => s.id,

:zoo_id => zoo.id,

:extra_info => 'awesome')


Executes a query for each species

INSERT INTO `species_zoos` (`zoo_id`, `id`, `species_id`, `extra_info`)

VALUES (1, 3, 3, 'awesome')

INSERT INTO `species_zoos` (`zoo_id`, `id`, `species_id`, `extra_info`)

VALUES (1, 3, 2 , 'awesome')

And so on…

Page 46: Taking ActiveRecord to the Next Level Blythe Dunham blythe@snowgiraffe.com

Insert Select ImportSpeciesZoo.insert_select(

:from => :species,

:select => ['species.id, ?', zoo],

:into => [:species_id, :zoo_id])

One INSERT statement

INSERT INTO `species_zoos`

( `species_id`, `zoo_id` )

SELECT species.id, 1 FROM `species`

Page 47: Taking ActiveRecord to the Next Level Blythe Dunham blythe@snowgiraffe.com

Temporary TablesNot so good for slave replication

Can be used as a sandbox then imported into a real table with ar-extensions gem

Animal.create_temporary_table do |t|

t.create!(:name => 'giraffe',

:password => 'goo')


:from => t,

:select => [:name, :password, :fav_beer],

:into => [:name, :password, :fav_beer],

:on_duplicate_key_update =>

[:password, :fav_beer])


Page 48: Taking ActiveRecord to the Next Level Blythe Dunham blythe@snowgiraffe.com

Customizing Find

Additional finder options





Page 49: Taking ActiveRecord to the Next Level Blythe Dunham blythe@snowgiraffe.com

Customizing Find


:conditions => ['name = ?', 'Jerry G'],

:keywords => 'HIGH_PRIORITY',

:pre_sql => '/*Pre comment*/',

:post_sql => 'FOR UPDATE /*After the fact*/',

:index_hint => 'USE INDEX (uk_animal_name)'


/*Pre comment*/ SELECT HIGH_PRIORITY *

FROM `animals` USE INDEX (uk_animal_name)

WHERE (name = 'Jerry G') FOR UPDATE

/*After the fact*/

Page 50: Taking ActiveRecord to the Next Level Blythe Dunham blythe@snowgiraffe.com

Need more? Get dirty with find_by_sql

sql = Animal.send :finder_sql_to_string,

:conditions => ['name = ?', 'Jerry G']

sql.gsub! /WHERE/, 'where /* Dirty hand */'

Animal.find_by_sql sql

Page 51: Taking ActiveRecord to the Next Level Blythe Dunham blythe@snowgiraffe.com

More: find_union & count_union


{:conditions => ['animals.name like ?', 'Jerry%']},

{:conditions => ['species.name = ?', 'giraffe'],

:include => :species}


(SELECT `animals`.* FROM `animals`

WHERE (animals.name = 'Jerry G'))


(SELECT `animals`.* FROM `animals`


`species`.id = `animals`.species_id

WHERE (species.name = 'giraffe'))

Page 52: Taking ActiveRecord to the Next Level Blythe Dunham blythe@snowgiraffe.com

Finder Issues: Speed and Memorypaginate - less loaded into memory

:select option - Data is retrieved faster when fewer columns are selected

Page 53: Taking ActiveRecord to the Next Level Blythe Dunham blythe@snowgiraffe.com

Paginated FindersRails 2.3.2 includes :batch_size option

Animal.find_each(:batch_size => 2) do |animal|

#do something


Will Paginate Plugin

page = 1


animals = Animal.paginate :per_page => 2, :page => page

animals.each{|animal| …do something… }

end while (page = animals.next_page)

Paginating Find Plugin

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:selectData is retrieved faster when fewer columns are selected

Animal.find :first, :select => 'name'

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:include hates :selectBut :select is ignored with eager loading (:include)!Animal.find :first,

:select => 'animals.name, species.name',

:include => :species,

:conditions => ['species.name like ?', 'giraffe']

SELECT `animals`.`id` AS t0_r0,

`animals`.`name` AS t0_r1,

`animals`.`email` AS t0_r2,

`animals`.`fav_beer` AS t0_r3,

`animals`.`created_at` AS t0_r4,

`animals`.`updated_at` AS t0_r5,

`animals`.`password` AS t0_r6,

`animals`.`species_id` AS t0_r7,

`species`.`id` AS t1_r0,

`species`.`name` AS t1_r1

FROM `animals` LEFT OUTER JOIN `species` ON

`species`.id = `animals`.species_id

WHERE (species.name like 'giraffe') LIMIT 1

Page 56: Taking ActiveRecord to the Next Level Blythe Dunham blythe@snowgiraffe.com

Alternatives to Eager Loading Eager loading for sparse :include can be time consuming

Use :join instead of :include

Eager Load Plugin

Rails 2.3.2 Query Cache helps

ActiveRecordContext Plugin

PiggyBack Plugin

Page 57: Taking ActiveRecord to the Next Level Blythe Dunham blythe@snowgiraffe.com

:join instead of :include Eager loading is slow in Rails and can be slow on the


Use an (inner) :join instead of :includeanimal = Animal.find :first,

:select => 'animals.name, species.name as spec_name',

:joins => :species,

:conditions => ['species.name like ?', 'giraffe']

animal.spec_name == 'giraffe'

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Force it with Eager loading pluginsEager loading is slow in Rails and can be slow on the


eload-select plugin

Page 59: Taking ActiveRecord to the Next Level Blythe Dunham blythe@snowgiraffe.com

Help from Rails 2 Query Cache

Animals of the same species are only loaded onceActiveRecord::Base.cache {

Animal.find(:all).each {|a| a.species }


Animal Load (1.8ms) SELECT * FROM `animals`

Species Load (0.3ms) SELECT * FROM `species` WHERE (`species`.`id` = 2)

CACHE (0.0ms) SELECT * FROM `species` WHERE (`species`.`id` = 2)

Species Load (0.3ms) SELECT * FROM `species` WHERE (`species`.`id` = 1)

CACHE (0.0ms) SELECT * FROM `species` WHERE (`species`.`id` = 1)

Page 60: Taking ActiveRecord to the Next Level Blythe Dunham blythe@snowgiraffe.com

ActiveRecordContext Plugin

ActiveRecord::Base.with_context do

animals = Animal.find :all

Species.prefetch animals

animals.each {|a| a.species }


Animal Load (0.4ms) SELECT * FROM `animals`

[Context] Storing Animal records: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, and 7

Species Load (0.4ms) SELECT * FROM `species` WHERE (`species`.`id` IN( 2,1 ))

[Context] Storing Species records: 2 and 1

[Context] Found Species #2

[Context] Found Species #2

[Context] Found Species #1

[Context] Found Species #1

Page 61: Taking ActiveRecord to the Next Level Blythe Dunham blythe@snowgiraffe.com

Piggyback Plugin

Delegate records with :has_one and :belongs_to associations

Great for accessing extension tables with TEXT or BLOB

Page 62: Taking ActiveRecord to the Next Level Blythe Dunham blythe@snowgiraffe.com

Piggyback Plugin Uses joins to delegate records from :has_one and :belongs_to


class Animal < ActiveRecord::Base

belongs_to :species

piggy_back :species_name, :from => :species,

:attributes => [:name]


animal = Animal.find :first, :piggy => :species_name

animal.species_name == 'giraffe'

SELECT animals.*, species.name AS species_name

FROM `animals` LEFT JOIN species ON

species.id=animals.species_id LIMIT 1

Page 63: Taking ActiveRecord to the Next Level Blythe Dunham blythe@snowgiraffe.com

Avoiding DeadlockDeadlock Retry plugin - retries query up to 3 times

Batch Operations (AR-Extension plugin)

Animal.delete_all(['name like ?','giraffe%'],

:batch_size => 50)

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Reading from a ReplicaMasochism plugin

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Export Dataar-fixtures: Export entire table to yaml

ar-extensions: export to csv

ar-dumper: export (paginated) to yaml, xml or csv

Page 66: Taking ActiveRecord to the Next Level Blythe Dunham blythe@snowgiraffe.com

Cache! Show me the money!Query Cache


Static Record Cache plugin

Page 67: Taking ActiveRecord to the Next Level Blythe Dunham blythe@snowgiraffe.com

ActiveRecord plugins and gems

AR-Extensions http://www.continuousthinking.com/tags/arext

Piggy Back http://railsexpress.de/svn/plugins/piggy_back/trunk/README

Eager Loading http://www.snowgiraffe.com/tech/?p=329

Active Record Context http://svn.techno-weenie.net/projects/plugins/active_record_context/

Will Paginate http://github.com/mislav/will_paginate/tree/master

Deadlock Retry http://agilewebdevelopment.com/plugins/deadlock_retry

Paginating Find http://www.railslodge.com/plugins/287-paginating-find

Static Record Cache http://github.com/blythedunham/static_record_cache/tree/master

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Other Useful PluginsMigration Plugins

Redhills Consulting Foreign Key Migrations http://agilewebdevelopment.com/plugins/foreign_key_migrations

Enum Column http://enum-column.rubyforge.org/

MySQL Migration Optimizer http://github.com/blythedunham/mysql_migration_optimizer/tree/master

Replica Plugins

Masochism http://github.com/technoweenie/masochism/tree/master

Active Delegate http://www.robbyonrails.com/articles/2007/10/05/multiple-database-connections-in-ruby-on-rails

Export Plugins

Ar-fixtures http://github.com/topfunky/ar_fixtures/tree/master

Ar-dumper http://github.com/blythedunham/ar_dumper/tree/master

Page 69: Taking ActiveRecord to the Next Level Blythe Dunham blythe@snowgiraffe.com


Thanks for attending! I hope you are on the next level.

Slides available at: http://snowgiraffe.com

Page 70: Taking ActiveRecord to the Next Level Blythe Dunham blythe@snowgiraffe.com

PicsBiz card: http://www.twozdai.com/

Toolbox: http://www.flickr.com/photos/29802022@N07/2971774302/

Cash: http://www.flickr.com/photos/gnerk/2466566500/

Emoo cow: http://blog.petegraham.co.uk/2007/05/15/animals-with-emo-haircuts/

Giraffe in Car: http://www.norrishallstudio.com/assets/img/products/switchplates/Giraffe_in_Car_SO.jpg

Leafcutters: http://www.makingthelink.co.uk/Leafcutter%20Ants%20Corcovado.jpg

Puppy: http://www.flickr.com/photos/todorrovic/2287792473/

Dump truck: http://farm3.static.flickr.com/2065/2197925262_bd2726c3fa.jpg?v=0

Ignore sign: http://www.flickr.com/photos/alexsuarez/2504638107/

Tigers: http://www.flickr.com/photos/sharynmorrow/19981568/

Single Leafcutter: http://www.flickr.com/photos/mattblucas/2176783448/

Giraffe with tongue: http://www.flickr.com/photos/ucumari/2570608134/

Giraffe in a can: http://www.flickr.com/photos/10159247@N04/2877489356/

Beaver: http://www.flickr.com/photos/krrrista/2286455954/

Mini Pig: http://www.richardaustinimages.com/

Giraffe herd: http://www.flickr.com/photos/acastellano/2260928018/

Giraffe skin: http://www.flickr.com/photos/tomorrowstand/1806095442

Dirty hands: http://www.flickr.com/photos/dragonhide/2372544373/

Blythe twins: http://www.flickr.com/photos/petitewanderlings/434252916/

Dead lock: http://www.flickr.com/photos/fpsurgeon/2453544236/

Foreign Keys: http://www.flickr.com/photos/zeeny79/347753999/

Gorilla: http://www.flickr.com/photos/shuttershrink/425613091/

Speed of light: http://www.flickr.com/photos/laserstars/908946494/

Fat Giraffe: http://funnies.com/funny-picture-fat-giraffe.htm