taken 3 poster analysis


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Post on 13-Feb-2017



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This is the official poster used for the film. Firstly, the title, the use of the white coloured font of the title on the dark background makes appear more bold. Furthermore, I have decided to analyse this film poster because it is set in a slightly different format to the other posters I have recently discussed however, it is not horizontal, the title is along the vertical positioned towards the left. Having a different layout to the others would make your film seem more interesting and seem as though it has something that perhaps others don’t. The colour of the title follows the theme that all other action film titles have, white in colour. It is evident that this film is a trilogy as at the end of the title it says ‘3’, the number 3 is red in colour, this could perhaps be because, in this film a lot of blood is spilled as red is a connotation of blood, gore and death.

This poster contains a tagline which reads ‘IT ENDS HERE’, not every film poster contains one of these. This tagline indicates not only that this is the final ‘TAKEN’ film, but also that it is going to be out of this world and action packed. This tagline entices the audience into wanting to see the film as they would want to know, how the film is going to end, is it going to be something they have never seen before? Opposed to other action films.Additionally, the poster

states that it is to be ‘IN CINEMAS JANUARY 8’ this is in bold, block text which doesn’t detract from the title, or the tagline. It is subtle but still visible to the audience so that they are aware of when the film is to be released.

Liam Neeson is clearly a unique selling point for the film which is why his name is positioned above the title, so that it is noticeable to the audience. If they see his name and they have seen previous films or interviews that he has featured in, they may decide that they want to see the film because of previous successes. This is why the film company has made sure that they have his name written somewhere visible.

The main, and central image of the poster is the protagonist of the film, Liam Neeson, he is the star and the unique selling point. Within the background of the poster, a city can be seen, perhaps in America and there are search lights from helicopters which are scanning the city. Adjoining the images together it is evident that the protagonist is hiding from the planes as he stands cautiously behind the wall.The protagonist is holding a gun, weaponry which is noted as being a convention of the action genre. His furrowed eye brows and stern expression along with the positioning of the gun shows that he means business as it seems as though he is waiting..

The main poster is shown in the previous, this is a teaser poster, which informs the audience that this is a new film, ‘COMING SOON’. In my opinion the tagline of this poster is the text that has been paid most attention too. Although all of the text is central this text is positioned at the top, it screams to the audience that this is the last taken within the trilogy and that they should really see it as soon as the film comes out.

This poster is very similar to the chosen, official poster, the only differences are:• The positioning of the title• The way in which the title

has been written• The font size of the tagline• The central image of the


The background image is useful in highlighting that the film is going to be action packed as we are shown various helicopters circling around a large city. For this to be done, it is evident that something extremely bad has occurred, could it be the protagonist? The enigma given by this poster is what would entice people into wanting to watch this film. The tagline and the fact that the protagonist appears to be being hunted for by helicopters, does he die? He is stood on top of a building..