take home your take home your “lucky joy box” “lucky joy ......australia has been enriched and...

“We are one, but we are many; And from all the lands on earth we come”. These familiar words from the song “I am Australian” written by Bruce Woodley very much describe an important truth about our country: a very multicultural country. People move to Australia from many different nations and countries with different reasons and circumstances. They left behind their family, friends and countries to come here looking forwards for a better future. Our country is very blessed in many different aspects vary from natural resources to a quite stable society, and above all, the Christian faith, cultures and customs that people brought with them when they arrived. The Catholic Church in Australia has been enriched and broadened by the religious customs of the Irish, Italian, Maltese, Croatian, Spanish, Vietnamese, Filipinos, Burmese and Chinese, to name a few. Compared to many other countries, the Catholic Church in Australia is quite young and still in the process of being formed. We still have lots of problems and difficulties that need to be sorted out. After all, we are still on our journey of completing ourselves and heading towards perfection. However, as Jesus tells us in today’s gospel, we should not be too worried or afraid about these things and let ourselves being consumed by them. By saying this, it does not mean that we should forget or ignore these problems but to try our best and leave the rest to God. We need to remember that God loves us and is looking after us. He knows what we need and will give it to us in due time. All we need to do is to walk on this journey together with faith and trust. As we celebrate the Australia Day and the Lunar New Year this weekend, let us thank God for all the gifts and blessings that He has given to us. We also thank and pray for those who helped to build and continue to build this wonderful multicultural country. Yours in Christ, Deacon John Pham Third Sunday in Ordinary Time - Year A - Australia Day - Lunar New Year 26 January 2020 Archbishop Anthony Fisher and the Australian Bishops have asked that special collections be taken up this Australia Day weekend to support bushfire-affected communities. Money raised from this collection will support the Vinnies’ bushfire appeal and the Drought Angels. In today’s appeal the money you donate today will specifically help; * those impacted by bushfires across Australia, and * those impacted by drought in the Gilgandra region of NSW as part of today’s appeal will go towards supporting the Gilgandra Drought Angels. The Drummoyne Catholic Women’s League are advocates for this charity. Thank you again for your generous donations, and thank you to those who have already donated. We are extremely appreciative of your support. Your donation will make a big difference to those impacted by the bushfires and by drought. We are also called to pray for those affected, especially those who have lost loved ones, for those fighting the fires, in drought affected areas and for an end to this ongoing crisis. Take home your Take home your Take home your Take home your “Lucky Joy Box” “Lucky Joy Box” “Lucky Joy Box” “Lucky Joy Box” scripture today!

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Page 1: Take home your Take home your “Lucky Joy Box” “Lucky Joy ......Australia has been enriched and broadened by the religious customs of the Irish, Italian, Maltese, Croatian, Spanish,

“We are one, but we are many; And from all the lands

on earth we come”.

These familiar words from the song “I am Australian” written by Bruce Woodley very much describe an important truth about our country: a very multicultural country. People move to Australia from many different nations and countries with different reasons and circumstances. They left behind their family, friends and countries to come here looking forwards for a better future.

Our country is very blessed in many different aspects vary from natural resources to a quite stable society, and above all, the Christian faith, cultures and customs that people brought with them when they arrived. The Catholic Church in

Australia has been enriched and broadened by the religious customs of the Irish, Italian, Maltese, Croatian, Spanish, Vietnamese, Filipinos, Burmese and Chinese, to name a few.

Compared to many other countries, the Catholic Church in Australia is quite young and still in the process of being formed. We still have lots of problems and difficulties that need to be sorted out. After all, we are still on our journey of completing

ourselves and heading towards perfection.

However, as Jesus tells us in today’s gospel, we should not be too worried or afraid about these things and let ourselves being consumed by them. By saying this, it does not mean that we should forget or ignore these problems but to try our best and leave the rest to God. We need to remember that God loves us and is looking after us. He knows what we need and will give it to us in due time. All we need to do is to walk on this journey together with faith and trust.

As we celebrate the Australia Day and the Lunar New Year this weekend, let us thank God for all the gifts and blessings that He has given to us. We also thank and pray for those who helped to build and continue to build this wonderful multicultural country.


Third Sunday in Ordinary Time - Year A - Australia Day - Lunar New Year 26 January 2020

Archbishop Anthony Fisher and the Australian Bishops have asked that special collections be taken up this Australia Day weekend to support bushfire-affected communities. Money raised from this collection will support the Vinnies’ bushfire appeal and the Drought Angels. In today’s appeal the money you donate today will specifically help; * those impacted by bushfires across Australia, and * those impacted by drought in the Gilgandra region of NSW as part of today’s appeal will go towards supporting the Gilgandra Drought Angels. The Drummoyne Catholic Women’s League are advocates for this charity.

Thank you again for your generous donations, and thank you to those who have already donated.

We are extremely appreciative of your support. Your donation will make a big difference to those impacted by the

bushfires and by drought.

We are also called to pray for those affected, especially those who have lost loved ones, for those fighting the fires, in drought

affected areas and for an end to this ongoing crisis.

Take home your Take home your Take home your Take home your “Lucky Joy Box” “Lucky Joy Box” “Lucky Joy Box” “Lucky Joy Box” ssssccccrrrriiiippppttttuuuurrrreeee ttttooooddddaaaayyyy!!!!

Page 2: Take home your Take home your “Lucky Joy Box” “Lucky Joy ......Australia has been enriched and broadened by the religious customs of the Irish, Italian, Maltese, Croatian, Spanish,

Today’s Liturgy.Today’s Liturgy.Today’s Liturgy.Today’s Liturgy. Entrance Antiphon: Ps 56:9-10

I will praise you, Lord, among the

peoples, among the nations sing psalms

to you, for your mercy reaches to the

heavens, and your truth to the skies.

First Reading: Is 32:15-18

The effect of justice will be peace.

Responsorial Psalm:Ps 84:9-14. R. v.9

The Lord speaks of peace to his people.

Second Reading: 1 Cor 12:4-11

One and the same Spirit distributes

different gifts as he chooses.

Gospel Acclamation: Mt 5:9

Alleluia, alleluia!

Happy the peacemakers: they shall be

called children of God.


Gospel: Mt 5:1-12

Rejoice and be glad, for your reward will

be great in heaven.

Offertory Antiphon: Ps 117:16.17

The right hand of the Lord has struck

with power the right hand of the Lord has

exalted me; I shall not die, but live and

declare the works of the Lord.

Communion Antiphon: Ps 102:2

Bless the Lord, my soul, and never forget

his bene7its.

Gloria Glory to God in the highest, and on

earth peace to people of good will.

We praise you, we bless you,

we adore you, we glorify you,

we give you thanks for your great


Lord God, heavenly King,

O God, almighty Father.

Lord Jesus Christ, Only Begotten Son,

Lord God, Lamb of God, Son of the

Father, you take away the sins of the

world, have mercy on us;

you take away the sins of the world,

receive our prayer;

you are seated at the right hand of the

Father, have mercy on us.

For you alone are the Holy One,

you alone are the Lord,

you alone are the Most High,

Jesus Christ, with the Holy Spirit,

in the glory of God the Father.


The Niceno-Constantinopolitan Creed I believe in one God, the Father almighty,

maker of heaven and earth,

of all things visible and invisible.

I believe in one Lord Jesus Christ,

the Only Begotten Son of God,

born of the Father before all ages.

God from God, Light from Light,

true God from true God,

begotten, not made, consubstantial with

the Father;

through him all things were made.

For us men and for our salvation

he came down from heaven,

and by the Holy Spirit was incarnate of

the Virgin Mary, and became man.

For our sake he was cruci7ied under

Pontius Pilate,

he suffered death and was buried,

and rose again on the third day

in accordance with the Scriptures.

He ascended into heaven and is seated at

the right hand of the Father.

He will come again in glory to judge the

living and the dead and his kingdom will

have no end.

I believe in the Holy Spirit, the Lord, the

giver of life, who proceeds from the

Father and the Son, who with the Father

and the Son is adored and glori7ied,

who has spoken through the prophets.

I believe in one, holy, catholic and

apostolic Church.

I confess one Baptism for the forgiveness

of sins and I look forward to the

resurrection of the dead and the life of

the world to come.


Next Week: The Presentation of the Lord

Mal 3:1-4; Heb 2:14-18; Lk 2:22-40 or Lk 2:22-32

We welcome into our faith community We welcome into our faith community We welcome into our faith community We welcome into our faith community this Sunday through the this Sunday through the this Sunday through the this Sunday through the

Sacrament of Baptism at St. Mark’s:Sacrament of Baptism at St. Mark’s:Sacrament of Baptism at St. Mark’s:Sacrament of Baptism at St. Mark’s:

and we congratulate her parents.and we congratulate her parents.and we congratulate her parents.and we congratulate her parents. GGGGoooodddd BBBBlllleeeessssssss YYYYoooouuuu!!!!

We welcome the families who will be presenting We welcome the families who will be presenting We welcome the families who will be presenting We welcome the families who will be presenting

to their new faith family prior to his upcoming baptism. to their new faith family prior to his upcoming baptism. to their new faith family prior to his upcoming baptism. to their new faith family prior to his upcoming baptism. God Bless You!God Bless You!God Bless You!God Bless You!

Australia Day, 26 January, is the day to reflect on what it means to be Australian, to celebrate contemporary Australia and

to acknowledge our history.

ST. MARK’S PARISH, DRUMMOYNE acknowledges the Wangal

people, the tradi%onal owners and custodians of the land on

which we stand.

We pay our respects to them and for their care of the land.

May we walk gently and respec*ully upon the land.

The Chinese decorate everything red for Chinese New Year. It is a day for praying to the gods. The festival was originally a ceremonial day to pray to gods for a

good planting and harvest season.

As an agrarian society, the harvest was everything. People also prayed to their

ancestors, as they were treated as gods.

Page 3: Take home your Take home your “Lucky Joy Box” “Lucky Joy ......Australia has been enriched and broadened by the religious customs of the Irish, Italian, Maltese, Croatian, Spanish,

Pray for Rain We continue to pray for the gift of rain and drought. We

pray for all the families and support personnel who continue to dedicate their time and energy fighting the bush fires. May the Lord bless them for all their efforts

and hard work.

O God, in whom we live and move

and have our being, grant us sufficient rain,

so that being supplied with what sustains us in this present life,

we may seek more confidently what sustains us for eternity.

Through our Lord Jesus Christ, your Son, who lives and reigns with you in the unity of the Holy Spirit,

one God, for ever and ever.

Pray for those affected by Bushfire and Drought

Eternal God,

In wisdom and love you created our earth

to sustain us and give us life. We turn to you now

in faith, hope and love, asking you to look with favour on our drought-stricken land,

on our starving animals, on our failing crops.

Strengthen, sustain and give new heart to our farmers

and to all who are affected by drought; be with those who support them.

In your loving providence, send abundant rain

and restore our parched earth. Father of all compassion,

hear our prayer through Jesus Christ your Son,

in whom the promise of new life has dawned, and

through the power of the Holy Spirit,

the Lord the giver of life: Renew your faithful people; Renew the face of the earth.

Our Lady of the Southern Cross, Mary, help of Christians –

Pray for us. St Mary of the Cross MacKillop –

Pray for us.

Pray for Students & Teachers

Teachers and students return to our schools this week and we

offer this blessing to them all:

Lord God, your Spirit of wisdom fills the earth

and teachers us your ways. Look upon these students.

Let them enjoy learning and take delight in new discoveries.

Help them to persevere in their studies and give them the desire to learn all things

well. Look upon these teachers.

Let them strive to share their knowledge with gentle patience and endeavour

always to bring the truth to eager minds. Grant that students and teachers alike

may follow Jesus Christ, The way, the truth,

and the life, for ever and ever


United in Baptism,

Nourished by the Eucharist, Guided by the Holy Spirit,

We Form a Vibrant and Caring Community, Living and Proclaiming the Gospel,

Reaching Out to Those in Need, Journeying Together,

Growing in Faith.

Page 4: Take home your Take home your “Lucky Joy Box” “Lucky Joy ......Australia has been enriched and broadened by the religious customs of the Irish, Italian, Maltese, Croatian, Spanish,

REFLECTION FOR YOUNG PEOPLE – by Lisa-Marie Calderone-Stewart

Simon, Andrew, James and John drop their nets the second that Jesus shows up. They leave their fish and boats in the water and start a whole new life. Imagine Zebedee’s thoughts as he watches his two sons walk off with someone he knows little about.

What would your parents say if you tried to do something like that?

How could you explain the importance of following Jesus to your parents if they had never heard of him or knew little about him?

These four fishermen did not miss the chance to answer Jesus’ invitation.

‘Strike while the iron is hot’ and ‘Opportunity knocks but once’ are old sayings. Have you heard these sayings before? What do they really mean?

Have you ever chosen to take advantage of an opportunity right away, and it turned out to be a good decision? If so, when? What happened?

Have you ever chosen to take advantage of what you thought was a good opportunity, and it turned out to be a bad decision? If so, when? What happened?

How can you begin to tell the good opportunities from the bad ones?


God’s provident care for the salvation of our land

It is truly right and just, our duty and our salvation, always and everywhere to give you thanks,

Lord, holy Father, almighty and eternal God,

and to praise, bless, and glorify your name through Christ our


For from ancient times you made this land a home for many peoples,

and became their rock of strength; when they were hungry,

you gave them food, and when thirsty,

water even in the desert.

To all, your providence has proclaimed the Good News of Jesus Christ, your Son,

sent by you to be the Saviour of all the world, who has brought peace by his sacrifice on the Cross.

And so, we lift our voices to you this day and with the people you have made your own,

from every race and tongue, every place and time, we join in the song of the Angels in heaven,

as in exultant praise we acclaim:

Page 5: Take home your Take home your “Lucky Joy Box” “Lucky Joy ......Australia has been enriched and broadened by the religious customs of the Irish, Italian, Maltese, Croatian, Spanish,

Sunday 2 February 2020 Presentation of the Lord.

Please bring your candles for blessing before the Mass.

† Sunday 2 February Sunday 2 February Sunday 2 February Sunday 2 February Catechists Sunday Catechists Sunday Catechists Sunday Catechists Sunday All SRE catechists take their commissioning at each Mass for the 2020 school year.

† Sunday 2 February Sunday 2 February Sunday 2 February Sunday 2 February Presentation of the Lord Presentation of the Lord Presentation of the Lord Presentation of the Lord Please bring your candles for a blessing before Mass.

† Saturday | Sunday 1 & 2 February Saturday | Sunday 1 & 2 February Saturday | Sunday 1 & 2 February Saturday | Sunday 1 & 2 February Vote to Change Vote to Change Vote to Change Vote to Change Have your say and vote on your preferred Vigil Mass time.

† Sunday 2 February Sunday 2 February Sunday 2 February Sunday 2 February Baptism Gathering Baptism Gathering Baptism Gathering Baptism Gathering Book in for your Baptismal Preparation Community Gathering.

† Saturday | Sunday 8 & 9 February Saturday | Sunday 8 & 9 February Saturday | Sunday 8 & 9 February Saturday | Sunday 8 & 9 February Vote to Change Vote to Change Vote to Change Vote to Change Have your say and vote on your preferred Vigil Mass time.

† Saturday | Sunday 8 & 9 February Saturday | Sunday 8 & 9 February Saturday | Sunday 8 & 9 February Saturday | Sunday 8 & 9 February Bring Back Old Palms Bring Back Old Palms Bring Back Old Palms Bring Back Old Palms Bring back your old Palms for Ash Wednesday ashes.

† Wednesday 12 February Wednesday 12 February Wednesday 12 February Wednesday 12 February Parish Committee Meetings Parish Committee Meetings Parish Committee Meetings Parish Committee Meetings Liturgy Committee meet @ 6.30pm Parish Pastoral Council meet @7.30pm

† Saturday | Sunday 15 & 16 February Saturday | Sunday 15 & 16 February Saturday | Sunday 15 & 16 February Saturday | Sunday 15 & 16 February Vote to Change Vote to Change Vote to Change Vote to Change Have your say and vote on your preferred Vigil Mass time.

† Wednesday 19 February Wednesday 19 February Wednesday 19 February Wednesday 19 February Parish Committee Meetings Parish Committee Meetings Parish Committee Meetings Parish Committee Meetings Parish Parish Parish Parish Finance Committee meet @ 7.00pm

† Friday 21 February Friday 21 February Friday 21 February Friday 21 February Opening School Mass Opening School Mass Opening School Mass Opening School Mass Mass is celebrated @ 9.30am all families welcome.

† Saturday | Sunday 22 & 23 February Saturday | Sunday 22 & 23 February Saturday | Sunday 22 & 23 February Saturday | Sunday 22 & 23 February Project Compassion Project Compassion Project Compassion Project Compassion Project Compassion begins.

† Friday 28 February Friday 28 February Friday 28 February Friday 28 February CWL CWL CWL CWL ---- First Meeting First Meeting First Meeting First Meeting The Catholic Women’s League meet at 11.30am for lunch followed by their 1:00pm meeting - Parish Centre - All Welcome.

† Wednesday 26 February Wednesday 26 February Wednesday 26 February Wednesday 26 February Ash Wednesday Ash Wednesday Ash Wednesday Ash Wednesday Mass @ 7.30am & 7.30pm School Mass @ 9.30am with distribution of ashes.

† Friday 6 March Friday 6 March Friday 6 March Friday 6 March World Day of Prayer World Day of Prayer World Day of Prayer World Day of Prayer Pray for Zimbabwe at St Andrews Anglican Abbotsford @ 10.00am followed by morning tea.

Dates for the Diary Dates for the Diary Dates for the Diary Dates for the Diary SATURDAY VIGIL MASS ONLY


Vote to change Mass time

From:6:00pm To 5.30pm Voting cards will be available at all Masses during the first three weekends in February.

Visit Of The Relics Of St Thérèse Of Lisieux and Her Parents

The National Pilgrimage of the Relics of Saints Thérèse, and her parents, Louis and Zélie, will visit the Archdiocese of

Sydney in February and March. The relics will be officially welcomed at a ceremony at

St Mary’s Cathedral next Saturday 1 February at 4:30pm. Attached to this email is the full itinerary, which we ask you

to print in A3 and post up on your parish noticeboard so that parishioners are aware of where and when they can take this

opportunity to venerate the relics of one of the Catholic Church’s most popular saints and her parents who helped

nurture her faith.

Mass to launch the Cause of

Beatification and

Canonisation of Servant of

God, Eileen O’Connor Thursday 20 February St Mary’s Cathedral

5:30pm Celebrant: Archbishop

Anthony Fisher OP All Welcome.

The Feast Day of St Josephine Bakhita

– the patron saint of victims of modern slavery and human trafficking is

celebrated on 8th February. On this day Catholics are encouraged to pray for all

those affected by the crimes of modern slavery and human trafficking,

and the people that volunteer and work to eradicate this crime.

Page 6: Take home your Take home your “Lucky Joy Box” “Lucky Joy ......Australia has been enriched and broadened by the religious customs of the Irish, Italian, Maltese, Croatian, Spanish,

Please take home a copy of this bulletin are available at Church entrances.





*Priestsonthefrontline *Relics:Takethefamily


Word of God Sunday: Deepen Your Faith with Scripture

“The relationship between the Risen Lord, the community of believers and sacred Scripture is essential to our identity as Christians” (Aperuit Illis) Pope Francis declared in his 2019 apostolic letter, Aperuit Ills, the Third Sunday in Ordinary Time to be the Sunday of the Word of God happens on January 26, 2020. Pope Francis has expressed his hope that it will be a time devoted “to the celebration, study and dissemination of the word of God” (Aperuit Illis) The document is a wonderful (and relatively short) reflection on the importance of sacred Scripture for the faithful. Reading, reflecting and praying on this apostolic letter will deepen your relationship with God as revealed in Scripture – even if you can only take a few minutes a day to read one paragraph at a time. While there are many valuable lessons in the document, let’s look at Pope Francis’ call for God’s people to be shown the importance of learning how to read, appreciate and pray with sacred Scripture daily. Read: Reading Scripture on your own is important.

Scripture is also meant to be read publicly. Just as the people of Israel gathered to hear the reading of the law when they returned from exile, the Church gathers to publicaly read Scripture. Every Mass requires a public proclamation of the word of God. Reading Scripture, both on our own and publically, we are united as God’s people. As Pope Francis writes, “the Bible is the book of the

Lord’s people, who, in listening to it, move from

dispersion and division towards unity. The word

of God unites believers and makes them one


Pray: Pope Francis reminds us that we could not have

the sacraments without Scripture. Participating

in the sacramental life of the Church is

important, but the Pope commends another

form of prayer, Lection Divina. The method of

prayer involves periods of meditation on


Location: Location: Location: Location: St Andrews Anglican Abbotsford Date: Date: Date: Date: Friday 6 March 2020 Time: Time: Time: Time: 10.00am Morning Tea Provided

We have a small team of catechists providing faith

education at Drummoyne Public School. We are looking for

volunteers for 2020. Classes are once a week on Friday

mornings during school term. Training and lesson materials

comprising of comprehensive teacher's manuals and

student workbooks are provided.

A set curriculum is followed.

If you can help us please contact the parish office.

Come and speak to a Catechist next Sunday 2 February and

see if you can assist us in the year ahead.

Page 7: Take home your Take home your “Lucky Joy Box” “Lucky Joy ......Australia has been enriched and broadened by the religious customs of the Irish, Italian, Maltese, Croatian, Spanish,

In your love and concern, please pray

for the following ill members of our


Fr. Emmanuel Seo, Fr. Ray Forrell, Dan Willoly, Bill Mullin, Shelia Orsborn, Patricia Ryan, Brian McCarthy,

Eileen O’Neill, Brian & Ann Johnson, Meagan Ficarra, Sr. Carmel Clancy, Sr Claire Burgess RSJ & all St. Mark’s

Parish community members unwell at this time.

Anniversaries & hose we are remembering at this time:

Dr James Stackpool, Francesco Natoli, James Conaghan, Eddie Conaghan, Lily Conaghan, Michael Conaghan, Frank Hanvey, Giuseppe Giunta, Francesco Natoli, Sebastian Pomareda, Antonio Ziino, Santa Martello, Fr. Lawrensio Khuri, Alan Gill, Charlie Camilleri, George Andreou, Marie Tran, Vito and Donatella Repole and Fred Laurence.

Recently Deceased: Darren Steen, Craig Humphrey

Francesco Di Matteo, Maree Camilleri, Sr Mary Britt OP, Luisa Sanzari, Andrew O’Dwyer, Geoffrey Keaton, Pat Donnelly, Bill McBeath, Patricia Williams, Peter Beck, Betty Bidgood-Mason. Weprayforthosewhohavediedandofferourprayerstotheirfamilies.

Saturday Vigil 6.00pm Sunday 9.00am & 6.00pm

Weekdays: 8.00am Monday 9:30am Tuesday 7.30am Wednesday 9.30am Thursday 8.00am Friday 12 noon Saturday Morning Prayer of the Church 15 minutes prior to weekday Mass

Reconciliation: 11.30am Saturday

Adoration & Exposition: 11.00am - 12 noon Saturday

First Friday of the Month from the conclusion of morning Mass

St Mark’s Parish Mass Times

LITURGICAL MINISTERS - 01/02 FEBRUARY 2020 The Presentation of the Lord - Year A



JEM Children’s


Saturday 6.00 PM

R Harris M Bullock

M Griffin S Uthappa

A Griffin

Sunday 9:00 AM

J Maniscalco E Chatterjee M Fernon

A Bateman C O’Neill M Di Giovanni

M Casey / E Battaglia

Sunday 6:00 PM

A Laughlin J Denehy

M Harrington P Harrington

T Griffin

School Holidays

BAPTISMS: are celebrated on the 1st and 3rd Sundays of the month at 10:30am. During Easter Tide Baptisms can be celebrated every Sunday. Parents, are asked to book in for their Baptismal Preparation Community Gathering by contacting the parish office. Come along to meet other young families and their children on the First Sunday of the month at 4pm, our next gathering is 2 February 2020. Fr. Michael, Sr. Antonia, and our parishioners are looking forward to welcoming you.

MARRIAGES: Parishioners intending marriage are asked to contact the Parish office. Weddings & Baptisms are not celebrated during Lent.

LITURGICAL MINISTERS - 25/26 JANUARY 2020 Third Sunday in Ordinary Time - Year A



JEM Children’s


Saturday 6.00 PM

J Pattenden T Pattenden

M Hanvey S Looi

R Zoccali

Sunday 9:00 AM

N Goodman I Cumberworth

B Bateman

K Rowntree M Jimenez R Colantonio

K Cox

Sunday 6:00 PM

S Ianni R Casey

Sr. Antonia J Dey

M Casey

School Holidays

Parish Priest: Very Rev Fr Michael L McLean PP EV Priest in Residence: Fr Denis Minns OP

Deacon: Rev Mr John Pham Pastoral Associate: Sr Antonia Nedu ISR

Chairperson Parish Pastoral Council: Ms Celine Cheng School Principal: Ms Rachel Bourke

St Mark’s Catholic Parish 33 Tranmere Street, Drummoyne NSW 2047

Tel: (02) 9181 1795 Email: [email protected]

Parish Website: www.stmarksdrummoyne.org.au

In our In our In our In our thoughts thoughts thoughts thoughts

Breaking of the bread: By reason of the sign, it is required that the material for the Eucharistic Celebration truly have the appearance of food. Therefore, it is desirable that the Eucharistic bread, even though unleavened and made in the traditional form, be fashioned in such a way that the priest at Mass with the people is truly able to break it into parts and distribute these to at least some of the faithful… The gesture of the fraction or breaking of bread, which was quite simply the term by which the Eucharistic was known in apostolic times, will bring out more clearly the force and importance of the sign of the unity of all in the one bread...

Page 8: Take home your Take home your “Lucky Joy Box” “Lucky Joy ......Australia has been enriched and broadened by the religious customs of the Irish, Italian, Maltese, Croatian, Spanish,

A message from the Archdiocese of Sydney: Child sexual abuse is a crime. The appropriate people to deal with a crime are the police. If you, or anyone

you know have been abused, please contact the police. Alternatively, you can contact the Safeguarding and Ministerial Integrity Office at (02) 9390 5810

[email protected]. You may also want to speak to your Parish Priest who will be able to provide support and guidance. The

Archdiocese has a legal obligation to report crimes to the police.

© Creative Ministry Resources Pty Ltd