“take a flight for fitness” using stairs to increase physical activity

“Take a Flight for Fitness” Using Stairs to Increase Physical Activity

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Post on 05-Jan-2016




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“Take a Flight for Fitness”

Using Stairs to Increase Physical Activity

Benefits of stair use?

Stair use complements an existing physical activity routine

Stair use can initiate a physical activity regimen

Stair use increases heart rate

Employee Benefits

Can augment a weight loss program

Can improve physical fitness

“Physically fit employees” can make “happier employees”

Employer Benefits Physical activity programs can lower

employee absenteeism

Physical activity programs can help decrease insurance cost

“Physically fit employees” typically are more “productive employees”

Stairwell Use: Empirical Data

CDC’s National Center for Chronic Disease Prevention and Health Promotion.

Physical improvements such as: motivational signs, painting, carpet cleaning increased stair use.

The project showed a 9% increase in stair use during a 3 ½ year span.

Source: www.cdc.gov

Stairwell Use: Empirical data con’t

British Medical Journal, 1995

Point of Decision prompts (signs that encourage employees to take the stairs instead of taking the elevators) were placed where stairs and elevators were adjacent.

Over a period of 16 weeks, there was an increase of 15% - 17%.

Source: www.bmj.bmjjournals.com

Stairwell Effectiveness Increased stair use has been shown to

benefit people of all ages.

Place where heavy traffic occurs (e.g., multiple floor office buildings, public places where stairs are located)

Places where stairs are adjacent to elevators, and “Point of Decision” prompts can be placed.

Implementation Administrative approval

Purchase and/ or gather materials

Safety issues (i.e., choose stairwells that are safe)

Stairwell beautification

Implementation Post “motivational flyers”, “point of

decision prompts”, and “theme boards”.

Schedule of topics for theme boards, change of “motivational flyers”, and “point of decision prompts”.

Evaluation of program.


Cost: less than $75.

Most of the materials are reusable.

A “Wellness Champion” will enhance chances for success.

Outcomes The desired goal is to increase

physical activity

Variety is essential (e.g., changing the motivational signs, theme boards etc.)

Evaluating the program provides valuable feedback


Increase stair use

Increased physical activity

Increase awareness regarding stair use

Lessons to Build Upon

Identify the “contemplative” employees prior to implementation.

Maintain sustainability.

Next Steps

Review “Implementation Checklist” sheet

Review “Implementation Tips” sheet.

Get Started!