taitz report 12.19.2013

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  • 8/13/2019 Taitz Report 12.19.2013


    Dr. Orly Taitz, Esqui reDefend Our Freedoms Foundation29839 Santa Margarita Pkwy, Ste 100Rancho Santa Margarita CA, 92688Copyright 2013

    Review of Politics, Economics, Constitution, Law and World Affairs by Attorney and Doctor Orly Taitz

    If you love your country, please help me fight this creeping tyranny and corruption.

    Donations no matter how small will help pay for airline and travel expenses.

    The articles posted represent only

    the opinion of the writers and do

    not necessarily represent the

    opinion of Dr. Taitz, Esq., who hasno means of checking the veracity

    of all the claims and allegations inthe articles.

    Mail donations to:

    Defend Our Freedoms Foundation, c/o Dr. OrlyTaitz

    29839 Santa Margarita Pkwy, Ste 100Rancho Santa Margarita, CA 92688.

    Contact Dr. Taitz [email protected].

    In case of emergency, call 949-683-5411.

    When the people fear their government, there is

    tyranny.When the government fears the people, there is

    liberty.-- Thomas Jefferson

    During times of universal deceit, telling the truthbecomes a revolutionary act. -- George Orwell

    First they ignore you, then they ridicule you, then


    fight you, then you win. -- Mahatma Gandhi

    prior to her death Fuddy tried to reach out to Larry Fenton, resident of HI, who assisted Taitz and served Fuddywith subpoena and pleadings from Taitz

    Posted on | December 19, 2013 | No Comments

    Press Release

    Yesterday Attorney Taitz was contacted by Mr. Larry Fenton, a resident of Honolulu, HI, who served her pleadings and subpoena on Loretta Fuddy and Health Department back in 2011

    and 2012. Mr. Fenton stated that the security guard prevented him from serving Ms. Fuddy personally and he was told to leave the documents with the guard. Mr. Fenton reported that

    not so long before Ms. Fuddys death he received a Facebook request from Loretta Fuddy to be friends. He found this request to be odd. Today Taitz went on Fuddys Facebook page

    and found that she was friends with Hawaii State Senator Will Espero, who was outspoken about the need for transparency in records. Public is asked to check other Facebook and

    other media friends and connections of Ms. Fuddy, to see if there were any oddconnection. Public is urged to speak to William Espero to see if Ms. Fuddy provided him with any

    information. Could it be that she felt threatened and could it be that she tried to reach out and speak out?

    Controversy continues. 8 days after the crash there is still no report of the crash on NTSB page, as if it neverhappened, however a report of 12.162013 crash was posted right away.

    There are persistent inconsistencies in reporting of Fuddys body being in the fuselage of the plane and other reports of other passengers reporting her getting out of the plane, wearing

    a life vest and awaiting to be lifted by a helicopter.

    Today a new report provided new inconsistency. According to the report made today by the owner of Kalani Kai Air, Mr. Richard Schuman, the plane broke into pieces and separate

    pieces were recovered, however another reportmade yesterday stated that the plane could be seen from the air from a helicopter, to be in about 70 feet of water totally intact. How did

    the plane brake into pieces within one day after it was seen intact yesterday, 7 days after the crash?

    There are conflicting reports whether the pilot made any distress calls.

    There are conflicting reports of a number of people who swam ashore. According to passenger C. Phillip Holstein, he was the one who swam ashore. This 70 year pld man stated that he

    swam for an hour and a half. are there any eye witnesses, who actually saw Mr. Holstein swim ashore?Is there any proof that Mr. Holstein actually got on board or did his luggage get

    on board? So far attorney Taitz did not find any account of any eye witness who saw Holstein swim ashore.

    According to reverend Pat Killilea, the pilot, Clyde Kawasaki, was the one who swam ashore to get help as the help was not arriving. Killilea reported seeing Kawasaki with blood on his

    shirt and jacket. Later Kawasakis son, Robert, reported that his father hit his head on the dash board and that was the reason why he was covered with blood. Is there another witness

    who can corroborate the account by Killilea?

  • 8/13/2019 Taitz Report 12.19.2013


    Kalaupapa is a small area, the airport is very small. Members of the public are asked to talk to all the passengers, employees of the airport, members of the public an eye witnesses to

    ascertain who swam ashore, how many people swam ashore. Further the public is encouraged to check with Aloha air, why Mr. Nagasaki no longer works for them.

    Today Mr. Schuman stated that there was no black box on the plane. The question begs to be answered: why wasnt there a black box on this commercial aircraft?

    As reported yesterday, Attorney Taitz talked to the Maui coroner /medical examiner who stated that the cause of death of Ms. Fuddy is still under investigation and toxicology results

    are still awaited, report is expected to be complete in 2 weeks.

    Members of the public are asked to interview all of the following passengers, eye witnesses and officials and specifically record any and all witness testimony about the last moments of

    life of Ms. Fuddy. Did she remain in the fuselage, did she get out? Mr. Yamamoto stated that she got out and held hands with him when she suddenly let go and was not responsive. Did

    anyone out of 8 or 10 survivors try to help her, try to resuscitate her, try to shake her, if she was in shock? Mr. Yamamoto was a Deputy Director of the the Health Department, he

    had or should have possessed some medical background. Did he try any first aid? Did he try any CPR or did he just let her die?

    Further, in relation to Loretta Fuddys Facebook connections, Taitz recognized Joshua Wisch as one of Fuddys FB connections. Wisch is a state attorney, who stood at the entrance of

    the Health Department together with Keith Yamamoto and the security guard refusing to allow Taitz enter and talk to Fuddy, even though Taitz had a federal subpoena. Taitz looked at

    his connections, she found Governor Neil Abercrombie, personal friend of Obamas family, Jill Nagamine, who tried to intimidate Taitz with bogus sanctions when Taitz filed her case

    seeking original Obamas BC, (Nagamines husband, Todao Nagaine was an attorney at the divorce proceedings of Obamas sister in her divorce from her first husband), Taitz found

    Stephen Schaffer- (is he the brother in law who IDed Fuddys body?), Nathan Holstein (any relation to C. Philip Holstein?). Taitz computer suddenly froze, when she reached

    a woman with last name Socha residing in Abu Dhabi. Please check all Fuddys connecti ons, friends of friends, at least to a second degree. That what NSA does on Facebook using our

    taxpayer dollars . You can be the anti-NSA force, an antidote to Obama -NAZI NSA.

    Individuals to i nterview:

    Helicopter Pilot: Jack Matiasevich

    Rescue 10 personnel: Captain Jaime Joyo, FFs Kodi Shepley and Beau Gaddis

    Coast Guard Picked up Loretta Fuddy.

    C Phillip Holstein- passenger

    Keith Yamamoto passenger

    Rose Key passenger

    Jacob Key passenger

    Clyde Kawasaki-pilot

    passenger #6 described as a man around 70 years old, rescued by helicopter pilot

    passenger #7

    passenger #8

    possible passenger #9

    possible passenger #10

    Eric Weiss-NTSB spokesman

    Pat Killilea-witnessed pilot swim ashore to get help

    Joseph Ferguson-rescue pilot

    P.J. Ornot- aviation survival technician

    Mark Peer- rescue swimmer who rescued a an older man, 60-70 years old and Loretta Fuddy

    reporters Jennifer Kelleber and Greg Kakesako

    Randi Lite-administrator of Molokai General Hospital

    Ian Gregor, FAA spokesman

    nurses and doctors at Molokai General hospital who observed Loretta Fuddy when she was pronounced dead: did she have any injuries, color of skin, status of the pupils of her eyes,

    color of fingernail s? What was the preliminary cause of death by the attending physician? What was the temperature of the body? Did anyone try CPR, defibrillator , any attempts by

    anyone to resuscitate her?

    If you have any new information, e-mail to [email protected]

    Category:Events, HOT ITEMS!, Latest News, Legal Actions, Uncategorized

    According to the interview by the Fire rescue captain, Terry Seelig, Fuddys body remained in the fuselage,while eye witnesses Holstein, Nagasaki and Yamamoto stated that she got out of the plane anive, was wearingthe life vest and was awaiting to be lifted by the rescue helicopter

    Posted on | December 19, 2013 | No Comments

    State health director dies in plane crash off Molokai

    By Brianne Randle

    Updated: Thursday, December 12, 2013, 9:08 AM HST Published: Wednesday, December 11, 2013, 4:32 PM HST

    1. (1/3)Sources tell KHON2 that state Department of Health Director Loretta Fuddy died in a plane crash off Molokai.

  • 8/13/2019 Taitz Report 12.19.2013



    (2/3)Loretta Fuddy


    (3/3)Molokai map

    Related Content

    Loretta Fuddy committed to service Makani Kai Air: Plane had engine failure

  • 8/13/2019 Taitz Report 12.19.2013


    A topHawaiiofficial is dead following a plane crash off Molokai.

    Officials say state Health Director Loretta Fuddy died at the scene.

    KHON2 has footage inside a Makani Kai Air Cessna, during a prior trip from Kalaupapa to Honolulu.

    On Wednesday, one crashed in waters a half mile off of the north shore of Molokai. MauiFire Department and the U.S. Coast Guard quickly got to the scene.

    They rescued eight people, who got out of the plane. Difficult conditions as it was off shore in the water, a couple hours before dark. Rapid response from Kahului with [a] rescue

    helicopter the Shoreside Company was on the cliff side spotting and relaying info, said Capt. Terry Seelig, Honolulu Fire Department.

    One of the passengers even swam to shore to try to get help. But not everyone got out alive. One person died in the tragic crash.

    That person remained in the fuselage of the plane. Not much details. Always a difficult situation when you cant get everyone out, and unfortunately that was the case here, Capt.

    Seelig said.

    The Cessna Grand Caravan departed Kalaupapa at about 3:35 p.m. Wednesday. Makani Kai Air says the pilot made no radio calls that he was in trouble before the crash.

    Another pilot in the air spotted the wreckage and survivors wearing life vests. They called it in to the Molokai Airport tower.

    Kalaupapa is a unique area and radio communications cell phone coverage. So we have no information if any calls were made out of there. [There] was an aircraft real close by circling

    above, so it was able to be on scene and it was reported to Molokai Tower. And thats how he got our information, basically, said Makani Kai Air President Richard Schuman.

    Nine people were onboard when the plane took off. One person was pronounced dead, three were flown to Honolulu and taken by ambulance to the Queens Medical Center. Another

    three stayed on Molokai and were hospitalized. The rest did not need any medical help.

    Makani Kai Air did not want to release the name of its pilot at this time. We do know he has been with the company for a number of years and is a former Aloha Airlinespilot.

    Now the FAA wants to talk to him to learn what went wrong.


    is it the same R. Schuman who owns the Kailani Kai air?

    Posted on | December 19, 2013 | No Comments

    R. Schuman Dem. candidate 1996.

    Paula Hoehnto orly.taitz(yesterday) show details

    Dear Orly,

    You might want to know the following 1996 Hawaii election results.

    I dont know if the Dem. candidate Richard Schuman is the same as

    the Richard Schuman who owns the Fuddy crash airplane:


    P R I M A R Y _ E L E C T I O N _ 9 6


    State House

    26th District Nuuanu, Dowsett Highlands, Pacific Heights, Punchbowl, Pauoa


    Richard Schuman 1,764


    Quentin K. Kawananakoa* 2,786


    9th circuit grants seond motion for additional time to respond to Governor of CA and Secretary of State of CAPosted on | December 19, 2013 | No Comments

    13-16359 James Grinols, et al v. Electoral College, et al Clerk Order Filed


    [email protected] 5:12 PM (13 hours ago)

  • 8/13/2019 Taitz Report 12.19.2013


    to me

    ***NOTE TO PUBLIC ACCESS USERS*** Judicial Conference of the United States policy permits attorneys of record and parties in a case (including pro se litigants) to

    receive one free electronic copy of all documents filed electronically, if receipt is required by law or directed by the filer. PACER access fees apply to all other users.

    To avoid later charges, download a copy of each document during this first viewing.

    United States Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit

    Notice of Docket Activity

    The following transaction was entered on 12/18/2013 at 5:11:11 PM PST and filed on 12/18/2013

    Case Name: James Grinols, et al v. Electoral College, et al

    Case Number: 13-16359

    Document(s): Document(s)Docket Text:

    Filed clerk order (Deputy Clerk: GS): Granting Second Motion (ECF Filing) filed by Appellees Governor of California and Secretary of State of California; Granting Motion (ECF Filing)

    motion to extend time to file brief filed by Appellees Governor of California and Secretary of State of California Appellees Governor of California and Secretary of State of California

    answering brief due 01/29/2014. The optional reply brief is due 14 days after the last-served answering brief. [8907805] (GS)

    Notice will be electronically mailed to:

    Mr. Edward Alan Olsen, Assistant U.S. Attorney

    Doctor Orly Taitz, Counsel

    George Michael Waters


    NSA Staci KGB program to stay in place

    Posted on | December 18, 2013 | No Comments


    CNN - 21 minutes ago(CNN) An independent assessment of National Security Agency surveillance ordered by President Barack Obama recommends a controversial program aimed at collecting Americans

    electronic communications remain in place.


    Draft of the request for information from NTSB under the 5 US 552, freedom of information act. If readers haveany other information or questions for NTSB, they can post them here

    Posted on | December 18, 2013 | 5 Comments

    Dr. Orly Taitz ESQPresident

    Defend Our Freedoms Foundation29839 Santa Margarita, ste 100

    Rancho Santa Margarita, CA 92688Ph.949-683-5411 fax 949-766-7603

    [email protected]

    Joe Sedor, Division Chief, Major Investigations

    National Transportation Safety Board

    490 LEnfant Plaza East, S.W.Washington, DC 20594

    (202) 314-6000 (phone)12.18.2013

    Request for information under Freedom of Information Act 5 USC 552

    Dear Mr. Sedor

    Under Freedom of Information Act 5 USC 552 I am requesting release of following documentsin relation to 12.11.2013 forced water landing of Cessna Caravan plane flight from Molokai to

  • 8/13/2019 Taitz Report 12.19.2013


    Honolulu, which led to death of the Director of Health of the State of Hawaii, Loretta Fuddy.

    Documents requested are as follows:1. Coroners/Medical Examiners report of the autopsy and cause of death of Loretta Fuddy

    2. Toxicology lab report in relation to the autopsy of Ms. Fuddy

    3. Name of the individual who identified the body as one of Loretta Fuddys.

    4. Radio transmissions from the plane, including the May-day calls of the pilot.

    5. Any and all documents explaining why NTSB on 12.18.2013 NTSB had two reports of accidents on 12.16.2013 and no report or mention of 12.11.2013 accident in Hawaii . See attached

    NTSB report.6. Any and all documents explaining the discrepancy between two reports of the accident in the media: one report showing deceased Loretta Fuddys body in the fuselage of the plane,

    another showing her out of the plane, wearing a life vest, holding hands with her deputy Keith Yamamoto and awaiting to be rescued. If the first report is correct and Ms. Fuddys body

    was in the fuselage of the plane, whose body was recovered floating in the ocean, if on the other hand Ms. Fuddys body was found floating in the ocean, whose body remained in the

    fuselage of the plane?

    7. Any and all documents explaining why initially NTSB spokesman Eric Weiss stated that the plane will not be recovered, while later after public outcry and inquiry why the plane will not

    be recovered from 70 feet depth and 500 feet from shore, NTSB announced that the plane will be recovered.

    8. Manifesto of the flight and any and all documents explaining discrepancy in the account of the total number of the passengers. According to the airline, Kailani Kai Air, there were 8

    passengers and a pilot, 9 people in total, however according to the Coast Guard first responders they identified 9 people floating in the water, which did not include C Philip Holstein,

    who swam to shore and the pilot, Clyde Kawasaki, who according to eyewitness, Reverent Pat Killilea, swam to shore in order to summon help. These accounts of passengers and

    victims put the total number of people on the plane at 11, not 9.

    9. Any and all documentations explaining why there was no help for an hour and a half, even though the plane went down only 500 feet from shore. 70 year old passenger C. Philip

    Holstein swam to shore and reported that it took him approximately an hour and a half. He reached the shore and was not picked up by the Coast Guard and Fire rescue. Why these

    entities did not pick up Mr. Holstein and he had to swim for an hour and a half to shore?

    10. What was the cause of the crash?

    11. Any and all explanation why the alleged body of allegedly deceased Loretta Fuddy was released the next business day after the autopsy, even though there was no coroners report and

    no toxicology report and those are not expected for 2 more weeks since the release of the body?

    Respectfully,Dr. Orly Taitz ESQ


    Press release: Governor of CA and secretary of State of California file yet another request for yet anotherextension to file an answer. See attached

    Posted on | December 18, 2013 | 12 Comments

    Press release: Governor of CA and secretary of State of California file yet another request for yet another extension to file an answer. See attached


    Press release from Orly Taitz. Maui coroner: The case is still under the investigation, will take another 2 weeksto obtain the report from the toxicology lab and complete the autopsy report

    Posted on | December 18, 2013 | 13 Comments

    Press release

    Law offices of Dr. Orly Taitz ESQ

    On December 18.2013 12:50PST Attorney and Dr. Orly Taitz talked to Dr. Harle, Coroner and Medical Examiner of Maui county. Dr. Harle stated that the Autopsy report for Loretta

    Fuddy is not ready yet and it will take a couple more weeks to complete the report and receive the results from the toxicology lab. As of now the case is still under the investigation. In

    about 2 weeks the report will be at Maui police department at 808-244-6355. Taitz asked Harle if there is a preliminary report. Harle responded that there is none as the case is still

    under the investigation.

    Attorney Taitz is questioning: why was the body released on 12.16.2013, next business day after the autopsy was conducted, and burial scheduled for Saturday December 21, 2013, if

    the toxicology and autopsy reports are not expected to be completed for 2 more weeks? If toxicology report comes back inconclusive, embalming or cremation will prevent any further


    Category:Events, HOT ITEMS!, Latest News, Legal Actions

    A number of publications are featuring this story

    Posted on | December 18, 2013 | 1 Comment

    Hawaii Reporter confirms that Attorney Orly Taitz requested an autopsy report from Maui county coroner/medical examiner, but claim that the report is

    Page 2 of about 635 results (0.27 seconds)


    1. RedFlag News Hawaii Reporter confirms that Attorney Orly

  • 8/13/2019 Taitz Report 12.19.2013



    41 mins ago Hawaii Reporter confirms that Attorney Orly Taitzrequested an autopsy report from Maui county co http://t.co/J8e3ZyjIYR #RedFlagNews.

    2. Exclusive: Lawyer Files Request For Fuddy Autopsywww.westernjournalism.com Featured Stories

    20 hours ago Dr. Orly Taitz, an attorney who has filed numerous lawsuits related to the birth certificate issue, is behind an effort to obtain a copy of Fuddys autopsy.


    By B. Christopher Agee17 Comments

    At this point, the only unquestionable fact is that a prominent figure in Obamas birthcertificatedebate is no longer able to shed any further light on the issue.

    Read more at http://www.westernjournalism.com/#KIgLbg6tbG8fFIb6.99


    Hawaii Reporter confirms that Attorney Orly Taitz requested an autopsy report from Maui countycoroner/medical examiner, but claim that the report is not ready yet

    Posted on | December 18, 2013 | 6 Comments

    Wednesday, December 18th, 2013 | Posted byHawaii Reporter| Print This Article

    Pilot of Downed Makani Kai Plane Will Address Public

    Makani Kais Cessna Grand Caravan experienced catastrophic engine failure but the pilot was able to land the plane in the ocean about a mile off the coast of Molokai. He rescued all the

    passengers, but Health Department Director Loretta Fuddy died while waiting for the Coast Guard rescue.

    The Makani Kai pilot who safely landed a commuter plane he was operating between Molokai and Oahu after it experienced catastrophic engine failure will address the public today via

    live television.

    Clyde Kawasaki landed the plane in the ocean about 1 mile off of Molokai and was able to get all 8 passengers safely off of the plane.

    Loretta Fuddy, Director of the Department of Health, died while waiting to be rescued by the Coast Guard.

    Kawasaki is being hailed as a hero.

    KITV will broadcast his comments live beginning at 10 am.

    Meanwhile the airline owner began salvage operations Thursday. The plane is 70 feet underwater about 500 feet from shore and will be towed to a location where it can be examined.

    In a related story, so called birthers who believe President Barack Obama was not born in Hawai i continue to claim Fuddy may have been murdered as a part of a cover up related to

    the presidents birth certificate.

    Fuddy released the presidents long form birthcertificate to the president in April 2011 at his request so he could make the document public.

    Yesterday, lead birther Orly Taitz requested a certified copy of Fuddys autopsy report fromMaui County saying there could have been foul play. The report has not yet been released.

    Donald Trump also entered the debate last week when he tweeted his suspicions about Fuddys death.

  • 8/13/2019 Taitz Report 12.19.2013



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    o prior to her death Fuddy tried to reach out to Larry Fenton, resident of HI, who assisted Taitz and served Fuddy with subpoena and pleadings from Taitz


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    Historic DVD Now Available! DVD of the historic trial in GA and DVD of a historic testimony in NH, where evidence was

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    29839 Sta Margarita Pkwy,

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    orly.taitz @gmail. com

    (949) 766-7687


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    The People's Senator.

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    ooo Defendant Obama defaulted in Grinols et al v Obama et alo Grinols Subpoenaso ..Grinols Order, Summons, TRO, Complainto .Affidavit of Mike Zulloo 1. Judd v Obamao

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