taino resurgence: gardens, shrubs, herbs

Years have gone by in what is termed the "Taino Resurgence", the volumes of talk that has been produced is almost limitless. At first the talk raises expectations, and the listeners and participators anticipate the action that will be forth coming. As the waves of talk keep coming and receding it becomes aparent that indeed "talk is cheap", not because it is talk, but because the action that it promises never manifests! I do not say this as an uninvolved observer, as some may want to claim, but as someone who has lived the history of the "Resurgence", from various perspectives over the last 20 years. I do not say this as someone who does not have an understanding of People, again as some may want to claim. I do not say this from a place of isolation in the "hills" hiding from my Taino people, as others want to claim. I do not say this from the perspective of either christianity or new age because I am neither. I say this as someone who got tired of all the talk, got tired of endless councils and meetings, got tired of expectations being raised that we were going to take action, only to have the disappointment set in when no action was taken. I say this as

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Post on 18-Nov-2014




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A response to the "Taino Resurgence", the abundance of our Mother Earth Atabey and a contribution to progression.


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Years have gone by in what is termed the "Taino Resurgence", the volumes of talk that has been produced is almost limitless. At first the talk raises expectations, and the listeners and participators anticipate the action that will be forth coming. As the waves of talk keep coming and receding it becomes aparent that indeed "talk is cheap", not because it is talk, but because the action that it promises never manifests! I do not say this as an uninvolved observer, as some may want to claim, but as someone who has lived the history of the "Resurgence", from various perspectives over the last 20 years. I do not say this as someone who does not have an understanding of People, again as some may want to claim. I do not say this from a place of isolation in the "hills" hiding from my Taino people, as others want to claim. I do not say this from the perspective of either christianity or new age because I am neither. I say this as someone who got tired of all the talk, got tired of endless councils and meetings, got tired of expectations being raised that we were going to take action, only to have the disappointment set in when no action was taken. I say this as

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someone who decided that if the collective was not going to engage progression as we definined it (not as I alone defined it, but as WE defined it), then my only resort was to manifest progression on my own. I do not say this as someone who is attempting to "reject" my Taino people, or fail to fulfill my "duties" to my people, I have extended my hand COUNTLESS TIMES from years ago to today to my Taino people in the Spirit of Progression, in the Spirit of Abundance, in the Spirit of Finding Solutions, in the Spirit of Love and Generosity, in the Spirit of Education and in the Spirit of Community!

There is a fundamental breakdown in an individual who claims to "LOVE OUR MOTHER ATABEY" yet finds themselves walking in and out of McDonalds, Burger King, Walmart, C-Town, Coscos, buying all types of toxic foods, twinkies, candy bars, coca colas, pepsi colas, juicy juice, yoohoo, cream sodas and the like. Not only do these corporations embody the CONTINUED opression of people WORLD WIDE but they also promote toxins and food which lead the consummer to develop all types of disease and disease conditions, ACIDITY, OBESITY (which is something that has become a common thing among our people, especially in NYC), HEART DISEASE, CANCER, DIABETES, ASTHMA to name just a few. While there is a lot of talk about herbs and ancient healing rememdies, wave a osha root at certain Tainos and they run for cover. Again there is a fundamental contradiction inside of this. The same individuals that talk about herbs and healing, run to hospitals or doctors at the drop of a cough, rather than rely on these very same herbal remedies OR other compatible systems of healing such as Acupuncture, Homeopathy, Nutrition, Herbology (Naturopaths) or other healing systems. Then if we look at the food intake, those who simultaneously claim to love the Ancestors, love Our Mother Earth, and Love

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Indigenous Culture and Lifestyle, yet in the same breath chomp down on battery raised chickens, chemically raised fries and beef, pesticide soaked apples, genetically altered tomatoes. It is not an indigenous lifestyle to eat toxic food and take toxic medicines that have been produced through the destruction of our Mother Earth! And it is not a good example to the youth!

Then you have some Taino claiming the Sacred Hoop has been restored, or that all is well in the world, when clearly to even the most ignorant among us, there is some fundamental problems that we as Humanity are encountering, which jeopardize our very existence. Not to mention the breakdown in the educational system that our children are subjected to, which guarantees that their Spirit will be supressed and misguided, and their minds will be given teachings of numbness.

Returning to the Spirit in Action, for me it was vital to not just talk but to take Action, and to manifest a return to a more Indigenous Way of Life inside a Reality and not inside a Fantasy. Even if it is only myself and my Family and those few people who also share these priorities, I am content that I did not stay blowing hot air, but had the courage to make the moves that I did. I am also content in knowing that I overextended myself to my Taino People, offering to share the techniques and strategies I used to get Land, to build upon the Land, offering to share from a Spiritual perspective how all this came about, giving cleansings/ healings, educating and more. I am content in knowing that I fully fulfilled any "obligation or duty" that I had towards my People as a Taino and as a Bohitu. I have protected the Medicine, I have protected the Memory of our Ancestors, I have fought against the rampant distortions that have been spewed forth over the years, I have fought for the Truth about our Peoples. Those who still

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continue to criticize, seek to diminish, seek to spread outright lies, seek to dismantle the Vision that the Koki Medicine Clan has and continues to manifest, (I can only conclude) are caught in the claws of extreme jealousy and envy, and unfortunately for them, jealousy and envy will only increase the stagnancy and dissatisfaction that they experience in their lives, because jealousy and envy are two of the demons of that religion that they protect so much, European Christianity. I am unable to overcome for them what is in their own hearts and heads, some things an individual has to overcome for herself or himself, and jealousy and envy are one of them. No herb, healing, cleansing is going to overcome these things. So these people are on their own with this, they have already fully embraced the witchcraft that Las Casas skillfully subjected our People to, and it has become totally systemic within them because vibrationally and spiritually as well as mentally, in lifestyle choice and emotionally they fully indentify with the spainard opressor. I would say these are hopeless cases, not because there is no way to heal, but because these individuals refuse to heal, they reject healing, they reject was is beautiful, what is healthy, what is true, and they seek only what is ugly, perverted, distorted, and fantastical. Some of these people were my friends and it has been very disturbing and sad to see the choices that they have made in their lives, and how they have embraced the very god Hatuey rejected more and more over the years. But, it is important for us all to know when to walk away, when the person just will not let go of their addiction.

Below is a series of photos taken yesterday. Again, anyone is welcome to come and see with your own eyes what the Koki Medicine Clan is about, especially those of you who do not know me, but are getting phone calls, emails or other internet correspondence about me, I extend the invitation to you and your informers! Because some of the present people that are talking

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negatively about myself and the Land are the very same people who have been given numerous invitations to visit, or even to stay if the need arose.

We recently (about 4 weeks ago) did our first Planting Ceremony, with the crops that love the cooler weather! The ceremony is about the Planting of the Crops, about the cycles of Rain that we need to nourish the Crops, the Sun, the fertility and richness of the Soil, and the protection from predators (insects and animals) and attraction to the beneficial insects and animals. We always look for manifestations from the Ceremony and in this case there has been weeks of almost perfect rainfall since the Ceremony to the extent that we have only had to water our little seeds twice in the last month, which is very wonderful. From year to year we continue to witness the growing expression and vitality and health of the Spirit of the Land. Meanwhile many of the perenial plants and bushes are now leafing, flowering, and growing once again. We have a number of different herbs and medicinals that are already making themselves available to us as you can see below.

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Horse Radish.... Wonderful flavor! Also medicinal.

Strawberries. There is a story of an Ebo done with one Strawberry plant and a guord, by a community of Kongo who were impoverished. They loyally followed the instructions of the Brujo and the one plant grew to many and the Community became very wealthy! One strawberry plant, planted in a Ancestral Garden became so many that we have a whole row of them of 40 feet length and this year they will be even more. This is a very significant and spiritual plant for us here at the Land of the Sacred Heart of Life.

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Lemon Balm- smells like lemon! Great for tea, medicinal, and used to repell insects (ticks and mosquitos).

Purple asparagus. We have been enjoying our aspargus for the last 2 weeks, great fresh, in salad or steamed. This is one of the earliest crops here, and is a very mysterious crop the way that it suddely emerges from the Soil. There is a huge difference between eating these crops fresh from the Earth or buying them in the store where they most likely have come from California or even further away!

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Garlic. Elephant, and a hardneck variety. This Garlic was planted late last fall (because Garlic needs to experience winter in the ground to mature)! This is one of the things that makes Garlic such a spiritual and medicinal vegetable, it stays in the Earth for 9 months or so. The straw is what we use as mulch to suppress weeds, to keep the soil cool when the hot weather comes, and to keep the soil moist which means that we need to water less or not at all in the case of the garlic!

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Seedlings emerge from our Planting Ceremony, these are Snap and Snow Peas which will climb the fence with a little guidance, there are also carrots, cilantro, red and yellow onions, spinach and beets also growing but the seedlings are very tiny (slower to emerge than the peas) and also gladiolus in with the garlic and onions, and lilies and other summer bulbs as well which will companion with the vegetables. The healthiest garden is a diverse garden!

We had to build the fence because there are thousands of rabbits living here... so many finding dinner is not a problem!

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One of the Garden's best friends, WORMS, they aerate the soil, and enrich the soil. They are a sign of a good soil. The soil in the photo is the result of our "recipe" for new gardens that we make. As Tainos we know that in dire situtions the worms will also satisfy our hunger. The chickens also love them and they convert them into eggs!

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Rue- spiritual and medicinal plant. It grows prolifically. One plant has become hundreds!

Broom bush. Will flower yellow later. Good for spiritual brooms!

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before it gets stringy when weather warms. Can be eaten fresh, in salad, or steamed, stir-fried.

Compacted soil (light brown) and healthy soil (dark brown). Compacted soil is how soil originally was in the field that became the Ceremonial grounds. The healthy soil is the result of 6 months into our "recipe" for a new garden! For those who can see Mysterios, see the one in the healthy soil looking out! Notice the difference in vitality of the two different soils!

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Dandelion. The dandelion grew HUGE in the new garden soil, testifying to the soil's richness. This dandelion will be juiced and used in salad!

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More views of one of the Gardens showing drip hoses which we use to irrigate. They are the system that wastes the least amount of water.