tailor mm piano.nyshistoricnewspapers.org/lccn/sn83031247/1904-07-15/ed-1/seq-2.… · students 177...

CATBKILL MOUNTAIN NEWS, PKIDAY; JULY 15, 1904. CtTSKILL MOUNTAIN NEWS. CLAKKK A. SANFOHD, Editor and Publisher. TJBKM.S: ONUS UOMUAK PJtB TKAK. I'ttjuUlc Sn Advance. PUBLISHED HYEBY TBIDAY. [ Eukiroil, July 10, \Wi, H.N Kucoii<I-Kla.BSinatt.fr In tuepust,ulilw lit Mai|j;ftrnlviHc, N. V., act of Congress ol' MILVCII 3, IMIL] CIRCULATION. Jl»UV 3,1902 - THIS WEEK 399 1,100 REPUBLICAN NOMINATIONS. For president, THKODOHE HOOSEYKLT. of Nfw York. For Vine Pri'sideiit, CJIABliSS W. FAIRBANKS. of ludlHiiu. For Senator, J. P. AJU>S. of Norwich. l'or McniliiT of Assfiiifoly, JAMES R. OOWAN. of Holiarl. For Dlu1do( AMi'iiu'y. ALEXANDER NJIISI1. of Walton. SCHOG. BKPORX. Pursuant to law Ltie Board of Educa- tion of MarRnretvllle High School, Dis- trict, No. 17, Town of MlddletowD, Dela- ware OouDty, N. J:, herewith submits a full and detailed statement of all moneys received and disbursed from July 15, 11*03, the date of last report, to date: EBClUi"J'S. Balance on band July 15, 1903 . $543 68 lteaalved from Regents' Fund, Acadiuiic attendance, etc 245 Gfcl Received from oollector 2,137 40 Bank tax 48 62 Tuition 101 50 Supervisor, public money 728 27 From State tuition, non-iesldent students 177 38 tales of Regents' paper 8 50 Railroad Co., loss on elate 10 22 Bank note 250 00 Dates «f Vicinity Fairs. Oneoula, September 12 15. OooperBtowo, Ueptember 20-28. Sohenevus, August 16-18. MOITIB, September 27-20. Richfield Springs, August39-31. Altamont, August 23-26. Syracuse, (State), Sept.eml.inr 27-30. BlughamtoD, September 27-30. Norwleli, August 30-31, September 1-a. Aftou, September 20-23. Delhi, August 30-31, September 1-3, - Margaretville, August 23-20. Waltoo. September G-il. Prattsvllle, August30-31, September 1-2. Schoharie, September 33-16. Cobles*111, September W 22. Democratic four-year-olds. Issues never live to be Aud to think the Prohibitionists would nominate a man named Swallow. Voters are Invited by the Republican party to study Its record; the Democrats eirnestly hope that thelr'e may be for- gotten. > . « . About the only thing the real, Ameri- can, thinking Democrats have lo be thankful for Is that their party did cot win In 1896 or 1900. 1.4,251 11 PISUUHSKMJIINTS Salaries— R. L. Countryman 1,000 00 Edna B. Lawrence 550 00 Margaret R Cord en 400 00 Jiuiu Eastings 390 00 Elizabeth Harrington 10 00 Alice Magee 400 Ot Lucy A. Waterbury 110 00 Anna L. Mungle 100 00 Hulda G. Dickson 320 00 S. A. Hunter, janitor 125 00 O. M. Race, clerk 25 00 3,430 00 I.1BKABY AND APPARATUS. L. E. Kuott <fc Co., apparatus... 4 74 Baker Taylor Co., books 6 44 R. L. Countryman, laboratory supplies 6 45 R. h. Countryman, books 7 76 Veteraus of the civil war are about convinced that the only way they can escape the criticisms of the Democrats ou the pension business la to die. " How faraway are the stars?" asks a magazine writer. We do not know ex- actly, but they are not so far away as a Democratic victory in the nation. Eight years ago the Democratic candi- date for president declared that tolling humanity was crushed under " a cross of gold." BtatlBtlcs show that *' tolling hu- manity " has piled up a little matter of $2,5000,000,OOC In gold money in the oouutry's savings banks. » » •» The Republican party seeks the vote of the farmer, because It has furnished him better markets and better prices for his products than ever before. The Democratic party never expects the farmer's vote except when he has been ravaged by drought nnd the chinch bug. Admiral Cervera Receives Sidney Editor. A press dispatch from Medina Bldonla, Spain, dated July 10, says: '* As an expression of gratitude for his conduct at Sautlago, aud his care jf Amerloau sailors, an engrossed message bearing the signatures of a number of well-known Americans was presented to Admiral Cervera to-day, beside letters from the subscribers, bound In a volume. "The presentation was made by Mr. Bird of the Sidney Record, on behalf of his fellow Americans, "The Admiral, returning thankB for this manifestation of American good will, said that his oouduot toward Lieutenant Hobson and the American Bailors after the slnklug ot the Merrlmao hud been In- spired by superior orders." 25 39 SUPPLIES, ETC. O. M. Race, work 16 10 Jas- Chamberlain, plumbing,etc. 10 80 R. L. Countryman, postage and supplies 8 50 Mrs. S. A. Hunter, washing towels 2 49 W. M. Walch Co., diplomas .... 9 46 O. M. Raoe, taking census 3 00 S. A. Hunter, truancy fees, 1902 and 1903 8 10 8. A. Hunter, truancy fees, 1903 and 1904 20 75 B. L. Searle, supplies 16 58 Oatekill Mt. News, envelopes and printing 2 50 Catsklll Mt. News, printing cat- alogues 26 00 Catsklll Mt News, printing order blanks 2 10 Citi-iliill Mt. News, printing 4 00 Catsklll Mt. News, printing 5 26 Margaretville Water Co., water rent 15 00 M. Anderson, livery, soliciting. 12 50 No. Bangor Slate Co., black- boards 32 04 A. Allison, coal 288 10 THHE Most Modern, The Most in Variety. The Most for Wear. The Least in Price. Put Your Fool in I Arc the four striking charac- teristics of our stock. We have anything you want in SUMMER GOODS. Nobby, neat and clean. Come in and look at thein. We are pleased to show our gooods and oar prices convince. elites ap Do you Need Power ? We sell one of the best Gasoline Engines made. Call at our shop aud see one in operation. Catalogue and prices upon request. We have all kinds of Building Material, Iron Pipe and Fittings, Brass ValveB, Gauges, Etc. We do light lathe and machine work, Grind Clippers, Repair Bicycles and have a complete line of Bloycle sundries. Hubbell Brothers, 29m3 Kelly Corners, N. Y. K. L. Hinckley, painting J. W. Elliott, rebate, tuition.. M. H. Dean, filing reports 86 tO 10 00 60 Swart & llltt, wood, etc 107 77 3 00 4 62 6 00 J. H. Daktn, tuning plono J. H, Hitt, disbursements James Munu, use of piano Crist, Scott & Parahall, Regents paper Servls D. Baldwin Cash, scholarship prizes Beautiful Etchings Free. "LOWLANDS in r THE SKA" mill.-'THE KIVEKS1J>E HOME," Gattll HxliU inches. One given with a new six months' subscription at so cents, or both with n new yearly subscrip- tion, to the best of hoiin- papers, I ho New York Weekly Witness at $1,00. Departments of great Interest to everyone. Sample copy aud repruiluollonof etchings sent. free. Address Etftlung Dent., Hew York Weekly AVItnsss, 1G0 Nassau St., New York. 22W1 Get the habit of going to Silbert's, Jos. Sibert, MAIN STREET, Black Suits for Special Occasions. Clothier, MARGARETVILLE, N. Y. Ladies' and Gents' Souvenirs of the That's the best way lo test a shoe. If it feels right it generally IS right. •Shoes made from poor material and built ))y labor never feel right. ^ You can spot them Boon as you put your foot^i, We believe that II Good Shoos are the Cheapest Shoels. They feel better, wear better and look better tfta the other kind. Our prices are right for right shoes, We sell comfort, durability and style in shoes. OSBORN & BU8SY, CORNER STORE, MARGARETVILLE, 1st. Y, Mend Your Own Holes In granite, tinware, milk pans nnd all kitchen utensils with " EASY RIVETS." Bettor than solder. Any one can use tlieni, Package, by mail, 2fi cents. Agents wanted. F. S. GLIDDEN, Batavia, N. Y. 11 w-l 10 90 2 50 10 00 723 CE They are Even. The Walton Reporter had considerable to say over the rumor that Editor May- ham of tho Chronicle was to buy the Democratic Btamford Mirror, though * both Chronicle and Mirror deny the truth of the statement. But now the rumor Is about that Nichols aud White are to buy the Del.iware republican and edit It as a Republican paper, O, Horatio 1 Total receipts 1,251 11 Total disbursements 4,178 04 Balance on hand 72 17 There Is duo from the State Training Class, tuition BOO 00 Non-rosldent tuition about .... 175 00 Tuitions due from grade stu- dent" 15 00 DOWNS HOUSE, Downsville, - N. Y. James F, Dwyer, - Manager (Late Ackerly House, Margaretville). Headquarters for Traveling Men. Heated by Steam. Lighted by (las. Good Table, Rooms 'Warm and Airy. House Supplied With Pure Spring Water. Livery Attached. Mrs. E. M. WALKER, Prop. Novelties in Burnt Leather, Rustic Wood and Hampshire Pottery that are unique in design. Myriads of other novelties. You should look them over, We make a specialty of them. First-Class Jewelry and Repair WorK. STEWART, THE JEWELER, Next to the Post Office. " Can't Afford to Paint." The man who says that, forgets that painting ' properly done is economy, and the fact is he can'it afford NOT to paint. How often you require to paint is largely depend- ent upon the paint you use. THE SHERWIN-WILLIAMS PAINTS outlast others. They are the most economical paints you can use, because they cover most and wear longest. Add to this their good appearance, and you have perfect paints—The She twin-Williams Paints. They are made for many different kinds of painting. Whatever it is you want to paint—a house, or anything in or out of the house—we make the right paint for that particular purpose—not one slap-dash mixture for all. SOLD BY Corner Store. OSBOEN & BUSSY, Margaretville, N. Y, RNITURE! Our line of 720 90 Deposit's Lid Is Off. The Appelate Division of the Supreme 0»url has reversed the deoisiou of Jim. tleo Qooigo V. Lyon, In the Injunctions restraining 15. P. Oonrow, J. H. Morgan aud 1'. 3. Blattorly of Deposit from sell- ing iutoxloallng liquors In the village of Deposit. DepoBlt was supposed to bo a dry town, as the town of Sanford voted for nu- Iloonso In 1002. Complaint was made howover that liquor was being sold aud the ottiaens of the'vl lingo tools tho mat- tor up and with Attorney A. T. Stewart as counsel obltiined the Injunctions. The men were also ludlcled and the motion lo dismiss the Indictment la sllllpendlng. 250 Ot Total Tho only outstanding lndebted- edness is note to Peoples Na- tional Bank Respeotfully submitted, J. H. HITT, President GEO. E. GLADSTONE A. Aiiiur.iui, WM. MuNaiiM, .Tit., H. M. COIJIiTEU, W. H. BitowN, N. R OBBOUN, Mns P. G. IVES, Mns. ANNA WINTMH O. M. RACE, Secretary. N. D. OLMHTBAU, Treasurer Dated July 7, 1001. Trustees. BEDELL. 13. M. Buuddcr was In Kingston ilrsb of the week en business. Mrs. T. B, Bellows culled on friends In this place last week, Goorgo Puller has his house nearly lllled with our olty cousins. William Grlllln of Haloott was In this place one day last week, E, Lawrence and wife of Vega called ou frloi.uln In this plane last week, Haying Is the order ol the day with tho many farmers In this scutlon- llobert Oartwright, the Voga tlrovor, was In this place last week buying stouk. BylveiitiM Kelly placed hay forks In Bevoral tmrue for Vuga parties Inst wook, Mrs, N. 11, Kelly, who has been seri- ously HI for soma time, is mill in the same condition. Minn Jane Kelly, who has been upend- ing several months with her sister, Mrs, wnunni Ballard of Vega, has returned to her home In this place, PttUiHiastoi' James Kelly has repaired the highway oyer Dlmmlok Mountain And the road Is now In excellent aoutll- tlou, A iruuili needed Improvement, PRIZE BOWLING. PAKATARAN ALLEYS, 81 Furniture, Matting, Carpets, Linoleums, and Oil OJoth was never more com- plete than now. We are offering this season a SOLID OAK (None BEDROOM SUIT for $ 1Z ^0 We will not bo undersold In our lino. A call will convinoe jou. Agent for DEV0E LEAD AND ZINC PAINT, DANIEL JSLOVIB, Griffin Comers, N. Y. so HENRY SOHLUTER, Tailor Load of FLOUR just arrived. Will sell for Cleaning and Repairing, 8. T. WHIPPLE OP ARKV1LLE Announoes a full lino of—• RED OEDAR BUINGLiaH, WHITE AND YELLOW PINE LUMBER, BRICJK, LIME, DEMENT, BUILD- ING PAPER, ETC. His stock of General Hardware was novor more complete, $5.85 which is leas than wholesale price to-day. Full stock of all Pood and Grain. Special Prices for 10 Days. Seed Corn a Spocialty. P. HORNBEEK, Arkville, N. Y. Alteration and also New Work TUESDAY, THURSDAY, SATURDAY. Thoso are the days' on which S. W. ETTS, the ORIPPIN CORNERS Butcher, visits Margaretville. Prime Hoof, Pork, Lamb, Eto. Choice Western Hoof, If you wish liltn to call send postal curd to him at Grlillii Corners, , . , a HELLO! GILBERTS BUILDING Next Bull Stream, Main St., MARGARETVILLE, N. Y. THE mm PIANO. MADE AT HOME. Few That Equal. NONE BETTER. Highly Recommended by Noted Musicians.. '_^ M0a aaHKtk^. Buy of the Maker and save middleman's profits. James Munn. Miiiinery, Harvesting Tools, $15.00 In Prizes Monthly, J, H. GLADSTONE, RESIDENT DENTIST, MARGARETVILLE, - N. Y, oimojs IN vaonmoH uwox, Biihsorlbo for Tiuo NuwH, Po« 8Ar.li!—A lady's Olovolnnd wiiael, or piirUiiiilani liujulro at thin oflloo. EUGENE E, HOWE, . . . LAWYER . NOWAIIY 1'imUO, VltHMllVA II Vll'titHtt, IGRIFFIN OORNERS - N. Y. Wo want an estimate for Borne painting and paper hanging." "All right. We'll come right up and quote you right prices. Will bring sample cards to select colors from." "All right. Good by," Marrjorcitvlllo, N, Y. Dry Goods and Fancy Goods. Repairs for standard makes of Mowers and Reapors. for SPECIAL Bargains IN HATS TO OLOHlil OUT THE . , . SEASON'S GOODS. QUICK. LOOK IIU-IUM OVIlUl. H. M; Allison. Iron Snaths. Everything Haying and Harvesting. NO the greatest siicoess for killing potato bugs, It fertilizes tho ^ topB and kills the bugs. Sold with groat sucoess last son son, Guaranteed- not. to injure tops. Costs less per i pound than Paris green, Universal Bread Mixer, sold on trial, $ 2 . 2 5 , Wo 1 take it back if not satisfactory' B. L. SEARLE, Margaretville, N. Y.

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Page 1: Tailor mm PIANO.nyshistoricnewspapers.org/lccn/sn83031247/1904-07-15/ed-1/seq-2.… · students 177 38 tales of Regents' paper 8 50 Railroad Co., loss on elate 10 22 Bank note 250



Edi to r a n d P u b l i s h e r .

TJBKM.S: ONUS UOMUAK P J t B TKAK. I ' t t juUlc Sn A d v a n c e .


[ Eukiroil, July 10, \Wi, H.N Kucoii<I-Kla.BSinatt.fr In tuepus t ,u l i lw lit Mai|j;ftrnlviHc, N. V., act of Congress ol' MILVCII 3, IMIL]

C I R C U L A T I O N .

Jl»UV 3 , 1 9 0 2 -T H I S W E E K

399 1,100



of Nfw York.

For Vine Pri 's idei i t ,


of ludlHiiu.

For Senator, J . P . AJU>S.

of Norwich.

l 'or McniliiT of Assfiiifoly, J A M E S R. OOWAN.

of Hol ia r l .

For Dlu1do( AMi'iiu'y. A L E X A N D E R NJIISI1.

of Walton.

SCHOG. BKPORX. Pursuant to law Ltie Board of Educa­

tion of MarRnretvllle High School, Dis­trict, No. 17, Town of MlddletowD, Dela­ware OouDty, N. J:, herewith submits a full and detailed statement of all moneys received and disbursed from July 15, 11*03, the date of last report, to date:


Balance on band July 15, 1903 . $543 68 lteaalved from Regents' Fund,

Acadiuiic attendance, etc 245 Gfcl Received from oollector 2,137 40 Bank tax 48 62 Tuition 101 50 Supervisor, public money 728 27 From State tuition, non-iesldent students 177 38 tales of Regents' paper 8 50 Railroad Co., loss on elate 10 22 Bank note 250 00

Dates «f Vicinity Fairs. Oneoula, September 12 15. OooperBtowo, Ueptember 20-28. Sohenevus, August 16-18. MOITIB, September 27-20. Richfield Springs, August39-31. Altamont, August 23-26. Syracuse, (State), Sept.eml.inr 27-30. BlughamtoD, September 27-30. Norwleli, August 30-31, September 1-a. Aftou, September 20-23. Delhi, August 30-31, September 1-3, -Margaretville, August 23-20. Waltoo. September G-il.

Prattsvllle, August30-31, September 1-2. Schoharie, September 33-16. Cobles*111, September W 22.

Democratic four-year-olds.

Issues never live to be

Aud to think the Prohibitionists would nominate a man named Swallow.

Voters are Invited by the Republican party to study Its record; the Democrats eirnestly hope that thelr'e may be for­gotten.

> . « . About the only thing the real, Ameri­

can, thinking Democrats have lo be thankful for Is that their party did cot win In 1896 or 1900.


Salaries— R. L. Countryman 1,000 00 Edna B. Lawrence 550 00 Margaret R Cord en 400 00 Jiuiu Eastings 390 00 Elizabeth Harrington 10 00 Alice Magee 400 Ot Lucy A. Waterbury 110 00 Anna L. Mungle 100 00 Hulda G. Dickson 320 00 S. A. Hunter, janitor 125 00 O. M. Race, clerk 25 00


L. E. Kuott <fc Co., apparatus. . . 4 74 Baker Taylor Co., books 6 44 R. L. Countryman, laboratory

supplies 6 45 R. h. Countryman, books 7 76

Veteraus of the civil war are about convinced that the only way they can escape the criticisms of the Democrats ou the pension business la to die.

" How faraway are the stars?" asks a magazine writer. We do not know ex­actly, but they are not so far away as a Democratic victory in the nation.

Eight years ago the Democratic candi­date for president declared that tolling humanity was crushed under " a cross of gold." BtatlBtlcs show that *' tolling hu­manity " has piled up a little matter of $2,5000,000,OOC In gold money in the oouutry's savings banks.

• » » • »

The Republican party seeks the vote of the farmer, because It has furnished him better markets and better prices for his products than ever before. The Democratic party never expects the farmer's vote except when he has been ravaged by drought nnd the chinch bug.

Admiral Cervera Receives Sidney Editor. A press dispatch from Medina Bldonla,

Spain, dated July 10, says : '* As an expression of gratitude for his

conduct at Sautlago, aud his care jf Amerloau sailors, an engrossed message bearing the signatures of a number of well-known Americans was presented to Admiral Cervera to-day, beside letters from the subscribers, bound In a volume.

"The presentation was made by Mr. Bird of the Sidney Record, on behalf of his fellow Americans,

"The Admiral, returning thankB for this manifestation of American good will, said that his oouduot toward Lieutenant Hobson and the American Bailors after the slnklug ot the Merrlmao hud been In­spired by superior orders."


O. M. Race, work 16 10 Jas- Chamberlain, plumbing,etc. 10 80 R. L. Countryman, postage and

supplies 8 50 Mrs. S. A. Hunter, washing

towels 2 49 W. M. Walch Co., diplomas. . . . 9 46 O. M. Raoe, taking census 3 00 S. A. Hunter, truancy fees, 1902

and 1903 8 10 8. A. Hunter, truancy fees, 1903

and 1904 20 75 B. L. Searle, supplies 16 58 Oatekill Mt. News, envelopes

and printing 2 50 Catsklll Mt. News, printing cat­

alogues 26 00 Catsklll Mt News, printing

order blanks 2 10 Citi-iliill Mt. News, printing 4 00 Catsklll Mt. News, printing 5 26 Margaretville Water Co., water

rent 15 00 M. Anderson, livery, soliciting. 12 50 No. Bangor Slate Co., black­

boards 32 04 A. Allison, coal 288 10

THHE Most Modern,

The Most in Variety.

The Most for Wear.

The Least in Price.

Put Your Fool in I

Arc the four striking charac­teristics of our stock. We have anything you want in S U M M E R G O O D S . Nobby, neat and clean. Come in and look at thein. We are pleased to show our gooods and oar prices convince.

elites ap

Do you Need Power ? We sell one of the best

Gasoline Engines made. Call at our shop aud see one in operation.

Catalogue and prices upon request. We have all kinds of

Building Material, Iron Pipe and Fittings,

Brass ValveB, Gauges, Etc.

We do light lathe and machine work, Grind Clippers, Repair Bicycles and have a complete line of Bloycle sundries.

Hubbel l Brothers, 29m3 Kelly Corners, N. Y.

K. L. Hinckley, painting J. W. Elliott, rebate, tuition.. M. H. Dean, filing reports

86 tO 10 00

60 Swart & llltt, wood, etc 107 77

3 00 4 62 6 00

J. H. Daktn, tuning plono J. H, Hitt, disbursements James Munu, use of piano Crist, Scott & Parahall, Regents

paper Servls D. Baldwin Cash, scholarship prizes

Beautiful Etchings Free. " L O W L A N D S i n r T H E S K A " m i l l . - ' T H E

KIVEKS1J>E H O M E , " Gattll HxliU inches . One given with a new six months ' subscription a t so cents , or b o t h with n new yearly subscrip­t ion, to the bes t of hoiin- papers , I ho New York Weekly Wi tness a t $1,00.

Depar tmen t s of grea t Interest to everyone. Sample copy aud repruiluollonof etchings sent. free. Address Etftlung Dent., Hew York Week ly AVItnsss, 1G0 Nassau St., New York.


Get the habit of going to Silbert's,

Jos. Sibert, MAIN STREET,

Black Suits for Special Occasions.


Ladies ' a n d Gents'

Souvenirs of the

That 's the best way lo test a shoe. If it feels right it generally IS right. •Shoes made from poor material and built ))y

labor never feel right. ^ You can spot them Boon as you put your foot^i ,

We believe tha t II

Good Shoos are the Cheapest Shoels.

They feel better, wear better and look better tfta the other kind.

Our prices are right for right shoes, We sell comfort, durability and style in shoes.



Mend Your Own Holes In granite, t inware , milk pans nnd all k i tchen utensils with

" EASY RIVETS." Bettor than solder . Any one can use tlieni, Package, by mail, 2fi cents. Agents wanted.

F. S. GLIDDEN, Batavia, N. Y. 11 w-l

10 90 2 50

10 00

723 CE

They are Even. The Walton Reporter had considerable

to say over the rumor that Editor May-ham of tho Chronicle was to buy the Democratic Btamford Mirror, though

* both Chronicle and Mirror deny the truth of the statement. But now the rumor Is about that Nichols aud White are to buy the Del.iware republican and edit It as a Republican paper, O, Horatio 1

Total receipts 1,251 11 Total disbursements 4,178 04

Balance on hand 72 17

There Is duo from the State Training Class, tuition BOO 00

Non-rosldent tuition abou t . . . . 175 00 Tuitions due from grade stu­

dent" 15 00

DOWNS HOUSE, Downsvi l le , - N. Y.

James F, Dwyer, - Manager (Late Ackerly House, Margaretville).

Headquarters for Traveling Men. Heated by Steam. Lighted by (las.

Good Table, Rooms 'Warm and Airy. House Supplied With Pure Spring Water.

Livery Attached. M r s . E. M . W A L K E R , Prop.

Novelties in Burnt Leather, Rustic Wood and Hampshire Pottery that are unique in design. Myriads of other novelties. You should look them over, We make a specialty of them.

First-Class Jewelry and Repair WorK. STEWART, THE JEWELER,

Next to the Post Office.

" Can't Afford to Paint."

The man who says that, forgets that painting ' properly done is economy, and the fact is he can'it

afford NOT to paint. How often you require to paint is largely depend­

ent upon the paint you use.



PAINTS outlast others. They are the most economical paints you can use, because they cover most and wear longest. Add to this their good appearance, and you have perfect paints—The She twin-Williams Paints.

They are made for many different kinds of painting. Whatever it is you want to paint—a house, or anything in or out of the house—we make the right paint for that particular purpose—not one slap-dash mixture for all.


Corner Store.


Margaretville, N. Y,

RNITURE! Our line of

720 90

Deposit's Lid Is Off. The Appelate Division of the Supreme

0»url has reversed the deoisiou of Jim. tleo Qooigo V. Lyon, In the Injunctions restraining 15. P. Oonrow, J. H. Morgan aud 1'. 3. Blattorly of Deposit from sell­ing iutoxloallng liquors In the village of Deposit.

DepoBlt was supposed to bo a dry town, as the town of Sanford voted for nu-Iloonso In 1002. Complaint was made howover that liquor was being sold aud the ottiaens of the'vl lingo tools tho mat-tor up and with Attorney A. T. Stewart as counsel obltiined the Injunctions. The men were also ludlcled and the motion lo dismiss the Indictment la sllllpendlng.

250 Ot

Total Tho only outstanding lndebted-

edness is note to Peoples Na­tional Bank

Respeotfully submitted, J. H. HITT, President

GEO. E. GLADSTONE A. Aiiiur.iui, W M . MuNai iM, .Tit., H . M. COIJIiTEU, W. H. BitowN, N. R OBBOUN, Mns P. G. IVES, Mns. ANNA WINTMH

O. M. RACE, Secretary. N. D. OLMHTBAU, Treasurer

Dated July 7, 1001.


BEDELL. 13. M. Buuddcr was In Kingston ilrsb of

the week en business. Mrs. T. B, Bellows culled on friends In

this place last week, Goorgo Puller has his house nearly

lllled with our olty cousins. William Grlllln of Haloott was In this

place one day last week, E, Lawrence and wife of Vega called

ou frloi.uln In this plane last week, Haying Is the order ol the day with

tho many farmers In this scutlon-llobert Oartwright, the Voga tlrovor,

was In this place last week buying stouk. BylveiitiM Kelly placed hay forks In

Bevoral tmrue for Vuga parties Inst wook, Mrs, N. 11, Kelly, who has been seri­

ously HI for soma time, is mill in the same condition.

Minn Jane Kelly, who has been upend­ing several months with her sister, Mrs, wnunni Ballard of Vega, has returned to her home In this place,

PttUiHiastoi' James Kelly has repaired the highway oyer Dlmmlok Mountain And the road Is now In excellent aoutll-tlou, A iruuili needed Improvement,



Furniture, Matting, Carpets, Linoleums, and Oil OJoth

was never more com­plete than now.

We are offering this season a

SOLID OAK ( N o n e BEDROOM SUIT for $ 1Z ^ 0

We will not bo undersold In our lino. • A call will convinoe jou. Agent for



Griffin Comers, N. Y. so



Load of

FLOUR just arrived. Will sell for

Cleaning and Repairing,


Announoes a full lino of—•


His stock of General Hardware was novor more complete,

$5.85 which is leas than wholesale price to-day. Full stock of all Pood and Grain. Special Prices for 10 Days.

Seed Corn a Spocialty. P. HORNBEEK,

Arkville, N. Y.

Alteration and also New Work


SATURDAY. Thoso are the days' on which

S. W. ETTS, the ORIPPIN CORNERS Butcher, visits Margaretville.

Prime Hoof, Pork, Lamb, Eto. Choice Western Hoof,

If you wish liltn to call send postal curd to him at Grlillii Corners, , . ,


GILBERTS BUILDING Next Bull Stream, Main St.,



Few That Equal. NONE BETTER.

Highly Recommended by Noted Musicians.. '_^M0aaaHKtk^.

Buy of the Maker and save middleman's profits.

James Munn.

Miiiinery, Harvesting Tools,

$15.00 In Prizes Monthly,



oimojs IN vaonmoH uwox,

Biihsorlbo for Tiuo NuwH, Po« 8Ar.li!—A lady's Olovolnnd wiiael,

or piirUiiiilani liujulro at thin oflloo.


NOWAIIY 1'imUO, VltHMllVA II Vll'titHtt,


Wo want an estimate for Borne painting and paper hanging."

"Al l right. We'll come right up and quote you right prices. Will bring sample cards to select colors from."

"All right. Good by,"

Marrjorcitvlllo, N, Y.

Dry Goods and

Fancy Goods.

Repairs for standard makes of Mowers and Reapors.



Bargains IN HATS



H. M; Allison.

Iron Snaths. Everything Haying and Harvesting.

NO the greatest siicoess for killing potato bugs, I t fertilizes tho

^ topB and kills the bugs. Sold with groat sucoess last son son, Guaranteed- not . to injure tops. Costs less per i pound than Paris green,

Universal Bread Mixer, sold on trial, $ 2 . 2 5 , Wo1

take it back if not satisfactory'

B. L. SEARLE, Margaretville, N. Y.