tailedfox naruto

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Post on 03-Jun-2018




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  • 8/11/2019 TailedFox Naruto


    TailedFox Naruto (rengar):srsly u bad enemy team.. srry but true

    Good Guy Hult (Leona):report vayne for being afk the first 20 minutes

    TailedFox Naruto:u so low cant 4v5

    Tatsu6996 (enemy blitz):yup

    Tatsu6996:we sux

    Tatsu6996:so hard

    Liberalisten (vayne):Rengar is a mad bitch. sorry for bad internet connection

    TailedFox Naruto:yep we always ahead kills

    TailedFox Naruto:retard dont play

    TailedFox Naruto:if u dont have connections


    Tatsu6996:varus its just bad


    Tatsu6996:its game 4v4

    Tatsu6996:without adc

    Liberalisten:Now I am a retard because my internet is bad? calm down boy.

    TailedFox Naruto:I said dont play if u dont have good internet fking noob\

    Liberalisten:This is way past your bedtime

    TailedFox Naruto:PPl lose cuz of u tard\

    TailedFox Naruto:bed time? rlly?

    TailedFox Naruto:lolz

    Liberalisten:Do your parents know you are playing this violent game?

    TailedFox Naruto:u so fking noob

    TailedFox Naruto:do they?

    TailedFox Naruto:hmm wtf are u?

    TailedFox Naruto:a retarded old man?

    Liberalisten:You are bad :)

  • 8/11/2019 TailedFox Naruto


    Liberalisten:Gold scrub?

    TailedFox Naruto:mai rau ca tine nu..

    TailedFox Naruto:oricum

    TailedFox Naruto:bronze 4ever

    Good Guy Hult:KURWA!

    Liberalisten:You will never reach plat. Besides you have left a ranked game yourself yesterday.. So

    calm down

    Liberalisten:You are bad and you belong in gold, end of story

    TailedFox Naruto:belong to gold?lol

    TailedFox Naruto:haha

    TailedFox Naruto:bad?

    TailedFox Naruto:I fkind carried this game with the ganks

    TailedFox Naruto:and I`m bad lol

    Good Guy Hult:lol

    Good Guy Hult:sorry rengar

    Good Guy Hult:but you were bad

    Good Guy Hult:i had double the farm that you had most of the game

    Liberalisten:LOL SWAG 420 BLAZE IT YOLO... Go back to school and learn grammar, kid.

    TailedFox Naruto:I`m jungler?

    Liberalisten:You are wanker

    Good Guy Hult:i am support in a 1v2 lane

    TailedFox Naruto:Sorry but isnt my lang I use to speak

    TailedFox Naruto:ye u are

    TailedFox Naruto:so u had free farm

    TailedFox Naruto:and ks kills

    Good Guy Hult:not really

    TailedFox Naruto:cuz u cant let rengar carry

    Good Guy Hult:cant really farm 1v2

  • 8/11/2019 TailedFox Naruto


    Liberalisten:It is not my mother tongue either. But I am educated unlike you :)

    TailedFox Naruto:cant? wtf

    TailedFox Naruto:then how u got 121

    Good Guy Hult:after lane fase

    Good Guy Hult:phase*

    TailedFox Naruto:I`m not educated? wtf

    TailedFox Naruto:Man I just lost cuz of u

    TailedFox Naruto:u want me to be happy?

    Liberalisten:No you are not. 5th grade is not an education

    TailedFox Naruto:always cuz of afk or cuz feeders

    TailedFox Naruto:5th?

    TailedFox Naruto:lol

    TailedFox Naruto:I`m in high school wtf

    Liberalisten:I want you to be mad. It should be easy to tell from what I am writing to you. everytime

    I write something you get more and more pissed, which is exactly my intention

    TailedFox Naruto:I`m getting pissed?

    TailedFox Naruto:wtf

    TailedFox Naruto:I wouldve hard rage if pissed

    Liberalisten:You seem very pissed, actually

    TailedFox Naruto:I was

    TailedFox Naruto:but after game is over.. fk why be mad?

    TailedFox Naruto:its over

    TailedFox Naruto:we had chance to win but nope

    TailedFox Naruto:they go solo

    Liberalisten:Why is this discussion so important to you?

    TailedFox Naruto:hmm maybe u can educate me? xD

    TailedFox Naruto:What are u anyway plat?

    Liberalisten:I am a beast when it comes to mathematics! ;)

  • 8/11/2019 TailedFox Naruto


    Liberalisten:Yes, I am :)

    TailedFox Naruto:rlly?


    TailedFox Naruto:math was my favorite till music

    TailedFox Naruto::(

    Liberalisten:Music is way more fun than math. I play guitar!

    TailedFox Naruto:LoL

    TailedFox Naruto::| imma go win other game

    TailedFox Naruto::|

    Good Guy Hult:"win"