taha - role of biosaline agriculture

0 5 1 0 1 5 2 0 2 5 3 0 3 5 WANA SA W Europe EAP SSA ECA N America LAC Aus/ NZ 1000 m 3 / year THE ROLE OF BIOSALINE AGRICULTURE TO COPE WITH WATER SCARCITY IN THE WANA REGION Faisal Taha and Shoaib Ismail International Center for Biosaline Agriculture, Dubai, United Arab Emirates Water Scarcity and Management The allocation of the valuable fresh water resource vis-à-vis the demands has become a critical issue for the last two decades. The prioritization of different water-use sectors, the inclusion of new water use sectors and the availablity of limited water resources had a direct impact on the agriculture sector that uses 70-80% of the fresh water worldwide, and 80- 90% in the WANA region. Many water-scarce countries have been tapping the shallow- and deep-aquifers (non-renewable) to meet their growing demand for water. This water has been used for all the sectors to meet the deficit and as a result un- controlled abstraction has led to intrusion of sea water and other marginal water in the aquifers. Thus, the quality of the water has deteriorated significantly. Furthermore, as this water becomes more and more salinized, the impact on conventional agricultural production becomes more and more evident in terms of reduced quantity and quality of agricultural commodities. Available renewable water resources per capita across North Africa, the Middle East, and South/Central Asia are the lowest in the world and will decrease further with continuing strong economic and population growth in the region (Figure 1). The West Asia and North Africa (WANA) region are currently at 1,100 m 3 per year and projected to further drop by half by 2050. F. Taha and S. Ismail, 2011 WANA Forum Consultation 1 Medenine, Tunis, February 2011

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1000 m3 / year


Faisal Taha and Shoaib IsmailInternational Center for Biosaline Agriculture,

Dubai, United Arab Emirates

Water Scarcity and ManagementThe allocation of the valuable fresh water resource vis-à-vis the demands has become a critical issue for the last two decades. The prioritization of different water-use sectors, the inclusion of new water use sectors and the availablity of limited water resources had a direct impact on the agriculture sector that uses 70-80% of the fresh water worldwide, and 80-90% in the WANA region. Many water-scarce countries have been tapping the shallow- and deep-aquifers (non-renewable) to meet their growing demand for water. This water has been used for all the sectors to meet the deficit and as a result un-controlled abstraction has led to intrusion of sea water and other marginal water in the aquifers. Thus, the quality of the water has deteriorated significantly. Furthermore, as this water becomes more and more salinized, the impact on conventional agricultural production becomes more and more evident in terms of reduced quantity and quality of agricultural commodities.

Available renewable water resources per capita across North Africa, the Middle East, and South/Central Asia are the lowest in the world and will decrease further with continuing strong economic and population growth in the region (Figure 1). The West Asia and North Africa (WANA) region are currently at 1,100 m3 per year and projected to further drop by half by 2050.

Figure 1. Annual renewable water resources worldwide. (Source: FAO Aquastat)

In order to have a balance between the water resources available and the water-use sectors, it is imperative to (i) prioritize the water needs sector-wise; and (ii) look for additional or new water resources. The latter will include ‘marginal water’ or poor-quality water, including saline/brackish water and wastewater that can be either (i) supplemented with fresh quality water; and/or (ii) replace the fresh water for growing certain crops/production systems.

This paper will focus on marginal quality water and land resources, and their contribution to reducing the demands on fresh water for agriculture in the water-scarce WANA region. Clearly there is a need to re-think the ways in which saline water can be used for irrigation

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and to develop appropriate technical and policy options for productive use in arid environment.Biosaline agriculture and its potential under water scarce conditionSalinity has been known to significantly reduce agricultural production worldwide. Significant portion of arable land have been salinized to different extent because of water management issues, whether that is linked to irrigation practices or inefficient drainage systems. Five percent of world’s cultivated lands are salt affected (Suarez, 2010; Taha and Ismail, 2010; Ghassemi et al., 1995). In addition, about 20% of land within the irrigated area is affected by salinity problems with over 30% decrease in productivity. Furthermore 2 m.ha of irrigated land are lost annually due to salinization (Postel, 1997).

The International Center for Biosaline Agriculture (ICBA) mandated to work in 56 countries, most of them being in the arid and semi-arid regions has been emphasizing the inventory of marginal (mainly saline) water resources in WANA. The target regions have been the WANA/CWANA, GCC, SEA and the CAC regions. In its attempt to look at the potential of using saline/brackish water for agricultural production systems, it undertook a study (ICBA, 2003; Stenhouse and Kijne, 2006) to investigate the saline water resources in some WANA countries (Table 1). The study showed that approximately 14% of the irrigated area in the target countries has the potential to be used for ‘biosaline agriculture’, where the salinity of the groundwater ranged from 3000-16,000 ppm (~ 4 – 23 dS.m-1).

Biosaline agriculture is a specialized form of agriculture whereby crops and cropping patterns are adjusted to the prevailing conditions of saline/brackish water and land amd hence the system has minimal, is any use of fresh water and hence the system has minimal, if any use of fresh water. In addition to having conventional/non-conventional/specialized crops/plants, an important component is the management of land and water resources to optimize the production and make it environmentally safe. This leads to three important factors, the given scenarios of climate change, the prevailing land and water quality, the targeted production system (the crops to be grown and the market for the crops).

Biosaline agriculture focuses on the development and propagation of sustainable vegetative alternatives for salt-affected lands that are deemed unsuitable for conventional farming, including: (i) more effective soil/water management and improved crop salt-tolerance, and (ii) the domestication of halophytes for commercial and/or environmental cultivation. The ultimate goal of this discipline is to help provide food and water security for future generations by conserving and rehabilitating scarce resources (water and arable land) , substituting them for more abundant saline ones in newly emerging agro-ecosystems.

Two approaches have been associated with the concept of improving agricultural production systems; (i) improving/developing high yielding crops/varieties – these are usually less tolerant to environmental stresses; and (ii) developing/adapting crops and systems to the prevailing stress conditions. It is widely accepted that the first approach may be feasible up to certain extent of stress (salinity) levels, since most of the crops (glycophytes) have a genetic make-up that has been pushed up to its maximum threshold for salinity tolerance. The threshold salinity level only in case of some species have made a real progress, otherwise for most of the species, the increase in tolerance limit has not been significant (Table 2). Flowers and Yeo (1995) suggested options to develop salt tolerant crops in terms of priorities: (1) develop halophytes as alternative crops; (2) use inter-specific hybridization to raise the tolerance of current crops; (3) use the variation already present in existing crops; (4) generate variation within existing crops by using recurrent selection, mutagenesis or tissue culture, and (5) breed for yield rather than tolerance.

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Table 1. Availability of brackish water resources in some of the WANA countries.

Source: ICBA, 2003; Stenhouse and Kijne, 2006

Another approach to improving agricultural production within the context of biosaline agriculture is to move towards the environment-based strategies where crops are selected/developed based on specific site criteria’s. This has become more important since the increase in salinity is far rapid than the development of crops/species (conventional crops). In general, most of the irrigated areas that have turned saline either are newly saline areas (EC: 4-10 dS.m-1) or that has gone through the process of secondary salinization, with salinity ranges between 10-25 dS m-1). There also exist areas where salinity is more than 25 dS m-1 and only limited type of agricultural production systems can be practiced successfully.

Crops and production systems can be placed into different categories based on the genetic make-up of the plants and the salinity tolerance levels. These include food, feed/forage, fuel, oil, fiber crops, landscaping, etc. Most of the horticultural crops fail to grow economically beyond 5-6 dS m-1, whereas, a number of glycophytic crops can grow up to 10 dS m-1 salinity level. The latter group still requires land and water managements to avoid any salinity build-up over period of time. At salinities of 10-25 dS m-1, the major categories of production system includes forage and landscaping plants (few glycophytes and mostly halophytes), whereas, at higher salinities of >25 dS m-1, only halophytes can support forage, fuel and coastal rehabilitation systems. Sea-water based production systems are very few.

A number of studies have been undertaken looking at the potential of ‘using salt-affected lands and saline irrigation water’ for agriculture, or in other cases are ‘practicing’ agriculture under saline conditions (since no other alternatives are present). The following section will give a brief of recent biosaline agriculture work, and more specifically in the WANA region (where ICBA has been working with partner countries).

F. Taha and S. Ismail, 2011 WANA Forum Consultation 3 Medenine, Tunis, February 2011

CountryUsable Brackish Water Resources 1

Salinity RangeBasin(s) Equivalent Fresh Water Volume 2

Potential Land for Biosaline Agriculture 3

Total Irrigated Area (1990) 4

Percent Potential Land for Biosaline Agriculture of Total

Irrigated Area

(million m3/ year) (ppm) (million m3/ year) (Hectares) (Hectares)Col. 1 Col. 2 Col. 3 Col. 4 Col. 5

(1-LR)x Col. 1 Col. 1/ WR Col. 3/ Col. 4

Jordan 246 3,000 - 10,000 Jordan Valley, Wadi Araba, Southern Ghors

197 25,900 63,000 41%

Syria 768 4,000 - 8,000 Palmyra, Sewwanah 640 74,600 693,000 11%

Oman 320 6,000 - 15,000 Najd, Central Region

256 25,200 58,000 43%

Yemen 300 3,000 - 8,000 Tihama Plain 250 38,500 348,000 11%Algeria 470 4,000 - 16,000 Souf Valley,

Ouargla Basin, Oued Rhir Valley

392 87,000 384,000 23%

Libya 208 > 5,000 Ghadames Area 173 33,000 470,000 7%Tunisia 333 5,000 - > 7,500 South and Central

Regions278 47,600 300,000 16%

Total 2,645 3,000 - 16,000 2,185 331,800 2,316,000 14%

1 Calculated as follows: Jordan: 225 million non renewable from Sandstone aquifers, 20 million Jordan Valley Zerqa group, 1 million Wadi Araba Alluvium Syria: 750 million annual recharge for various aquifers, 18 million Palmyra, Sewwanah areas Oman: 260 million annual recharge for Al Batinah and Salalah, 60 million for Najd and Central regions. Yemen: 250 annual recharge for various aquifers, 50 million in Wadi Tuban Delta Algeria: drainage water estimated as 10 percent of total water used for irrigation in the South Libya: estimated as return water, 10 % of total water applied for irrigation Tunisia: 194 million drainage water from Jerid, Rejim Maatoug, Tozeur, Kebili, and Gabes, 85 million renewable South and Central phreatic aquifers, 54 million unused deep aquifers

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Table 2.Salt tolerance of some of the crop species.

Maas and Hoffman, 1977 Maas, 1986 Anonymous, 2003Plant Species Threshold

(dS/m)Slope (%


(dS/m)Slope (%


(dS/m)Slope (%


Festuca eliator (Tall Fecsue)

3.9 5.3 3.9 5.6

Glycine max (Soybean)

5.0 20.0 5.0 20.0

Helianthus annuus (Sunflower)

4.8 5.0 5.5 25.0

Hordeum vulgare (Barley forage)

6.0 7.1 7.4 9.6

Lycopersicon lycopersicum (Tomato)

2.5 9.9 2.3 18.9

Oryza sativa (Rice)

3.0 12.0 3.8 5.1

Sorghum bicolor (Sorghum)

6.8 16.0 7.4 8.4

Trifolium alexandrinum (Berseem)

1.5 5.7 2 10.3

Development of Biosaline Agriculture in the WANA region:With increase in salinity levels of water and soil, it becomes less economical to grow alfalafa, maize and other conventional forage grasses, because of high water needs and relatively lower yield (being low to moderately salt tolerant). In some cases, more salt tolerant plant species are available but their water requirements are still very high (e.g. Rhodes grass). Alternate forage production systems are therefore essential to be introduced under such salinity conditions. These plant species needs to be salt tolerant, have a high water use efficiency, should have a good forage quality (in terms of digestibility an palatability), should not have any negative environmental impact and should make the whole system economically viable.

These ‘alternative production systems’ could be categorized into two; (i) the conventional forages (including dual purpose crops and other salt tolerant glycophytic forages); and (ii) non-conventional forages (including salt tolerant grasses, shrubs, trees and halophytes).

The conventional forage that has been tested by ICBA in WANA region and introduced in farming system mainly include, barley, sorghum, pearl millet, triticale, sugar beet. Legumes mainly include, Sesbania and Leuceana. Studies have shown that a number of accessions of Leuceana studies have shown a large variation in dry matter productivity. The species L. collinsii, L. lanceolata, L. lempirana, L. macrophylla, L. magnifica, L. shannonii and L. trichoides all had high dry matter digestibility (>65%), low levels of non-digestible fiber (<26%) and low concentrations (<1.5%) of condensed tannins (Dalzell et al., 1998). Barley, sorghum and pearl millet have shown an excellent potential in many regions, from Central Asia to the Mediterrneian region, both in terms of high yield and good forage quality at salinity levels ranging from 8-15 dS/m (ICBA, 2007, 2008).

The non-conventional forages have been widely screened, developed and introduced in different farming production systems. The most common species includes the grasses (Distichlis, Sporobolus, Paspalum, Leptochloa, Chloris, Lollium, Festuca, etc.) studied worldwide (Taha and Ismail, 2010; Suyama etc al., 2007; Alhadrami et al., 2005). Productivity

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ranges vary from low to high (10-40 tons dry matter.ha-1.yr-1) depending upon climate, soil texture and salinity, irrigation water quality and quantity, and management practices applied.

Salt tolerant tree legumes and other fast growing tree species has received a lot of attention for forge production and rehabilitation of degraded saline wastelands. Among them, Acacia and Prosopis species have been most extensively studied, especially under dry and saline conditions, both for yield and nutrient values (Craig, et al., 1991). For most of the species studied the in vitro dry matter digestibility (IVDMD) was >40% with crude protein ranging between 8-17% of dry matter.

Acacia ampliceps is reported to grow in different salinity ranges, with 40%-60% survival in northern Queensland at ECe up to 20 dS.m-1 or higher (House et al. 1998); under dry arid and semi-arid conditions of the UAE, with > 95% survival, irrigated with water of salinity ranging between ECiw 30 and 35 dS.m-I (lCBA 2006, 2007); and in the Central Kyzylkum desert of Uzbekistan, grown with drainage water salinities ranging between ECiw 12.5 and 18.1dS m-I (Toderich et al., 2009). Ismail et al., (2007) has reported various responses of the A. ampliceps seedlings when grown on lighter soils in UAE, Jordan, Syria, Oman, and Tunisia, with > 95% survival after 4-years at ECe of 10-25dS m-1.

ICBA have initiated many multi-countries project activities with the National Agricultural Research (NAR’s) program for (i) testing different alternate production systems; (ii) implementing integrated management program of land, water, crops and livestock; (iii) local seed production of salt tolerant crops, forages and halophytes.

The IFAD supported ‘Forage project’ looked at the potential of growing forage using saline water in seven countries (Jordan, Oman, Syria, Pakistan, Palestine, Tunisia and United Arab Emirates). The project focused on four important factors; (i) eradicating poverty and hunger; (ii) promoting gender equality; (iii) ensuring environmental sustainability; and (iv) developing global partnership. The initial focus was to identify, evaluate and introduce salt tolerant forage (both conventional and non-conventional) species, under saline conditions, in the partner countries through the national agricultural system. The second phase was to select the successful genotype of the different species, multiply them and upscale activities in farmer’s field. As a result of this, many genotypes of sorghum, pearl millet, alfalfa, brassica, canola, fodder beet among conventional forage have been identified and propagated. Grasses from the genus Cenchrus, Panicum, Paspalum, Sporobolus, Distichlis; shrubs including Atriplex spp.; and tree species of Acacia ampliceps have been introduced on large scale in the salt-affected farmer’s fields.

The Oman Salinity Strategy (OSS) project looks at developing both short- and long-term strategies for improving agricultural production in the Sultanate of Oman. Most of the current agricultural areas are facing soil and water salinity problems and there is a decline in the yield of its major crops. The strategy looks from an ‘integrated approach’ of the available land and water (both quality and quantity) resources and present scenarios for continuing and/or changing the currently practiced agricultural production systems. This would be based on hydrology of the areas and the sustainability of aquifers; the abstraction of ground water related to the intrusion of sea water leading to increased salinity problems; the current state of agricultural production; and the socio-economic factors. Based on the analyses, the strategy would provide a guideline to (i) improve the management practices – site specific related to salinity problems; (ii) improved genotypes of crops required to improve production under prevailing salinity conditions; (iii) mitigation efforts to reduce the process of salinization, especially the secondary salinization as a result of irrigation practices; and (iv) the impacts of the current agricultural practices on the socio-economy of farmers and on the environment – and vice versa.

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ICBA in collaboration with European and Asian partners are part of the BIOSAFOR project to look into the potential of salt tolerant plans for biomass – bioenergy. The project is funded by the European Union Commission. The project looks into the whole approach of applying biosaline agroforestry (for bioenergy) on a local, regional and global perspective related to the different type of salinity conditions. The project provided the baseline information on:

A number of tree species/varieties/accession was identified through screening (up to 40 dS.m-1) and case-study areas to look at the regional and global potential of using the wastelands with least management to make it economical. Description and categorization of brackish water resources for biosaline (agro) forestry production has been prepared to look at the potential areas in the world where susch system can be economically viable.

Other activities included the potential role of ‘saline-produced water’ (water from oil industry) which after cleaning and removal of hydrocarbons, heavy metals and other pollutants can be used for non food-chain agricultural production systems (including wood, fiber, landscaping etc.). The process involving phytoremediation through water management involves the degradation of pollutants through microbial activities, has been demonstrated by ICAB in Nimr, Sultanate of Oman. The ‘produced water’ (~10-16 dS.m-1) was used to grow salt tolerant tree-based production systems.

The use of ‘returned seawater’ (seawater from prawn farms) at the facility of the National Prawn Company (NPC) in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia is another example of using the highly mineralized sea water for halophytic forage production system. The facility located at the coast of Red Sea produces return water @ of 80 m3.s-1. This water was used with/without dilution to initially irrigate wind breaks (Conocarpus and Salvadora) followed by forage grasses (Sporobolus virginicus and Distichlis spicata).

Conclusions:Biosaline agriculture will play an important role in the future of agriculture in many arid and semi-arid countries and present an excellent opportunity to relief pressure from dwindling fresh water resources. . All further expansion and/or sustaining the current agricultural areas will largely depend on how marginal and saline land/water are used for improving food, feed and fuel demands. Improvement in genetic makeup through conventional breeding, biotechnology, etc will remain focussed for high value crops, whereas, forage and fuel production sector will eventually be limited to use of the marginalized land and water resources. Effective management practices and better genotypes (selected from wide range of wild species) followed by on-farm optimization for yield, will be the key to provide immediate relieve to the farmers as short-term strategy. In spite of all the development, a long-term planning for agriculture (other than food) represnets a major challenge to the professionals and others to come with feasible solutions for sustainable production systems using marginal resources.

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F. Taha and S. Ismail, 2011 WANA Forum Consultation 7 Medenine, Tunis, February 2011