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Page 2: TAGLaw: TAG Alliances 2013 Annual Review - People. Places. Purpose

2 TAG Alliances™ 2013 Annual Review


“Our Purpose” International Impact .............................................................................................4

“Evidence of Purpose” Global Reach .........................................................................................................6

“New People and Places” New TAGLaw Members .................................................................................... 10 New TIAG Members .......................................................................................... 15 New TAG-SP Members ..................................................................................... 19

“Places of Gathering” Conferences, Regional Meetings & TAG Academy ...................................... 20

“Tools for a Purpose” Marketing & Branding ...................................................................................... 26

“A Greater Purpose” TAG Foundation ................................................................................................. 30

“Our People” The Appleton Group Staff ................................................................................ 32 TAGLaw & TIAG Advisory Boards .................................................................... 34 TAGLaw, TIAG & TAG-SP Members ................................................................. 36

“Last Word” Purpose ............................................................................................................... 42

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PEOPLE. PLACES. PURPOSE.Common words with uncommon meaning but with everyday impact on the TAG Alliances. Each describes and defines what we and our members are about, whom we serve and how businesses around the world benefit.

In the pages that follow we will, in our words and in the words of our members, give some substance to this theme, supported by some examples of these words as they have been applied in practice. We think that People, Places, and Purpose, in words and deed, shine a light on our activity during 2013. We also hope that this Annual Review will not only show us where we were in 2013 but will also provide an indication of what we can all look forward to in 2014 and beyond.

Our Annual Review, to state it in words most common to our TIAG® members, is both a balance sheet that shows where we were at year-end and a statement that recounts activities such as conferences, meetings and new member endeavors. At the end of the year, it is your achievements that to us yield our bottom line.

We hope that your 2013 has been a good one for you as well, measured by the People you have met, or have hired, or have gained as clients; marked by the Places you have been, through business, pleasure, or our favorite, a combination of both at a TAG conference; or even judged by your satisfaction in achieving a Purpose of importance.

As we look forward to 2014, we are excited by the opportunity to do even better. There are places in the world into which we can expand. There are members that we would like to see more often at conferences and TAG Academy courses. And there is a Foundation to sustain for the benefit of those in need. We welcome those challenges and we are supported by a strong staff and by the strength of the membership.

Our story of 2013 is not just for you, however. We encourage you to circulate and distribute this Annual Review throughout your firm. We also encourage you to show or send it to clients and prospective clients; to incorporate it effectively into your own marketing initiatives; and to think of the ways you can take full advantage of all that we offer.

Thank you for your membership, for your Foundation support, for your conference and program attendance and for the quality of your work and your relationships. We wish you a successful year in 2014.

Robert U. Sattin President

Peter Appleton Jones Chairman & Founder

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PEOPLEHoward Wilkinson, the founding member of TIAG, has said that it is the connections he has formed with other people in the TAG Alliances that has made his experience within the association so special. Some of the most talented professionals in the world are members of the TAG Alliances, and the combination of their talents, along with the collegial atmosphere that characterizes relationships among our members, can provide clients with the highest quality service throughout the world.

PLACESStarting in 1998 with a few law firms in England and the United States, the TAG Alliances have grown to comprise one of the largest bodies of professional service associations in the world. There are now 274 members of the TAG Alliances, and they are found in 94 different countries. TAG Alliances members can provide law and accounting services virtually anywhere. Whether your client is establishing a business overseas or needs an audit completed in multiple countries, TAG Alliance members can be found throughout the world so your clients get the high quality service they need.

PURPOSEPeter Appleton Jones, the Founder and Chairman of the TAG Alliances, frequently says (and will say again later in this review), “If you’re doing business the same way you were five years ago, you are probably going out of business.” In the late 1990s, he foresaw one of the biggest changes to international commerce: the emergence of the Internet as a common communication tool paving the way for increased business across national and regional borders. From that vision, Peter began what is today the TAG Alliances, a mutually supportive group of organizations dedicated to helping high quality, regional firms throughout the world connect with one another and have their practices flourish in the 21st century. From its inception, the TAG Alliances has carefully chosen professionals to ensure its members can confidently refer clients. Although the organization has evolved over time, its purpose remains the same: providing members the means to thrive in this new era of commerce and communications.

“Wherever you go, there you are.” – Buddha

“When we’re connected to others, we become better people.” –Randy Pausch

“The purpose of life is to contribute in some way to making things better.” –Robert F. Kennedy

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“ At Galindo, Arias & López we are driven by constant evolution and the purpose of providing our clients with the best and most practical legal solution. TAGLaw is a powerful network that knows how to effectively identify and connect law firms of the highest caliber. We understand the importance of building the right partnerships for the success of our clients and that of our firm, therefore we know we made a great decision by joining the TAGLaw Alliance.”

Diego Herrara; Galindo, Arias & López (Panama - TAGLaw)

“ At Mercer & Hole, our aim has always been to provide the highest levels of technical advice, but to couple this with unmatched levels of personal, friendly and supportive service. In becoming part of TIAG (and by association TAGLaw) we are now able to deliver that, not just in the UK, but anywhere in the world. The hidden bonus for me has been the many enduring friendships that have evolved around the world.”

Howard Wilkinson; Retired Managing Partner of Mercer & Hole (London, England - TIAG)

“ One of the major benefits of TAGLaw is the ability to refer out with confidence to many different countries in the world. This has been, for us, a client saver. In dealing with multi-national acquisitions, we’ve been able to bring together TAGLaw firms in the different countries where subsidiaries are based, and there’s no doubt that had we not been able to deliver firms that we could confidently rely on, that work would have gone to one of our competitors.”

Robert Levy, Kuits Solicitors (Manchester, England - TAGLaw)

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Our purpose is what motivates us each day and is the standard by which we measure ourselves each year. So what is ours? In the broadest sense, it is to aid our members in the fulfillment of their strategic plans.

With over 260 members around the world, these plans are highly individualized, but there is commonality: to make the delivery of a firm’s professional product better, to make the firm better known, and to help insure the profitable present and future of the firm. And to do so responsibly and with a sense of who we are. TAG Foundation exemplifies this.

For some members, our purpose is to not only provide quality support for clients in over 90 jurisdictions internationally, but also to create the opportunities for these firms to develop personal and professional relationships that will last. Judged by our members, our rankings, and feedback from third parties, we are meeting this goal.

For others, it may be providing quality educational opportunities, or branding the firm in its market or around the world, or creating hundreds of new referral sources or filling a practice area need or providing the difference that attracts a new client.

Just as our members’ practices are dynamic and respond to a local and international marketplace, so must our efforts evolve to meet those changes. Our purpose is timeless and ongoing and we enjoy our efforts to fulfill it.

“ TIAG gives us a strong position in the international market and mainly in Ecuador through our local firm. In 2013, we have had the opportunity to obtain multiple clients, highlighting an important LPG distributor in Ecuador, which allows us to get involved in the oil market and its derivatives.”

Henry Escalante Ramirez, EsRoBross Cia Ltda (Ecuador - TIAG)

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Combined Global Reach

Countries Firms / Offices Professionals90+ 260+ / 500+ 15,000+

TIAG Current TotalsCountries: 62

Total Firms: 114 Total Offices: 214

Region Employees Firms

Asia Pacific 1223 22

Europe 1897 35

Latin America 962 27

Middle East/Africa 293 12

North America 1765 18

Totals 6140 114

TAGLaw Current TotalsCountries: 85

Total Firms: 147 Total Offices: 305

Region Lawyers Firms

Asia Pacific 1456 14

Europe 2185 45

Latin America 935 22

Middle East/Africa 380 12

North America 4283 54

Totals 9239 147

TAG-SP Current TotalsCountries: 8

Total Members: 11 Total Offices: 48

Region Members

Asia Pacific 1

Europe 3

Latin America 1

Middle East/Africa 2

North America 4

Total Firms 11

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8 TAG Alliances™ 2013 Annual Review

“ We have worked with TAGLaw member Burness Paull LLP (Scotland) a number of times over the years and as a result have developed a good working relationship with them. This proved to be beneficial in early 2013 when both companies worked on a deal with a mutual client, Enovate Systems Limited, a leading technology company providing subsea well control equipment.

Such excellent cooperation between the two teams brought successful results and the deal ended when Aker Solutions acquired a majority stake in Enovate for £75 million and can now help take the business to the next level.

Deals like these really highlight the benefit of the TAGLaw and TIAG alliances.”

Neil Dinnes, Anderson Anderson & Brown LLP (Scotland - TIAG)

“ Over 3,000 French expats live in Alberta, Canada and McLeod Law LLP and TAGLaw affiliates Mr. Philip Jenkinson and Ms. Corinne Fournier of Aubyn (Lille, France) have worked closely together this year on Canada/France cross-border succession issues.”

Roy Klassen, McLeod Law LLP (Alberta, Canada - TAGLaw)

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“ We received a call from Old Mill Accountants (Somerset, England - TIAG) in the UK. One of their clients, a UK citizen, was working and residing in the U.S. during 2013 and was now going to have some last minute income from UK sources. If he was a U.S. tax resident he would not only be taxed in the U.S. but also in the U.S. state that he was residing in. We gathered more information and determined that based on the "days test", if he left the U.S. for the rest of the year (not a long period), he would save a substantial amount of taxes.

After a conference call with Old Mill, their client, and his attorneys, we worked out the best strategy. This all needed to be done very quickly - and it was. He left the U.S. within 2 days.”

Robert Reitman, Cornick, Garber & Sandler, LLP (New York, New York, USA - TIAG)

“ Aska & Co (Japan - TIAG) pitched and won a large listed Japanese company as a client, with requirements for audit in not only Japan but also other countries including China. LehmanBrown prepared a proposal to carry out the quarterly reviews and annual audits of eight factories in China and also a trading company in Hong Kong. LehmanBrown carried out initial site visits with the client and client management team of Aska & Co to become familiar with the client and to confirm the audit process and procedures. This initial investment in time has paid off significantly....

The client has been a mutual client for four years now.” Russell Brown; Lehman Brown (Beijing & Shanghai, China - TIAG)

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“ No duty the Executive had to perform was so trying as to put the right man in the right place.” - Thomas Jefferson

So reflected Thomas Jefferson looking back on his presidency. For those administering The TAG Alliances, no duty is more important or more rewarding than adding the right firm in the right place.

So what is “the right firm in the right place”?

From the TAG perspective, the “right place” is a jurisdiction that is marked by significant interaction beyond its recognized borders, whether those interactions be characterized as primarily inbound or primarily outbound. It is also a jurisdiction that is of current or potential future interest to TAG Alliance members.

And the “right firm” is one that is thoroughly versed in the professional practices of “its place,” respected for its competence and integrity within its markets, forward and outward looking in its strategy, and prepared to engage in a collegial relationship with TAG Alliance members around the world. It is a firm that is committed to the high level of responsiveness that TAG Alliance members demand of themselves and one other. It is a firm that views the Alliance as a key component of its long-term strategy.

In 2013, The TAG Alliances added 12 TAGLaw firms and 11 TIAG firms, several of which are replacement firms that have strengthened the Alliance presence. In addition, the newest alliance, TAG-SP, added 3 firms and a number of alumni members. We expect time to show that these new members are the right firms in the right places.

“ In searching for a new affiliation, Berdon was instantly impressed by the caliber of the TIAG leadership and member firms with whom we met. It was obvious our current and future clients would benefit from the responsive, expert advice available to them no matter where in the world they do business. As members for less than one year, it is readily apparent that choosing TIAG was the right strategic decision for Berdon on many levels.”

Ronald Storch; Berdon LLP (New York, New York, USA - TIAG)

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New TAGLaw Members


RWP Rechtsanwälte (Düsseldorf, Germany)At the heart of Germany’s Rhine-Ruhr metropolitan region, and famous for international finance and fashion, Düsseldorf has long been recognized as a “right place” for TAGLaw. The move of former TAGLaw Advisory Board member Nils Wördemann to RWP Rechtsanwälte provides added assurance that the 24 member firm, with branch offices in Dresden and Warsaw, is the right firm. Among its benefits from TAGLaw membership, the RWP management team expects that they will be working closely with SSW Spaczynski, Szczepaniak i Wspolnicy S.K.A., the TAGLaw member in Warsaw, to provide a broader array of services to clients they serve from a branch office in Poland.

Travieso Evans Arria Rengel & Paz (Venezuela)Thanks in part to a recommendation from TAGLaw’s Argentine member, Brons & Salas, Venezuela has again become a TAGLaw place with the addition of Travieso Evans Arria Rengel & Paz to the rolls. Founded over 90 years ago to serve the oil industry, they have evolved into a full service firm. With over 50 attorneys in its 5 offices, the firm is the fourth largest in their market. Most of their attorneys are bilingual in Spanish and English and some also conduct business in Italian and French.

Adams & Adams (South Africa)South Africa’s strategic importance is symbolized by its inclusion as part of the BRICS group, alongside Brazil, Russia, India and China. When the previous TAGLaw member in South Africa, Rudolph Bernstein, was absorbed by Baker & McKenzie, Managing Partner Gerhard Rudolph kindly referred us to the Adams & Adams management team and volunteered to be a reference. As a result, the Alliance has added one of the country’s oldest and largest firms, with over 100 attorneys operating from offices in Pretoria, Johannesburg, Cape Town and Durban as well as affiliated offices in Mozambique (ARIPO), Angola, Tanzania (Zanzibar) & Burundi.

(Left to right: Nils Wördemann, Andreas Lachmann, and Christoph Klose)

(Left to right: Manuel Iturbe and Julio Pinto)

(Left to right: Michael Gwala, André Visser and Gérard du Plessis)

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New TAGLaw Members


Kroger, Gardis and Regas, LLP (Indianapolis, Indiana, USA)This is a fine example of the fact that the best source of high quality members for TAGLaw is the network of existing high quality members. A connection between a partner at TAGLaw’s member firm in Geneva, Carrard & Associés, and a lawyer at Kroger, Gardis & Regas opened the door for consideration of membership. In addition, the TAGLaw member for Northern Indiana, Barrett & McNagny, recommended TAGLaw to the firm. Kroger, Gardis & Regas has been recognized by the U.S. News and World Report on “Best Law Firms” as Tier 1 in several practice areas and has also been named one of the 2013 U.S. Top Ranked Law Firms by LexisNexis Martindale-Hubbell.

Lerch, Early & Brewer (Maryland, USA)Lerch, Early & Brewer is a full service business law firm serving the state of Maryland from the strategic location of its Bethesda office just outside of Washington D.C. In fact, Chambers and Partners identified Lerch, Early & Brewer as the “go-to firm for representation in the Maryland suburbs of Washington, D.C.” The firm has a wide and varied practice, in both transactional matters and litigation. As with many of our members, the firm’s management sees TAGLaw membership as a means of referring clients out to high quality firms throughout the United States and internationally as well as an important tool for branding the firm.

Pearl Cohen Zedek Latzer Barack (Israel)Early in 2013, TAGLaw’s long-time member firm for Israel, Baratz & Co., was merged into one of Israel’s largest law firms, thereby becoming Pearl Cohen Zedek Latzer Barack. Happily, the merged firm applied to become the replacement firm for Baratz & Co. in Israel. Pearl Cohen, had been primarily an intellectual property firm, with 120 lawyers and patent agents. The merger with Baratz serves the goal of building a transactional and non-IP dispute resolution practice base in response to increased pressure from international firms opening offices in Israel.

(Left to right: James Knauer and Steve Runyan)

(Left to right: Arthur Lafionatis and William (Bill) Goldberg)

(Pictured: Benjamin Baratz)

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New TAGLaw Members


The Chambers of A.R.M.A. Peeroo (Mauritius) When Portuguese explorers discovered Mauritius in 1507, there were no inhabitants. Dutch settlers arrived in the mid-17th century, succeeded by the French in the early 18th century. British sovereignty was established in the early 19th century and lasted until 1968 when the country gained its independence. This chain of possession is reflected in widespread multi-lingual capability, though the parliamentary government and political culture echoes the centuries of British rule. The Chambers of A.R.M.A. Peeroo, founded in 1974, while historically best known for its work in dispute resolution, has developed an active and sophisticated transactional practice, such as advising businesses and individuals on tax issues and doing business in Mauritius.

Dougherty Quinn (Isle of Man)The Isle of Man, otherwise known simply as Mann, is a self-governing British Crown Dependency, located in the Irish Sea between the islands of Great Britain and Ireland. The Isle of Man is a mature financial center whose reputation as an offshore financial center has been acknowledged by a number of organizations. In 2013, our member, Kerruish Law & Trust (formerly Gough & Co.) merged into Dougherty Quinn, the leading full service law firm on the Isle of Man. Understanding the benefits of a legal alliance with access to high quality accounting firms, Dougherty Quinn applied for membership in TAGLaw and became our exclusive member for the Isle of Man.

Veirano Advogados (Brazil)Over the last decade, Brazil has emerged as a global economic powerhouse. Although hit hard by the economic downturn in 2008, it was one of the first countries to begin a recovery, hitting a growth rate of 7.5% in 2010. Its high interest rates have resulted in very large capital inflows which, in turn, generate significant legal activity. It is in this setting that TAGLaw’s long-time member firm in Brazil, Bragança Advogados, merged with Veirano Advogados, one of the country’s largest and most prominent firms. The combined firm has 280 lawyers in 4 offices: Rio de Janeiro, São Paulo, Brasília and Porto Alegre.

(Left to right: Jamsheed Peeroo and Khushal Lobine)

(Left to right: Paul Kerruish and Stephen Mann)

(Left to right: Carolyn Knox, Alberto De Orleans E Bragança and Marcos Medeiros Coelho da Rocha)

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New TAGLaw Members


Al Rowaad Advocates & Legal Consultants (United Arab Emirates)Abu Dhabi started exporting oil in 1962. In the intervening half century, the UAE has become one of the largest economies in western Asia with the 7th highest per capita GDP in the world. Dubai has emerged as a crossroads of global commerce. This is reflected in the composition and capabilities of the new TAGLaw member for UAE, Al Rowaad Advocates & Legal Consultants, whose 23 lawyers among them can conduct business in Arabic, English, French, Russian, Hindi, Urdu, Iranian and Tagalog. In addition, the firm has translated its site into four languages (English, Russian, French and Arabic) to serve its international client base.

HH Partners (Finland)Following World War II, Finland entered a period of rapid industrialization, artfully balancing its relations with both sides of the cold war so that by 1975, Finland had the 15th highest per capita GDP in the world. The collapse of the Soviet Union, Finland’s largest trading partner, slowed economic growth for a few years, but by 2012 the per capita income was one of the highest in the world. HH Partners was recommended to TAGLaw by Tim Meng, Managing Partner of TAGLaw’s Beijing member, Golden Gate Lawyers. Legal 500 recommends the firm in 9 out of 10 research areas. One-third of the twenty largest corporations in Finland use their services.

Fiorio Cardozo & Alvarado (Paraguay)With the addition of Paraguay, TAGLaw’s membership now includes 9 of the 10 largest countries in South America. In 1994, Paraguay, Argentina, Brazil, and Uruguay formed Mercosur to promote regional economic development. Since the turn of the century, the country has experienced rapid economic growth, peaking at 14.5% in 2010. Even after tapering off in 2011, growth continues to be well above the worldwide average. Fiorio Cardozo & Alvarado was recommended to us by Jonas Bergstein, our TAGLaw member in Uruguay. The firm includes lawyers educated in USA, Europe and Latin America, and can conduct business in Spanish, English, Portuguese and French.

(Left to right: Juan Bautista Fiorio and Bruno Fiorio)

(Left to right: Hassan Mohsen Elhais and Awatif Khouri)

(Left to right: Markku Korvenmaa and Miika Erkkilä)

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SK Patodia and Associates (Mumbai, India)Greater Mumbai, previously known in the West as Bombay, is a true “megalopolis” with a population of over 20 million, and is the fourth largest city in the world. It also has the highest GDP of any city in South Asia, accounting for 25% of India’s industrial output, 70% of its maritime trade, and 70% of India’s capital transactions. SK Patodia and Associates has grown steadily since its founding in 1992, primarily by organic growth within India, and now has 14 partners, more than 50 chartered accountants, and a total staff of over 200.

ALS International, S.A. (Nicaragua)Nicaragua is the largest Central American country, with a population of 6 million and a GDP equivalent to about 20 billion US dollars. It is seen by the World Bank as the second best economy in Central America for starting a business. The candidacy of ALS International was supported by our TAGLaw member in Nicaragua, Jarquin-Garcia Attorneys at Law. ALS International S.A. was founded in 1993 with the purpose of providing business and accounting consulting, as well as training for Nicaraguan companies. The firm offers accounting, tax advisory, business consulting, audit, financial advisory and legal services to clients in various industries including consumer business, financial services, manufacturing and public sector.

DaoCo Audit (Lebanon)In 1989 Charbel Daou founded DaoCo Audit. The firm has a record of innovation, having pioneered on-line services through a secure server. DaoCo has had extensive experience with large-scale, multi-national contracting projects, experience that is very rare in Lebanon. This experience has enabled them to develop their own software to control such projects based on thorough technical knowledge of complex contracting. They are among the few firms in their market with a special license to provide auditing services to clients in the construction industry. The staff is multi-lingual and can do business in English, French and Arabic.

(Left to right: Monesh Jain and Ronak Agrawal)

(Left to right: Alfonso Aguilar Castillo and Elena Johanna Sanchez)

(Pictured: Charbel Dao)

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AJSH & Co. Chartered Accountants (New Delhi, India)The metropolitan region of Delhi, with 22 million people, is India’s largest city in area and the world’s second largest city in population. Because of rapid growth, TIAG’s long-standing Delhi member, Sanjeev Chopra, concurred that an additional member would provide greater depth of service in this market. AJSH Accounting currently has a professional staff of 50, with 8 Chartered Accountants, making them one of the largest single-office firms in New Delhi. The firm provides audit, taxation advisory management consulting and outsourcing services. They are PCAOB certified, reflecting a capability to handle sophisticated corporate clients.

Pinebridge, LLP / Veritas Private (Singapore)One of the four “Asian Tigers,” Singapore is one of the world’s leaders in education, healthcare, and economic competitiveness. In purchasing power parity, it has the third highest per capita income in the world. Nearly three-quarters of its 5 million people are of Chinese origin, but official policies promote multiculturalism. Pinebridge LLP is a public accounting entity offering assurance and related services; while Veritas Private is the umbrella name under which the business advisory and business support services operate. Pinebridge has two partners, six chartered accountants and 23 professional staff.

Berdon LLP (New York, New York, USA)TIAG has long recognized that this world capital center warrants having two TIAG members. We are truly excited to get a firm of the size and with the history and reputation of Berdon. The firm was established in 1917. It now numbers 39 partners, a professional staff of 235, and total firm employees of 330. It is ranked among the top 30 U.S. accounting firms by Inside Public Accounting. The firm uses a “think-tank” approach in which Berdon service teams collaborate to lay out the best paths for the client to choose. Berdon has also capitalized effectively on the fact that approximately one-third of their partners have law degrees and many have masters degrees in tax.

(Left to right: Ankit Jain and Siddhartha Havelia)

(Left to right: Steven Teo and Eddie Lee)

(Left to right: Ronald Storch and Mark Bosswick)

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Marina Contábil Ltda. (Belo Horizonte, Brazil)The metropolitan area of Belo Horizonte, capital of the Brazilian state of Minas Gerais, ranks just behind Greater São Paulo and Greater Rio de Janeiro in population. The city has won international recognition for its progressive programs in urban revitalization. Marina Contábil Ltda. was recommended to TIAG by Felipe Pestana at Grupo Planus, the TIAG member in Rio. The firm, one of only three in Belo Horizonte with an English language capability, is focused on supporting international corporate clients and individuals. Its services include establishing foreign companies and subsidiaries in Brazil, registering companies with foreign partners, and acting as their official accountants.

Mallette s.e.n.c.r.l (Quebec, Canada)Quebec is the largest province of Canada in area, and the second largest in population. The official language of the province is French, which provides a natural affinity with other Francophone members of TIAG. Mallette was recommended to TIAG by Alain Menard of the TAGLaw member there, Cain Lamarre Casgrain Wells. Mallette is the largest independent firm in Quebec province (and the 6th largest in the province after the Big 4 and Grant Thornton) with 70 partners, 350 chartered accountants and 400 professional staff. The firm covers a wide variety of practice areas, including accounting, tax, actuarial, consulting and bankruptcy services as well as other services related to the accounting profession.

KAP Hertanto, Sidik & Rekan (Indonesia)Indonesia’s population of 240 million is the 4th largest in the world. Its GDP ranks #16. While the Indonesian economy was devastated by the Asian financial crisis of 1997-8, in recent years it has enjoyed a recovery, averaging 6% growth in each of the last 6 years. Hertanto, Sidik & Rekan is ranked as #15 among the 400+ independent accounting firms by the Indonesian regulatory authority. The firm’s revenue is primarily derived from audit and audit-related work. The firm’s six partners work with 140 professional staff in the peak season and 70 professional staff in the off-season.

(Left to right: Marina Canêdo De Lima E Silva and Sebastião Canêdo De Souza)

(Left to right: Marc Dagenais, Martin Simard and José Arsenault)

(Left to right: Hertanto and Indra Soesetiawan)

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GALLINA LLP (Northern California, USA)Like New York and New Delhi, the size and diversity of the Northern California commercial region clearly calls for the presence of more than one TIAG member. GALLINA LLP provides us with quality and prominence in traditional areas and contributes notable niche expertise, including a renowned construction practice. The firm was established in 1972 and has grow to reach a total staff of over 200 members located in six offices throughout California and an additional six branches outside of the state. The staff includes speakers of Chinese and Spanish. A partner at Hemming Morse, the other Northern California TIAG member has said, “This will be a nice addition for TIAG.”

Fiduciaire du Grand-Duché de Luxembourg S.à r.l. (FLUX) (Luxembourg)According to the World Bank, the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg (the earth’s only remaining Grand Duchy) has the highest Purchasing Power Parity GDP on the planet. Long a promoter of European integration, in 1957 Luxembourg was one of the founding members of the European Economic Community. FLUX was created in 2008 by two former Big 4 partners. The firm has the expertise required to serve international and national clients that you would normally not find in a typical small or medium sized local accounting firm.

{Left to right: Larry Taylor and Steve Schultz)

(Left to right: Marc Meyers and Florence Bastin)

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GALA Trust and Management Services (Panama)Panama’s service-based economy has been expanding at a rate comparable to Brazil’s for the past few years. The canal, of course, is a major driver, but financial services are also a factor. The experts at GALA Trust and Management Services provide effective and personalized estate management services based out of Panama. Trust and management services are specialized fields in which GALA has consistently excelled. With over thirty years of experience, GALA Trust and Management Services are organized so as to facilitate cooperation with one another in the creation and management of a wide array of trusts, and the professionals there have structured one of the most successful trust portfolios in the country.

Volaw Group (Jersey)As a self-governing constitutional monarchy that is a British Crown dependency, Jersey’s political status is complex. But this has not prevented – and perhaps has facilitated – the emergence of Jersey as a leading offshore financial center. Volaw Group, closely associated with TAGLaw’s Jersey member Voisin, is one of Jersey’s leading providers of fiduciary services, acting for individual, family, corporate and institutional clients. Volaw’s professional staff deal with many complex structures and aim to provide the highest standards of service in eight core business areas: Private client wealth management and preservation; Employee benefit solutions; Administration of structured finance vehicles; Private and public fund administration; Corporate clients; Islamic Finance & Middle East; Listing services; and Treasury services.

Collins Barrow Toronto (Ontario, Canada)At the end of 2012, TIAG’s former member in Toronto, Rich Rotstein, was acquired by Collins Barrow Toronto LLP, which had been serving clients for more than 50 years in a vast range of industries. Realizing the importance of maintaining Rich Rotstein’s TIAG and TAGLaw relationships, Collins Barrow joined TAG-SP. One of Canada’s largest associations of Chartered Accounting firms and the eighth largest group of chartered accountants in Canada, Collins Barrow has developed a reputation for quality, depth and breadth of in-house skills, customized offerings, commitment to excellence in customer service, and global reach.

(Left to right: Mark Healey and Georgina Jeffries)

(Pictured: Diego Herrera)

(Left to right: Harry Blum, Enzo Testa and Maria Severino)

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“ Asking if virtual meetings will replace live meetings is like asking if singles’ chat rooms will replace real dating. Human face-to-face interaction is, and will continue to be, the most effective form of communication.” - Spencer Jarrett in Bloomberg Business Week

Given the TAG Alliances’ intensive use of e-mail, web technologies, and social media, it is clear that the importance of virtual meetings, among other telecommunications capabilities, is well appreciated by its members and staff. Nonetheless, as our members continually remind us, face-to-face meetings are “the one best way” to develop the relationships that lead to a productive flow of business. For that reason we continue to come together at global conferences twice a year and at a growing number of regional meetings in between. In addition, we facilitate gatherings of TAG Alliance members for breakfasts or receptions at other professional gatherings such as the IBA and INTA conventions. For specific groups, the TAG Academy conducts two special gatherings in St. Petersburg, Florida: the Professional Skills Course, designed to equip young lawyers with the skills that law schools fail to teach; and the Managing Partner Summit, a collegial, seminar-style environment where non-competing law firm managing partners share their challenges and find out how others address similar issues.

These all-important, in-person events are complemented by an array of TAG Academy offerings in the form of both downloadable courses from the Academy library and frequent live “Member Benefit Series” teleconferences – an electronic meeting place.

“ You make friends and this is invaluable. When you have a case, and you have a contact there, you can trust that they will do the best work.”

Marisol Vicens; Headrick Rizik Alvarez & Fernández (Dominican Republic - TAGLaw)

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International ConferencesSpring 2013Boston, Massachusetts, USAFrom their rooms at the TAJ Hotel, attendees at the TAG Alliances spring conference could look out at the famous Public Garden where tulips of all colors were at their peak. “Early Birds” got to tour the city highlights on Monday; Tuesday’s guest tour featured visits to the coastal towns of Gloucester, Rockport, and Salem (no witch-sightings were reported). Conference highlights included the rare opportunity for lawyers to get a “View from the Inside,” a panel of general counsel speaking about working with outside law firms. Accountants gained insights about “Working with Your Client’s CFO.” Sports fans especially enjoyed the networking tour to Fenway Park, home of the Red Sox. Professionals benefited by two days of solid “work product.” But probably the single most memorable experience was the thrilling police motorcycle escort to the Gala Dinner at the John F. Kennedy Library.

“ The timing of the Spring 2013 International Conference in Boston was ominous as the world was watching the city respond to the Boston Marathon bombing with ‘Boston Strong’. TIAG & TAGLaw members were undeterred and showed tremendous emotional and financial support and proudly wore their “Boston Strong” pins. Conference participation was excellent and camaraderie was especially high as we focused on the good news, the improving business environment worldwide and the continued growth of TIAG & TAGLaw firms.”

Norman P. Posner; Samet & Company (Massachusetts, USA - TIAG)

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International ConferencesFall 2013 Munich, GermanyOktoberfest, the world’s largest fair, was over before the TAG Alliances’ fall conference opened in Munich, but a few of us (ha!) managed to find some of the region’s most famous product anyway. While guests went off to the spectacular Linderhof Castle and Oberammergau, lawyers and accountants settled down to very serious work indeed, with Eric Sisi from McAfee International presenting on “Cyber Security for Professional Service Firms.” Steve Berry’s “Strategies of the Serengeti” provided a host of new ways to think about matching a professional firm’s strategy to its operating environment. At the nuts-and-bolts level, member-led breakout sessions on such topics as “Making Use of Your Multidisciplinary Alliance” and “Cash is King!” (a discussion of billing cycles and approaches to debt collection) showcased the experience and wisdom available within the membership. The Gala Dinner at The Residenz – former seat of government and residence of Bavarian royalty – was graced again by operatic arias performed by former TAGLaw member Magnus Hybbinette.

“ As a new member, I feel that another great perk of being in such a respected alliance as TIAG is to take part in the international events. By participating in Munich’s Fall Conference, we experienced major professional networking, with accountants and lawyers from every part of the world, along with attending world-class sessions and participating in specialty group discussions, which can always contribute to and enrich our knowledge in many ways.”

Marina Canêdo de Lima e Silva, Marina Contábil Ltda. (Belo Horizonte, Brazil - TIAG)

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TAGLaw• Europe; March 1-2, 2013; Dublin, Ireland; Host Firm: LK Shields

Solicitors (Ireland)

• Western North America; March 9, 2013; Scottsdale, Arizona; Host Firm: Osborn Maledon (Arizona, USA)

• Southeastern United States; March 15 - 17, 2013; Charleston, South Carolina; Host Firm: Smith Moore Leatherwood LLP (South Carolina, USA)

• Midwest North America; June 21 - 22, 2013; St. Louis, Missouri; Host Firm: Spencer Fane Britt & Browne LLP (Missouri, USA)

• Asia-Pacific; August 25 - 26, 2013; Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia; Host Firms: Zul Rafique & Partners (Malaysia – TAGLaw) and ACT Partners (Malaysia – TIAG)

• Central America; November 15 - 16, 2013; Antigua, Guatemala; Host Firm: QIL Abogados - Quiñones, Ibargüen, Luján & Mata, S.C. (Guatemala)

Regional Meetings

St. Louis, Missouri

Dublin, Ireland

Antigua, GuatemalaAttendees of the 2013 TAGLaw Central America Regional Meeting in Guatemala learn “Innovation in the Legal Profession.”

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TIAG• North America Best Practices Teleconferences:

February 14, 2013; June 25, 2013; and September 18, 2013

• Europe; April 12 - 13, 2013; Malta; Host Firm: Portman International (Malta)

• Mexico, Central America & The Caribbean; August 1 - 2, 2013; Cancun, Mexico

• Asia Pacific; August 25 - 26, 2013; Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia; Host Firms: ACT Partners (Malaysia – TIAG) and Zul Rafique & Partners (Malaysia – TAGLaw)

• Brazil; December 05, 2013; Florianópolis, Brazil; Host Firm: Tecplan Soluções Contábeis (Florianópolis, Brazil)

Cancun, Mexico

Kuala Lumpur, MalaysiaFelipe Pestana (Grupo Planus; Rio de Janeiro, Brazil) presenting at the 2013 TIAG Brazil Regional Meeting on December, 2013.

Regional Meetings


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TAG Academy Live Seminars

“ One session compliments the other in the best way they can. This information is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. I don’t see this happening in law firms.”

Edgar Herrera, Galindo, Arias & López (Panama - TAGLaw)



Professional Skills Course

“ The candid and forthright comments from fellow Managing Partners were instructional, helpful and enlightening. Fantastic forum.”

Jamie MacNeil, BoyneClarke LLP (Nova Scotia, Canada - TAGLaw)

2013 Professional Skills Course November 14-15, 2013

St. Petersburg, FL

2013 Managing Partner Summit February 28 - March 1, 2013

St. Petersburg, FL

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“ Technology is nothing. What’s important is that you have a faith in people, that they’re basically good and smart, and if you give them tools, they’ll do wonderful things with them.” - Steve Jobs

This statement is representative of the depth and talent found in the TAG Alliances. Without those professionals, the brand of the organization would mean nothing. We strive to provide our members with tools to help them promote the TAGLaw, TIAG and TAG-SP brands, and in turn, the people and places they have come to symbolize.

As part of our new member orientation program, we emphasize being strategic in using the TAG Alliances’ brands. This goes beyond placing the logo on your website and marketing materials. Frequently, we hear remarkable stories of members leveraging the TAG Alliances’ brands to raise the profile of their firm and compete for and win business which might have otherwise been out of reach.

These resources come in many different forms. On any given day, tools in use might include finding a professional using our new mobile websites, participating in our comprehensive New Member Orientation & Marketing webinars, or accessing various materials in the Resource Center. The list goes on.

Additionally, we also understand the importance of promoting our brands to increase the visibility of our members. This is why we continue to pursue effective social media and public relations strategies.

“ We actively use the TIAG brand in our firm’s promotion. From day one, we’ve actively used the logo and message in our firm’s marketing materials. It’s important for clients to see this message, and know that when they work with us, we can provide them with the international access their growing business needs.”

Felipe Pestana; Grupo Planus (Rio de Janeiro, Brazil - TIAG)

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Mobile WebsitesMobile technology is influencing the way we interact and communicate with each other. This is why we wanted to provide our members and other users of our website with the ability to search for high quality professionals wherever they may be. In early October 2013, we launched our mobile websites and within a month, visitors from over 50 countries were accessing the website from their mobile devices.

Social MediaWith the continued expansion of our member Linkedin Groups and social media tools such as “Paper.li”, members can interact with each other, share content, tweet about events and support TAG Alliances initiatives such as TAG Foundation.

MultimediaWe have begun interviewing members at our conferences and other TAG Alliances events. This footage has allowed us to create short vignette videos for use in the recruiting of new members and general promotion of the TAG Alliances.

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One of the benefits of being a member of the TAG Alliances, is the ability to distribute news and articles. The next two pages display a word cloud featuring Member News titles during 2013. The larger the word, the more frequently it was used. Members can now submit their content directly to our website for publishing, increasing their profile in the TAG Alliances and their visibility on search engines.

Member News & Articles

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Public RelationsWe continue to enhance our public relations methodology to maintain and increase our brand awareness. This year, the TAG Alliances appeared in many of the most respected publications in the legal and accounting industries (shown right). Additionally, members continue to use our template press releases to promote their involvement with the TAG Alliances.

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“ When we know ourselves to be connected to all others, acting compassionately is simply the natural thing to do.” - Rachel Naomi Remen

In the aftermath of the terrorist attacks on September 11, 2001, New York City TAGLaw member Harvey Feuerstein saw how the legal network he joined could be a force for good. “Although we had been in the alliance just a short time, we received calls from many of the members,” he said. Shortly thereafter, the members raised funds to help the victims of 9/11, marking the first of many times that TAG Alliance members have come together to help people whose lives have been affected by a major disaster.

In keeping with the philosophy that we now live in an interconnected world, TAG Alliance members have worked to make the world a better place for everyone. Since the initial contributions for the victims of 9/11, hundreds of thousands of dollars have been raised, helping people after catastrophes such as the major tsunami in Indonesia in 2004, the floods that affected Pakistan in 2010, and Hurricane Sandy in the northeastern United States in 2012. The TAG Foundation works with charities such as the Red Cross and Shelterbox, who can provide aid to the people most directly affected in times of crisis. Through the Foundation, members have elevated the purpose of the TAG Alliances, forming connections that help people throughout the world as well as help their clients and practices.

“ In the aftermath of Hurricane Sandy, our firm received an overwhelming amount of support in the form of well wishes and even donations through TAG Foundation to benefit staff who suffered property damage. These gestures demonstrate the generous spirit of our members. With this in mind, when our fellow members in the Philippines suffered the devastation of Typhoon Haiyan, our firm leadership did not hesitate in donating to TAG Foundation. I am proud to be a member of TAGLaw not only for the business value it provides our firm, but for the culture of camaraderie and caring for our fellow man.”

Harvey Feuerstein; Herrick, Feinstein LLP (New York, New York, USA TAGLaw)


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Special thanks to the following firms and individuals for contributing to TAG Foundation in 2013:


Typhoon Haiyan ReliefThis past year, the Philippines was hit by the most devastating typhoon in its history, killing over 6,200 people and doing $1.5 billion in damage. Realizing the damage that had been done to the country, TAG Alliance members responded rapidly, raising $30,000 in a few short weeks.

From these funds, a significant donation was made to Shelterbox, a charity that provides essential equipment for families who have lost their homes and access to such key necessities as clean drinking water and electricity. As a result of these donations, 20 families were able to receive a box filled with all of the items they would need to survive as their area was made secure after the typhoon.

Adam & BlesserAlexander LourieAmy R. AlpertAndree/Ronald ChiumentoAndrew TurnerAngela M CompetielleAshley E. ArroyoAshley NewmanBarbara Lano RummelBarry WerbinBejamin H. HendrickBerdon LLPBerger Singerman LLPBrenda K. RoweBrigid HeidBruce H. LittleCarl A. SolanoCarol WashingtonCatherine BurkeCatherine M. D’AngeloChristina DeoCrystal LauDaniel A. EtnaDaniel J. GilchristDavid HoffmanDavid R KingDenorah MarinoElizabeth SanbergEmily EngFineman West & Co LLP

Florence L ChienGeorge Wolf, Jr.Getey Morgan RitchottGodwin RichardGonzalo CastilloHerrick Feinstein LLPHertanto HertantoIlmar-Erik AavakiviJaffrey LeeseJames M. LockhartJames/Denise FrancoisJason D’AngeloJean Riley Jessica PackardJohn J. BowdenJoseph FarrellJosh CraddockKari L. HockettKathi Jo LeeKeith MayKirk Roberto Cortez DungcaKMJ CorbinKuits Steinart Levy LLPKurt BakerL. M. BerginLarsi PoretskaysLaura TamLaurie Rich FriedLBB & AssociatesLenora Boney

Lindquist & Vennum LLPLisa EnellaLouis TuchmanLynda L. SchafferLyndall C. DallyMargaret E. CrapanzanoMary Kathryn WillkensMaureen O’ConnorMavis J. Van SambeekMichael SmithMichele VozzolaMichelle CarrMichiaki Nakano Milling BensonMorgan WiebengaNicole FoleyNorman PosnerNunzia PecoraroOksana G. HoeyPaul R HermanQuent/Inez BoykenRalph G. WellingtonRandolph Jones Jr.Randolph ShapiroRebecca Maret SawhneyReid & Riege FoundationRichard A PrimuthRobert E. TunheimRobert J. HartmanRobert Reitman

Roderick I. MackenzieRoger W. Zopfi, Jr.Sabrina Nikol WindleySandra A. BalloweSarah M ZachSaudi Gonzalez-CrawfordScott E. MollenSharda R. KneenShelley KargSouth ToranomonStephanie SklarStephen B. SelbstSteven J. JohnsonSteven TomsicStuart HardenSusan J TomsSusan McTamneySusan Tate DwyerTanya ViteriTeresa M BarrettTerry KennardThe Appleton GroupThomas G. LovettTina ChinyavongTracy A. MojicaVirginia CallanWilbur KipnesYaribeth Carrasquillo-Garcia

Global Generosity

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People. It’s all we have. It’s what makes the difference. It’s what helps us go the extra mile. It’s the source of our success and what sets us apart. Good, smart, creative, reliable, innovative, secure, anchors, leaders, trailblazers, thinkers and problem solvers.

These are some of the traits of the people who make up the TAG Alliances, the people who help guide and steer our progress and, importantly the team that makes the day-to-day running and develops the five-year plan. From the beginning we have had a rule that, “If we are doing things the way we were five years ago we may be going out of business.” As a result you will always see a lot of new things happening in the TAG Alliances. While not all of them will pan out, you can be assured that many will and we will stay ahead of the pack. Why? Because of our people and because we are not afraid of trying new things!

Our board members, shown on these pages, are appointed from member firms in every region of the world. Their understanding of the customs, cultures and requirements of members in different countries keeps us attuned to the importance of developing the TAG Alliances as a truly international body. Board members continually provide us with new ideas, fresh thinking and good counsel. They are smart people and a vital part of our team!

The TAG Alliances’ headquarters team is especially attuned to our international community. Each week we take turns presenting a different country to the group. History, customs, trade, geography, politics and economics are all covered to give us insights into the lives and business conditions of our member firms. Several times a year we test ourselves. Is there a better way of doing this or that? What new cloud-based apps have been developed that could improve our efficiency? Today, we are probably in the top one percent of firms in our use of technology. Project management, CRM databases, event management, video conferencing are just of few of the cloud-based apps that your TAG Alliances team uses daily to stay in the lead.

“It’s all about people.” Peter Appleton Jones; Chairman & Founder

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Our talented and dedicated team of professionals work throughout the year to provide valuable services to TAG Alliances members around the world.

(Shown left to right.)

Peter Appleton Jones Chairman & Founder

Samantha Lutz Marketing Assistant

Chris Cervellera Senior Director,

Marketing & Technology

Jacky Breeden Vice President of Operations

Bob Sattin President

Joe Farrell Executive Director

Lourdes Allende Market Research Analyst

Ken Mayers Director of Member Relations

Anne Appleton Jones Vice President

The Appleton Group Staff

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TAGLaw Advisory BoardTAGLaw’s 2014 Advisory Board is composed of leading practitioners who provide strategic guidance to the alliance. A special thank you to outgoing board members, Simon Fitzpatrick of Boodle Hatfield (London, England), Jeff Kennedy of Martin, Pringle, Oliver, Wallace & Bauer, L.L.P., (Kansas, USA) and

Alexander (Sandy) Lourie of Barack Ferrazzano Kirschbaum & Nagelberg LLP (Chicago, IL, USA).

Rick Breen McLeod & Company LLP

Alberta, Canada

Robert Levy Kuit Steinart Levy LLP Manchester, England

Peter Appleton Jones The Appleton Group, Inc. St. Petersburg, FL, USA

Robert U. Sattin The Appleton Group, Inc. St. Petersburg, FL, USA

Ilmar-Erik Aavakivi Aivar Pilv Law Offices


Romain Adam Adam & Bleser Luxembourg

Diego Herrera Galindo, Arias & López


Edgardo Balois Siguion Reyna, Montecillo &

Ongsiako Law Offices Philippines

Quentin R. Boyken Belin McCormick, P.C.

Iowa, USA

Paul Tauber Coblentz, Patch, Duffy & Bass LLP

San Francisco, CA, USA

Leonard Samuels Berger Singerman LLP

Florida, USA

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TIAG Advisory BoardTIAG’s 2014 Advisory Board is composed of leading practitioners who provide

guidance to the alliance and act as a source of professional advice. A special thank you to outgoing board member, Kendall Merkley of KMJ | Corbin & Company

(Costa Mesa, California, USA).

Dr. Kay Jess GGV Grützmacher / Gravert / Viegener Hamburg, Germany

Barry Nijkamp Van Elderen Accountants


Howard Wilkinson Retired Managing Partner of

Mercer & Hole (London, England)

Kurt Baker ESV Chartered Accountants New South Wales, Australia

Felipe Pestana Grupo Planus

Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

Norman P. Posner Samet & Company Massachusetts, USA

Peter Appleton Jones The Appleton Group, Inc. St. Petersburg, FL, USA

Robert U. Sattin The Appleton Group, Inc. St. Petersburg, FL, USA

Dan Ray Hemming Morse, LLP

San Francisco, CA, USA

Ronald Storch Berdon LLP

New York, NY, USA

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TAGLaw MembersBrons & Salas Argentina

Concern-Dialog Law Firm Armenia

Piper Alderman New South Wales, Australia

Carter Newell Queensland, Australia

Preslmayr Rechtsanwälte Austria

Davis & Co. Bahamas

Marx Van Ranst Vermeersch & Partners (MVVP) Belgium

Arguelles & Company LLC Belize

Veirano Advogados Brazil

Hunte & Co. British Virgin Islands

Abeng Law Firm Cameroon

McLeod Law LLP Alberta, Canada

Harper Grey LLP British Columbia, Canada

Fillmore Riley LLP Manitoba, Canada

BoyneClarke LLP Nova Scotia, Canada

Blaney McMurtry LLP Ontario, Canada

Cain Lamarre Casgrain Wells Quebec, Canada

Solomon Harris Cayman Islands

Guerrero, Olivos, Novoa y Errázuriz Chile

Golden Gate Lawyers Beijing, China

Zhong Lun Law Firm Shanghai, China

Gómez-Pinzón Zuleta Abogados S.A. Colombia

Oller Abogados Costa Rica

Tassos Papadopoulos & Associates LLC Cyprus

Bubnik Myslil & Partners Czech Republic

MAQS Law Firm Denmark

Headrick Rizik Alvarez & Fernandez Dominican Republic

Corral Rosales Carmigniani Pérez Ecuador

Guerrero & Guerrero El Salvador

Boodle Hatfield LLP London, England

Kuit Steinart Levy LLP Manchester, England

Clarkslegal LLP Reading, England

Blake Lapthorn Southampton, England

Aivar Pilv Law Office Estonia

HH Partners Attorneys-at-law Ltd Finland

Aubyn Lille, France

Racine Paris, France

RWP Rechtsanwälte Düsseldorf , Germany

GGV Grützmacher / Gravert / Viegener Frankfurt am Main; Germany

Weiss Walter Fischer-Zernin Hamburg, Germany

Rowedder Zimmermann Hass Mannheim, Germany

Heiss & Partner Munich, Germany

Vainanidis, Economou & Associates Law Firm Greece

QIL Abogados - (Quiñones, Ibargüen, Luján & Mata, S.C.) Guatemala

Bufete Rosa Honduras

Vivien Chan & Co. Hong Kong

Germus and Partners Hungary

JP Attorneys Iceland

Kochhar & Co. India

LK Shields Solicitors Ireland

Dougherty Quinn Isle of Man

Pearl Cohen Zedek Latzer Baratz Israel

Studio Legale Sutti Italy

South Toranomon Law Offices Japan

Voisin Jersey

Mboya Wangongu & Waiyaki Advocates Kenya

Hankyul Law Firm Korea

Taher Group Law Firm Kuwait

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TAGLaw MembersFogels, Vitols & Paipa (FVP) Latvia

Baroudi & Associates Lebanon

Balciunas and Grajauskas Lithuania

Adam & Bleser Luxembourg

Zul Rafique & partners Malaysia

Chambers of A.R.M.A. Peeroo SC GOSK Mauritius

González Calvillo, S.C. Mexico

Popa & Asociatii Moldova

Nysingh advocaten-notarissen N.V. Apeldoorn, Netherlands

Rassers Advocaten Breda, Netherlands

Duncan Cotterill New Zealand

Jarquin-Garcia, Attorneys at Law / Abogados & Notarios Publicos Nicaragua

Chambers of Godwin Richard Nigeria

Elliott Duffy Garrett Northern Ireland

Kvale Advokatfirma DA Norway

Irfan & Irfan Attorneys at Law Pakistan

Galindo, Arias & López Panama

Fiorio Cardozo & Alvarado Paraguay

Pizarro, Botto & Escobar Abogados Peru

Siguion Reyna, Montecillo & Ongsiako Law Offices Philippines

SSW Spaczynski, Szczepaniak i Wspolnicy S.K.A. Poland

Espanha e Associados, Sociedade de Advogados, RL Portugal

Martínez Odell & Calabria Puerto Rico

Musat & Asociatii Romania

FDS Law Ltd. Russia

Burness Paull LLP Scotland

Cabinet Maître Cheikh Fall Senegal

Sim Mong Teck & Partners Singapore

DEDÁK & Partners, s.r.o. Slovak Republic

Adams & Adams South Africa

B. Cremades y Asociados Spain

MAQS Law Firm Sweden


Carrard & Associés Lausanne, Switzerland

Liang & Partners Law Offices Taiwan

Erdem & Erdem Turkey

Al Rowaad Advocates & Legal Consultants United Arab Emirates

Bergstein Abogados Uruguay

Haskell Slaughter Alabama, USA

Osborn Maledon, P.A. Arizona, USA

Williams & Anderson PLC Arkansas, USA

Mitchell Silberberg & Knupp LLP Los Angeles, California, USA

Coblentz, Patch, Duffy & Bass LLP San Francisco, California, USA

Lindquist & Vennum Colorado, USA

Reid and Riege, P.C. Connecticut, USA

Schnader Harrison Segal & Lewis LLP Delaware, USA

Berger Singerman LLP Florida, USA

Swift, Currie, McGhee & Hiers, LLP Georgia, USA

McCorriston Miller Mukai MacKinnon Hawaii, USA

Barack Ferrazzano Kirschbaum & Nagelberg LLP Chicago, Illinois, USA

Barrett & McNagny LLP Fort Wayne, Indiana, USA

Kroger, Gardis and Regas, LLP Indianapolis, Indiana, USA

Belin McCormick, P.C. Iowa, USA

Martin, Pringle, Oliver, Wallace & Bauer, L.L.P. Kansas, USA

Middleton Reutlinger, P.S.C. Kentucky, USA

Milling Benson Woodward L.L.P. Louisiana, USA

Eaton Peabody Maine, USA

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TAGLaw MembersLerch, Early & Brewer Maryland, USA

Riemer & Braunstein LLP Massachusetts, USA

Jaffe, Raitt, Heuer & Weiss, P.C. Michigan, USA

Lindquist & Vennum Minnesota, USA

Holcomb Dunbar, P.A. Mississippi, USA

Spencer Fane Britt & Browne LLP Missouri, USA

Lewis Roca Rothgerber LLP Nevada, USA

Cook, Little, Rosenblatt & Manson p.l.l.c. New Hampshire, USA

Bressler, Amery & Ross, P.C. New Jersey, USA

Lewis Roca Rothgerber LLP New Mexico, USA

Jaeckle Fleischmann & Mugel, LLP Buffalo, New York, USA

Herrick, Feinstein LLP New York, New York, USA

Williams Mullen North Carolina, USA

Kennelly & O’Keeffe North Dakota, USA

Brouse McDowell Akron, Ohio, USA

Carlile Patchen & Murphy LLP Columbus, Ohio, USA

Conner & Winters, LLP Oklahoma, USA

Black Helterline LLP Oregon, USA

Schnader Harrison Segal & Lewis LLP Pennsylvania, USA

Smith Moore Leatherwood LLP South Carolina, USA

Lindquist & Vennum South Dakota, USA

Munsch Hardt Kopf & Harr, P.C. Dallas, Texas, USA

Cox Smith Matthews Incorporated San Antonio, Texas, USA

Kirton McConkie, PC Utah, USA

Gravel and Shea Vermont, USA

Williams Mullen Virginia, USA

Kelley Drye & Warren LLP Washington D.C., USA

Ryan, Swanson & Cleveland, PLLC Washington, USA

von Briesen & Roper, s.c. Wisconsin, USA

Hirst Applegate, LLP Wyoming, USA

Travieso Evans Arria Rengel & Paz Venezuela

Simeza, Sangwa & Associates Advocates Zambia

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TIAG MembersRoberto Quian Asociados Argentina

ESV Chartered Accountants New South Wales, Australia

WMS Chartered Accountants Queensland, Australia

Lowe Lippmann Victoria, Australia

INTERCURA Treuhand-und Revisionsgesellschaft m.b.H. Austria

SBB Accountants & Advisors Belgium

Van Cauter – Saeys & Co. Belgium

Marina Contábil Ltda. Belo Horizonte, Brazil

Rhodes Contadores Associados S/C Brasilia, Brazil

AECompany Curitiba, Paraná, Brazil

Tecplan Soluções Contábeis Florianópolis, Santa Catarina, Brazil

Ortec Contabilidade, Assessoria e Auditoria SS Ltda Porto Alegre, Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil

Grupo Planus Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

BC Control Auditores Independentes S.S. São Paulo, Brazil

HM & Z Consulting – Auditores e Consultores Associados LTDA Vitória, Espírito Santo, Brazil

Fontamillas, Donasco & Co. Ltd. Cambodia

Mallette LLP Quebec, Canada

Moscoso y Cia Chile

Lehman Brown Beijing & Shanghai, China

Ordoñez Herrera & Asociados LTDA Colombia

Sáenz Aguilar & Asociados Costa Rica

C. Costa & Associates Cyprus

Hayek, spol. s r.o., holding Czech Republic

Revisionscentret Aabenraa A/S Aabenraa, Denmark

Revisionsfirmaet Albrechtsen Copenhagen, Denmark

AN Consulteam Dominican Republic

EsRoBross Cia Ltda Ecuador

Hisham Labib & Co. Egypt

Contadores Publicos Asociados, SA de CV El Salvador

Mercer & Hole London, England

DTE Group Manchester, England

Old Mill Accountants Somerset, England

Burgis & Bullock Warwickshire, England

Groupe Tuillet France

Hartung Consulting GmbH Düsseldorf, Germany

GGV Grützmacher / Gravert / Viegener Frankfurt am Main, Germany

Florentz und Partner GbR Munich, Germany

Aisenbrey Weinläder & Partner Pforzheim, Germany

C K Yau & Partners CPA Limited Hong Kong

Interauditor Kft. Hungary

S. Venkatram and Company, Chartered Accountants Chennai, India

SK Patodia & Associates Mumbai, India

AJSH & Co. / Mercurius Advisory Services New Delhi, India

Sanjeev Chopra And Company New Delhi, India

Kantor Akuntan Publik (KAP) Hertanto, Sidik & Indra Indonesia

HSOC Financial & Business Advisors Ireland

Browne Craine and Co. Isle of Man

Dov Weinstein & Co Israel

Studio Nassini Brescia, Italy

Studio Rock Commercialisti Associati Milano, Italy

Studio Truppa Medici Milano, Italy

Studio Mottura & Partners Rome, Italy

Aska & Co. Japan

Devani-Devani and Company Kenya

Serim Accounting Corporation Korea

Sandra Dzerele un Partneris Latvia

DaoCo Audit Lebanon

UAB “AV Auditas” Lithuania

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40 TAG Alliances™ 2013 Annual Review

TIAG MembersFiduciaire du Grand-Duché de Luxembourg S.à r.l. (FLUX) Luxembourg

ACT Partners Malaysia

Portman International Malta

Comprehensive Financial Services Mauritius

Rufo Ibarra, De la Cruz y Mier, S.C. Baja California, Mexico

Benavides y Asociados Asesores Corporativos, S.C. Chihuahua, Mexico

Moreno Ontiveros Contadores Pùblicos S.C. León, Mexico

Ribé Aguirre y Asociados SC Mexico City, Mexico

CAF Contadores Públicos , S.C. Nuevo León, Mexico

Despac ho Perez Arzate y Asociados S.C. Saltillo, Mexico

GLG Asesores Empresariales, S.C. Veracruz, Mexico

Ariel Puerto Najera y Asociados, S.C.P. Yucatán, Mexico

Suvod Associates Nepal

Witlox VCS Breda, Netherlands

Van Elderen Accountants Ommen, Netherlands

ALS International, S.A. Nicaragua

Tahir Siddiqi & Co Pakistan

AES Consulting, S.A. Panama

Hernandez Randich & Asociados Peru

Banaria, Banaria & Co. CPAs Philippines

Perfecta Audit Services Sp. z o.o. Poland

Falcón Sánchez Puerto Rico

Anderson Anderson & Brown LLP Scotland

BND Consulting Senegal

Pinebridge, LLP / Veritas Private Singapore

Audit Tax Consulting, k.s. Slovak Republic

O.M.A Professional Advisory Group South Africa

Bové Montero y Asociados Barcelona, Spain

Arrabe Asesores, S.A. Madrid, Spain

A. I. Macan Markar & Co., Chartered Accountants Sri Lanka

Axion Revisionsbyrå AB Sweden

Fehlmann & Associés SA Geneva, Switzerland

Sudan Partner AG Olten, Switzerland

P.M. Accountant & Advisory Co., Ltd. Thailand


Business, Auditing & Consulting Tunisia

UBD (Ulusal Bagimsiz Denetim ve Y.M.M. A.S.) Turkey

Jaxa Chartered Accountants United Arab Emirates

Zolkwer y Asociados – Auditors Consultores Uruguay

Thomas, Head & Greisen, P.C. Alaska, USA

KMJ | Corbin & Company Costa Mesa, California, USA

Hemming Morse, LLP San Francisco, California, USA

Richey, May & Co. Colorado, USA

AgeeFisherBarrett, LLC Georgia, USA

BrookWeiner L.L.C. Chicago, Illinois, USA

Fineman West & Co. LLP Los Angeles, California, USA

GALLINA LLP Northern California, USA

Samet & Company Massachusetts, USA

Berdon LLP New York, New York, USA

Cornick, Garber & Sandler, LLP New York, New York, USA

Adams, Martin & Associates PA North Carolina, USA

Zinner & Co. LLP Ohio, USA

Pritchard, Bieler, Gruver & Willison, PC Pennsylvania, USA

CF & Co., L.L.P. Dallas, Texas, USA

LBB & Associates Ltd., LLP Houston, Texas, USA

Murray, Jonson, White & Associates, Ltd., PC Virginia, USA

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TAG-SP MembersCollins Barrow Toronto Ontario, Canada

Volaw Group Jersey

GALA Trust and Management Services Panama

TAG Alumni John Hove (Cardinal Logistics - Dallas, Texas, USA)

John Jennings (Eastman Chemical - Brussels, Beligum)

David Thomson (Weedman - Nova Scotia, Canada)

Ken MacLean (The Municipal Group of Companies – Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada)

Hannu Krogerus (Hannu Krogerus Oy – Mgmt. Consulting - Helsinki, Finland)

Rahul Krishna (Ericsson – Delhi, India)

Samer Pharaon (Microsoft – Saudi Arabia)

Mohamed El Roubi (GE Energy - UAE)

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42 TAG Alliances™ 2013 Annual Review


We hope that this snapshot of the TAG Alliances in 2013 has helped you relive some enjoyable experiences, reacquaint yourself with names and faces and rediscover the many ways TAG Alliances can help you, your firm, your clients and your future.

As we enter a new year, the inevitability of change is exciting. It means planning so the change is expected, and it means preparing to deal with some unexpected obstacles to progress. Our fundamentals don’t change, however. Those remain keeping a focus on attracting quality people as members, extending our global coverage and continuing to find ways to build relationships that help our members achieve the goals in their strategic plans.

We believe that the world remains flat and that TAG Alliances benefits greatly from the sound advice and input from Advisory Board members representing 5 continents across 19 time zones. And we believe that the members who are most involved with the Alliances are those that also benefit the most.

What is our purpose? Our purpose is to encourage and help you connect. Connect with your firm colleagues by involving them in the TAG Alliances, with your clients by letting them know how deep and broad and effective your coverage is around the world; with your fellow members by calling, emailing, visiting, or collaborating on a project; with your staff by involving them in international charity by holding a special day for the benefit of TAG Foundation.

Connect regularly with us as well. At a conference, on a teleconference, through our regular calls to members to gain your feedback, at a regional or specialty group meeting and most importantly, at an international conference.

See you in Miami in May.

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150 Second Avenue N, Suite 710, St Petersburg, Florida 33701 Phone: +1 727 895 3720 • Fax: +1 727 895 3722

www.TAGLaw.com | www.TIAGnet.com | www.TAG-SP.net