table of contents - metrici lpr - license plate ... · license plate recognition – lpr has...

METRICI LPR v5.1 User Guide Table of Contents CHAPTER 1 PRESENTATION......................................................................................... 2 CHAPTER 2 SETTINGS PARKING MODULE INITIATING AND FUNCTIONS....................... 3 2.1 PARKING MODULE- INITIATING........................................................................... 3 2.2 EDIT PARAMETERS............................................................................................. 4 2.3 CAMERAS........................................................................................................... 5 2.4 CASH REGISTERS............................................................................................... 5 2.5 PARKING SETTINGS........................................................................................... 6 2.6 PARKING PRICES................................................................................................ 9 2.7 ACTION LIST..................................................................................................... 11 2.8 ACTION LIST GROUPS...................................................................................... 12 2.9 TIME TABLES.................................................................................................... 12 2.10 ACTION LIST SMS........................................................................................... 13 2.11 TIME TABLES.................................................................................................. 13 2.12 ALARMS......................................................................................................... 14 2.13 ZONES AND LED DISPLAY.............................................................................. 14 CHAPTER 3................................................................................................................ 16 PARKING MODULE FUNCTIONS................................................................................. 16 3.1 CARS INSIDE.................................................................................................... 16 3.2 TENANTS......................................................................................................... 18 CHAPTER 4................................................................................................................ 22 Parking MODULE REPORTS........................................................................................ 22 CHAPTER 5................................................................................................................ 26 ANOTHER OPTIONS METRICI LPR.............................................................................. 26 5.1 CAR FLOW....................................................................................................... 26 5.2 LAST CAR......................................................................................................... 27 5.3 LOGS................................................................................................................ 28 Final notes................................................................................................................ 28 1

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METRICI LPR v5.1User Guide

Table of Contents

CHAPTER 1 PRESENTATION.........................................................................................2


2.1 PARKING MODULE- INITIATING...........................................................................3

2.2 EDIT PARAMETERS.............................................................................................4

2.3 CAMERAS...........................................................................................................5

2.4 CASH REGISTERS...............................................................................................5

2.5 PARKING SETTINGS...........................................................................................6

2.6 PARKING PRICES................................................................................................9

2.7 ACTION LIST.....................................................................................................11

2.8 ACTION LIST GROUPS......................................................................................12

2.9 TIME TABLES....................................................................................................12

2.10 ACTION LIST SMS...........................................................................................13

2.11 TIME TABLES..................................................................................................13

2.12 ALARMS.........................................................................................................14

2.13 ZONES AND LED DISPLAY..............................................................................14

CHAPTER 3................................................................................................................16

PARKING MODULE FUNCTIONS.................................................................................16

3.1 CARS INSIDE....................................................................................................16

3.2 TENANTS.........................................................................................................18

CHAPTER 4................................................................................................................22

Parking MODULE REPORTS........................................................................................22

CHAPTER 5................................................................................................................26

ANOTHER OPTIONS METRICI LPR..............................................................................26

5.1 CAR FLOW.......................................................................................................26

5.2 LAST CAR.........................................................................................................27

5.3 LOGS................................................................................................................28

Final notes................................................................................................................ 28


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License plate recognition – LPR has numerous applications in everyday life,besides the ones that drivers know from relation with the state.

There are many areas where automatic license plate recognition can be usedsuccessfully, and all of them rely on the two most important values a LPR systembrings: automation and greater security.

Metrici LPR software is meant to fix problems in parking, security, retail, andcomes with extra advantages of management and reports.

Metrici LPR has the goal to eliminate losses for the parking industry, by checkingif the car at the exit is the same to the one that got the “entrance ticket”. Plus, MetriciLPR has elements to help at a better management of time, space, generates statisticsand data; is in fact a development tool.

Metrici LPR system can be integrated in a state institution parking, a privatecompany, universities, a transport company, a real estate, retail, traffic management,bus lane enforcement, toll stations .

The main element is the Metrici LPR Web Interface. Vehicles recordings,receipts, reports and statistics are accessible in this program and can be accessed fromanywhere there is a connection to the internet.

Metrici LPR Web Interface will let the user set different actions to be executedwhen a license plate from database is recognized: can open a barrier, can change atraffic light or can send an e-mail, popup on screen.

Metrici LPR can thus be used for a more efficient management of a parking,office buildings, residential area of any size. For a parking for example when entering,the plate is scanned and the time is recorded. When exiting, depending on time spentinside, a cost can be calculated


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Metrici LPR integrated with parking module allows setting different prices fordifferent situations. For a better understanding of how the system works, werecommend reading the Metrici LPR User Guide also.



When login to Metrici LPR Web Interface, a user can choose in what module towork in : Default, Parking or Toll Station. Access Administration –Setup sub-menu siApplication Type option (Fig.1)


When a new window opens, select Parking and push Submit button. (Fig.2)


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After this, a new tab will appear in the menu bar- Parking

When first using, one must initiate at least a parking: this can be made inAdministration menu, Locations and Cameras sub-menu, choosing Add NewLocation option.

The system can have as many parkings one wants, and al of them can be managedfrom same user-friendly interface: Metrici LPR Web Interface


After choosing a name for the location, first step is setting the number of secondsin which the system doesn’t execute a predefined command in case it detects a licenseplate twice during that time. For example, if plate B01MET has an entry in database withthe command “open barrier” when detected, it is possible that a second camera, placedafter the barrier, to try open again the barrier when detected. If we set here a 10seconds interval between detections, the predefined actions will no longer be executedduring that time.

Seconds to suppress action: a number plate will be ignored by other cameras onsame location for the seconds set here. For example, it will not open the barrier, will notchange the traffic light.


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The button Add cameras allows adding new cameras in the system. A name will bechosen, and the system will generate an authentication key – Authkey, which will allowsecured communication with that camera and will allow access to functions such as liveview, car flow etc.

Camera URL tab will be filled in with camera’s IP, as was set when installed (Fig.3).

Open barrier URL is the IP address of the barrier to be opened when a licenseplate from action list is recognized (see Chapter 2.7 Actions List). The barriercan be replaced with any other device that can execute commands received byIP port: traffic, warning sign, electronic billboard



One can set here more cash registers or can erase old ones. When setting a newcash register, choose a name for it to be recognized by the system, for example ExitCash Bd. Libertatii.

Default item name is the name to be printed on the receipt – for example “Taxaparcare Unirii Parking” (Fig.4)


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Parking Spaces lets the user set the number of available places. This value will be set at the beginning, but also can be changed any time, in case of expansion or renovations. (Fig.5)


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Cars Inside This value will manually be introduced in system and is meant to tellthe program from what number will begin the calculations from. It is very possiblethat the parking has some clients when installing Metrici LPR system, forexample 80 cars inside. (Fig.6). If that’s the case, we will write this value so thatfuture calculations be accurate regarding free spaces, exits, statistics etc.


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Free minutes after arrival will represent the time a vehicle has for leaving theparking without payment . This also counts for the next optionCharge free minutes if staying longer. If this option is checked, even the freeminutes from the previous option will be charged. This option is useful andapplies in case of rounding up. For example, if a parking has a 15 minutes freeinterval, in case a client will park for 2 hour 25 minute, and this option ischecked, he will pay for 3 hours

Minimum charge is the minimum price a vehicle must pay no matter how long itwould park.

Rounding method lets the user choose how to make the rounding of time tocalculate the receipt. Nearest value or ceiling. For example a car that stayed 2hour and 20 minutes will pay for 2 hours in case of nearest value, but will pay 3hours in case of ceiling

Grace minutes is the time interval in which a vehicle can leave the parking afterpayment.

URL to trigger when parking is full is an IP address to which Metrici LPRsends an impulse. In this case it can change a traffic light or can command anelectronic billboard


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.URL to trigger when parking lots are available is an IP address to trigger byMetrici LPR when parking is not full.

Preserve tenants spaces: this option is to be used in parking lots when youwant that parking spaces for the tenants to be always available for them and notfor the other clients even if they are not occupied. Even if not all the spaces forthe tenants are full, the software will not include them in the calculation foravailable spaces if this option is checked


The option Parking prices lets the user choose one or more plans for chargingthe clients (Fig.7)


Each payment method has a name, a price, a type of calculation (hourly, fix, halfan hour), the time table in which that plan is on.

In our example, we have a value of 5 lei for every hour spent in parking, a fix planof 15 lei, no matter how long a car stays, also a payment plan for weekends and adifferent one for motorcycles and one for TIR.

Our payment plan with the name Autoturism one time(Fig.8) is 15 RON, andavailable in the time table All the time and is fix - one time, no matter how many hours


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a cars stays in parking. The time tables can be changed, in Administration/TimeTables.


In the example from Fig. 13, the car at the exit can be charged with the standardprice of 15 lei, or if you calculate depending on time, respectively 5 lei hourly, it will becharged with 20762 RON, as it stayed 111 days in the parking. In this case, the softwarewill calculate how many weekends, how many night hours, legal holidays etc. the carstayed, because one can have a different price for these periods.


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In the menu Administration, Action List sub-menu, the user can choosepreferences for one or more cars. (Fig.9). these can manually be introduced in thesystem or a list can be imported in .txt or CSV format…

When a license plate is detected, the software checks the action list and if thatplate is on the list can execute one or more actions: can open a barrier, commute atraffic light, send an e-mail. The user can also establish the time interval for theseactions to be active. Each plate can and will have a different time table, actions to beexecuted etc. For example, a car can only have access in a parking during work time,other one in weekends and so on.

When adding new license plates to Action List, you can choose, for example, that all cars that contain a certain combination of letters/numbers to be included in the same action.

You must remember that the character“_” replaces only one letter or number, where “%” replaces as many other characters or even none.

If you wish that cars that have license plates beginning with letter B to have unrestrictedaccess at the barrier, you will write a formula as B__%. This means that cars with license plate numbers that begin with letter B followed by at least other two characters will have unlimited access.


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Any license plates introduced in the Action list may be linked and belong to a group. In such a way it will adopt all the characteristics, settings and rights of that group.

2.8 ACTION LIST GROUPSIn Administration – Action list groups, one can create as many groups as it wants. For every group, you need to choose a name, the locations and the cameras where this particular group is active. Also, you may choose the timetables in which this group activates, whether is active or not, what action the program to execute when a member of this group is detected: open barrier, command a traffic light, send an email, show pop-up. At Action URL, you need to fill the address of the hardware it needs to command: barrier, traffic light, display etc.

When new license plates are introduced in database and in action lists you don’t need to fill all the data. You may choose a group to belong to and this license plate will automatically adopt all the characteristics of the group. For example: one can have a group for employee, another one for management, guests etc. The Groups can be usedwhen introducing a new license plates in Action List or when introducing new phone numbers in Action List SMS.




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Administration menu, Time Tables sub-menu will create the time tables for theplates on Action List.

The detection soft works non-stop, but one can set working hours for differentactions: open a barrier, change a traffic light. Except this predefined time table, set foreach action/car, the software will continue to detect license plates, but will not take anyaction.

For a office building, one can create a time table for working days. Every vehicleon Actions List can enter the parking Monday-Friday between 7-22, for example.Outside these coordinates, the barrier will not open. Also this feature is very useful for a paid parking: the administrator can create atimetable for the working hour, another for evening, one for the night, or specialtimetables for the weekends. It can link then special prices to this timetable and have amore flexible tariff offer.


Administration – Action list SMS. The user with administration rights may introduce phone numbers in this list for them to grant access in a parking for specific license plates.

The owner of the phone numbers in this list may send a SMS text with a license plate, such as B01MET for example, to a phone number connected to Metrici. On Hours till expire tab, the administrator can establish for how long the license plateintroduced by SMS has access in the parking, after a SMS was received. If this is left empty, the license plate has unlimited access. The phone number in this list will be introduced in the international format, with the country code, without the “+” character: e.g: 40722222222 or 390143243232.

The phone number in this list is connected to a group. In such a way, you don’t needto change all the settings and modify parameters for every user/client/tenant, whichhas the right to send license plates and introduce them in the Action List.


!!!Only phone numbers introduced in this list can grant access with a SMS toother license plates.

2.11 TIME TABLES will allow the user to import a list of license pates, with additional information.


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2.12 ALARMSThis option lets you establish any numbers of alarms for any location you are administrator of. To add a new alarm, click on the button Add alarm. Here you can choose a name for it, whether is active or not, at what mail or SMS should alert and what the message will be. Fill in and click SUBMIT

After an alarm was set you need to edit: establish for which event is valid and other data.

You need to establish for what conditions the alarm will be activated. Click on Alarm’s name and add one or more conditions. First of all you need to establish for what location: Choose ALARM ITEM condition PLATE INSIDE LOCATION with the degree of comparison. For understanding the alarm setting you need to know

“=” sign means that a condition belongs to the established ALARM ITEM“!= ” sign means not equal to, as in this condition doesn’t belong to ALARM ITEM you established before “<” means less than“>” means greater than


Enter Administration – Locations and Camera and choose a location where you want to define zones or floors of a parking lot. Here you can add a new zone or floorof a parking lot by pushing the button Add new zone. After adding a new zone,


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choose a name for it and the number of spaces it holds. In case this zone is connected to a LED Dislplay you can tell what info this would show. For this you will use a code such as #RBUSY #BSPACES3 or #GFREE #FSPACES3

The codes you can use are #Y= yellow #R= red #G= green #TSPACES= Total number of parking spaces #BSPACES= Number of occupied parking spaces #FSPACES= Number of free parking spaces

In the code #BSPACES3, the last character (3) is the number of characters in which the info will be displayed – in this case three.

Each zone needs to be connected to cameras for the system to keep track of the vehicle movement. Add a new camera and choose from the list of cameras connected to Metrici server the one that is allocated to that section of the parking lot. Also choose what action to be done when a car is detected. Increment means that a car is added to the total number of cars for that section and for the total parking when a vehicle is detected. Decrement means that one car is subtracted form the total number of cars of that section and parking lot.


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Access Parking menu, click on the button: the user will see a new window witha list of license plates belonging to the vehicles that are inside the parking. One canchoose what camera to watch live. If he wants he can choose a cash register andstatistics regarding the cars inside and how many spaces are available.

Under live view window, you can see the last detected plate and a button -Charge this number that is a quick link to generating a receipt for that plate. (Fig.11)


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From the list of cars inside, clicking one of the plates or by searching a specificplate, one can see statistics about it and can print a receipt.

A search for “TL” will generate a list with vehicles registred in Tulcea county, butalso plates such as B01ATL or DB89TLV, for example.

NOTE: There are cases when a license plate can not be read (is dirty, or thereisn’t any) and the car must enter the parking. In the box Type to filter (search bynumber) one can manually write a number and presses Enter.

A new window will open with a green button (Grant access without payment) Fig.12. Click on it: the barrier will open, and the plate is introduced in database. Whenexiting, a new search for the plate or if the plate is detected by Metrici LPR sends theuser to the cash registers


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By clicking one of the plates from Cars inside list a new window opens such asin the next picture. (Fig.13), that shows a few statistics about the plate.

In our example, wee see when the vehicle AG12UDN entered the parking, thedate, and time spent inside. Depending on type of calculations a receipt can be printed.

The box Information can include an identification code for the company, if theclient wishes so.


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Below the car’s picture there are a few links to recent events with the samelicense plate.

NOTE The payment plans can be set in Administration menu, Location andCameras submenu. From the list of Locations, choose the one for which you want tomodify the price (see Chapter 2.6 Parking Prices.)


This category lets you add some “tenants” in database. The spaces for these tenants can be reserved all the time and the software will not count them as available, even if there are some of them empty. The tenants can manage their spaces on their own in a personalized interface. They can manually add cars, delete others, select time tables etc.

For a new tenant to be created, click on “Add new tenant”. In the new window, this tenant will get a name, user and password which will be used to login to his account. Also a certain number of license plates will be allocated to his account (see also Preserve tenants spaces option). For a tenant to login to his account, access or click on Tenants Login button on login page for Web Interface. He can login with the user and password set in the Metrici Interface. When he will introduce a new license plate in his list, it will automatically be saved in Actions List in Metrici LPR Web Interface with the option Open Barrier checked. The user with


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admin rights in Web Interface can change (if he wants) the options for each license plate a tenant introduced, as well as the camera, locations, expiration date …

Add new tenant , choose a name, as well as a username and password. These will be used to enter its own interface where can manage the vehicles, timetables, license plates etc. Define the number of parking spaces this tenant is entitled to and whether topreserve them. In case this option is chosen, the spaces will always be reserved for thattenant only and never be considered as empty and displayed as such, even if not all the cars are inside the parking. These preserved spaces will always be considered as BUSY, being only at the disposal of the tenant.

The last option to choose is whether this tenant is a parent or a child. Each tenant can create its own sub-tenants. For example an office building can have as tenants all the companies which rented offices inside, each one with a certain number of allocated spaces. Each company can create another sub-tenants for its own departments. A department may become a parent tenant for another teams inside the department and so on. As in a scheme such as


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Office Building

Tenant Company1 Tenant Company2 Tenant Company3

Dep .A Dep. B Dep. C Dep. D Dep. E Dep.F

Team 1 Team 2 Team 3 Team 4 Team 5

So at the option Tenant parent account you choose none if this is a parent company or pick from the list the one it belongs to if it is a child. In our example, we would choose Dep. B as the parent of the Team 1 tenant, and Dep. B as a child of Company 1.

The user with administration rights can also edit the settings of a tenant: add cars, delete cars. Also, can delete a tenant in which case all his vehicles in action list will also be deleted.


For the system to correctly calculate the spaces inside a parking lot, you can not choose Preserve spaces for a child if this option is not activated to its parents. Also, the number of spaces for a child must be equal or less than a parent.

Each tenant and sub-tenant has its own interface where it can

manage the license plates


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Choose Add New Plate to introduce a license plate in database. Fill the license plate number, country and choose the timetables in which this particular number has the right to park/enter. If this is the case you can pick an expiration date after which the license plate will not have access anymore: its rights will be revoked.


Each tenant is connected to a specific location. A group can be linked to several locations and cameras. Also you should remember that same plate number can be introduced in database by more than one user or tenant. This is due to the fact that a plate number can have more settings depending on location/ camera/ tenant etc.


There is a chance that the administrator of a parking lot to let a free access in the parking for any vehicle but to tax at the exit only one of them: for example the ones without a subscription or others which did spend more time that a established value.

This is the case of a mall, commercial centre for example. In such a case any vehicle can enter the parking and the barrier will open at the detection, not only for the vehicles on a White list/ Action list as it is named in Metrici Web Interface.

So any vehicle has free access and can exit without problems (the barrier will automatically open) if it stays a time shorter than the one predetermined in the setting


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“Free minutes after arrival” . If the time is longer, the barrier won’t open and that particular number plate must pay the stay.

In case of a mall that has free access and free parking for up to 2 hours, any car can enter and exit and the barrier opens during this interval without any condition. Over this interval and period of time, the vehicles will pay.

In case the car at the entrance has a number plate that could not be detected or is missing, a human operator will fill in the number.

In Live view menu, click on the image and a message open barrier and popup will appear, as in the next image.

In the new window that pops up, the number plate will be introduced, the movement direction and click on Open Barrier.

In case of exit of a car with no visible number plate same steps will be followed.


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For the free access in a parking for any vehicle, a special condition will be added in the Action List with a number plate.

You will enter in the menu Administration – Action list – and click on Add plate.


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The next step is to add a number plate such as % (any number plate, as many characters ) or something like B% - this means any car with a number plate starting with B followed by as many characters will have free access. It is mandatory to click on Open Barrier option and if it is the case a Time Table or if it will send alerts.

In case one wants that only vehicles from a specific country have special rights and access you will choose that state/states in the detection engine in Control Panel.

Attention!!! This condition will be chosen for the camera at the entrance, not for all cameras in the location.


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PARKING MODULE REPORTSWhen Metrici LPR Web Interface is in Parking module (see Chapter 2), the

Reports (Fig.14) menu will have some more data comparing to Default module.


4.1 AMOUNT EACH DAY- will show a chart with total income in each day of a timeinterval for the selected location

4.2 AMOUNT EACH MONTH – the report will show a comparison for the income bymonth for an interval you choose, or for the current year in default setting (Fig.15)


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4.3 RECEIPTS– This will generate a list with the receipts it generated, the licenseplates, the date and time, number of the receipt, location, the cash register, the paymentmethod (cash or card), the amount. (Fig. 16)



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4.4 CARS INSIDE generates a list of cars that are currently inside the parking, alongsome statistics. The chart will show the license plate, the moment of arrival, the currentdate and the calculations for number of hours inside (Fig. 17)

4.5 PARKING EVENTS is a new way to see the cars flow in parking.


These reports are a plus to the statistics included in the standard menu– Defaultof Metrici LPR Web Interface.

Cars each hour report shows the total number of cars and unique cars detectedin a location.


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Another possible reports are the number of cars organized by days, by months, acomparison for selected cameras or what are the cars with the most events– Top cars(Fig19).



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5.1 CAR FLOWThis menu generates a list of cars that are detected by Metrici LPR depending on

what kind of alert the user chose: “cars in the action list” or “ cars not in the action list”. Abeep sound will accompany every detection.

On the left there will be displayed the license plate, the hour of detection, thecamera, direction, the action that must be executed if any,

On the right it shows car’s picture, the reconstructed number. (Fig.20). The listwill reset when exiting this menu.


NOTE The alet method for each user can be set in Administation menu, UserAdministration submenu. From the list of user, click on the wanted name and a newwindow will open. (Fig.21)


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“Car flow alert method” option is where you choose what is the method of alert.Cars not in the action list will alarm the user and record every detected plate that is noton the Action List. In the same menu, one can pick the available locations for that userand if he has admin rights in the program.

5.2 LAST CARThis menu will display the picture of last detected vehicle, as well as some

information: date, location, camera, action to be executed. This image will change withany new detection (Fig. 22)


Page 33: Table of Contents - Metrici LPR - License plate ... · License plate recognition – LPR has numerous applications in everyday life, besides the ones that drivers know from relation

METRICI LPR v5.1User Guide


NOTA: Car Flow and Last car menu have a button to Mute the sound (upper right) thataccompanies every detection (Fig.22)

5.3 LOGS

This menu will show the logins and modifications made in Metrici LPR WebInterface for the current day

Final notes

Metrici LPR

Allows secured access in a parking/office/ areaCan forbid access in car parks in predefined time intervals for any vehicle or for aspecific license plate Can forbid access for any car that is not on software databaseSend an alert (e-mail, popup) when detected a specific license plate for whichsuch an alert has been setChecks what is the time between entering and exiting a parking, for costcalculations, for example.


Page 34: Table of Contents - Metrici LPR - License plate ... · License plate recognition – LPR has numerous applications in everyday life, besides the ones that drivers know from relation

METRICI LPR v5.1User Guide

Can calculate what is the time interval a car stayed in one placeIt reduces awaiting time when entering or exiting a parking/secured areaCan check how many times a car has passed in front of a camera in a specifiedtime interval.Metrici LPR can also be used by local administration for a better management oftraffic problemsCan check the auto flow: the amount of traffic on hours, days, months, withstatistics that can help in traffic flow decongestion. One can modify the time atraffic light stays on or alternative routes, changing one-way streets, redirectingtraffic on specific hours etc.Metrici LPR can also be used in parking spaces management

With all that in mind, Metrici LPR can be the solution in numerous applications:office buildings, transport companies, industrial parks,

Another advantages are:

A large database regarding the traffic flow in a certain area, time period Automation and easy logistics for airports, office buildings, malls, transportcompaniesSurveillance, monitor and security at the access points. Online coordination in real time from anywhere in the world with internet accessInventory management: a security manager can know any time where company’scars are: By recording any entrance and exit, one can keep a historic for everycar.