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Table of Contents What Is Dowsing and How Does It Work?

Preparing to Receive Guidance

Choosing Or Creating A Pendulum

Clearing Your Pendulum

Swinging Your Pendulum

Determining Your Yes and No Response

Questions to Determine Your Yes/ No

Practice, Practice, Practice!

Setting The Intention to Connect With Angelic Guidance

Focused Dowsing Session

Non Attachment

Asking Questions

Formulating Better Questions

Utilizing A Witness

Dowsing With A Chart

Cultivate An Attitude of Gratitude

Health and Well-being

Choosing Crystals

The Chakras Role in Well-being

Dowsing The Chakra Energy Centers

Healing Chakra Imbalances and Blockages

Energetically Clearing Your Home & Other Spaces

Clearing and Shielding Your Energy

Dowsing to Help Your Pets and Plants


Practice and Persistence

Printable Dowsing Charts

World Map

Corresponding Audio Meditations: Experiencing Subtle Energy Meditation

Relaxation Meditation

Clearing Your Pendulum

Healing With White Light

Working with Your Angels .MP3 Message from Archangel Michael

All Meditations are recorded by Melanie and set to the meditative music of Thaddeus. They’re best

listened to with headphones, but will work if you have good speakers as well.

The Relaxation Meditation is also includes the audio track “Showers” from Sounds of Nature by Gaia.

The meditations are listed and highlighted in yellow, in the course book to signify the appropriate time

to listen to them as you make your way through the course

What Is Dowsing and How Does It Work?

“Dowsing is a conscious attunement to the field of consciousness that non-locally connects with each

and every one of us, and with the cosmos as a whole.” ~Juan Currivan

Dowsing is an art of divination, used for accessing information which is not previously known. When

you dowse, you will be using your body as a medium to connect to the vast field of information,

contained within All That Is.

Dowsing will allow you to receive guidance from your spirit guides, angels, higher self, and

subconscious mind through the use of a tool, in this case a pendulum. Pendulum dowsing is an

incredibly effective way to tap into and develop your intuition.

A pendulum doesn't have any power other than what you give it. It is simply a tool. The pendulum will

not work independently from you, and your belief that it will work plays a huge role in the process.

Keep in mind that everything has an energy, and through tuning into this realm of intertwining energy,

you are able to connect with infinite wisdom for yourself.

A pendulum or any other sort of dowsing device acts in a manner similar to an antenna in that it can

help you to receive a clear message from the energy of All That Is. Through your intention you can

focus your antennae (pendulum) to connect with the guidance of the Universe, of your Higher Self, and

your Guides or Angels.

It is possible to dowse without an external tool, such as a pendulum, by receiving the guidance directly

through your body and intuition. While I recommend you begin dowsing with a pendulum, and

working with the pendulum as a tool for some time, with practice you can learn to receive answers

directly without any external tool.

Muscle checking or kinesiology are dowsing methods which do not utilize an external tool. In addition,

when you are in a relaxed and high vibration; you arm, head, or entire body can be used as a pendulum

to receive guidance. This comes in handy when you want to ask a question in public, at the grocery

store, or in other situations where pulling out a pendulum may feel a bit awkward.

Start with a pendulum, and when you are comfortable with the process, you can work on establishing a

direct connection.

Based on my experience, practicing with the pendulum to access guidance from the spiritual realms

will help all of your psychic abilities to develop. You have the ability to receive direct guidance from,

and to hear, see, know and understand the insight and messages from your team of spirit guides and


Learning pendulum dowsing, to tune into the guidance of the angels has many benefits, and so this is

where we are going to begin. Like I mentioned earlier, the pendulum acts as an antennae, helping you

to translate infinite information into specific knowledge and guidance which you can understand. You

will learn to receive a clear yes/ no response to just about any question you can think of.

The amazing thing about dowsing is that anyone can learn to do it. However like any skill, practice is

required to gain accuracy and mastery. The funny thing is that once you really master the art of

dowsing with a pendulum, you will be receiving direct guidance from your angels and the Divine, and

you will no longer need the pendulum as a tool.

But, much like life, the power of dowsing is not about the end result, so much as it is about the process

and journey of better understanding your connection to the infinite field of consciousness and All That

Is. Pendulum dowsing will help you to receive guidance while increasing your awareness of the subtle

energies you are constantly interacting with and experiencing.

Dowsing was traditionally used to search for water, minerals, lost objects and more... But in this

course, you will specifically learn to dowse for the purpose of obtaining wisdom and knowledge from

the angelic realm for health, wellness, abundance and emotional well being.

The techniques you will learn to connect with answers from your angels in this course can also be sure

to focus your dowsing sessions for additional purposes; like communicating with your spirit guides,

higher self, or with your subconscious mind to gain knowledge in infinite areas of study.

You can also use dowsing to simply explore the world around you, in addition to the process of

receiving yes and no responses from your angels.

This course focuses on pendulum dowsing specifically, and while this is the easiest dowsing method to

work with, if for some reason the pendulum is really not resonating with you, know that there are other

dowsing options you may want to consider, such as dowsing rods (L or Y Rods), aurameters, or


I recommend you start with a pendulum. We will get into choosing or making a pendulum here soon.

Accurate dowsing requires you to tune into the subtle energy around you, and to translate it into clear

answers. All of life is interconnected, and yet each person, animal, plant, or objects vibrates with it's

own unique energy field.

To receive guidance and clear answers from this energy field, which includes you, your angels, and All

That Is, you will need to learn how to tune into the subtle vibrations of life first.

Increasing your sensitivity to the natural energies around you is an essential step in tuning into the

guidance of the angels, and like any skill it can be developed and improved. To get better you need to

first get started.

Experiencing Subtle Energy

Becoming more aware of your spirit guides and angels, the Divine guidance and insight that is

available, and your psychic ability and intuitive insight, requires you to tune into Subtle Energy.

What Is Subtle Energy?

Subtle Energy is a concept which is present throughout many different cultures, religions, and

traditions. Just to give you a quick idea of what I mean… Subtle Energy has been called prana, energy,

the force, life force energy, chi, the Holy Spirit, qi, ether, the energy of consciousness, cosmic energy,

spiritual energy, vibrational energy,… and more!

By becoming aware of the subtle energy which is flowing throughout everything, interconnecting all of

life, and present between time and space in the void, you’re one step closer to being able to translate

this pure energy into clear answers, knowing and insight you can understand.

To receive guidance and clear answers from the field of subtle energy which interconnects All, which

includes you, your angels, the earth, and All That Is, you will need to learn how to tune into the subtle

vibrations of life first.

Increasing your sensitivity to the natural energies around you is an essential step in understanding

subtle energy and tuning into the guidance of the angels and the Divine. Like any skill, perceiving

subtle energy can be developed and improved upon. To get better at sensing, seeing and feeling it, you

need to first begin, so let’s get started!

To help you begin tuning into the subtle vibrations of life I have channeled a meditation for you. Listen

to this first audio meditation now to prepare for the next segments of this course. It’s best listened to

with headphones, but if you have good speakers, those will work as well.

The meditation script is also included so you can repeat this meditation on your own as often as you


Experiencing Subtle Energy Meditation

Subtle Energy Meditation Script

To complete the following subtle energy meditation start by sitting in a comfortable and relaxed

position, close your eyes, breathe and let go of any stress or tension. Allow yourself to become really

relaxed. When you’re ready… Countdown from 3 to 1, and then imagine you’re outside, sitting in the

sunlight, in a beautiful natural location. Somewhere you feel safe, and surrounded with the beauty of

the earth.

With your awareness and imagination, notice the beauty of nature all around you. Paint the mental

picture and notice the trees, grasses and flowers, the sun brightly shining down upon you, and imagine

that you are surrounded in a beautiful orb of rainbow light. Visualize the rainbow orb shimmering

around you, protecting your energy, and representing your subtle energy field.

Keeping your eyes closed and from this inward focused place, become aware of your surroundings,

notice how the trees, plants, grasses, stones, the very ground you’re sitting on all emanate a gentle

energy and light.

Become aware of this light in your mind’s eye. It’s almost as if you’re imagining it or remembering it

from a long time ago. Just observe and notice the gentle light radiating off of everything around you

from all the natural world.

Notice a cluster of trees which are close together. Observe their lights gently blending and dancing

together, and then notice a tree which is standing alone. Its energy lighting up the entire area around it

in a beautiful, powerful, and yet gentle light orb.

Notice the element of water in this countryside scene. A luminescent light floating just above the

surface of the water.

Take another moment now just to breathe and soak in all the healing and rejuvenating blessings of the

natural world around you.

Relax and then in your mental vision, in your imagination, imagine that you’re standing up and

beginning to walk around this peaceful location in the countryside. As you do, notice your rainbow

light orb, the energy around you as it interacts with the subtle energy of the natural world.

Imagine that you’re now standing under a tree and witness as your light field merges with the larger

light field of the tree for just a moment. Observe your energies dancing together, merging in the present

moment, and then as you step away, your energy goes with you, the tree resumes its orb, and you have

each received blessing and rejuvenation from the interaction from your connection.

Now imagine you’re walking past a field of flowers and as you do, notice the delicate light energy

fields of the flowers dancing out towards you in a wave as you walk by. Gently touching your energy

with their healing, subtle energy.

Reach out towards a flower and feel for a moment your light field merging and interacting with the

gentle light energy of the flower. In the present moment where your energies meet, you each receive a

blessing from the interaction.

Now walk towards the water in this beautiful, tranquil scene, in your inner realm, and reach out

towards the water not touching the water, but bathing in the iridescent light field above the water.

As you reach out, your subtle energy reaches out, merging with the subtle energy of the water.

Let yourself marvel and enjoy the beauty and light that subtly vibrates from all of existence, from all of

the natural world. You are experiencing subtle energy, life force energy that you are a part of, that you

are one with.

Imagine that you’re now finding a grassy hillside and sitting down. As you sit, notice that you are met

with a gentle, subtle, white energy from the ground which interacts with your energetic field as you

take a seat. As you are grounded, receiving benefit from the subtle energy of the ground, take another

moment now just to breathe and observe the beauty of the natural world that is around you, of the

physical trees, plants, flowers, water and their magnificent, gentle, energetic field of subtle energy

which surrounds them.

As you breathe, let yourself receive healing and rejuvenating benefits from the natural world. For with

every interaction, with nature, you are blessed and uplifted. The healing of the natural world impressed

upon you. At this time, returning awareness to your physical body notice how you feel, noticing if there

are any places of feeling stuck, anywhere you notice stagnant energy, and breathe the light of nature

into these places letting go of any tension or stuck energy, receiving the rejuvenating and healing

benefits of the divine light which is all around which is interwoven into all of existence. Receive the

healing benefit from your subtle energy interacting with the subtle energy of the natural world.

And now as you complete this exercise, make a mental note to repeat this process from a fully

conscious place, going out into nature, quieting your mind, activating your imagination and your

intuition to tuning into your subtle energy field. Then imagine, notice and become aware of the subtle

energy of the trees, the earth, plants, flowers, water, rocks, stones, crystals, and interact.

Take This Process Out Into Nature for Further Subtle Energy Fun and Learning

Notice how your subtle energy merges with the subtle energy of the natural world when you are

outside, and in close proximity to a tree, the Ocean or a Lake, for you are not separate. You are one and

with awareness, the blessings of the subtle energy which is present can be realized, experienced,

understood, and from in this realm of All That Is, infinite healing, rejuvenation, blessings, and well-

being are able to be accessed by you, tuned into, embraced, and shared for the highest and greatest


Enjoy connecting with the beautiful subtle energy of the natural world, which will help to increase your

awareness of energy, making the realms of angels, and the guidance of the Divine even more enjoyable.

Once you are easily perceiving and tuning into subtle energy, by then working with opening your

chakras, releasing blockages, and allowing your energy to flow you can translate the messages

contained within subtle energy into specific guidance, insight, and even energy healing.

For now, simply connect and enjoy.

Preparing to Receive Guidance

It is important to note that your energy plays a huge role in the clarity and accuracy of guidance you

receive while dowsing. When you are in a relaxed state mentally and physically, you will be open for

high vibrational guidance to come through.

Dowsing when angry, stressed, fearful, or under the influence of drugs or alcohol will not lead to

receiving clear guidance, in fact it can attract dense or negative energies to you. I say this not to scare

you, but rather so you can avoid this unfortunate occurrence by only dowsing when you are in a

positive state of being.

Divination of any form, while fun and exciting, is not a game and when done without protection and

from a relaxed and positive vibration, can have unintended consequences.

Don't worry though, this is a course on how to use dowsing to receive answers from angels... And so,

the very process for invoking the angels to connect with you while dowsing, will protect you

energetically from any lower vibrational energies or entities.

Just be aware that you want to be as clear as possible when you start setting the intention to connect in

your dowsing sessions. Also note that you can always call upon Archangel Michael for protection

before, during and after your dowsing sessions.

Even if you are feeling great, balanced and inspired to dowse, it is best to take a few moments to

prepare for dowsing before you begin. There are many ways in which you can prepare, such as calling

in angels and white light, and consciously breathing deeply, to enter into a peaceful state.

Relaxing both mentally and physically allows you to receive stronger, clearer, and more accurate

guidance through your pendulum.

Before you pick up your pendulum for the first time in this course, I have included a short clearing and

connecting meditation, to help lift your vibration so that you are in a positive, joyful, and relaxed state

which is conducive to dowsing.

You don't need to use this exact process each time you seek answers from your angels, but you will

want to create your own positive ritual to be sure you are in the right state of mind, first.

The goal is to take a moment to consciously release thought, open your heart and to set aside the ego

mind, so that you can enter into a light meditative state where you will be able to effortlessly receive

guidance from your guides and angels.

Relaxation Meditation Sit in a comfortable and relaxed position, in a quiet place where you will not be disturbed to listen to

the relaxation meditation. You can re-listen to this meditation at any time, to get ready for a dowsing

session, or to simply unwind after a busy day, or to quiet your mind before you go to sleep.

Relaxation Meditation .MP3

I also strongly recommend you dedicate a notebook or journal to your spiritual development and

dowsing practice. Use your journal to write down the questions you are going to dowse on, as well as

to record answers and insights you gain in the activities in this course, and in your dowsing practice

moving forward.

Choosing Or Creating A Pendulum

To continue forward with this course you will need to make or obtain a pendulum to dowse with.

The good news is, you aren't required to purchase one, because you can easily create a pendulum by

simply attaching a weight to a short cord or string.

You have a ton of options, because the pendulum by itself has little to no power. You are the one who

has the power to receive answers from the angels and the pendulum is simply a tool to magnify the

answers you receive so they can be clearly and easily understood.

There are of course many pre-made pendulums you can buy, or a weighted pendant on a necklace will

work as well. To easily make a pendulum for yourself to get started, simply attach a ring, key, stone,

crystal, or really any weighted object you like, to the end of a string or cord (or even dental floss) that

is about 6 - 8 inches long.

The specifics of what makes a good pendulum really depends on your personal preference. Some

people prefer the weight or 'bob' of the pendulum to taper down to a point, which can improve


A well balanced pendulum that is symmetrical is also helpful, so that it does not unnaturally swing or

pull in any one direction over another.

Really the best option for you is to try out different types and styles of pendulums. But for now, just

find or create something to begin with, whether it is a necklace with a pendant, or tying a simple weight

or ring to a thread.

Over the years, I've purchased a number of pendulums and improvised many more with simple items I

had on hand. At present I use a store bought moonstone pendulum with a custom strand of fluorite

beads as the cord. My husband prefers to use a silver chain he wears with a lapis lazuli pendant, so it is

always on him.

The important thing is to start with something so you can jump in and begin learning the valuable and

practical skill of dowsing answers from the angelic realm. You can then refine the specifics of the tool

you are using later on.

Clearing Your Pendulum

Once you've obtained or created your pendulum, the next step is to clear it.

What I mean by “clear it”, is to remove any unwanted energies that may be present or attached to the

pendulum. This is an important step because everything has an energy field, and objects naturally

absorb energy from the environment they reside in.

To be sure your pendulum is clear and ready to deliver accurate guidance from the angels, you want to

clear it from any energy residue which is unwanted, or which is not your own.

You can clear your pendulum by running it under water, soaking it in salt water, placing the pendulum

in soil overnight, leaving it outside through the night under a full moon, or by holding it in the smoke

of an incense such as white sage or palo santo.

Visualize your pendulum becoming clear energetically if you choose the method of holding it under

water or in the smoke of sage, palo santo, or another cleansing and smudging herb.

In addition to these strategies, you can also clear your pendulum with the help of your angels and with

white light. Listen to the next guided meditation with your pendulum, to clear it with white light, and

with the help of your angels.

You'll also want to clear your pendulum on a somewhat regular basis, especially after it is handled by

someone else.

Once you have selected a pendulum to begin learning with, listen to the White Light guided meditation,

to prepare for your first dowsing session, then move onto Swinging Your Pendulum.

Clearing and Connecting with Your Pendulum~ Channeled with Archangel Michael

Experiencing Subtle Energy Meditation .MP3

Greetings, indeed, I am here. I am Archangel Michael and I am pleased to make this connection with

you now. To assist you in clearing your pendulum and linking your pendulum with the love and guid-

ance and healing frequency of the angelic realm.

And so at this time, sit in a comfortable and relaxed position, and hold your pendulum out before you

in your left hand. From the chain if you like or simply resting in your hand. At this time, your team of

angels enter into the space. Relax and be aware to notice the increase in frequency as your angels, in-

deed, enter in. Each focusing a healing light at this time, shining light into the space in which your pen-

dulum is held. Cleansing your pendulum of any energy which it may have absorbed which does not as-

sist you in connecting with the guidance, healing, and knowledge of the angelic realm.

Notice and just be aware as your hand begins to feel lighter as all energy which does not serve is lifted

up and out of the pendulum and released into the light. An orb of light now forming around the pendu-

lum, lifting its vibration and frequency, and creating a link, paving the path to the angelic realm so that

you can use this tool to tune into the love and guidance and healing and frequency and insight which is

available to you at all times.

Remember, the pendulum in and of itself is not a portal to the angelic realm. You are the portal, you are

the one who makes the link. Now that your pendulum has been cleansed and purified and uplifted in its

vibration, we invite you to focus your awareness within. And at this time we call upon 100 thousand

angels of love and light, we call upon your angel guide who can most serve you at this time in connect-

ing with insight, knowledge, and answers for the highest and greatest good according to divine will.

We ask that your angels transmit these answers through your physical body which then manifests as

movement through your pendulum.

As you practice, you will be able to identify your personal code, to understand what each movement of

your pendulum means so that you can clearly, effortlessly, and accurately receive guidance from your

angels time and time again for the highest and greatest good of all. For knowledge, wisdom, and truth,

for healing, upliftment, and love. And so it is.

Swinging Your Pendulum

You've probably heard the saying that you have to learn to walk before you can run. While I am all

about jumping in full force, there is some truth in this statement when it relates to dowsing.

Before you can receive guidance through a pendulum, you need to learn the basic pendulum

movements and understand what they mean for you.

Let's start with learning the basic movements.

To begin, hold the cord or thread of your pendulum about an inch from the end between your thumb

and pointer finger, in which ever hand feels most natural to you... Typically this will be your dominant


While holding the pendulum in this way, mentally ask it to swing horizontally from left to right.

Simultaneously while making this request, visualize the pendulum moving in this way.

Do not be surprised when the pendulum responds, and begins to move with a horizontal swing as you

have requested and visualized. If you feel like you are the one who is making the pendulum swing in

this way, don't worry... You are!

Remember, your pendulum has no power other than what you give it.

When your pendulum begins swinging back and forth horizontally as you have mentally asked and

visualized, stop it with your opposite hand.

Repeat this process again, but this time, mentally ask and visualize the pendulum to move forward and

backwards (towards you and away from you) until it begins to swing.

Practice consciously moving the pendulum in these two ways. Once you are confident you can move

the pendulum consciously at will in these ways, move onto two more movements; a clockwise circular

movement, and a counter clockwise rotation.

Again, don't worry if you feel like you are the one moving the pendulum, because you are. We are

going to get into how you can use dowsing to connect with guidance from the angelic realm shortly,

because you are connected to the angelic realm, and to the infinite guidance of the universe.

When you ask a question, you will receive an answer through your intuition, and even if you are not

consciously aware of this answer, your brain and body will receive the answer.

Dowsing leverages the link between your intuition, brain and your body, to translate the answer into

movement through the pendulum. Your subconscious mind receives the message, and your body

responds. Once you understand the code behind the pendulums movement, you will have a system for

easily understanding the guidance you are receiving.

If you're having trouble getting your pendulum to swing as described above, focus more deliberately on

visualizing it moving in your mind. You're essentially training your mind and body to communicate

information in a new way, so don't be afraid to move the pendulum a bit more deliberately to get things


You are not cheating if you do this, you're just getting familiar with the movements and creating the

initial link, or setting up your antennae.

“Dowsing is a way of using the body's own reflexes to help you interpret the word around you.”

~Tom Graves, The Dowsers Workbook

Determining Your Yes and No Response

The pendulum movements you have established are the components of a personal code. This code will

help you to translate the information you are receiving from the angels, into useful knowledge and

guidance that you can understand.

In other words, you need to learn which pendulum movements mean 'yes' for you, and which

movements mean 'no'.

I call this your personal code because it will vary from person to person. My pendulum code is

completely opposite from my husband's, so instead of telling you what the movements mean, I'm going

to give you a simple process, so you can learn what each movement means for you.

Sit in a chair with your feet grounded on the floor and your upper body relaxed.

Determine your yes/ no response by holding your pendulum out before you between your thumb and

pointer finger, so that it can freely hang. Then ask, “Show me my yes”.

When the pendulum begins to to consistently swing in a repeated pattern, note the movement. This is

your 'yes'.

Once a clear direction is able to be observed, stop the pendulum with your opposite hand and prepare to

repeat, but this time ask “Show me my no”.

Again, allow the pendulum time to consistently swing in a repeated patter and note the movement.

This is your 'no'.

You will also have a third type of response beyond yes and no, which can be variations of “Around

there”, “I don't know” or “you're getting further from the answer”, and “you're getting closer to the


For me, these pendulum movements are clockwise, and counter clockwise circular motions. I do also

know people whose yes is a circular clockwise motion... So just be open and observant as to which

movement means yes and no for you.

Keep practicing and feel free to repeat the steps above with your pendulum, to become confident in

your yes and no responses.

Once you feel like you have determined your personal yes and no answers, move on to asking a series

of questions which have an obvious yes or no answer. These should be questions which you clearly

know the answer to.

Again, note how your pendulum moves in response to each of these questions, to determine your

personal pendulum code.

Questions to Determine Your Yes/ No

Is my name insert your name here?

Is my name insert a name which is not yours here?

Am I female?

Am I male?

Is my birthday insert birth date?

Do I have children?

Are my eyes brown?

Do I live in insert town or city where you live?

Are my eyes purple?

Add some questions of your own...

Practice, Practice, Practice!

Keep practicing until you are consistently getting the same reaction from the pendulum for questions

which you know the answers to be “yes” and a consistent movement for answers to questions whose

answer is “no”.

When learning to receive answers with a pendulum, you will want to recheck your yes, and no answers

each time you pick up your pendulum to dowse and before moving on to personal questions. You may

want to spend a few dowsing sessions practicing with your pendulum to in this way to determine your

yes/ no response.

Keep practicing with your pendulum until you are confident that you know your personal code, and

then you can begin to dive into asking questions which you do not yet know the answers to.

Before you move on be sure you can confidently and definitively answer the following questions:

How does your pendulum show you a yes response?

How does your pendulum show you a no response?

Even better, write down the answers to the above questions in your dowsing journal.

Patience, practice and persistence are key! Once you are comfortable with your personal code, continue

onward in this course to the next section.

Setting the Intention to Connect With Angelic Guidance

Congratulations on making it to this section in the course! At this point you have your pendulum, you

have cleansed and cleared it and you know your 'yes' and 'no' responses.

You now have the foundation you need to begin receiving answers from the angelic realm.

For this first dowsing session, find a comfortable and quiet place where you will not be disturbed, so

that you can sit with your pendulum to begin tuning into the guidance from the Angelic Realm.

When you consciously pose a question for your angels, with or without your pendulum in hand, you

will indeed receive an answer. The trick is attuning your senses to 'hear' or effectively translate that


Ultimately, through intuition, pendulum dowsing and developing your psychic senses, you can directly

receive angelic guidance. For many people, myself included, using a pendulum to focus the guidance is

incredibly beneficial when learning to communicate with the angels.

In fact, I learned how to communicate with my guides and angels through pendulum dowsing several

months before I began channeling angels.

You see, your mind is the link between the infinite realm of All That Is, which you are one with, and

which also includes your guides and angels.

When you ask a question, your subconscious mind will receive and translate the angelic response

through your body, which will result in the outward manifestation of this guidance through the swing of

your pendulum.

Indeed, your arm is moving the pendulum, but it is an automatic, subconscious response to the

guidance you're receiving. With practice this guidance can be incredibly accurate, but as always use

discretion in regard to the guidance you receive.

There are really no limits to what you can learn from your angels through pendulum dowsing,

especially when you learn to ask better questions, as this really is important.

OK, lets jump in at the deep end and start connecting with the guidance of the angels through a


Here is a simple invocation I use to get myself in the right frame of mind to receive guidance from the

angelic realm through my pendulum. (Be sure you're in a comfortable and quiet place where you won't

be distracted... As focus is key!)

You may also want to re-listen to the relaxation meditation, or the meditation to connect with your

angels and clear your pendulum before moving on.

“At this time, I call upon white light, and 100,000 angels of love, light and protection to surround me

and uplift me. I call upon my highest, best, and most loving angel guide to connect with me now. Help

me to receive your guidance through this pendulum, for the highest and greatest good, for knowledge,

wisdom and truth... And so it is.”

Focused Dowsing Session

Once you have invited in the guidance of your angels, pick up your pendulum, and begin to ask some

simple questions which you know the answer to be yes.

This first step is to reestablish your personal code and increase your comfort while connecting with

your angels through your pendulum.

You can ask questions in your mind, or aloud... Whichever you prefer.

Once you have reestablished your yes, stop the pendulum from swaying and ask a simple question you

do not yet know the answer to.

What response you you receive?

Did you ask a question?

If not ask something now... Do you need an idea? Ask:

“Can I call upon Archangel Michael for protection?”

I say ask a 'simple' question to start, because the clarity of your question plays a factor in the clarity of

the response you will receive. If you ask a vague question, you will generally receive a vague or un-

clear response.

While the information you can tap into with dowsing is unlimited the answers you receive will be

either yes, or no.

If you just had a conversation with someone and you feel like they were lying to you, and you ask:

“Was ______ telling me the truth?” you may not get a clear answer.

Perhaps part of what they were telling you was true, and part of what they told you was a lie.

If you want to uncover whether or not they were lying to you, specifically ask about the portion of your

conversation that is in question, so that you can receive a clear yes or no.

It is also very important to fully focus on what you are doing, and on asking one question at a time.

The pendulum will respond to the questions you ask in your mind. So if you for example, ask verbally

“Am I female?” but at the same time in your mind you think “Did I remember to turn the bathroom

light off? Your pendulum will respond to the question you asked in your mind, and whether or not you

turned your bathroom light off.

This same thing can happen with asking questions mentally.

If for example, you are focusing on a question such as “Would I benefit from working with a citrine

crystal?” and then quickly after asking you think “Does this really work?”, your second question will

be the one which is answered.

Do you see why it is so important to focus during your dowsing sessions and to keep your thoughts

from wandering?

In addition to the obvious, which is practicing meditation, here are some tips for focusing fully, so that

you can receive accurate guidance when dowsing.

• Be present in the moment. Before you begin, take a moment to center, and set aside your ego

mind. Consciously let go of worry, doubt, and fear, and let yourself relax. If you do find your

thoughts begin to wander, release thought, take a deep breath, and refocus on one question at a


• Ask questions in your mind and aloud. I said earlier that it doesn't matter whether you verbalize

or mentally ask your questions. But when you are getting started, to really help you focus in, do

both! Visualize, and feel the essence of your question. Allow yourself to see a mental image of

what you are asking about to increase the energy, focus, and clarity of your question.

• If you are having trouble focusing, take a break and come back to your dowsing session later.

Set your pendulum down, and enjoy a walk in nature, dance, sing, listen to music, relax in the

bath, drink a cup of tea, or re-listen to one of the initial meditations included in this course to

get yourself in a positive vibration, and in the right frame of mind to receive angelic guidance.

• Sometimes taking a break is exactly what is needed to realign with the right balanced and

relaxed state which is conducive to accurate dowsing.

Do you need help thinking of a simple question to ask to start your dowsing sessions?

Start with the following:

“I wish to be connected to my Guardian Angel or Spirit Guide who can most serve me now... Am I

connected?” ~ (you should get a yes response)

“Is dowsing a suitable method for me to select appropriate [crystals, foods, supplements, etc]?” ~

(note your response, you should again get a yes)


As you learned earlier you do have the ability to move the pendulum consciously with your own mind.

While this was a good first step, it's not the ultimate goal. In fact, it can be a hindrance to receiving

clear answers.

To receive guidance from your angels through dowsing, in addition to focusing on the question you are

asking, you will also need to learn to remain detached from the answer.

If you consciously want to receive a specific answer to a question you ask, you can sway the pendulum

to respond in this way, even if it is not the truth.

One way to remain detached from the outcome, is by viewing the entire dowsing process from the

vantage point of a curious observer. Allow yourself to ask a question, and then seek the truth whatever

the answer may be.

A simple mantra such as, “I seek the truth, I seek the truth, I seek the truth.” can help you stay present

and focused without influencing the answer you receive. Practice repeating this mantra after you have

asked your question, while your pendulum begins to swing in either your yes, or no movement.

Stay curious and open as to what answer you will receive rather than mentally commanding the

pendulum to answer as you want it to, and you'll be far more likely to receive accurate answers. After

all accurate answers are the ultimate goal, right?

If you do receive an answer and you're not sure if you influenced the outcome, you can always ask

“Did I influence this answer?”. If you get a yes, you did indeed influence the answer somehow.

At this point, you will want to rephrase your question and ask again, this time remaining objective and

emotionally detached from the answer you want to receive.

“I seek the truth, I seek the truth, I seek the truth.”

Asking Questions

We've talked quite a bit about the process for dowsing at this point. But really, perhaps the most

important aspect of dowsing is mastering the art of asking questions.

The questions you ask, determine the yes or no answers you receive.

The words you use and how you phrase your question do matter a great deal in the answers you


Take for example Can, May, and Should.

Can I _______?

Refers to whether or not you have the ability to do something.

May I_______?

Refers to whether or not you have permission to proceed and be involved in something.

Should I_____?

Refers to whether or not it would be appropriate, proper or suitable to proceed in a certain area.

Is it in my highest and greatest good to__________?

This phrasing of a question refers to whether something is in your best interest, considering all aspects

related to the situation.

Formulating Better Questions

In formulating your questions, it is important to realize that the subconscious mind is quite literal.

Because of this, it is important that you are very specific with your questions, and that you phrase

questions in a way that cannot be misinterpreted.

When you are learning to dowse, writing your questions down in your journal before hand, can help

ensure you are formulating good questions.

If you receive an answer that seems 'off' in some way, answers that don't resonate, or simply aren't

clear, take a look at the question you asked. Perhaps you will learn that your question was ambiguous,

and rephrasing the question is all that is needed to get an accurate answer.

As you gain experience dowsing, and continue to open intuitively, more questions will appear as you

dowse, seemingly out of no where. These intuitive follow-up questions will lead you in exciting

directions of new discovery.

When you do have a question you want to ask, try phrasing it in a few different ways. Do you get the

same response?

If not... take some time to really think about the words you are using and whether you are clearly

conveying the meaning of your question.

Remember, your questions will be taken quite literally, so don't make assumptions that your context

and meaning is understood. Be incredibly clear.

For example if you ask “Does my car need gasoline?” you will likely receive a clear yes. Your car

needs gasoline in order to run.

You probably were asking the question referring to the context of the amount of gas currently in your

tank, and whether you need to fill up now to avoid running out of gas. If this is what you want to ask...

Be sure to be specific with your question. “Do I need to add gasoline to my car's tank to reach

__________ without running out?”

Another thing to consider if you are not getting clear answers, is whether you are asking more than one

question at a time.

A question such as... “Should I list my house on the real estate market next month for $250,000?” may

get a vague or unclear answer. The reason is, you're asking three questions at once!

Instead, of phrasing your question this way, I'll show a possible series of questions that can help you

get the insight you are truly seeking from a multi-part question like that.

First, start with one clearly defined question: “Is it in my highest and greatest good to list my house for

sale on the real estate market?”

If you get a yes in response then ask the question: “Is next month the best possible time for me to list

my house for sale.”

If you get a no for 'next month', but you know it is in your highest and greatest good to list your house,

you can then ask: “Is it in my highest and greatest good to list my house for sale on the real estate

market this year?

At this point, if you get a 'yes' answer, you can follow up with: “In which month will it be best aligned

for me to list my house for sale?”

January~ No

February~ No

March~ No

April~ No

May~ No

June~ Yes

Finally, focus in on how much you should list your house by asking: “What price should I set as the

selling price for my house?”

You can then ask about a series of numbers...

“Should I list my house for $250,000?”

If you get a 'no' you may follow up with:

“Should I list my house for more than $275,000?”

If you receive a 'Yes' you can follow up with:

“Above $300,000?”

If you get a 'no' then you can ask:

“Less than $300,000?”

If you get another 'no', you can finally clarify with:

“Should I list my house for $300,000?” -Yes!

Scales are another wonderful tool to use when formulating your questions. An example of a scale I use

on a very regular basis to clarify how important something is, would be:

“On a scale of 1-10, 10 being the best. Is it in my highest and greatest good to attend the ______

workshop this Saturday?”

Then go through the numbers one at a time, from 1-10 to determine where on the scale this workshop

lies in terms of your highest and greatest good. This is where you can leverage your intuition if you'd

like to speed up the process. If you don't have an intuitive nudge as to what the number is, just start

somewhere near the middle.

Does 7 immediately jump into your mind? Start by asking with 7.

“Is attending the ________ workshop a 7 out of 10?”

If you receive a 'no' you can follow up with these two questions for further clarification:

“Is it greater than a 7 out of 10?”

“Is it less than a 7 out of 10?”

Depending on your answers to these questions, you will adjust your line of questioning.

For example if you receive a 'yes' that it is greater than a 7 out of 10, you would follow up and ask if it

is an 8 out of 10. If you get a no, then ask if it is a 9 out of 10 and eventually a 10 out of 10, until you

get a yes.

If you get a 'yes' that it is less than a 7 out of 10, you would proceed down through the numbers until

you find the precise answer.

Remember to stay detached from whatever answer you may receive. A naturally relaxed, balanced and

open state is most conducive to receiving accurate guidance from the angels through dowsing.

No matter what answer you receive, you still have free will and choice whether to act upon the

guidance or not. Start following the guidance you receive and see what happens.

If you don't follow the guidance, observe the outcome of this choice as well, but don't blame your

angels or the process if you ignore the given advice and run into trouble or challenges on your chosen


Working with the angels through dowsing should only be done with a loving heart, and for the highest

and greatest good of yourself and others. Seeking to obtain information in an attempt to trick or

manipulate someone else will only lead to increased challenges for you.

There is a Universal Law of Cause and Effect. Formally stated, Newton's third law is “For every action

there is an equal and opposite reaction.” I mention this, because what you send out will always return to

you in one form or another.

So, don't try to use this gift for selfish gains or to invade the privacy of another. It's OK to dowse for

others, but honor their privacy, and their life's lessons.

There are also some questions which you may not be ready to know the answer to, or questions whose

answers would be violating the privacy of another. Specifically, questions about other people, which

just aren't any of your business, or questions about your future path and life lessons may not be

appropriate to ask at this time, or ever.

Sometimes you may have a rather serious personal question about yourself or another, which you may

be unsure whether it is appropriate to ask about through dowsing.

Ask first...

“May I ask about __________?” To confirm an answer is available for you on this topic.

“Can I ask about ___________?” If you are wondering if you have the skill to get a correct answer on

this topic.

“Should I ask about___________?” To learn if it is appropriate, proper or suitable for you to ask


If you get a yes to these questions... Ask away!

If you want to delve into information on someone you know, ask the angels first “May I ask about

______” ? I am seeking to find the best way to (define your goal/ objective.)

If you get a no... You're probably not meant to know, at least not now, and it will be best not to ask at

this time. Do you get a yes? Ask away!

When asking questions on behalf of someone else even with their permission, it's a good practice to ask

for permission from their Higher Self first.

“Do I have permission from (name of person)'s Higher Self to ask about (whatever it is you want to


Note, if you get that no, that it's not OK or appropriate to ask now, this may indicate that it simply isn't

the right time, not that it's never going to be the right time for you to ask.

Often times if you get no, the person may be engaged presently in an activity, that is in some way

important, or may influence the answers you receive. Check back at another time.

Utilizing a Witness

If you do have permission from your angels, and from the higher self of the other person, a “witness”

can be useful to tune into information on someone other than yourself.

A “witness” is any object that belongs to the other person, which contains the essence of their energy. A

strand of hair, a shirt, or a piece of jewelry to dowse over can help you to focus the guidance you

receive. An image of the person you want to tune into during your dowsing session can also be an

effective witness.

Place the object under your pendulum when you ask your questions to focus the energy to accurately

receive information on another... But, only if you have permission! A witness is not always required,

but it can be helpful if you’re having trouble tuning into their energy and accurate guidance for another.

When you dowse for the highest and greatest good of all, for knowledge wisdom and truth, you will

find there is an exciting and wonderful world of information out there for you to tap into.

The process of receiving guidance from the angels in this way is an exciting adventure which opens the

door for the many blessings of the angelic realm to come into being. Keep it simple, be sure to practice,

and of course enjoy the process!

Dowsing With A Chart

There are many charts available which you can use to focus your question and answer session with the

angels. You can also make your own charts, with a number scale from 0-10, or with the names of foods,

homeopathic remedies, crystals, or the names of flower essences listed along the chart to learn if these

are beneficial for you.

Then ask questions, for example “On a scale of 1-10 how beneficial would it be for me to meditate


To use a pendulum chart, hold your pendulum over the center of the bottom line, and allow it to swing

back and forth horizontally along the line.

Relax, and allow the pendulum to naturally move to a diagonal front to back swing over the correct


When you receive a number in response to your question, double check your result.

“Is the answer to my question a 9?”

If you are asking about something you feel strongly about, or want to receive a certain answer on, you

can do another check. Ask:

“Is this answer in response to my wishful thinking?”


“Is this answer Universal Knowledge?”

I have included a basic pendulum dowsing chart for you to practice with. Print out the last page of this

workbook, and practice with the chart for questions on a scale of 1-10. In addition, fill in the blank

portions of the chart with names of crystals, flower essences, foods, or other herbal remedies, or

choices to determine which are most beneficial for you.

Cultivate An Attitude of Gratitude

Once you have received an answer, express your gratitude with a simple “Thank You” before moving

along to your next question.

You can keep going without expressing thanks, but there are so many benefits for you when you tap

into the power of gratitude. When you are feeling grateful, the chatter of your ego mind is naturally

quieted, which will help you to get more accurate answers.

Accurate answers from the angels through dowsing also require a level of detachment from the

response you receive. Gratitude brings you to the place of peace and openness for whatever is to come.

Before moving on, take your journal and write down at least five things you have to be grateful for

right now.

Not only will gratitude help you to become more accurate with your dowsing, but when you infuse

your conscious and subconscious with gratitude, much more will manifest in your life to be grateful

for... All from habitually expressing gratitude.

Health and Well-being

Health is the natural state of being for the human body. Yet, in today’s day and age, many of us make

choices everyday which over time cause damage to the health of our body, mind, and or spirit.

Stress, busy schedules, lack of sleep, and a non-supportive diet could be keeping you from

experiencing the full extent of vibrant health and well being that is possible for you. The human body

has the ability to heal itself, so why are so many people are experiencing health problems?

If you are experiencing disease in some form or another, it simply means your body's ability to heal is

blocked in some way, either physically, mentally or spiritually.

Through dowsing you can identify blocks such as limiting thoughts or belief systems, and you can gain

awareness of positive choices you can begin making to return to a state of vibrant health and well


Healthy choices are not always easy to make, and in the information age in which we live, knowing

which choices will lead to health and well being can often be confusing or even misleading, as there are

many contradictory viewpoints.

Most likely, there are areas of your life in which you can change or enhance to bring more vitality into

your every-day life. Dowsing can help you focus into these areas that offer you the greatest potential

for positive change.

You can use dowsing to ask about which foods may or may not be in your best interest. You can also

check in regarding which nutritional supplements you would benefit from taking, which crystals would

be most helpful for you, or whether or not your chakra energy centers are balanced or if there are

imbalances in need of healing.

Obviously, pendulum dowsing is not a replacement for western medicine or the advice of a medical

professional. Before you begin any new exercise routines or nutritional supplements, you should

consult your physician.

Pendulum dowsing is an opportunity for you to understand and gain additional insight about areas in

your life that can use more positive attention, and ideas about what you can do to benefit these areas of

your life through interpreting the subtle energy around you with assistance from your angels.

Before we get into the specific ways to bring healing energy into your life with the help of your angels,

and use of your pendulum.. Let's start with a white light energy healing meditation.

Healing with White Light Meditation .MP3

Choosing Crystals

Crystals are not only beautiful, but they are also popular today for their use in decoration, healing, as

well as assisting in spiritual growth.

Are you are thinking of purchasing a new crystal, or perhaps wanting to focus in on a certain crystal

you already own to use to facilitate healing or growth? You can use dowsing to help you determine the

crystal, or crystals which will most benefit you at this time.

Go through the following short list, (And by all means add to it) by asking:

“Which of the following crystals will be helpful for me at this time?”

Then focus on one crystal at a time, going down the list below. Observe whether you receive a yes, or a

no for each of the crystals. Write down the crystals which you would benefit from working with in your

dowsing journal.

Clear Quartz


Tigers Eye


Smoky Quartz

Rose Quartz

Watermelon Tourmaline

Black Tourmaline
















... Add to the list as you are inspired.

You can also ask “On a scale of 1-10 how beneficial would it be for me to purchase a __________


Or “Which of the following crystals will offer me the most benefit in terms of healing my physical


When you determine a crystal which is beneficial for you to work with, try asking:

“Will this _________ crystal help me to develop___________?” Then go through the following list,

checking each attribute with your pendulum.


Psychic Ability







Self Love

Health and Well being



... Add to the list as you are inspired.

You may also want to ask:

“Is it in my best interest to sleep with a crystal by my bedside”

And if it is:

“ Which of the following crystals is most beneficial to have next to me when I sleep?”

Then, go through the list of crystals from above to determine which crystal will be most beneficial for

you to have next to you when you sleep.

When you have selected a crystal(s) to work with, it is a best practice to clear the crystal of any

unwanted energy, similar to the process you used to clear your pendulum. You can also ask your angels

to help you clear and recharge your crystals.

Ask for angelic assistance in clearing a crystal while holding your pendulum over the crystal imagining

white light flowing into it. Your pendulum will likely swing with a clockwise motion while the clearing

takes place, and then return to a still position when it is finished.

The Chakras Role in Well-being

Your chakras are the energetic centers of your body. They are likened to reservoirs of circulating energy

which fuel your various physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual systems. In total, you have

thousands of energy centers which make up your physical and spiritual body.

The main 7 energy centers, or chakras are located along your spinal column. Each of your chakras

relates to the various systems of your physical body.

The 7 major chakras of your physical body are: your root chakra, sacral chakra, solar plexus chakra,

heart chakra, throat chakra, third eye chakra and crown chakra. These centers are all interconnected,

meaning a blockage in one, can lead to challenges in another. Each chakra does govern a specific area

of the body in addition to having certain spiritual and emotional attributes.

When you have a blockage or imbalance present in one of these centers, it can manifest as any number

of symptoms, health problems as well as mental and emotional challenges.

If one of your chakra energy centers becomes blocked or imbalanced in some way, the corresponding

organs which are fed and regulated by this energy center will be undernourished and will eventually

manifest physical symptoms of discomfort, illness or disease.

Illness, physical pain, as well as emotional challenges, mental confusion, or spiritual stagnation can all

be the result of blockages in one or more of your chakra energy centers.

To be more specific, a root chakra blockage may manifest as feeling fatigued, out of sync, mentally

scattered, nervous, or insecure. In addition, you may experience pain or physical discomfort in your

legs, feet, or tailbone as a result of a block or imbalance in your root chakra.

The goal of this course is not to cover in detail each of the chakras, which physical systems they

regulate, and how blockages or imbalances can manifest, but rather to help you see the importance in

keeping all of your chakras balanced for health and well being.

Dowsing can help you to quickly tune into blockages or imbalances in your chakras, even before you

begin to notice physical symptoms or emotional imbalances.

When you change the energy flow in a chakra center, it will change the vitality of corresponding areas,

organs, and systems of your physical body as a result.

In addition, as mentioned earlier, your chakras are multi-faceted and regulate your emotional, mental

and spiritual functions. Even if your chakras are operating properly at the physical level and you do not

have any signs or symptoms of a blockage, your chakras may be dormant at the higher spiritual levels.

You can use dowsing to identify and heal imbalances in your own chakra energy centers, as well as to

facilitate energy healing others.

Please note that you can also destabilize someone through their energy centers, so always approach this

chakra work with the assistance of your angels, and with the focused intention to serve according to

divine will for the highest and greatest good. It's also best to complete the healing on yourself first, so

you don't unknowingly transfer a blockage to someone else.

"Before healing others, heal yourself." ~Lao Tzu

Dowsing The Chakra Energy Centers

Use the chakra chart below to determine the energy flow of each of the 7 main chakras of your physical


Simply print out the chakra chart included on the last page of this workbook, and hold your pendulum

over the image of one chakra at a time, while mentally focusing on your corresponding chakra energy


To determine the energy flow of your chakra centers, focus on one at a time. Allow your pendulum to

hang over the image of the root chakra center to begin with the intention to observe the current energy

flow of this center.

How does your pendulum respond when you tune into your root chakra?

When you focus your pendulum on one chakra center, you are likely to observe one of the following


A clockwise rotation:

The chakra energy center is open. Feelings and emotions influenced by this chakra are balanced, and

corresponding physical systems should be operating properly.

A counterclockwise rotation:

The chakra energy center is blocked or closed. Feelings and emotions influenced by this chakra are

imbalanced, and corresponding physical systems are not fully functional.

A horizontal swing:

The chakra energy center is experiencing a strong block, and is holding energy, and not flowing it

freely. Feelings and emotions influenced by this chakra are blocked or repressed. Physical symptoms as

a result of this blockage is likely.

A vertical swing: Energies from this chakra center are flowing towards the spiritual, before energizing the physical

systems. Some physical symptoms are likely as a result.

No movement:

No energy is circulating in this energy center due to a total block. Will lead to, or is already manifesting

as mental, physical, emotional, and spiritual symptoms.

A small rapid shaking movement:

Dense, negative energy, or trauma is held in this energy center. Will lead to or is manifesting as

physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual symptoms.

Other variations are possible, but the movements outlined above are most common.

With practice and awareness, you will begin to notice subtle (and sometimes significant) differences in

how the pendulum makes each of these movements.

For example: How fast and wide the pendulum swings clockwise can give you insight into how open

the chakra is.

You may also be able to pick up certain qualities such as fear, joy, heaviness, grief, or clarity with

which the chakras are vibrating as you practice and increase your awareness of the subtle energies at

play. This will come as an intuitive feeling or knowing of the particular emotion that is a part of the

chakra center.

Know that the flow of energy in your chakra centers is always changing, so when you use your

pendulum to look at your chakras, it is like you are taking a snapshot of the energy at that very


For example, if you check your chakras shortly after being in an argument with someone, don't be

surprised to find a blockage in your throat chakra.

Start understanding the current status of each of your chakras by using your pendulum and the chakra

chart and record this information in your dowsing journal. This will help you gain familiarity with the

different chakra energy centers and the meaning of the pendulum's movements before you move on to

healing any blockages or imbalances you find.

Once you've practiced this process of dowsing the energy flow of the chakras a few times, you can

eventually do this work without the use of the chart, by simply holding the pendulum over your

opposite hand, and mentally tuning into each of the chakras, one-by-one.

Healing Chakra Imbalances and Blockages

What do you do when you find a blockage in one or more of your chakras?

The simple answer, is to work with your angels to flow healing energy into this energy center to restore

balance... Ask for their help!

To facilitate chakra healing with your pendulum, start by holding your pendulum over the image of the

chakra you're working with on the chart where you have located a block or imbalance.

(Or over your opposite hand while you mentally tune into your chakra energy center.)

Imagine light from the Divine, and from the angels flowing into your present space. Breathe it in, and


“Angels, please flow healing energy to balance and restore the optimum flow of my _______ chakra.”

Lets practice with the root chakra for now to give you an idea of the process.

As you focus on your root chakra, and the angels flow divine healing energy your way, imagine healing

light flowing into your root chakra, restoring the vibrant color red.

See the color red. Imagine your root chakra is being balanced and restored, and as you breathe deeply,

relaxing into the moment, observe your pendulum.

As the healing energy from the angels flows in, your pendulum will begin to swing in a clockwise

rotation, restoring the natural energy flow and color of your chakra.

As the pendulum swings it acts as a conduit of energy, showing the healing light that is flowing from

the Divine, and from the angels into your chakra energy center.

Be aware, and let yourself see, hear, feel and know the flow of healing energy into your chakra. Do you

feel it in your hands? Around you? In your root chakra?

Breathe, relax, and allow the healing light to flow in. Trust that when you ask for healing you will

receive it. Don't rush the process. You will know when the healing is nearing completion when your

pendulum slows down a bit, and then returns to a standstill.

Once the pendulum stops, the healing is complete. Shake your hands out, and imagine a shower of

white light from the Divine pouring down around you, rinsing away any blockages, residue or dense

energy which your chakra has released, and imagine them going into the light.

If you would like, check in with the chakra energy center you just received a healing on, by asking:

“Is my root chakra balanced?”

“On a scale of 1-10 how balanced is my root chakra?”

You can also go back and repeat the check on your root chakra, using the chakra chart and process you

learned above.

Move onto your next chakra, or take a break to refresh your energy before you continue. Remember,

everything that is going on in your life has an influence on your energy, including going through this


Simply learning to dowse and receive answers from your angels, may facilitate healing for your

chakras, and lead to awakening the higher aspects of your chakra energy centers.

Also, working with the pendulum, or doing other personal or spiritual development work will have a

significant effect on your chakras.

In addition to using your pendulum and the help of your angels to balance and open your chakras,

color, sound, and connecting with the elements are also wonderful ways to get the healing energy

flowing for each of your chakras.

Simply taking a walk in nature, or sitting and meditating under a tree can be enough to remove a mild

block in your root chakra.

Another process you can use to remove blockages in your chakra centers is to visualize their

corresponding color and repeating their particular mantra while in relaxed or meditative state.

Here is a brief look at each of the chakras, their healing color, a healing mantra (sound) as well as the

corresponding element for each.

Root Chakra Color: Red

Healing Mantra: Lam

Element: Earth

Sacral Chakra

Color: Orange

Healing Mantra: Vam

Element: Water

Solar Plexus Chakra

Color: Yellow

Healing Mantra Ram

Element: Fire

Heart Chakra

Color: Green

Healing Mantra: Yam

Element: Air

Throat Chakra

Color: Blue

Healing Mantra: Ham

Element: Ether

Third Eye Chakra

Color: Purple

Mantra: Aum

Beyond the 5 Elements

Crown Chakra

Color: White

Mantra: Aung

Gateway that allows Divine light and Universal Consciousness to flow into the body.

For example, taking a bath and repeating the mantra “Vam” while visualizing orange light flowing into

your sacral chakra, can heal a block in this area.

As you gain confidence with the practice of identifying and clearing chakra blockages, you can also go

through the chakras of a friend, loved one or family member to help make sure their chakra centers are

open and balanced.

When doing this for another it is best to hold the pendulum directly over that persons chakra center

with them lying in front of you, though you can also complete the work remotely with their permission.

Energetically Clearing Your Home & Other Spaces

We've already talked about how everything has an energy field. You've also learned that you regularly

need to clear your pendulum, and your crystals.

Now, we are going to talk about clearing spaces, because your home, work environment, and car, are

not exempt from needing regular energetic clearing. Have you ever had an argument in your home or in

your car? Remember, every interaction leaves an energetic signature.

Through working with your pendulum and with the assistance of your angels you can clear your home

as well as many other spaces from energetic signatures left over from your interactions, or interactions

that took place before you.

Energetically clearing spaces is helpful in response to a variety of situations. It is especially useful if

you've just moved into a new home, you're recovering from an illness, if you are currently feeling

poorly, or you're getting over a relationship break up.

Clearing your space is also a great solution if you're feeling restless, irritated or uncomfortable in your

home, office, or in any other space.

Even if you live in a brand new home, and you are the first person to ever live in it, there were dozens

of other people, with all kinds of different energies around when it was being built. It's even possible

there were other cultures living in the same location you live now, hundreds, or even thousands of years


Not to mention if you live in a rental, or a home where multiple other families have lived before you.

Dense, stagnant, or negative energy can remain within a structure indefinitely, or until cleared and

released into the light with the help of your angels.

Even if every person who has ever set foot on your property, or in your home was 100% filled with

love and light the entire time (which is highly unlikely), you will still receive benefit from energetically

clearing your space.

To complete a clearing on your home or another space, start by identifying that clearing is indeed


To accomplish this, call in your angels, and white light, to prepare to ask a few questions in a dowsing


“I now call upon white light, along with my guides and angels. Please come in and connect with me

now. Uplift and protect my energy and assist me in tuning into the information through my pendulum

which will most serve at this time, for the highest and greatest good. And so it is.”

Then ask:

“Would I benefit from energetically clearing my (home, office, car, child’s daycare center, etc)?”


“Is my (home, office, car, child’s daycare center, etc) in need of an energetic clearing?

Chances are, you're going to get a 'yes' because it's always a good time and usually quite beneficial to

clear your space of stagnant or negative energies.

Your angels are ready and willing to help you cleanse your space, and to bless it with love, joy, and

compassion. You deserve to live in a peaceful and protective space, so lets get started on the clearing!

I'm going to outline the process for clearing your home with help from the angels, but you can repeat

this process for any other space in need of clearing.

The great thing about doing clearing work with your angels, is you don't actually have to be present in

the space to facilitate the clearing. Just call upon the assistance of the angels, and focus the clearing

energy towards whatever space you are wanting to clear.

Be sure you have your pendulum ready and hold it out and let it hand in front of you. Then, say the

following healing request aloud or in your mind.

“I now call upon my guides and angels of the light who can most serve in energetically clearing my

home. I ask you to enter into my home now, and to release any and all negativity or density which is

present. Help me to create a loving, happy and supportive environment here for myself and my loved

ones. Please release negativity in all forms, into the light of the Divine, fully and completely from my

home, for the highest and greatest good. And so it is. Thank you.”

As you are reading this and after you request the clearing, trust that the energetic clearing is happening

with assistance from your angels. Your conscious energy is a powerful factor in healing and

manifestation alike, and by expecting a successful clearing, you set the stage to receive just that.

When holding your pendulum out before you, you should begin to notice movement indicating the flow

of energy, as the clearing takes place with the assistance from the angels.

Expect to see the pendulum make a big circular movement as the angels take all that is needing to be

cleared from your home into the light. Allow the pendulum to freely swing as long as is needed. When

the movement has slowed or stopped, think or say:

“Archangel Uriel, please assist in dissolving into the light any remaining negative energies or limiting

patterns of thought which are tied to this space.

Archangel Gabriel, please release any remnants of arguments, misunderstandings, doubts or fears.

Archangel Michael, please cut any and all draining cords, and release them into the light along with

any negative emotions, or memories tied to past, present, or future events that may still be connected to

this space.

Archangel Raphael, please release into the light any lingering hurt, pain or density stored within this


Thank you... And so it is.”

Observe the motion of your pendulum as this next stage of clearing occurs on your home. When the

movement slows, and then stops completely, proceed to calling in positive energy to fill the spaces in

which negativity was released.

“I now ask that my guides and angels of the light fill my home with unconditional love, joy, and

compassion. Surround my home with your angelic energy of protection, support, and care. Fill these

walls with healing, uplifting energy, and with the light of the Divine. Bless my home and all who occupy

this space, helping to create a positive, harmonious atmosphere, for the highest and greatest good

according to Divine will... And so it is.”

Still holding your pendulum out before you as you call in positive energy, notice the movement, as

positive angelic energy flows in. As you observe the movement of your pendulum, tune into your

subtle senses.

Do you feel the light which is flowing in and present all around you?

Don't worry if not, with practice and persistence you will become more and more aware of and attuned

to the subtle healing energies you are working with.

Once the movement of the pendulum slows, and then stops completely, check that the clearing has been


“Is there any lingering negativity in my home needing to be cleared?”

Note the response.

If the clearing has not been completed, ask if it is in your highest and greatest good to repeat the

clearing process.

Occasionally the energy clearing will not be completed in entirety, but there will always be a reason

why. If this is the case, tap into your intuition and ask via your pendulum for clarification.

Perhaps you are to repeat this clearing process tomorrow. Or perhaps the angels want you to physically

clean your house before they can finish energetically clearing the space.

“Do I need to clean my house complete the cleansing process?”

Sound holds energetic cleansing power as well. Sounds such as those created with a drum, a bell,

chimes, a tingsha, or a singing bowl are powerfully cleansing. Moving around the space you are

clearing while ringing the chimes, bells, playing a singing bowl, or tapping on a drum can break up

dense or stuck energies and can help in the clearing process.

“Is sound healing required to complete the energy clearing on my home?”

Additionally, the smoke of a clearing incense such as white sage, ceder, frankincense, sandalwood, or

palo santo will also assist in the completion of the energy clearing. Again, you would bring the

smoldering incense into each of the rooms of your home, allowing it to flow into every corner within

the rooms of your home in order to cleanse the space in this manner.

“Would the smoke of a clearing incense help to complete the energy clearing on my home?”

More often than not however, by simply calling upon your angels to energetically clear your space, the

clearing will be done swiftly and completely, with little or no additional effort required.

Before moving on to the next section, take a moment to write about your experience clearing your

space in your dowsing journal.

Then be sure to check in with your angels to ask about your home, office, vehicle or any other space

you frequent on a regular basis to see if you need to repeat the energy clearing process for these spaces.

Much like doing your laundry, or physically cleaning your house, keeping your spaces clear

energetically is an ongoing process. But now that you have a tool to check in with, as soon as you feel

something is a bit off with your space you can handle it right away.

Clearing and Shielding Your Energy

In addition to clearing your home, you can work with your angels and your pendulum to ensure your

personal energy fields are clear and protected.

Have you ever left a conversation with someone and suddenly you felt drained, emotional, upset, or

irritated, when you were feeling positive moments before the interaction?

It is common for us all to pick up negative energies, energetic attachments or cords from other people,

places and interactions, which will usually lead to a negative change in how you feel.

As you've learned, your energy is always interacting with the subtle energies around you. Sometimes

the emotions, negative thoughts, or even fears of other people can enter into your energetic space,

adversely affecting your mood and your well-being.

If you get bogged down with dense energy over time, this density can lead to chakra blockages, as well

as physical symptoms and other problems, such as anxiety or depression.

The good news is your angels are on hand in every moment to help you cleanse and protect your

energy. Once you master this process, you will be able to maintain a clear and cleansed energetic field

which will help you to stay in a positive emotional state more often.

Lets start with a simple question to see if you are currently in need of energetic clearing and protection.

“Would I receive benefit from angelic clearing and protection at this time?”

Did you get a yes?

If so, here is a simple process for calling upon Archangel Michael (the powerful Archangel of

protection) to cleanse, uplift, and protect your energy.

Hold your pendulum out before you as you speak or mentally invoke the assistance of Archangel

Michael to witness the healing taking place. Notice the swing of your pendulum which signifies the

energetic transfer. Be aware, as you may also feel density or tension leaving your body as Archangel

Michael goes to work clearing your energy.

“Archangel Michael, please come in and connect with me now. I ask that you cleanse and lift my

energy and vibration.

Please assist in cleansing my aura and energetic field. Please release into the light anything which

does not serve me or my highest good. Please fully and completely release any and all negativity,

limiting beliefs, doubt, fear, or density into the light of the Divine, now.

Please release any old energies of fear, grief or doubt still residing within my mind, body, or spirit. I

ask that you clear away old painful emotions, sadness, and any heaviness held in my body, mind, or


Please release any tension which is present in my being, along with all energy that is keeping me from

experiencing my natural state of balance and well-being. Thank you for your assistance in this clearing

and cleansing, while releasing anything that does not serve me, into the light.”

Expect to see the pendulum make a big circular movement as the angels take all that is needing to be

cleared from your mind, body, and spirit into the light.

Once your pendulum slows, and then stops, continue by asking...

“Archangel Michael, I now ask that you please cut and release any and all energetic cords which are

draining me. Cut and release all cords of fear, doubt and uncertainty, along with negative attachments,

and energetic cords from others which are draining my energy. Please cut all draining cords, and

release the cords, remove the roots, and send any and all residue into the light.”

Observe the motion of your pendulum as this next stage of clearing occurs. When the movement slows,

and then stops completely, proceed to calling in positive energy to fill the spaces in which negativity

was released.

“I now ask that all energy that is rightfully mine, which has been drained consciously or unconsciously,

now return to me cleansed and purified.”

Expect to see the pendulum once again make a big circular movement as your energy returns.

Then, still holding your pendulum out before you and observing the movement, think or say aloud:

“Archangel Michael, please replace any and all energy which was released from my mind, body and

spirit with healing light of the Divine. I ask that you fill my aura and energy signature with

unconditional love, light and compassion.”

“Please send me the highest possible vibration of love and light. Pour this light into my aura, mind,

body, and spirit. Fill any holes, tears, or gaps in my aura, and assist me in integrating and lifting in

this Divine light now.”

As you hold your pendulum out before you to observe your energy being uplifted and replenished,

breathe and imagine a waterfall of Divine white light pouring down all around you.

Relax, breathe in the light, and allow the healing and uplifting energy into your mind, body, and spirit.

When your pendulum stops swinging, think or say:

“Archangel Michael I now ask that you surround me in a shield of white light. I ask that this light

protect my energy and my aura from any and all negativity. I ask that this white light allow only love,

compassion and guidance in, while protecting me fully and completely from anything that does not

serve, such as negativity in all forms.

I ask this of you for the highest and greatest good, according to Divine will... And so it is.

Thank you.”

Allow your pendulum to freely swing, indicating the protection energy flowing in. Once the movement

of the pendulum slows, and then stops completely, take a deep breath in, and allow your energy to flow

down through the bottom of your feet, grounding your energy into the Earth and into this present


Your energy is now cleansed and lifted, and you are protected with a shield of white light.

Be sure to check back with your pendulum, and by staying in tune with your subtle energies on a

regular basis to see if you are in need of additional clearing and protection with this simple question:

“Would I receive benefit from calling in angelic clearing and protection at this time?”

Now, take out your dowsing journal and write about your experiences clearing your energy with

Archangel Michael. Add any notes about which parts of the process felt strongest to you, how you feel

after the experience compared to before, and what you feel is most important for you to remember next

time you do this kind of personal clearing.

As you progress, it's fun to look back at your journal entries to see how far you've come!

Dowsing to Help Your Pets and Plants

Have you ever wished your pets, or even your plants could talk so they could just tell you what they

need? You can indeed tune into this kind of information with the use of your pendulum, and with help

of your angels.

If you have a pet and are curious if you can help them energetically, begin by asking:

“Would my pet benefit from an energy clearing?”

If the answer is yes, repeat the above energy clearing process with Archangel Michael, while focusing

on your pet, instead of focusing on your personal energy.

Pets often absorb the stress and tension of their owners and people they interact with, so don't be

surprised if energy clearing is indeed in order for your beloved pet.

Do you have a plant that is struggling and you just can't seem to figure out what it needs?

Think of some of the possibilities of what could be going on with your plant, write down your

questions in your dowsing journal, and then tune in and ask!

Just be sure to take your time to consciously come up with quality questions to ask.

If you ask: “Does this plant need water?”

The answer if an obvious yes... All plants need water.

But, when the question is stated like this: “Does my plant need more water than I am currently giving


The answer can indeed help you understand specifics about how you may be able to help the plant.

Other specific questions you may try include:

“Does this plant need additional sunlight each day?”

“Does this plant currently need an increase in fertilizer or nutrients?”

“Would playing music for my plant help it's well-being?”

If the answer is yes, you can follow up for further information by asking a clarifying question:

“What kind of music would my plant most benefit from me playing?”

Use your intuition to come up with a basic list of some of the types of music (or fertilizers) which you

have access to, then and go down your list asking yes/ no for each.






Hip Hop


Once you know the type of music your plant will benefit from you playing, you can ask about specific

musical artists or songs, as well as what length of time will most serve.

Are you starting to see the potential you have to gain information through dowsing with a focused

series of simple, yet effective questions?

Map Dowsing

The process for locating something on a map by using a pendulum is called map dowsing. The process

you learned to receive 'yes/ no' responses with a pendulum is combined with directional questioning,

and using a map as a 'witness' to complete a map dowsing session.

With the help of the angels you can learn to focus a map dowsing session to locate a lost object, find a

loved one, or to pinpoint specific locations for other purposes.

Map dowsing essentially works by allowing you to remotely tune into the vibration of any location

from a distance.

Everything vibrates with energy. By remotely tuning into a location, with the assistance of your angels,

you're able to learn whether the vibrational frequency of your lost object is located there, or whether it

would be a suitable location for you to move, visit, find water, etc.

Since everything vibrates to it's own frequency, by focusing on the specific frequency you're looking

for (and asking for your angels help) you're able to locate the frequency remotely.

Map dowsing can be used on a small scale, such as to determine whether your missing keys are in a

specific room of your house, or on a larger scale like with a world map, to determine your best travel


Something I have consistently used map dowsing for is to identify locations in which I am called to

work with the angels to complete energy clearing remotely.

By staying in the present moment and focusing your intention clearly you can learn a great deal about a

place through map dowsing. Practice and persistence are required to gain accuracy. You also need to be

sure you are in a state of relaxed concentration before you begin.

A strong emotional attachment to what you are looking for will not help, so before you begin a map

dowsing session take some time to simply breathe and relax.

Map dowsing is no different from receiving clear 'yes/ no answers' in that attempting it when you're

feeling tired, anxious, or upset will not lead to accurate guidance. You also want to sure that you are

confident in your 'yes, no, and maybe' responses before you attempt this, as we are going to build upon

these answers with map dowsing.

To begin a map dowsing session start by invoking the presence of your angels, and asking for

permission to map dowse in the way you're intending. I have heard of people successfully dowsing for

hidden treasures, to find missing persons, or locate lost items. I personally have used this technique to

find lost keys, hidden treasures in the form of crystals, and to identify locations in need of energy


To get the hang of map dowsing, I have included a world map for you, which you can print, from the

last page of this course. You can use other maps as well, like a basic drawing of your home, or a map of

your town.

I do recommend you print the word map to practice with, as it will be awkward to map dowse on the

computer screen. Print out the map, (or pull out a world map you have access to), and then continue

with the following invocation to start your map dowsing session.

"I now call upon my angels who can most serve in a map dowsing session, please come in, connect

with me now, and guide me in accurately map dowsing using my pendulum... For knowledge, wisdom

and truth, for the highest and greatest good, and so it is."

Before you begin looking for a desired object or location ask:

“Can I map dowse to locate ______________?

Should I map dowse to locate_____________?

May I map dowse to locate______________?”

Once you have verified you have permission to locate whatever it is you're looking for, proceed.

At this point to start getting familiar with the process, lets remotely tune into a location which is in

need of love, and then send some love and light with help from the angels.

You can later modify this process for anything you want to locate remotely.

Mentally, or with a pencil, divide your map into 4 sections, by drawing a vertical and horizontal line

down the center.

Relax, and hold your pendulum over the center of the map, where the lines intersect.

Set Your Intention:

“I am seeking to locate a place on this map, which will most benefit from me sending love and light

with the assistance of the angels now.”

And then ask:

“Is the location I am looking for in the North section of this map?”

If you get a no, proceed to ask if the location you are looking for is in the South section of the map.

If you get a yes, clarify further by asking if the location you are looking for is in the North East section

of the map.

Get a no? Ask:

“Is the location I am searching for in the North West section of this map?”

Continue with the different sections of the map until you get a yes in a particular quadrant.

Now divide the section of the map you've identified into four sections and further narrow in where the

location is which will most benefit from receiving a blessing of love and light from the angels.

Continue with this process of reducing the map's surface down into four quarters, until you really cant

divide it any further. You will then have located the object, or in this case location you're looking for.

Note, if you're looking for something which may have moved, like a lost pet, stolen object, or missing

person, at this point you would want to ask:

“Has (object you're looking for) moved from this location?”

If you get a 'no', it's still there, but if you get a 'yes' you'll need to repeat your scan a few times to see

how far and how quickly the object you're looking for is moving.

But for now, we're tuning into a location... So it hasn't moved.

Verify your result by asking a question.

For example:

“Is the location which will most benefit from my sending love and light with help from the angels


Get a yes? You've successfully completed your map dowsing session!

Another process for map dowsing which I just want to touch on so you can practice with it, is a bit

more free form. Hold your pendulum over the top left corner of the map you're working with, and

gently and slowly move your pendulum across the map until it starts to swing in a 'yes' movement over

a certain location.

You may also see a 'maybe' or 'around there' motion appearing as you're getting close.

Once you have dialed in a 'yes location' ask a few questions to verify your result.


“Is the location which will most benefit from my sending love and light with help from the angels



“Has (object you're looking for) moved from this location?”

Once you've selected a specific location in need of some love and light from the angels (note, this is not

a super specific question, so you may have tuned into a city, state, or even continent which are all fine)

take a moment to breathe and center your energy.

Hold your pendulum out before you, quiet your mind, open your heart, and then when you're ready

think or say:

“Angels of love and light, I call upon you now. Please visit (specific location you tuned into) and fill it

with blessings of love and light for the highest and greatest good. Please release negativity and fear of

all kinds, and replace it with the blessings of love, compassion, and gratitude, according to Divine will,

and so it is. Thank you.”

Witness this blessing of love and light from the angels taking place as you hold your pendulum out

before you. Don't be surprised to see your pendulum making a big circular movement as the angels

release negativity and fear, and send the blessings of love and light into the location you've tuned into.

Practice tuning into locations in this way and sending blessings of love and light with your angels.

Write down the locations you've been inspired to send love and light to in your dowsing journal.

You can then practice with a simply drawn map of your house to locate objects, you may even want to

have a friend hide an object in your home and see if you can locate it with this map dowsing process.

This is good fun and a great way to practice, and don't worry if you can't find it right away...

Keep practicing to develop your skill with map dowsing, as it will help you to become more accurate

with dowsing in general.


I talked a bit earlier about using discretion in regards to the information you receive when dowsing.

Remember you have the free will to act on the guidance you receive... or not.

If you ask a question, and get a response you really don't feel good about. There is probably a reason

for your feeling!

Are you in the right frame of mind to dowse? Or are you fearful or distracted? Remember that your

emotions and conscious thoughts will affect your results.

Taking time to look over the questions you asked to make sure it is clear and focused is always a wise

decision. Then, try asking in another way, or take a break and come back to revisit your question at

another time.

Even better, have a friend who has gone through this course, or is a proficient dowser them-self, ask the

same question on your behalf, and then compare your answers.

My husband and I often do this if we're checking in on something that is emotionally charged, or feels

like a big decision. More often than not we both come up with the same answer which is incredibly


With the help of your angels, and your handy new pendulum, you can connect with infinite knowledge

and immense healing energy. Just be sure you use common sense and leverage medical doctors, as well

as practiced energy healers as needed, in addition to calling in healing energy from the angels for


Practice and Persistence

Congratulations on making it to the end of the Answers from Your Angels Course!

Please understand that making it to the end of this course will not guarantee your success at accurately

receiving guidance from your angels through dowsing. The only way to become good at dowsing

accurate answers from the angels is to practice!

With practice, there are no limits to what you can tune into with help from the angels and your

pendulum. You will learn to tune into the guidance of the angels in all areas of your life.

I hope you enjoy working with your angels and that you experience many blessings with continued

practice of your new skill.

For the final component of this course, listen to the 'Working With Your Angels' .MP3 Message with

Archangel Michael now.

Working with Your Angels .MP3 Message from Archangel Michael

With love and gratitude,
