ta2aa ' object ordciupatipnidairy products decrease 2...

THE ONLX A t'T E im T W IP VOI^ 2. HO. 219 , iilE P T S ' im iiM s' OrDC iUPATIPN Second Plebiscite Shows 75 Per Cent of Votes Cast In Favor of Government’s Pro-1 posals. for Reflion D’ANNUNZIoiMBINET CHIEF QUITS POSITION Promler Nitti Porposos Trip to J>ariB witb Firm Determina- tion to Secure Settlement on Adriatic PAPJB, VPh^embera of tbo j Jueo-SXar parliament from Adri- ^ p.n*c region* tfccnplort by luly— OorlKia, Trlesto. Istria. Oamlola, Flnms anl DalmatU—h»T« pro- t«st«d to Promior Olomenceau against tbe reported projects of Oabtlela D'AnnonKlo to occupy re* - .^ n a of Jfoso-fflaTlA imd agaJnst wb*t tbey term tbe abase by Italy of potrer confided to it by t&e allies an-t America. Tho xnembon of tbe JafoWUaT parliament also bare donanded in the name'of the rlfht« of bomanity that tbe Ital- ians release Joco-SlaT prisoners of war and send tbem bome. aa Italy already has dOAs, tbey declare, | With tlu 0«rmans,and Magyars. . nOUE, OF )—In cnnnKqucnco of doubts regardioc the first plnbiiicito at Piano, nnother wos tnkon on Sundav whicti rcsuJlfd in 75 por crnt of tli« votM boinp east ia fayor. of. tho Ital- Jnn pox'ornmcnt’s propoula rcIafiTO to tho futuro occupstloa of the cUy, Ac- cording to the Obrnale Dltalia. Maj- or Qiuriati, ehief of Captain Qabrielo S'AoDundo’i cabinet^ is reported to I bare -resigned. . • dairaat*e« Belf-Detarmlaatloti 'Krwepapcrs state the basis of agree- ment wob. as fo]lows: The government will keep l;i ifs poHsessiott the whole of the armis- • tlfp line; rcafflnnlog the rlRht of f PInme to dccide Its own fate. Fiiimv* 1 .. wUi rcceive financial Assistnncn so ri that it may resume its activities un-' der the regime of a freo port. > Durinif'tho transitional porioil, it ic n luiid, the Italinn gnvornmcnt will not r rxcrclse ils BO%-ercl)?n rlghls ovor Fi- r time, tho independoneo of wbieh shall i in no way be diminisbod- or violafod. The Kovcrnment will not accept nny solution teniHng to icpnrnfe Fiumo . nnd thn surrounding territory from Ihn mother country, and tnoanwhilo will ' occupy nnd gunrnntee th<‘ integrity of ; Fiume and its terrilorv with rcgulft- lrt)0ps which w'lll be exclumvcly of Italinn iintlonnlity. Klttl Soeks Settlement Premier Nitti infoTweil the council of ministers yesterdny he would lenve on Thursday e.veninc for Paris and would return only after hnvine oh- tained n dofinilo sc.ltlcmont. of the Flume and Adrintic question. IfiTENSlfflilTESTll m iO ICJ lLS ’F llM ILy i Sclf-Stylcd SoTict Ambassador Leads Movement to Balse Beliof Fnnd KEW YORK. Ludwig C. A. Kr Mnrtcns, self-styled ambassador of tho -Russian soviet republic to the United the relief of families” of radicals de- T>OTlrd Rondny on the transport Buford. The money was sent to Harry Weinber- ger. who was counsel for Alexander Berkman, Emma Goldman and other radicals' at their deportation hearings. Weinberger announced that " a commit- tee of Americans” is being formed to raise a relief fnnd. Powers of attomey by wireless from Ihe “ soviet ark” Buford, carrying de- ^ ported Russian radicals “ home” from tho Unit«Kl Btates mar be tl» only war II to procure the return to-fnmy of them V of property left liehind With Jsaac Bhorr, their eoft&sol, he nnnounced to- day. Mr. Shorr holds bank books, postal savings certificates, watchcs, chains and other valoables belonging to his P cHenta who are now on tbe high seas aboard the Buford. He said no notice nf thi'ir deportation bad been sent bim nnd he was enable to retnra thslr prop- erty to them in person , before they !uiird. He has asked the government w to provide a way of sendirfg the prop- n erty to tbe owners, he sdded. Powgrs w of attorney by radio to aet for them « eommercially aad financially seemed » the only meaas opra.to procnro sxpedl- o tions resnUs, he said. . .......................i RA2CSUBO FnOC SZJkKCHBS OTTT ” I/>>*T)ON% ( f f V A Hambnrg ship. J pitts cMBtpasy aaaawitfw that it ia* w tends t« ffpra a service with Londoa V in the aear f^tnr*. P IVOON PAPER m WAH Si FA \ B readstuff Export of November Showa j M aterial Increase Shipments Abroad of Heat and Dairy Products Decrease I V Dniinff Period WASHINGTON^ (;P)-Largo in- I crenscs in tho export of liroadntufffl wero noted in tho November re- 2 •—portvU»day-of tho department of commerce, but exports of meat nnd [) dairy products docrenscd 'tl0,000,- I 000 aH compared with tlic samo ”i month a year ngo. 1 Breadstuffs exported In Novem- ber valued at »71,738,fl2D as com- pared with <00,271,OJI for Novcm- i>or, I9I8. For tho eleven monthfl | ended with November tho total tl was $8R5,5S2,048 against 1708,127,- 113 for tho corresponding poriod of B 1018. , I Meat, and dairy products export- ed in Novombor were valued at' I t>fl,043,CDD and thoMO Jicnl out of 1 the eountry for tho eleven month agoinst <853,700.000 for tho corre- sponding poriod tho yenr befote. Bolsheviki Claim |, Cossacks Defeated ; LONDON,' (/p)—Tho Bolsheviki I captured 15 guns, 1,000 horses and ! 300 men after defoating tho forccs ' tit Ocnoral Mamontoff and Ooneral * Cholnokoff in tho region of Btnr* bntensk, according to s wireless dispatch receirod from Mosoow to- day. Tho diapotcb adda: “ Moro than a thousand Cos-- * sacks were killed, including Gea- * eral Cbelnokoff.” i ------ , e I l^ood to File Form al i f Candidacy Statement ^ MITCHELL, & D., (i?>>--Word— \ « wns recelvod at republican diatrict / hend()uartcni here today tbat Ma- , jor Ocneral Leonard. Wood, indors- ed for preaidont by tho repablican , :• stato convention at Pierro Deeem- , 0 ber 2, will filo n /ormal annonneo-, 1 > '< ment of hia candidacy with the u c' rotary o fstato before-Jan. 1. ^ TOW^ KBW8PAPBK PRINTS ! EDmOK UKDEE DimoULTIBB J 1 . MARPIIALLTOWN. In., (;P)—Prac- s - ‘IrnllT its entire planl d-’^troved »)y j f /Ire early fodav, the Marshalltown l Times-Tlepublicnn wns printed on job | ) n-e«ses in vnrious parts of the eity <3- r -' •’l*". Tl'e f|r«. nf tinWriown oriein, wn^ is».»«v«reil «»inrflv before midnlRht. In * addition fo the ncwsp.-vpor plnnt fhi* t esfnblishmenl of thi* Marshnlllown ' - prinking plnnt was ilestrovcd, The 1 is^estimafrd nt li.'iO.OOO. | ' IDAHO ■WEATHEE * , Tonighl nnd Thuri'dnv rain or snow; J J '•trong southerly winds. . r I' ------- --------------------- -- _, fwORLD NEN 1 ---------------------------------------------------- s. [ VALPARAISO, Chile, (/P)— I Argentina and Uruguay at the ! - gress at Washington in Janui 'Dnited StM cs,;' OAIBO, (/P)—rThe situation ' following tho recent disturban< I were killed and others injured * ing and the students, who wert ble, are returning to the schoo] MADBID, (/P)— Dispatches r that tho genoral striko contin' in two factories at midnight 1 ; damage. 1 ----------------- WASHINOTON, (flV-Mcxici lations with Central and South from Mexico City received todc r merce said. A delegation of 1 for various cities of Oontral Ai , patches and agricnlttiral engii tour of South American coni ' p l a n t s . ___________________________ :WOVEN P ICKETS STTHC in ' : MENRETORN ING IJB I ---------- > Police QUcU Biot Incident to Bc> I sum ption of W ork in Puoblo I Steel Plant o --------- f PrEBI,0. Col.. Polire rc^orvr* T ; were called to ^ucll a nnt nt Ihe Xria ^ * nequa at’ccl •workers hrre yesterday t I whaa' Austrian women pickets ston"'! t I steel workers-'who had returned to b 1 work in defiance of the. union strike d . order. A doten arrest* were ma'Ic. . it»y«r Mike 8tud*inskl wtu knocked s to the grouad and pamniel l the » , strikers and sympathisers. I The Mlnnequa plaat was closed ls>t i: Jaly by the Aatieaal strike of steel t I w«rker». The plaat was opusd Uit t I Moaday with a large namber of cn- t ployes reporting for wnrk. | HO bARRYING TUE FV iUJS TWIH TA2AA IDAHO. W .jiisEFiiri ' OBJECT mm iNDATEFOi; Representatives of Island King- domTake Exception to Peace Conference Policy in Pacific j Colonies ENVOY SECURES DELAY ON ACTION OF DRAFTS Questions of Economio Advant- 1 age and Emigration Believed I to Be at Bottom of Nipponese Dissatisfaction •— =■ ' a I PARIS, (ff)—Jnpnn'r rrprescntativcn „ lin the supteme council hnvo objected to I jith o form of tho marulntes under which; the fonner Oorman eolonien In tho Pn-| rifle would be administered. Time han been asked to refer tho question to tho. Tokio goveroment. Meanwhile tho eoundl holds tho adoption of tbo man-] dates in aboyanee. I Delays Final Action I The question of mandates was taken! up today by tho council, which consid-1 ered the drafts that had boen prepared and adopted; two'giving mandntea in 01 Africa to Great Britain and Belgium.'pi rinal action on five othors waa post* w ponod on tho request bf the JnpaSose'hi delef^te, Barou Matsui. j tl f The mandate considered hul beon pro- m pared by^ tbo mandate commission in f< London. They wore in threo series,'n “1 denominated typo A, ty^e B, and typo li C. Tho mandates adopted como unfler '•! typo D, providing for administration! under thii regime ot the league of na-'^^i^ tions. The typo A mandates apply to the orient and tho typo C to- the Pa- clfia colonics. T>t>o C developed the objections on 'J' the. part of Baron Matsnl. He found 1' tbat they ga^-o Japan loss advantages n than she had enjoyed in those colo- ^ nien undrr tho German rule, it was '- stated. Threo of the four voting dele- “ y gates in the council approved Ihc drafts ”1 n hut Ilarort .Mafsuit reserved tho appro- b bation of Japan anJ~ask'ed for timr to " refer the question to his government. ' -Details Not Disclosed The dctnils to whieh the Japanese ' representative objected were not dls- w; ^ closed but U Is assuiried hero that tho r question of the migration of Japanesn to tho colonics whlch would come undor tho mandate of Austrnlin wns involved, ns well nn the economic ndvnntagcs tho : Jnpaneso formerly enjoyed under tho most favorrd nntion clause. :WS EVENT^' —Delegates who will roprcsont 10 Pan-American financial con- Duary left hero today for the DU hero is generally improved [inces in which several persons ed. Demonstrations are ceas- cre accused of fomenting tron- 00^^ ' I] s rccoived from Vigo announce « linues. Bombs wore exploded t last night, causing extensive ___________ ^ * deo is planning closor trado-ror. Ith American countries, roports , >day at tho department of com- if business mcn 'will leave soon America, according to.thb'"dis. igineers j^^o to make a year’s mntries to introduce Mcxican " = ^ = "■ i>; ■MEXICOTOTAKE PART IN FlfiANClAL CONFERENCE;^ I Xpprodatlon of Importaace of After I War Problems ConsldeAtlon la'""' ; Recognlxed _____ . 'B MF.XirO riTY, (/P>—rnn^i.lrratioi'.i of viial finanrial problems rc^ulti.ij; ■ from lh> world »ar durinc Iho s<'ron'5*w ' Pan-Amoric.-»n finnnri.il-confrrrnrr ai . tl Washington in .Tanuary tmuM ni.nl..-'A > • that eonfrrenre of ennrmoiM impoi-,w 1 tanee to L.itin-America, said I.«i« Ci iff » brera, secretary’ of thr trr.isury Tues-ip e day. / I ^ Annooneemcnt was mnde of fhe per-1 d sonnel of the Mexican delegation 1 e which will go to Washington. Ygnactoi Bonillas, Mexican ambassador at Wash-1 0: t iagton will rspresent the- Mexican 1^1 ' 1 treasury aad will act as presidefit ofie« t the dalegmtioa. while Salvador ITrbla.i,;P 1 - head of the trcasnry dejartmeat's le-'ci gal bareau will act sj sccrvtary. I » I Q^ni FULL DAY LEASED WIR D A IL WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 24, 1010 iVEiMENT T S^IESICW I OF M ill state Department Announces Rev ment of Arms to Neighboring Ri Board Prior to Last September; rs uation is Not Changed but Strict It- LANSING TAKES~ETm =dl TRADE IN MATEh ““ WASHmalON, m — Eevooal liconse& issued by the war trade \ 80 for the exportation of arms or 7"; was annonnced today by the state j It w*« stated officially at the f~ I state department that tho situation j f , regarding the exportation of ands 1 L v” to Mexico waa not changed by the I order but it vas le&m«d tbat tbe U I goTormoent intends to impose even j sharper restrictions on the exporta- I tlon.. of arms snd ..manitlons ..to cni Mexico than it haa heretofore. Id-1 The nnnouncemeut follows: cd| “ The seeretnry of state directs thal in outatundiiig unused licenses issuol Di m.'prior to September .’10, IPlO, hy the st- wnr trnile bonrd or thp wni. traile. bonrd tso'section of the deporlnient of state for jthe exportation-to Mexiro of nmin or ro- munitions of wnr shall Le revoked cf- In foctivc Jnnunry 1, 1020. Collectors of urj c9,'eustoma hnve been advised that said po licenses will be of no further .force or of ler effect nfter Jnnunrj- I, 1I)”0. n on! “ By virtue of the authority vesle.l Oe ia-‘Jn him by tho prorlamntSon issued by tb to^he president'on July 12, 1019, under rei >a. section 2 of the .joint rcsoluliou of con- grcss, approved Mnrch M, nnd un <**; og der. an net of congress approved Juun "ti nd 15, 101", tho secretary of states, pre- fo .gg scribed that no arms or mtinltionn of !(,. wnr shnll be shipped from tbe Ignited t*>i Stnles to Mexico except under th* ' licenses of .the seeretnry’of stnte. All ’ts oppiicntions for Iteenies to export these " commodities to Mexieo must be filed with the dep/rrtmtoT of stnte, on offi- tei cial nupliention forms furnished hy tin thnt dop.irfmenf, from wbirb lirensiM will issue.*’ >n< '80 ----» >])ll Wilson to Set Date j™ . For Return of Rails]^ WASHINGTOn T yP)—President . Wilson will announce tonight tho dnto on whicb tbo rnilroadn will be 1“ I' returned to privato control. , ' =: Neither lbe Whito House nor the ' ' ~l . railrond administration would dis- cuss fho matter but ndminiatra- ! i-n tion offieials genernlly. still hold to - j lU tho opinion that federal control 11 «< -J would be ended at midnight. Do- j rsi rembcr 31, as the president stated 1Kii it would bo in his message to con- ' cel gress last May. • iri Director General 'Hinos is under- pli stood to have had under considera* ' "it tion a rorommendation to the pres* idrnt thnt government fontrol be 1in ended with the closo of this year. Mr. Ilin^s hns mado a study of tho >'''i ^legislation governing tho return ; frt now' heforn congresa and has re- ! portod to-tho president on it. . 1 OSiMMENT l| CASE BEEN flISM ISp; Prosecutor Finds Triftl^arred: by Statute, of Limitations | J;; — Defendant Bcleascd u." In the district rourt this morning an [ v,, Jinler was issued ditmissinp the H oary' ^c .Osman case. Osuinn wns hcRt uhder ,,,1 orcdr from the probate rourt on charge ] tif rmbrrr.Irmrnf in <TMTnepTioT» "w ith ' Iho ndministralion of an esl.ite. n„ N'o formal information h.n.s horn filed in lho district court in thi^ TOiiltrr, the = I'ro^orxilnii; atloiiioy. Frank L. Hlrj.'i <■, .nn. after n tlioroii|*h invosIic;iJi«n, pro- •••Oiitod Uv Atlornrv A. R. Hirks, of £ , iftl the details eonncdrd wilh Iho sui*. jo, ; declaring ’o the rourl thal. in his opip. _ I inn. pro'o-uTinn is hnrre<l by tlir sf-i:-! f f l u l e o f lim!l.-»li.in«. 0«man has hern ro- _ ; lri»0(l from rusTody. ' BOBBEES ABE SUSPECTED L ; or MtJBDER IN OODEN OODKN', (tPi—With his skull eni^hr.I 'tJ j and his pockots rut. tho |.ody of a m.in U 'l wax found crumpled up In a shccl ncir ai . till* milfo-id Tnrds hrre this morning. Ch I-.-' Among Ihe efforts deft in the clothini: co • i-.were a gold wateh aad letter addressed .an ‘a ; to (Joorcc Ixiwcs. Green Biver, Wyo. [•s-jl*oliro .lerlare ll is.a c.ise of murder of [with robbery as the motive. Br-1 ___ ■■ ' ae onl MURDER TRIAL ADXOTTRITS th loi LOS ANGELES, Cal., «V -Th« trial in ih-lof Harry New, charged with tho mar* th aal^lcr of Miss F r^ a Leaser, was adjoora- ofied after tb« Boralag sesaio* witil aftar vi u.'ChHitnas. Sarly ajjesnmaat « bs tak- bU le-'ca to per«it jorera to do their Cbrist- of I mas ahopplag. Th HE REPORT OF THE . .Y N] GHTENSUP I -ON EXPORT NS TO IXICO . vocation of Licenses for Ship- Republic Issued by War Trades r; Official Statement Says Sit- :ter Regulations are in Prospect IRE CHARGE OF RIALS OF WARFARE ation effective January 1 of all board prior to last Septembor >r munitions of war to Mexico, ;e department. w jomsES POOLING FOflB, Declares Distribution Under ^ Director-Oeneral Needed . \ in Europe i WASHINOTON”, ( ^ —Europe's most i jrgen’f need today is the poolinK ifi ts fpod aupply and the oslahliahmentM )f propor distribution facilities under < I dirertor-generni, in the opinion ofj* lenernl Tusker H. Bliss, a member of ‘ ;he Amerlean peace deiogMioD, wnb ' renched Washington today from Paris. ■ ' 6uch an arrangement. General Bliss wild, would removo discontent, •trengthen morale and aid over thoir rormntive period the new govomments ichlch hnve been created as a reault of he wnr. . | Oermnr.y should be included in tin’ i •Mnomir coftlHlrin, QencrM Rll»« said. tVlth Oermnny excluded, he declnred, • lirre would be an element of discon*. ent, which would inevitably renCt o*i lie other countries. Oeneral niiss s.nw no possibility of ' neluding Riissin in lho diiirihutiou ' dan, but he snid if the present so- ’ •nlled jfovernment of that country ' *v.fiuld ]>lny fair with, tbe rent of tbe ' fvorld for thirty d.iys and during thnt lime Iho general distrmution of-neces- ilties could be workod tn inohide Rus- lin” he believed thnf Ihe-prosent ai*- inlion in fhnt country would be com- ' :)lelely ehiinged. No Reason for ramlno There is no reason for famine throat- •ning nnv j>ortiiin of Kurope, Oenor.al [Uiss s.aiil, despite the di-mujfion nn.l OSS of prqdiirfion durinc Ihe wnr. H.* •slitnnfed food pioducfion this yenr in ' (•!umpe lo “b r hetween HO nnd R-T p"r ■etit of normal. Interruption of dis- ' ril>ulio;i nnd hoar^ling of excesi nu;> * ilirs explains the present ecoiionii'' ' itUTrfioii. in his opinion. The iiiornle of the older ROVernnirnlH I n Kurojv' is goo<l without exception. | 'ener-Tl Hlins s.iid, but the ijjorc ri* i 'ently es’ablislicd jintions are still f;ir! 'rom stable as a result of eronoiiiie! Ils, do.orihoil as utterly Unnecessary. [ -’raiieo, Orent llritain nnd Italy shouid | end llieir wholo support lo the co.ili-] i ioti lodny. If only fnr the good whirti ’ ivill devolve to themselves, he il<» I •lared. ; Picks Hoover for Place (ionoriil Itli-n Miigeested Ihat “ sueh I niwv Herl.ert Hoover" should be :i;i'.nen ■liroefor general of supplies for Ktii»|'-‘ and thni tliefc should be np*| I'oliitoi! tviili iliis offirial another t<> j t>e dir.’flor genor.nl .nf- transportatioa. | Ifttfr' iITT- rfiinnion pool. tin<ler the pla.i.i «nulil he placrd not only nil stores ofj rereals nnd grains, tiuf coal, petroleum,: neI.Tls nnd railroad equipment. "There is food in plenty right up ;o till* gates of Hudapest nnd Vienon ■ iiid starvntioij witliio holli eities” :Joneral B!is.n said. Tho presoaf Bovomment ol Gerniany, ■ 'we.ik as it is“ represents Iho onlv ' iope of llie world for Ihe‘early recon-i' itrilrtio:i of that eounlry, in Ihe opla- I on of the peace enmmi.ssionrr. ^Conti'nueil on I’aKo Ten) j ■ LEAGUE OF AMNESTY PRISONERS PLAP NEW YORK, <;p>—Plans for ::hristmas day demonstration wer« ^ompleted•here today by the league oJ \mnctty for politieal prisoners. Tho program ralU for orgaalratior nf “ flying motor squadrons” lo con- vcy carolle™ dressed in prlsoa gr.«y and with wrists manacled on a tour nf the city's churthes from Old Trinity la Lower Broadway to 8t. Patrick’s ca- thedral in Fifth aveai^ According' to the ,lsrgaais«>rs there win b#'-it*-*tparade’' bal « ek aatovo- ; hlle wlU U foUowed -br « AU i it “ walksrt” eaeh six feet cpaxC j rheae “ walkers’* wko also wm aet as i b A U ^ ; ASSOCIATED PRESS ^ EWS PBICB r r v g llH N E S DEm iBETOBN I TOGOIFELO : I Reports Show Release of Howat Not Yet Efficacious In Case- . of Seven Properties where - 5 Operations are Suspended WILSON CAlIilflEETING it OF INVESTIGATING BOARD . Inquiry Promised Operatives to ^ Agreement to End Strike ia. ~ Sohednled to Begin qq M oq* , J. day Next < * ' WAaBXNOTON, (/?)—PrMldant Wilson today Issned » call for • maetlns here Monday of the tpdc- U1 comml^on sppolnted td inves- tlgato vages asd prices In tb« bl'^ — - tnminons coal iudostzy. Tbs coxa- mission at that time Is axpectod to lay plans for Its InQnlzy which I probably . will continue several I weeks. I PITTSBURG, kan., (/P>—Early r«- port* ahow that not all of tho Kansas coal minora who walked out yesterday r in protcat agnlnst tho sending of Alex- ander Howat to jail wero rotnmlnfc to i wor'k todaj. .It waa aaaounced at the j headquarters of Uio operators aasoela- j tlon that aix mines had been reported It idli*- ! f All Kunaaa-onncra striking la pro- . ; It test againat tbe sending to jail of ; ;r their president, Alexander Uowat, wero * ,f ordered th return to work by district | if officinln thia afternoon. The order ,j> weixt out by direction of Hawnt, who II. •communicntcd with hls offieers by ii IK tel^hone. - !! t, Howat notified, bis offieea. that the fl lr central and’ other local strikes would ;;j ts be taken up' by the di^trUt board hers' ,1 if Friday.-------------------------------------------------- i 1 One thousand miners still w.ere on ,■ I,, strike today, maklni; idle six -mlDes. I ---------- i. BOOST PRICE OF OOAL '* BOUOHT im S E R OONTRAOT I ** CHICAGO, (;p>—Coal. consumers I hero today were In roccipt of an: ;,l nouncCmenta from several fuel cotnpa- , \l nics notifying them of nn increaae »n I ,' tho retail price of between 30 nnd 35 I cents a lon on nil eoal mined since set- J , tlement of the recent bituminous mi.t- -jl ers strike, to make up for the 14 por ccnt wage increase tho workera gained. JJ “ This docs.not mean no cOal will bo . sold nt tho government priee” , on» ^jl dealer hald. “ But tho Garfield order . I Is not retroactive on contracts execut- I od Ijeforo it w.as issued nnd nil eon- I X - tracts contuin a clause providing for I :»] tho passing along of nny increase :n I ,d mining cosl. Those who havo no con- :■ tracts for coal will get it nt the gov- ;■ n crnmenl price. I .[■ “ Howiver, most operalors havo their -I entire output sold under contract, ro , I I the pri.*o increase will ho pretty* gon- ' ^ : W INN IPEG GENEB IlL “5Te iKEI ;; LEAOE I15 FOUND GU ILTYI ___ I I Court Permits Offender Free- I ,J I dom to Spond Christmas I with Frionds I h WINNIPEG, MAN., (yp>—K. B. Bus- I sell, one of the leaders in Winnipeg’s ' H tr general strike ehiirseil with seditious ' H r,.! conspiracy, w.is found guilty here to- H • „jday nn all sovrn counts. H a.i The fii^t count in the indictment wai H ! “ 5e<Iitious .-crtflipirary •' and thr ne’e! H ,f.five wore' for commilting overt nits H n^.nnd tho seventh-waw'for “ rommttfin,;^ H n eonimon nuiH.ince.” , ip Justieo Metcalfe allowed Itiisscll hia H freedom until S.iturday morning so *■ fhat he could spend CTiristmas with his, H friends and not behind iron bars. This H is bcUevcii tf> \ir the firsl time in Win-. V nipeg that a person convicted by a juryi H i.|ha.s been permitted tn remain freo. ^ J. I Russell will be brought up for s e : i . ^ | 1tenei* Saturday morning. His .altor-^ - i neys announced they would appeal to jthe Manitoba eourt of appeals. VY FOR POLITICAL I INS DEMONSTRA TIO!^ .\ pickets whrn congregati^as leave th^!^H church, will cxrry banners reading: 3j “ There arr* l^.'iOO prisonera behinv^H bara for conscience nake.” 'r “ Ten political prisonera hnve -dW<^^| n- for their ^plaiona sake.” <y “ Eighteen bishops helped free E a|L ^H nf lish consciestions objeet»a.“ It was aaaooaeed at I stm a- tsrs that earoilers asA- would b<> net af Ua clnsf4--«fTVl^H re Aseesaioa by SUw. »- nsy Oraat, m lar, wta. a H rs S ii^ ^ ^ H Uetteaby i srsTs: ...

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Page 1: TA2AA ' OBJECT OrDCiUPATIPNIDairy Products Decrease 2 Inewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/TWIN...THE ONLX A t'T E im TW IP VOI^ 2. HO. 219, iilEPTS ' imiiMs' OrDCiUPATIPN Second

T H E O N L X A t ' T E i m

T W IPVOI^ 2. HO. 219

, ii lE P T S 'im iiM s'OrDCiUPATIPN

Second Plebiscite Shows 75 Per Cent of Votes Cast In Favor of Government’s Pro-1 posals. for Reflion


Prom ler N itti Porposos Trip to J>ariB w itb Firm D eterm ina­tion to Secure Settlem ent on A driatic

PAPJB, V Ph^em bera of tbo j Jueo-SXar parliament from Adri- p.n*c region* tfccnplort by lu ly — OorlKia, Trlesto. Istria. Oamlola, Flnms a n l DalmatU—h»T« pro- t«st«d to Promior Olomenceau against tbe reported projects of Oabtlela D'AnnonKlo to occupy re*

- . ^ n a of Jfoso-fflaTlA imd agaJnst wb*t tbey term tbe abase by Italy o f potrer confided to i t by t&e allies an-t America. Tho xnembon of tbe JafoWUaT parliament also bare donanded in the nam e'of the rlfht« of bomanity tha t tbe Ital­ians release Joco-SlaT prisoners of war and send tbem bome. aa Italy already has dOAs, tbey declare, | With t lu 0«rmans,and Magyars. . nOUE, OF)—In cnnnKqucnco of

doubts regardioc the f i r s t plnbiiicito at P iano, nnother wos tnkon on Sundav whicti rcsuJlfd in 75 por crnt of tli« votM boinp east ia fayor. of. tho Ital-

Jnn pox'ornmcnt’s propoula rcIafiTO to tho futuro occupstloa of the cUy, Ac­cording to the Obrnale D lta lia . Maj­or Qiuriati, ehief of Captain Qabrielo S 'A oD undo’i cabinet^ is reported to

I bare -resigned.. • dairaat*e« Belf-Detarmlaatloti 'Krwepapcrs state the basis of agree-

ment wob. as fo]lows:The government will keep l;i

ifs poHsessiott the whole of the armis- • tlfp line; rcafflnnlog the rlRht of f PInme to dccide Its own fate. Fiiimv* 1

.. wUi rcceive financial Assistnncn so ri that it may resume its activities un-' der the regime of a freo port. >

Durinif'tho transitional porioil, it ic n luiid, the Italinn gnvornmcnt will not r rxcrclse ils BO%-ercl)?n rlghls ovor Fi- r time, tho independoneo of wbieh shall i in no way be diminisbod- or violafod.

• The Kovcrnment will not accept nny• solution teniHng to icpnrnfe Fiumo

. nnd thn surrounding territory from Ihnmother country, and tnoanwhilo will ' occupy nnd gunrnntee th<‘ integrity of ; Fiume and its terrilorv with rcgulft- lrt)0ps which w'lll be exclumvcly of Italinn iintlonnlity.

K lttl Soeks Settlement Premier Nitti infoTweil the council

of ministers yesterdny he would lenve on Thursday e.veninc for Paris and would return only after hnvine oh- tained n dofinilo sc.ltlcmont. of the Flume and Adrintic question.

IfiTENSlfflilTESTll miOICJlLS’FllMILy i

Sclf-Stylcd SoTict Ambassador Leads Movement to Balse

Beliof Fnnd

KEW YORK. Ludwig C. A. Kr Mnrtcns, self-styled ambassador of tho

-Russian soviet republic to the United the relief of families” of radicals de- T>OTlrd Rondny on the transport Buford. The money was sent to Harry Weinber­ger. who was counsel for Alexander • Berkman, Emma Goldman and other radicals' a t their deportation hearings. Weinberger announced that " a commit­tee of Americans” is being formed to raise a relief fnnd.

Powers of attomey by wireless from Ihe “ soviet a rk ” Buford, carrying de- ported Russian radicals “ home” from tho Unit«Kl Btates mar be tl» only war II to procure the return to-fnm y of them V of property left liehind With Jsaac Bhorr, their eoft&sol, he nnnounced to­day.

Mr. Shorr holds bank books, postal savings certificates, watchcs, chains and other valoables belonging to his P cHenta who are now on tbe high seas aboard the Buford. He said no notice nf thi'ir deportation bad been sent bim nnd he was enable to retnra thslr prop­erty to them in person , before they !uiird. He has asked the government w to provide a way of sendirfg the prop- n erty to tb e owners, he sdded. Powgrs w of attorney by radio to aet for them « eommercially aad financially seemed » the only meaas opra.to procnro sxpedl- o tions resnUs, he sa id . . .......................i

RA2CSUBO FnOC SZJkKCHBS OTTT ”I/>>*T)ON% (ffV A Hambnrg ship. J

pitts cMBtpasy aaaawitfw that it ia* wtends t« ffpra a service with Londoa Vin the aear f^tnr*. P


Si F A\ B r e a d s t u f f E x p o r t

o f N o v e m b e r S h o w a j M a t e r i a l I n c r e a s e

S h ip m e n ts A b r o a d o f H e a t a n d D a ir y P r o d u c t s D e c re a s e

I V D n iin ff P e r io d

WASHINGTON^ (;P)-Largo in- I crenscs in tho export of liroadntufffl

wero noted in tho November re- 2 •—portvU»day-of tho department of

commerce, but exports of meat nnd [) dairy products docrenscd 'tl0,000,-

I 000 aH compared with tlic samo ” i month a year ngo.

1 Breadstuffs exported In Novem­ber valued a t »71,738,fl2D as com­pared with <00,271,OJI for Novcm- i>or, I9I8. For tho eleven monthfl | ended with November tho total

tl was $8R5,5S2,048 against 1708,127,- 113 for tho corresponding poriod of

B 1018. ,I Meat, and dairy products export­

ed in Novombor were valued at'I t>fl,043,CDD and thoMO Jicnl out of

1 the eountry for tho eleven month agoinst <853,700.000 for tho corre­sponding poriod tho yenr befote.

B o l s h e v i k i C l a i m | , C o s s a c k s D e f e a t e d ;

LONDON,' (/p)—Tho Bolsheviki I captured 15 guns, 1,000 horses and ! 300 men afte r defoating tho forccs ' tit Ocnoral Mamontoff and Ooneral * Cholnokoff in tho region of Btnr* ‘ bntensk, according to s wireless dispatch receirod from Mosoow to-

• day. Tho diapotcb adda: ‘ “ Moro than a thousand Cos-- *

sacks were killed, including Gea- * eral Cbelnokoff.” i

------ • , e • I

l ^ o o d t o F i l e F o r m a l i f C a n d i d a c y S t a t e m e n t ^

MITCHELL, & D., (i?>>--Word— \ « wns recelvod a t republican diatrict /

hend()uartcni here today tbat Ma- , ’ jor Ocneral Leonard. Wood, indors­

ed for preaidont by tho repablican , :• stato convention a t Pierro Deeem- ,0 ber 2, will filo n /orm al annonneo-, 1> '< ment of hia candidacy with the u c '

rotary o fstato before-Jan. 1. ^


1 . MARPIIALLTOWN. In., (;P)—Prac- s- ‘IrnllT its entire planl d-’^troved »)y j f /Ire early fodav, the Marshalltown l .» Times-Tlepublicnn wns printed on job | ) n-e«ses in vnrious parts of the eity <3- r -' •’l*". Tl'e f|r«. nf tinWriown oriein, wn^

is».»«v«reil «»inrflv before midnlRht. In* addition fo the ncwsp.-vpor plnnt fhi*t esfnblishmenl of thi* Marshnlllown '- prinking plnnt was ilestrovcd, The1 is^estimafrd nt li.'iO.OOO. ‘ |

' IDAHO ■WEATHEE *, Tonighl nnd Thuri'dnv rain or snow; JJ '•trong southerly winds. . rI' ------- --------------------- -- _ , ■

fwORLD NEN1 —---------------------------------------------------- s.[ V A L P A R A IS O , C h ile , (/P)— I

A r g e n t in a a n d U r u g u a y a t t h e !- g r e s s a t W a s h in g to n in J a n u i

'D n ite d S tM c s ,; '

O A IBO , (/P)—rT h e s i tu a t io n ' fo llo w in g th o r e c e n t d is tu rb an <

I w e r e k i l le d a n d o th e r s in ju re d* in g a n d t h e s t u d e n t s , w h o w e r t

b le , a r e r e tu r n i n g to th e schoo]

M A D B ID , (/P)— D is p a tc h e s r t h a t th o g e n o r a l s t r ik o c o n tin ' in tw o f a c t o r i e s a t m id n ig h t 1

; d a m a g e .1 -----------------

W A S H IN O T O N , ( f lV -M c x ic i l a t i o n s w i th C e n t r a l a n d S o u th f r o m M e x ic o C ity r e c e iv e d to d c

r m e r c e s a id . A d e le g a t io n o f 1 f o r v a r io u s c i t i e s o f O o n tra l A i

, p a t c h e s a n d a g r ic n l t t i r a l en g ii t o u r o f S o u th A m e r ic a n c o n i

' p l a n t s .___________________________

: WOVEN PICKETS STTHCin' : MENRETORNINGIJBI ----------> P o lic e QUcU B io t I n c id e n t to Bc>I s u m p tio n o f W o r k in P u o b loI S te e l P l a n t o

--------- fP rE B I,0 . Col.. Polire rc^orvr* T

; were called to ^ucll a nnt nt Ihe Xria ^* nequa at’ccl •workers hrre yesterday t I whaa' Austrian women pickets ston"'! t I steel workers-'who had returned to b 1 work in defiance of the. union strike d . order. A doten arrest* were ma'Ic.. i t» y « r Mike 8tud*inskl wtu knocked s

to the grouad and pamniel l the » , strikers and sympathisers. I

The Mlnnequa p laa t was closed ls>t i: ■ Ja ly by the Aatieaal strike of steel t I w«rker». The p laa t was o pusd U it t I Moaday with a large namber of cn- t

ployes reporting for wnrk. |



.jiisEFiiri' OBJECT mm

iNDATEFOi;Representatives of Island King­

dom Take Exception to Peace Conference Policy in Pacific j Colonies


Questions of Economio Advant- 1 age and Em igration Believed I to Be a t Bottom of Nipponese D issatisfaction

•— =■' aI PARIS, (ff)—Jnpnn'r rrprescntativcn „ lin the supteme council hnvo objected to I

j i th o form of tho marulntes under which; the fonner Oorman eolonien In tho Pn-| rifle would be administered. Time han been asked to refer tho question to tho. Tokio goveroment. Meanwhile tho eoundl holds tho adoption of tbo man-] dates in aboyanee. I

Delays F inal Action IThe question of mandates was taken!

up today by tho council, which consid-1 ered the drafts tha t had boen prepared and adopted; tw o'giving mandntea in 01 Africa to Great Britain and Belgium.'pi r in a l action on five othors waa post* w ponod on tho request bf the JnpaSose'hi delef^te, Barou Matsui. j tl

f The mandate considered hul beon pro- m pared by^ tbo mandate commission in f< London. They wore in threo series,'n

“ 1 denominated typo A, ty^e B, and typo li C. Tho mandates adopted como unfler '•! typo D, providing for administration! under thii regime ot the league of na-' i tions. The typo A mandates apply to the orient and tho typo C to- the Pa- clfia colonics.

T>t>o C developed the objections on 'J' the. part of Baron Matsnl. He found 1' tbat they ga^-o Japan loss advantages

n than she had enjoyed in those colo- ^ nien undrr tho German rule, it was

'- stated. Threo of the four voting dele- “ y gates in the council approved Ihc drafts ”1 n hut Ilarort .Mafsuit reserved tho appro- b bation of Japan anJ~ask'ed for timr to " refer the question to his government.' -Details N ot Disclosed „

The dctnils to whieh the Japanese ' representative objected were not dls- w; ^ closed but U Is assuiried hero that tho r

question of the migration of Japanesn to tho colonics whlch would come undor tho mandate of Austrnlin wns involved, ns well nn the economic ndvnntagcs tho

: Jnpaneso formerly enjoyed under tho most favorrd nntion clause.

:WS E V E N T ^ '—D elegates who will roprcsont 10 Pan-A m erican financial con- Duary le f t hero today for the

DU hero is generally improved [inces in which several persons ed. D em onstrations are ceas- cre accused of fom enting tron-0 0 ^ ^ ' I]s rccoived from Vigo announce « linues. Bombs wore exploded t la st night, causing extensive

___________ ^ *deo is planning closor trado-ror.Ith American countries, roports , >day a t tho departm ent of com- if business mcn 'will leave soon America, according to.thb'"dis. igineers j^^o to m ake a year’s m ntries to introduce Mcxican "

= ^ = ■ "■ ■ i>; ■MEXICO TO TAKE PART IN

FlfiANClAL CONFERENCE;I Xpprodatlon of Importaace of A fter I

W ar Problems ConsldeAtlon la '"" ' ;Recognlxed

_____ ■ . 'BMF.XirO riT Y , (/P>—rnn^i.lrratioi'.i

of viial finanrial problems rc^ulti.ij; ■ from lh> world » a r durinc Iho s<'ron'5*w

' Pan-Amoric.-»n finnnri.il-confrrrnrr ai . tl Washington in .Tanuary tmuM ni.nl..-'A

>• that eonfrrenre of ennrmoiM impoi-,w 1 tanee to L.itin-America, said I.«i« Ci iff » brera, secretary’ of th r trr.isury Tues-ip e day. / I ^

Annooneemcnt was mnde of fhe per-1 d sonnel o f the Mexican delegation 1 e which will go to Washington. Ygnactoi

Bonillas, Mexican ambassador at Wash-1 0: t iagton will rspresent the- Mexican 11' 1 treasury aad will act as presidefit ofie« t the dalegmtioa. while Salvador ITrbla.i,;P 1- head of the trcasnry dejartm eat's le-'ci

gal bareau will act s j sccrvtary. I »




iVEiMENT T S ^IE S IC W I OF M i l l

s t a t e D e p a r tm e n t A n n o u n c e s R e v m e n t o f A rm s to N e ig h b o r in g Ri B o a r d P r i o r to L a s t S e p te m b e r ;

r s u a t io n is N o t C h a n g e d b u t S t r i c t

It- LANSING TAKES~ETm =dl TRADE IN MATEh““ W A SH m alO N , m — Eevooal

liconse& issued by the w ar tra d e \ 80 for the exportation of arm s or

7"; w as annonnced today by the s ta tej I t w*« stated officially a t the f ~ I state department tha t tho situation j f

, regarding the exportation of ands 1 L v” to Mexico waa not changed by the I

order b u t i t v a s le&m«d tb a t tbe U I goTormoent intends to impose even j

sharper restrictions on the exporta- I tlon.. o f arms snd ..manitlons ..to

cni Mexico than i t haa heretofore.Id-1 The nnnouncemeut follows: cd | “ The seeretnry of state directs thal in outatundiiig unused licenses issuol Di m .'prior to September .’10, IPlO, hy the st- wnr trnile bonrd or thp wni. traile. bonrd tso'section of the deporlnient of state for

jthe exportation-to Mexiro of nmin or ro- munitions of wnr shall Le revoked cf- In foctivc Jnnunry 1, 1020. Collectors of urj c9,'eustoma hnve been advised that said po licenses will be of no further .force or of ler effect nfter Jnnunrj- I, 1I)”0. non! “ By virtue o f the authority vesle.l Oe ia-‘J n him by tho prorlamntSon issued by tb to ^ h e president'on July 12, 1019, under rei >a. section 2 of the .joint rcsoluliou of con­

grcss, approved Mnrch M, nnd un <**; og der. an net of congress approved Juun "ti nd 15, 101", tho secretary of states, pre- fo .gg scribed that no arms or mtinltionn of !(,. wnr shnll be shipped from tbe Ignited t*>i

Stnles to Mexico except under th* ' licenses of .the seeretnry’of stnte. All

’ts oppiicntions for Iteenies to export these "‘ commodities to Mexieo must be filed

with the dep/rrtmtoT of stnte, on offi- tei cial nupliention forms furnished hy tin thnt dop.irfmenf, from wbirb lirensiM will issue.*’ • >n<

'80 ----» >])ll

Wilson to Set D ate j™.F or R eturn of Rails]^

WASHINGTOn T yP)—President . • Wilson will announce tonight tho

dnto on whicb tbo rnilroadn will be 1 “I'returned to privato control. , '

=: Neither lbe Whito House nor the ' '~l . railrond administration would dis­

cuss fho m atter but ndminiatra- ! i-n tion offieials genernlly. still hold to - j lUtho opinion that federal control 11«<

-J would be ended a t midnight. Do- j rsirembcr 31, as the president stated 1 Kiiit would bo in his message to con- ' celgress last May. • iri

Director General 'Hinos is under- plistood to have had under considera* ' "it tion a rorommendation to the pres*idrn t thnt government fontrol be 1 in ended with the closo of this year.Mr. Ilin^s hns mado a study of tho >'''i

^legislation governing tho return ; frtnow ' heforn congresa and has re- !portod to-tho president on it. . 1


Prosecutor Finds T rif tl^ a rre d : by S tatu te, of Lim itations | J;;

— D efendant Bcleascd u."In the district rourt this morning an [ v,,

Jinler was issued ditmissinp the H oary ' ^c .Osman case. Osuinn wns hcRt uhder ,,,1 orcdr from the probate rourt on charge ] tif rmbrrr.Irmrnf in <TMTnepTioT» "w ith 'Iho ndministralion of an esl.ite. n„

N'o formal information h.n.s horn filed in lho district court in thi^ TOiiltrr, the

= I'ro^orxilnii; atloiiioy. Frank L. Hlrj.'i <■, .nn. after n tlioroii|*h invosIic;iJi«n, pro- •••Oiitod Uv Atlornrv A. R. Hirks, of

£ , iftl the details eonncdrd wilh Iho sui*. jo,; declaring ’o the rourl thal. in his opip. _I inn. pro'o-uTinn is hnrre<l by tlir sf-i:-!

f f lu le of lim!l.-»li.in«. 0«man has hern ro- _ ; lri»0(l from rusTody.' BOBBEES ABE SUSPECTED L; or MtJBDER IN OODEN

OODKN', (tPi—With his skull eni^hr.I ■'tJ j and his pockots ru t. tho |.ody of a m.in U'l wax found crumpled up In a shccl nc ir ai . till* milfo-id Tnrds hrre this morning. Ch I-.-' Among Ihe efforts deft in the clothini: co • i-.w ere a gold wateh aad letter addressed .an ‘a ; to (Joorcc Ixiwcs. Green Biver, Wyo. [•s-jl*oliro .lerlare ll i s .a c.ise of murder of

[with robbery as the motive. v«Br-1 ___ ■■ ' ■ aeonl MURDER TRIAL ADXOTTRITS th loi LOS ANGELES, Cal., « V -T h « trial in ih-lof Harry New, charged with tho mar* th aal^lcr of Miss F r ^ a Leaser, was adjoora- o fied a f te r tb« B oralag sesaio* witil a f ta r v i u .'C h H itn as . Sarly a j je s n m a a t « bs tak- bU le-'ca to p e r« it jorera to do their Cbrist- o f

I mas ahopplag. Th


.Y N ]

GHTENSUP I -ON EXPORT NS TO IXICO .vocation of Licenses for Ship- Republic Issued by War Trades r; Official Statement Says Sit- :ter Regulations are in ProspectIRE CHARGE OF RIALS OF WARFAREation effective January 1 of all board p rio r to la st Septembor

>r munitions o f w ar to Mexico,;e departm ent.


Declares Distribution Under D irector-O eneral Needed . \

in Europe i

WASHINOTON”, ( ^ —Europe's most i jrgen’f need today is the poolinK i f i ts fpod aupply and the oslahliahmentM )f propor distribution facilities under < I dirertor-generni, in the opinion ofj* lenernl Tusker H. Bliss, a member o f ‘ ;he Amerlean peace deiogMioD, wnb ' renched Washington today from Paris. ■'

6uch an arrangement. General Bliss wild, would removo discontent, •trengthen morale and aid over thoir rormntive period the new govomments ichlch hnve been created as a reault of he wnr. ’ . |

Oermnr.y should be included in tin’ i •Mnomir coftlHlrin, QencrM Rll»« said. tVlth Oermnny excluded, he declnred, • lirre would be an element of discon*. ent, which would inevitably renCt o*i lie other countries.

Oeneral niiss s.nw no possibility of ' neluding Riissin in lho diiirihutiou ' dan, but he snid if the present so- ’ •nlled jfovernment of that country ' *v.fiuld ]>lny fair with, tbe rent of tbe ' fvorld for thirty d.iys and during thnt lime Iho general distrmution of-neces- ilties could be workod tn inohide Rus- lin” he believed thnf Ihe-prosent ai*- inlion in fhnt country would be com- ' :)lelely ehiinged.

No Reason for ramlno There is no reason for famine throat-

•ning nnv j>ortiiin of Kurope, Oenor.al [Uiss s.aiil, despite the di-mujfion nn.l OSS of prqdiirfion durinc Ihe wnr. H.* •slitnnfed food pioducfion this yenr in ' (•!umpe lo“b r hetween HO nnd R-T p"r ■etit of normal. Interruption of dis- ' ril>ulio;i nnd hoar^ling of excesi nu;> * ilirs explains the present ecoiionii'' ' itUTrfioii. in his opinion.

The iiiornle of the older ROVernnirnlH I n Kurojv' is goo<l without exception. | 'ener-Tl Hlins s.iid, but the ijjorc ri* i 'ently es’ablislicd jintions are still f;ir! 'rom stable as a result of eronoiiiie! Ils, do.orihoil as utterly Unnecessary. [ -’raiieo, Orent llritain nnd Italy shouid | end llieir wholo support lo the co.ili-] i ioti lodny. If only fnr the good whirti ’ ivill devolve to themselves, he il<» I •lared. ;

Picks Hoover for Place (io n o riil I tli-n M iigeested I h a t “ sueh

I niw v H e r l .e r t H o o v e r " s h o u ld b e :i;i'.nen ■ liroefor g e n e r a l o f su p p lie s fo r K tii» |'-‘ a n d th n i tli e fc sh o u ld b e n p * | I'o liitoi! tv iili i l i is o f f i r i a l a n o th e r t<> j t>e d i r . ’f l o r genor.n l .nf- t r a n s p o r ta t io a . | Ifttfr' iITT- rfiinn ion p o o l. tin<ler th e p la .i . i « n u lil he p la c r d n o t o n ly n i l s to r e s o f j r e r e a ls n n d g r a in s , tiu f c o a l , p e t r o l e u m ,: neI.T ls n n d r a i l ro a d e q u ip m e n t .

"T here is food in plenty right up ;o till* gates of Hudapest nnd Vienon ■ iiid starvntioij witliio holli eities” :Joneral B!is.n said.

Tho presoaf Bovomment ol Gerniany, ■ 'we.ik as it is“ represents Iho onlv ' iope of llie world for Ih e ‘early recon-i' itrilrtio:i of that eounlry, in Ihe opla- I on of the peace enmmi.ssionrr.

^Conti'nueil on I’aKo Ten) j ■


NEW YORK, <;p>—Plans for ::hristmas day demonstration wer« ^ompleted•here today by the league oJ \m nctty for politieal prisoners.

Tho program ralU for orgaalratior nf “ flying motor squadrons” lo con- vcy carolle™ dressed in prlsoa gr.«y and with wrists manacled on a tour nf the city 's churthes from Old Trinity la Lower Broadway to 8 t. P atrick ’s ca­thedral in F ifth a v e a i^

According' to the ,lsrgaais«>rs there win b#'-it*-*tparade’ ' bal « e k aatovo- ; hlle wlU U foUowed -b r « AU iit “ w a lksrt” eaeh six feet cpaxC j rheae “ walkers’* wko also wm aet as i


E W SPBICB r r v g


I TOGOIFELO :I Reports Show Release of Howat

Not Yet Efficacious In Case- . of Seven Properties where - 5 Operations are Suspended■ WILSON CAlIilflEETING it OF INVESTIGATING BOARD .

Inquiry Promised Operatives to ^ Agreement to End S trike ia . ~

Sohednled to Begin qq M o q * ,

J. day N ext <’

*' WAaBXNOTON, (/?)—PrM ldant Wilson today Issned » call fo r • maetlns here Monday of the tpdc- U1 com m l^on sppolnted td inves- tlgato vages asd prices In tb« bl' — - tnminons coal iudostzy. Tbs coxa- mission a t th a t time Is axpectod to lay plans for Its InQnlzy which

I probably . will continue several I weeks.I PITTSBURG, kan ., (/P>—Early r«-• port* ahow that not all of tho Kansas

coal minora who walked out yesterdayr in protcat agnlnst tho sending of Alex­

ander Howat to jail wero rotnmlnfc to i• wor'k todaj. .I t waa aaaounced a t the j

headquarters of Uio operators aasoela- j tlon tha t aix mines had been reported

It idli*- — !f All Kunaaa-onncra striking la pro- . ; It test againat tbe sending to ja il o f ; ;r their president, Alexander Uowat, wero * ,f ordered th return to work by d istrict | if officinln thia afternoon. The order ,j> weixt out by direction of Hawnt, who II. •communicntcd with hls offieers by ii IK tel^hone. - !! t, Howat notified, bis offieea. that the fl lr central and’ other local strikes would ;;j ts be taken up' by the di^trUt board hers' ,1 if Friday.-------------------------------------------------- i

1 One thousand miners still w.ere on ,■ I,, strike today, maklni; idle six -mlDes. I

----------i. BOOST PRICE OF OOAL'* BOUOHT im S E R OONTRAOT I** CHICAGO, (;p>—Coal. consumers I

hero today were In roccipt of an: ;,lnouncCmenta from several fuel cotnpa- , \lnics notifying them of nn increaae »n I

, ' tho retail price of between 30 nnd 35 Icents a lon on nil eoal mined since set- J

, tlement of the recent bituminous mi.t- - j l ers strike, to make up for the 14 porccnt wage increase tho workera gained. JJ

“ This docs.not mean no cOal will bo. sold nt tho government priee” , on» ^jl

dealer hald. “ But tho Garfield order . IIs not retroactive on contracts execut- Iod Ijeforo it w.as issued nnd nil eon- I

X- tracts contuin a clause providing for I:»] tho passing along of nny increase :n I,d mining cosl. Those who havo no con- :■

tracts for coal will get it nt the gov- ;■n crnmenl price. I.[■ “ Howiver, most operalors havo their - I

entire output sold under contract, ro , II the pri.*o increase will ho pretty* gon- ■' ■


■___ II Court Perm its Offender F ree- I

,J I dom to Spond Christmas I w ith Frionds I

h WINNIPEG, MAN., (yp>—K. B. Bus- I sell, one of the leaders in Winnipeg’s ' H

tr general strike ehiirseil with seditious ' H r,.! conspiracy, w.is found guilty here to- H• „ jd a y nn all sovrn counts. H a.i The fii^t count in the indictment wai H

! “ 5e<Iitious .-crtflipirary •' and thr ne’e! H ,f .f iv e wore' for commilting overt n its H n^.nnd tho seventh-waw'for “ rommttfin,;^ H

n eonimon nuiH.ince.” ,ip Justieo Metcalfe allowed Itiisscll hia H

freedom until S.iturday morning so *■ fhat he could spend CTiristmas with his, H

friends and not behind iron bars. This H is bcUevcii tf> \ir the firsl time in Win-.

V nipeg that a person convicted by a juryi H i.|ha.s been permitted tn remain freo. ^J. I Russell will be brought up for s e : i . ^ |

1 tenei* Saturday morning. His .altor-^- i neys announced they would appeal to jthe Manitoba eourt o f appeals. •

VY FOR POLITICAL I INS DEMONSTRA TIO!^ ■.\ pickets whrn congregati^as leave th^ !^H T» church, will cxrry banners reading:3j “ There arr* l .'iOO prisonera b e h in v ^ H

bara for conscience nake.”'r “ Ten political prisonera hnve -dW <^^| n- for their ^plaiona sake.”<y “ Eighteen bishops helped free E a |L ^ H nf lish consciestions objee t»a .“

I t was aaaooaeed a t I s t m a- tsrs that earoilers asA-

would b<> n e t a f U a c ln s f4 - -« fT V l^ H re Aseesaioa by SUw.»- nsy Oraat, m la r , w ta . a H r s S i i ^ ^ ^ Hl« U e tte a b yi s r s T s :

. . .

Page 2: TA2AA ' OBJECT OrDCiUPATIPNIDairy Products Decrease 2 Inewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/TWIN...THE ONLX A t'T E im TW IP VOI^ 2. HO. 219, iilEPTS ' imiiMs' OrDCiUPATIPN Second


NTEWTION--------- th

Mexican Feminist Council Refl- - isters Objection to Foreign w

Program of Chiidiiood Con- ^ .servation League J,{

--------- UtJR........WOMKN .......................... ............

MKXICO CITY, (/P)—RcBolutlonn of profrHt ngjilnst “ jirojcctnd pliilnntiirnp* p;i ic iDtrrvontluii In M oxirnn a ffa irn by tlio reccnt ^ fo rm o d Clithlhond Conner- of vation LcnKuc of tI ic .U n ltp il S tfttc f,” I'l wnn (uloplod n t n iiiocting o f tho Mox- lyii-3 ii IVmiiiidt Conncil Tucndoy. Tho i>n li'HK'*''. whicli, i t in naid, ‘ ' propoius,

• w ith fhn finnncinl b n rk in g o f a jjroup In of thi' Inr^fHt (Mid licnt known maf^nntoi di o f Iho Iliiitoil S taten, fo nprnd frorti two niillinii to four m illion duIlnrH nn- <’<l miiilly (in chnritablo propnjjanda in M i'x ico ," is naid to bo a “ fa r Hi;{litfd [) .Hi-liciii'' to hrini; abou t n ltin ia to inter* r l vt-nlioH ill M exican tiffo lrn .’ ’

' Own B est Ju d g e s ^Si-iiom Kli'iia Torron, general noer<;-

tjiry of tlio fom inint council, gavo the fiilhiwinf;''Htntenient to the Annocialod ^J'ro.s- - O'

“ Mcxicnn women found Moxico ft- Hi'ir to he bent abli< to Judge its . onrniii-cdH fttKl to rind a w ay to natinfy them ill due time. O u tn ide.aid , how ever well nii'iiiit, in en tire ly un invited .

“ Tlioni! desiring to npead nionoy to rotifve tem jm rary n trle tu rca in M exieo J iruddont.to tlio ten yea r revotu tio ;i m ay find nininti through MoxJean inatJto- lionK nlrendy organized fo r th a t pur- ixifto. Above nil, beforo nocking oxtnr- nal objertn o f c lm rity , tliono bonevo- teiitly inclined U nitod S ta te s e ltlzens dcMirous of re liev ing nu fferlng hail b o s t ** tnko enre o f tbbso 3,000,000 to 0,000,000 .h ild ron which fho 191» rep o rt o f tho eh ildrenn ' bureau n t /W a a h in g to n do- claron nro dyini; an n ually in (ho U nltod I’” S taten from hunger nnd raa lnu tritJon .’*

Sees S lo ls te r S a c k in g l||| The .Nfexlcnn fom inint council also „n

hobln th a t thono pernons f in an c ia lly Hiipporting the m ovem ent aro tho namo , {i individunin who havo af^Uated mont in- „j, ninteiitly fo r in te rv en tio n nnd curtail* m ent o f Mexicnn liberties. ^F inanciers ,.,ii heading Ihe lint o f patronn of iho no- cnlled childhood connervation league a re j . thone I'laukern, oil baruun, ph llan throp- intn nnd notable men who figu ro mon( p — ]iroiiiinenily in noeietien and angocia- tionn for thc pro tection o f Am erican • rl(;Iiln in Mexico. A

“ Agnes C. Laiit, norretnry o f th e new iii)i c liariiab le n tg n n iu tio n , b u t b e tte r |>or known nn a confiden tia l necrelary to fi- .Me iianrinl ningniitcn thnn an orgnnir.er o f of benevolent irinlitutionn, wan a t work Ihc jmroly In tho interent^ o f her employ- her ern w hile m aking a reeent t r ip throngh ‘ 1 M exieo. I t is frnnk ly nlated Ibe lengtie’n <'it oh jeels are Ibo establinhtuent w illiin Icn TjIiI OP fiftevH ycnrn o f nlToitgholdn of nym- Bi'r p a th y o f the U nited S taten ia the mindn am Ilf th.i-' benefiriurion nf tlila enterprino who • would be im pregnated w ith now DC cu llu re and now pa trio tism w hich would tra in them to ncr-optanco ra tlio r tban revo lt agninnt ponnihlo a rm ed In te rv en ­tion in -Mexico. The c ffe c t upnn the Aci mindn o f tlio unsnnjiocting masncn o f a nuch an annual expenditure o f money in Mcxicu by th e 'United S ta te s would forw ard the ninlnter jmrposen o f the in- f lerveutionintn who thua could convince .lol Ilmno }>e«plu th a l M exico w as unable to of Molve her own problem s nnd cnro fo r tlie her own eitixenn w ith o u t outnldo assist- enl nnee. • J n r

Calls f o r B e d s tan ce Sal “ Tho M exican fem in is t council calls ‘'i l l

npon every M exican citizen , m an an d ''f woman, to reniat th is o v e r t a tta c k up- on national nelf-ronpect and d ig n ity and to find nomo meann Ihcmnelven o f solv* ' ing preaning problem s ,of n a tio n a l fu> oonstruction .’ ’ the

-------------- . AflNEWARK SCHOOLS DROP


Elim inate. OUsslc B ecause o f I t s B f- ^ fe e t OD M inds o f M on-Jewlsh


.N'KWAHK, . (jfp> — S hak esp ea re 's‘ ■ .M erehnnt' o f V enieo” Tn to be drop- pi-(I fm m the li te ra tu re n tudied in tb e N fw nrk jmblic nchools “ bc.-nn<ie "of i ts —— o ffe r t on Ihe mindn of-non-Jew ish chil- d rv n .“ ill np i'r.iv ing tm lny n ronuenl frum till- Anli D efaniation league of Chicago Ihnt the jilay he bnniied, fhe hoard o f n iiim lion 'n* in struc tion com- inittci- i«nid th a t iln nrtion wan based ncil her iijxin th r “ em barrassm ent which _ mny he rntise.l Jew ish nludi-nts in th c H clas^, nor iijk)ii th in sk inncil ncnnitive- H iic5n ,“ but lir.-niine nnn-Jowish children H ••Mil.ron-.rirn)..ly will .ns^wririto in th e ir ■ nniiil-. lhe Ji-w n i Shakespeare po rlrav - H r.i Ilim with III!' J.Mv of to iln y .” ' I

“ CliiMrrn arc iioi niial.'’ist.i, ” jinid .1 s:ntiiiH iit iv^iird bv the Committee.• 'T Im- .I.'»v nf .‘-.j.aW .-p.are l i v s in the tnin<! of llie rliilii ns lhe Jew of Xew Y-irk or tlir .I. r> ..f Clii.-.iL;., o r the J.-w e f N 'ew ark.”

‘• 'Q u a l i ty ri;:nrs, s;.;iii.;arl l.ramU j f H r itra r.II .- . an.] I..l...r.-c.i, -,.,,.1 ;.-;ft f j - B

IClaiwifi.'il .\il* n r r cheap—rffee tiv* H

' l l A d iY ourPejlcrt f ^ |

i i i II g j ) GiandFVizelfedffilfflp i lBffl Hitamu fiAmmunilion BS H

■ ^ 8 W rite forCat&loitue M | H

- TWO ' ’


Eepudiate J. D. Brown and His Plans fo r 'Onion of Lahor

and LeagneWI-JISER, (/P)—O regon membors '>l '

tho P a rm ern ' union havo repud ia te J tho political loadorshlp o f J . D. BroFO, ^ Who Is well known in Wc^scr and W anhington counfy th rough h is o rg a n ­ization activ ition here for ncVornl ' ■ytars.- M r. Brotvn has bocn tu rned nut n f tho ptonidoncy o f Iho union and th s Ideas ho strong ly championed havo . heen rojectod. ■■■

I 'res iden t Brown favored an alliance nf thc F n rm ern ' union w ith the Non- [ ' p /irtinnrricnguo nnd tho S tnlo Fedtrnr" •" linn o f I ^ h o r . A t th c reeen t-a iee lln g of the F n n n e rn ' uniou a t T h e 'D oIIoh, I 're.iident Brown in nil addrehn ntrong' ly lulvoeuted im lornewent o f the Non- I' piirtinan league.

Hefore the ennvention ended rt‘M'>- hitionn woro adopted nCrgpgly eon- dem ning th e lengne.

A. n . Bhumny, of M illon, wan eleel- «'■ ed nn H row n’n nuceennor.

— V , nu


Commander of American Expo- vi ' d ltionary Forces Betnrns to

Form or HomeIJN C O L N , Neb.. </P)— G o n era r John d!

J . I'ernhing en^io lo Lincoln today fo r ili a holidnv vinit w ith members o f bin w fnmily.

M ore than n Q uarter o f a ccn tury ago fn j ho mnde thin e ity Iiin homc. Then h c .n i wnn a law s tu d en t a t tho U nivernity o f |]ii N ebranka and com mnndnnt o f tho U ni­veraity cadetn o n d - w a s known nn cn “ Young L id ile n a n t P o rn h tn g ." Tie rc - jth tu rned today nn in te rna tionn l figure,! to nome o f whono friends horv doclaro th e y , in arc bent on “ d ra f t in g ” him as a re- «" publican jiresldentia l candidate . lor

O enernl P ersh ing w ith his 10 y<*ar old nr non, “ S e rg e a n t” W arren Porshlng, and Ihl! In tte r 'n nunf, Misn M ny Porahing, nrrived nhortly n f to r 10 o ’clock th is - iliifVnlng frnm liaclcdo ,'M o., tho gener-i','" nl'H‘ hlrthj>la‘cc. Tiioy vrete ncpnmpa-*'^ nie<l from O m aha by Qovernor Samuel IJ.M cK olvie, M a y o r 'j . E. Millor o f Lln- coin, and a n ta to reeeption com m ittee hended bv H ta to ’n A d ju tan t O eneral II.J . Paul.

P E E 8 H IN O SO H ED U liE FORIN B PEO TIO K T R IP O i r B N j . r ,

W ASHINGTON’, (/P)—Gcncrtvl P c rn b .;! '" iiig 's tour, o f innpection o f m ilita t^ 'I pontn in tho F n r Went nnd along Ib o j” .Mexican bordor w ill end in tho m iddlo I o f Kebrunry. The o ffic ia l program fo r | _ . lhe Innt h a lf o f his tr ip , mado public | bero today, follow s; | | j |

Leave Chicago Ja n n a ry 4, Kannan C itv J a n . 10; D enver J» n . 14; Snlt Liiko C ity Jn n . IG; P o rtlan d Jn n . 18; • . Bi'ivttle .ltu>. Bacram onto Ja n . 23,5 ami Haa I'raneinco Jann!-}.

________ _ P rPERSHiNG TO BE GUEST :

OF SALT LAKE legion;Acccpts Invitation to Make Brief Stop ’

at Utah Capital on Tour of Weat- at em BUtCT On

BALT L A K E C It £ (> ) ~ O enern l, In^ .lohn P. I’ernhing, eom m ander-in-chlcf of .America’a arm ies in France n-ill b e , bo' tlie giienl o f Snlt Lnko C ity ami the lo - ; -Mr enl A m erican Legion prtnt fo r 12 bours injj January- lfl. Tho Inv ita tion fo ineludo, or« Salt Lnke O ity in hia four o f w este rn : 1 cilien waa nent him roiJently nnd w ord 'li<i o f hia aceejitauce han been receive<l by from hia aido de camp. Colonel M ar- non shall. ; »p(

W'hile in Balt Lako C ity, G raoral bin Ponhiiig w ill innpeet F o rt Douglas nnd no the cneihy in tem m oilt barrackn there . J>ai A flrr Iho Inspection of Iho fort it in. wil planned to hold a Inrgo s tree t parade hia and in the enrly ovenlng tho general 1 will address a public galTicring a f the din MormOQ to b em o d e . ' ;fan

From S a lt L ak o ,C ity G eneral Pernh-'<^u in g 's p a r ty , w hich will con iist o f nino try Dther « ff le o rs , w ill continue w estw ard . }>re

. I beeYou cnn g e t your message to cm- I

ployors, .looking fo r capable people, bee ihroB(^h the classified. , lart

{cHRISW( All Dances 1

No Evening Tit

I Thursday, Dei


T W IN F a I l s d a i


---------- ' Vi. Lawmaliers Called in Special f,;

Ses^on Consider Numerous Plans ifor Solution of Indus-

; frialProblemsTO I'K K A , Knn., (/P)— i’ropnrntory lo

. tho mooting o f tho K ansas loginlaturo o f r -ill n]ieeial nennioji on Jnn u n ry S, mem- qc . bern nf thnf^body havo under connid- ’ oraUun numeroun plann fo r a n tato law in ' v h ic h w’ill meel tlio requirem ontn n f ve

Iho prenent induntrial n ituation , brought tic •to nn ncule hend by fhe coal ntriko. Vi

. Gov. llen ry J . Alien in hin proclam.i- , linn cnlling tho BpVeinl nennion, hn^ sfj

unkod Ihc leginlntnre lo form ulate Vi Mome molhnd w hereby dinpulen be- i;li tw een eni[iIoyen'am i emplnyorn in ci- nuiilini induntrien m ay be nettled w;itii- nhi ou l a complete rurtnilmorA of prodoe- dtt tloD,-enuned by n trike o r lo<'kout,-pend- - -o ing a setllem ent of tho d ispute . A r- j t

I b itrn lion o f theno dinpulen. G overnor Af AHen dcelnretl, him proven inadequate. m(

I Somo nther. p b n in - tlin -o p e rn fio n o f ha w h irh iiellliLT pn rly n f the dinputo . Hinll have n final voice, munt lio do- t j vined, he ntuted.

Three O om laan t FoU des Tho ailm inintrnlinii loginlalivo pro- —

gram :in pru\i«ned w ill iucludc threo : dm ninatit {lolicicn. P re lim inary , an in- ■ d ii i t r in r ro u r t will be urgeil, it in aald,1 w ith n iMNnibilily lha t the leginlaluro j m ay undertnke the enlnblinhing n f such

i);n» innfitutioji jfncJf, iini} /ilao reeom- |m eiid nurh an n nolution of the current .Jiroblem on a nntiniinl linnin.

‘ P rl.fileering law s will he neeond. P o- I’” ' ci.iirLc l-y Ihe public mny be nccured «

{throifiU a bill provid ing for iv jn ry d.v *•! toiniifvition of priifiln. A nother cour*e in ihlH^ pnrticu lnr m ay be through a " "

'.im im insion nr licence nyntem In retnil- U-i-< anil n ffec tlng trado.imen. m lddii- ....... «ii.l an<

To Bevlse Com pensation or<]A th ird prnvinion eonnidered o f vitnl 1

I ini(itirlanee in fo r n new w nrkm cnS tali I compeiiHation Inw. - A eotnminalQn-wnn nry ap]>ninled lw tho governo>‘, a t tho rn- un<

.quest o f ' lh o ..U st leginlaluro, which ent m et thu firn t p a r t o f thin year, to in- do

I vestigato . lh e operation o f Ihe prenent rpii ; workm en'fl compennatlon Inw and *o thc I report rceoiiimeiidntlonn fo r itn revision rAi I or Jl new law. -■ ntn; ‘tlo jie . Hint the in terrntn <if tho gcii- Ihc M'rnl publir will bo fnll.v cniinidered by ran j th e logiNlntiire in neen in fhe fac t th;i't Mo lilH |ier->onnel iuebidei n wirlt^ variol.v the [o f trn il.'t nnd profoi.iiinm, w ith men of einj I ngricultu'-iil iiitiTentn jiredom innnu ' ( I ■ ■■ the


President Expects to Spond Some Timo Out of Doors in ow

Wheel Chair c

■' W 'A HinN'nTOX, (>P)—Chrinfman day nt the W hite Ilounc will bo A quiot ono. O wing fo President W jfson’s illness hin. graiiilchlldrcn will not come to Wash- Ington mill ronsequontlv thero w ill be "''p no Chrinlmnn. trco. The W hito Houao; however, w ill lie** decorated an unual,.Mrn. Wilson toda.v direclin 'g the plac- ing o f poisettnn, liollv, m istletoe and ev- orgre.-n. ’ “O'"

Tho president w ill en l hia Chriatman diiiiier in hin room. I t w ill bo nerved o.„ by .Mrs. W ilson. H ear A dm iral Gray- ‘ non, Ihl' jircs id o n t’s ph.vnician, will npend 'm ost n f fhe dnv nt liome wiMi bin fnm ily nnd Ihero w ill be v irtua lly no rcn trirtionn in fhe menu tn ho jife- a pared fo r M r. Wilnon. Tlie president w ill spend nonie tim e out o f doom in | hia wheel ehnir.

Tomorrow morning, Mrn. Wilaon will din tribu te p re ien ts to friends o f the fam ily and to ehildron w hc livo on the eountrynide along the rou te to tho coun­try r lub irf nearby V irg in ia w here tho g prenident hnn played golf pinco ^ e has tieen in Ihe W hito Honso.

Hundreda o f jin ’sentn nnd cards have been received a t fhe W hite Houno, a large num ber being delivered today.


IS 0 *E10 cents Iickets Sold I

ecember25|PAVrilOIN *


^.IL Y N E W S , T W IN F A L


' COUCS t a t e m e n t s o f D e a d W o m a n ’s

1 M o t h e r S a i d t o C o m p l e t e I scna S t a t e ’s O a a e - i

______ ' o t(LAW TON, Mich., W W o a e p h •!. =

Virgo, huabnnd o f M aud T abor, will ll bo arraigned on a ehargo o f m urder,

P rosecuting A tto rn ey W arner ind icat- S od la s t n igh t when ho n ta ted charges

mado by M rs. Sarah T abor, th a t Virgo ** perform ed an lUcg&l operation on her

daugh ter beforo tho . l a t t e r ’s death, co0y)lotod tho s ta to ’s casu agn itfsl'’t l i^ ' ' accused man. ' ' '

0 M rs. Tabor is involved on tho chargo0 o f being an accessary a f te r tho fn e t,>• accord ing to the nrosccntor.1;. Tho body o f Alaud T abor was found gj.’it iv in a- tru n k in tho Tnbor home on No- i= i! f vem ber .10, about Ihroc years' a /to r i< bct. d isappearance. I t dovuloped V6a t

Virgo hod niado her his f i f th w ifj,'• nnd, Mrs. Tnlior .declared in n nigncJ in ntntom ent mndo public yeste rd ay fhat e Virgo fold li«\r hc d id n o t iv an t anv !- childron. ^1- Tn her stn tom cnt Mra. T nbor said I' nhe alopL benidc tbo dend body sovoi !• dnya, Aviien Virgo placed i t in tho I; -%'oung w om an’s “ hope c h e s t” and hid

i t in th e ctU ar, thc .aw tb o rltlc s iltjclats. ir A t tho co roner’s inquest tho n g J i

m othor denied th a t nn illegal operation f had been perform ed.« . I ■


^ B u rgonela te r o f B o o m B efoses to Fer- m it Bncroochm ent on -Public

H ighw ay .

H DOOItN, H olland, .(/P)— The burg-i- ,. m einter o f Doom bnn halted , a t le.-ijf . tempor-irily, the erection o f a high

fence along tho roadside abou t Ihc houne o f Doom, tho fu tu re renidenee

ll o f thc form or G erm an em peror. There is no wall about tho entjitc, Kueh nn

„ a t tho Bentinek castle n t Amerong'iii,Ihe present honio of W illiam I l d ......

|, r.ollcrii.. . I t wns found, howevor, thn t llu-

fence vneronchcd on n public hlghwny nnd, fo r Iliin reason, burgom elnfer i ordern itn conntruetion ntopjted.

1 Tho form or m onarch in expected tot tnko up hia renidenee here in Febrn- ■ ■ H nry. Tho w ork of rem odeling is w elt• under wny a s tbo boune han been va.

catcd by tho Qnroncnn vod H eerantra- d«? B eaufort, its fo m o r owner. Av,now I cen tral hcntinf* p lan t in In bo bu ilt;) the fnrm lioune in being re f it te d nn n 1 rA iidenre fo r ‘the fonner om jieror’s

n tu ff, w ith nceomniodntionn for lO nml- Ihc houno of the gurdcner will be n '- ,• ranged nn nn ailm in ln trativo office.[ Monl o f the employes who w orked for i

the nnroncHs. vnn ileen in ira hnvo been f employed by Count Hohen'rollern.

Beenuse of the i-olil w eather' lately , the fonnor emperor linn . mmlo few , \in itn to, bin new hoino,vLut ho ia in ' closc loueh w ith (hone in ehnrge of the repnir work nnd receiven frequent

• rejiorln on Itn progrcn*.


Obinese S torekeeper lA ngha (it t h a H igh Cost o f L iv ing w h ile A dT oatages

a n a t S tak e ^

HONOLULU, T. II., ( /P )-L ,... ’Pec, Chincflo storekeeper, fa th e r of nevonleen children, fou rteen of w-hooi

, a re living, and hnve rrceived or a re ro- . ceiv ing e v e rr educational Milvantnge.

laughs a l Ihe high eoni o f living.L eo ntill in supporting Ihe neven

younger membern o f hin fnm ilv a n l some grand children nn woll from th" proceeds o f hia small nhop in thin citv.

F o u r o f hin nons se rved , the U nited J S taten during tho w ar, two a s commis­sioned o ffire rs in the arm y, ono in the navy and ,onc nn a p r i in tc in the am .y .

I O u rbI good will■ we sincer 1 you have

May y Merry am

. ger, better before.


— —

J I I I I I H l l l l l l l l *

A L L S , ID A H O , W E D N E S D .)AY, DEC. 24,1919SES FO B LEO ISL A T IO K TO mo

SEOUJIB H O BSES FO B W AB pieW ASHINOTON, (/P>— U^giglation, to ablo officcra ..Jin (i^nU atcd .-n ion to rtic lp a fo ' a l goVemn\cnt expenao in ; rsu ahowa jin d fa irs bo th in th ii un try and abroad , w as rcoommcndcd

Secretnry B akor In a le t te r rccclved *“* la y by Chairm an W adsw orth o f tho aato n^ilitary commlttoo. Mr. B a k ’r , id tho departm en t plaifnod to en tor thi tea te o f Am erican offieera la thc rig

i i i l i l l i i l ®

W e extend to al our wishe

Merry, Meiand

Very Prosperou IDAHO POWEI

L A V E B .I N G ' NllSlT Tuesdai

’ The Musical EveniGOUSTOOK-ELLIOTl




Y O BE. c m O A a O, P H TLADBLFl tCES U EBO E 01

A D elightful Youthfu C harm ing.


P r i c e s $ 1 . 1 0 . $ 1 . 6 5 , $ 2SEA T 8 A LB A T U A J £ S

)iggest asset is1 of our customers rely value the busi2 given us. .

j^otrr Christm a; id the New Year ;r and busier than


■ /

mounted^mlHtary eontMt in the Otym-- pic gamos a t Antwerp and the Inter- sational Uorso show'' In Londoa In 1920.. The secretary said ho believed par- '

tieipation of efficors In thoso contents would encourage the brooding of horses suitablo fo r military purposes.

, You eon sab-let' tbat apartment 'through elasslfled advertising:—to the- right person, at- the riglit rental'

i M l

J l i i i l l l l B ■

all our patrons ies for a

;rry Xmas) a ' •

)us New Year ER COMPANYlllliiyilllillllllllllllllllllllltnlH r..:.




ful Romance Set to g Music

■ SM&EI HEAPS .BS GOWNS OF PUN S 2 .2 0 - ; Order seals nowESTIO PHARMACY


s the s rs and siness

as be ‘ ir big-never 1



Page 3: TA2AA ' OBJECT OrDCiUPATIPNIDairy Products Decrease 2 Inewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/TWIN...THE ONLX A t'T E im TW IP VOI^ 2. HO. 219, iilEPTS ' imiiMs' OrDCiUPATIPN Second

. I *‘WIN FALLS DAILY N W[ I— > f t w w b n ' t t ^ t 8 m d

■Twin N a W p o b l iS n # ^ :a ! r^ <Bit*btUh»<l l*M)

.'?PX.- - nBAi>..;....?.7C?r.r.TpriSafl! JO H N C. H A B V B T . . . . ; . ^ . . . . .T r « i r o f

w I ,Boter«<| u aeooad cU m tn*U m M t ; ^ IM I. a t th b p o a to m o e .a t T «! ' *U U . idkho , e q a « r th* . A ot o f M a n li I iW . .

8U B8CH 1PT 10N R A T E S•On# y e n r ............................................... . . . |8.•I mo»tU« .................................................1•S D ton lh t ........................ ............................1t ntdnth .............................................

MEMnEB OP A S sS o iA T ro 'T B S T b o A w o cU ta d m ro lta tre ly e

Mlled 10 th«> tu o fo r rsp u ltf te a tlo o of i ■tow • l l i r a ie h r s c re d ite d «o t t , o r n

• «th^rwl(if cr«dit>‘d . «r» th ta p ap er, ai• <!an 'ho lr>cat nem pablUhed hm ln . i Hcht* nr repuMlcatlon 0( apwU] dl

- M trb M h»V«tn KT« reM rved .

N« rctpoaaltaU ltr U u R i ta « d to r 11 • c a n o f unao lleitod rea n cu c rln t. pho t « m n lia o r o lh r r con lrtbu tM ] m a tte r . A -•Idea a u b m itte d fo r p tib lloatlon w in I uM>d o r no t a t th e .d isc re tion of tb e ed it <nd no m «nunerlp i w itl b e r e tu rn e d ui

tiftaa aco o m p a n tf^ by tb e neceeaan r poa Mt*. ■

' " E A S T E R N R S P im S E N T A T T V e a : 0 « o r» e B . D aU d Co.. Inc .. 171 Mnii

■ •^ d - A m .. N ew Tortc: A. R . K ea to r. U H a rtfo rtf .B undlnff. G h l c i ^ -

M em ber A o d lt B u re au of C Iroala tlon

j t e s F1&8T OBSIBTUAS hlEBd lLCI

I Two ca p to rs ^of tho Bible contawhat mlglit Uc caliod' tho “ coa'stU t io n " of ChrUtinnity.

j They set tortb tbo /un/laweiitala itho .Christian f&itb, and at leant'oni a year ia not too froquont a roailliif; <

1 tboso two chapters.Thoy. are the aeeood chapter of tl

-OoBpel of Bl Luke, and the two^tid rhopter of the Gospol of 8t. John.

Tho civUiration of lOOO'yoam b bn ed on thoao two chaptera, tolling of tl •birth and reBurrectfon of Jcaua Chrli

Thoy contain the ^ssontlals of Chria Unity.

The original Chrlatmaa mesaogo hi nevor been imprt>ved upon and nev< will be. I t ia contained in fivo vorw of tho Mcond chapter of 8 t. Luko. Hei I t ia: “

And the angol aaid unto thom:l “ Fear not, for behold I bring you good tidinga of great joy which ahall be to all people.

For unto you ia bom th b day in ' tlie city of Darid, a Saviour, which

ia Chiiat^the Lord.And thia ahall bo a aign unto you:

ye ahall .lind tbe Babe wrapped in awaddUng clothea, lying in a staa* ger. ' ^

. . ' And snddenly tbere was with tbe angel a> mulLituds of the Ilearen- ly boet, praiaing Ood aad aaying:

"Q lory to Qod in the higheat, and on earth peace, good will to;

' ward men.”Milliona of sermons have been base

upon those five veraoa; milliona of e_d lorlals hav® beea written' aronnd then milliona of Chriatmaa greetinga hai had tbem for their foundation.

Yet the meaaage novor groWT old;': never loaea by repetition; It never fai: to be ” good .tidings of great joj’” t Iho wan who will lend oar to it.

What the conatitution of the Unite States and tho Deelaratioo of Indepot (knee are to the Amoriean nalion, thei two diaptcra of tbe Biblo aro to all hi manity.

Aa a p rep ar^o n for Chrlatmaa da thbre ia noprfng to equal a qufet rcat ing of t^>^econd chapter of Bt. Luke,


I f t'■ I

;ws!|---------- ' -T H E P E A C E T

Following tho arm iatice, the r our own, drew up nnd aigned a t P a r t I being tho league o f aationi compulsion by Oermany. .

y tw * ■ D nring tho apecial acasion o f « 'ttoriPB of 15 roaorvationa to th is ti sonato on recom m endation of t l

— t be ra tify in g resolution camo to , g ^ th irda m ajo rity boing necoasary 1

‘ i .K ' to rs voted to r a t i f y w ith rcacrvai• l.W tiona, whilo 15 voted o ^ ln f i t ra ti _ Thl a b a demOcraoy an d In tho

>tM» our roproaentatlvoa in WTo toat public sen tim ent on tJ

J,*",: timca, Tho Tw in Falla Nowa oaki r not checking th a t ono of tbo folic

aM view s: -dla. — ___________________■ ■■■ -

1. I favor eompromiae on roaor• ' f ica tio n o f Poaco Tre hi^o- tiona Covouaut.n ba ______________________________tdliorI OT- 2 1 favor ratiClcatlon, b u t only

tiona. ,

3. 1 fnvor ra tifica tio n , b u t onlykfnill*uu — - _____ —

.4.^ 1 nm oppoaed to rn tiflca tionlona _________________________________

Name ----------------------------.•--------

Addresa ----- ------------- .....................

.F ill in your namo and address a s

CflOE I --------

n tain


tilth Sellers in Markets of C Italy< Accept United Own Depreciated Cu

: Purchases with InfhiriHt- NEW YORK, (/P)—American impo

tera now pureh'aaing gooda in Englam }j4. F ranco jind I ta ly fo r shipm ent to t l

U nitod Stntea a ro w axing f a t aa a t' su it o f tbe depreciation of tbo poun

oraas a trrlln ^ , the frnnc and lire, nccordir TT„- to stories now going the rounds of t l

New York wholeaalo d iatrict., The only “ fly in tho o in tm en t” f<

m : ^ tho American buyora abroad la tho f a ou th a t, by a preaidontla l order sever ich weeks ngo. U nited S tatea conaula ai

required to keep tab on big purchaae in aacerta in tbe aelling price an d cab ch theso faeta to the U nited Blatoa eusto

au thorities. Then, by figuring tho rai iu: o f exchange on the dnto of purchas in tho governm ent b enabled to ac t a p r

tier vniuo upon tho (rooda fo r tho cc eetion of im port du ties. A con rt i ;be elaima paaae's upon w hat aro alleged <

jn> bo u n fa ir appraisals.

S ta tu s o f 'S itoatloB

I'O.* The situation b aaid to he aomewhi like t h b : An A m erican buying poun ste rling , aay, on December 12, needc to pay in Am erican moncy only W.H

e_dl: fo r B ritiah currency norm ally wort licm j ft^owt' I't.B?. Now ho goMi to a facto r have In 'N o ttingham , £ng>,-t4 b u y Jacca, an

there , although prieoa o f 'e o u ra e ai h ig lie r than before tho w ar, he paya fe

} ; ' i t them in thia depreciated Britiah mono - • nnd makes a “ handsom e” p ro fit. The

he ahipa .the lacea to the Tfnited State to where, by reaaon o f tho Inflation of th

Amerienn dollar, they are re ta iled fe fro m ’ 100 to l.W p e r een t above pro-wa prices.

ipon* E ffe e t In Franceheso The aamo Im porter, on the aame dat< 1 hu- we w in aay, goea to France. In Pari

he bos excbanged h is Am erican dollai fo r franca. N orm ally thero aro 6.18 1-

day franca to tfae do llar, b u t now bo find xad- yankoo “ aimftleon” will buy 11.5 . frnncn, over 100 p e r cen t moro th n a b«

fore the wnr. The prloi- o f silk* hn

M erry Christmas

and a H appy New Ye

to our m any friends

and patrons

Idaho Department Storeim i r iu t. itus,

~ ,T W IN F A L L S _ D

T R E A T Y B A LLO T10 reprcflentntlvea o f 28 nations, including a t P aria a peaco t re a ty w ith Q ennany,

iona covenant. Thia w as a b o signod under

Df congrcas tb a t ended on November 10, n 3 t r e a ty and covonant w as adopted by tho

tho foroign relatlona eommittoo.- W hen to a voto of tho aonato, how ever, a two-

-y fo r adoption, i t waa dpfoatod; 41 aona- rvatiOTVB, 30 lo ra tify w ithou t aay rtio rv a - ra tificatio 'a on ai\y conditiona w batever. tho ond tbo w ill o f tho people w ill bo acted.I W aahington.a tliia m ost im portant queation of modern iaka I ts roifdera to sta to th e ir a ttitu d o by p i lo tin g sta tem en ts which expresses heir ^

__________I____________ Chack haro

nor%*ationa w ith immodiato rati- T reaty and tho I<oa^o of Na-

nly w ith all tbo Lodgo roaerv it- '

n ly w ithou t any reaorvntiona,

on in any. form.

a sd moil ballot to The Twin F a ib Ncwa^


lE RATE FA LLS■ G reat Britain, France and sd States Coin in Terms of !3urrency but Must Pay for Elated Do^Ur^___Qpor- goilc“ up, b u t ‘ho’ "goea to Lyons nntl land, there , w ith hla depreciated. Frencl: I tho monoy, ho buys moro than ho haa ovoi a re- bought before a t “ b a rg a in ” priccs ound Tho silks reach-N ew T o rk , w here they rding aro aold to tho consumer a t doublo theis f tho fonnor re ta il p r ic e . '

N oxt th is im porter viaita I ta lv , w hen ’ for ho fin d s the lira, C.18 1-8 o f which like fa c t the fronc beforo tho w ar could bi

veral bought fo r one A m eriran dollar, now al I are a vnst diacout)t. In fac t, he recolvei laara, 13,47 lire fo r ono A m erican dollar and cable Well financed, goea to Naplca where stora ho ncgotitttea tbe purchaso o f tapos ra to triea. roating, o t courae, nfore th a n i t

haao, 1914, b u t in rea lity cheaper when pur pro* chascd w ith the presen t I ta lia n cur

I col* roney.rt of Wotaa la Oantral B«fflon*d to financial eonditidna exiat

all over Europe and in tho form er con tra l empircR, of courac, they are ro ported much worse. In tho allied couO'

w hat triea, however, where there is nations] ound s ta b ility and g rea te r ab ility to pay , tbe eded depreciated money ia e ffec ting some >3.00 s trange changes. A d inner w hich,-bc- rorth fore the war, in P a ris could bo bad for :lory A_nsaf>lnnl aum, now coats from 20 to

and 50 frUncs. ^nro A m erican m nnufacturera, Meanwhile,

s fo r who desire to sell tb e ir producta abroad oney aro dem anding paym ent in Am erican rh en dollars- a t par. R ecently tho Belgian la tes governm ent, i t b said, bought tw enty f tho A m erican Incomotivca, fo r which pay- : fo r I m ent instead of boing in Belgian monoy -w a r ) waa demanded in Amerienn dollarn, thus

add ing from 15 lo 20 por cen t to tho m an u fac tu re r’s norm al p ro fit. ' N at-

date diacoiirages foreign buying.^aris I Antidpataa Normal OoadlUooaillara [3 1-81 On tho other hand , a b ig Amoriean 'in d a ; locomotive coneern, apprehensivo of 11.52 ' tho tu rn o f poliUeal a ffa ir s a b f ^ d due lb e - to delny over the .p en ce tren ty , ia re-

ha-nj po rted p raetically to have cancelled all

' 'e a r


.D A IL Y N E W S . T W IN F i

1 foroign ndvnnru ordora. Sncb ordura,

r cn lling fo r delivery in , th re e , Kix, or wine m ouths, aro said \o b r i>ractic»\iy non-fxlfltent in tbo locomotivo trm lc.

_ Binillar eonditions I 'x b t in o ther in* ^ duatrlcH. T h a t is why Ai»<‘rienn mnnu-

fae tu ro ra hnvo been 'say ing: “ I f the poaco trc o ty is not noon Higned it ^vill flieon th o cnmplote loas o f our foreign

hn t ra d e .” , 'B aahera Study P ro b le a _ I

0- Tlicru arc committooa o f tho .m ost a- p rom inent U nited Sintea bankers nnd a- W slness men, TeptcstuVlng tb e A m eri-,

enn B nnkers asaoeiation, tho U n ited I od S taten Chombor o f Commorer nnd the

In te rn a tio n a l Trade Conforenco, who ru hav,c‘1) e e n j i t y o rk on th i^ p ro b lcm of l»y fi>r^gn-exph.inj;e for monthn nnd' who l i r __I. " 'i l l bo rendy to remedy tho p resen t a it­

uation an aoon aa tlio peace tre a ty ba­r s eomcB n fac t for tho A merlean natic:u

GMiNy’siinraEis ;- THEME FOB GONFEDENCE_ Foaoe Council Hears Statomont:

of Secretary on Visits to Hun Envoy

PA R IS, {/P)—Tbe suUjvrl of C«or- m nny’a n ttitudo on the queslion of,

_ aigning the protoeol to the ponenl t re a ty cnmo up In . the aupreme eoun -1 cil n t th ia m orning'a aession, prenido'll over b y i'P tc m le r Clemenceau. TIio!

_ council. the expJnnntlon glvon!rs; by Pnul Dutnatn, general aeeretary ofj

I th e conferenee of jht» Iwo vlalta' pnl.l him yeaterday b;/ Iljirnn K urt von L eraner, the hend of the Oermnn mia- a|,on. I

P aris dlspnti-lie* T»i**Hdftii aanoime;-1 . T Iho delivery o f l)je alJiM reply lo thv \ la test Oermnn nole on Ihia aiibjeel, A f­

lo r receiving it llie Oermnn plenipoten- ^ tin ry s ta ted tlml he would be oblig.-.l

to re tu rn lo Berlin lo eonaull his gov- ernm ent, but Inler il wns nnnounced

_ Ihn t the Oermnns hnd decided to ro i n C l mnin in Pnria,


LOOAN, U lah, (JP)— E xperim ents p.i to tho moat prafitnb le am ount o f g ra in

, „ , i to m ix w itb a lfa lfa hny fo r fa tte n in g , . cn ttlo nro boing conducted b y tho U tah I ovor Collcge here. F if ty head

J o f two-yoar old southern atccrs wero ro- thov purchased b y th o college and aro

boing nsed In tho experim ental-w ork. T h b w i ) l - ^ tho f ir s t o f a long series ca tllo feeding cipcrim enta, according

h llko ^ “ " 011, p rofeaaor o f ani-, . m al huabandry 'under whoao aupcrvia-

lon tho tea ts w ill bo tfnrried o u tw ives • -----• and , I II. .where y ^

PHILLEO« u t c a n f u r n i s h y o u P o -

t a t o e s n o w .tional

P H O N E 8 7 2i,-bc- d fo r V20 to _ ■ . ■ ■ '

nrhile, (,— -----brond'ricandgiaii

'p a y - ^lonoy , thua3 tho ■ ■ I] I II II II. .11 JJB.N at-


m « c n o B f« n iU M » m

ID A H < f :W ednesi

A d d e d a t t r a c t i o n , S

■ Ohl

COMING==The Westerners Checkers

F A L L S , ID A H O , W E D N j^g

M M F 1 SPRWMEfl- Aged Kegro Holds Annual Ee- ii union of V eterans of tho

Oonfederacyd [ --------- •e ATLANTA, IJ..„ . (/p)—Hill. Yot.i-0 fo n n e r slnve, held hin iinnujil reiinioi f 'nt tho an ld le rs ' home hero lodnv ivil! ft fhe old wnrrlora of tile confoderncy t- nnd Bill, nn uanal, brought niong n lit I- J lo g if t fo r oneh o f them,u The nged negro hna neen providini

tho g if ts fo r yenra, pnrlly w ith hir .ow n money nnd p artly from diniea eo! Meeled nround h is home nenr Mneoi w here lie hna beeome kiio«-n nn “ Ter •Cent B ill.” I .^ st nunimer the Oeorgi,

r Icgislnturo lu m aking npproprinlion' h i fo r IWO provided n njteeliil fnnd I.- rarr?- on Hill!ji work, and na lhi-. i,

probnbly llic last fime Ihe old dnrkoj^ iw ill play Snnln Wniia At th e hom.'

O overm ir Doraey nnd other a ta te offi einla nrrnnged to be prenent.

Hilt a ta rted hin cu.^lom nf brighten ing Christm ns fo r the nid anldiera whei

lio re turned to O.eorgia fen yeiits attt ;ind found Hint hia old m aster, Cnp

^ I ta in Thomna .^I, Yopp, wtis an lnmot< I o f Iho homo.J liill h.Til heen itll over the world, h ^,r.nya, a ti.r lin g o u l an « anilor shortl- n i "■ T ' = a ^ = ^ = a = a = 8B = ~ s

■ i ' I G ^ = r = ^ ^ =

' T h e y A r er " a

’ Fresh FronThe Enjoyal

1 CRANE’S CANDIEa' The Orane Candy Company 1I the quality surpass all ol C rane’s Candies are packec

Q and exclusive design.g ■ U Jrane's Candies are Nations ■

We Also Havi fo r the

CIOABS— The popular bra: and 60.

PIPE'S and SHOEEBS' AB purses.

BEVO— The All Y ear Aoun case. Ju s t the drink for



;inff, heart stirring, hair things yoii ever saw—



1.O T H E y i d a y a n d T lSunshine Comedy iristmas Show sta rts 2:1

==S even B igThe Miracle Man The B rat Every Woman


iSD A Y ; D E C . 24 ,1919 ,

afte r tho war,' and working.>a 0 -din­ing car chef and then I& prlvntA bonea of tho north.' Ho ta lk s -o f attanun ■•natorn porta and of groat citios ho has .

^ seen, but most of all ho llkea .to 'tah of whut A soldier hla “ ole m arster”

Cnptaln Yopp, whoso 93 ycara havo ' pinnod him almost holpless to .b is bod, i fella a atory too a t (hirlltmaa. I t is - of how Bill, thon hla 15 ycar-old bod.r servant, rescued him woundot^.frpm tbn battlbfiolda and ntirsed him back to ; AtrungtJi.

Office fumlturfl aaa appUancea, if in eondition fo r naa, are marketable. D on't .iust “ BtorB” thiag« th a t you ao ,

n-v longer nood—for tbey will bring eaah - ■ Ij',; if advortbed la the elaaalfiad.'

ling BBAD THB OZiABSIFXBD ASShin _________________________________

leon ,

1 D E L C O -U G H Tions Thr Ehetrie UgUi m i

*•’ Powar PU at'7 Plenty of bright, eloaa, safe elec-

trie light whoa you want It-

" D. C. WATSON 0 0Twla PaUa. Idabe

i D e lic iousa n d >.

t n f h e F a c t o r y

able Xmas Gift WS FOR EVERYONEy has spared no expense to make o th e rs ..

£ed in beautiftil boxea of a new

onally Sold.

ive Just (he Gift le Smokerrands. Packed in boxea of 20

&BTIOLES to fit ail ta s te s andI

und Soft Drink. Bay i d ^ ^ t h e or Holiday Lonches. i



i r raising, fascinating -

[ I X

e e d

laniac r.A T E ^ R yh u rs d a y : i

;15, runs continuously --gl;h v .l

i\ t t ra c t io n s "JPlease Get Married *BjtaMcde a n d F em ale . . p j

= L _ —


Page 4: TA2AA ' OBJECT OrDCiUPATIPNIDairy Products Decrease 2 Inewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/TWIN...THE ONLX A t'T E im TW IP VOI^ 2. HO. 219, iilEPTS ' imiiMs' OrDCiUPATIPN Second

BUSW e l c o m e N e w

The old saying'thal very true in this sale, sola out and new, f r been added and it wil many customers to \t in the store will now the reduced price, r< arrived here. The si a few days lonRer. '


, T R I M M l


T o w e l s a n d

F a n c y T o w e l s

Knncy T u rk n it towulx, assorted col- ^ ora, in guest sizes, 40c oach—^ 0 f o r .......... .....................................76e S

. T u r k n i t T 6 W6 l3

M edium 'nisoil Turkiiit tnwcln, a ll w h ite , bound od^os— , •Spedal. two for ................... ..... 63c ®

; • ' B a t h T o w e l s

T u rk n it b a th towels, m i,« Uax-IQ; jvU •' w hite , in good qunlity ; rcKiilar 48r '' SpocU l ............................... ............... 30c 3

H u c k T o w e ls

.Koucy huck tow els w ith red borders; . till' idffti tow el; rejpilar 30c—Sp*cljU ......... - .................................... 27c '

B a b y S e t s - '

T u rk n it liahy. »cf«, 1 b lanket, i; Twnjih.^lotlifi, l! bibs, and 2 towi'is;. AroRulnr — StS p e d jJ ........... ............................ il.S S SI

S I L K S , D R E

. G e o r g e t t e s

K itr .i 'iiualxty i;,-orj;oli<J. Com.'* ‘n .■'(1 liavy, lish t hlue, tnodium liluc, ,|j. tau{><“, ijriiy, tnn , lirowtj, w hite and fl.n h ; -III in. w ide; regular $2.75; .Spocial ............................... X2-\r,

fnC r e p e d e C h in e

l»iKht mul clark color*, in iiu'li crcpo 'J r i-liinc, uplcndid

D u r r r c u ta r f-.T .I; -----------6 p«clai . $2.45

r N(



c H t M l f e & v■ k Vt \

ILDAto the Thrifty

a t the last is the best is le, as the old stocks are fresh merchandise has d l l b e KOod n e w s to o u r k n o w t h a t e v e ry i te m

iw p la c e d o n s a le a t r e g a r d le s s o f w h e n i t s a le w ill c o n t in u e b u t



IINGS, LACES iTho Bocrot of many a frock's up-

peal may bo found horo at priccs un-' UHually mocloralo. lU-iil thcliou eiulirolJcry, 5-8

inch ..................................13c, Heal tortion luci-, all linen, -

ini-h ............. ....................10>J1-2 inril vnl laco.................... lc

■ 1 l-:i .incil vul lucu bitadini; ... 8c 1Byerncr’ii - inch jiure thread

laco .... -........... •................. Jc 1rf inch cotton tortion laco.........OcIlaliy Iriiili cdKinffr ..... 3cBnby Irish ud>;inK, 1 inch ...... 19cI inch nilk velvet ribbon, all *

colors ......... -...... -...........17c ' hBoutaehi* braid 12 yanl bolls, ull

colon ....... ...........-.....—•• 19c h

1 T o w e l i n g s I

Guest TowelsKnnry - ttTft-«U, with pattern j’,biirdrrn and hemntitchcd—SpwUl ............ ............ .... 36c

. FUnbleached Towels

l iblenc-hed Turknit towels, bound I'llcrr, t;ood' quality; reR«lnr ‘-3c— Spocial ................... -.... - l&c

Wash Cloths ...■ SJI'lain white wash cinthn, cnixi qual­ity, bound udgos, 10c each—3 for ................................. 10c

Fancy Wash Cloths'Wnnh rlnlh", In fancy coiorcd bor­ders, rnvol proof cdjfp, assorted col

- ors, 20c cach—3 for ..................... ........... 4Bc

lo'Toweling ■

Turknit towelinjr. by the yartl....39c.\1I linen crash toweling ........ 30cStevens’ crash, 20 in. wido .....36cSievcns’ crA"h, 10 in. wide ..._.10c Sti

ESS G O O D S ATTaffetas'

.1(1 inch ld(ili. «rn'5'' tnf 't;i. in nii.- Kal

.lintn: *m>iihirc and |n-m-ock blue. *'*" Mnrk. tnupc, i:r<-cn nnd »>lu.>. • .•Hanf iible, buff, rh:»ni:r;ibh' ami fnnry pliiiil' :nnl Htri|io«; rc .ulsv

Spodal . - ISahi

Broadcloth-•i; in.-l. .-liifrxn l.rc'idrU.tti, b).i<-k ••Slty. fri;\ilAT t-i’.'i vnlui';Now $4.10 Ki„JH in.l. Iv„:i.!rl..tl.. .'Xlra Murk o„>v: r,.culnrKow •; . . «-fc5

F-.-.nrv .I'rii-d ;.nd f.Kur.M fl;iiui,inte», very !iiiitftble for l»ni kittiniias. I.icht dark col- ,.r-. ■:? inrhci • wMe. Ecru- '-I'” l;vr -lUr value-.'!.

k Sp rlal ...................... 33c Nes

-T W IN F A L L S Di!

iW \N o t i o n s A r e C

‘isn'yj. KjHiol cotton, all sires--- 4c100 yd. spool Hilk, all colors...... 13e '50 y*J. spool, silk, all cotors...... 8c10c snap , fnstonors, all sUca..... 8c30-yd. darning-cotton, colora..... 4c4 yd. Uic Rack braid, colors... 13c CV

A N D E M B R O I DFancy 2 inch boad trimminj’---.>l-201-2 inch nilvor odgin ; .......... . lOCTish scalinR insertion, 4 inches

wido ............... ..........W.D815.Sp

Flouncing18 inch cambric flouncing, suitobli' for pettieoats and children's drcs»o>*! -••nilnr 50e valuu;Now ....................................39c «i'


Fnn.-y silk tasi«els in scnrlet, taupe, brown, rose, crotun nnd prray, larj;-! size; rejiular. 50c; ‘I*-'* Now ............. ................... ;.39c Sp«

F a r i c y a n d S ta p L

BedspreadsFunc.y bed nprcads in assorted colors; Sp«< mixed pink and white, yrllow, bjua und nil white pattorhs, speciully priced,

NimPillow Cases pur<

8p«(JleniBtitched pillow eases, stnnipo.t for enibroidorinp, biR sir.e,' t;o><l fiuality; roRular #2.25;Special, a pair ....................81.05

M o n a r c h B e d S p r e a d s KiRlMonnrch heil sprcnils, sites HOsl'-J;qunlity, nil white; rejjulnr 41; gp„

Bpoelal ...................'............*Z.«'6Nim

Fancy Pillow Cases i trjSpecKruit of tho Loom embroidered pil­

low cuscs, sold by the pair iu Loxck; I'nh repilar #2.30; Brrtti Special, pair ........ ..............$1.0.5 Spec

Bed Sets it sSlice: and pillow cas*- sets, i.ll Spec

v N D S T A P L E C (

M e s s a l i n e s

Katius and messalines, In phiin ilatk 2i iin«d Ut;ht colors! ulso fnney figured m’erciJind t-hnnRTiiblc patterns: ;i« inche-i pink,wi.l.'l rcRular ♦2.03; Very8p*d*: ............................. *2-05

Fancy Plaids . k. i,I'H inch nil wuol fancy pl.-ud, sail-ahlr for skirts and dresses; rc{pjlar J*'”®J.V:i> vnlues;Special......... ............. *4.75 Sped

French SergeKine nil w»..il Fn-nrh nergr, .'4 in. p|.,in wide, ei>lnr M.-xrk, wiiu- .mil Rrny; t ’ivrcKular $2..'>n; . Ir'n

- _____ • » -> » Now

Madrashnintily utriped ni.-»dr;i«. c»peci;i'.iv -\ni'>«

ri,r m.-n's nhuf. :uu\ l.ov.' I' ............ .

iiiK -i:'fo-9 . . . . .........3^ Sanm

S a le o fAll s!iort lcnk:th.« of I

irmn.mt table nl a gre.it 'lill farther rcdurtio'i t need to finish i are :i<l'de.l every day.

)A IL Y N E W S , T W IN F A

m ilC h e a p e r N o w

A rt net'dli* instruction ,books ........................1-130 and 10c

Imdios’. 72 in. shoo laces, allcolors ........................................... 8c

Ladies' 81 in. shoo laecs, allcolors ...........................................13c

lln ir bow holJura ......................— •3,,yd._atickorcl brnitl, colors..._— 8c .Middy laces ............................... 8oCord toilet pins, black hoadiu...,it\<cPaper pins, full count, 300......... 4cButton hole twist_^......................... 4c

Fall line of Fancy and Staple Butto os

Onrpot warp, red und Rroen,’ spool ............................................ 31cI Shell huir pins, by the box .........10c

' b a n i t a b t N A p k m s I Collar bands, all s izes................... ISc


M ili ta r y B ra id

One-hnlf inch ailk militnry brnid, in uavy, Mnvk nn\l white; tvruIu - 15c;Special ...... ........................... .......... 13c '

E d g in g s

Dainty orRandy edKiii^x, *1 iuehen • wide; reRjilar li.'ie vnlues;Now ................................................10c '

O r g a n d y F lo u n c in g s .

27 inch organdy flouiiciuK in ilaintV ^desiens; roBulnr *1.25 values; }Special ...........................TnrrrrSic

p i e B e d L i n e n s Iready to use; pnir sheets «lx!*f); pair of i)inow'cnHes.4.';x;ifl;Special, set ...... ............................S4.4S

. B le a c h e d S h e e t in g

Niiiii-quarter sheotinK> bleachud, pure whitd; rejjulnr H.'lc; «■Special .................. ........................76cTen qunrter sheetinj;, i’5c;

............................“;■= n

U n b le a c h e d S h e e t in g

KiRhth-quarter iinlileached sheeting, J'I'epperill Mills; reculnr 80e;Special ............................................ 72c «•

.Nine-quarter unbleached sheeting^I'opjH rill Mills, • regular ,7.'>e;Special ......................... ............... . ..C7c '

t'nhlencheil sVeetinir,'^0 iu. wide,KlBrooMn ^fl^s brand; rcRulnr 20e;

Special ......................... ................. ,17c

Four-quarter iinhli'acUcd sheeting, i t ’s Bpnrtau brand; regular 25e;Special ' ............................................ 19c

C O T T O N S _ _

" C o tto n P o p lin

2* inch cottou poplin, very highl.v m'ercerir.ed; comes in navy, blacK, •pink, white, light and dark gray;Very spec ia l.................................... 33<;

C o t to n C re p e ,Kxira fine <>u.ility cotton crepe; - /•uitnble for night dresses or p.i Ijamas; plain white and pink; nl»'» \whit’’ with delicate pink, bUie or glaven<ler flnwrrs ; regular 4Sc value*: ^Special ..............................................30c <1?

Im p e r ia l C h a m b ra y <Plain .md striped imperial chnmt rav gint'hnnn, .'HI in. wicle: u o ri’i4.1c'per ynrd;Now . . . 3C/-

H:uiil nO u tih g s <imnll d

.Imn.k,::,;; .. ................................ ':he l..->t manufaclnred; mn>:lv .l.irk <>l..r« hn; a few lisht pntt.-fli-. ir ' nrlude.l: 27 inclie» wi.lc; n<i«- «e;!-

U n n c p rtc f l 'o f ................... 29c I.T-;in.ISpecial

)f R e m n a n t sof I>irrr goods arc placed on the K j

gre.1t rrdiiflion anj.you will find n Kio'rt tiow. Perhaps just Ihe extra aiih that dress is here, as new cars

F A L L S , ID A H O , W E D N E S :

M rE V E R Y T E

S u its anO ur ontire stock of ladies’ coat plain, in Duvetyne, Tricotine, and fancy m ixtures, now price aro real biirj^iiiiH.

$in0.00 SuitH now ...............$12n.00 Suits now ...................$79.50 ConU n o w .....................$49.50 Couts now . . . ' ...............

B a th ro bK im o

W om en's plain and fancy bath quality beacon cloth or silk vel' in dain ty «olid colors or fij^un sale saving; 'prices.

W om en’s Japanese cotton crepe ercd. P ink, lij'h t blue, lavendei la r $6.95. value. Now .............

B lousesE very woman can afford « -

Ui-autiful blouse a t tlie re- •

•luarkuble prices we a re

n«>w offering- Ci»me iu nnd

w e tiuun. You will find ' A

ju s t w hat you w ant whoth- T

«*r it be a plain t^iilored V

blouso or one elaborately s

trimjueil. All colow and

1-3 Less ! ' I ^ w !

Linens and Ar

I In d ia n/ IR 1 in ch '-s

/ n Special


Special S i le 4.' Special

• Sir..- Special

R e a l iW a d e lr a

n ia ile . M.-»d«ria, th e id e a l g i f ' , N 'apkiii d o lli r< . n a p k in s , 's c a r f s , tah f.- I'Jx

, m .i.l .T a le ly p r ic e d . Spedal

C h -e s s e r S c a r f

r - r a r f i . - i r e I ’- H ’-. Iiu.-i> r ,.,. D ru ry ] 1.1 la .-e h.ir.I.TH, \ : , l u . - : iK q.l.iii-1 .............................. ...O 'c rr.lu,-< d,

s V e p ^y

3D A Y , D E C . 24 ,1919

m EN\

H IN G C H E .A ]D a i n t y

N e c K w e a r

[ H o r e i s y o u r o p p o r t u n i t y

I t<> p u r c h i i s e d a i n t y n e c k -

f w e a r i l i l a c e , n e t , g e o r g e t t4 ! ^

o r o r g a n d i e f o r y o u r a u i t

n r d r e s s . L a r g e a t jw 'r t - '

- m e n t o f s t y l e s . E v e r y o n e

a t a r e d u c e d p r i c e .

ad Coats) a t s a n d s u i t « , f u r t r i i n n i e d o r

l e , S e r g e , V e l o u r , T i n s e l t o n o

i c e d a t l e s s t h a n c o s t . T I ipjic

....................................... . . $ 7 5 , 0 0

............ ............... ............ $6 2 .5 0 ,

.......... ................................. $3 9 . 6 0

.............. ................................ $2 9 . 5 0

bes and onasi t h r o b e s , m a d e o f e x t r a f i n e

v e lv e t c o r d u r o y . I T i e s e c o m e

u r e d p a t t e r n H . B u y n o w a t

ip e k i m o n a s . X ia n d e m b r o id -

d o r a n d C o p .e n h a g e n . R i 'g u -

............- . . . . . . . . $ 5 , 4 5


a n d i n t h e ) ly t o t h e fa,

a i d t o w a r d


^rt Goods 'I n d i a n - H e a d N

an he.iil B elfast linen f in i.h ,S * l W om en’s oi '•s w ide; regular 4-'>c;Ja l 30.- '

. " . - ■ Spocial .. ,

F i g u r e d C l o t h s

reil tabl<* nml luncheon clriths, C h jl.'r.x.'O; rc^iilar $2 .;ir.;J .1 .... ......................................«2. « .......... ■ ”<•'. l.,v J,-.; r.-K .il»r c .- .m .- i i t . , f 1

dal ......................................... . fl.O S SpoclaJri’t7 J : regulnr J4.2.':

lal ............................ $3.45

. WIN a p k i n s

kill. 1.1 m:i!<-li in ..-I « f n il ;I '- 'x l-; remiliir ifl.Iii; .

- ....................... o=« A l l y o u

P u r e I r i s h L i n e n fyinpr v

.>■ i.u i.- Iill,-11 nil,!.- r i i i t i ,, au.i c o l o r aill".’ in pure all linen, upecialjv' d. ______ O u r exT


Page 5: TA2AA ' OBJECT OrDCiUPATIPNIDairy Products Decrease 2 Inewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/TWIN...THE ONLX A t'T E im TW IP VOI^ 2. HO. 219, iilEPTS ' imiiMs' OrDCiUPATIPN Second

l ^ d a ^ s S p o r



Proposal for Inttoduction of the Mr Gamo on Schedules Looms ,

Big- at- M eet fn,N EW YOKK, (;p>—W hen tho Nn* '

tioiml Collf-Kiult’ Atlilfllic association innhold iln immiikl niocling horo on D j - kni<-i'nil>iT no, (iii'c n f tho sub jrctfi to l>o amdjKcuHKcil will he Ji proponnl to In tro- cor ilm^' lK)xin>r as nn in tprcollcgiato m inorsport, (^ollone jihyaJcal d irec to rs naid 'lochiv thn i lioxing, probaWjr m ore th n a n uunv ollK-r «|inrl, rocoivod a “ trom cnd- j a ,r)iiii itii|>.'lu.i” liiiriiiK tho w ar ahd th e re puin II ^cn'-ral ilcmnnd am ong ntudonts |,pfor tin* ndoption n f lh o " M a n ly A r t ." »—

Dr. li. T n il NfrKenxio, hoad o f thed«p!irnnpnl o f phynlcal odueatloa a t t tho I'nivcrHily o f Ponnsylvanin Is .nrm»n« tho Ic.idcrn in tho movomoot.

IM riliA D K M 'H IA , (/P>—Tho .ndop- lion o f boxing an nn In terco llog iato . ^porf u il l Ik> urgni! by U niV oraitf o f « iVnnHvlvnnia a th lc tic au th o ritie s a t , the tii'i'ctiiig of tho n a tio n a l eoU egiate L . n th lo tir nnHoriation in Now Y ork no** wiok. In milking th is announcom ont , todav, M ajor M. J . P ickering , gradu- nto iimiingor o f a th lo tics a t l?onn8y l ' I*" viiniii, r;iid lio favored th reo round . hoiitn n ilh two m inutos to onch round. TliiH. ho mldcd, would be long ohougli ftir Iho avor^^;<! colk’go boxor. !*"*

M ujor I 'irk fr in g eald thoro should bo two juiIgcH and a roferoo, fo r theso

‘ iwtitn, llio righ t o f Jo e is io n to bo ro- Horv(>d t'or tho judgoe, an d in c u e of H (l.jidlork of opinion, o ithor tho rof- f o n o nhouM dcftido, or. I f tho b o u t ia ,j‘ unuHimlly cIobp, i t «houId go an e x tra ’ round. (

OAXME& D ^ P S BAOK |,’f ,UOBTON, (yp>—Del Qninor and I'au l

Sm ith wero aolU by tho B oston A m eri­rnns todny t* the M llwoukoe Ameri- can uflwclntion rlub , i t w as announcod Innt n igh t. Oainor came to th e Rod . Rox on a waivor from D e tro i t in 1014 nnd arthough a f ir s t banom an, w as u»od j ; ‘ p rincipally w a u til i ty ^jatf. S m ith l» *"

I nn ou tflo ldcr. A fte r com ing to Boston from M ontreal in 1917, he was called ‘ in to m ilitn ry service.

P B O r a S E s ’sT B O N o’ oLXJB hia8 ACB AM .C al., (/P)— Louia

M o rc in g 'o f S tock ton , 0*1., t h e ' new 1 o w ner o f tho Saoram ento club o f tho It P ac ific coast baseball league, expects

n u t on unusually s tro n g toam in tiio O field n e x t yoar, M oro in f ia a w ea lthy ( ranehor w h o figu red prom inently in the Col o ld -C aliforn ia S tA to league. O ne o f or th e f i r s t steps b y M oroing w ill be th e to construc tion o f an add ition to tho siv g ra n d s ta n d in tbe local b a ll p a rk . Inn

•-------------- outD OES A Q m O K JO B am

TUCSON, Ari*., H appy Wood* Ms o f Tucson, knockcd o u t Kddio M eLar- the ney o f Bnn Diego in the mirond round o f a schodulod lun round boxing m atch here In it nigiit. They ^ a r e woltor- ^ e ig h ts .

C T SLOCUM D EADN E W YOItK, (/P>—Lee .leromo

••C y ” Hlocura, B ix ty th roe, vclernn tu rfm an nnd rii'eo horae ow ner, died a t his home lani n igh t o f henrt diseaso. _ H e »t;is born ul tiaratogn , N. Y. ”

W i : ^ N A M E D O A PTA INA K N A I’OI.IH. Md., (/{^ -M erab o rs ‘

o f tho navnl foo iball team have select- ed E dw ard. C. W ien, c tip U in y o f tbo 191J1 olovoii lo lend them ano lber year.

DRAW N BOTIT li’ lBAN ANTONIO, Tex., (/P>—Bobby

W augh o f Fori W orth , and B nd Lo- gnn, (Chiengo bnttUxI ton rounda to a drnw loAt n igkt. j


*]Sonora a n d Blooloa A pprove BUI P en d - ers

la g In Beciato to Abn>g&t« T re a ty wil P rovisions IPJ

---------- - o fLAH KOO, To*.. (JP)~'A b ill pending for

in tho Mo*i.-:in y-'rwlo {»roj)o«inK'.nliro- <j E.-ilion o f t'.o trou ly wiMi Chinn whioh ^ „ r perm il* immit;f^:'l>«>n " f Anintieii tn ‘j Mexif<v Im t m ot geiier.il app rova l' (n the stamen of- Kcmora und Bianlo.T, nr- eo rd inc lo H iirW inr of- M eiicn CHly, ,_ j In it* iwme of Sunday.

T h e n o w sp a p o r me>»«.TKo »uT": Hin.-xlo.-* n n d i f e n o r a , w lu -re m .m y A n in lir fo l- nn ie * n ro lo c n te d , <teel:\re l h a l 111*" “ in - v ris ion o f A "in tid » enu^i-M i lo c o n e ra lio u o f th o Moxi.mm rn ro . th a t CUtneno in- tro d tir p pon l.iu io ii* ili«-.-v«o nnd ontn?> . Iinh p ro ju ilio ia l ro m p o tl l io n In e e r la in Iinon o f bunin ivu i.' ’ '


U se M o to r T m cka to O a rr r A v a y lo - to x lc a a js V alued a t Ottjt llO.tXW

CHIC.VOO, (/P)—Ten dinguiiH*d wkia- key robbcra uaod m otor Inick* to take nw ay whinkey vahied a t fro ta * 10,000 to $”0,000 from the aiiramer home o f 0 .IT. A rk e rt, b roker, a t I j ik e F o rest, a Chicago Buborb, it beeame known to ­day . A bu ller who Btlempteil, lo ' p re ­r e n t th e roliltery waa s trv n g op b y the thum bs and cu l down exhausted b o n n la te r ' w hea a chaffour and .hia w ife broke out o f a Hoaet w here they had been locked in.


SDC ’ t"" l('

i, 1 — -------

— ■{ ' 1 i r i i n g j ^ e w s

Brief Bits of SportJe ss W estorgaard o f Iow n and Big

Charlio C u tler o f Chiengo -havo' boon m atched to wreatlo' ( f ) in Boiso nex t _ M onday.

W ore th a t n o t sft {rngio fo r Bffiao jj fana w o ’d have a laugh o t tha t.

Tho B rio f 'a preacher pal isn ’t- fee l- ing so woll today . F ran k M oran knocked out J a c k Burko M onday n ight and J a c k and tho parson nre boon companions.

The occiosiastician ( th a t r ig h tf) and B urke wero to ge ther in Cump li'unnlon. J a c k was fieavyw oight chnmpion of Funaton nnd niM of F o rt Doiiglaa whon , hp was sta tioned w ith tho 20 lh infan-• t - ______

'•T o o b a d ," saya tho aupornal pilo t, " b u t Jn ek w ill como b ack ; th a t waa , Juflt a f lu k e ." „ f

P rohib ition ia reaponsiblo fo r the rukus botwoon Charlie Comiskey and Ban Johnson. Timo waa whon th a t fa t p a ir o f baaoball moguls pa id fo r each o th e r '# d rinks. ^

B u t th a t waa in tho dim and d is ta n t paal, w asn ’t I t l

' toHim flmilny, Hngebrunh sago, saya:

“ W atch fu l w a i t in ' ahould alius bo t h ' m* watchw ord o ’ t h ' chaperone, b u t qu ite * ' froquent nhc fe rg itn hor w a tch .”

.. - ' ' re;H eadline—" S h ip A m erican w hlskoy

to O orm nny." . . . au

T ry ing to em broil th e world in nn- N t o lh e r w ar, eh! ' i

Him Bmiley aara : " I ^ t s o ' folka will be w l t ’out a' Xmaa troo because they d id n ’t do th e ir C hriatm aa ch o pp ln ' nu

______ . thi

I f yoM d o n ’t know y e t how to pro- ^h nounce it h e ro 'a a leason in F rench w rhym e th a t m ay holp;W hen D om paey-h ita Mon. O arpentier T h a t blow w ill p u l Georges oway. '

' ■ JJqB ill B rennan re fu tes Dom psey'n al-

legation th a t th e cham pion ever knock- jy ed him ont. BiU says he J n s t apminod hia ankle, 'sail.

I l mny bo a “ w hlte"T ^hri« tm n» h u l ** It eon not bo » ‘ ‘w e t’ ’ one. -

OOLEMAN PBOMISED TBT-OUTOinCAOO, (;p)— nnnald (L e fty ) ca

Coleman, young sm i-profeM ional plteb- or o f O akland, Cal., -wlwno ohief elalm p j to /am o waa gnined by thrco sucees- sive no-hit gam ea p itched « n Ihe coii«l lant summor, hcta heen promised a trv - o u t w itV the Ohicnj;to N^aHnnnln, i t wun j|(, annonnced today . H e will j-eport to M sB sger M itchell a t Pasadena, Cnl., in the nprin'g. •

■ ■ -------

R e a l E s ta le T r a n s l e r s r°_________________ ■ Jn

Pimsiahed B y tbe TwId Folia T i­lls aad A bitrM t O o n p w y

_______________________ ^ ____________ 0 /

Deed W M atthew s lo F A D wighl $nr)0 L I> H 2:i Pilor.

I>eed W J Drur>- to D M aurh *1 NW NW ;m-io-i7. n,,

l>ee<i J Ohnowein lo F 1> Wogonor " ♦;>1000 W 1-L' HK and NESW "0-10-1,1.

Deed I’earl I. D unks to O. I). Crock ' o tt *il unilivided 1-2 BWNE, NW SE. aKN>;. NKBE 30 1 M H : NWNW n n i HWNW I3-12-ia.

Deo.l A .1 Milnor to .U H Hvlniul $^000 N FSW 27-9-14. '

Deed Kobeera -M John.-«)n lo Mabel ,A Moore 11 1/ I t B 1 Now 8<-h Ad.

n o t ic e IThe annual m eeting o f tho stockhold­

ers o f the K im berly M illing Co., L td ., w ill be held on Tuesday, Ja n u a ry rtlh, inJO, a t 12 o ’clock noon in the office o f Ihe K lectric M ill, K im berly, Idaho, fo r th e follow ing piirjKJse:

To vote w hether oV“ not tho presen t corporation shall be dissolved and two separa te csm panlcs organized to . op­era te the flou r mill and the- baiancrd ra tio n feed mill.-• I f tile prToenl com pany ia nol diasolv- ed lo elect a l>oar«l o f fiv e d irectors lo nerve for the ensuing year.

To trannact any and all bualneaa th a t may eome before the meoting.

W M . n . STANLEY, Secretary .

Derembor £2nd, 1919.

You can g o t a hearing fo r your aiv p lication fo r em ploym ent if too will s ta te it in a classified ad.


248 4th' AvenueJSo. PHONE 98

B U r t B S OF HAW f U B S

p E l ^

i T W IN F . ^ L S D A L

- GDINfiTOMISSflyfl! -— .1

Children to Be Beleased froib hnr S,tato"Homo when M other.

Promises to Leave. anc---------- DOS

Idaho’ ia to neo the lant o f Mra. A. tho J . Oodsoy. Tho Buhl woman w ill gololoi to relntlven in Misnouri immedintely. i low

T his stn tem eut ia authorlxod b y Joba< pro H. Ault, juveiiile o fficer, who d uring i Mo the wcok hna viaitod tho Oodsoy house- Pai hold and mndo fin a l a rrangem ents fo r .d r e sending the woman and fo u r m em bers via o f her fnm ily to tho oouthora state.' ‘ Thi

Tho four childrea *are a t th la tim e w it iuimborod in th e censua o f tho s ta te 's : wards. Tlicso clilldreu, over w hich th o , .j ntnto has assumed only tem porary i r)inrgo, w ill bo delivered to th e m otber to accompany her to M issouri. A soa c),t now in tho in d u stria l homo w ill rem ain in th a t in s titu tio n fo r tra in in g . An elder son is in Buhl a n d w ill n o t a c - jc h i compnny the fam ily sou th . | ,q ^

A. J . Oodnpv recen tly lo ft tho^ s ta te , (g a f to r g iv ing $300 bond f o r appeoraaes iJn In tbo din triet court to answ or a chargo tre o f a ssau lt w ith a deadly weapon. J a - 1,^, vcnilo au thorities beliovo bim now to );»] bo in Miasotlla, dnd i t ia ‘ fu r th e r 'b e - dat liovod fh a t bo ia aupplying the money w . to tak e hin w ife and chlldron south. Me

--------- ---------------- • YoiANNOUNCES BUBSCBIPTIONS H.


to tho inauo o f treasur> ' cortixicatoa n f Indebtednosa dated Dee.ember IS and I m a tu ring Juno 15, 1920, aggregated C it $728,130,000, Secre ta ry Glnss announeeil M r Tuosdny. O f th is nm ount $2.’57,4.'i5 ,.'»UO R. reprcncntrd eo rtlfien tes paid fo r in for treasu ry cortlflcn toa o f p revions is - __


PALLS BUILDINO AND LOAN AS- BOCIATION.N otieo la horcby g ivon : T h a t tho a n ­

nual m eoting of th e stockbotdern o f tho T w in F a ils B u ild in g .& Loan A sso­c iation w ill be held a t tbe o ffices of the A ssociation, 118 Shoshono S tree t, W est, P e rrin e H otel B uild ing , in tho C ity and County o f T w in Falla, Idaho , on tho 13th dny of J a n u a ry , 1020, a t one o ’cloek p. m., f o r th e oleetion o f a Boar^ o f D ireelors and tb e transae tion o f any o th e r busineas tb a t m ay proper- ly^com e beforo such m ooting.

N otice is F u rth e r G iven: T h a t a t such m eoting, th e stockholders wil] be ealled upon to consider and a c t upon:

Propoaod am endm enta to tfao artic les o f inco rpo ra tloa as followa, to -w lt:

1. Tho proposition to sanction and au thorize tb e increase o f tbo presen t cap ita l stock o f th e corporation from 4 ^ $500,000 d ivided in to 5,000 shares, to F ivo MUHon ($3,000,000) D ollars d iv id ­ed in to f i f ty thousand shares o f $ 100- eaeh. \ 1

2. C hange the flame o f the corpora- tion. "]E

3. T h a t tho A ssociation m ay be au- J T thorixed to tran sac t i ts business a n y ­w here w ith in the S ta te o f Idaho . ^

AU atoekholdera a re u rg en tly reqneat- _ ed to be prenent la ponton and If n o t to I have th e ir proxies In th e hands o f th e J. f le e r tla ry on o r before th e JOth day o f , Januar>*. 1920. Wj,

By order o f the B oard o f D irectors. ,i,n FB A N K G. L E C H L E IT E R ,


IX)NDON, <;P)— A fa ir salary fo r on a t nn s lilan t m nster nt nuch schools us jon E ton nnd H arrow beforo tho wnr wua th e equivalen t o f $ 1,2.’!0 b u l now .t qualified mun will not .neeepl aBythiri;: less than $2,000, rising lo $2,-'iOO. Even a t th a t there in u d ea rth o f m aators beeauno m any who jo ined tbe urmy will not re tu rn to indoor duties. •

A C L A SSIFIE D A D will uncover a m arket fo r y ou r used fu rn itu re or fix ­tures.

• I W

1 Both§ cott a c i

5 their IoS I g i n e e r i n ^

I g I • ■ From

i g j

lIL Y ] ^ W S ; T W IN F A LI -------- — .

^ o c i a l ;- .i.. * J i m

..T h trM o u n tn ln V iew elub m et n t theI home o f .M m. E . IiL Jones recently . In cV

sp ite o f ‘ tho rough roada tho woathor a y twan nieo nnd th ere wan a lnrge a ttend- nuniance. A fto r n spcinl h on r 4he busi- afto: nesa m eetin g w as called to ordor by

* tho prosidont. Now officora wero t<,rd ) ; e lected fo r tho ensu ing yenr, as fol- _ _ _

I low s: P reaidont, M r*. G oodrich; vice I-p rbslffeh t; Mra. B ooth ; aecretary , M rs. a {iM oD ow ell; a ss is ta n t sec re ta ry , M rs.* Paulson. M rs, M yra Gamble and chll- r .d r e n from Gem A lborta , C anada woro I vialtora. B efreahm outs wero served.

iT ho no x t m ooling w ill bo Jan u n ry 7 ) w ith M ra. L. H . G lffen.i | ----------

Tho m embera o f tho W imodnnsi. club ^!w ore guesta o f th o ir husbnnda a t din- '^ n e r in th e parlora o f tho P re a b j terinn church l a i t evening.' Tho d in n e r which w as a fiv e courso one w as cooked and

* sorved b y th e L a d le s ' A id o f th a t *i churcb, w ith M rs. M cCrofkon oa chair-

j m an. A fte r d inner th e p a r ty ropnirod ® to tho honlo o f M r. an d M rs. A. R.* M ann whero tHoy found n Chriatmnn 9 treo eontn ln ing a g i f t fo r th e hua-* bands. Thoao who enjoyed th la dc'> lig h tfu l n ffn ir w ere M essrs and Mea-■ dnmea C. A. M eM aater, 0. H . K ayler,' \V. J . Y oung, J . C. Beouchnm p, C. S.

M cM nrtin . C. M. M cElw ain, H. J . Younga, T . P . W nrner, A. E. M ann, C.H. S co tt, M. E . Jennlaon , J . M . SpacK-

} mnn, L. L . B reckenridge, H . S. Cowling ] and U rb an T raeey .

1 M r. an d Mra. A. N. Q uick o f K ansaa1 C ity , M o., a re gnents a t the homo ofI M rs. Q u ick 's pn ren ts, M r. and-M ra. A. B. M oore. T hey aro en rou te to Call-

1 fo rn ia to apend tho w in ter.

.1 .............— " [ i- I

B a t te r y a n d

' ig n i t io aS e r v ic e j

B attery OharginK and I 3[ W inter S torage I S j1 Antomotive Electri.cal ^

Speolaliflts t BXIDE BEBVlCnS STATION “

; D. C. WATSON CO.—Next to Post Offic®—

1 Twin Falls, Idahot - - I, j , 1. 4 i > ___________• __

'L o w P r ic eF lo u r S a le

* i- |- i{ I£ U nited S ta tea G rain Corpora- '’ I tion haa a rranged w ith tb e - n i l la j ^ in Oregon, W aahlngton an d Idaho

* to o ffe r to tho trad e a “ S tan d ard Pure W heat F lo u r ," equal to or b e tte r than th n t now being ex]>orted by tlio Unitod H tates Ornin C otpom tlon , a t a price th a t w ill perm it ita being sold to the eennumor a t n o t to execed $12.00 per b arre irr& ek ed in 24 1-2 lb. eo tton a a e ls '

‘ a t not moro th an $1.50 and 49 lb. cot-1* ton racks a t n o t m oro than >3.00. I f " any dealer is unablo to ob tain th ia floor ' a t ’ a prico th a t wHI perm it iU being ' re ta iled a t n o t to oxcced p riccs named,’ or i f any consum er Is iinablo to obtain th ia flou r a t re ta il o t n o t to exceed ;

' prieea nam ed please n o tify tho |

OBAIN COBPOBATION |! at-510 Booztl o f Trade building !

Portland, Oregon j

llllllllllllMIIIIIJLLUiilJi l ^ i j ^

3th th e "L ig h te r Six” W est- t ha n d th e “ L a ig e r S ix" g e t c a

■ long life from better en- to( rin^. Tl o m f ro n t b tm ip er to ta il ligfat tio


firm irfiiu iiiiiiiu i^^ S ^ B i

A .L L & riD A H Q , W l ^ N E S D .)A Y , D E C . 24; 1919..... '


- Thvenlle O fficen T«U o f Finding *200 In Worthless Poipei^Bby^'-OonB

L'flunty juvonllo «ffleora are aeeklng ;-outh of Bnhl who is ju ld to have mo rroptitionsly disappeared from‘ home ex] ter floating a lot of spurions cheeks, pai According to John It. AuU, who 7 0 a- mi ■day Inveatigated tho ' Buhl ease, wo

We wish to thank 01 and patrons for thei age during the pasi them all a

M e fr y Chb t

Straus & (


We wish to thai friends and custoi helped to make o success, and now *

A M erry Chri a H appy Nev

M a r k eC a s h a n d C a i

C O They're exceptionally ■well boi ars—the best possible parts,’ pr> g » > th w in f t Wr»~^ tT n an in r t> T T ian n >

liere*8 genuine motoring satisfa ton in every day of thexriong lif

S A U T O C O .!c!alio

''J w * l |

ctioeWs amonnting to $800,- Iraudnlently issuod by tbo boy, have beea loeatodi^I t is belloved that otbers are atili oat.The lad is aald to come of a good fam- ' ily. Namoa are withheld for obvious roaiona. - i. ^ ’ -

Any reasonbly-pzieed horlse orapsVt- meat* may be Tented—fcbrongh aa la- ex p < ^ v e elaasified advertising oam- paign. Test the aaatter. The ‘‘ r is k " involved is so sauU that few people wonld dignify i t by that name.

our many friends •eir liberal patron- 'Myear and wish

b r is tm a s■ a

; Glauber. ty . ■

i l e t i d e

e e t in g s

ank our many omers who have our business a■ J e wish you all

iristmas and i w Y e a r /

1 0

i t e r i aa r r y G r o c e r y

b m h =

pat Etner.' v, —sfao -life.' :

I j

Page 6: TA2AA ' OBJECT OrDCiUPATIPNIDairy Products Decrease 2 Inewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/TWIN...THE ONLX A t'T E im TW IP VOI^ 2. HO. 219, iilEPTS ' imiiMs' OrDCiUPATIPN Second

Our Very Best V

'M e nChristLog-an Mu

T h e Sea B e s t W

fo .y o iJ a n d

M e r r i l lComp:

A M e

C h r i s t

a n d m & n y o]


m '


^ v i

; . . i '* .'

Wishes for a

" C J l

tmasusic Co.

ason ’s is h e s

d Y o u r s

1 A u to >any

- r r yt m a so f t h « m


ggs _ ^


r s

A noti^ a n d G

W Ever^ » , V of hearties 'A ^ courageme

^ T u .J c h r isU 1 * C heef

Diamon' C i

Y u le t i (Q r e e t i i

to our friends an

Plain Price

T o o u r M a n y

C h r i s t n

C h e e

A m e r ic a n E C o m p a r

G r e e t i :to o u r m a n y f r

a n d f r i e n d s t

T h e Togi


Mkll— iT T ^rn r") 1-H I-h ; v l—J J_L

'K iTttER Christma:I Q qod cheer abounds

business concern r« iest Qood Wishes to th ■nent given them in tl

i s t m a s e r t o A ll

)nd Hardware C^pany

■■-I - »

id ein g sand patrons

:e Store

y F r ie n d s g

t m a s

e r

E le c t r ica n y

ings■ f r i e n d s s to b e


lL L S , ID A H O , W E D N jE S D A


ir,};-!.hp A y g ^ ^ ^

IS is here when1 to a remarkable di epresented below jo heir friends and pa [heir various lines (

Merry Chiand a



H o li4 a> r Q r e e t i i i

to every on

S HOE /V |A Iaves you J T lone;

s in c e re s t W ish<

M e r r j

C h r i s t i n

V a r ie t y St<


W e a l l w i s h Y O U

A Merry Chri- «— .— a n d a

Happy Newa n d t h a n k y o u s in

f o r t h e b u s i n e s s u s i n thye l a s t y

V a r n e y & C o r

A.Y,D 'EC.24,-A919 . '

M l

M -nQood\vilIdegr^.,^joins in a page^ > , >atronSOfor en^ i of activity.

iristniasaNew Yearf » -


■ ■ > '

y . . -

t i g s


^ R K E Tley

i e s f o r a

E ia s

t o r ed

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I tkf

> m p a n y

f i i t M

‘ ' . ' , s s y w -

Page 7: TA2AA ' OBJECT OrDCiUPATIPNIDairy Products Decrease 2 Inewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/TWIN...THE ONLX A t'T E im TW IP VOI^ 2. HO. 219, iilEPTS ' imiiMs' OrDCiUPATIPN Second


Other Ports in Lively Oompoti tion for Sccond P^co. ftn

the ListN t w YORK, (/P)—PoroI<fn tm do han

i!tcd in ton tc u lin c U nited S ta tc i otis tom illstrictf) in 191I>, According to Bla

- tifltics juBt nvsdo public lioro, ag g rega t od $fl,8-12,709,000 in importfl a n d orportj o f whipfi Now T ork Iod w ith 45.5 poi cnnt. Thit) p o r t ’s proportion o f tho to ta l ImportH linndled waa 44.3 po r coat n n tl .o i-y ra p x p o rts 40.3 por cont.

Tliiitik.wIia'R livoljr compotiUon foi f'iTcrvi/A'plaro i t waa aald, botwoon Boa ■ ton , r>iiliitl(;lpliiik, Pftltim oro, N ew Or

fnana, S an 'F ra n c ia c o 'a n d S e a ttle , Nov Orlcnun won fn r tho f i r s t Umo in aov I'ral ycara. Philailolphia crowdod Noid OrlrnnR no dono th a t an ad d ition o f t

\r rnllli.fm ilojlarn to tho valuo o f tho for n a 'r ’M foroiliri. commorco would hav<

■ placed her in tho load. S ea ttle , Bonton Kan Frnnrinco, D etro it, B altim ore, Gal

^vdHton and B uffalo followod In tho or (lor named.

During tho jirocoding f isca l yo a r So■ llttio nnatched second position fro n

rh iliidc lph ia w hich hnd Junt achieved i t fgor tho f i r s t tim e in m any yoars.*

lia ltim nro aud G alveston Irad Boston nnd San F ranciaco ifl tho valuo of thoii uxpurts, b u t the w eakness o f tho firs t nnmcd portn lies ia tho p auc ity of thoii importff. T here ia no p o r t in w hich lm- jwTtn c icoodcd o ip o rta , alU ioagk th e j

' m m e ncaro r to b a laao log at.B oatoo . M ontrtial led tho N orth Amerrcaa

ports oxcopt Now Y ork, w ith a total foroigu trado o f ♦700,000,000 in valuo.


Citrus F ru it Industry of Cali­fornia P lans N ational Show

of Product

SAN nEU N A U D lN O , Calif., (/!P)— Moro than 1,000.000 orangcn w ill be us­ed b.v citruH f ru it groworn 9f OaHfornin lo build th o ir annual oxponitioii, tlio Nu> tional Grantee Hhow, tn co lrlintio thn ISOth ann ivo rsary of tho p lan tin g of ono of C alifo rn la ’fl firn t ciriinKi* trcos, by Pndro Dumute, a l-'rancincan.

• The pxpoHition will lut lii'lil~TIi l^au lU-rnardlnu, .Fuhruary 13 to 23. F lori­d a w ill nond f ru it to comiiotc in wiiti* o f tho citruH f ru it claAsificationn.

F o r 10 y i'ars ‘th e c itn in frn it urow- - tTs of C aliforn ia have Ihth I'nlnrtain-

ing m any thuusaniln nf jtooph' from mnny slatnn u t tlioir cxixiHiiiou. It will be la id o u t in a g rea t (;arilcn o f flow- orn a t a p a rk , aad citruH f ru it commu- nities of tho ntato w ill vie w ith oach o th e r in th e nplcador o f thu ir workn of a r t c rea ted from tlio Roldon fru it.

Tho slto o f tho nrango nhow Is a t tho spot whore tho bVnnrinonn padrn pluat- od thn* firn t urango trou u f thu rvKion.

L ast yo a r moro. than 100,000 jtooplo n ttendod tlio exponition, which hnn be­come ono o f (Jo liforn tn’H mont fninniis m id-w inter oveata.

B oats Name Tribute .. To American Press

P I lI I .A n E I .P n iA , O T—Tho 7. 828 ton rufK* rn rrio r Amoricuu P ren ', Uog Is la n d ’s ni'vonty-sixth

'vcxnol, which wan uaiui'd an a t r ib ­u te tu tho loyalty and co opora tioa o f nownpajipra th roughout tho n a ­tion du ring tho w ar; waa launched Tuondny.

?dlns K lirjibrtl) 0 . Stono, o f New Y ork, dau g h te r o f M olrillo E. Stono, general m anager of the Aa- «iocinti'(J Pro**, wan tho aponagr.

An Mina Btano craahcd th e gold meah covered b o ttle o f cb aap ag n o n(;ninnt tho bow aho sa id : “ I chrintcn thee A m erican Preaa la honor o f tb e aao hundred p o r ccn t A nirrieanfnni diaplayed b y tha nen-ni>ai>or?i ia tho U nited S t a t « du ring tho world w a r .”


ST. Mitin., ( /D -T lu - purrlm.,,-<if 2.')0.(l0(i n rn ’H o f Montnnn jTrnrinir lnnd w ith “ ',,000 l.cnil rn tllu w .i, i-f- fpcloil Tu<-May tiv Uio HiU l.am l ror- I'o ratinn . or(i:uii/'i-.l l.v \V.-ilt..r .I.-JIill. con nf th r l.^to .Intn-'-. .1. Hill. .luVir,- Oacar H nllnm . of tlic Miiiin'Hoi.-i r.ii p rrm r cou rt, U. I‘. MK’li-Ilnn.l. wiili-lv knnwn M ontnna ntockmnn, iinil F. H. Dftlrvmplo, o f New York.

T h r iiimc rrvDch in 2." niil<-« from Milfji City ;il.in;: tin- l ’oiv,|..r.—Mi/.p.ih and Tonliiic r i v r r r nii'l ha» iiiitMiinl n n tc r fn riliiim , it HillB.nid th r I r.m nii't inn invn lvcl fl/J.'fl,. rilf). Tlic- i>ri>[*.'rTv \r:iH fn.n,crlv lli.- r*M ITnl! ranrfc.

n--;ni!ifiil in . i.•nr .-i-.ir.-d •• hol.I.'r- :.r .Ma.-.itil.'vUrns. A,h

vn;, liit.;,,,,: J t,

■Mtlintit ;i fnr ,.ti II ' v.,ii r:.n -1» "(.nii'Di'.nr 'm'i.-II. tf ll = :.U-.u: i l ia . H.-i .Mfi«.l aa. j

You can m akr clasaificd aHTcrtiMnjj I'ay if you h»*p any tank to give to it

.......... , - r - . . . ■ 1 ]


Rcjildence a t 4C1 3rd A re . W cat, ' o rooma a a d b a th , m odern, coa- cri-fe ce lla r, eobblcatoae fireplace, W rita ’

C . H . S M I T H 'B o p art Idmho, fo r p trilau lM n .

- - If


«>»• -M "

■fo r

3os- «H lv tOr-


“ J mfor.avo / / ton,3al- or- I

ffe-rom Kved K\ . •a.- \l iiton L\j. - Jlo ir " r J / •'.$>

Ic i; M i f e

caaJt*l — ] S S m


EE.u . m

Ian 7 >»- h

= {lu- . |B ™ ^ E e H 5 |w 5 K ^ 8 B cil Nof . ^

ho ^ at- n. plo


18 L L ‘ ''- C ' ' W B; I, «

in L / '• J '

■ M

A O r


" W s c n d ln ’ w o i

"■ J d o l l— a n ’

'v 0 P le a s e h e lp m e p i

, i f " ,< f> P o o r S a n ty ’ d be s


C H R I S T M A S T O W I T N E S S ■ j

c H O H E N Z O L L E R N R E U N IO N * .

= Form er Crown' P r tn r e 'P ls n s - ta 'S p c H a | UoUdaya w ith Tarcn tn — i

A M K';<)Nfi K V. _ K,>rr„ ,

r '" '" ‘ -’V , J

fro m O ,v n in r . F r ,- ,J r r i r k U-iIli?nm*'.'!n^'* i- 'a tiin l .iy *.*nv,- .i ( 1iri,«:rr..-Li rr.-o p.-ir!.- '’ I t U 'l r r in c .-n { o r t h i r t y ficrm .nn c h i l - ' " I r m . d i . t n b u t i n c a u t o c r a p h c P ' '

I photographa fir

. ,T W fN -F A L L S p .

^ iS ii

I ^ B B S

’ I

s . J


? o rd t o S a n ty C la u s t o t e l l U r n

1’ b o o k — a n ’ d ls l ie s t o o — a n ’ o

p u t i t in t h e b o x — I c a n ’ t r e a c

: s p ’s ’p O ln te d i f l ie d id n ’ t l ie a r

jE S T I M A T E S C O A L O U T P U T C

---------; U ta h 's P rodurticn fo r Y ear Shows De- T

;3 j ' ■ crease a.i Eespect.i 1018

i^AI.T !,AKK I 'lT V . '..al [..-n -

" tn n v n ,lrrrr.i.,- ,.f n,-:.rtv f,r;.->r> ii(H) f„n , n , compared Wltli lOlS. h u t I’c

j .m ,nrr,-:M.- o f ;,i,j,roxim.Urly l.W.fTTv. if :c.n» MVi-r lf>l7, aciipr.linc to .i rriv)rt ' rt luii.Ii- juil.Iic hern r r ro n llr !iv Carl A. ■ tr .U!fu. rh if f

I.. • I'tnh . ■ , tl,) 1 . Tlic- rc-i-rnt s trik e o? hituminoiin coal ■J niin.TS .ii l nnt a f f r r t tho ou tpu t o f the t>

J J I ’t.ih mine* in the 'H c h trs t ticcrcr-. a<-- nl cording fo Mr. A lien, na nonr of th e th

. workcr.i in th ia > :a tr went out. Condi- «u j . l i o o i a re favO r'sblr fo r a rccord o u tpu t ar fin 1920, aecord ir»g4o.lb* report, cn

DAIL-Y lifE W S , T W IN

... l l /

/j ll ( / |

I^ E ^ m h E H b -

B ® l 4 ■

b h b t I 'H i B / :

— f j :

Umwlian In ’ o l i , ’m o s t c v ’ r y t l i i n g l

•e ach u p , y o n se c— ( . I

c a r f r o m m e . ^ ^ |

= = = = - - — — = ITIT C O U N T S C H R I S T M A S T R E E S i |

>e- F o rest O ffic ia l Checks Up EvT!n;recrm | Taken to U tah and Idaiio ' |

■“ ■ ( H l l in N . (,P) — A c h ^ c k on th e ! |n c m l.r r o f C l .riM n ia- tr c T . t; ,k ..n | ifrom t h - fn n -M i o f Id.aho .md f t . i h i / I

l i t I 'v in i; rc .ii iliirle .l h y Ucr f o r .- - : rv h . tv I t)'> ifc' h c .i .! .i i ia rtc rs h e ro w-ith a v ie w to | | T t ■ r r .I u f in i ; th e n u m b e r i f j>o».i!.Ie. D ii..,A. ' tr ic t Forester L. P. K ncipp aaserta m anv I OT • thoMjianiis of younc .tree*, a re fo'r ■

,th is purpose every year. |■al : T h e re is n o t on ly d a n c e r o f i n ju r in g I (le th e ti,T3l.er r e se rv e by the d e a tr u c t io a >.<■• of 1}^ trees,.M r. K neipp .■.ayx. but a l.n !ie the vfatcr reaourcc* which a re even more ’ li- sunceptiMe to harm a.s w e ll.jim l-c rc .li I J t arr.->» J.fotect the anow* and p reven t the ' I

c-.Trly inclticgT '

F A L L S , ID A H O , W E D N E S I3D AY, DEC. 24,1919


French Inventor, A fte r Long Study, H aa Evolved « T ru ly W ondartut

Artificial Product.

A ccordlns to C ount H ilaire. Inventor o f a rtitlc la l silk.’ w hicii la now pro­duced by vast foctorlea Id S tvltzcrland. Bclelum . France. BngloDd and tbe United Stntea. It b a s for Its bnnls no th­ing le.ss thnn rud cotton. One o f the ^ e a to n t problems he hod to solve ia p 'erfectlnc It fo r everyday oae xvos tp render t t nonexploslve.

Tho gun cotton undeP tbo chardOD* n e t proccfis la-flrst dissolved In a mix­tu re o f alcohol and ether and tben apun throuRb flne-coplUnry tubea by m cann o f li.vdrtiullc presses.

O ihcr cheinlcnl processes g ive It In- coiobuntlble 'n n d nonexploslve qunll* ties, together w ltb th e cfvinlstcncy nnd the transpnrency o f tho flnest ailk from Japuti o r Chinn.

I», took Just IIO yenra of the 80 w hich Count n iln lrp hnn completed to per­fec t hin discovery and render U o f oct* unl nnd practical cojj^iniorcial vnlue.

T he lllustrloun cb c^ ln t ond scien tist -has Just heeti p |0c'tcd lo: tbe auprem e honor o f tnoiphernhlp Id the W ench Acadcmy of Sclenc<ja fo r hla dlscovcry of how' to put one over on th e silk ­worms. During tile w nr he bad been ripcorpted by tho F rench raln lster o f w ur w ith the C ro u of u C hevalier of the Logion of U onor fo r discoveries re la tive tq the m nnufncture of high a - plosives growing o u t o f hla reisesrcheB m ode prlniorJIy to render a rtific ia l ailk Btocklbgs no^icxploalve.


D ealre fo r C atest anti.. P re tties t T hinga an Evldence;«f U<iadomi Ac­

cording tp A m hority. .

“W omnn ht\s giiliiod-her political and Intcllectuhl freetJain.” nnid ISmll \y. Koluj In^nn nddri'fls before th e New Y ork ' llo'tnil Jew e le rs’ ronvention nt Snnitoga. "S lif hna declared In. public nnd In private thn t never again will nho b e .th e nlnve of men. But 1 ven­tu re th n t sho will rem ain th e wIllluK nliivo nf ffl>diloii.

Tho u-oman who declurrn she would ra th p r be (Innl thnn ont o f fashion «x- prossos tt thought In evory wDninn’n tulnd. Ah It In u tnan'H privlloge to pay lho hlllK. ho may nt tim es e>:pronH din- ploanure. That mnn. howcvor. who In Iiermaiiontly und chronlcnily dlsplonf>od nt n r iiidlfforont to nilhidy's p rotty hnt. hecoming cou'n nnd benutlful Jowolry In a b n ito and nliuuU) he cuged with o ther w ild onltnnls.

"T o be contrn ted w ith the thoushtH nnd rlllngs of yesterdny Is tn Hta'riil ntill. and ntngnntlon breeds decay. To ho nennltive to new Ideas Is fo bo yuutUful. W ouuin'a desire to poKRosa Jewelry thnt In new nnd faKhlonnhle nntl heniitlful l« nn evldoiire of g rowth, nnd grow th In tho Inw of life.” .

Johnaton-’a eolctirat/jd (’liocolntos ori A Mngnrino nuhncription for her. M ncnulcy'Droa. : A lv j

BvR|ed Cro!

See th a t every p; carries a Red Cross. Stamp. This is the Help bring Christm-E fering.

This space o to the Red

Twin Falls Ban[Mcmh^r Fedoral B

I Opportunity KnockI The no'.l fo r Ix.okkeqicn. an.l »terI i, tr .-a te r Iti.iii during the- w.-ir-^f-.llari,

l„. <r.-«:..r Hi.nn r;,:. ,„pj.ly. Kv,-..- I ;in-l tin-eall« nr.- '; i l l enniin;:. O l 'H T il i will fit vou lo r tho l - - t llf those j>o<


i Mid-Winter Term . i ■ Decembe

In selocting a achool aak.


PHONS 806 1015 IDAHO 8'



H ead of Amerioan Peaco Delo*.<>. gation Gives Views on E a­id. rbpe*B S tatustie • ____h- W A SHINGTON, (ff)—U nited action lie by tho allied and asaociated powern {Q in rofioanaiog A uatrja is thu-'only wny ^ o f sav ing th a t country from u tte r

chnoB and oconomic wrcckugu, Frnnk II. Polk, nnilor accrotnry o f stn to and hoad o f tho Am oriean pcaco dologj- .

*■ tlon a t F a ria , so ld Tuesday on bis ro- tu rn to W ashington.

Tho ch ie f rennon fo r A u n tria ’n dcs- pernto rnmMion, M r. Polk said , in tha* i '

D- tho artorlon o f rom m erce conneeting - M> Vienna w ith tho ruat o f the world havo icl boon cu t o r paralysed . Uu said thni „ re lie f should nof bo furn ished by any

nation , hu t should be partic ipa ted ib .•b l>y aU.

I’V anen’n oconomic ponitioa in oxcol ^ len t, Mr. Polk doclarod, duo to tho

t l i r ih y hnbltn o f lho en tire )iopuIation.'H e prcdii-.ti>d th p t F ranco would soon -

Bt resume her oxtcnnlve induntrien ond le trad e duvolopmontn. h M r. Polk dccHaod to dlacuaa th<‘•y .wojk o f tbo pcaco conforcnco. . >It. ------------ r—n BEAD T H E D A ILY N B W a )f ^)f J--------------- ^■8 • '



u -** Rnm onu’s v is it to our V ity nhoold^ be looked forw ard to by a l l . '

d Do not misn th e o]>portunity to t- got n rquaintod.

R .A M O I N A .(I

'y T h e S o u l o f S y m p h o n yll ‘ -

•In Dnily C aptivating :'H • Hntisfy th n t wish, tl(, Cnll and .lot Ufl demonNtrnte Ra-o mona tn you. a


H o te l P h a r m s c yj BOOBBSON H O TEL BU ILD IN G

u y

I S S S e a l s

p a c k a g e a n d l e t t e r

, s A n t i - T u b e r c u l o s i s

l e t i m e f o r C h a r i t y ,

n a s c h e e r t o t h e s u f -

c o n t r i b u t e d

d C r o s s b y

nk S Trust Co..1 Rcs'erve System

cks at Your Door»tenoj;rapliers is iir^-cnt. Tin- .l.-nian.l aricn^nr.- hel t c r - - f ut urc cicniuncis will

P itlV A T K SKCRCTaS i IA L ( 'O r i ls K poM jmn*-'-\VitITI-: FOR IN FO R >I^.

n Begins’Monday, ber 29thak. '- I s I t A ce rc llled '? "

ESS COLLEGE.ba School th a t Oata B«salta.


Page 8: TA2AA ' OBJECT OrDCiUPATIPNIDairy Products Decrease 2 Inewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/TWIN...THE ONLX A t'T E im TW IP VOI^ 2. HO. 219, iilEPTS ' imiiMs' OrDCiUPATIPN Second

emnmiaroF : iiLssnrGoiiHiiME

T e s t i n g H e a d q u a r t o r & C o n t r o C o r r e s p o n d e j i c e ' o f B n i i i i i o s s

P i n n a ' ■ .

BEH LIN ,' ( f lV A t l u t th e nak, tr u th Is o u t, offttittU y eonfirm etl. Gc manjr-BtiU has a «oeo r*h lp -w ltK Itcftdquartors fo r tcfltln(r lo tlo rs aad : fo r .'oxamininf; them . OoTornment o ficlnia say “ tU b 'a c tiv ity 'o t tho tcatlJ hoadquartora consiata in contro lling tl fo reign corrcnpondonco o f Oormaa bu inona f i r m a / ’ thongh tho tho chamh*!

. . . o f .commorco. havo olroady h s d a chdu< to aco tho e o rro m n d o n ee u d havo d elarod i t to bo~iroo from a a y tiartn.

*“ Tbo ^ a t a l exam ination boadqua to rs havo tbroo d u t ic a ," o ffic ia l clrcli f a r th e r onnouncod. “ Thoao nro to hi do r tho f l ig h t o f eopita l, to aoo whet or tho ordora o f tho im perial commi anry fo r export and im port havo boc follow ed; and to atop lho volu tn ^c:

•. ehango trado ) w itb tho rod and groc atampod tbouaasd m iuk notoa.'*

O A U . r o s o o u M T Y “w A a B A ira t"i'he follow ing oounty w arran ta - wl

bc -paid iipoit p roseh ta tion a t tho coui ty - tre a a u re r 'a officO, Tw in Fftlla, Idi ho:

C urrent Bxpenao W arran ta Xoa. Of - to J807, inc.;; 1D19 Soriea.

County n o ap ita l W arran ts , Noa. 37 to 55S^ inc., lOlO^Sorlca.

A gricu ltural Fa«r W arnu ita Noh. 6 i 13, iac., 1910 Scries,

County School W arran ta , Nos. 13021 13021-13866-138C9, '

Tho abovo'aehool w a rran ta are a ll ou stand ing cegiatcred w a rra n ta .« ‘'In to ro a t on tbo abov^ w arran ts ccai

C4 J a a : Snd, IflSO.D ated and posted Doc. 23, lOID. .

H L . W ABEEN,• . Connty T ro a^ rc ;

O B D C T A K ^ NO. 286 A n OnUnonca doclartng tlt« lo tea tlo

o f tb e C ity o f T w in FlOls, Xdobo. t g ra d e ,-p a r« . enrb u i d aturface-drol certa in s tre e ts aod p a r ts o t atreeti w ith in tlie O ity o f T w ia ' Falla, tb expense v b e re o f to be pa id b y tqiei

. . io i ..aasesssieQte lev ied ^ a f i i s t ..tb ab u tting , coatlgncma and t r ib n ta r p roperty and tb e p ro p e rty benefltte ' th ereby ; to estabUab fo r tliftt purpoa I t f cal Im provem ent XMatrlct No. 38.1 so ld d ty . and fl^(Uig tb e tim e wbe; p ro tests w ill be rece ived ag a in s t tb c rea ttn g o f sa id im provuneo t.d ia tric aud tb e m a k li ig ^ f aa ld propoaed In) provem ent.Bo. i t o rdained by tho M ayor am

Couueil o f tiio C ity o f Tw in Fnlln, Itlo - hll us follows:

Section 1. Tho C ity o f Twin Fnllf Idnhi), cloua hcrobv doclaro il« iatcii (iou to grailo, pavo, curb and aurfncu (Iniiu cortuiri parta of a troefs w itliin tin City of T w iu Idnlio hcroinaflesjx'cified, anil fo r tliiit purpofio to cro

. al<< and oatabliab in Haid C ity o f Twii Pnlla, an a p a r t thoroof, I» c n t Improve m ont D ia trlc t No. »8 c o n a titu tln g 'th ' atroeta or p arta o f streets^' a s followa

Second, Avonuo N orth ; Commoncini . a t th e northwostOrly lino o f 8 hoahon<

R tri'ot, thenco noxthw eal t<> tlicr aimtb onstorly Unc o f Hocond- S troo t Norlh 400' fe o t In lensth , 10 feo t in w idth, J foot on onch n ida o t. th o prosout pavo m cttt, maitinK sa»<l Lmptovomcul 50 foo

' iu w idth inatoad o f -10 foot na now con 'tru c tc d nnd romovol and ro/onsiru*! tion' o f eurb.

Socond A venuu'K aat: Commoneing hi Iho M uthooatorly lino ofSJioalioncStren: theiLCO aoutheaaterly to tbo northw eat orly lino of Socond S tree t Eaat, 40( foot in length, 10 fe e t in w id th , 5 fpoi on each aido o f tbo preaont pavem ent malcing sold im provom ont CO feo t ii w id th inatoad o f 40 fe o t a s now con ntrucled, and rem oval an d rcconatruc tibn of curb.

Section 2. Tho proporty lo b'o in eluded in anid d ia trie t and naseasod ai here inafte r providod, ehall include al tho prD perty f ro n tin g or a b u ttin g on contiguoua or tr ib u ta ry to tho ntreoti

~nnd»avcnuca lo bo im proved, nnd be twoon tho poin ta hereinbeforo apccificd AUt\ to tbo diatanco back from aucl

FOB SALEM o d o r n h o u s e , f i v e r o o m s


.. a n d s l e e p i n g ' p o r c h , g a r ­

a g o , o b i c k e n h o u s e , E l m

P a r k a n d o i t y w a t e r .

Phone 606-W

" ^ O D t G a ^ O F T O Z T x ^

f IV, I TH.« 1W» *PHL (_____ 'C*IT1RELN -7*0 PtJJlHlSnC- \

~ ITH£ o c TXIS PltCC.).V® <f8i»nn.v r - 'HA.V& JM K tH AVO mcM >w

c£arTUttiK am o r ___

“ ■ atreota and avoDtiea, i f p lo tted i a bloo! ' . ' to th e «eat«r .of tbe b to e k ;4 f p la ttod

lola to tho contor o f tho b t ; and

e not p lnttod, to thc dialnnce of 125 fot Scction 3. Tho gonoral oharnctor <

anid impruvomonU abaU bo th e g ra ing, aurfncc 'd rain ing and, p av ing o f t]

. , roadw ays p f aaid' a troeta and avenue

.rO io Jg w id th hereinbeforo aot fo^^lh,-b SS twoon tho pointa h o rc inb^oro speclho

aaid paving to conaiat o f^ o m e su itab pavem ent according to tno genoral.plai

on filo in tho W fico a .o f tho cii nivp engineer and tho c ity elork, a s d tbo r

c moval back o f tbo p reaont curb and tl id 10 roconntruction thereof, a n d tho co . . atructioA o f a now curb w here it . . . * found ncoosaary to do ao, aaid curh r tbo conaiat o f concroto. S aid improvemoi

».„u ia nn orig inal improvement.V ■ Full p lans and specifications fo r aa

propoaed improvomont to be f iled : the offico o f the e ity clork c f eald cH

•in 0" Of lJ<?foro the day on w hich tho m a fmnr O'" co'nncil wlU rccoivo protca

againat m nking tho aaid proposed ir iVi,. provementa.

, " {;■ Section 4. Tho eoat and exponso i imi« projwsod im provem ents ahall I . „ taxed and oaaeaaod upon all p ro p erty 1 «r* Improvement dlfttrict in p roportit

‘ to tbo num bor o f foot o f auch landa a t lota fro n tin g tberoon, o r ab u ttin g , coi tiguoua or tr ib u ta ry thoroto, and m p r portion to tbo bonoflts derived b y sal

j„ Improvementa.•fiTin A ll tho p roperty w ith in aaid im prov Mn* d ia trie t to bo eaaeaaod oa a fo r

ta ld fo r tlto coat of aald propoaed iu provomonta oxcopt th n t tho expenao > tho Improvomont in tho spaco form ed I tho junction of two o r moro alrcofa ( whero one main s tree t te rm ina tes in c

. cronaea nnothcr maiu stroo t, and alt all nw eaaary atreot croaaings o r eroa wnlks and in te ra c tio n s of stree ta , an

' tho expouflu of m aking and repoirin aon-ora, ahnll not .bo included in sai

. oAaesjiment J iu t shall- bo pa id -by th City of T«vin Folia. W hon work is don ou one sido nf tho atroot, ou ono aid of the ooutor lino tho p ro p erty on tbe aldt* only ahnIJ bo asaasaci. Tho tqfi coat nnd oxponao of aaid improvoine'n; nrcoriiing to fho estim ato re tu rned li tbo c ity engineer la tbo aum n f fou

,»i ~ thouannd aovon hundred an d tw enty do lara, .lividod aa follows: •>’oot frontago ..............................$4,420.0Intoraocllona ............. :................. 300.0

• Totnl ...........................................«1,720.0Section Tho 5th dnv o f Jn n u n rj

a t 8 o 'c lock p. m ., ia bon-^by M i S f i ignatcd aa^h o dnto on w hieb tho m aj

i r 'O lid couneil o f a&id. e lty • o f Twi Fnlla will reccivo protosta ngainat th te o k lc s 'o f tbo aald propoaed Improve mont and all pehions a ffec ted by. lh

J " snmo: aro horoby notified to f i le .tb c i protoflla in w riti/ig w ith tlio c ity clerl

- ou or befo'to or a t tho tim e of eald mcot , ing. Plnco whoro protvals w ill be r t

“ " “ j.ccivoa oud hoard will bo a t tho offic.of c ify clerk of anid cit.v.

, ,, Pasacd by the Citv Council o f tlv Citv of Twin Kalla, Idoho, thia 2:2nd dn; o f Doi omhor, 1010.

Approved bv the M ayor of tho C if ,V'“ of Twin Kalla' Idaho, tbia 22nd d ay o:

Docember, lOlD..".o- . w . II. p n .n n iD n E ,win • Mavor

A iio . i . - ■‘ '*® W. A. M IN N ICK , ^ ^

_ q i y Clork. . '


,, r tho Mn.vor ond Couneil o f lhe C ity o Twin Fnlla, Idnho, w ill roceivn nm

/ . .» conaidcr ncnled bids nnd propoaals, oi gp the 5 th dny o f .Taiuinry, JO'JO, nt tin ru<!- o ’clock p. m., o f anid dny

a t tbo Council Clionibers, in tho of fico o f the W ty Clcrk of «.iid c ity , li

“ the Wofcer W orka Building, n t tho oor •Cit* '*0^ Sofoad Avenuo N orlh nnd 8<*c 4QJ) ond S tree t J io r th , in snid oity , fo r do

^ ^ ing tbo \yerk and furn iah ing thc m-t en t I im proving rortn in Htrooln, nl

j^ llo y a nnd ovenuea, und jm rts o f nlroo’a ’ I alleys nnd nvenues in the C ity of Twij

* Folia, Idaho, by, grading, pav ing , curb lng and surfttce-dfnlttlnu tUo aame which atreeta, alleys nnd uvonuea nn-

, ports o f strcota, ol'leya nnd ovenuea, «i ^ to bo Improved, nro apecificnlly dc

acribod and aot fo rth in Ordiniinoci Noa. 27), 200, 291, 282, 283 nnd 281 which ordinances respectively describ. and set fo rth fhe boundnrioa nnd lim ita o f lo c a l Im provem ont D ia trirl; Noa. 34, 3.1 and 37, o f nnid C ily oi

---- Tw in ' Falla, Idaho. S aid ordinnncoinro on filo in tlio offico nf th e Cit.i

■*“ Clork o f naid c i ty 'a t tho plnee and lo enlion nbovo do.Hr?\bod, nt whirb plnoi

I nocoa* fn tho (uimo c:in be ob tained .A RonornI doaoriplion n f thc kln<

Iind umount o f 'w nrk to bo dono nn- m nlorial bo furniabod fn r ib.

I ponatrortion o f anid improvementa, nn Iho dntn n i tn Iho m nterial out <>: whirh Iho aamo nro to bc oonstrueto- nro aot fo rth iui<l containod lu . th.

I plana nnd apocificotiona on fito in th C ily C lerk ’s and City EoKim-or'a of ficc.i o f a;iid e ily , in tho W ate r WorVi Bulliliijg in naid c ity a t tho curniT o Soeood Avenuo North nnd Socou'

J S tre r t N orth in aaid c ity , which ari horol.v roforrod to and mado n pri' h c rco i, aJtIL copies of anid p1»ua aui ip o c if ic a ti^ s onn bo obta ined fro:c saiiU-Cngineiy upon the ilepoait o f t c ilollara whlclV will be returned nnd ro fundcil upon the /return o f snid plan and Bpocificationy.

Thi> am ount of tho re r^tim atoa :i[i „ , proved by anid c ity nf tho ooal o f 111

ponatruetion o f a.iid improvoinonta n

u T E o o n s

NONttxrq,; I 'sou’i THIMKt • THE. LCAlT arr IOA erPFaM£Mcc. vtuo k R.WL6S TW«i o ^ e iT r , 7Ke

^ Lwiu. NB-yg^ e 6*iee<Tl/ _ - ^

T W IN F A L L S p .

doek« sa id d i s t r i c t N o . 34 is 1010 ,242 .20 , on. «d in f o r a a ld d i a t t i c t ^ o . 3S, ia $90,253.9- nd i f n n d f o r s a id d i a t r i e t N o . 37, ia $12, feoe . 810.04.

c r o f W 'ork u p o n a a ld im p r o v e m e n t sh a i g ra d - ho eo m m cn c o d a n d th e a am o aU all b f tb o f in ia h o d a t au eh tim e a o s tb o M nyo n uoa , n u d C buno ll s h a ll d o a ig n n to . i,"b a - E a c h b id o n d p ro p o a o l m u s t b e ac I f io d , eo m p ao io d b y a c o r t l f ic d c h e c k upoi ta b le aom o ro lia b lo b o n k , p o y o b lo to th o C it p la n a o f T w in F a l l s , o r o r d e r , t in a n a m o u u

c i t y e q u a l to lo n p e r, c e n t o f th e nm oun10 ro - o n tiro c o n t r a c t . I n th e ovon J ( 1,0 t b a t tb o su eeo aafn i b id d o r dooa n o t o>i

con- ^or i n to a c o n t r a c t w i th th o so ld C it; I t i s f o r th o 'n m k in g o f s a id im p ro v e m o n ; r h to s a id c hoek w ill b e r e ta in e d b y th m o n t b id d o r aho ll f o r f c i

th o sam o to th o C i ty . T h o o b e c k s o s a id nn a n cc ca a fu l b id d e r s 'w il l bo rc

,,j jp t u m o d fo th e m a t th o tim o o f th o ro 1 c i tv jo c t io n o f tb o l r b id a o p d p r o p o sa ls .

T h o p a rso n , f i r m o r c o rp o r a t io n ob i tc a ts 1^0 c o n t r a c t f o r tb o c o n a tru cJ l io n o f so ld Im p ro v o m e u ts w ill bo r<«

q u ir e d to fu rn i s h t h o C i ty , a t o r bv o f d e l iv e r y o f th

11 bo Jfood a n d a u ff ic ic n t v in aom o r e l i a b le s u r e ty com pn r t io n *“ n m o u n t e q u n l t» a lx ty p e

a n d a m o u n t o f th o conI rn c t p rio o , m n d i t io n c d f o r th o fn i th f u l p c rfo rm a n e o o f o il o f th o c o n d itio n n n d fo rm s o f th o e o n t rn c t b y h im o r i

ro%’0 ' tl i . IIIfo ro -I im -JO -if .•d b y

Use Red C I Christmas

d o n o •aido

£ Each Seal is a Pen and Prevention


" Tuberculosis ’ can Zm I ' cured—it thriv< — , carelessness and inry, forces th a t are sv

this dread diseasrwin • ' ,

Eftcourage the Rec —buy Red Cross

•lerk . . , - •r m •

ro . T h i s s p a c e•fice

tuo . to the Re(d a y

? THE FIRST Nvo r.


rhn* ~ 'f o f , - ■ ' ■ ■

I A C B E ^ R T .3 530,000 Dry am

L a n d s a r e l o c a t o d i n S o n t m .,. t h e b e s t i n t b a t f a m o n s d i s

n l- . u n d e r ' i r r i g a t i o n , l i i l a n o e

i‘S g r o w i n g . - u rb - T h e l a n d s a r e b e i n g p u t im c . t i m o a n d t h o c o m p a n y i s .io i

A l l l a n d s w i t h i n a r a d i n s o f’. lc . p o i n t ,loea D ry U a d a a r e b e in g a o ld a t t l 5 U281, tAO p e r a e r c , w b ie b in c lu d e a w mteir ib . ' ' e b o rg e S L 5 0 p e r i r r i g a b le a c r e p e r y ili'“ g r» ia . « o U p o a , jjouK x‘*■'•1 . gtown. .i)coa W r i t e d i r e c t to tb a eom p o B y fc i

Canada Land & irrij;i„,l Lethbridge r , 'n n l ^ • A l b e r t a ,

V . ------------------ --------------------------------------of. I I

rto -l I •

J E R S E YorVa f W e h a v e th e le a d in g h e rd o f

^on l M a je s ty !*, 50 in h e rd , a n d w ^ b a v c 14 m o n th a , d o w n , a n d th e y a r e f o r

p a ' l to c o rrea p o n d n n d d c s c r ib o w b a t Wia u d M o a t a l l o u r c o w s a ro e i th e r InT e 'l B trong , a n d h e a l th y , a a d i

fp . h a v e aom e o f fh e b e s t b r e d a t u f f inlan.- - Alao g few D u ro e g i l t a , o f g o o t

A . M . N c C L E N A H ith ..

J J c M t t i a In o u 'u . S o o n P i N b ^\m K T P R 0 SP6 M -rV /

D A ILY , N E W S , T W IN Fi!

Q, oml to. bo porformoil. nnd ooiiditionod fur-253.9S, tb o r , fo r tbo fnU hfui peTformnnoe of1 $ 12,• fho form s an d provisions o f tho atn fu to i

o f tho S fa to of Idaho in such cnxoshall mndo and provided^

all b j I ’aym cnta upon thu naid co n lrac t wiUMayor bo.m odo oa followa: 00 por een t o f tbo

C ity .E n g in o er’a crtim nto o f tlio amounil>e n>f ooraod undor aaid’ con troct during each

upou oalendnr m oath w ill bo p.aid ou fho0 Citv fi^at-T ooaday a f te r , lho f ira t M onday mouut o f th e fttllaw lngim onth, aud ao on .cncli moual m e n th p th o ton per ceo t corned during ovoaf each m oath w ill bo ro tainod u n til tho

n t on- eom piotion o f tbe co n trac t and tho oc^1 C ityf-ceptoace o f tjie work J>y th e C ity En- jm ent, ginoor.jy fho The Council reaorvea fhe rig h t to r*!-‘o rfc i’ je c t any nnd nil bida.'k s u f D ated Decem ber 23rd, 1010.0 re • W . H. ELD BID O E,ho ro- M ayor.»ls. A tte s t;m ob- W . A. MINNICIC,latruc , City Clerk, bo r<* sr bi>- , f ,|i.-

ompo l i i i r i l * l lK » f I l l» i tW i l lK i l l{ iH ln f liH P R ifflR B IfflM V P lV H H l

fn ith ■ S P W M V j V f M V n M H

1 or it

Cross is Seals IPenny’s Worth of.Cure on of Tuberculosis.

an b e ’prevented and rives because of our m d neglect.- Join 4he- e successfully battling j iease. i

Red Cross in this work OSS Seals.

ice contributed Red Cross by


________________ ________ — — I '

■--------------------- ------------------------------------ :— V

FA L A N D Sand Irrigable AcresB o n t h e m A l b e r t a a u d a r e a m o u g

d i s t r i c t , 2 0 0 , 0 0 0 a c r e s w i l l b e i n o e . i s b e i n g ^ o l d t o r g r a m

p u t o n t h e m a r k e t f o r t b e f i r s t 8 . l o o k i n g l o r b o n a f i d e s e t t l e r s I o f t e n m i l e s o r l o s s t o s b i p p i n g *

118 to 430 per a c c e ^ lrr lg a b le lands t4 n tow a te r rig b t—operation and m rtlmniinnre ' i?or yeoj —easy paym ents and low ta te rea t. i>tatoes an d roo t'o ropa can be tn ccesa fn lly ^ I

ly fo r f a l l particu la rs and pam pblats. |

irrigation Company, Ud. -~ 'V-.- ■ Medicine Rat '

irta, Canada I—___ ________ _________ ‘

EY C A T T L E1 of Jerseys in Cotorado, b reeding mostly _bavo eomo eork ing good ba ll calves from > fo r aalo a t r ig b t pricca, and will be glad a t we have.icr In B eg ister o f M erit, o r w ill be tes ted , and we g u aran tee every th ing we aoll. Wo iff in the U. S. ond ou r pripca are n iG O T .' good atock. ' -

A HA N , G r e e l e y , - C o l o .

M other aniI /------- 'cioMe.

/ MR-VAM Ld8 / ISN'T CMX / 'YW KM0¥


F A L L S , ID A H O , W E D N E S


C L ^ IF iE C f^ R w i s;y One Insertion , per word......... .............. S:li One w eek (D a llj and W eek ly )______l(ig One m o ath (D oily a n d W eek ly )......2i10 —PH O N B s a —Cr

" FOR SALE— REAL ESTATE" f o b sV l e o k T K A l ^ F o r cit

p roporty o r amoll ocrengo, 4 0 - ncro 3-4 milo from aehool. Addreaa Box ii core Nowa.

FO B SA L E —1-2 oero trac t, cloac ii Jjn ju iro B. T., Nowa.

FOU -SALK — -t-room moilorn house Inrgo acroonod jiorcli. A ImrKain. En» term s. 437 4th W. Phono 8U4 J .

FO B 8 ALI-:—l ^ t a t ami 2 In blool 4 Bluo Lakos addition. I ’rico $l(iOO; on- ha lf enah, l>nlanco 1, 2 nnd T yoara liiu u t 7 per cont inforoal, imvnlilo aomi-nn nually. C. L. I’ittinuii, l-'i.' Morgan, Col,

_ Box avr,

FOU HALI-v— I room niudorn housi * ith largo alooping porch. Oarago. Poa wttsioH u t once. I’rico rigb l. Phoni •::j7.l a f lo r 5 p. m.

• FOU SA L E —UoHidonco 'p ro p e rty m ' -<th nvonuo n o rlh ; aix room houau; cor I Mcr lo t; ^2000 cnah: balanco torma. M I J . Swooloy. O ffice, F ira t_N ^ iona l Bani-

liuilding. . ■ ■ '-i ^

FOB BALB—« room Hooae w iti tieep iag porob. Two lo ta . Inqo ire 78(

•Mb Ave. W.

FOR SALE— MISCELLANEOUSKOK S A L E —1 k itchen rnngo P . (,»

Box 187.

W ANTED— A fu m iah ed two of-thro^ room n partm on t o r houao by re fino i couplo; no children. Beat o f loferoncea Addrons A. B ., caro Ncwa.

I I-'OU RALE— 1 1-2 to n . T roy Trnll.ii I in f ir s t claaa aliapo. Phono 1200J.

I KOK SA L E — I bodafend, I droaai'r ) bilby' ]>uahcart, S inger sowing ronchini- I floctrio range. 21U .Tackson atroot.

FOU- fJALE— I V ictor tn lk lng niu oliiiio *50; 1 Bungalow player piano fSOO. A ddress K .M cnro News.

:iO-CO A ultm na-Toylor Qus Troctoi nnd 8 bottom John Dcero plow in ^o<l ■ u udition.— II. C. W nhl, W ilder, Ida.

' K l i iB ^ tL Y N U B S E B IE 8 , L ^ d •onpo Sorvico D epartm eat, can b e a u ti­fy y ou r ]iomo grounds. T rees, .shrubs, jilonfs and vinca. P lana furnishod.

. W ork auperintondod or taken on con* j i ta c l . No cbargo fo r pro lim inory v'.-dt. I C arl E. W fig h t, I>andacapo. A rchitect , nnd O ordcncr. i ’houo 25 U-2, KIMborly, ! fdabo;

' FOR RENT .’' fV iT 'B E N T —E igh ty a^erca 1-2 mHc

, a o r th of H o lliste r; huuso, cistern , ei?. oboitt ten aerea irrig a ted nml in nlfal fn ; balanco d ry b a t hnn bcon farm ed

i W ill re n t vory reaaonnblo. E nrl O l\V olfo, 822 M cK inley B treot, Uoia.* i Idaho.

I FO B UENT— ro’ *jwrc ranTli, T U . I miloa from Sugar F a c to ry ; fa ir build- iuKS. Addrcaa P . 0 . Box 742.b>

TO T R ^ E

i-'OB TEA D B — 100 Zeros s la te lasdi a ll im proved, -half milo from Boy, Idabo; w ill t ra d e fo r au to . In q a ire EL D eW lU, ro u te 3. T w in F alls. Idaho.

I E A I L B O A D T I M E T A B L E |

; ^astb o o n d Ij I N o . '150_______ D epart 5:45 a. m.I ■ No. 84...............D epart 4 :4 5 p m.

W eitbotm di No. 83—T.......D e p iir t 'l l :4 5 a. m.j No, 155.............. Dopart 3:45 p. m.

I ] E o g c r s o n B r a n c h T r a i n s SQutbboand

‘ ‘ No. 3ni»............ Depart 11:45 n. m.N orthboond

No. 340______A rrive 3:20 p. m.

M a i l M a k e n p.\o . l.'iO a t 5 a. m.No. 83 a t 11 a. m.No. i:>r> a t 3 p . m.No. 84 a t 4 p . m. '

' Uogcrson branch a t 11 a. m. i' The forcgoinp mnil m akeup ia\ operative and e ffec tiv e nnder or- I liinary conditions; i f a g rea t ' am ount o f m ail abould bo drop*I pod nt about tbQ regu la r cloaing | I timo it would be impoaaible to

d ispatch the mail oa tho prociae honr.

i < l s t h a t e l e c t i o n H A S a l r c :

I. ACAJN,’------- I- iM M ; -TUA.T \OUCH f*10NG.V.'MN B V T T « . \ rs HAV& gPNg-' —

S P A Y , T3EC. 2 4 ,1 9 1 9 ■

— I POSITION WANTED) j .awd wifo w aat a

Bition on a ranch , WUl e tay w ith th e L rig h t p n rty oil summor. Coll n t '2C0i

Jackson S t., T^vin Falla.

~ WANTED— MISCELLANEOUS... 2c W'ANTED—laveflto re o r p a r ta e r in ’ _.10c an organlxed ahcop buaineaa. P ir a t elaaa ...SSc opportun ity . A rop rcaea ta tlvo o f th e

company will be plooaod to ex p la la a ll dolnila to yoo If ia teroiitod. A ddress ■‘ liive S tock C o .," ca ro th is paper.

W ANTED—P rae flea l nurso to core —r - for involi'd lady an d help wUh bouao- .oroa^ w o rk _ £ h o n o 227W.» 10, W ANTKD—250 fa rm o rs to call fo r

colcndaraL I . E . P inney & Co., aucces- — »aora fo A. L . B radloy Cb.

W ANTED—Wo w a n t 200 aols o f bor------- nivw to ull w ith good o ld faah loaod ol'.luse; Wc cnn o il thom ehcapor aow th a a ;n Easy the sp ring and i t 's b e tte r fo r th e bar-

uoaa. I. K. F inney & Oo., P ioneor Hor-

__________________ *on-. CA U I'EN TEU WOBK—Jo b b in g and liiuo ropaira o f oil kinds. Phono I223W .

Col., W ANTED—l-'Hiruiahed o r uafurn iabed modern h<uiac or houackooping rooms,

i----- Phono 550 J-1.QUSO - —

LOST_ _ “ sW a YED Ou ' h tO LEN — Bed w a te r

(.a Hpuniol; anaw crs tn nomo of Don. cor- F indor pluntio phono (MQ-M or c a ll a t

AI. Irtjw W yland’s barbor ahop, Shoahono ann a tre c t, fo r roward.

_ .T " 8 TBA Y ED —Dccombor 3rd, 1 b l « * d th hurao, 1000 Iba.; 1 b lock, 1400: I boy 7S« J.1UI). Phono 654-J2.-

FOUND— A foun ta in pon, w ith gold O. bnnd in itiola . M. X oaer m ay bavo tam e

by nddreasing U. J . ea re o f New*.

irce - ?___nod . (ces. ^ ' " . ’ ^ “ “

p BUSINGS DIRECTORYB u s m j i s s o a r d r a t e s

’-►One lasrtU on , p a r line........................... JOc___ Oao wook, p o r 'l i n e '- . . _____________86«wu- One tnontii, p e r lin e ______ _ ._ _ 7 6 qjno , —P H 0 ^ 3 2 —


'w S jD O W 'O L A is ^ I Iw ^■ iu t l wo'rk. U o o u ’s Shop. Phono S.

Liid-uti- T & A N B P E Eubs,' —,0(1. OBOZIEB T E A ira rB K OOMPANY. -oa- ' Phoue 348.

w c'; ~ P I A N O T U N I N O

H ull. P h o n .84, Bogoraon Uotol.

P IA N O , I U R D ia — P h o ae 108. Logau ___ Muaio Co.„lld " i' '- " ~ I —»

S , p ? . r p f e j j i o M . a . l


T s A s S l T i . ^ W M 6 N --L a w y c r ."

H O M E E 0 . M IL L S -B o y d Building.

-*“ TA Y I.O E C O M M IN S ^B obeock Bldg. Probato and civil p ractice .

-— [SW E E I.B Y k SW B E IiE Y —A ttom oys Lsd, * a t Lnw. P rac tlco in a ll Courta, T w in toy, I Knlls, Idaho.

.......... ■ ,i . , ...C , M . W O IiFIi—L aw yor, Booms G oiid

d, ovor Idaho D opartm ent t^toro, Twin = Falla, Idaho . , . ,

— * J . B . W IBB—Law yer.' i^ U y orcanix- I ed C ollection D oportm ont. Officoa— f I Booma 0 nnd 7, over Tw in Folia Bonk j I A T ru st Co., Twin F alls, Idaho. -

1 V I O L I N D f S T E U O T I O N " '

T w i5 i^ v io lin 7 a t^ . oTcTicatTnfurn ished fo r banquet and dancc. -JSH Vun Buren. Phono 1223W.

F iid .••lur tonaiit fo r th a t ntoro or iifrii'i' thioii^'h uaiiii; Ibft claMi^Icd. 'fo 'f v i a t i'l i.i like, tl.o advant.ijjt.i o f . i t l Iccfltion, i ts rc n 'n l price. Some- l> < l y a s t j It.

; I WANTED 11; CLEAN RAOS.“ i N E W S O m C E j '

■ ' --------- ■ ■_ -3

ready brought p rosperity „'' ~ 1 ' tx

jPlON’T t T H » -L -Y O u /A i »l' \ L(K3>C HOW ■ I “


' ■ . MISB

Page 9: TA2AA ' OBJECT OrDCiUPATIPNIDairy Products Decrease 2 Inewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/TWIN...THE ONLX A t'T E im TW IP VOI^ 2. HO. 219, iilEPTS ' imiiMs' OrDCiUPATIPN Second

1 V ■ . . . .! . ■ 1 ; ■) TEN

1 c lP fS i Jusipiii

Handel's Iffcssiah Will Bo gram a t Ascension Ohar

a t 10 Tonight

A Mcnsiali iirnfTriini, rompriaU lar|»o niim\nT nf H>t> monl nllrrlni i-iilram-in;; of- Hiiiitlpl choniBOB, r tivcn and noIok, will l>o fflvon ii rondiou Ki>if'rti[)ii! cliurcli loniKh tin oUoir <Uwp.Ip<1 Uy 1narratt. . / -

Tli(! iiroi'raiii Jk jiliilitiixl to cot Iihout t»-r> lir>ur;«' h x j- . nnci will a t 30 nV lork wltli a Rran«l procpw tlirout;]! Ili<‘ inaiii niNlo n f tho cl This will bl' followed hy ft nliort o f i>ray<T, tlii' o ratorio tnkin); u li-r a Hliort inlonalHflion.

T lir nuuibor o f tho M(will be :i tenor «olo, "O o m fo rt by .Harp^i H arralt. Tlio clonin;' fo r>f ihl*'hcIkvIuIk will be th e !laHa ••lioruH, to bo Hunjj a t

S tirrin g Ohorutfes Thi' projfram connlAtJi o f tho ti

iii^' rhorufl niiniboro: " A n d Thn Oli " O , Thou Thnt Tollont Qooil T to Z ion” ; " F b r Ifnto Ifs a Chj n o rn ” ; " f lio ry to G od’ ’; "D ohol Kami)” : ‘ ‘ H allolojah..”

Tho roi'UativoH and roIob aro : ' ' fo r t Yo, My Pooplo” ; “ Thua Tho Ix)r(l” : " n o h o ld a Y lrg in " ;

"Thou T hnt Tollcsli” ; “ Tho Poopie W alkod In I>arkncBa''; “ T hcr# S hophords” ; " A n d , h o , Tho An{ tho L o rd ” : “ And tho Aogol .8i “ And Suddi'nly Thero W aa With AnRi'l’ ’; " K o Shixll Pcod Hl» t ’le “ (^ m o 'U n lo H im ” ; " K o Waa

“ Thy Robuko f la th B Htn K oftrt” ; “ BohoH nnd Soo” ; Thou Didst N'ot Loavo” .

Soloistn p a r tic ip a tin g nro : U r .1. Woods, M rs. W. H. D w ijjht, A liro 0 . Tnyb>r, nopranoa; M rs. - Ryorn, MiM .Bmmn S m ith , contri D. A. Salm on, {{nrry B a r r a t t , t( N’clnon' H ayw ard , b a rito n e ; B lna

^ don, basBo; Mra. B. L. W arron, eia t; Miaa M ary Ilnm pton, p laa la t

Obolr P«noQziel Tho choir conalsta o f : Mrn.

Wooda, Mra. M. K. Tuckor, Mrn. A Dwiffht, MilM Annio S m ith , Minn T ay lo r, Mlna Bonnio Ua M ra. O. I*. Duvnll, aopr M r. Jp B. Byor, Mia* Ktnma 8 Mina R aib Ilowritt, Miaa H ea rio tta kina, Mrn. V. O. B othune, eontn I>. A. Salm on, Clnreaeo B o atty , ] i ’a tr lc k , H arry Barrattj.-JtPBora; non H ayw ard , E in ar Oldon, Dr. r Sch.M»nr*, P . W. M«*eh, b u a .

W ith tho ondin{; o f the. M eu iah jrram clo«iin(; prnyor w ili bo aaii L n y m aa F . W. Mooch, tho choir air ft Aovoa-fold fM tlva l Amon. Tho m rm orntion will be . cooeluded “ I t Camo Upon a M idnlRbt 0I< auflff a s n foatlva] rooonaioaai thr th e m aia alalo o f tho ohuroh.

P e i - j O M . a . l j

H . E. VoRol o f Poftatol!*, a nc«a v ic to r la T w in ,PftUa.

M m . J . W. (Tonnor o f P llo r w _ T w in Falln v is ito r yeatorday.

A lb o rt. Bonoit hnn Rono to N evada on a nhort buninonn trip .

A. A. Siooumb snd aon Joo T w in Falln vinltora yoatorday.

V ra . J . L. Shephard o f Kitnb nhoppod in Twin Falla yontorday.

M rs. B. ; B . T n io o f M urti nhopped in Twin Falln yeatorday.

Mrn. E. Van lU per o f Buhl ^ a T w in Fnlln vinitor yeatorday,

Oeorffo W. Iloovor ia ovor frocn ia rm on tho no rth aldo fo r a ahort it.

M m . H. n . Lowifl w ill apond Ch mna a t Iho homo of hor b ro th er, A Hlocumb in Buhl.

M rs.-C harles Coinor o f ILtoaoa am one (ho out o f town* shoppora T w in Falln yo<itefdny.

M r. nnd Mra. Leo S to t t l r r o f K borly wi-ri‘ nmoni; tbo o u t o f tow n % tora in Tw in t^ lU yoniordny.

W. W orthinjjton wan hero fi Oakloy yontorday looking " 'nftor b ness .iff.iirn and vixitin{; w ith frie r

Minn F lorrneo Costello w ill a rt from Burley today to npend tho h davs w ilh m other, Mrn. P . J . ( tello.

Ju d c o and Mrn. J . M. Uhank and tie <!nu;;Iitcr o f Buhl w ill spend Chi maji a l tho homo bf Mr. and Mrs. 1’. O uthrio.

• M rn. 11, J . W ard arrivod yesfe r from Blarkfi>ot fo spead C hrist w ith hi'r l i t i l r d.tuK hlrr and her ter, Mrn. F . F. M rA trr nnd fam ily.

W n ltrr ( 'r iv o ii w ith hin l i t t le dm tr r , .M ire, nnfl M>n Bnhbii-, w ill nr;

Tw in Kulln toc|;iy from ('.ilifo: to «pi-n.l (.liriBlma.* al tlic homr Mr. -mil .Mr». Homer ('r.-xven.


E p l^ Iw U T ouiw rolkm to E iljo y B F a U v a l AtuUtoxlsm

D irrc trd by Minn AUro Taylor elass inn lru rton i a n irin lm an Tree ti»til w ill l>e lirld in the auditoriun: A f^ n n io n >:pisconnl rhurrli ,be;rhi»

, a t 7 o ’cloek toaifjht. ““(ji'ffn will d is trib u ted . T h r a ff.iir will ektse fl o ’rlo rk .

K arh o f th r Sunday •rh(>ol r ia has p repared a nertion o f th e Cht n a s rv o prutrrais, whieh wt)] ri>n«isi cnroln. rre itn lion* and keenra.

ST E P H A Jr OOES E A ST P ro # « n tin )r ' A tto raoy F ra a k

. 8(«pihaa, wiUi fais /am iiy . l e f t I J! a a o n ia x fo r po ia ta is lad laA a, IlUa

Jf- mad JiM U gB j,. 'T»# li«Uday «m «ob i 3 , b « - M e t - w i t k re U U re * H r. B tm h f ; *spm tm t a M a n to Twim, f a l b J i j o W J - A X>Briar U s a f c e e e r -A. K. s ie .


f T j l i i l l i s E f mil FOB HPTS TEi

^ Annual Obsorvances WiU Marked by Program of i

tractive Nnmbers

.Moru tilaboratc- nnd intorcntin;; uvor will bo tho Kni^hln To

ieijjff n' ChrlHtman obflorvaneon, .to bo hi ring and thu Mnnonic tom plo a t V o 'eloi », rooifa- morrow morning. Tho oi'romonli' I in -A n- I>< mnrkod by . nddrunnun, lonnti i« h t by upoi-inl miinio. The Intlor will In y B a rry l>U<-'d by i'!«vvr rojupftni'd h i Mi«»

Carlson, noprnnw: Mrn. K. connuma oontralto, H arry b a r r a t t , iiiimr; rill .opon Olden, barnn; Minn M ary llayipto coanTonal niiint.

church. The oponiujj addren!) will bo o: >rt form by Kminont ( 'onim niidrr Ifo.v A.: up n f- lho ocenaionnl ndilronn liy~lh<t lit

0 . Bennett, pnntor of tho Firnt MonnUli odint o h w h .

ir t Y o” A» an ex trnord innry foaturu o ; fe a tu re obsorvnneon, nn o ffo rin j' will bo allolujah .fo r ohority. Tho fund thus di

will bo dolivored to a charity an tion of Tw iu Falln fo r the roli

. ,, liontitutioQ in thin o lty . •f'ollotvinR in the comploto liroy

v h L „ l OponinK hym n, “ I t Camo Hi T h in w C lo a r’’Q u a r t o t .

hold th^ nddrosn by K m lnent.S i

. x rv .. . TUo Old, Old S to ry ; bv I’rolat • A ? * K niR ht W atera. i , U rt Authom, “ S ilon t .Night, ‘ . J m t . ; N iR ht” —Q unrtot.

Hontiment o f tho Dnv,’ S ir K •T.TRt T . Hannon.

Solo, “ R ine O ut Swoot Boll nTh% h!, ' ’‘•'•'■•’ ’’- M m . J . E. Byors.

“ Addronn, Tomplnrinm, Aneiout rV- Th.’ M o d o rn -S ir KnlKht A. 0 . Bonno

Anthem, OJory to Ootl—<Junrte liroKcn tn«ninK hymn, H nrk Tho Hornh « Koln-<Junrtot.

Benediction by tho prolnte. h t, MU^ ------------------------------

"uL l CHRISTMAS TREE IS . to..™', SCHEME FOR TONIla a r 01- ______

VetlKKJlft S tm day School WUI 8«< ta. O tu u a t r« e tlT a l in Obapi

s. T. .r. In tho ehnpol o f tho F irn t MotlIt. W. H. Kplneopnl rhureh , b o ^ n u iu g n tRS Ailco looiRht, w ill bo hold Sunday iC n r ^ , oxoroinoa. Thoro w ill bo n Cliri

o p r n * j iroo, w ilh Hnatn Claaa in the rr S p d K (rift gii-or. Tho p r ^ a m will c<

itta JOif- o f ninjjinR, rocitntioiia^nnd p lctunn traltoa; ..T ho a ffn ir la in o h n rc o .o f aor'» MVf* o t tho churoh a•a; Not- planned lo laat abou t two hours.

T. B. ,

pro. OHRISTM AS PBO O EA JJSaaid by* The ('hristm nn prORpim a l th r ainffinc tint ohuivh w ill bo pivJii Thur

ho com- Uhrlntmnn niRht in the eburcli » torium n t 8 o ’etock. Tho ontoiClear**, mont will be in the forui o f a Nal thrOURb. play.

^ J o c a l Q r e - v - i t i e

Oonp to OoMt—M. L. Brickor a b u d - Mrn. J . W. W irkershaai, fa th e r

niator o f Mra. 11. T . H ner.nr’ , lo fl waa a terdny for San I-Vnnrineo..

U canM d to W ed— A m nrrinR i 0 E ly , oouso hav boon innued to F ran k p. Hntou, aRod 20, o f Houno Crook,0 wero o t KoRornoni

Oomlac fo r Chrlatm as — Luw hnberlv * 11' a rriv e todny f/om 1

' Fnlln to npond CHirintman wilh hin ■ . . outn, Mr. and Mrn, Hhnd .HoilRin. irtauR h, , ■ . **

ly. O olna E aa t fo r V ialt—.Mr, nndihl «*■•> Stono aro lenvinR thin wooljn i was Ilnpldn and Detroit, >' whero thoy will npond a monthrom hia vinit.o rt r l 9- __ ^

Spondlsff F u rloag ti.0 «r»—Liouto ^ , Lofl Sullivan o f K im borly, who i

1 * the avinlion norvieo, ntationod nf Q , A. A.^ ilfo , Vn., la home on lenvo o f nbs

fo r tho holidays.

0 akl«7 —M r. nnd Mra. fl villo Haiifhl and litt io non. Mm. I I’errine and nonn EuRono and Bui

’ Kim- m o to red , to Oakloy todav ta. nj n viii- (Tlirintmnn a t tho Immo o f Mr. H aip

parontn, Mr. and Mrn. II. 1). HaiR

’ ChanRO In M anasom ent— Waldo>u»i- Hmith h.nn nnntimed tho mnnaRomon

riend*. Ciiizcnii* K leetrlr Supply eonipi aeeording lo announecm entn rceo!

0 holt- l.v friend*. Th.« nioro buildinR o I. Coi- pip,j hy tho supply rom pnny in nooi

be romodolod nnd ropairod.

Christ- 8 ® *^ to C lear T ltl* —Tho Pa; rs. W. Invoslm ont rom pnny, throuRh Itn

tom oys W altem A HodRin nnd C. :• , Bniley han filod an aetion in the

tr lc l r.ourl aen \nnl Mar.- E . M ilner r r M ilnor, noekinR to q

ti t le to a t r a r t o f about 70 arroi land hrld by tho ije.fcnd.'^ntn.

nrrivo • *

I H i g h S c h o o l N e w :

.niimm •‘ rhonl »c»Rinnn rln«r thin a flo rr iK A M fur th r nnnttnl holidav vnralion .

lon.UnR to M onday, Jan u a ry 5. r S004 wcokly nliident Imdy an»<-mblv, TTw rv r ry W rdnemlay, wnn om itteil to

in view of fhe approaehinR vaeat sr a a d annrmbly waa. dC'ee t t f " “ um r-l by the ntudentn today.ium of ---------f^n io .c TO M A K E D ESIGNSone' nt dr^iRnn for Iho firs t paRo

rarh rl.iM nertion of Tho Coyote, rlanso* ^ publinhod a?K>ul M ay 1. will ChriU - *'.v members of the renjxv, j , j of flannrn. Any drawinR nuViraitted b

s tu ilrn t nad nrrrp fod by the a rt ^or o f the pnblieatioa w ill be u»oc a deeoratioa in th e section Riven lo

. elaaa o f which (he a r t i i t is a meta . 1.1 DeaiRM are to be ia the haada

T ii-Ii. LansitJR Benton, the a r t ed itor. lUaoU J u a a j jy « wbea the' best oae fi

each claan will be selected._______ _ ■ ■ _

/ a a ' / T oo eaa aeU a a y ro o d a a ile a J S e k v /a tn u a e a t—^ t i * p rie e U r ig i

J t t n t t g i l t 4 e M f U ±


“ ilTH ip iO lCall fo r Bod, Bedding and Oil

‘ ing Brings Gratifying an:inR ih.-iii Heavy Eesponse

Toiiiplnr ' •hold Ul Ooiioionily nimont unlim ited ma

[•look to- ronponao to Tho Nown* enll fo r ni inion w ill „„oo to roliovo dintrosn in nomo ol nntn aii'I mont needy hounoliolds in Tw in I 1 bo-flU|)- The appeal wun innuod M onday ovoi

Irvn:' Yontorday the cdlltirial dopnrtmo^ B yori, f h o Nown wnB^lltoriilly nniotliorr

tr: Kim.- (rifts o f a m atorial nort. Tho iptoii, pi- dny 'n R ivinR wan all-nuffioiont,

n iiirk n o f i'vW'iroivUy f.ou{iuu«d todn « offered wall.A. ICoail, E verybody Helps

.I'" The Nown n]>ponIod fo r ono nnni Ht .Mo.li- coMch. Four weru o ff tio d , toRv

. w itb n throc-quarlor nizo bed.-Ouo0 of tho niTfficiont,bo muilo BeddinR wnn roquoated for the

durived couch. E uoukIi wiw rocoivod fur ansocia-

ro lio f o f c io th in R wan a .ikod f o r c h ild ro n ndultn. Tho ro lio f noelioli of Tho *

roR rniii: workod over Umo rocoiUpon n d u liv o r in R elothiuR and mnloi

Tho Nowb d id not nak for food, .S ir uoy. jirovinlonn am i oven moat cnmo in.

N either wnn monov nnkcd,' bul olato Hw j,, abundnnco. Folka sen t cl

. by mnii and nomo cnmo to tho 0, H oly dopoaited cnahj, " I have no' c

. 1 V or boddlnR, b u t I canK nlRltt ^ li t t le nionoy to bolp the Rood i

n tong ,” ia tho tex t o f communica Jolln I t jind atutom enln nccompnnyinR' I

, eon tribu tiona o f cash.•u t ond Priirticivlly nil o f lU© s tu f f b a a n n o tt . u t i l i r o d in ro l io f w o rk .. Tho l a a t r tc t. J lo o f c io th in R will bo a o n t o u t rnl.l An- „voniiiK.

TUu Nowa 0Xpr(>«B0B thnuka to I who rcniwndcd lo Iho 'jin ll, nnd 1 nn^urnueo th a t ovory donntion is : ly npproeinted. -


8 « e S a n .»ap«l t - ■-------------- :---------------------------------

OK.M— Bnby Mnrio Onborne in “ lo thodittl OlnRornnup” , ulno five pnrt for a t 7 :;h from Diekonn: “ M.y L iltlo Be

nrhool " H k y la n d ” , prlamn nuonic. riirinlmnH ID AHO—Tom Mix In " T h o S ' rolo o f M aniac w ith n Suiinhino eomt1 co na iit O R p Jlt^ JM — Fnnnio Wnrd in * turea. I'lteritcQ rt'-’: Iw a vaudcvlUo aomo o f Mnyo i Vornon, ninRinR nnd tn

I and in loRuo comodinns.irs. ■ ■


IS ■%— V. ^ 1h. Iln,. I l e a x J i i Shum dnv. 1 ,•ll nudi- ^u to r tn in - . -■N a tiv ity Funoral norvieon fo r ^^rn. A. M.

1(or w ill bo hold n t 2 o ’clock P r aftom oon nl lho I'renbytorian cht

' '1 Sorvieo* will be In ehnrRo o f tho > Anhor B rand. Burinl will bo in 1

L O J F a lh eom etorj', d ireelM bv J . R ____ J W Ut.

LIC E N SE D TO W EDkor an 'l fo u n iy clerk yontorday eve:e r an<l ^ marrioRo licoaso to Wjtoft y e i- p rppm an, aRod 27, nnd E lla Wenth^

17, bo th o f Buh!. inRo li- — Il.l—n k V.\n


n Idnho ^ w w

T p l - I fn.I Mu.. 1 A X JL:00k for

Mic’i , th on fl


" glan- Dickiens down to ni,.on,o combined with Ei

Field’s -“Little I. V Blue,” will conceri

iinrton. jn tercst in the s niB'il'i'N stor.v in. which ]

Zoe Rae will play ,10 K. L ittle Boy.” I t’s a nM".i„v' bination of Die SSt’iv.vi I Sc ooee and Ei : Field's “L ittle

Blue” rolled, in throuKh the Inve

It.' ni- artistry of Elsie Wilson.

»er and .q u io l

eren (if ^


tr rn o m i nn. ei-.. Tbo:, heM


Re uf o te , lo ill - e p<vtivr 1 b r a rt edi i»o4 a*

lo th . ' ^;etaber. Jk,da o f

from I

aJ ia I


(•11 I f You’re Full i ! ^ io 0 ^ Xmaa Cheer jjH C Believe Thia

l U l l U w? you ore a confirm ed optim |st,, ' I w ith your nn tural buoyantd C lo t h - proellvitioB ftnd tondonclea bol-

aTi<i atcred up hy thu ncasonablo aoa*• tJnicnt o t “ O oodw lir Townrd

M i'fi,” you w ill boliovo A- W. (alWftyo wronR) Fut>gua-W calh-

d m arked orm an wJion ho aayn: “ Boln or for naaia'- nnow toni(;h t and -T huraday .”110 of tho y o u ’ve jua t g o ttc r bo aomevin F alls. optim ist, you b e tte r believe.' ovoninR W hilo the in itia to ry aoction ofr t m r ^ of th e d n y 'a w oatber prognoBtica- tlio rm in lion jirovidon a largo clonient of Tho f i r « doubl na lo aeeurncy, th e fall- ont, but . picco of th e d iurnal roport con- . today an tnititi an elem ent o f enigm a. T hat

in, ynu hnvu a Ruonn cominR. Tho biireaucrftt aaya: “ Strong south-

. .n n ltar.f i 'l ) ; w l» .l» ."toRuth.-r cau locate a south-

-One w.i.i crly diroction in Twin Falla, tbo w ay tho to w n 's laid ou t, you will

■ the ono know whoro tho wind ia blowing fur nov- from .

' The top o f tho m crcury waaIdren nnd robin-ontfclnR yoatorday. Forty- riio Noivn nix, w ith 24 fo r low la s t nigblF. roceivinR Tho N ow a’ w eather ed ito r

m atorinl. winbon you a ll a M EBRY food, blit CH RISTM A S and tho appurten-0 in . aneea thereto .• b u t Jl yi> roport tomarrow. So you n't checkp Fri«tay.'ho offieono' clotli- ♦ ”!— “ ■can givo g = a ^ a ^ = g g a = ~i

ood causc -RT.Tga A B V tflE S POOXJZfO POCunicntioDB BR theno • (Continuo(\. from TaR o Ono)

baa boon " I f th a t Rovornment fn lla ,” bo a laat bun- “ thoro can arino only ono o f two ou t thin trem oa—oithor a n " absolutely roacti

a ry govornm ent, o r whnt would nmo1 to thono to ru le by aovio t.”nnd Riv.TB Ho. hsd aoon no ' o ffic ia l rep< a is high- w liich Indicated a rev ival o f tbo ju

o r dom ination o f Q ennany, nor wli boro, t iu t ' tho foarn oxprcased nbri

I — ■< th n t O om iaay w ou ld -again bocom« m enacc to world poaeo.

Europo T ired o f W ar "E u ro p o 05 0 wholo ia iw tired

. • w a r ” ho said , “ th a t Incidentn wh in Mias o rd inarily m igh t lend ' to heatilil

^ ° bp lonR overlooked. Prnneo la 0 Boy; (o Oormnny thn t , a condit

g . w hich to ua m igh t appear na triv ln l 10 t3peo4 tak o i on tho n sp cc t'o f a thrcatoi

Invaaioa.” . . .[ii» Oil tb« o th « r hjuid, 0 «n. BUM Skitild monV • th e t* had a » y r t b ® « no docUae U na mono ,a iu ta r l« n in E«rep« Bine* th s wax

as f a r u m 7 o ffoc t com batait forcea go. E r t r j r nation Is o ra i

— — arm ed, he said , 2a tr« l7 bafcaoH 0;th a onstab lo aitnatloiui o f th « l

S ffOTenunenta and th a f e a r o f Bol' ahevissi. I f th s la t te r w aa m noV

i i d a n d th a general d iitr ib u tlo i o f sttppUes andertakeD , O enera

WJ. B llas th o u g h t th a t tb s “ eoismot k Pyidav o f th« pooploM -ln each ea«A churcfi. - m n U soon fo rco a m ato rta l rtCrne tho Bex-. tlo n in m lll ta iy ortaM Uhmenta. . In Twin Bolaheviam i a the ab strac t, O

J. E . De aritleiam to m a“ I t la a p rinc ip le ,” he attld, w bl “ r ig h t o r w rong*’, w ill havo to bo f

• c d ^ ‘ b u t Bolshovism, aa exem plified evening tho presen t reg im e In Buaaia, ho deciW alte r cd, "p la c e d tb a l countrj- a t w ar w

rentherly , th e whole w orld, which neecasar munt f ig h t b ack l”


SPECIAL HOIle Boy ^ centrate3 screen 4 4 1h L ittle • • rlay “My ' | 's a com-Dickens’ I I Tf “‘ss? L I Iin one

nventive ^sie Jane

A Pive-FThe Joys of .Chris

Days of Ch

m MAR|W The Biggesi

»>IISS Gif■Cjb isma Natura^ ” "SKI

kN E .X C E ,L L E N 1Chriatmos Matinee—1; O nheatra Music—Ua

NESDAY, DEC. 24, JL919

T o d i y . 3 M = ^ r k 9 t .

'o I i ib e r ty |Vii>t|i-N E W YOBK,.(ff>—Pricea of LH

,» Bonda a t 2;5S p. m. to d ay w ero: 3 nt ‘ ♦D0.02; fir'nt 4 'a *92.70; aecond

» 0 1 .S 4 ; 'l irs t 4 - 'l-4 ’s »J)3.22; acco a . 1-4 ’a 101.40; th ird 4 l-4.'a 403.S0; t r J 4 1-4'a >91.44; V ic to ry 3 3 4 ’a *i:

V ictory 4 3.4 'a ♦»8.D3. h- O ralns an d P ro rls io n s

CHIOAQO, <ff)— Fc«»li r tro ig tl volojii'd in tlio co m 'm ark o t today 1 largely on continued export demoni

. ryo. Bulla urgod, too, th a t undoi “ Edgo b ill much w idor c red ita coui

r ex tended to Europo th an waa gone ?. aupi>oBOd to bo tho caao. Opiniona

nlso circulntec] th a t c a r a fa re ity t ' p reven t any austainod b ig 'c ro p n

mont d u r in g tho w intor. Oponing . en, w hich ranged from 1-4 o f f to a

advance, w ith J a n u a ry |I .3 tJ 8-8 . M ay $1.38 G-8 to 1.33 3-4, w ere fo , cd by m odorato up turna oU orouai

O w ing lo ho liday dullnosa tho mi underw ent a aag in th e laa t p a r t.o

** senaion. Cloaing pricea woro woa] *tho aamo aa y e s te rd a y ’s fin ish to lowor, w ith J a n u a rv *1.35 6-B to 7-8 and M ay $1.....33 1-8 to 1.33 1-4

Knowledge th a t libera l aalcs o f y had bocn mado to OermanT’ o f Iato

od to l i f t tho m arker.} O ats liardenod w ith corn. Afto:

en ing unchaDgcd to 3-8o higher, in lng Mny. a t 83c, tho m a rk e t acoted th e r gaiila.

— 4 H igher r[uolationa^ on- hoga atrength to proviqiona. L ord led

30D Oaah Q notatlozuCHICAGO, WJ)—Coi-n: No. 2 n

— r ,- not <]uotcd; No. 3 m ixed *1.43 1-2; K“ d, 2 vellow not nuoted ; No. 3 yi

® ,« • <1.44 (0 #1.44 1-2.Oata—No. 2 wblto 80 to 87 l-2e; >ount 3 33 3.4 gg J .2C.B y o -N o . 2 *1.80 to *1.81 1-2.

, C v B arley—*1.02 to *1.67. i,,7 , Tim otfiy aeed—*8.50 to *11.60. uon to *48.

P o rk -N o m in a L " L a rd -* 2 3 .5 5 to *28.05.

Bibs—*18.50 to *1».25. ^id i t ' Chicago Uvostock __rhii-h CHICAGO, Hog. r iS o ip ta 19 litioa 10 to IS conta h igher th an yoslerd la BO nvorago; bulk *13.40 to I^.SO;

*13.00; heavv *13.36 to 13.Sa-,*0 W3.35 to 13J0J heavv pack in g 1

amooth *12.75 Jo 13.15; packing t rough *12 to 12.75; p ig s *12.25 to 1

C attle . ro fo lp ta 3,000; f l rm f ^ atoora, modium and beavy we

eboico apd prim o *18.80 to 20 ; eoa “t t *S.75 to 11.25; heifera *0.50 to ' 1

eowa *0.40 to 13.50; cannora and- 0? tera *5.25 to «.40; veal calves *15.«

e lrol- ------------- ■ ~

n aH en whose Governx

MH•eighteen months ago, ha\

S o * b j^ a y ln g only tw o montblebfacv health is required- Belm

d byd a r - Home Service office, in Iw itharily

T H E ^{ F O T O P L A Y S


iv fTr i L EOY”P art Featurestmastide—The Merry lildhood Again.

lEOSBORNE3t Little S tar in


l-Golor Scenic Entitled YLAND” :

r H O L I D A Y St:30. Continuous Till Elet aual Pricea—IOc, 15c, 25

-------- 10.50; louder a teors *0.75 to 12.25; stocl.. I er atcors *0 to 10.25.

‘ 1 Slrtop rccoipta 8 ,0 0 0 ; 'a trong ; . lam l-------- 1 *16.75 to 18.‘25j eulla.»nd common *11.7

to 1C.50; owon, medium and good *8 I 10.50; cuila and common *4.73 to 7.75,

L ibo rty O m aha L lre sto ck: '3 1-2'a * OMAHA, (/p>—Hog ro cd p ta 11,80( md 4 ’a montly 10 to 15o h igher; top *13.5( econd 4 bulk *13 to 13.30; heavy w oight *13.1 I; fo n rth lo 13.40; lig h t w oight *13 to 13.1C i *D8.90; heavy packing aowa, amooth *13 ’ t

. 13.15; packing ' aiJV", rough *12,75 1 13; piga *10.75 to 12.50.

, C attle ro to ip ts 2,000; m arke t 10 1 „ 1 h igher on a ll claasea; beof stoor

J i moJium and hoavy w oight, choice on lan d fo r jg^go. conunon *0.60 t

. f j w n.CO; heifera *7 to 13.50; cowa *0.7 to 13; cannora and cu ttbra *5 to 0.7J

onoraily calves *13 to 14.50; fooder ateei *7.25 to 13.25; a toeker ateera *0.75 t y w om a J l 23^

S move- gijoop recoipta 4,000; k illin g elaaai « ^ to higher; foeders atrong; lam l

n B 84 pounda down *10.25 to 17.25; cul . „® “ Jind common *12 to 16; y ea rlin g wotl

innd ' *13-25 t a 14.60; owes, m edlnm an “ % ehoieo *9 to 10.10 ; ' culla nnd commo

“ t PoU tC M1' j ,4 CHICAGO, tffV -^ ’otatooa a trong ;. a

to 1 35 19 cara; N orthom W hites *3.^2.4, ' (0 3.85; WoBtom Buaaota, Jobbing *4 ( o f lard

Ito holo- C hicago »codT i»iicip C i p O A O e r W — BiitUJr u aae ttle .

i t o r op- «f®“ “ ory 54 to 65 1-20"} egga f irm ; firai includ* ord innry f ir s ta 55 to

irod fur> m ark , casbs Included 64 to 66c ; pou lti a live, h igher; sp rings 27c; fow ls 20 ■

:s gnvo 2flc; tu rkeys 40e. led tho KanfHia O lty Prodaeo .

KANSAS CITY Oip>-Butter: Crean ory lo^ lower; 6xtraa 62c; firsts 60<

i mixed 'Boeonda' G9c;vpocking unchanged 4 5 1.2 * Na Pirata 2o-lower; 60c; aoconda ->:<

vellow Toultryt Hona lc highor, 21 to 20< roo$tcn lc highor, 14 to 22c; broilei

•2e; No. , • ________ •SCHOOLS CLOSE

T w in F a l la .c iO ' achoola ad joum o J w ith th is a f te m o o n 'a claasea unt

Ja n u a ry 5. A djournm ent woa take fo r th e boU di^ period . In tb e grad schools QZorciaoa app rop ria to to th aeaaon w ere held th la afternoon. Ther w oro :ao obaervaneca i i i -p a r tie u la r nu

—. m ont ia tha.high..aahooL^-------- -'............; 19,OOOV • ’ — •* ' '• -------

rsg aowa. V . ■ .g jiow*. (TOO LA TE P O S OLASSOTOATION

If b ee f WANTD—E ducated w om an wll w eight, 'good poraonality, betw een agea o f 2

eommon and 30 yeara, fo r special o ffice d u tio)' 14.75; B rporieaco and tra in in g n o t neeeaaar>nd cut- S alary to su it qualifications. Addron15.50 to D. £ ., care News.

rnment insurance lapsed more than

iav9 until December 31 to re insta te

onths' prenUums. No statem ent of linstatemient blanks.can be found a tn OotUlion Hall building.

\ T R E„ The story combines I the fine sentiment ex- p r e s s e d in Eugene Field’s “L ittle Boy Blue” with the equally appealing lessen of Dickens’ “A Christmas Carol.” The entertain- . ment wilLbe-attractive to all classes.'



COMEDY KINGis (here wilb bells on

S H O Weveni5c