t5 b65 gao visa docs 5 of 6 fdr- 7-1-02 gao interview of les hickman- amman

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  • 8/14/2019 T5 B65 GAO Visa Docs 5 of 6 Fdr- 7-1-02 GAO Interview of Les Hickman- Amman


    Questions for GAO Interviews on U.S. EmbassyNon-Immigrant Visas (NIV) Policies and Procedures (as of 4/17/02)

    Name: Les HickmanDate: July 1, 2002 Post: Amman

    1) Has your post made any of the following changes to the NIV application and approval processsince September 11 , 2001? (Check all that apply) ' ^ , : * ' '

    a . Strengthened anti-fraud programs >- . - .> . ..:*$' ' . : " : ' 'b. Instituted new or changed existing standards on how closely anapplicant's name and date of birth must match the name and dateof birth returned by CLA SS (before consular oflBcers submitrequests for a Security Advisory Opinion) :; - * ^ . >c. Reduced the availability of personal appearance waiver programs ,. . '- " *":*'"'' d . Increased tiie percentage of NIV applicants who are'*" *interviewed - , _e. Other (please specify) ,f . Other (please specify) -






    Please provide additional comments, if any. W e modified the referral program to conform withState 96111Post will also initiate photo capture of NIV refusals (state 76869) when NIV version 3.04 isfully operational (next week with Orkand visit)

  • 8/14/2019 T5 B65 GAO Visa Docs 5 of 6 Fdr- 7-1-02 GAO Interview of Les Hickman- Amman


    2) About what percent of NTV applicants were interviewed at your post (a) in the 12 monthsprior to September 11, 2001, and (b) since September 11, 2001?a. 12 months prior to September 11, 2001 85 %b. Since September 11,2001 60%Please provide additional comments, if any.Our posts Sept 11 numbers are down by about 50%. Th ere are far fewer applications from lessqualified applicant pool.

  • 8/14/2019 T5 B65 GAO Visa Docs 5 of 6 Fdr- 7-1-02 GAO Interview of Les Hickman- Amman


    3) In your opinion, to what extent, if any, do the follow ing security procedures and requirementshelp your post's consular officers identify poten tial terrorists?(Please check one box in each row.)

    a) Security A dvisoryOpinion for selectedindividuals from StatesSponsoring InternationalTerrorism (see State109933)b) Visas Viper Com mitteesc) CLASS name check sd) The 20-day waitingperiod for selectedapplicants (see State196355)e) Requirement thatapplicants provideinformation on the DS-157formf) The Visas Condorprocess (see State 015702)

    Great extent


    Some extentX


    N o extent



    Not sure No basis to judge

    Please provid e additional comments, if any.Since the start of the 20 -day hold and Condor, only about 10 cases w ere held up for furtherinformation. However, not one case has hit with the Dept or law enforcemen t agencies.

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    4) For your post, to what extent, if any, would the following proposed changes to the NIVapplication process help identify potential terrorists? (Please check one box in each row.)

    a. Interview a greater percentage of all applicants( J f yo u check very or somewhat helpful, pleaseindicate the percentage % ) .b. Interview all applicantsc. Fingerprinta percentage of all applicants ( If yo ucheck very or somewhat h e l p f u l , please indicate thepercentage 1 5 % ) , "d Fingerprintall applicants -e. Improve training for consular officers in identifying * ^suspected terrorists, cooperating with other agencies/ ^international organizations, and cultural sensitivityg. Make th e visa process a law enforcement , function ( I f you check yes, please elaborate in thecomments section on how i B t f e should be- * * * ] f accomplished, e.g., shoidSthfaction remain^within State or be moved to another agency) -, , "h; Other (please specify) ' , Ii. Other (please specify) , - 5 - %

    Vetyhelpful Some-whath e l p f u l



    Not .helpfulX




    Not sure

    Please provide additional comments, if any.Those who wish to get visas to do harm in the U.S. will try to pass themselves off as tourists,students and businessmen and will get good advice on how to do so. Unless we have the namesin the system terrorists will be next to impossible to detect at the interview window

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    5) How feasible would it be for your post to implementthe following proposed changes to theN FV process? (Please check one box in each row.)

    ,.a. Interview a greater percentage of all applicants (Ityo u check very orsomewhathelpful, please indicatethe percentage % J : ' . -b. Interview afl applicants .c. Fingerprint a percentage of all applicants /#>owcheck very or som ewhat h e l p f u l , please indicate thepercentage IS % ), : < 'd. Fingerprint all applicants :'.':;,.e. Improve training for consular officers in identifyingsuspected terrorists, cooperating with other agencies/international organizations, and cultural sensitivityf. Make the visaprocessa lawerrfbrcement functiong. Institute a secure travel document that incorporates abiometric such a s f i n g e r p r i n t s * - ;- ,T : . . ; ' 'h. Other (please specify) , . v, " ' ' A - ' i ' :- ' ' . ' " , . . . - " - -i. Other (pleasespecify)




    Some-w h a t f e a s i b le



    N O T "f e a s i b l e



    Nots u n s ' " - "X

    Please provide additional comments, if any. Because of space limitations we make more roomfor first time applicants. Renewal cases are done through courier passback system which doesnot require a personal interview unless there is a problem (suspicious visa, overstay, hit inCLASS etc.)W e already interview a high percentage of applicants. Not sure if it would help to bring inmore.

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    6) Would any of the following factors make it difficult for your post to fully implement th eproposed change s listed in questions 4 and 5? (Please check one box in each row.)

    a. Consular staffing shortagesb. Lack of space, facilitiesc. An adverse effect on U.S. interestsin the host country (please elaboratein comments section)d. Host co untry would require sameof U.S. citizens (reciprocity)e. Other (please specify)

    Yes, to a great extent


    Yes, to some extent




    No t sure

    Please provide additional comm ents, if any. Jordanians agree with us that a chan ge wasnecessary since Sept 11. We did a good public relations campa ign to empha size that the newprocedures are for the safety of everyone traveling to and residing in the U.S. However, furtherrestrictions (particularly since there has not been another terrorist incident) w ould appear to beunnecessary from the Jordanian point of view. It will also shy away those who wish to seek U.S.business partners to strengthen th e local econom y through trade.