t- v we risk h o - nys historic newspaperseither style, tiehly gold mouiitetjj forprfese, ptq t...

^ilfiiSKl^ftil^^ :'• ' ; ;;/wv ••••;•• ' : ; . - C * » "*- ; . - •• "• * - - . " t- V '-•>• ~ We Risk H Druggists Yfho Se Dr. Miles*. Nervinep Agree, If It Fail*/ To Refund Cost. Of course we reimburse the druggist. You know fcim T and trust hinu Dr» Mttes^Nervine ltf medicine for your aetves. - , -It cures Siseases of the internal or- igans,,fcygiving tone to the nerves whictf Cmake 4hese organs work. ., = It-Is a jtiovel theory—not of anatomy, jbut of-"treatment j first discovered by 'Dr. Miles, and since made use of by jmany "wide-awake physicians, Who ap- preciate its value In treating the sick. Iff you are sick, we offer you a way to be -made " -well—Dr, Miles' Nervine. This medicine is a scientific cure for nerve disorders, such, as Neuralgia, JEea<3ache,/Loss of Memory, Sleepless- ness, Spasms,' Backache, St. Vitus' Dance, "Epilepsy or Fits, Nervous Pros- tration, etc T3y toning up the nerves, Dr. Miles* 1 . Restorative Nervine will also cure those diseases of the internal organs due to- a disordered nervous system. Some of these are: Indigestion, Bil- ious. Headache, Kadney Trouble, Chronic; j Constipation, Dropsy, Catarrh, Kheuxna- tism, etc. "My 'brother had nervous prostration,, and was not expected to live. I pre-<. •vailed upon him to try Dr. Miles'" Hestara,tlve Nervine, and now he ha^s*- fully recovered. You remember I wrote yo-u how i t saved my life a few years, ago, when I had nervous trouble. E preach its- merits to everyone."—KEIyT. JML P. MYBRS, Correctionville, Iowa. Tcrp TFTS* "Write, us and we will mail JC XvJGjJCa-you. a Free Trial Package of Dr.' Miles? Anti-Pain Pills, the New, Scientific Remedy for Pain. Also Symp- , -torn Blank for our Specialist to diagnose* j your ease and tell you -what is -wrong" i and how to right it, Absolutely Free, * Address: DR. MILES MEDICAL G&, ELKHAB.T, INK. $ 0 g MeMann the Clothier . • . Luitglittn Fountain Pen—L,. Schneider LOCAL NEWS * • Of The Past Week In Brushton and Vicinity. . Malone Fair next week. fSJohu Amlott has been moving into his new 1 house on Railway St. this week. MaloneFair September 20, 21, 22, and 28. The largest'assortment of Ladies' [ Furs ever displayed in Brushton just received at Rice's. and"Mrs. Geo. F. Capell, of Ot- , visited-at A. W. Sheals the first of the week. Bowen came home from the * i i 1 M j I j 1 i I am selling 40c. Japan Tea In packages Try it! I also have a nice line of Fruit in ? addition to ray regular: line of Groceries/ Tobacco, Dunn & Orton, -Have a constantly increasing business m Groceries Meats ALSO fruit* Confectionary Tobaccos. There is a reason, try an order with them and you will know what that reason is. of all Kinds both . Fresh and Salt last Saturday: he enters : Syracuse University next week. !• have just received a nice new line of carpets andwall paper. J.. S. QUINN", Bmshton. E* B. Thompson, of Watertown, has been visiting relatives in Brushton and vicinity, also at Valleyfield; he returns home -today.' Dr. JE. L. Barnefct, of New York, ar- i rived at the Biushton House Wednes- day morning for a few weeks' visit with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Barnett. Every student needs a fountain pen, Ju. • Schneider, the Bmshton jeweler, has just received a new assortment, prices from $1.00 up. Several from here accompanied the baseball team to Ottawa last Sunday, where the boys played against the Otta- wa team and were defeated by a score of two to ten. At the Democratic caucus held here last Saturday night P. K. McMann, A. B, Conger, and J. H,' Enright were :nanied as delegates to .attend the coun- t y convention at Malone Wednesday. '• ^Master Harold'Nichols was a happy -boy the first of the week when he re- ceived from Symoods & Allison Co.,. of. t :Malone, their check for $1.00 for the best composition written on the wrapper of one of their "Polly Wops" candy. Grange Day at the County Fair will be Friday, $ept- 23rd, instead of Thurs- day, as at first announced. Gov. Batch- elder, of New Hampshire, will address the Grangers at eleven -o'clock that day, t Cleon J. Quinn and James O'Connor arrived home Monday night from the St. Louis Exposition well satisfied with their trip. They pronounce, it a grand show, well worth the cost and time of the trip. . Mr. and Mrs., George Badger and daughter, Miss Dorothy, of So. Orange N. J., and Master Lester Hawkins, of Nicholville,;* visited at Mrs. Jennie Belknap's Mondav afternoon: they left c itome in New Jersey tbat,night. Brushton, N. Y. Laiighlin Fountain Pen ISTHEPCEROF ALL PENS ANDHAS NO SOUAI. ThJe 3Eev. Percy B. Eobinson, from Stamfordyille, who preached in thi Christian ^h-Ujireh .fewo weeks ago, ha beep ei|ga;g-$dE tQ"fiU the ]&fg||ife of tba i •awf wallpreaeh tomoirow at the' k©f services, both morning and eveini-H^ •. Quite.' a : se/vrebfe earthquake shock was felt he-¥e a-ilttle before nine f & .store. butter sold for. 20% cents at Oanlon Sa tariay. Hwle stfe, of St. Lawrence Uni- versity. T was iun town Monday night and Tuesday. Mrs. J. H.» Bullea and daughter, of Malone, visitjed at Mrs. Alice Dqstm's Tuesday. Place youx orders for coal with Peck & Daly, -agents for Scranton coal, BrusbtorL, N. Y. After October 1st the Citizens' Band of Brwshton will be ready for engage- ments. A state worker of the anti-saloon league will- speak in theM. E. church, Moita, SxHifiay iadraing Sept. 18th, and in the M. E. church, Brushton, in the afternoon of the same . Ea?t Reynolds; stopped, off at Btusit? toErQver Monday; night,on his way homeij toBallston SpafrdteHotel iFrontenae, on the St. LawEeQce* He enters Cor- nell College"next week. The potato market at Chateaugay opened this week Monday, the price paid was only 25 cents. According to the Chateaugay Record there isa large amount of rotten stocik for so early in the season., \ Aloney L. Bust has moved his office into the rooms : over Q.-G-. Orton's store. The r,QoniB ; &e vacated over J. A. McMann's clothing store are now occupied by Dr. M. W. Wright as den- tal parlors. For the Central Canada Fair at Otta- wa the N, Y. & : O. liine will sell tickets from Moira, to Ottawa^ and return for f 1.75. Sept. 20, 21, antf 22 a special train- will be run; leaving Moira at 7:00 a. m. and arriving in Ottawa at 9:30. Eeturniug a the special train leaves Otta- wa at 10:45.p. ni. Excursion tickets also good on regular trains. Many from this place were in. Jtlal- one this Week attending court, the only case that people here were interested in that, came to trial was that of Burton M. OrtoB' vs. Thomas Riley, which was an action for damages arising from the assault of Mr. Biley upon Mr. Orton last winter when he. was driving over Eiley's land. After being out several hours the j ; ury brought in a verdict of $150.00 for piaintiff. At the Democratic county conven- tion held at Malone Wednesday the following county ticket was placed in nomination: For Member of Assembly, George- E. Monteith, Brushtoa; Dis- trict Attorney,/Leslie M. Saunders, Dickinson; SiipertofeendeBt of the Poor, John McCarthy, Constable. E. M. Moore, Malonej J. Fw Lantry, Bombay, and A.B; CooBey, Chateaugay, were elected delegates to the State conven- tion. G. H. Mttlholiand, an attorney that has been practicing-in Ft. Covington, died under peculiar circumstances Thursday noon in Malone, where he had been attending court. While eat- inj- dinner a piece;;of meat became lodged inhis throat and: before it could be removed Mr. MulhoMand had chok- ed to death. The remains were taken to the home of his 5 sister in Brandon, Mrs. Chas. Smith; the funeral will be held from there today. * O UR~Sack: Suits, designed - for Fall and Winter,^ faithful illustration of thmestykz y made by Crouse & Eraiidegee. Notice&e ktigth ^m^me^Mm^ of the three-Buta Newport—also iii our. Norniandie the same reprd to detail of style andi the fact that a taJiinaiican- not wear a suit that % |Iiort man should vear. This is the satisfactory feature on both the Newport )and. Nor- mandie. They are absolutely correct in every and all requirements. But the man who is not over six feet tall ii not overlooked; the same careful attention has been given him. Tne result is our Arvon, which also has much elegance of make and gives the short 'man extra I s & c l i e s u\appearance. We have these styles in the NEW BROWNS—in- beautiful and choice materials, those new patterns of slight over-plaids almost indistinct. These cost what you would expect, " . so, come and see the big line of and the best of all the lowest prices that you ever heard of. McMan.fi, The Clothier Brushton, N. Y. New Fall Dress Goods Just Openi FURS! We have just opened a nice line of h Chi B B Alk j furs, SBeh as China Bear Boas, Alaska Sable Scarfs, jfsabelda IPox Boas; and Stl d S b l F l h d , j Stoles, and Sable Four-lnrhands,^ etc. Take a look at our show window. S.. Brushton. ilNESt 14E. Wednesday evening, it was of short duration and seemed to be moving north-west. It caused btiildiogs to shake considerable, even breaking glass- We and crockery by causing it to fall from shelves* W. Sheals left Ttresdav afternoon gg % , JDavid Mel>0B ! aldi ? whlo; lives near Cooks; Corners, ieJI |rom tlie buiMMg, cuttmg; d h : $M lft hfc CHOICE OF THESE TWOT0PULAR STYLES FQR OKLY SOPERiOR TO OTHER BS&KES AT $3, <a£ ain Pen. Holder i&inade of fin- est quality hard rubber, i3 fittest with highest grade, large &jze, I4te gold pen t of any desired flexibility, and has the only perfect" feedhig devfee known. Either style, tiehly gold mouiitetj forprfeset j, p t Q purposes, $1.50 esctra, Surety you .will not be atdfcto secure anything at tfi/eeCipissft«price that will give such continuous pleasure and service. L Schneider, Bra.shtou, Hi Y. to attend the Bepublican. State Conven- tion at Saratoga, to which he is a dele- gate. Among other ISTortheru New Yorkers wh& attended the convention were Hon. C.TL Matthew s, of Bombay, M. E. McOlafy and; Geo. W. Dustin, of Malone, and. A. K, Botsford, of Sara- nac Lake. In addition to the regular train ser- vice for the County Fair the Eutland R. E. will on Wednesday, Thursday, an,d Friday run a special train, leaving Ogdensburg 1 at 8:00 o'clock, Brushton 9:55 s , and arriving m Malone at 10:20 and returning the special will leave Malone at 7:00 o'clock p. m. There will also be special train service east of -Malone The special tare from Brush- tOn,to Malone and, return will be 50 cents and from Moiia 60 cents. While driving near Hogansburg Tuesday one of A. E. Barnett's teams xan Into a telephone wire next to the ground in the road and became f light- ened and ran into a fence, injuring one of. the horses quite badly. Just a short time- before the accident a horse hitch- ed to a telephone pole was~ frightened an.d'pulled the pole over letting the wire down into' the road and the tele- phone, company had not been imfomi? ed of the fact so as to make repaiis. Candidate for Cfoyernoi* iuBrns-hton. John McJ^ee, of Brooklyn, candidate for governor on the I*i ! Qhibition ticket, and Eev. C. H. Mead, D. D., of .Jersey City, N. 3T., will ;speak in the Quinn opera house, Brushton, on Saturday evening, September 24th, at half past seven. Fell Mvom Bam Koof, Saturday afternoon while at work shingling a baij% Frank, the son of Did Ml>ld hl li Ck SUITINGS, ZEBELENAS, BROADCLOTHS AND WAISTINGS. This is the best assortment I have ever displayed so early in the season, and was personally selected in Boston last week. Also new Trimmings and a full line of fancy goods. A Woman Gardener. Miss E. L. Chamberlaifly president of the London Women's -Gardening as- sociation, is herself a jobbing garden- er, having beep, in business 13 years. She recommends women to take up the work, in this f way, instead of seek- ing regular situations. The Paris Bourse. There are only 70 .brokers in the Paris bourse, against the 1,100 of the New York stock exchange, and the. 3,0Q0 of London. The Paris bourse is a govern- ment institution, existing and operat- ing under direct government control! Secret Police of Paris. The secret police of Paris is quite distinct from the regular force. The members are generally unknown to each other, and one detective is not infrequently employed to watch an- other. Unnatural. "Can't say that I enjoyed that last number very much. Her voice didn't. sound natural." : "How could it? The song is written to six sharps."—Cincinnati Times-Star/ L. THE NEW YORK WORLD Tlmce-A-Weefc Edition. Read wherever the English Language , g a deep gash over : $M left eye,, his knee* and sustaining other i D E G JF i * g j Dr. E. G. JFeek was calied to dress his wounds. NOTICE. Overseers of Highways and tax payers will please take notice that all road war- rants will be called in by October 1,1904 and all taxes no-t worked or commuted for return to the commissioner of high- ways so that said taxes can be returned to the Supervisor according to highway law. TIM O'CONNELL, /Com. of Highways, \Town of Moira. The tickets are now made up and the most interesting Presidential campaign the United States'hajj kao^Q since 1880 hasbeguE. Audit is tee'most impor- tant,, too. Which will it be, Parker and Davis or .Roosevelt and Fairbanks-? Nobody knows yet, but The. Thrioe,.A-Week World will tell you promptly, J u l y and truthfully every movement of a hot. and thrjflltng; canapaSgii;. vf3i© real^aewspaper ino*f EKp.#3;&ets^atli;e|- ; than, .-hopes,, and Mt has 'always B e e n t k S t e t £ Th White Lead as Cement. Broken china can be mended with white iead, such as painters use. ' Smear. the edge of the broken parts with it, press together, tie in place, and teavefor two or three days. E. A. Whitney & Brushton, N. If. Desired. ' G.S.&C. E. Silver Coins. The life of a dime is only four or five years, because it changes hands ten times while a half a dollar is moved once from one person's pocket into the: till of another. : When Tired. Don't eat when tired, and don't work when tired. It is a mistake to work when not in a fit condition—bad lor the work and worse for you. Is daoiy receiving large kvoiees of seasonable goods in the latest designs, such as DRESS GOODS, SUITINGS, ETC We have the largest line of Trimmings of any store outside the city,, all' the latest styles. For Keekwear weare headquarters, they are beauties. We have added to our stock a niee line of High Grade Per- fumes and Toilet Articles. cents per 6 cents per yard, yard. Evident. "Has high ideals." "So?" "Yep. Sweetheart's six feet one.' —Detroit Free Press. f Ep#ets^atli;e| th has 'always; Been; tke• ^Wk World ffie The ^ W e e k World tostel ffie tMag , has. happened: exactly as it lappened. s wm pan jSatetge for yourself -and ia " Want Column. Want, Lost, JWnd, To Bent, For Sale, and other like notloes inserted under this head for one-half cent a word each week. Cash with order. Minimum Charge 10 Gents. LOST—Last Saturday between Dan Clary's and Frank Brayton's, -So. Bom- bay, silk sun umbrella, picture of girL on handle. Finder please return to this office or to owner, Mrs, (A M. CLARY. There is also a iSreat war "going on in the East, where The World has a brilliant staff of correspondents in the field, and their reports are found regularly in the columns of The Thrice-A-Week World. The.Thriee-aWeek World's Regular subscription price is bialy- $1.00 per year, and this pays for 186' papers. We offer this unequalled newspaper and .b acts and Fallacies together one vear for $1.25. The regular subscription price of the two papers is $1.50. Both Papers One I ear for $1.25. Send subscriptions to FACTS and FALLACIES, Brushton, N. Y. For Tired Feet. After long standing or running about bathe the feet with' vinegar and warm water., The effect is wonderful- ly refreshing. : . Domestic Goods, Full Line Nice 40 inch Cotton ' - - Nice 36 inch Cotton - - 100 pairs Blankets for - - <55 Seats per pair. 50 peiees Outing Flannels, regular lucent goods, for 9 cents. v Both Lights and Darks. Just call and see for yourselves; we have the goods and our prices will compare with the best. Underwear, Hosery, Ladies' and Gents' Shoes. BRUSHTOJM, N. ; •'•• Critical Q When love grows critical) it is. trem- bling on the Yerge of iEdiffeseikce.— N. 0. Times-Demoerat. S i t i n g Pleasii*0s. There is aot a*, j'oy. tliev woii#, ean giYo ISK'e that It takes SOUGH CIDER MILL—Greene's Steam Cider Mill is now prepared, to convert your apples into cider promptly, no long wait. Never Fails to Come. Death is one thing that n©ver fails to come to the man who waits. Ml Kinds At L_4s^ II1UIH Granite. To crush a half-imeh. cube of granite requires a. weight of 11 tons. ; ; . Eat Eos6 leaves. Turkish women eat rose leaves with butter to secure; plumpness. THE WORLDS FAIB ST. LOUIS MO. ? ,ow rates with stop-overs at Detroit and Chicago, 10 days* Special lowrate to California and return for August and September. EO. W. HAERIB, Agent, 17tf Brushtoq, !N. X, fOimiH|raR TH£tC£YTQ SUCCESS Anyone sending a sketch and description of an. invention, will be promptly advised, without cost, as to its patentability. VomiminlCSttpns strictly confidential. The handsomest illus« tinted tictok |ssued.on patents, sent free. ^ ^ ^ g H & THE AMERICAN INVENTOR A beautifully Illustrated s^mi montljlyiournaU Subscription, J1.50. AH newsdealers, 10c a copy. HENSEY «4 M8 Liberty gt., HEW YORK Office of THE AMERICA?? INVENTOR BmncU Office, igqa^ 1 Street N.W., - Washington. D. C. . Experience. After buying experience a man sel- dom hoasts of Ms bargain. and MATCHE v Buach, and Jiid|r. There were Puneh an& Ip China 2,000 years ago. shows High. Schools for Girls. Japan has 57 high scnools for girls. FOLEYSHONBY^lAB »*-as tl&«cougH «nd Ibeols lung& CURED HEMORRHAGES OFTHE LUNGS "Several years since my lungs were so badly affected that I Jiad many hemorrh- ages. ' writes A. M, Ake, of Wood, Ind. " 'I took treatment withj3everal physicians without any benefit, I then started to take Foleys Honey and Tar and my lungs arenow as sound as a Jbullet. I" recommend it in advanced, stages of lung trouble." Sold at Ihe' Hawkins Pharmacy. Fine Quality -Low Rough W. S. LtWRII Plaining Mill, Moira, N, Y,

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Page 1: t- V We Risk H O - NYS Historic NewspapersEither style, tiehly gold mouiitetjj forprfese, ptQ t purposes, $1.50 esctra, Surety you .will not be atdfcto secure anything at tfi/eeCipiss

^ i l f i iSK l^ f t i l ^ ^ :'• ';;;/wv ••••;••': ; . - C * » " * - ; . - • • "• • * - • - . "

t- V '-•>• ~

We Risk HDruggists Yfho SeDr. Miles*. NervinepAgree, If It Fail*/To Refund Cost.

Of course we reimburse the druggist.You know fcimT and trust hinuDr» Mttes^Nervine ltf medicine for your

aetves. -, -It cures Siseases of the internal or-

igans,, fcy giving tone to the nerves whictfCmake 4hese organs work. . ,

= It-Is a jtiovel theory—not of anatomy,jbut of-"treatment j first discovered by'Dr. Miles, and since made use of byjmany "wide-awake physicians, Who ap-preciate its value In treating the sick.

Iff you are sick, we offer you a way tobe -made " -well—Dr, Miles' Nervine.

This medicine is a scientific cure fornerve disorders, such, as Neuralgia,JEea<3ache,/Loss of Memory, Sleepless-ness, Spasms,' Backache, St. Vitus'Dance, "Epilepsy or Fits, Nervous Pros-tration, e tc

T3y toning up the nerves, Dr. Miles*1

. Restorative Nervine will also cure thosediseases of the internal organs due to-a disordered nervous system.

Some of these are: Indigestion, Bil-ious. Headache, Kadney Trouble, Chronic; jConstipation, Dropsy, Catarrh, Kheuxna-tism, etc.

"My 'brother had nervous prostration,,and was not expected to live. I pre-<.•vailed upon him to try Dr. Miles'"Hestara,tlve Nervine, and now he ha s*-fully recovered. You remember I wroteyo-u how i t saved my life a few years,ago, when I had nervous trouble. Epreach its- merits to everyone."—KEIyT.JML P . MYBRS, Correctionville, Iowa.Tcrp TFTS* "Write, us and we will mailJC XvJGjJCa-you. a Free Trial Package ofDr.' Miles? Anti-Pain Pills, the New,Scientific Remedy for Pain. Also Symp- ,-torn Blank for our Specialist to diagnose* jyour ease and tell you -what is -wrong" iand how to right it, Absolutely Free, *Address: DR. MILES MEDICAL G&,


$ 0 gMe Mann the Clothier . • .Luitglittn Fountain Pen—L,. Schneider

LOCAL NEWS * •Of The Past Week InBrushton and Vicinity.

. Malone Fair next week.fSJohu Amlott has been moving intohis new1 house on Railway St. this week.

MaloneFair September 20, 21, 22,and 28.

The largest'assortment of Ladies'[ Furs ever displayed in Brushton justreceived at Rice's.

and"Mrs. Geo. F . Capell, of Ot-, visited-at A. W. Sheals

the first of the week.Bowen came home from the










I am selling 40c. Japan

Tea In packages

Try it!

I also have a nice line of

Fruit in ? addition to ray

regular: line of

Groceries/ Tobacco,

Dunn & Orton,-Have a constantly increasing

business m



fruit* ConfectionaryTobaccos.

There is a reason, try anorder with them and you

will know what thatreason is.

of allK i n d s

both .Fresh and Salt

last Saturday: he enters: Syracuse University next week.

!• have just received a nice new lineof carpets and wall paper.

J.. S. QUINN", Bmshton.E* B. Thompson, of Watertown, has

been visiting relatives in Brushton andvicinity, also at Valleyfield; he returns

home -today.'Dr. JE. L. Barnefct, of New York, ar-

i rived at the Biushton House Wednes-day morning for a few weeks' visit withhis parents, Mr. and Mrs. Barnett.

Every student needs a fountain pen,Ju. • Schneider, the Bmshton jeweler,has just received a new assortment,prices from $1.00 up.

Several from here accompanied thebaseball team to Ottawa last Sunday,where the boys played against the Otta-wa team and were defeated by a scoreof two to ten.

At the Democratic caucus held herelast Saturday night P. K. McMann, A.B, Conger, and J. H, ' Enright were

:nanied as delegates to .attend the coun-t y convention at Malone Wednesday.'• Master Harold'Nichols was a happy-boy the first of the week when he re-ceived from Symoods & Allison Co.,. of.t:Malone, their check for $1.00 for thebest composition written on the wrapperof one of their "Polly Wops" candy.

Grange Day at the County Fair willbe Friday, $ept- 23rd, instead of Thurs-day, as at first announced. Gov. Batch-elder, of New Hampshire, will addressthe Grangers at eleven -o'clock thatday,t Cleon J. Quinn and James O'Connorarrived home Monday night from theSt. Louis Exposition well satisfied withtheir trip. They pronounce, it a grand

show, well worth the cost and time ofthe trip.. Mr. and Mrs., George Badger and

daughter, Miss Dorothy, of So. OrangeN. J., and Master Lester Hawkins, ofNicholville,;* visited at Mrs. JennieBelknap's Mondav afternoon: they left

c itome in New Jersey tbat,night.

Brushton, N. Y.



ThJe 3Eev. Percy B. Eobinson, fromStamfordyille, who preached in thiChristian ^h-Ujireh .fewo weeks ago, habeep ei|ga;g-$dE tQ"fiU the ]&fg||ife of tba

i •awf wallpreaeh tomoirow at the'k©f services, both morning

and eveini-H^ •.

Quite.' a :se/vrebfe earthquake shock wasfelt he-¥e a-ilttle before nine •

f& .store.but ter sold for. 20% cents

at Oanlon Sa tariay.

Hwle stfe, of St. Lawrence Uni-versity. T was iun town Monday night andTuesday.

Mrs. J. H.» Bullea and daughter, ofMalone, visitjed at Mrs. Alice Dqstm'sTuesday.

Place youx orders for coal with Peck& Daly, -agents for Scranton coal,BrusbtorL, N . Y.

After October 1st the Citizens' Bandof Brwshton will be ready for engage-ments.

A state worker of the anti-saloonleague will- speak in the M. E. church,Moita, SxHifiay iadraing Sept. 18th,and in the M. E. church, Brushton, inthe afternoon of the same. Ea?t Reynolds; stopped, off at Btusit?

toErQver Monday; night,on his way homeijtoBallston SpafrdteHotel iFrontenae,on the St. LawEeQce* He enters Cor-nell College"next week.

The potato market at Chateaugayopened this week Monday, the pricepaid was only 25 cents. According tothe Chateaugay Record there is a largeamount of rotten stocik for so early inthe season.,

\ Aloney L. Bust has moved hisoffice into the rooms: over Q.-G-. Orton'sstore. The r,QoniB;&e vacated over J.A. McMann's clothing store are nowoccupied by Dr. M. W. Wright as den-tal parlors.

For the Central Canada Fair at Otta-wa the N, Y. &: O. liine will sell ticketsfrom Moira, to Ottawa and return forf 1.75. Sept. 20, 21, antf 22 a specialtrain- will be run; leaving Moira at 7:00a. m. and arriving i n Ottawa at 9:30.Eeturniugathe special train leaves Otta-wa at 10:45.p. ni. Excursion ticketsalso good on regular trains.

Many from this place were in. Jtlal-one this Week attending court, the onlycase that people here were interested inthat, came to trial was that of BurtonM. OrtoB' vs. Thomas Riley, which wasan action for damages arising from theassault of Mr. Biley upon Mr. Ortonlast winter when he. was driving overEiley's land. After being out severalhours the j;ury brought in a verdict of$150.00 for piaintiff.

At the Democratic county conven-tion held at Malone Wednesday thefollowing county ticket was placed innomination: For Member of Assembly,George- E. Monteith, Brushtoa; Dis-trict Attorney,/Leslie M. Saunders,Dickinson; SiipertofeendeBt of the Poor,John McCarthy, Constable. E. M.Moore, Malonej J. Fw Lantry, Bombay,and A. B; CooBey, Chateaugay, wereelected delegates to the State conven-tion.

G. H. Mttlholiand, an attorney thathas been practicing-in Ft. Covington,died under peculiar circumstancesThursday noon in Malone, where hehad been attending court. While eat-inj- dinner a piece;;of meat becamelodged in his throat and: before it couldbe removed Mr. MulhoMand had chok-ed to death. The remains were takento the home of his5 sister in Brandon,Mrs. Chas. Smith; the funeral will beheld from there today. *

OUR~Sack: Suits, designed -for Fall and Winter ,^faithful illustration of thmestykzy

made by Crouse & Eraiidegee. Notice&e ktigth ^m^me^Mm^of the three-Buta Newport—also iii our. Norniandie the same reprd to detail

of style a n d i

the fact that a taJiinaiican-not wear a suit that % |Iiortman should vear. This isthe satisfactory feature onboth the Newport )and. Nor-mandie. They are absolutelycorrect in every and allrequirements. But the manwho is not over six feet tallii not overlooked; the samecareful attention has beengiven him. Tne result is ourArvon, which also has muchelegance of make and gives

the short 'man e x t r a I s & c l i e s u\appearance. We have these stylesin the NEW BROWNS—in- beautiful and choice materials, those newpatterns of slight over-plaids almost indistinct. These cost what you wouldexpect, " .

so, come and see the big line of

and the best of all the lowest prices

that you ever heard of.

McMan.fi, The ClothierBrushton, N. Y.

New FallDress Goods

Just Openi

FURS!We have just opened a nice line of

h Chi B B A l kj

furs, SBeh as China Bear Boas, AlaskaSable Scarfs, jfsabelda IPox Boas; andS t l d S b l F l h d

, jStoles, and Sable Four-lnrhands,^ etc.Take a look at our show window.

S.. Brushton.

ilNESt 14E.

Wednesday evening, it was of shortduration and seemed to be movingnorth-west. It caused btiildiogs toshake considerable, even breaking glass-

W e and crockery by causing it to fallfrom shelves*

W. Sheals left Ttresdav afternoon

gg % ,JDavid Mel>0B!aldi? whlo; lives near Cooks;Corners, ieJI |rom tlie buiMMg, cuttmg;

d h :$M l f t h f c



<a£ ainPen. Holder i&inade of fin-est quality hard rubber, i3fittest with highest grade,large &jze, I4te gold pentof any desired flexibility,and has the only perfect"feedhig devfee known.Either style, tiehly goldmouiitetj forprfesetj , p t Qpurposes, $1.50 esctra,

Surety you .will not beatdfcto secure anything attfi/eeCipiss ft« price that willgive such continuouspleasure and service.

L Schneider,Bra.shtou, Hi Y.

to attend the Bepublican. State Conven-tion at Saratoga, to which he is a dele-gate. Among other ISTortheru NewYorkers wh& attended the conventionwere Hon. C.TL Matthew s, of Bombay,M. E. McOlafy and; Geo. W. Dustin, ofMalone, and. A. K, Botsford, of Sara-nac Lake.

In addition to the regular train ser-vice for the County Fair the EutlandR. E . will on Wednesday, Thursday,an,d Friday run a special train, leavingOgdensburg1 at 8:00 o'clock, Brushton9:55s, and arriving m Malone at 10:20and returning the special will leaveMalone at 7:00 o'clock p. m. Therewill also be special train service east of-Malone The special tare from Brush-tOn,to Malone and, return will be 50cents and from Moiia 60 cents.

While driving near HogansburgTuesday one of A. E. Barnett's teamsxan Into a telephone wire next to theground in the road and became f light-ened and ran into a fence, injuring oneof. the horses quite badly. Just a shorttime- before the accident a horse hitch-ed to a telephone pole was~ frightenedan.d'pulled the pole over letting thewire down into' the road and the tele-phone, company had not been imfomi?ed of the fact so as to make repaiis.

Candidate for Cfoyernoi* iuBrns-hton.John McJ^ee, of Brooklyn, candidate

for governor on the I*i!Qhibition ticket,and Eev. C. H. Mead, D. D., of .JerseyCity, N. 3T., will ;speak in the Quinnopera house, Brushton, on Saturdayevening, September 24th, at half pastseven.

Fell Mvom Bam Koof,Saturday afternoon while at work

shingling a baij% Frank, the son ofD i d M l > l d hl li Ck




This is the best assortment

I have ever displayed so

early in the season, and

was personally selected

in Boston last week.

Also new Trimmings and a

full line of fancy goods.

A Woman Gardener.Miss E. L. Chamberlaifly president

of the London Women's -Gardening as-sociation, is herself a jobbing garden-er, having beep, in business 13 years.She recommends women to take upthe work, in this fway, instead of seek-ing regular situations.

The Paris Bourse.There are only 70 .brokers in the

Paris bourse, against the 1,100 of the NewYork stock exchange, and the. 3,0Q0 ofLondon. The Paris bourse is a govern-ment institution, existing and operat-ing under direct government control!

Secret Police of Paris.The secret police of Paris is quite

distinct from the regular force. Themembers are generally unknown toeach other, and one detective is notinfrequently employed to watch an-other.

Unnatural."Can't say that I enjoyed that last

number very much. Her voice didn't.sound natural." :

"How could it? The song is written tosix sharps."—Cincinnati Times-Star/


Tlmce-A-Weefc Edition.

Read wherever the English Language

, ga deep gash over :$M left eye,,his knee* and sustaining other iD E G JF i

* g jDr. E. G. JFeek was calied to dress hiswounds.

NOTICE.Overseers of Highways and tax payers

will please take notice that all road war-rants will be called in by October 1,1904and all taxes no-t worked or commutedfor return to the commissioner of high-ways so that said taxes can be returnedto the Supervisor according to highwaylaw. TIM O'CONNELL,

/Com. of Highways,\Town of Moira.

The tickets are now made up and themost interesting Presidential campaignthe United States'hajj kao^Q since 1880hasbeguE. Audit is tee'most impor-tant,, too.

Which will it be, Parker and Davisor .Roosevelt and Fairbanks-? Nobodyknows yet, but The. Thrioe,.A-WeekWorld will tell you promptly, Ju ly andtruthfully every movement of a hot. andthrjflltng; canapaSgii;. vf3i© real^aewspaperino*f EKp.#3;&ets^atli;e|-; than, .-hopes,, andMt has 'always B e e n t k S t e t £ Th

White Lead as Cement.Broken china can be mended with

white iead, such as painters use. ' Smear.the edge of the broken parts with it,press together, tie in place, and teavefortwo or three days.

E. A. Whitney &Brushton, N. If.

Desired. '

G.S.&C. E.

Silver Coins.The life of a dime is only four or five

years, because it changes hands tentimes while a half a dollar is movedonce from one person's pocket into the:till of another. :

When Tired.Don't eat when tired, and don't work

when tired. It is a mistake to workwhen not in a fit condition—bad lorthe work and worse for you.

Is daoiy receiving large kvoiees of seasonable goods in thelatest designs, such as

DRESS GOODS, SUITINGS, ETCWe have the largest line of Trimmings of any store outside

the city,, all' the latest styles. For Keekwear we are

headquarters, they are beauties.

We have added to our stock a niee line of High Grade Per-

fumes and Toilet Articles.

cents per6 cents per



Evident."Has high ideals.""So?""Yep. Sweetheart's six feet one.'

—Detroit Free Press.

f Ep#ets^atli;e| thhas 'always; Been; tke•

^ W k Worldffie

T h e^ W e e k World tostel ffie tMag

, has. happened: exactly as it lappened.s w m pan jSatetge for • yourself -and


Want Column.Want, Lost, JWnd, To Bent, For Sale,

and other like notloes inserted underthis head for one-half cent a

word each week. Cashwith order.

Minimum Charge 10 Gents.

LOST—Last Saturday between DanClary's and Frank Brayton's, -So. Bom-bay, silk sun umbrella, picture of girL onhandle. Finder please return to this officeor to owner, Mrs, (A M. CLARY.

There is also a iSreat war "going on inthe East, where The World has a brilliantstaff of correspondents in the field, andtheir reports are found regularly in thecolumns of The Thrice-A-Week World.

The.Thriee-aWeek World's Regularsubscription price is bialy- $1.00 peryear, and this pays for 186' papers. Weoffer this unequalled newspaper and.b acts and Fallacies together one vearfor $1.25.

The regular subscription price of thetwo papers is $1.50.

Both Papers One I ear for $1.25.

Send subscriptions toFACTS and FALLACIES, Brushton, N. Y.

For Tired Feet.After long standing or running

about bathe the feet with' vinegar andwarm water., The effect is wonderful-ly refreshing. :.

Domestic Goods, Full LineNice 40 inch Cotton ' - -

Nice 36 inch Cotton - -

100 pairs Blankets for - - <55 Seats per pair.

50 peiees Outing Flannels, regular lucent goods, for 9 cents.

v Both Lights and Darks.

Just call and see for yourselves; we have the goods and our

prices will compare with the best.

Underwear, Hosery, Ladies' and Gents'Shoes.


; •'•• C r i t i c a l Q

When love grows critical) it is. trem-bling on the Yerge of iEdiffeseikce.—N. 0. Times-Demoerat.

S i t i n g Pleasii*0s.There is aot a*, j'oy. tliev woii#, ean giYo

ISK'e that It takes


CIDER MILL—Greene's Steam CiderMill is now prepared, to convert yourapples into cider promptly, no long wait.

Never Fails to Come.Death is one thing that n©ver fails to

come to the man who waits.

Ml Kinds At



To crush a half-imeh. cube of graniterequires a. weight of 11 tons. ;

; . Eat Eos6 leaves.Turkish women eat rose leaves with

butter to secure; plumpness.


,ow rates with stop-overs at Detroit andChicago, 10 days*

Special low rate to California and returnfor August and September.

EO. W. HAERIB, Agent,17tf Brushtoq, !N. X,



Anyone sending a sketch and description of an. invention,will be promptly advised, without cost, as to its patentability.VomiminlCSttpns strictly confidential. The handsomest illus«tinted tictok |ssued.on patents, sent free.

^ ^ ^ g H &

THE AMERICAN INVENTORA beautifully Illustrated s^mi montljlyiournaU

Subscription, J1.50. AH newsdealers, 10c a copy.

HENSEY «4 M8Liberty gt., HEW YORK

Office of THE AMERICA?? INVENTORBmncU Office, igqa^1 Street N.W., - Washington. D. C.

. Experience.After buying experience a man sel-

dom hoasts of Ms bargain.


MATCHEv Buach, and Jiid|r.

There were Puneh an&Ip China 2,000 years ago.


High. Schools for Girls.Japan has 57 high scnools for girls.

FOLEYSHONBY^lAB»*-as tl&« cougH «nd Ibeols lung&


"Several years since my lungs were sobadly affected that I Jiad many hemorrh-ages. ' writes A. M, Ake, of Wood, Ind." 'I took treatment withj3everal physicianswithout any benefit, I then started totake Foleys Honey and Tar and mylungs are now as sound as a Jbullet. I"recommend it in advanced, stages oflung trouble." Sold at Ihe' HawkinsPharmacy.

Fine Quality -Low


W. S. LtWRIIPlaining Mill, Moira, N, Y,