t u t€¦ · miss betty lewis and stuart e, burnett * united in marriage the marriage of miss...

* ; .v ' I ' t " i ' :;c t . r * ' O* . 'm&i 16& ">*' it PPr- ■/ - 4 »W:' C I Ji u L i L T ¥ 11 For Social Now* . . . TcUsKonc 705-J Hr.'iia* Mrs Wm. O. ttejor. Jr.. w«r« |n ColambU Ust week-end where they attended the Military Ball on Saturday evening at the Jefferson Hotel and the business meeting there on Sunday. - Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Smith and daughter, Ellen Rse, have re- Mrs. George M. rails, Mr. and •fra. W. C. Cook, Miss Sandra Cook of Kershaw, were recent rial- tors at Magnetfa. Gardens at Char* **3 m & tbst Nl- Mr. and Mrs. Thos. J. Kirkland. Coral Gables, Vlaw hare been visit- ing the former's mother. Mrs. T. J. Kirkland, Fair St., en route frsm Sooth America. They ware ac- companied homo by thatr son. William, who has been the winter with his Mr.»and Mrs. Charles Coles ef i Boston, Mass., wars the geests last I week of Mr. and Mrs. fie* Whit- akdc. North MSI St They. Ware accompanied by Mrs. Marion Coles who visited Mr. and Mrs. John M. VUleplgue and Mr. and Mrs. K N. McDowell. Miss Katherine Sheora left oa Friday for Charlottesville. Va., where she visited Mr. and Mrs. F. C. Hartman. Mrs. John •Ooodale, Lyttieton St., returned last Wednesday from Philadelphia, Pa., where she has been spending several months. Bucky Sief, student at N. 0. State College, Raleigh, N. C.. spent last Saturday night here with hie WRoy Purdue a o^a. w 11^m _ k______ _____ _w s 'aMi,:. is m ** --,1 I $!•; -MS «5 5 ■rM * p,} - £* (tLi. '4 * -if J s' '-jm* n'' .'J . v if*' i: ' i- r 1- i.( . ■: j ■. ^ f [1^1 |: brother, D. E. "DustyScarborough, 1211 Lyttieton St., en route to hie home In Charleston to spend the mid-term holidays. Mr. and Mrs. Jus. D. Zemp, Mr. and Mrs. R. M. Kennedy, Jr., Mr. and Mrs. R. M. Kennedy, III, and daughter, Loti Kennedy^ attended the wedding of Miss Elisabeth Vad Wyck Zemp and Cordea PrloleaV Palmer In Sumter on Sunday even- ing, March 12. Mrs. Basil Bruce and daughters, Beverley and Barbara, of Sum tar, are expected to arrive on Satarday to be the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Little for the Carolina Cup races. Misses Christina Mongo and Queenle Banks and Messrs. Jtck Roberts and John Banks of Ker- shaw, were recent visitors at Mag- nolia Gardens in Charleston.' . Major Maurice Clarke, U. 8. Marine Corps, Camp Lejeune, N. C„ accompanied by his son, Billy, spent last week-end here Major Clarkes mother, Mrs. rice Clarke, Cheennt St. QJ^e alao has as her gaest the week-end. her daughter, Mtaa Margaret Clar<re of Richmond, Va. Mr. and Mra. Wm. T. Miller, Laurent St., left on Wadnaaday lor Myrtle Beach, whara they, will at- tend the Carolina Lumber and building Supply association which will meet at the Ocean Forest hotel March 21, 22 and 24. Mrs. W. J. P. Weeks and daught- er, Mrs. C. H. Kelly, Kansas City. Mo., have been visiting Mrs. Weeks' brother, Willis Shsorn. and Mra. Sheorn. Fair St. Mrs. Kally returned home on Saturday hut Mrs. Weeks will remain until Apirl 20._ ,4 Mr. and Mrs. John W. Richard- son and children, Jehu and Keith, Birmingham, Mich., arrived by plane on Wednesday for a visit with the former's mother, Mra, Alice C Marye, and grandfather. Dr. John W. Corbett. Lyttieton 8t Mr. and Mrs. Roy Sheorn and children, Bibbs and Dee, of Ashe- ville, N. C., spent last waek-end here with the former's parents, Mr. and Mra. Willis Bhsorn. Mrs. John Langford. Mary Sue and Bob Langford and Miss Susie Watkins of Camden, were recent visitors at Magnolia Gardena In Charleston. Father Anthony Cahill, Belmdnt- Abbey, Belmont, N. C., will arrlvs, on Saturday to be the guest of Mr. and Mrs. George Stuart, Jr. Ceorge Stuart, III, student at Bel- mont-Abbey Preparatory school will also upend the week-end here with his parents and attend the Carolina Cup races turned to ,their home In Gordan. Pa., after spending last week here with Mrs. Smiths parents, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Mayer, York St. Mr. and Mrs. George Oliver of Leganier. Pa., arrived on Monday to be the gnesta of Mr. and Mrs. Cyril Harrison for the Carolina Cup race meet. They are stop- ping at the Greenleaf Villa. - Mr. and Mrs. Arthur J. Burnet of Greensboro,' N. C., will be the guests of Mr. and* Mra. L. A Sav- age, Greene 8L, tor the Carolina Cup races on Saturday. Mra. J. M. Stewart and daughter, Mra. W. C. Smith, spent the week- end In Atlanta, Oa., as the guests of Mr. and Mra. D. 8. Edenflejd of Little Rock, Ark., at the Henry Grady hotel. While In Atlanta they attended the weding of Miss Betty Jo Bdenfield and Mr. Orren Col. Ansel Batemsn returned to his home In Chamal Tamps, Mexi- co, by plane on Saturday, having been called here by the sudden death of his mother, Mrs. J. S. Bateman. Mr. and Mrs. J. Fred Sum)ier of Charlotte, N. C., will arrive 'on Saturday- to be the guest of the latter's niece, Mrs. Clyde Gobbet, .and Mr. Oobbel, Lyttieton St., for the Carolina Cup races. Mrs. Elisabeth W. Haile, Fair street, will have as her gueats for the Carolina Cop races and the week-end. Mr. and Mrs. A. O' Clarkson, Jr., and daughters, Bet- sey and Marnie, of Essf^y. Mr. and Mrs. John Davidson and aon, Doug- las. of Kershaw, and Miss Louise Pontious of Waiterboro. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Wilder and Mrs, A H. Wilder of Hutu ter will spend Saturday here with the 1st: tar's daughter, Mrs. N. R Ooodale, Jr., and Mr. Ooodale, Union street. The Ooodalee are entertaining their guests with a picnic at the Spring- dale Race Track. Mr. and Mrs. A. F. Irby, Jr., and Mr. and Mra. William Stearn of Atlanta, Oa., are the honse gueats of Mr. and Mrs. J. E. McKaln for the Carolina Cup and the week-end. Amon| the members of the Cam- den Junior Hunt who represented Camden in the Aiken Huqt meet on Thursday were Penny and Helen Sheffield. Pat Clyburn, "Red'' and Winter Du Boon Raymond Woolfe, Jr, Pheobe and Steve Miller and Commander Shannon Heath. Mr. and Mra. Bert Dolan of Milwaukee, will be guests of Mr. and Mrs. Frank H. Heath on Can- ley Parkway, over the week-end. Mr. Dolan Is the advertising execu- tive of the Milwaukee Journal and has a winter home at Tryon. N. C. They are annual/ visitors in Cam- den during the Carolina Cup races. '^ Mrs. Bruce Stevenson ("Beebe" Blakeney) and aon, Blakeney, ar- rived on Monday from Flushing, L. 1., New York, to spend some time with her mother, Mra. A K. Blake- ney. Fair St. They were accom- panied by Mra. G. C. Stevenson, who is a guest at Court Inn. a a a » Hicks-Sill Engagement Mr. and Mrs. R. Z. Hicks of Gaffney announce the engage- ment of their daughter. Frances of Gaffney and Columbia, and Robert M. Sill, son of Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Sill of Camden. The wedding will take place April 21. Miss Hicks la assistant Home Demonstration Agent of Kershaw county. rpl ;- .'. .5 ^ 'i-1 -4............ a..*, < ITJiff! I f ffp; - ------ - - 7T -------- ... . J..' ;•' aSt r*1*- i: , i i Jr Hlf H'i i ». RACE; SEASON and SPRING »* _ MAKE V The Smart Shop , Your Headquarters for... ■;) ■_ Spectator Sportswear tV,. Miss tyargrttta Little Announces Plans For Her Wedding April 10 Plans have been completed for of Miaa Margretta Little, dough tor of Mr. and Mrs. T. Lee Little, to Luther James vtatts, son of Mr. and Mra. Frede- rick Watts of Charleston. The ceremony will take place Monday evening, April* If, at 2 o'clock in Betheeda Presbyterian church with the Rev. A Douglas <McArn, pastor, officiating at thk double ring service. The wedding musk will he presented by Mrs. A D. MeAm, organist, and Edward Thompson, vocalist. The bride will he given in mar- riage by her father. The beet man will h* Edward Watts of Charles- ton, ' brother of elect. Usher- Thos. L. bridft-elect. Bums and Elliott Sheorn, brother- in-law of the bride-elect. Mra. Wm. D. Nettles, slater of the bride-elect will be the dame of honor. Bridesmaids will be Mrs. Elliott Sheorn. sister of the bride- elect. Mrs. Beaton Sheorn, Jr., Mrs. John^W. Brown, Rural Re- treat, Vs., sister of the bride-elect, and Mra. Hughey Tlmdal, Jr., of Bishopville. Flower girls will be Mary Mar- gretta and Ellen Hamlkop Net- ties, small nekea of the bride-elect. A reception will be given im- mediately following the ceremony by the parents of-th^ bride-elect at their home, 1202 Lyttieton street. The rehearsal party will be given by Mr. and Mrs. Elliott Sheorn and Mra. John W. Brown on Sunday evening, April Jr In the Colonial Room at Thomas Tavern. Numerous social affairs have been planned for this popular oung couple before their wed the bridegroom- Jthor-groomamou will be Little, Jr., brother of the :t, Benton Shdbrn. Jr., Bill f\ i?E w w » m m Miss Betty Lewis And Stuart E, Burnett * United In Marriage The marriage of Miss Betty Ed- wards Lewis, daughter of Mr. and Mra. J. P. Lewis, of Camden, and Stuart E. Burnett of Winston, Oa., was solemnised at 12:10 p. m. in the ChapeK of Lyttieton Street Methodist church on March II. The Rev. Herbert L. Spell performed the dodble ring ceremony in the presence of members of the family. Preceding the ceremony Mrs. J. M. Gandy, organist, rendered a program of nuptial music. Mrs. Burnett's only attendant was her sister-in-law, Mrs. Charles W. McCaskill. Mra. McCasklll wore a street length dress of navy blue crepe with red accessories and a corsage of Talisman roses. The brido chose for her wed- ding dress a bmartlw tailored gray suit with black accessories and a corsage of brides roses. Chas. W. McCasklll of Camden, acted aa beat man. Immediately following the cere- mony a weddlag luncheon URs given by the brides parents at tae Thomas Tavern, after which the young couple left for a short wed- ding trip. Mra. Burnett was graduated from Camden High school and Converse College. She has recently com- pleted a Lebatory Technician epurfv at Emory hospital and is now a member of the staff there. Mr. Bttffcett, a student at Ala- bama Poly-tachnic Institute, will receive his degree In Veternary medicine in June. He la a member of Alpha Psl Fraternity. He serv- ed several years In the army In the past war. a a Federal Number Is Asked tor Highway Camden people will be interest- ed to learn that the Highway Commiarton hat instructed the chief highway commissioner to applv to the Bureau of Public Roads for a federal number of State Highway No. 26. This highway cuts" off from Highway No. 1 lust this side of Gus Ward's food emporium and runs through St Matthews and Orangeburg on into Georgia. InvstfCAMDEN ACADEMY Silver Woddlbg. U Celebrated By Mr. And Mrs. Frank Mayer Mr. and Mrs. Frank -M. Mayer celebrated their silver wedding an- niversary on Wednesday evening. March If. at their home. Invitations printed in silver had been leaned earlier, which reed: IMf-UM. Mr and Mra. Frank Mayer request the pleasure of your company at their 26th wedding an- niversary oa Wednesday. March 16, from 2 until 4# oclock. 208 York street, Camdeh, 8. C. In- formal.’’ Guests were greeted* at the door by Mr. and Mrs. Ony Mayer and presented to the receiving line which was composed of Mr. sad M*s. Mkyer, Mrs. HatTle Hinson mother of lira. Mayer, and Mra. Ernest R. Prtetag, sister of Mr. Mayer. . * Mrs. Mayer was lovely la a navy blue crepe frock and wore a white orchid Corsage, the gift of her .throe grandchildren, ,Glo,ria Jean and Danny Outlaw and Ellen Rae Smith. Mr. and Mra. Purdy Lee and Mr. and Mra. U 8. Mayer, Jr. received in.the gift room, where the array of gifts were on display and the guests register was In charge of Jimmy Mayer and Sarah Rbodus. The guests were invited Into the dining room by Miss Sadie Frietag where the punch bowl was presided over by Miss Susie Watkins, as- sisted by Mra. Virginia R. Camp- bell. Mary Elizabeth and Kate Francis Lee, Mrs. Will Zieglsr and Mrs. Douglas Waites of Columbia. The entire house was thrown en suite - for the occasion and was beautifully decorated. White gladioli and King'Alfred daffldils were used In the living room, red and white potted axa- lias and camellias in the gift room and In the dining ropm s bridal green and white with silver motif was carried out In the table ap polntment and room decorations. An elabdrste arrangement of white roses and carnations in a' silver bowl centered the dining room table which was covered with s handmade lace cloth and garlanded with green and white satin ribbon and bouqueta of white flowers. Silver candelabra and the three tiered cake completed the table decorations. The cake was em- bossed with the silver numerals "26" and surrounded with white roses,* an arch with a miniature bride and groom, and silver wed- ding bells. Fancy iced cakea, sand- wiches, green and white mints and bafted nuts were served the hun- dred guests who called at the ap- pointed hours. A program of nuptial music was presented by Mrs. W. J. Hoffman, vocalist, accompanied by Mra. C. C. Crolley, pianist. The Anniver- sary Songwas sung by Mrs. Wal- lace Smith (Jean Mayer), daughter of the hoots, who with Mr. Smith and Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Outlaw (Margie Mayer) assisted their par- ants in entertaining. Among the out-of-town gnesta present were Mra. E. D. Outlaw, Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Outlaw and children, Gloria Jean and Danny, of Florence, Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Waites, Mrs. Bessie Wiggins, Miss Sadie Frietag of Columbia, Mr. and Mra. Wallace Smith and daughter, Ellen Rae, of Gordan. Pa. e a a v . *■* ' Charles DeLoach To Head Cotillion Club Charles Delxmch is Rhe new president of the Camden Cotillion club. Mr. DeLoach was elected at the annual meeting which fbllowed a dinner at the Gus Ward tavern on Thursday evening. March 16. Mr. DeLoach succeeds Clarkson Rhame who was originator of the club and served as president the past year. Other officers named at the an- nual meeting wsre-W. F. Nettles, Jr., vice president; J. E. McKaln, treasurer, and A Lee Mays, secre- tary. Other directors are: F. H. Speaks, Frank Montgomery, N. R. Ooodale, Jr., Clarkson Rhame and Sam Boykin. a e ft a a D. A. R. Meeting The -Hobklrk H1U Chapter. D. A. R , Will meet Friday afternoon at the residence of Mrs. W. F. Nettles at 3:26 oclock. MILLERS for Lumber JkM •• hkm ANNOUNCEMENT \ ' ---------------------- ------ ------ CITY LAUNDRY & CAMDEN DRY CLEANERS ore proud to announce they have secured the services of . v - Mr. J. L. Britton a man of 20 yapr* •nparianea in Exacting Par- unnffrfi1 Laundry and Dry Cloaning Sanrica. r*;;*Y k •Vvlr . OLDEST LARGEST BEST : - h . , . I- i -r ', . PHONE 17 I ' * L *1 _ . V r-- * -a. fSih S i &.. i SALE ALL TOPPERS Assorted Colors ............... White ALL-WOOL SUITS One Group of Dresses , •■* »Bptplj!?.-/ 9 to 15 10 to 20 Leslie Zemp Chapter 0£S Names Officers The Leslie Zemp Chapter. Ne. 111. Ord« <4 -»'.»?» SIM. held their regular monthly ®e£ ing March 16. After a deHckes, Red Chicken Stew was served the chapter opened. During the even- ing the election of officers for the ensuing year JWks held. The following were elected: Mary N. Haglna. Worthy Matron; W. A Jordan. Worthy Pntitm; Gladys L. McLeod. Associate Ma- tron; Tom Clamp. Associate Pa* iron; Estelle Burns, Conductress and Marjorie Donaldson. Associate Conductress. The Worthy Matron will announce the otheri officers at a later data. u ' . -.V a e ve f •.jmt Birth Mr. and Mrs. Flem W. --------- announce the birth of twin dbns on February 27. at the Camden hoe- pital The boys have been nnmM Freddie Marion and Frankie Coo- ley. They also two other sons, Michael and Benny. V .. Drive CarefullySav^ R life (LITTLE'S Sky-Vu Theatre Drivt-ln Walk-In FrL-SaL. March 24-25 The wests most exciting ad- venture! Ann Blyth, Howard Duff in "RED CANYON" Color by TECHNICOLOR! Also: Two Cartoons Sunday, March 26 ONE SHOW ONLY at 9 OClock 1 Share the adventure, the ex- ploits of the * "JUNGLE PATROL" Also: Comedies! Mon.-Tuss^ March 27-26 Yes Sir, its tuneful! Yes Sir, its terrific! "YES SIR. THAT'S MY BABY" Color by TECHNICOLOI Starring Donald OCont Gloria DeHaven, Chari , Cobum ^ Also: Two Cartoons Wed.-Thursw March 29-30 The drama of men defying death to forget women . . . and of the women who refuse to be forgotten! Cary Grant and Jean Arthur in "ONLY ANGELS HAVE WINGS" , Also: Cartoon Exclusive Ladies' Apparel ■'kukjrgrtfi r* v-.:/' s\,. . s.i 'ammi '■m al A Delightful Event The Womens Auxiliary of Camdan Hospital sponsor* annual ball on Friday night. 1L ut the recreation hall at ward Airport - placed cabaret around, the dance floor and was furnished by 0and his orchestra. Auatiu Shebeen was mastsr of ceremonies------- ed the various activities, la the drawings Mra. A C. McKaln won a ham. Douglas Montgomery a dta liclous home-made cocosamt cake, which he returned and which was afterwards sold to Mrs. Granger Gaither. Dr. J. L. Williford was the winner of the Balloon dance, where each gentleman having « balloon tied to their ankle, indeav- ored to keep-It from huratlng dur- ing a sqnare dance. ,* A St. Patricks Day motif was used again this year and the dance was called the Shamrock Ball." Hnge chamrocks decorated, each mantle and qnantitief of evergreens were placed around the walls. Tim tables were covered with clothes and centered with bow iry. . A Camden debuntants served ax cigarette girls and during inter- mission assisted at the Snack Bar, catered by Thomas Tavern. Knees on Ripen ef the haoi cocktail aai _; 'C fireu Y%e proceeds fr^ dance will he used w tolbar work ,t ■Wrbom. ! , . 'rwf Vftk * L.r With the C. P. DuBose. Sr tor and poet muter quite IB at the CumL v Dr. George 8. Rhame to improve at the a hoapttal. aarlotth k he has been a Wsllmsa.1^ ----- to an openMM SSJTifthem* 1 Marcn Zv. ^ J. B. Cureton, ChenBi entered the Camden h«_ hla 81st birthday, Him gradually Improvlnr from, ous Illness. . 1 Regular Prko After April I *45® Bead Rastringfag m IT JEWELS! 1 Save money during the intnfc pridnig of theee new Elltinm A trmeenJewa value-n.jwd DeLnxe Watches. Famoai] craftsaaahahip. And eaclili amasing DuraPower Maims that e&aaates 99% of natal doe to steel mainspring Etam * 1 With or Guarantead Oar Work Is Wh Have The Watch Repairing BECAUSE.... AMD The Know Hew THE HOFFER ' COMPAK) LAIGLON r irs THE amasft mst .. ... i., i-;" J| ftTndc-muk Stehag deem reuhu Bew hetghte m Demeta Roee- a bolof beauty ever new* m m...see...fcel tbie glonoas pattern carved hkh •• s ptectoue cameo. Com* * 4-mki ruci snraw $22.50 f D. Goodale '■>- * 41 ■M -V f-'i J V. ' •A* *■ 'l k A thoroughly ^pealing Jrtai that nco sweetening, but goto H anywsy! W Ac white embroidered organdy cuff#, the] organdy how. And doat forgo* to > the figare-flattaring doublripepluBi cScc free-and-eoay gotod akirL R*yon ^ navy, black, soldaer blue, grey t»up^ . ■- V* | ' v* , ./ . _ < l ' T Lu&j i. _- - ...' riL.' ^ TAJ .ML**"* ...

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Page 1: t u T€¦ · Miss Betty Lewis And Stuart E, Burnett * United In Marriage The marriage of Miss Betty Ed wards Lewis, daughter of Mr. and Mra. J. P. Lewis, of Camden, and Stuart E

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C I Ji u L i L T ¥ 11For Social Now* . . . TcUsKonc 705-J

Hr.'iia* Mrs Wm. O. ttejor. Jr.. w«r« |n ColambU Ust week-end where they attended the Military Ball on Saturday evening at the Jefferson Hotel and the business meeting there on Sunday. -

Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Smith and daughter, Ellen Rse, have re-

Mrs. George M. rails, Mr. and •fra. W. C. Cook, Miss Sandra Cook of Kershaw, were recent rial- tors at Magnetfa. Gardens at Char*






Mr. and Mrs. Thos. J. Kirkland. Coral Gables, Vlaw hare been visit­ing the former's mother. Mrs. T. J. Kirkland, Fair St., en route frsm Sooth America. They ware ac­companied homo by thatr son. William, who has been the winter with his

Mr.»and Mrs. Charles Coles ef i Boston, Mass., wars the geests last I week of Mr. and Mrs. fie* Whit- ’ akdc. North MSI St They. Ware

accompanied by Mrs. Marion Coles who visited Mr. and Mrs. John M. VUleplgue and Mr. and Mrs. K N. McDowell.

Miss Katherine Sheora left oa Friday for Charlottesville. Va., where she visited Mr. and Mrs. F. C. Hartman.

Mrs. John •Ooodale, Lyttieton St., returned last Wednesday from Philadelphia, Pa., where she has been spending several months.

Bucky Sief, student at N. 0. State College, Raleigh, N. C.. spentlast Saturday night here with hie WRoy Purduea o^a. w 11^m _ k______ ______w —• s

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brother, D. E. "Dusty” Scarborough, 1211 Lyttieton St., en route to hie home In Charleston to spend the mid-term holidays.

Mr. and Mrs. Jus. D. Zemp, Mr. and Mrs. R. M. Kennedy, Jr., Mr. and Mrs. R. M. Kennedy, III, and daughter, Loti Kennedy^ attended the wedding of Miss Elisabeth Vad Wyck Zemp and Cordea PrloleaV Palmer In Sumter on Sunday even­ing, March 12.

Mrs. Basil Bruce and daughters, Beverley and Barbara, of Sum tar, are expected to arrive on Satarday to be the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Little for the Carolina Cup races.

Misses Christina Mongo and Queenle Banks and Messrs. Jtck Roberts and John Banks of Ker­shaw, were recent visitors at Mag­nolia Gardens in Charleston.'

. Major Maurice Clarke, U. 8. Marine Corps, Camp Lejeune, N. C„ accompanied by his son, Billy, spent last week-end here Major Clarke’s mother, Mrs. rice Clarke, Cheennt St.QJ^e alao has as her gaest the week-end. her daughter, Mtaa Margaret Clar<re of Richmond, Va.

Mr. and Mra. Wm. T. Miller, Laurent St., left on Wadnaaday lor Myrtle Beach, whara they, will at­tend the Carolina Lumber and building Supply association which will meet at the Ocean Forest hotel March 21, 22 and 24.

Mrs. W. J. P. Weeks and daught­er, Mrs. C. H. Kelly, Kansas City. Mo., have been visiting Mrs. Weeks' brother, Willis Shsorn. and Mra. Sheorn. Fair St. Mrs. Kally returned home on Saturday hut Mrs. Weeks will remain until Apirl 20._ ,4

Mr. and Mrs. John W. Richard­son and children, Jehu and Keith, Birmingham, Mich., arrived by plane on Wednesday for a visit with the former's mother, Mra, Alice C Marye, and grandfather. Dr. John W. Corbett. Lyttieton 8t

Mr. and Mrs. Roy Sheorn and children, Bibbs and Dee, of Ashe­ville, N. C., spent last waek-end here with the former's parents, Mr. and Mra. Willis Bhsorn.

Mrs. John Langford. Mary Sue and Bob Langford and Miss Susie Watkins of Camden, were recent visitors at Magnolia Gardena In Charleston.

Father Anthony Cahill, Belmdnt- Ab’bey, Belmont, N. C., will arrlvs, on Saturday to be the guest of Mr. and Mrs. George Stuart, Jr. Ceorge Stuart, III, student at Bel- mont-Abbey Preparatory school will also upend the week-end here with his parents and attend the Carolina Cup races

turned to ,their home In Gordan. Pa., after spending last week here with Mrs. Smith’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Mayer, York St.

Mr. and Mrs. George Oliver of Leganier. Pa., arrived on Monday to be the gnesta of Mr. and Mrs. Cyril Harrison for the Carolina Cup race meet. They are stop­ping at the Greenleaf Villa. -

Mr. and Mrs. Arthur J. Burnet of Greensboro,' N. C., will be the guests of Mr. and* Mra. L. A Sav­age, Greene 8L, tor the Carolina Cup races on Saturday.

Mra. J. M. Stewart and daughter, Mra. W. C. Smith, spent the week­end In Atlanta, Oa., as the guests of Mr. and Mra. D. 8. Edenflejd of Little Rock, Ark., at the Henry Grady hotel. While In Atlanta they attended the weding of Miss Betty Jo Bdenfield and Mr. Orren

Col. Ansel Batemsn returned to his home In Chamal Tamps, Mexi­co, by plane on Saturday, having been called here by the sudden death of his mother, Mrs. J. S. Bateman.

Mr. and Mrs. J. Fred Sum)ier of Charlotte, N. C., will arrive 'on Saturday- to be the guest of the latter's niece, Mrs. Clyde Gobbet,

.and Mr. Oobbel, Lyttieton St., for the Carolina Cup races.

Mrs. Elisabeth W. Haile, Fair street, will have as her gueats for the Carolina Cop races and the week-end. Mr. and Mrs. A. O' Clarkson, Jr., and daughters, Bet­sey and Marnie, of Essf^y. Mr. and Mrs. John Davidson and aon, Doug­las. of Kershaw, and Miss Louise Pontious of Waiter boro.

Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Wilder and Mrs, A H. Wilder of Hutu ter will spend Saturday here with the 1st: tar's daughter, Mrs. N. R Ooodale, Jr., and Mr. Ooodale, Union street. The Ooodalee are entertaining their guests with a picnic at the Spring- dale Race Track.

Mr. and Mrs. A. F. Irby, Jr., and Mr. and Mra. William Stearn of Atlanta, Oa., are the honse gueats of Mr. and Mrs. J. E. McKaln for the Carolina Cup and the week-end.

Amon| the members of the Cam­den Junior Hunt who represented Camden in the Aiken Huqt meet on Thursday were Penny and Helen Sheffield. Pat Clyburn, "Red'' and Winter Du Boon Raymond Woolfe, Jr, Pheobe and Steve Miller and Commander Shannon Heath.

Mr. and Mra. Bert Dolan of Milwaukee, will be guests of Mr. and Mrs. Frank H. Heath on Can- ley Parkway, over the week-end. Mr. Dolan Is the advertising execu­tive of the Milwaukee Journal and has a winter home at Tryon. N. C. They are annual/ visitors in Cam­den during the Carolina Cup races. '^

Mrs. Bruce Stevenson ("Beebe" Blakeney) and aon, Blakeney, ar­rived on Monday from Flushing, L. 1., New York, to spend some time with her mother, Mra. A K. Blake- ney. Fair St. They were accom­panied by Mra. G. C. Stevenson, who is a guest at Court Inn.a a a »

Hicks-Sill EngagementMr. and Mrs. R. Z. Hicks of

Gaffney announce the engage­ment of their daughter. Frances of Gaffney and Columbia, and Robert M. Sill, son of Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Sill of Camden.

The wedding will take place April 21. Miss Hicks la assistant Home Demonstration Agent ofKershaw county.

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The Smart Shop, Your Headquarters

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Spectator Sportswear

tV,.Miss tyargrttta Little Announces Plans For Her Wedding April 10

Plans have been completed for of Miaa Margretta

Little, dough tor of Mr. and Mrs. T. Lee Little, to Luther James vtatts, son of Mr. and Mra. Frede­rick Watts of Charleston.

The ceremony will take place Monday evening, April* If, at 2 o'clock in Betheeda Presbyterian church with the Rev. A Douglas <McArn, pastor, officiating at thk double ring service. The wedding musk will he presented by Mrs. A D. Me Am, organist, and Edward Thompson, vocalist.

The bride will he given in mar­riage by her father. The beet man will h* Edward Watts of Charles­ton, ' brother of elect. Usher- Thos. L. bridft-elect.Bums and Elliott Sheorn, brother- in-law of the bride-elect.

Mra. Wm. D. Nettles, slater of the bride-elect will be the dame of honor. Bridesmaids will be Mrs. Elliott Sheorn. sister of the bride- elect. Mrs. Beaton Sheorn, Jr., Mrs. John^W. Brown, Rural Re­treat, Vs., sister of the bride-elect, and Mra. Hughey Tlmdal, Jr., of Bishopville.

Flower girls will be Mary Mar­gretta and Ellen Hamlkop Net­ties, small nekea of the bride-elect.

A reception will be given im­mediately following the ceremony by the parents of-th^ bride-elect at their home, 1202 Lyttieton street.

The rehearsal party will be given by Mr. and Mrs. Elliott Sheorn and Mra. John W. Brown on Sunday evening, April Jr In the Colonial Room at Thomas Tavern.

Numerous social affairs have been planned for this popular

oung couple before their wed

the bridegroom- Jthor-groomamou will be Little, Jr., brother of the

:t, Benton Shdbrn. Jr., Bill


i?Ew w » m m

Miss Betty Lewis And Stuart E, Burnett *United In Marriage

The marriage of Miss Betty Ed­wards Lewis, daughter of Mr. and Mra. J. P. Lewis, of Camden, and Stuart E. Burnett of Winston, Oa., was solemnised at 12:10 p. m. in the ChapeK of Lyttieton Street Methodist church on March II. The Rev. Herbert L. Spell performed the dodble ring ceremony in the presence of members of the family.

Preceding the ceremony Mrs. J. M. Gandy, organist, rendered a program of nuptial music.

Mrs. Burnett's only attendant was her sister-in-law, Mrs. Charles W. McCaskill. Mra. McCasklll wore a street length dress of navy blue crepe with red accessories and a corsage of Talisman roses.

The brido chose for her wed­ding dress a bmartlw tailored gray suit with black accessories and a corsage of brides roses.

Chas. W. McCasklll of Camden, acted aa beat man.

Immediately following the cere­mony a weddlag luncheon URs given by the bride’s parents at tae Thomas Tavern, after which the young couple left for a short wed­ding trip.

Mra. Burnett was graduated from Camden High school and Converse College. She has recently com­pleted a Lebatory Technician epurfv at Emory hospital and is now a member of the staff there.

Mr. Bttffcett, a student at Ala­bama Poly-tachnic Institute, will receive his degree In Veternary medicine in June. He la a member of Alpha Psl Fraternity. He serv­ed several years In the army In the past war.

a a • • •

Federal Number Is Asked tor Highway

Camden people will be interest­ed to learn that the Highway Commiarton hat instructed the chief highway commissioner to applv to the Bureau of Public Roads for a federal number of State Highway No. 26.

This highway cuts" off from Highway No. 1 lust this side of Gus Ward's food emporium and runs through St Matthews and Orangeburg on into Georgia.


Silver Woddlbg. U Celebrated By Mr.And Mrs. Frank Mayer

Mr. and Mrs. Frank -M. Mayer celebrated their silver wedding an­niversary on Wednesday evening. March If. at their home.

Invitations printed in silver had been leaned earlier, which reed:IMf-UM. Mr and Mra. Frank

Mayer request the pleasure of your company at their 26th wedding an­niversary oa Wednesday. March 16, from 2 until 4# o’clock. 208 York street, Camdeh, 8. C. In­formal.’’

Guests were greeted* at the door by Mr. and Mrs. Ony Mayer and presented to the receiving line which was composed of Mr. sad M*s. Mkyer, Mrs. HatTle Hinson mother of lira. Mayer, and Mra. Ernest R. Prtetag, sister of Mr. Mayer. . *

Mrs. Mayer was lovely la a navy blue crepe frock and wore a white orchid Corsage, the gift of her .throe grandchildren, ,Glo,ria Jean and Danny Outlaw and Ellen Rae Smith.

Mr. and Mra. Purdy Lee and Mr. and Mra. U 8. Mayer, Jr. received in.the gift room, where the array of gifts were on display and the guests register was In charge of Jimmy Mayer and Sarah Rbodus.

The guests were invited Into the dining room by Miss Sadie Frietag where the punch bowl was presided over by Miss Susie Watkins, as­sisted by Mra. Virginia R. Camp­bell. Mary Elizabeth and Kate Francis Lee, Mrs. Will Zieglsr and Mrs. Douglas Waites of Columbia.

The entire house was thrown en suite - for the occasion and was beautifully decorated.

White gladioli and King'Alfred daffldils were used In the living room, red and white potted axa- lias and camellias in the gift room and In the dining ropm s bridal green and white with silver motif was carried out In the table ap polntment and room decorations. An elabdrste arrangement of white roses and carnations in a' silver bowl centered the dining room table which was covered with s handmade lace cloth and garlanded with green and white satin ribbon and bouqueta of white flowers. Silver candelabra and the three tiered cake completed the table decorations. The cake was em­bossed with the silver numerals "26" and surrounded with white roses,* an arch with a miniature bride and groom, and silver wed­ding bells. Fancy iced cakea, sand­wiches, green and white mints and bafted nuts were served the hun­dred guests who called at the ap­pointed hours.

A program of nuptial music was presented by Mrs. W. J. Hoffman, vocalist, accompanied by Mra. C. C. Crolley, pianist. “The Anniver­sary Song” was sung by Mrs. Wal­lace Smith (Jean Mayer), daughter of the hoots, who with Mr. Smith and Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Outlaw (Margie Mayer) assisted their par- ants in entertaining.

Among the out-of-town gnesta present were Mra. E. D. Outlaw, Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Outlaw and children, Gloria Jean and Danny, of Florence, Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Waites, Mrs. Bessie Wiggins, Miss Sadie Frietag of Columbia, Mr. and Mra. Wallace Smith and daughter, Ellen Rae, of Gordan. Pa.

e • • a av . *■* 'Charles DeLoach To Head Cotillion Club

Charles Delxmch is Rhe new president of the Camden Cotillion club. Mr. DeLoach was elected at the annual meeting which fbllowed a dinner at the Gus Ward tavern on Thursday evening. March 16. Mr. DeLoach succeeds Clarkson Rhame who was originator of the club and served as president the past year.

Other officers named at the an­nual meeting wsre-W. F. Nettles, Jr., vice president; J. E. McKaln, treasurer, and A Lee Mays, secre­tary. Other directors are: F. H. Speaks, Frank Montgomery, N. R. Ooodale, Jr., Clarkson Rhame and Sam Boykin.

a e ft a aD. A. R. Meeting

The -Hobklrk H1U Chapter. D. A. R , Will meet Friday afternoon at the residence of Mrs. W. F. Nettles at 3:26 o’clock.

MILLER’S for Lumber

JkM ••


\ '---------------------- ------—------


ore proud to announce they have secured the services of . v -

Mr. J. L. Brittona man of 20 yapr* •nparianea in Exacting Par- unnffrfi1 Laundry and Dry Cloaning Sanrica.

r*;;*Y k •Vvlr .

OLDEST — LARGEST — BEST’ : - h . • , . •

I-i -r • ',

. „ PHONE 17I • ' * L *1 _. V r-- * -a.fSih S ‘


&.. i ■


Assorted Colors ............... White


One Group of Dresses■ , ■ •■* ’»‘Bptplj!?.-/

9 to 15 10 to 20

Leslie Zemp Chapter 0£S Names Officers

The Leslie Zemp Chapter. Ne. 111. Ord« <4 -»'.»?» SIM.held their regular monthly “®e£ ing March 16. After a deHckes, Red Chicken Stew was served the chapter opened. During the even­ing the election of officers for the ensuing year JWks held.

The following were elected: Mary N. Haglna. Worthy Matron; W. A Jordan. Worthy Pntitm; Gladys L. McLeod. Associate Ma­tron; Tom Clamp. Associate Pa* iron; Estelle Burns, Conductress and Marjorie Donaldson. Associate Conductress. The Worthy Matron will announce the otheri officers at a later data. u '

. -.V a e ve f•.jmt Birth

Mr. and Mrs. Flem W. ---------announce the birth of twin dbns on February 27. at the Camden hoe- pital The boys have been nnmM Freddie Marion and Frankie Coo­ley. They also two othersons, Michael and Benny.

V • • • ..Drive Carefully—Sav^ R life


Sky-Vu TheatreDrivt-ln Walk-In

FrL-SaL. March 24-25The west’s most exciting ad­

venture!Ann Blyth, Howard Duff in


Also: Two Cartoons

Sunday, March 26ONE SHOW ONLY at

9 O’Clock 1Share the adventure, the ex­

ploits of the *"JUNGLE PATROL"

Also: Comedies!

Mon.-Tuss^ March 27-26Yes Sir, it’s tuneful! Yes Sir,

it’s terrific!"YES SIR. THAT'S MY

BABY"Color by TECHNICOLOI Starring Donald O’Cont Gloria DeHaven, Chari

, Cobum ^Also: Two Cartoons

Wed.-Thursw March 29-30The drama of men defying

death to forget women . . . and of the women who refuse to be forgotten!

Cary Grant and Jean Arthur in


Also: Cartoon

Exclusive Ladies' Apparel• •■'kukjrg’rtfi


v-.:/' s\,’. . •■

s.i 'ammi


alA Delightful Event

The Women’s Auxiliary of Camdan Hospital sponsor* annual ball on Friday night.1L ut the recreation hall at ward Airport -

placed cabaret around, the dance floor and was furnished by 0“ and his orchestra.

Auatiu Shebeen wasmastsr of ceremonies-------ed the various activities, la the drawings Mra. A C. McKaln won a ham. Douglas Montgomery a dta liclous home-made cocosamt cake, which he returned and which was afterwards sold to Mrs. Granger Gaither. Dr. J. L. Williford was the winner of the Balloon dance, where each gentleman having « balloon tied to their ankle, indeav- ored to keep-It from huratlng dur­ing a sqnare dance. ,*

A St. Patrick’s Day motif was used again this year and the dance was called the “Shamrock Ball."

Hnge chamrocks decorated, each mantle and qnantitief of evergreens were placed around the walls. Tim tables were covered with clothes and centered with bowiry. . A

Camden debuntants served ax cigarette girls and during inter­mission assisted at the Snack Bar, catered by Thomas Tavern.

► Knees on “ ■

Ripenef the haoi

cocktail aai _; —'C fireu

Y%e proceeds fr^ dance will he used w tolbar work ,t ■Wrbom.

! , . 'rwfVftk *L.r

• •With the

C. P. DuBose. Sr tor and poet muter quite IB at the CumL v

Dr. George 8. Rhame to improve at the a hoapttal. aarlotth k he has been a

Wsllmsa.1^ -----to an openMM

SSJTifthem* 1Marcn Zv. ^J. B. Cureton, ChenBi

entered the Camden h«_ hla 81st birthday, Him gradually Improvlnr from, ous Illness.

. 1

Regular Prko After April I *45®

Bead Rastringfag


Save money during the intnfcpridnig of theee new Elltinm A trmeenJewa value-n.jwd DeLnxe Watches. Famoai] craftsaaahahip. And eaclili amasing DuraPower Maims that e&aaates 99% of natal doe to steel mainspring Etam

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With or

GuaranteadOar Work Is

Wh Have The

Watch RepairingBECAUSE....

AMD The Know Hew



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Stehag deem reuhu Bew hetghte m Demeta Roee-

abolof beauty ever new* m m...see...fcel tbie glonoas pattern carved hkh

•• s ptectoue cameo. Com*

• *4-mki ruci snraw


f D. Goodale'■>-





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A thoroughly ^pealing Jrtai that nco sweetening, but goto H anywsy! W

Ac white embroidered organdy cuff#, the]organdy how. And doa’t forgo* to >

the figare-flattaring doublripepluBi cScc free-and-eoay gotod akirL R*yon ^

navy, black, soldaer blue, grey t»up^

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