t n r a^iat prosperity happiness^ · 2016. 6. 29. · mj* m. buchanan, jr., spent a da\far tw0 in...

Mj* M. Buchanan, Jr., spent a da\far tw0 in As,ieville> Iast Week- Jliss Lavinia Picklesimer, of Ashe villc, spent Christmas Day here, with her mother, Mrs. Ellen Picklesimer. . . . Mr. Lacy Butler, a former student at Sylva Collegiate Institute, spent a few days here, this week. . ... Mrs. Kittie Stephens, of Pendle¬ ton, S. C., is spending some time here, j wjth her mother, Mrs. Alice Norton. I .. . Mr. Frederick Moore, of Lafkyette, I Ga., is spending the Clmstmas holi- f davs Ihtc, with his mother, Mrs. I Lcla M 'ore. .. . Jliss Margaret Candler is here,! from Atlanta, for a visit to her par? I ents, IJr. and Mrs. C. Z. Candlar. | . .. Mr. William 11. Rhodes, of Raleigh,! is here for a visit to his parents, I prof, and Mrs. \V. H. Rhodes. ... Misses Margaret Moore and! Dorothy McKee, who are teaching in I Brevard, arc spending the holidays! at their homes here. * .. . Mr. and Mrs. Will Clouse, of Gas- 1 tonia, were here, this week, guests of I Mr. and Mrs. A. F. Clouse. . » . ; y ' t ) Miss Margaret Moore, of Webster, j has boon the guest, for a few days! this week, of Mr. and Mrs. S. C.J Allison, at their home here. » ? ? Mr. Gcrson Dillard is here, from Akron, Ohio, for a visit to his J mother, Mi's. T. I. Dillard. , . . . Misses Ruth Oliver and Blanche} Collins, who are attending the State"] Normal, at Greensboro, are spending I the holidays at tlioir homes hew. . . . \ I Misses Mildred and Wilda Craw- 1 ford returned to their home in Way- j nesville, Saturday, alter spending a few days here, guests of Mr. and I ' Mrs. F. E. Alley, Jr. / Mr. Leon Picklesimer, who is a I student at A. & E. College, Raleigh, ! arrived last Saturday to spend; the I holiday season with his mother, Mrs. I Ellen Picklesimer. . .. Miss Mary Allison, who is a stud- 1 ent at Meredith College, Raleigh, is I spending the holidays here, with her] parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Allisor. ... Miss Mary Candler is here from I Winston-Salem, where she is a stud¬ ent at Salem Academy, for a visit to her parents, Dr. and Mrs. C. '/. Candler. ( , . ' I ' » i I . .. \ | Misses Nellie Cowan, Margaret Freeze,andLlewellyn "Rhodes are home from Greensboro College fcr Women, to spend the holidays with their] parents. . . * Miss Isabel Allison a student at the State Normal, Greensboro, is spending the holidays with her mother, Mrs. Eugenia Allison, at Webster. ' . . .. Muss Mary Enloo, who -is aVtudent at Salem Academy,. Winston -Kalr.n, i> Minndiug r.he holidays with her >ents, Mi. -.n j Mrs. S. W. ITnkiv] ci Dillsbon. -i . .. _ Messrs. Eni'»'; and Dan ,M<>i>:e, Conrad Nichcs. Carl BuclwinsN, 111W M. B. Madison are spending their, vacation from the Unive^ity, at their homes here and at Webster. <- * * * .. 1 Miss Annie Herring, of Washing¬ ton, ii. C., is the guest ol Prof, and Mrs. W. H. Rhodes at their "home here. . . . ' ' 'r 1 Miss Otelia Qathey arrived the list of last week, from Kenlv, where she has been teaching to spend her vacation with her another, Mrs. Mat- tie Cathey, at her home here. . . .* Mr. and Mrs. 0. S. Dillard and young daughter, Caroline, are spend- !!!<? this week in Henderaonville, with Mi's. Dillard's mother, fere. J. P. Pattou. . . + * Miss Lillie Stein, wfco is a student at Lincoln Memorial College, Har- rigate, Tenn., is spending the holi¬ days here, with her parents, 'Mr. and ^ II. Stein. . . \ v ... (.V . * , M-s Mayme Long, who is teaeh^ i the schools of Bdgecombe 7, is spending the holidays here* her mother, Mrs. Sadie . i', ol; t % '* i 3 f * * * * * f ** , * v w «/ '. ' Dr. Ralph Jarrett, of Charlotte, is spending a.ftw days at l)ill*boro,witb his parents, Mr. and Mrs R. F. Jar¬ rett. Vv' " ' . Mr. and Mrs. Corsey C. Buchanan' and little son, John, have returned from a visit to , Mrs. Buchanan 's parents, Mr. and Mrs. J.t Q. Barker, at Maryville, Tenn. » . /" ..... - > Miss Bessie Lee Moss, who is at-' tending Meredith College, Raleigh, is spending the holidays with her par¬ ents, Mr. and Mrs. D. P. Moss, at Glenville. . ' c 1 - . i «;o * » Mrs. Cynthia Flannery arrived the first of the week, from Cleavoland, Ohio.' for a visit to her father, Mr. John B. Ensley. ' ' ? \ *? * » ?* ?<.-> _ #<! Mrs. Hugh E. Monteith has been spending several days in . Canton, with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. An¬ drew Mt&'Uik* . v >r' . <-! . .. V;- » t * Rev. Sliuford Jenkins, the evan¬ gelist, who is attending Mercer Uni¬ versity, Macon, Ga.,_is here for the holidays with his mother who boards with Mr. adjl Mrs. Jno. A. "Smith. Mr. Jenkins -has many friends and admirers here and at HazelWood. . Waynesville Mountaineer-Courier. t \ y Misses Louise Townsend^of Nor ton, V{u, and Rubye Meador, of Bre¬ vard, who are students at Cullowhee .Normal and Industrial School, spent Thursday in Sylva as the guests of Miss Emelvn Daniels. FOB DETROIT A Striking Value".'at *295 Considering the improved creasing its cost to the appearance of the new purchaser.-^ Ford Touring Car, one comparison extending, would naturally expect a over a long periodof years proportionate advance in will reveaj the fact that price. s ' the present price is Vtu- V " ally the lowest at wllick Larger scale production, the five-passenger open however, has made it pos- 031 e^er ^een so^ sible ^o incorporate in this The Ford Tourjng Car new type touring car a stands today, as it always < number of decided im- has, a most remarkable provements without in- .value in the motor car field. C i * This Car can he obtained through the Ford Weekly Purchase Plan / / O '"¦J \ ¥ " .) cK CAJUS TRUCKS T&ACTOILS J. S. HIGDON G'ARAGE u It's the KIND of Feed. NOT tke Amount . /. - ¦' r J a '/ ' ; A WELL fed hcrse from the standpoint of quality may be . ; in poor condition. This is no because just a monotonous diet of oats or Corn with hay tail:-: to keep him in real fine shape. . > rv j ' " .. ^ '. . Dry, tasteless oats- are not appetizing and generally only partially digested.,-, 4 - ' _c»v " . Horses that are ftd in the cities in this fashion, and never are turned out on pasture for a few weeks^ach Rummer, rapidly lose their strength' and vigor. They die much earlier than horses which are, given a variety of feed. This is because the ani¬ mals' bodies demand certain things, which cannot be supplied in oats and. corn. h' '. V N * * \ " Purina O-Molene has the necessary variety. 0-Molene4a not only more appetizing than or¬ dinary feeds but it is more digestible. It takes less of O-Molene than the usual grain rations V, y ' because it is completely balanced and does not have too much of one ingredient and not enough of another. '<* . ' ,)' ^ Sold by J. B. ENfiLEY & SON Xi., p.., n ,V 1 " » , , ¦ n « , k r Once again, we all stand on,th« thresnhold of a ' _v Xew Year, A^iat will it bring? What has it in st^re in .the way <rf Prosperity ans Happiness^ .*¦ . '¦' ^ r? .* t' v ** .\ ' / None pan answer. So we take the optimistic . / ' side of the question. We look n>r a fnost Happv. ( . and Prosperous New Year..-Witk a smile, we,. ' face it.* ¦' ¦'¦¦¦" ''y.'H .V; '> a '. v -\ ( .< < la » % .We hope you take. tli£ same.stand! For, oufT)est - ' J .Wishes and hope^ that the New Year will bpng,^ you no end of Success and that greater Happiness go forth to you. . , 0 * A wonderful buc:nes6 carlor dsd .. big loading space for samples, grips, - tools, anything . 'gy removing rear seat' and upholstery! A wohderful closed car for the whole family . both . 'seats adjustable forward and back¬ ward to accomr?; c ' a' t e j it ciyboa y , ¦ tall and short! A wcnderi ul vaca- ,,x ti6n car for next summer. seat! and upholstery make up into f-uJ sized be3! More*ser^ice at less cost! Come and enjoy a free demonstration. f.c It Toledo HAMFION TUCKASEIGEE MOTOR CO. Ask this agency for "My Property "-r^a valuable Farm Inventory booklet. " It is free to farm owners. VV ) , s \ ? ;kl 10m insurance/ lm 'OUR farm may burn tonight. Farms do burn. There is a frightful loss of farm property every jear and it is ^possible to tell when and where tire will daim its next victim. Check up yoijf * I ^^-1 .^ «rnM. twill ViAf ^insurance! Make certain that vou will not t; . v suffer a serious loss if fire dijii.come. Remember too, that a farm fire is quite v likely to result in very complete destruction. lo cause a total loss. All your property * should be included in your insurance con¬ tract Is it? ; » j>" I A Hartford Fire Insurance Company policy y \ \ ; -1^; r . . . 7 -\ will give adequate protection. See - A-V* tbis Hartford agency at once. / BiiUwW AND BROWN - > V - > V . r' ... ? /, ' ^ ." tilVES LUNCHEPN ' 7 J Miss Mary Allison was hostess at * jju four course luncheon, at her home I N , . f, which was attractive with Christmas '.decorations, yesterday. The .place cards were Christmas bells. Cover* 'were laid'ior Misses Tsabel Allison, Katie McKee, Wilma Allison, Emelyn Daniels, Nellie Cowan, Ruth Oliver, Llewellyn "Rhodes, E<lith Geisler and .Martraret FreejML - %* . r. . -i t » 1 . . TOM GUEENr MAKES TALK Lenoir, X. C., Dec. .7.."Three ¦ years ago, Tom Grpen a farmer of tliis^ county bought what I considered one of the jioofest farms in Kings / Creek township," reported D. W. Roberts, tCoifhty Agent for Caklwell .Comity. v " It contains 180 acres all which »was hfidlv gullied and washed. T. A. . Andrews, \ the man from whom Mr. Green made his purchase, declared that lie could no longer make a liv¬ ing on the place, sold out and went toY irginia. The land'had never grown any grasses, beans, peas, clovers or legumes of any kind. Immediately aftoT; getting possession, Mr. Green caimij to' my olnce and said that he wanted me to help him improve, thia farnu i / ^ ' "The first thing we found neces¬ sary was to properly terrace the cul¬ tivated hnd. We then limed, fcrtili*- 1 ed and planted about four aeres of. uoyhcan Mr. Green hcrvested 12T bushel^ or beans, per aere with a Little Giant bean harvester and after putting the vines, leaves and pods back, to tli£ soil, he' sowed the fieldi t.j wheat and Red closer. The results were very satisfactory.^ Mr. Great now .has ar: ;.:.d 3 ) acres of his farm /tfiij -cii; -fec_ii3, pea's,- clovcr an<L says that by tbc use of Jime, fert' - lizero, bvi'ii.:, poas, clovers, grasses ' and his* bean harvester, he is going t> improve the entire farm. ? .' After renovating the old. orchard lie hqw jjas a nice 'home orchard. H<i has 7'cov^g from which be receives a $.>0.00 cream chfeek per month. J40 has , -two brood sows from which^Jnt^ I'ssHs around .$200.00 worth of pig* :. year. He also has a .nivie flock oi Which hrings him ia a hand¬ some i Ci'e income. . He and /is. , fanjily making au independent living ar i aro ut the tarhe time -' building to farr.1. What lie is doing cn t .c ".orp Cut Andrews farm is the talh/cf ibo pacplc in tho entire community." M SALMON TO SHOW ICUIi i , ; NIGHTS WETjdT'^, The Halocn. Theater w*!i ^how moving pictures four nigata a week, . Motfday, Tuesday Friday jjnd Set- Snr^-Vj and a prbgraci of J^atheXews, Mae!: Se!H:ctt Comedies, and Para¬ mount Pictures lias been arranged for every show. . c'- - ¦

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Page 1: t n r A^iat Prosperity Happiness^ · 2016. 6. 29. · Mj* M. Buchanan, Jr., spent a da\far tw0 in As,ieville> Iast Week- Jliss Lavinia Picklesimer, ofAshe villc, spent Christmas Dayhere,

Mj* M. Buchanan, Jr., spent a

da\far tw0 in As,ieville> Iast Week-

Jliss Lavinia Picklesimer, of Ashevillc, spent Christmas Day here, with

her mother, Mrs. Ellen Picklesimer.. . .

Mr. Lacy Butler, a former student

at Sylva Collegiate Institute, spenta few days here, this week. .


Mrs. Kittie Stephens, of Pendle¬ton, S. C., is spending some time here, jwjth her mother, Mrs. Alice Norton. I

. . .

Mr. Frederick Moore, of Lafkyette, IGa., is spending the Clmstmas holi- fdavs Ihtc, with his mother, Mrs. ILcla M 'ore.

. . .

Jliss Margaret Candler is here,!from Atlanta, for a visit to her par? Ients, IJr. and Mrs. C. Z. Candlar. |

. . .

Mr. William 11. Rhodes, of Raleigh,!is here for a visit to his parents, Iprof, and Mrs. \V. H. Rhodes.


Misses Margaret Moore and!Dorothy McKee, who are teaching in IBrevard, arc spending the holidays!at their homes here.


. . .

Mr. and Mrs. Will Clouse, of Gas- 1tonia, were here, this week, guests of IMr. and Mrs. A. F. Clouse.

. » . ; y '

t )

Miss Margaret Moore, of Webster, jhas boon the guest, for a few days!this week, of Mr. and Mrs. S. C.JAllison, at their home here.

» ? ?

Mr. Gcrson Dillard is here, fromAkron, Ohio, for a visit to his Jmother, Mi's. T. I. Dillard. ,

. . .

Misses Ruth Oliver and Blanche}Collins, who are attending the State"]Normal, at Greensboro, are spending Ithe holidays at tlioir homes hew.

. . . \ IMisses Mildred and Wilda Craw- 1

ford returned to their home in Way- jnesville, Saturday, alter spending a

few days here, guests of Mr. and I' Mrs. F. E. Alley, Jr./

Mr. Leon Picklesimer, who is a Istudent at A. & E. College, Raleigh, !arrived last Saturday to spend; the Iholiday season with his mother, Mrs. IEllen Picklesimer.

. . .

Miss Mary Allison, who is a stud- 1ent at Meredith College, Raleigh, is Ispending the holidays here, with her]parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Allisor.


Miss Mary Candler is here from IWinston-Salem, where she is a stud¬ent at Salem Academy, for a visit toher parents, Dr. and Mrs. C. '/.Candler. (

, . ,¦' I

' » i I. . . \ |

Misses Nellie Cowan, MargaretFreeze,andLlewellyn "Rhodes are homefrom Greensboro College fcr Women,to spend the holidays with their]parents.

. . *

Miss Isabel Allison a student atthe State Normal, Greensboro, isspending the holidays with hermother, Mrs. Eugenia Allison, atWebster. '


. ..

Muss Mary Enloo, who -is aVtudentat Salem Academy,. Winston-Kalr.n,i> Minndiug r.he holidays with her

>ents, Mi. -.n j Mrs. S. W. ITnkiv]ci Dillsbon. -i

. . . _

Messrs. Eni'»'; and Dan ,M<>i>:e,Conrad Nichcs. Carl BuclwinsN, 111WM. B. Madison are spending their,vacation from the Unive^ity, attheir homes here and at Webster. <-

* * * ..


Miss Annie Herring, of Washing¬ton, ii. C., is the guest ol Prof, andMrs. W. H. Rhodes at their "homehere.

. . .' ' 'r 1

Miss Otelia Qathey arrived thelist of last week, from Kenlv, whereshe has been teaching to spend hervacation with her another, Mrs. Mat-tie Cathey, at her home here.

. . .*

Mr. and Mrs. 0. S. Dillard andyoung daughter, Caroline, are spend-!!!<? this week in Henderaonville, withMi's. Dillard's mother, fere. J. P.Pattou.

. . + *

Miss Lillie Stein, wfco is a studentat Lincoln Memorial College, Har-rigate, Tenn., is spending the holi¬days here, with her parents, 'Mr. and^ II. Stein. .


\v ...

(.V .


,M-s Mayme Long, who is teaeh^i the schools of Bdgecombe7, is spending the holidays here*her mother, Mrs. Sadie. i',


%'* i

3 f

* * * * * f * * , * vw «/ '. '

Dr. Ralph Jarrett, of Charlotte, isspending a.ftw days at l)ill*boro,witbhis parents, Mr. and Mrs R. F. Jar¬rett. Vv' " '


Mr. and Mrs. Corsey C. Buchanan'and little son, John, have returnedfrom a visit to , Mrs. Buchanan 'sparents, Mr. and Mrs. J.t Q. Barker,at Maryville, Tenn. » .

/" ..... - >

Miss Bessie Lee Moss, who is at-'tending Meredith College, Raleigh, isspending the holidays with her par¬ents, Mr. and Mrs. D. P. Moss, atGlenville. . '

c1- .

i «;o *»

Mrs. Cynthia Flannery arrived thefirst of the week, from Cleavoland,Ohio.' for a visit to her father, Mr.John B. Ensley. ' '

? \

* ? * » ? * ?<.->_

#<!Mrs. Hugh E. Monteith has been

spending several days in . Canton,with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. An¬drew Mt&'Uik* . v >r' .

<-! . .. V;- » t *

Rev. Sliuford Jenkins, the evan¬gelist, who is attending Mercer Uni¬versity, Macon, Ga.,_is here for theholidays with his mother who boardswith Mr. adjl Mrs. Jno. A. "Smith.Mr. Jenkins -has many friends andadmirers here and at HazelWood..Waynesville Mountaineer-Courier.

t \ yMisses Louise Townsend^of Nor

ton, V{u, and Rubye Meador, of Bre¬vard, who are students at Cullowhee.Normal and Industrial School, spentThursday in Sylva as the guests ofMiss Emelvn Daniels.


A Striking Value".'at *295Considering the improved creasing its cost to theappearance of the new purchaser.-^Ford Touring Car, one comparison extending,would naturally expect a over a long periodof yearsproportionate advance in will reveaj the fact thatprice. s

' the present price is Vtu-V " ally the lowest at wllick

Larger scale production, the five-passenger openhowever, has made it pos- 031 e^er ^een so^sible ^o incorporate in this The Ford Tourjng Carnew type touring car a stands today, as it always <

number of decided im- has, a most remarkableprovements without in- .value inthe motorcar field.

C i *

This Car can he obtained through the Ford Weekly Purchase Plan



'"¦J \

'¦ ¥" .)





It's the KIND of Feed.NOT tke Amount. /. - ¦' -¦ r

J a '/'

;A WELL fed hcrse from the standpoint of quality may be .

; in poor condition. This is no because just a monotonous

diet of oats or Corn with hay tail:-: to keep him in realfine shape. .

>rv j

' " ..^



Dry, tasteless oats- are not appetizing and generally onlypartially digested.,-, 4

-' _c»v "


Horses that are ftd in the cities in this fashion, and never

are turned out on pasture for a few weeks^ach Rummer, rapidlylose their strength'and vigor. They die much earlier than horseswhich are, given a variety of feed. This is because the ani¬mals' bodies demand certain things, which cannot be suppliedin oats and. corn. h'

'. V N * * \ "

Purina O-Molene has the necessary variety.0-Molene4a not only more appetizing than or¬

dinary feeds but it is more digestible. It takesless of O-Molene than the usual grain rations

V, y'

because it is completely balanced and doesnot have too much of one ingredient and

not enough of another. '<* . '

,)' ^ Sold by

J. B. ENfiLEY & SONXi., p..,


,V 1 " » , , ¦ n « , kr

Once again, we all stand on,th« thresnhold of a'

_v Xew Year, A^iat will it bring? What has it inst^re in .the way <rf Prosperity ans Happiness^

.*¦. '¦' ^ r? .* t' v**

.\ '

/ None pan answer. So we take the optimistic. /

' side of the question. We look n>r a fnost Happv.(

. and Prosperous New Year..-Witk a smile, we,.'

face it.* ¦' ¦'¦¦¦" ''y.'H.V; '> a '. v-\ ( .< < la »%

.We hope you take. tli£ same.stand! For, oufT)est -

' J .Wishes and hope^ that the New Year will bpng,^you no end of Success and that greater Happinessgo forth to you. . ,



A wonderful buc:nes6 carlor dsd..

big loading space for samples, grips,- tools, anything. 'gy removing rear

seat' and upholstery! A wohderfulclosedcar forthe wholefamily. both

.'seats adjustable forward and back¬ward to accomr?; c ' a' te j itciyboay,

¦ tall and short! A wcnderiul vaca-

,,x ti6n car for next summer.seat! andupholstery make up into f-uJ sizedbe3! More*ser^ice at less cost! Comeand enjoy a free demonstration.

f.c It Toledo


Ask this agency for "My Property"-r^a valuableFarm Inventory booklet. " It is free to farm owners.


) , s





'OUR farm may burn tonight. Farmsdo burn. There is a frightful loss offarm property every jear and it is

^possible to tell when and where tire willdaim its next victim. Check up yoijf

* I ^^-1 .^ «rnM. twill ViAf^insurance! Make certain thatvou will not t;

. v suffer a serious loss if fire dijii.come.Remember too, that a farm fire is quite v

likely to resultin very complete destruction.lo cause a total loss. All your property *

should be included in your insurance con¬

tract Is it? ; » j>" IA Hartford Fire Insurance Company policy y

\ \

; -1^;

r . . . 7 -\will give adequate protection. See - A-V*

tbis Hartford agency at once. /BiiUwW AND BROWN -


V - > V . r'

... ? /,

' ^ ."


Miss Mary Allison was hostess at *

jju four course luncheon, at her homeI N , . f,which was attractive with Christmas'.decorations, yesterday. The .placecards were Christmas bells. Cover*'were laid'ior Misses Tsabel Allison,Katie McKee, Wilma Allison, EmelynDaniels, Nellie Cowan, Ruth Oliver,Llewellyn "Rhodes, E<lith Geisler and.Martraret FreejML -

%* .r. . -i t» 1




Lenoir, X. C., Dec. .7.."Three¦ years ago, Tom Grpen a farmer oftliis^ county bought what I consideredone of the jioofest farms in Kings /

Creek township," reported D. W.Roberts, tCoifhty Agent for Caklwell.Comity. v

" It contains 180 acres all which»was hfidlv gullied and washed. T. A.

. Andrews, \ the man from whom Mr.Green made his purchase, declaredthat lie could no longer make a liv¬ing on the place, sold out and wenttoY irginia. The land'had never grownany grasses, beans, peas, clovers or

legumes of any kind. ImmediatelyaftoT; getting possession, Mr. Greencaimij to' my olnce and said that hewanted me to help him improve, thiafarnu i/ ^


"The first thing we found neces¬sary was to properly terrace the cul¬tivated hnd. We then limed, fcrtili*- 1

ed and planted about four aeres of.uoyhcan Mr. Green hcrvested 12Tbushel^ or beans, per aere with aLittle Giant bean harvester and afterputting the vines, leaves and podsback, to tli£ soil, he' sowed the fieldit.j wheat and Red closer. The resultswere very satisfactory.^ Mr. Greatnow .has ar: ;.:.d 3 ) acres of his farm

/tfiij -cii; -fec_ii3, pea's,- clovcr an<Lsays that by tbc use of Jime, fert' -

lizero, bvi'ii.:, poas, clovers, grasses '

and his* bean harvester, he is goingt> improve the entire farm. ?.' After renovating the old.orchardlie hqw jjas a nice 'home orchard. H<ihas 7'cov^g from which be receives a$.>0.00 cream chfeek per month. J40has

,-two brood sows from which^Jnt^I'ssHs around .$200.00 worth of pig*:. year. He also has a .nivie flockoi Which hrings him ia a hand¬some i Ci'e income.

. He and /is. ,

fanjily making au independentliving ar i aro ut the tarhe time -'building to farr.1. What lie isdoing cn t .c ".orp Cut Andrewsfarm is the talh/cf ibo pacplc in thoentire community." M


The Halocn. Theater w*!i ^howmoving pictures four nigata a week, .

Motfday, Tuesday Friday jjnd Set-Snr^-Vj and a prbgraci of J^atheXews,Mae!: Se!H:ctt Comedies, and Para¬mount Pictures lias been arrangedfor every show.. c'- -
