t -f s in o time september - holy infant catholic churchsep 15, 2019  · 7440 to schedule a bap sm...


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Page 1: T -F S IN O TIME SEPTEMBER - Holy Infant Catholic ChurchSep 15, 2019  · 7440 to schedule a Bap sm or Bap sm class. R ÊÄ ®½® ã®ÊÄ: Saturday at 3:30 p.m. un l all are heard


Page 2: T -F S IN O TIME SEPTEMBER - Holy Infant Catholic ChurchSep 15, 2019  · 7440 to schedule a Bap sm or Bap sm class. R ÊÄ ®½® ã®ÊÄ: Saturday at 3:30 p.m. un l all are heard


SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 21 ● Doors Open at 5:30 p.m. ● ● Bingo starts at 7 p.m. ●

$20 per person includes: 15 games of Bingo (9 cards per game) and Drinks-Beer, wine,

soda, water. Pull tabs, sandwiches and snacks for sale. 21+ Please!

Next 2019 Bingos: October 19, November 16

“The faithful are to hold the Eucharist in highest honor, taking part in the celebra on of the Most August Sacri-fice, receiving the sacrament devout-

ly and frequently and worshiping it with supreme adora-on.” (Code of Canon Law #898) There is always a need for sub-

s tute and faithful adorers. To become an adorer, con-tact Tessie or Ricardo at (636) 391-1997 or (314) 520-7088.

MASS INTENTIONS WELCOME TO HOLY INFANT PARISH Welcome to all who have come to pray with us today! Whether you’re just having a look, or are searching for a place to worship, we’re happy to have you here. We trust that our worship will be joyful and encouraging to all and hope that you find a warm, welcoming community here at Holy Infant Catholic Church. Please call us at the parish office, (636) 227-7440, if we can be of help to you. If you would like to register for the parish, visit our website at holyinfantballwin.org or call the parish office.

B : Please call the parish office at (636) 227-7440 to schedule a Bap sm or Bap sm class. R : Saturday at 3:30 p.m. un l all are heard or by appointment.

BULLETIN DEADLINE Friday at 9 a.m.-Nine days before the Sunday bulletin

Email to: [email protected]


Monday, September 16 Ss. Cornelius and Cyprian 1 Tm 2:1-8; Ps 28:2, 7-9; Lk 7:1-10 6:00 a.m. Repose of the Soul of Frank Schembre 8:00 a.m. Repose of the Soul of Arthur Novak Tuesday, September 17 St. Robert Bellarmine 1 Tm 3:1-13; Ps 101:1b-3ab, 5-6; Lk 7:11-17 6:00 a.m. David Winzen 8:00 a.m. Repose of the Soul of Connie Raymond Wednesday, September 18 1 Tm 3:14-16; Ps 111:1-6; Lk 7:31-35 6:00 a.m. Purgatorial Society 8:00 a.m. Repose of the Soul of Elaine Heder Thursday, September 19 St. Januarius 1 Tm 4:12-16; Ps 111:7-10; Lk 7:36-50 6:00 a.m. Repose of the Soul of Katherine Hege-mann 8:00 a.m. Repose of the Soul of Louise Moore Friday, September 20 Ss. Andrew Kim Tae-gŏn and Paul Chŏng, Ha-sang and Companions 1 Tm 6:2c-12; Ps 49:6-10, 17-20; Lk 8:1-3 6:00 a.m. Jack Close 8:00 a.m. Repose of the Soul of Scott Render 4:00 p.m. Joe Harris and Elizabeth Miller Wedding Saturday, September 21 St. Ma hew Eph 4:1-7, 11-13; Ps 19:2-5; Mt 9:9-13 8:00 a.m. Repose of the Soul of Carl Hansen 1:30 p.m. Adrienne Cechura and Chris Read Wedding 4:00 p.m. Repose of the Soul of Catherine O’Toole 5:30 p.m. Repose of the Soul of Deacon Tom For-ster Sunday, September 22 Twenty-Fi h Sunday of Ordinary Time Am 8:4-7; Ps 113:1-2, 4-8; 1 Tm 2:1-8; Lk 16:1-13 [10-13] 7:00 a.m. Repose of the Souls of Elvera and Phil Walker 8:30 a.m. Repose of the Soul of Robert Bergholtz 10:15 a.m. Repose of the Soul of Victor Tasky 12:00 p.m. Holy Infant Parishioners

SUNDAY EUCHARIST Saturday: 4:00 p.m. and 5:30 p.m.

Sunday: 7:00, 8:30,10:15 a.m. and 12 Noon

WEEKDAY MASSES Monday - Friday: 6:00 a.m. and 8:00 a.m.

Saturday: 8:00 a.m.

Adrienne Cechura and Chris Read

Joe Harris and Elizabeth Miller Jeffrey Lang and Rebecca Greenan

Abbey Waller and Mark Dieckhaus


Page 3: T -F S IN O TIME SEPTEMBER - Holy Infant Catholic ChurchSep 15, 2019  · 7440 to schedule a Bap sm or Bap sm class. R ÊÄ ®½® ã®ÊÄ: Saturday at 3:30 p.m. un l all are heard



Dear Parishioners,

The current Rite of Bap sm gives several op ons for the Gospel reading proclaimed during the ceremony, but I find myself typically choosing Ma hew 28:18-20:

Jesus approached and said to His disciples, “All power in heaven and on earth has been given to me. Go, therefore, and make disciples of all na ons, bap zing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you. And behold, I am with you always, un l the end of the age.”

In the passage, Jesus is addressing His disciples for the final me before He leaves earth and ascends into Heaven, and

His final words are a command to “make disciples,” mean-ing, “Teach others to follow Me, as I have taught you to follow Me.”

I choose to use these words during the Bap sm Rite for two reasons. First, to remind those gathered that the Bap-

sm they witness that day is the same Bap sm that has been occurring for nearly two-thousand years, and it unites us with the en re Church for all of history.

Second, to remind us all of our call to make disciples by bringing others to Jesus Christ through His Catholic Church. The greatest way for us to love others is to help them fol-low Christ, and this o en means introducing others to Him by bringing them to the Catholic Faith. So o en this intro-duc on begins with us having a rela onship with that per-son and them witnessing our Faith in words and manner of life. How wonderful to think that God uses us as instru-ments to inspire those who do not know Him to follow Him!

For those adults who are not Bap zed or who were Bap-zed in a non-Catholic, Chris an denomina on, the typical

way in which a person becomes Catholic is through a pro-cess called the Rite of Chris an Ini a on for Adults, or RCIA. RCIA is period of catechesis and conversion, helping

those desiring to enter the Church learn and live the Catholic Faith, that culminates in the Spring at the Easter Vigil. This year’s RCIA is just beginning, and now is the me for those interested in entering the Catholic Church to start that journey.

• Who do you know who is not Catholic but might want to be, or who would make a great Catholic? • Who is looking for something more- a deeper meaning in their life, but does not know where to find it? • Who asks you ques ons about your Faith or shows interest in your Faith, but does not share your Faith? It is your neighbor, or spouse, or rela ve, or fellow soccer-parent, or co-worker, or friend.

That person is the person to invite to join the Catholic Church. O en they have been thinking about it for some me, and all they need is the invita on. Invi ng them to learn more and being willing to walk with them is what it means to be a disciple, to live Jesus’ command to make disciples of all na ons.

Contact Laura Marlo at (636) 346-7983 and pray for those God is calling to follow Him.

In Christ, Fr Burkemper

LECTORS: SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 21 4:00 P.M. Eric Stanbrough Julie Stanbrough 5:30 P.M. Joanie Taylor John Zieger SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 22 7:00 A.M. Linda Pourchot Joe Strange 8:30 A.M. Teresa Colletti Lauren Reeves 10:15 A.M. Al Bouckaert Kimberly Caro NOON Charlie Trousdale D. Weerasekera

SERVERS: SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 21 4:00 P.M. Jack Auer Keith Garrett Jack Garrett Sarah Koch 5:30 P.M. Monica Knapp Luke Ledwon C. Schueppert Andrew Son SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 22 7:00 A.M. Jacob Moretti Jacob Scheller Patrick Scheller 8:30 A.M. Grace Burlage Claudia Jones Natalie Klein J. Summerford 10:15 A.M. Lucy Kelley Luke Ledwon Will Nelms Anna Sainato NOON Nina Gratzer Hailey Neuner Alli Schimweg Sophia Soltow GIFT BEARERS: SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 21 4:00 P.M. Betty McCormick and Paula Wilcox 5:30 P.M. Joseph and Maria Flores SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 22 7:00 A.M. Tony and Maureen Catlett 8:30 A.M. Mary Jane Bahr 10:15 A.M. Steve and Sara Doherty CHILDREN’S LITURGY OF THE WORD: SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 21 4:00 P.M. Sarah Moore Nikki Larch SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 22 8:30 A.M. Lynne Auer Kathleen Kenney 10:15 A.M. Lori Carroll/J. Heissinger/Michelle Kroupa Noon Colleen Gratzer Jeff Gratzer

Page 4: T -F S IN O TIME SEPTEMBER - Holy Infant Catholic ChurchSep 15, 2019  · 7440 to schedule a Bap sm or Bap sm class. R ÊÄ ®½® ã®ÊÄ: Saturday at 3:30 p.m. un l all are heard


PARISH CALENDAR STEWARDSHIP Monday, September 16 -Financial Accountants, Team 2 -Quilters, 9:30 a.m., Front Lower Cafeteria -PSR, 3:15, 4:30, 6:30 p.m. -Baptism Prep Class, 7 p.m., Holy Infant Room Tuesday, September 17 -Men’s and Women’s Bible Study, 9:30 a.m., Holy Infant Room -Mother of Perpetual Help Devotions and Readings, 6:30 p.m., Chapel -CRHP 44 Meeting, 6:30 p.m., Adult Ed Room -Knights of Columbus Ladies Auxiliary, 7 p.m., Holy Infant -St. Vincent de Paul, 7 p.m., Back Lower Cafeteria -Deacon Ken Bible Study, 7 p.m., Rosario Hall Wednesday, September 18 -MOPS, 8:45 a.m., Holy Infant Room -Msgr. Mike’s Bible Study, 1 p.m., Holy Infant Room -10:15 a.m. Choir Practice, 7 p.m., Church -RCIA, 7 p.m., Adult Ed Room -Rosary, 7 p.m., Chapel Thursday, September 19 -Women’s Bible Study, 8:30 a.m., Holy Infant Room -HIS Board Meeting, 10 a.m., Holy Infant Room -Book Club Meeting, 1 p.m., Holy Infant Room -Joyful Noise Choir Practice, 7 p.m., Church -Msgr. Mike’s Bible Study, 7 p.m., Holy Infant Room -Stephen Ministry Supervision, 7 p.m., Upper Cafeteria Friday, September 20 -Legion of Mary, 9:30 a.m., Holy Infant Room Saturday, September 21 -PX90, 7 a.m., Upper Cafeteria -Adult Bingo, 7 p.m., Upper Cafeteria Sunday, September 22 -Flu Shots, 8 a.m. to 1:30 p.m., Upper Cafeteria -Baptisms, 1:15 p.m. -Venturing Crew, 4 p.m., Holy Infant Room -Adult Faith Formation Presents, “I Think It’s Catholic”, 6:30 p.m., Upper Cafeteria -Men’s CRHP, 7 p.m., Adult Ed Room

Living God’s Word


In today’s Gospel, Jesus tells us that the shepherd rejoic-es when he finds one lost sheep. The story tells us that nothing and no one is insignificant to God who is com-passionate and loving to all. Isthereaneighbororfriendofyourswhoisintempo-raryneedbecauseofalossofajoboranillness?PleaseleaveamessagefortheSocietyofSt.VincentdePaul…wewanttohelp!

Inspired by Gospel values, the Society of St. Vincent de Paul is an international Catholic lay organization dedicat-ed to providing person-to-person service to all in need right here at home. Our ministry brings concrete aid and comfort of the Gospel to those who are in need. If you are in need of help or know someone in need, please call (314) 289-6101, mailbox 2265. Leave a message and one of the volunteers will return your call. If you would like to support the work of St. Vincent de Paul, please make your check payable to St. Vincent de Paul Society and drop it in the collection basket. Thank you for your support!

Did you miss a weekly offering while on Summer vacation? eGiving through Faith Direct is the easiest

and most convenient way for Holy Infant to receive your weekly offering and other Church support. eGiving through Faith Direct will also save you time while help-ing Holy Infant reduce our expenses. Signing up is easy! Visit faith.direct/MO31 or call (866) 507-8757 Thank you for your continued support of our parish family!

Through September 1, 2019 (Week 9)

“Everything I have is yours.” (Luke 15:31) Our Heavenly Father gives us everything, including the chance to share in His eternal kingdom. Yet, like the Prodigal Son we are often lured away by the materialism of our society. Do we really want to turn our backs on all that God offers in exchange for a material wealth that has no lasting value?

Weekly Year-to-DateOffertory Received 16,741 133,659 Offertory Received-Electronic - 122,882 Special Donations - 10,000 Parishioner Bequests - - Holy Day Collections 8 2,513 End of Year Contributions - - Building Repair Fund 1,120 7,997 Endowment Fund 30 350 PSR Program 50 382 School Annual Fund 575 4,901 Tuition Assistance Fund 100 1,375 Youth Ministry Program 45 805 Special Collection 1,778 17,651 Catholic University 948 Christmas Flowers 130 Memorial Donations 490 Other 10 Permanent Diaconate 100 World Mission Sunday 100

Number of Families Enrolled in Faith Direct: 540

3% Stewardship Tithe for the Poor Quarter 7/1/19 to 9/30/19

502 7,696

Page 5: T -F S IN O TIME SEPTEMBER - Holy Infant Catholic ChurchSep 15, 2019  · 7440 to schedule a Bap sm or Bap sm class. R ÊÄ ®½® ã®ÊÄ: Saturday at 3:30 p.m. un l all are heard


Page 6: T -F S IN O TIME SEPTEMBER - Holy Infant Catholic ChurchSep 15, 2019  · 7440 to schedule a Bap sm or Bap sm class. R ÊÄ ®½® ã®ÊÄ: Saturday at 3:30 p.m. un l all are heard


PX90 PRESENTS: THE VIRTUOUS MAN PX90willbestartingtheseasonbylearningaboutanamazingmanwhoexem-pli iedcourageandsacri ice.HisnamewasCaptainEmilKapaun,U.S.ArmyCatholicChaplain:prisonerofwar,medalofhonorrecipient,themostdecorat-edchaplaininU.S.historyandamanwhoisontheroadtosainthood.Afterviewingthisprogram,youwillknowwhatvirtuelookslikeintoday’sworldandwillbeabletorecognizeandrespondtoGod’sinvitationtogreatnessthatliesinallofus.N PX90? Px90 is entering its 12th year. Many men have found it to be an im-portant part of their faith life. We offer a variety of hard-hi ng subjects throughout the season through video or live speakers. They are real issues for real men to help build a real faith. Please join us At 7 AM on Saturday mornings in the Upper Cafeteria. We are done at 8:30 sharp. Don’t worry if you can’t make it every Saturday. The content usually stands on its own in each session. So make it when you can. There is no pressure to say or do anything. You can just sit back with a cup of coffee and take it all in! SEPT


R 21

at 7


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Page 7: T -F S IN O TIME SEPTEMBER - Holy Infant Catholic ChurchSep 15, 2019  · 7440 to schedule a Bap sm or Bap sm class. R ÊÄ ®½® ã®ÊÄ: Saturday at 3:30 p.m. un l all are heard


P C B C N - The Parish Council/Board of Consultants is

currently seeking nomina ons to fill openings on the council. The council's responsibility is to advise our pastor as needed on various policies and issues. If you would like to be considered, or if you would like to nominate someone to be considered for Parish Coun-cil/Board of Consultants, please fill out a slip of paper in the ves bule a er Mass and place it in the Nomina-

on Council box. For more informa on, call Cara Henke at (636) 579-0671.

The Red Cross bus Bloodmobile will be on the east parking lot on Saturday, October 12 from 9-1. You may sign up at any me at redcrossblood.org.

Save the Date! October 12

Begins October 2 at 7 P.M. in the Holy Infant Room. Findhelpandhealingforthehurtofseparationanddivorce

Divorce Care begins Oct 2 at Holy Infant Church in the Holy Infant Room from 7 to 9 p.m. each Wednesday un l the end of December. For addi onal informa on call Al-berta at (636) 399-6567 or [email protected] or Charlo e at (314) 757-2427 or [email protected]

Most people will tell you that separa on and divorce are the most painful and stressful experiences they’ve ever faced. It’s a confusing me when you feel isolated and have lots of ques ons about issues you’ve never faced before.

DivorceCare groups meet weekly to help you face these challenges and move toward rebuilding your life. Each DivorceCare session has two dis nct elements: ASeminarwithExpertsDuring the first 30–40 minutes of the mee ng, each Di-vorceCare group watches a video seminar featuring top experts on divorce and recovery subjects. These videos are produced in an interes ng-to-watch television maga-zine format featuring expert interviews, real-life case studies and on-loca on video. ASupportGroupwithFocusA er viewing the video, DivorceCare group par cipants spend me as a support group, discussing what was pre-sented in that week’s video seminar and what is going on in the lives of group members

Please pray for the following women who will be present-ing the Women's CRHP Re-treat on September 28 & 29.

It's not to late to join them!

This is a wonderful opportunity to renew your rela-tionship with Christ and to connect with other parish-ioners. A previous participant has called it "The greatest gift I have ever given myself". The retreat starts on Saturday morning and ends on Sunday afternoon and is held here at Holy Infant. There is no cost. Any parishioner 18 or older is invited.

To sign up or get information about the weekend, contact Lynn Ruel at 636-387-3280 or e-mail [email protected] .

Mary Ann Bange Deborah Burke Sue George Carolyn Grobl Emily Okoduwa

Kristina Privett Lynn Ruel Matrice Schafers Lucille Sherry Laura Sink Cathy Villmer

Page 8: T -F S IN O TIME SEPTEMBER - Holy Infant Catholic ChurchSep 15, 2019  · 7440 to schedule a Bap sm or Bap sm class. R ÊÄ ®½® ã®ÊÄ: Saturday at 3:30 p.m. un l all are heard


Holy Infant Basketball Sign-ups ON-LINE registra on is open for those wishing to sign up boys and girls in grades 3 to 8. Registra on: Go to www.holyinfantballwin.org and click on the Athle cs tab, then click on Register To Play. At the SI Play site,

click on Register Online. Registra ons a er September 30 will be charged a LATE FEE of $25 per family. Registra-

on will close on October 11 at mid-night. FEES are $145 for 1 child, $240

for 2 children, and $325 for 3 or more. Please see the website for more de-

tails. Ques ons? Please call Jim Ash, (314) 956-2570, or Brad Hacke , (314) 540-6311.

Shop for all your essen als at smile.amazon.com

and Amazon donates to Holy Infant!

Page 9: T -F S IN O TIME SEPTEMBER - Holy Infant Catholic ChurchSep 15, 2019  · 7440 to schedule a Bap sm or Bap sm class. R ÊÄ ®½® ã®ÊÄ: Saturday at 3:30 p.m. un l all are heard


Page 10: T -F S IN O TIME SEPTEMBER - Holy Infant Catholic ChurchSep 15, 2019  · 7440 to schedule a Bap sm or Bap sm class. R ÊÄ ®½® ã®ÊÄ: Saturday at 3:30 p.m. un l all are heard



Flu shots will be available for all parishioners age

7 years and older Sunday, September 22 from 8:00 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. in the upper cafete-ria. Shots are covered by most insurances including Medicare. Patients will be respon-sible for any portion not covered by insur-ance. Shots will be administered by Dier-bergs pharmacists. Refreshments will be served. Please bring all insurance cards in-cluding Medicare. Question? Call Dierbergs Pharmacy at (636) 282-4817.

Words and Works is a publi-ca on of Holy Infant Parish. We inform over 3000 parish families of events and ac vi-

es of interest to the parish. Our goal is to evangelize and foster unity within the Church and draw all together into a closer, warmer Church family. We are currently looking for parishioners who are experienced writers and copy editors, as well as those who have a love for interviewing and researching interes ng ar cles for the parish newsle er. Please con-tact Pam Miller at [email protected] or Kathie Hanneke at [email protected] for more informa on about the posi on.

Christ Alive Women's Witness Prayer Breakfast, formerly called Magnificat, September 21, 2019 at the Cardinal Rigali Center. Registration 8:30 a.m., Speaker and Breakfast 9:00 a.m. - 12 p.m. Our speaker is Nancy Davis. Make reservations by Sept 17 by calling Catholic Renewal, 314.731.6100 or [email protected] or REGISTER ONLINE The cost of breakfast is $20. To carpool or sit at the Holy Infant table, contact: Doreen, [email protected] or Kathie @ [email protected].

Page 11: T -F S IN O TIME SEPTEMBER - Holy Infant Catholic ChurchSep 15, 2019  · 7440 to schedule a Bap sm or Bap sm class. R ÊÄ ®½® ã®ÊÄ: Saturday at 3:30 p.m. un l all are heard

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[email protected]

Your shipment will be where it’s supposed to be... When it’s supposed to be.

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Consider RememberingYour Parish in Your Will.

For further information, please call the Parish Office.