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2009- 01.02/1 西元 2009-01.02 第一三一期 佛光紀元 43 2 2 0 0 0 0 9 9 各位護法、朋友們:大家新春吉祥,生耕致富! 新的一年蒞臨,在開春之際,不免要回顧過去與期望將來。想到去年弘法諸事,忍不住和大家報告一番。 二○○八年元旦,建設兩年半的揚州鑒真圖書館落成了,同時舉行鑒真佛光緣美術館開館剪綵及「揚州講壇」 開壇儀式。揚州是我的故鄉,也是歷史悠久的文化古城,千年來,騷人墨客為這個古城留下名詩佳篇無數。大 清帝國時代,徽商、鹽商雲集於此,一時富甲天下;揚州城飽含歷史文明的風華,更躋身世界十大繁華古都之 一。隨著鑒真圖書館的落成,揚州講壇開講,勢必將重現揚州佛學、文化等光彩。 在翁振進館長的領導下,揚州講壇首邀長篇小說家二月河主講「康雍乾三朝政務文化興替」。這一年來, 邀請到當今文化界如錢文忠、馬瑞芳、于丹、王邦維、閻崇年、康震、鄭石岩、高希均、餘光中、李昌鈺、崔 永元等名家,講聊齋,讀史記,談論語,品唐詩,說玄奘西行等。陳年故紙堆中再現傳統文化的光芒。場場千 餘人雲集,揚州講壇一系列的盛況講座,贏得「南揚北百」之讚譽。(指南有揚州講壇,北有百家講壇) 說起歷史,中國佛教史上近百年來有許多致力於筆耕,以研究佛法,弘揚佛法,護衛佛法的僧人居士。 《普門學報》走過七個年頭,發行了四十五期,自四十六期起,我提議革新版面,以專題式輯錄《二十世紀佛 教文選》。內容有比丘、比丘尼、居士、學者撰述佛教與文學、佛教與建築等題材,以期帶動閱讀的風氣。 社會需要藝術美學的薰陶,提昇人們生活的素養。以京劇而言,現代人認為京劇深奧,因此乏人問津。其 實劇中情節多是闡述忠孝節義、因果報應的故事,一如佛教以音聲作佛事,教人善修身口意,深具教育意義。 為此,佛光山邀請「當代傳奇藝術」總監吳興國、林秀偉伉儷於人間衛視講唱一百齣戲劇;之後,由北京前市 長張百發先生帶領的北京京劇院來台巡迴演出「京華再現」。希望藉由京劇,重拾人與人之間的情義及相互感 恩的芬芳美德。 當獲悉「紙風車文教基金會」為台灣鄉村兒童推廣藝術的用心,我樂見其成,並在經費上略盡棉薄之力。 由菲律賓天主教徒編演,全程以英文呈現的「佛陀傳─悉達多太子音樂劇」,在台造成熱烈迴響,我欣慰歡喜 數十年前封閉的山林佛教,今日能走上國家劇院,把佛法深耕在普羅大眾,以藝術弘揚佛法的新時代。 文學與藝術是鳥的雙翼,除了京劇藝術之外,國際佛光會舉辦「佛光之美攝影比賽」,將殿堂的神聖之美 傳揚全球;馬來西亞《普門》雜誌與《星洲日報》聯合舉辦「二○○八年星雲文學獎」,提供熱愛佛教文學的 青年朋友們,一個公開公平展現心靈寫作的善美舞臺。 網路是新世紀的弘法傳教的利器,佛光山全球資訊網每天有即時新聞暨佛學各項常識內容,一年計有百萬 人上網觀看。此外,香港佛香講堂開設佛香數位網路電台,透過佛教梵唄與人間音緣的歌曲,帶給塵囂苦惱的 世間一份清淨與希望。 我在《講義》雜誌發表的「梅約醫院檢查記」、「關鍵時刻」、「人生路」、「弘法」、「苦行」、「外婆」等十四 篇文章,是我一甲子行過的人生路,為了佛教,安忍於人間冷暖與他人毀譽中,一點點的體會。承講義堂結集 成書,定名為《合掌人生》,「合掌」取意於我一生 全心全意以佛教為命,並至誠懇切感謝十方檀那護法的心 情寫照。 六月,我到印尼棉蘭、新加坡、馬來西亞等地,進行近半個月的雲水弘法。這期間,我為佛光協會幹部開 歡迎助印 #VEEIBT -JHIU /FXTMFUUFS 48&%&/ PG:4037090-0 BLIA Stockholm IBPS-Sweden, Blygatan 3, 195 72 Rosersberg. Stockholm http://dharma.fgs.org.tw/shrine/ibps-sweden Tel : 08-5903 5801 E-mail:[email protected] Fax:08-5903 5815

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  • 2009- 01.02/1

    西元 2009-01.02 第一三一期 佛光紀元 43 年

    22000099 致致護護法法朋朋友友們們的的一一封封信信 各位護法、朋友們:大家新春吉祥,生耕致富!








    我在《講義》雜誌發表的「梅約醫院檢查記」、「關鍵時刻」、「人生路」、「弘法」、「苦行」、「外婆」等十四篇文章,是我一甲子行過的人生路,為了佛教,安忍於人間冷暖與他人毀譽中,一點點的體會。承講義堂結集成書,定名為《合掌人生》,「合掌」取意於我一生 全心全意以佛教為命,並至誠懇切感謝十方檀那護法的心情寫照。


    贈 閱歡迎助印

    PG:4037090-0BLIA Stockholm

    IBPS-Sweden, Blygatan 3, 195 72 Rosersberg. Stockholm http://dharma.fgs.org.tw/shrine/ibps-sweden Tel : 08-5903 5801 E-mail:[email protected] Fax:08-5903 5815

  • 2009- 01.02/2




    如果說文化是甘泉雨露,那教育便是良田種子。九月,台東均一國民中小學舉行校舍新建工程安基典禮,希望為東台灣的教育盡一分心力。此外,講義堂有意將「Power 教師獎」轉給佛光山接辦,我想可以把獎金提高,以鼓勵更多教師在作育人才上極力發揮創意。媒體的教育力量也是不容輕忽的,因此我計劃發起「真善美媒體獎」,希望媒體多多重視報導人間的真善美。





    寺院是人生的加油站,是開發心靈能源的學校,道場提供廣大民眾多元化的學習。如歐洲各道場的「日日是好日-茶禪悅樂」,讓歐洲人士飽餐茶香與禪味之美;中天寺舉辦以英文皈依三寶甘露灌頂典禮,度化當地澳洲人士;非洲剛果兩百多位信眾皈依佛門。再者,佛光山、高神威天臺山合辦的「高雄縣世界素食烹飪大賽」,讓民眾經由酥酡美味,嚐到無上法味。Discovery 發現台「世界最佳美食」及 Food Network HD 節目,也到佛光山拍攝佛門過堂儀軌過程。顯見方便有多門,佛法在因應不同時代的人心,應有走出去的胸襟,貼近民眾的心理需求。




  • 2009- 01.02/3














  • 2009- 01.02/4

    一一月月份份法法會會活活動動預預告告 //

    1/04 1.法寶節臘八粥粥會(金剛經) 11:00-12:30(Sun) 2.佛光協會理事月例會 BLIA Meeting 14:00-16:001/11 1.光明燈圓燈法會 Light Offering Service 11:00-12:30(Sun) 2.『人間』讀書會 Humanistic Reading Group 14:00-16:001/18 1.禪淨共修法會 Chanting of Amitabha Sutra 11:00-12:30(Sun) 2.『般若』茶話會 Meditation 14:00-16:001/24 除夕圍爐、辭歲、燒頭香 (Sat) Chinese New Year’s Eve 18:00-24:00

    1/25 新春禮千佛平安燈法會 (Sun) Chinese New Year Paying Homage to Thousand

    Buddhas 11:00-16:00

    二二月月份份法法會會活活動動預預告告// 2/01 1.禪淨共修法會 Chanting of Amitabha Sutra 11:00-12:30(Sun) 2.『人間』讀書會 Humanistic Reading Group 14:00-16:002/08 1.光明燈上燈法會 Light Offering Service 11:00-12:30(Sun) 2.佛光協會理事月例會 BLIA Meeting 14:00-16:002/15 春茗素宴 (Sun) Chinese New Year’s Party 12:00-15:00

    2/22 1.金剛共修法會 Chanting of Diamond Stura 11:00-12:30 (Sun) 2.『般若』茶話會 Meditation 14:00-16:00



  • 2009- 01.02/5


    **22000088 年年 1100 月月 44 日日國國際際佛佛光光會會世世界界會會員員大大會會於於台台灣灣高高雄雄隆隆重重舉舉行行。。

    **22000088 年年 1111 月月 1155 日日中中華華佛佛光光總總會會會會長長心心定定和和尚尚於於瑞瑞典典佛佛光光山山佛佛學學講講座座。。

    **1122 月月 77 日日假假瑞瑞典典佛佛光光山山舉舉辦辦 22000088 年年會會員員大大會會暨暨義義工工表表揚揚,,以以及及歐歐洲洲總總住住持持滿滿謙謙法法師師佛佛學學講講座座。。

  • 2009- 01.02/6

    1/4 日 11:00 法寶節臘八粥會

    1/11 日 11:00 光明燈圓燈法會

    1/24 六 19:00 除夕圍爐辭歲

    1/25 日 11:00 禮千佛平安燈法會

    2/1 日 歐洲功德主會 荷蘭

    2/2~3 一~二 供佛齋天 荷蘭

    2/8 日 11:00 元宵節上燈法會

    2/15 日 12:00 春茗素宴

    3/25~3/29 三~日 10:30 瑞典十週年紀念




    六 佛誕節浴佛法會 斯德哥爾摩皇家公園

    5/31 日 歐洲人間音緣音樂會 倫敦

    6/13-14 六~日 歐洲佛光聯誼會 葡萄牙

    6/29~7/4 一~六 佛光夏令營

    7/18-25 六~五 短期出家、五戒戒會 柏林

    8/22~23 六~日 10:30 盂蘭盆報恩孝親法會

    9/10 四 師父華誕 佛光山

    10/4 日 11:00 中秋節朝山

    11/21~22 六~日 10:30 藥師法會

    12/26~27 六~日 10:30 彌陀精進念法會

    以以 捨捨 為為 有有 ,, 則則 不不 貪貪 ;;

    以以 忙忙 為為 樂樂 ,, 則則 不不 苦苦 ;;

    以以 勤勤 為為 富富 ,, 則則 不不 貧貧 ;;

    以以 忍忍 為為 力力 ,, 則則 不不 懼懼 。。

  • 2009- 01.02/7

    MMaasstteerr''ss LLeetttteerr ttoo DDhhaarrmmaa PPrrootteeccttoorrss aanndd FFrriieennddss

    ---- 22000099 Dear Dharma Protectors and Friends,

    Happy New Year to you all! May fruitful harvests be yielded through earnest cultivation. In time of the arrival of a new year, I cannot help but go over the past and look into the future,

    which is also my chance to share with everyone last year’s propagation works we have done. On New Year’s Day of 2008, Jian Zhen Library was completed after two and half years of construction, thereby allowing the opening ceremony of Jian Zhen Fo Guang Yuan Art Gallery and Yangzhou Forum to take place. Yangzhou is my homeland, and it is also an ancient cultural heritage. For the past thousand years, writers and poets left behind countless fine poems and pieces of works. During the great Qing dynasty, the Huizhou merchants and salt tradesmen gathered here and allowed the city to prosper. The rich history and civilization of this city has allowed it to become one of world’s ten most bustling ancient capitals. With the completion of Jian Zhen Library and commencement of the Yangzhou Forum, the glory of Buddhist studies and culture in Yangzhou are bound to be revitalized.

    Under the leadership of curator Weng Zhenjin, the Yangzhou Forum was graced by the presence of world renowned speakers such as novelist Er Yue He, Qian Wenzhong, Ma Rui-fang, Yu Dan, Wang Bang-wei, Yan Chongnian, Kang Zhen, Cheng Shiyan, Charles HC Kao, Yu Kuangchung, Henry Lee, and Cui Yongyuan who delivered talks on Strange Tales of Liaozhai, Records of the Historian (Shi-ji), the Analects, Tang poems, Xuanzang’s Journey to the West and so on.

    As history gets mentioned, there are many monastic and lay Buddhists who had dedicated their lives to the study, propagation and protection of Buddhism through out the past one hundred years of Buddhist history. In time of the seventh anniversary of Universal Gate Buddhist Journal, I proposed a new layout design from issue 46 by starting with “A Selection of 20th Century Buddhist Literature.” This series consists of works written by bhiksus, bhiksunis, lay Buddhists and scholars on topics such as “Buddhism and literature,” and “Buddhism and architecture” as an attempt to encourage reading.

    The influence of art and aesthetics is essential to the enhancement of life’s quality. Peking Opera is regarded a very profound and deep art, thus very few have shown interest in it. However, many of its performances are stories that portray the ideas of loyalty, filial piety, integrity, righteousness, cause and effect, and karmic retribution, which is rather similar to how Buddhism voices the Dharma and urges people to cultivate their body, mind and speech. For this reason, Fo Guang Shan has invited the director-general of Contemporary Legend Theatre - Wu Hsingkuo and wife Lin Hsiuwei to present one hundred performances on BLTV. Furthermore, we also invited the Peking Opera House of Beijing, led by former Beijing mayor Zhang Baifa to do a “Magnificent Peking Reappears” tour around Taiwan, hoping that the spirit of sentiment, righteousness and mutual gratitude can be reclaimed by people.

    I was very pleased to hear about Paperwindmill Cultural Foundation’s effort in promoting children’s art in the countryside of Taiwan, I made a small contribution to the expenses required. On the other hand, “The Biography of the Buddha – Prince Siddhartha the Musical,” composed, produced, and performed in English by the Catholics from Philippine received tremendous responses in Taiwan. I feel deeply gratified to see Buddhism shift from ancient secluded mountain forests to the national performance theatres today, planting the seeds of Dharma in the hearts of the general public. This is indeed an era where Dharma is propagated through art form.

    Literature and art are two wings of a bird. Other than Peking Opera, BLIA also organized “The Beauty of Buddha’s Light Photography Competition,” spreading the beauty of the sacred Buddha shrines to the whole world. Universal Gate magazine and Sin Chew Daily in Malaysia co-organized the “2008 Hsing Yun’s Literary Awards,” offering open and fair opportunity for young adults who love Buddhist literature to present the beauty of their minds.

    The internet is a wonderful tool for the propagation of Dharma in the new era. Everyday, Fo Guang Shan’s website provides up-to-date news and information on Buddhist events and knowledge,

  • 2009- 01.02/8

    attracting more than one million visitors on a yearly basis. Moreover, IBPS Hong Kong opened the Buddha Digital Radio Station which introduces Buddhist chanting, Buddhist hymns and songs from the “Sounds of the Human World” musical competition, bringing hope and serenity to this chaotic world.

    This year, I published fourteen articles on Better Life Monthly Magazine, some of which include: “A Chronicle of My Physical Check Up at Mayo Clinic Rochester,” “Crucial Moment,” “Life’s Path,” “Dharma Propagation,” “Ascetic Practice,” and “My Maternal Grandmother.” These are my sixty years of humble experiences in propagating Buddhism, through out which I had learned to bear with the ups and downs, fames and defamations in life. I am very grateful to Better Life Publishing House for collecting these articles and publishing them in a book – A Life with Palms Joined. The joining of palms symbolizes my whole life’s dedication to Buddhism, and also my more sincere gratitude to the benefactors from the ten directions.

    In June, I went on a two-week Dharma tour around Medan in Indonesia, Singapore and Malaysia. While speaking to BLIA committees about the requirements of life, I also talked about ways of a married couple at the Buddha’s Light Bodhi Couple Blessing Ceremony, discussed management and harmony with Malaysia’s Transport Minister Ong Tee Keat, and encouraged those who were taking refuge in the Triple Gem to bravely admit that they too are buddhas. The attention paid by the local media and articles published by them allowed me to realize the essentiality of Buddhism to the human mind. The image of devotees’ earnestly yearning for the Dharma makes me perfectly willing to keep busy and forget the long and exhausting trips that I have to take.

    There is an urgent need for the Dharma to comfort and bring peace to people’s minds amidst all these social chaos. Based on my eighty years of experience and understanding of Buddhism, I responded to time’s needs and gave a talk on “Buddha’s Way of Education” at the National Teacher’s Life Education and Meditation Seminar, on “What can I do for Buddha’s Light?” to BLIA committees, on “The Origin and Meaning of Emperor Leung’s Repentance Service” to the devotees, on “Harmony” at the Buddhist Academy of China, on “Buddhism and Modernity,” “Buddhism and Social Issues,” and “The People and Affairs of Fo Guang Shan” to students of Open University.

    On November 7, I attended a celebration of a centennial of Venerable Ju Zan’s birth and the completion ceremony of his memorial park. Back in his time, this Master guarded Buddhism with much passion. In 1949, he became the only monastic to attend a ceremony at a Tiananmen Square building. He was willing to sacrifice himself for the construction of new China, and dedicated his whole life to the reform of Buddhism. He placed the propagation of Dharma before his personal welfares. Although he has left us now, his spirit, aspiration, vow and bravery will remain a paradigm to the later generations of Buddha’s disciples forever.

    If culture is a fountain of sweet dew, then education is a fertile land with seeds. In September, the foundation laying ceremony of Junyi Elementary and Junior High School took place in Taitung. This was my attempt to contribute to education in Eastern Taiwan. Moreover, Better Life Publishing House intended to hand their “Power Teacher’s Award” to Fo Guang Shan. I plan to raise the prize money to encourage teachers nurture future talents through creative means. The influence of media cannot be overlooked either. For this reason, I plan to initiate the “Truth, Virtue and Beauty Media Award” to promote higher awareness on the truthful, virtuous and beautiful side of this world in the media.

    In order to assist financially challenged students acquire a professional skill, Nan Hua Temple in South Africa organized a two-month computer training camp. Feng Shan Vihara also organized Fo Guang Shan Social Welfare Seminar for Elite Ladies to provide well-learned young adults a chance to travel and work. Fo Guang Shan branches in Sabah and Singapore organized a quiz on Buddhist knowledge. BLIA YAD sent their members on a Dharma tour around Malaysia, and organized several training seminars and lessons to broaden these young adults’ horizon and aspirations.

    Every year, Fo Guang Shan would organize events such as “Humanistic Buddhism Academic Conference,” “Humanistic Buddhism Reading Seminars,” “Academics and Scholars’ Gathering,” “Open University Teacher and Student Gathering,” “National Teacher’s Life Seminar Camp,” and “International Academic Conference on Buddhist Literature and General Literature.” These events aim to practice what the Buddha practice, and as practitioners of Humanistic Buddhism, we carry with us

  • 2009- 01.02/9

    the responsibility of striving to build a Humanistic Pureland that is filled with purity, virtue and beauty. The propagation of Buddhism in the English language is now an unstoppable trend. In June, April

    and August this year, Fo Guang University’s Department of Buddhist Studies organized the “Fo Guang World English Buddhist Dharma Talks” and made exchanges with university and college students in Philippines (Manila, Cebu, Iloilo and Bacolod), Singapore, and Malaysia. These talks received acclaims from local universities and enhanced interfaith exchanges between Catholicism and Buddhism. The passionate energy of young adults are essential to Buddhism, students such as Miao Guang, Miao Zhe and Miao Jing who led the Dharma tours are all Master program students in the Department of Buddhist Studies of FGU. All classes in this program are conducted in English. It is hoped that Buddhism will deepen its root in different parts of the world, and step into the new era of internationalization.

    In order to encourage global views in university and college students, Fo Guang Shan’s International Buddhist Progress Society also plans to organize a five-day “International English Buddhist Studies Life Camp.”

    A temple is a gas station in life, and a school for opening the source of spirituality. A temple offers a wide range of activities for people to learn. For instance, the “Everyday is a Good Day – Tea Festival in Europe” organized by the branch temples in Europe, allows Europeans to experience and taste Ch’an through a meal and tea. Chung Tian Temple organized a Taking Refuge Ceremony in English, spreading the Dharma to the local Australians. In Congo of Africa, around 200 devotees took refuge in the Triple Gems. Also Fo Guang Shan and Shen Wei Tian Tai Mountain Universism Temple co-organized the 2008 International Vegetarian Culinary Competition, allowing people to experience the ultimate taste of Dharma through the crispy and delicious tastes of food. Discovery Channel’s Fantastic Foods of the World and Food Network HD program also visited Fo Guang Shan to film the Buddhist etiquette of taking in meals. It is apparent there are many expedient means to spread the Dharma, due to the different times and mindsets, we should reach out with open minds to become closer to the needs of people’s minds.

    Although Fo Guang Shan’s main missions are to purify human minds through cultural and educational works, we still do our best in charity and relief aid. In the beginning of May, a hurricane struck Myanmar, killing tens of thousands of people. Having heard the news, I immediately had IBPS Bangkok and BLIA members in Thailand to bring immediate relief aid with all efforts. Not long after, an earthquake shook Wenchuan county of Sichuan, China. Fo Guang Shan and BLIA Chunghua Headquarters contributed ten million RMB to the local Buddhist organizations to bring relief aid and even established the Emergency Rescue Command Center. Coordinated by Venerable Tzu Jung and Venerable Jue Pei, the center organized materials for the disaster relief received from around the world. Branch temples around the world set up memorial plaques for the deceased and victims, and organized “A Blessing Ceremony for Victims of the Sichuan Earthquake,” praying for the survivors to start afresh, and the dead be blessed.

    Also, the Chief Executive Operator of FGS Compassion Foundation Venerable Jue Hong led Taiwan’s BLIA North Chapter President, Chen Jia-long, Tao-Chu-Miao Chapter President Chu Tang-mei and others in establishing the Malaysia National and Buddha’s Light Rescue Team. They entered areas that were greatly affected by the earthquake to donate wheelchairs and ambulances, and contributed to the establishment of Samadhi Water Charity Hospital, Zhong Xing Health Center, Zhang Ming Middle School, and Mu Yu Middle School. Abiding by the 4-in-1 Rescue and Relief Plan (rescue, medical treatment, daily supplies, and humanity care), temporary homes were built, spiritual and psychological counseling centers were established, and schools were reconstructed as the three main directions to be undertaken as long-term tasks in the reconstruction of the affected areas. Giving them warm support, consoling their spirits and family building is the main objective in disaster relief and rescue.

    With humble and grateful hearts, members of Fo Guang Shan brought to the best of their efforts relief aid to Myanmar and Sichuan areas. As the sutra says, “There are four ways of repaying kindness out of gratitude.”1 All sentient beings have once been my parents and friends. Repaying out of gratitude is a duty that everyone should complete. In the light of the economy downturn and issues

  • 2009- 01.02/10

    regarding children’s education, Fo Guang Shan branch temples around the globe organized “Caring for Children in Need Fair” where all proceeds will go to the education scholarships for children in need, “Fo Guang Scholarship and Wheelchair Donation Charity Dinner”, and “40-Hour Famine.” In response to urges for energy-saving and low carbon society from the whole world, a Fo Guang Forest project, “Energy-saving and Vegetarian Food Campaign” and bicycle tour were implemented within communities to urge the people to actively participate in these movements. As we only have one earth, we need to use a grateful heart to influence and promote environmentalism activities.

    Last September, Beautiful Life Television invited me to film The Founding of Fo Guang Shan Monastery, introducing the history of 65 scenery spots and architecture of Fo Guang Shan. Within four days, we walked from the Great Compassion Shrine, Bamboo Garden Lodge, Bodhi Road, Cloud Dwelling Building to the Gateway of Practice. Walking through Fo Guang Shan once again, it reminds me of the past decades before and after establishing Fo Guang Shan. My heart is filled with endless gratitude towards the devotees. I hope that with “I am Fo Guang Shan” as principle, my disciples will cherish every blade of grass and tree, which never come easy, recognize that every bowl of porridge and rice comes from a gathering of causes and conditions, emulate the sage as a model, and progress forward to continue the mission and wisdom of the Buddha.

    Without the long-term support of the benefactors, there will not be Fo Guang Shan and Buddhist enterprises across the five continents today. In order to thank the devotees for their meritorious deeds, the Devotee Gathering was revived last year. Around 50,000 Dharma protectors from around the world gathered at Fo Guang Shan. Tens of thousands came for pilgrimage, listened to the Dharma, and took Refuge in the Triple Gem and the Precepts. As I have said to everyone at the gathering, thank you for your support. Fo Guang Shan will also continue in benefiting others with the hope that every visitor of Fo Guang Shan brings home with them the Dharma, peace and auspiciousness.

    Dharma and peace are both riches. At the 2008 BLIA General Conference, I shared four points on the theme, “Bodhisattva and Volunteer” to encourage BLIA members to emulate the spirit of the bodhisattvas who are compassionate to all beings and benefit them impartially: A bodhisattva is a volunteer for sentient beings, while a volunteer is a bodhisattva for the world; a bodhisattva reverses route to deliver sentient beings, while a volunteer cultivates oneself to achieve bodhi wisdom; a bodhisattva is always a ferry in the ocean of suffering, while a volunteer is always an unrequested helper; and a bodhisattva encounters different stages of spiritual cultivation, while a volunteer faces different levels of dedication.

    In early winter, the warm sun was still shining on the southern tip of Taiwan where Fo Guang Shan locates. On November 23, the 2nd World Buddhist Forum Press Conference and Hitting the Bell Blessing Ceremony” was organized on Fo Guang Shan’s Path to Buddhahood. At 10am, Dharma Drum Mountain, Tzu Chi Foundation, Huafan University, Ling Yen Shan Temple, Lay Buddhist’s Society Republic of China, and with around one hundred leading Buddhist organization representatives of Taiwan presided at the great event. On that day, not a single cloud could be seen. At the exact time, Taiwan, Hong Kong, Wuxi in Jiangsu sounded the bell simultaneous to pray for the world that there will be no more weapons of war, and the people will be happy and at peace. Next year, the 2nd World Buddhist Forum will be co-organized by the Buddhist Association of China, China Religious Culture Communication Association, Buddha’s Light International Association, and Buddhist Association of Hong Kong. The forum will open in China and close in Taiwan, becoming a milestone for the Buddhist history on both sides of the Taiwan Strait. The forum symbolizes a great harmony of the cross-strait relations in the Buddhist history. Through discussions and meetings, this will open the Buddhist world to a new moment of exchange.

    In December, I flew to Hsi Lai Temple in the United States to preside over the “International Full Ordination Ceremony” in commencement of the 20th anniversary inauguration of Hsi Lai Temple, and to bless and inspire the newly ordained monastics that they may make great vows to forever protect the Dharma for the future of Buddhism, to never regress, and to settle their minds in the Dharma and maintain the duties of a monastic. The great Dharma has came to the West where every tile and part of Hsi Lai Temple came from the hardwork, and blood and sweat of the early pioneers who built this majestic temple we have today.

  • 2009- 01.02/11

    Water flows but never returns. As Samanthabhadra Bodhisattva reminds us, “As the days pass by,

    life grows shorter like fish running out of water, how can there be happiness?” Recalling the past, but seeing hope in the future; as an octogenarian, walking with increasing stumble and weakening strength, I am learning after Linji Ch’an Master who personally planted and grew rows of trees to shelter new generations to come. And I, like a hundred-year-old tree, just hope that in the future of Buddhism, there is someone to receive the transmission, allowing the right Dharma to continue and the Dharma water to flow forever. Doing what is done in walking the path to Buddhahood, has been my conviction. For Buddhism, I am willing to commit in serving even when no one else is willing; this resolve will not change for lifetimes to come.

    In the new year, the disciples of Fo Guang Shan took on the responsibility of editing the Fo Guang Buddhist Canons, hoping Buddha’s Light members will extend their spirit of concerted efforts, and within three years complete the compilation of sixteen canons of the entire Tripitaka. In order for Dharma lecturers to have teaching resources, I initiated the compilation of “Jing Yu Man Tang” (A Rich of Gold and Jade) as teaching material. Three years of “Ten Thousand Affairs in the World” column in the Merit Times Newspaper, will be published as books; hoping that the offering of these words will allow everyone to benefit from the Dharma, which is also a small way of repaying my gratitude to the Buddha. I vow by “offering an incense from my heart”2 like mandala flowers, the Dharma will sprinkle across the three thousand dharma realms. Those who hear or are joyful from reading it are able to receive the benefits of the Dharma.

    It is hoped that the main complex of the much anticipated Buddha Memorial hall will be completed by next year. The memorial hall covers over 16,530 sq meters and enshrines the Buddha’s tooth relic and memorial artifacts of the Buddha. The surroundings include elegantly designed pagodas of the Four Noble Truths, stone pagodas of the Eightfold Noble Path, and sutra pillars. In the back, there is the beautiful scenery of Vulture Peak and Ganges River. When completed, it will be the world’s center for paying reverence to the Buddha, and also for propagating the teachings of the great Buddha, in repayment for the great kindness of the Buddha. At the same time, the memorial hall allows everyone to admire with respect the noble character of the Buddha and learn from the compassionate vow of the Buddha, who propagated Buddhism across India.

    This year, I wrote “Earnest Cultivation Yields Fruitful Harvest” for the new year’s couplet. The buddhas of the three periods attained enlightenment in this world. The great bodhisattvas accumulate merits and wealth (harvests) through servicing. A piece of land needs vitality in order to reap fruits. We need to protect our bodhi mind and make great affinity in order for others and ourselves to succeed on the path to Buddhahood.

    In a year of four seasons, Fo Guang Shan is always like the spring, a Vulture Peak filled with rows of trees swaying in the gentle wind, while the sound of Buddhist music continues. Every time I return to Fo Guang Shan from Dharma propagation tours, I would look up to the brilliant stars and moon above and gaze at the sea of bright red and purple flowers below. The Dharma as such, one’s innate treasure flows from one’s heart, a task that no one can achieve on our behalf. May you one day travel to spiritual mountain and experience the Buddha’s heart when he held a flower and smiled. This is where you can see everyone innate and boundless wealth of merit and Dharma.

    With joined-palms,

    Hsing Yun January 1, 2009

    1. Four Ways of Repaying Kindness out of gratitude are repaying to parents, sentient beings, nation, and Triple Gems. 2. “Offering an incense from my heart” is a Buddhist phrase that means one’s pure sincere offering.

  • 2009- 01.02/12

    1/4 Son Buddha's Enlightenment Day

    1/24 Sat Chinese New Year's Eve

    1/25 Son Chinese New Year Paying Homage to

    Thousand Buddhas

    2/2-3 Mon-Tue Offering to Buddhas and Celestial Beings Holland

    2/8 Son Lantern Festival Dharma Fanction

    2/15 Son Chinese New Year's Party

    3/25-3/29 Wed-SonChing Ming Dharma Fanction

    The Tenth anniversary Dharma Fanction




    Sta Sakymuni Buddha's Birthday

    5/31 Son Sounds of the Human World London

    6/13-14 Sat-Son 2008 BLIA Europe Reunion Lisbon

    6/29-7/4 Mon-Sat Buddha's Light Summer Camp

    7/18-25 Sat-Fri Short Ordination Berlin

    8/22-23 Sat-Son Ullambana Dharma Fanction

    9/10 Thu Ven. Master Hsing Yun's Birthday FGS

    10/4 Son Mid Autumn Festival

    11/21-22 Sat-Son Medicine Buddha Dharma Fanction

    12/26-27 Sat-Son Amitabha Buddha Dharma Fanction

    AA ssmmiillee sshhoowwss yyoouu aarree wwiissee.. AA ssmmiillee sshhoowwss yyoouu aarree hhaappppyy..

    AA ssmmiillee iiss tthhee llaanngguuaaggee ooff hhoonneessttyy.. AA ssmmiillee iiss tthhee fflloowweerr ooff lliiffee..

    ~~ MMaasstteerr HHssiinn YYuunn ~~