systematic approaches to conservation planning in freshwater systems

simon linke & eren turak in collaboration with richard norris bob bailey bob pressey hugh possingham robin abell the ecology centre university of queensland australia [email protected] systematic approaches to conservation planning in freshwater systems matt watts josie carwardine jon nevill carissa klein leon metzeling and many others

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systematic approaches to conservation planning in freshwater systems. simon linke & eren turak in collaboration with richard norris bob bailey bob pressey hugh possingham robin abell. matt watts josie carwardine jon nevill carissa klein leon metzeling and many others. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


Page 1: systematic approaches to conservation planning in freshwater systems

simon linke & eren turakin collaboration withrichard norrisbob baileybob presseyhugh possinghamrobin abell

the ecology centreuniversity of queensland

[email protected]

systematic approaches to conservation planning in freshwater systems

matt wattsjosie carwardinejon nevillcarissa kleinleon metzelingand many others

Page 2: systematic approaches to conservation planning in freshwater systems

the aim of conservation planning across a landscape, given limited budget: where to

allocate conservation and restoration effort? maximum efficiency -> healthy environment and

minimum impact on stakeholders completeness, adecuacy , representativeness,

efficiency: the CARE principles

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traditional methods: naturalness are

undisturbed rivers the only ones with high conservation value?

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traditional methods: naturalness macquarie

marshes (ramsar listed)

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traditional methods: naturalness narran lakes

(ramsar listed)

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traditional methods: naturalness naturalness

based methods introduce spatial bias and will not deliver complete coverage of biodiversity

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‘advanced’ traditional methods: scoring





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3 + 5 - 2


‘advanced’ traditional methods: scoring

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why not use richness/scoring systems?

unit richA 5B 5C 3D 3E 4

aim: protect all native fish taxa using least effort

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why not use richness/scoring systems?

unit richA x x x x x 5B x x x x x 5C x x x 3D x x x 3E x x x x 4

A + B miss 2 taxa only way: D + E


aim: protect all native fish taxa using least effort

Page 11: systematic approaches to conservation planning in freshwater systems

why don’t metrics work? the cricket team analogy: what happens

when we use the highest ranked players? team a: 11 batsmen (scores many runs)

team b: 11 bowlers (prevents opposition from scoring)

both teams will lose

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lessons from cricket

the whole is larger than the sum of its parts

whatever you do, always state a purpose (set targets) need a team that can

score high, while minimising the opposition score

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set conservation targets (species, habitats, ecoregions)

optimisation algorithm (complementarity-based)



minimum set (the best plan fulfilling all targets)

irreplaceability map (how important is the unit for alternative plans)

systematic conservation planning

see Margules & Pressey, Nature, 2000

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systematic conservation planningbest bang for your buck

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why is it systematic conservation planning still not frequently used in aquatic systems?

we need too much data

spatial configuration is it going really to protect

stuff (adequacy)?

we can’t lock everything up

Page 16: systematic approaches to conservation planning in freshwater systems

a) we need too much data systematic approaches need exactly as much

data as richness/scoring approaches possible surrogates:

surrogates based on biological survey data biologically informed physical surrogates ‘tempered’ physical surrogates physical surrogates

Page 17: systematic approaches to conservation planning in freshwater systems

b) spatial problems with rivers



Page 18: systematic approaches to conservation planning in freshwater systems

min:cost+ species penalties+ boundary

SC 4

SC 3

SC 2

SC 1

Penalty= 1

Penalty= 1/2

Penalty= 1/3

Hermoso, V., Linke, S., Prenda, J. & Possingham, H. P, Freshwater Biology, in press

Page 19: systematic approaches to conservation planning in freshwater systems

increasing BLM in victoria (target=2 occurrences)

Linke, S., Hermoso V. & Possingham, H. P, Ecological Applications, in prep

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decreasing BLM in victoria (target=2 occurrences)

Linke, S., Hermoso V. & Possingham, H. P, Ecological Applications, in prep

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other approaches (turak, in press, esselman, in press) risk surfaces avoid subcatchments with

a high risk/disturbance

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c) adequacy no ideal solution in

any realm (but a lot of work in progress)

target setting and connectivity

mixed landuse/protection schemes

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d) we can’t lock everything up mixed zones (abell 2007)

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Page 25: systematic approaches to conservation planning in freshwater systems

d) we can’t lock everything up mixed zones (abell 2007) flexible catchment rules (hermoso et al., in

press) cost surfaces

Page 26: systematic approaches to conservation planning in freshwater systems

publications Freshwater Biology special issue: Systematic planning in freshwater

environments edited by E. Turak & S. Linke Studies from: China,Nth & Sth America, Europe, Sth Africa, Australia

Linke S., Norris, R.H., Pressey, R.L. (2008) Irreplaceability of river networks: Towards catchment-based conservation planning, Journal of Applied Ecology (in press)

Turak, E. & Koop, K. (2008) Multi-attribute ecological river typology for assessing ecological condition and conservation planning. Hydrobiologia, 603, 83-104.

Moilanen, A., Leathwick, J. & Elith, J. (2008) A method for spatial freshwater conservation prioritization. Freshwater Biology, 53, 577-592.

Linke S., Pressey, R.L, Bailey, R.C., Norris R.H. (2007). Management options for river conservation planning: Condition and conservation re-visited, Freshwater Biology, 52, 918-938

Bailey, R.C., Reynoldson, T.B., Yates, A.G., Bailey, J.L., Linke S. (2007) Integrating stream bioassessment and landscape ecology as a tool for landuse planning, Freshwater Biology, 52, 908-917

Hermoso, V. Linke S., Prenda, J. (accepted) Identifying priority sites for conservation of freshwater fish biodiversity in a mediterranean basin, Hydrobiologia, accepted

Ausseil, A.-G., Dymond, J. & Shepherd, J. (2007) Rapid Mapping and Prioritisation of Wetland Sites in the Manawatu–Wanganui Region, New Zealand. Environmental Management, 39, 316-325

Fitzsimons, J. A. & Robertson, H. A. (2005) Freshwater reserves in Australia: directions and challenges for the development of a comprehensive, adequate and representative system of protected areas. Hydrobiologia, 552, 87-97

Higgins, J. V., Bryer, M. T., Khoury, M. L. & FitzHugh, T. W. (2005) A freshwater classification approach for biodiversity conservation planning. Conservation Biology, 19, 432-445

Klein, C., Wilson, K., Watts, M., Stein, J., Berry, S., Carwardine, J., Smith, M. S., Mackey, B. & Possingham`, H. (in press) Incorporating ecological and evolutionary processes into continental scale conservation planning Ecological Applications.

Kingsford, R. T., Brandis, K., Thomas, R. F., Crighton, P., Knowles, E. & Gale, E. (2004) Classifying landform at broad spatial scales: the distribution and conservation of wetlands in New South Wales, Australia. Marine and Freshwater Research, 55, 17-31.

Nel, J. L., Roux, D. J., Maree, G., Kleynhans, C. J., Moolman, J., Reyers, B., Rouget, M. & Cowling, R. M. (2007) Rivers in peril inside and outside protected areas: a systematic approach to conservation assessment of river ecosystems. Diversity and Distributions, 13, 341-352

Thieme, M., Lehner, B., Abell, R., Hamilton, S. K., Kellndorfer, J., Powell, G. & Riveros, J. C. (2007) Freshwater conservation planning in data-poor areas: An example from a remote Amazonian basin (Madre de Dios River, Peru and Bolivia). Biological Conservation, 135, 484-501.

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conclusions complementarity-based

planning ensures efficiency and defensibility

systematic planning minimises impact on stakeholders while maximising outcomes

we have enough data! there is no excuse not

to embark on a meaningful exercise